How to give dry goat milk to infants. Is it possible to give goat milk to children

Our article is devoted to goat milk, its properties. And answers questions - how to give it right and whether it is allowed to children before the year.

Positive properties of goat milk

In times, when the mixtures were not so widespread on the market, our grandmothers most often refused the kids milk kiss. The benefits of such milk is obvious:

  1. Milk is saturated with mineral and vitamin substances. In terms of composition, it is close to the cow, but much richer in the content of calcium, iron, magnesium, proteins and fats.
  2. Lactases in it are much smaller. Thanks to this quality, the goat milk can be given to children with digestive problems.

    Thanks to the experiments of the US scientists, it was revealed that it matches the physiological needs than the cow's milk. With allergic inclinations, the goat milk is the best option for feeding a breast child.

  3. Milk of goats has hypoallergenic property. This is achieved by the fact that Casein protein, which provokes allergies, is in small quantities.

Special advantages:

  • due to linolenic acid contributes to immune growth;
  • serves as a prevention of rickets;
  • it has, due to lysozyme, bactericidal properties;
  • normalizes the work of the intestine;
  • due to presence of potassium and magnesium, improves the work of the conductive children's heart system.

According to myths, the Greek god Zeus was focused by goat milk. That is why he was so militant.

Pradus A., immunologist: "It should be remembered that the animal milk is created for the young mammals and translate the infants to such milk is inappropriate."

  1. Lack of folic derivatives. Hence the risk of anemia at the child.
  2. More phosphorus, which gives additional work to the kidneys.
  3. High fatty.

Of course, the goat milk for infants has a greater advantage over a cow. But one should not disturb age criteria when this product is introduced.

Contraindications to the use of goat milk

Unfortunately, there are in the use of goat milk and some restrictions. Among them:

  • individual intolerance;
  • age under 9 months;
  • raw milk from a sick animal.

Goat milk for newborns

It is very important to determine the age framework for the introduction of this product in the menu. You can give goat milk in its pure form only from 9 months, when the digestive system was already optimally formed, and its enzymes are ready for the digestion of the goat milk.

Newborn children do not need such a docto.

This gives a greater burden on the kidney and the digestive path of the baby.

  1. Before giving goat milk, the child needs to find a high-quality supplier. It can be your own goal or a proven store.

    If you take in the store, be sure to look at the packaging the term of implementation - no more than ten days.

  2. For the prevention of infection with bacteria and viruses, you must put goat milk boiling.

    It should be remembered that the goat milk can transmit a number of infections. One of them is brucellosis.

  3. Be sure to appreciate organoleptic properties - smell, color, taste. There should be no extraneous smells, sour lifting.
  4. Optimally give the baby goat milk in dilution with water 1: 4. In one reception, the child needs no more than 50 grams, so when diluted with water is obtained by 250 ml.
  5. In the first feedings it is better to start with small portions in 20 ml.

    See for the condition of the child, the absence of allergic reactions.

With a positive effect, it is possible to increase one-time volume up to 50 ml.

Goat Milk in the diet should be administered only as a dust.

Goat milk in children's mixtures

Goat milk breastfeeds can be given as adapted mixtures. Their big plus that they are approximate to maternal milk. And most importantly - such a product is hypoallergenic and well comes in children with diatela manifestations. Such mixtures can be given a child from birth.

One of the bright data representatives of the mixtures is a mixture of Nanny. The mixture is quite calorie. She appeared on sale the very first in Russia. The mixture of "Nanny" is rich in protein casin, thanks to which he saves from constipation. But her minus is that it is not very similar to breast milk and other mixtures.

Thanks to the studies conducted, it was found that the most qualitative are mixtures based on goat milk "Cabrite" and "Mil Goat".

Julia, 25 years old: "I give my daughter from birth, a great mixture. There are no problems with the tummy, does not give a burden on the kidneys. "

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky E. O. Regarding the introduction of goat milk into the child's nutrition: "Goat Murok is unreasonably important. It does not represent values. I consider it inappropriate to translate the child, especially newborn, I consider it inappropriate to feed the goat milk. Moreover, the absence of folic acid may be planning to affect the hematopoietic system and cause anemia. It is possible to use it in case you live in the village, you have a personal goat, which can give a pure an improper goat milk. But still one should remember that even homemade goat milk should be breeded with water, thereby reducing its fat. "

Of course, before giving goat's breasts, you should consult a doctor. The goat milk has a number of advantages over a cow, but also a number of shortcomings in front of breast milk. Do not strive to completely translate the infant child on the animal milk. For full-fledged development, in the absence of female milk, he needs adapted mixtures, and only one feed can be replaced by goat.

Newly-made parents are interested in when and with what time it is to give, whether it is necessary to dilute and why boil.

When you can give a breast kid goat milk

Up to 9 months, the baby needs to be fed up with high-quality balanced mixtures, and goat milk to offer in a diluted form, in the caress and in cottage cheese. Sometimes the first acquaintance should be held after a year, and in some cases after 3 years. The introduction of a dairy product is discussed with the doctor. He will say when and how can you enter the milk in the diet of the child.

Usually 50 ml. Milk is given at the beginning of the day, and then several days observe the reaction. If itching, rash or diarrhea appeared, continue the introduction is recommended in a month. If there is a similar reaction, then it is necessary to abandon the use of the product for a long time. When the baby did not have problems in the baby, the norm can be gradually increased. Two-year-old baby is allowed to drink up to 700 ml. in a day.

Is it necessary to breed and how

Whole milk will hardly affect the work of the liver and pancreas, so the product is subject to mandatory dilution. The undiluted milk can be given at the achievement of 3 years of age.

Until that time it is required to be brewed with boiled water 1: 4. So the fat content will decrease, the amount of minerals and the digestibility will improve.

With lactose failure, a few grams of diluted goat milk are given a newborn, 1:10. For this, fresh milk should be strain through the gauze and pour into the dishes, given the addition of water.

In what form to give goat milk infants

It is desirable to acquire milk from acquaintances who carefully take care of animals. If you have to take the product on the market, you do not need to be shy, ask for a certificate from the veterinarian. Animal, whose milk can be calmly given to the baby, must be healthy. If milk from the store, you need to make sure of its freshness and shelf life.

Important! The benefits of goat milk is in the naturalness. In their boiled form, it loses all the beneficial properties and equates to the cow. Paired homemade milk from a pure goat is not everyone can afford, and not to expose the product purchased on the market and offering it in the raw form a child is dangerous.

Dilute the mixture

Mixtures on the base of goat milk enriched with folates can be used by children suffering from allergies and intolerance to the cow protein. It is shown both babies, with atopic dermatitis, diathesis, lactose failure. They are sold in pharmacies, passing preliminary sterilization. According to the instructions, the newborn mixture is bred under Article. Powder for 10 tbsp. water. In three months of age, the norm is doubled.

Children on artificial feeding such mixtures are suitable for allergies on a cow protein. The baby will no longer disturb the rash and colic, the digestion will improve. But immediately transfer the child to another mixture. Goat milk is also able to cause an unpredictable reaction and allergies, if this happened, it should be excluded from the diet. When natural feeding is defective and required by the discount, the boiled diluted goat milk gives the baby no more teaspoon per day.

We are preparing cottage cheese on the basis of goat milk

Cottage cheese is the source of dairy proteins, phosphorus and calcium necessary for normal growth and development of a small man. Including it in the diet of infants, mommy will ensure the strengthening of bone tissues, enrich the developing organism by valuable microelements and utility substances. Due to the fact that the goat milk is very useful and nutritious, and it is necessary to give it to the baby, then it can get great cottage cheese rich in vitamins and minerals. Due to the presence of albumin milk in goat, the products made from it are absorbed easier than cow-based milk.

Goat cottage cheese will be much helpful and safer if you cook it yourself:

  1. Milk is placed in a warm place for two days.
  2. As soon as it proceeds, he is transferred to the saucepan and put on a weak fire (the main thing is that it does not boil).
  3. When the mixture is warm up and starts to roll, it is necessary to remove it from the fire.
  4. The substance does not need to constantly stir otherwise the cottage cheese will split into small particles.
  5. The resulting mass must be thrown into the gauze and squeeze.

How to enter the product in the lure

Cow or goat cottage cheese is introduced in lures from 7-8 months after dating a baby with porridge, vegetables and fruits. Give it small portions. If the child has allergies to food, enter curdly supplies follows the year. When the newborn lags behind in the weight set or suffers Rickets, the administration of the dust is allowed from 4 months under the evil supervision of the mother and the doctor.

Usually dairy products, including diluted goat milk can safely enter when:

  • the kid sits himself without needing support;
  • he has an interest in other food;
  • weight from birth increased twice;
  • he was not vaccinated a week before the introduction of a new product;
  • he is absolutely healthy.

Well, when a child gets mom's breast milk from birth. And what about those who can not feed the baby breast for different reasons? Many parents believe that the best nutrition for infant - cow or goat milk.

What is better: cow milk or goat

Cons of goat milk

Goat Milk has always been considered as a healing product. But is it so similar in composition with female breast milk, as they say? The qualitative composition of these products has significant differences in fatty, and the content of proteins and fats. We list the negative aspects of goat milk, which doctors write about.

  • It is much greater;
  • It does not have a lipase enzyme that contributes to the splitting of fats;
  • The goat milk contains a lot of phosphorus, which creates additional work for non-fiest kidney newborn;
  • In this form of milk there is no folic acid, it can provoke the development of anemia.

Pluses of goat milk

If the choice is between the milk of the cow () and goat milk, here the opinion of the doctors is definitely - the milk from the goat is much more preferable to cow. Why?

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  • The composition of cow milk includes a lot of casein. Casein turns into the toddler's gastroke into a dense clot and processed long and difficult. The Casin's goat milk is much smaller, so it is absorbed it is much better and more fully;
  • Milk goats in composition is richer by vitamins of different groups;
  • Contains a lot of calcium, which is perfectly learned by the growing body of the child. Therefore, the teeth in the babies receiving the goat milk begin to grow earlier and stronger;
  • Especially goat milk is shown to children prone to joining. After all, in it, milk balls are contained in a homogenized form (i.e., more small), which means it is better absorbed by a children's body;
  • In the ventricle, crumbs Milk turns into small curly balls, practically like female;
  • Another beneficial property of goat milk - it practically does not cause allergies. This quality is important for kids, inclined to allergic reactions, patients with atopic dermatitis.

When you can give a milk goat to a child

Milk doctors are recommended to give the kids of Goat, and before it feeds the adapted milk mixture. Now the dairy mixtures made on the basis of goat milk are produced. It is a pity that useful properties, like a natural goat milk, they do not possess. If the mixture is not suitable for your baby, it often jumps, then you can drive the goat milk almost from birth.

How to enter into diet

If you still decide to feed the newborn with goat milk from the first days, then some rules must be followed.

  1. Try to take milk from acquaintances, neighbors.
  2. Look at how the goat is contained, do not be lazy to come to the boil.
  3. If you buy on the market, ask a branch certificate (whether the goat is healthy).
  4. Buying milk in the store, carefully examine the date of manufacture and shelf life. It is impossible to use products with an ending shelf life for kids.
  5. Try milk yourself - there is no unpleasant taste.
  6. It is necessary for the first time to breed the goat milk with boiled water. For a newborn, one part of the water takes on one piece of milk. If this is not done, the baby can consolidate from great fatty.
  7. Milk itself is definitely boiled. It is not recommended to use metal dishes for boiling.
  8. Store milk is preferably in a glass, enameled or ceramic container.
  9. When the baby gets used to, you can breed in the ratio of 1: 2, in a month you can already give an undelivered milk.

Many doctors confirm - the goat milk to feed the little kids much more useful than the more familiar milk of cows. And milk itself goats, and products made from it, it is desirable to introduce into a diet of pregnant women and already nursing mothers. They are also helpful to add infants to artificial feeding, preschoolers and even adolescents in the menu. Especially useful goat milk for infants, mixtures and porridge based on it are absorbed by the rapid organism much better.

Goat milk contains a lot of beneficial for child vitamins and minerals

In its protein composition, the goat Milk has a number of significant differences from the cow. Being heated to a temperature of 70 degrees and above, such a product is better absorbed by a person, besides, there is no majority of allergens present in the milk of cows. It is useful to goat milk to children and adults, it is especially recommended by people suffering from allergic reactions to milk cows.

Most useful kids will be such components that are many goat milk:

  • calcium - important for the formation of bones;
  • potassium - improves the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • vitamin B12 - used in blood formation;
  • magnesium - allows you to remove heavy metals and strengthens the nervous system.

In addition, this product has a beneficial effect on health with:

  • different rows of joints and skin cover;
  • biliary diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • child epilepsy;
  • asthma and jaundice;
  • anemia;
  • elevated cholesterol.

Add to everything above the listed and special attention paid to goat milk by nutritionists. It is known that this product is absorbed by our organism by 97 percent, while the cow's milk is just 65.

Goat milk in the menu of allergy

In folk medicine, the goat's milk has long been occupied by a special place. It is strongly recommended to give weakened kids, as well as those kids who suffer from food allergies when feeding adapted mixtures based on cow's milk.

Unfortunately, the doctors of the whole world state that over the past decades the number of newborns, suffering from the intolerance to the proteins of cow's milk, has grown significantly. This is also connected with modern ecology, and with other, including social, factors. But to products prepared on the basis of goat milk, having proteins of other fractions, no mass rejection in society is not observed.

Being thermally processed, goat milk loses those allergenic proteins that are available in its composition. 68 - 70 degrees are considered an acceptable temperature for heating.

In what form to give

Mixture of Kabrita based on goat milk for the decoration of children under the age of

Of course, not in cheese, but only in boiled. Thus, you fully get rid of such risks as the infection of milk by encephalitis tick. It is necessary to boil the product for about five minutes, but to breed it, due to high fatty, you need in a certain proportion, which depends on the age of your child.

However, pediatricians strongly recommend entering the goat milk to make meals for children under the age of the year. As for the product itself, it would be desirable that the goat be his own or her had your good acquaintances to be 100% quality guarantee. But high-quality mixtures that are sold in baby food stores are still considered more preferred. And then then talk about maternal breast milk, which in nature is simply there no alternative!

The people of Goat Milk were dubbed "juice of life", very often timely input to the diet allowed in a literal sense to save the fading children suffering from diarrhea and dehydration. Given the high fatness of the product, if it is still beginning to give infants to the year, then the first portions are desirable to dilute in the proportion of a half cup of milk on three glasses of boiled water. Milk, as we mentioned, also need to boil in advance.

The benefits of goat milk for children up to the year

If we compare the goat milk with the dairy products of other animals by the degree of similarity with breast milk, then it occupies an intermediate position between cow and donkey. The donkey milk is much more reminiscent and more suitable for the newborn, but it is very difficult to find it in our time. If you put a question about feeding the baby, which was almost for several months, then goat is still preferable to cow.

The benefit of goat milk for kids who have not yet turned out to be given the following properties:

  • the presence of vitamins and minerals in milk, contributing to the more successful development of the children's body;
  • the presence of a sialic acid that strengthens the immune system;
  • fast digestibility by the body;
  • small lactose content, which makes it possible to recommend it to children suffering from allergies to milk sugar.

It is noted that children who are preparing dishes on the basis of goat milk are less susceptible to colds, they have a reduction of the risk of epileptic seizures, dermatitis and biliary ailments.

And yet, if possible, the child should be breeded with maternal milk. Goat is worth considering only as an extreme replacement.

Negative impact on the children's body

Goat Milk need to be given with caution to a child under the age of 2 years

However, not all pediatricians divide such an optimistic attitude to goat milk. Maybe it is, like any product, to have a negative impact. First of all, it concerns children under the age of one and a half years. The main negative factors of goat milk are due to the following reasons:

  • the product has certain vitamins and trace elements that the newborn baby in large quantities can harm. The kidney of a one-year-old child is not yet so developed to remove mineral salts of high concentration, and therefore the load on the urinary system increases;
  • there is a risk of diapell bleeding from the intestine, which leads to iron deficiency anemia;
  • there are few folic acid in milk, which is fraught with foliosticity anemia;
  • kozain in the goat milk is much more than in a cow, and such fatty acids are very toxic for the rapid body of the child;
  • in milk a lot of calcium, but little iron, vitamins A and D;
  • the fat content of milk is increased.

Do not forget that the goat milk has a specific taste and smell. It may simply do not like for children, after which the risk of toddler failure and the milk of other animals will appear. But even if you still begin to ride them your child, it will be impossible to name with full feeding. It will have to complement the diet of the crumbs with the same folic acid and iron, to enrich it with other missing elements.

Goat Milk, according to experts, will be more useful to give the guys of preschool age, as well as teenagers. If it is too much too much to breed him to feed one year old baby, then all the beneficial properties of milk will be lost.

From what age goat milk

It is not necessary to give goat milk in pure form - products based on it are also useful

Many mothers are interested - how many months can go to the diet goat milk? It is impossible to say something definite. The main rule - in everything you need to observe the measure. First, each newborn has its own individual features, secondly, much depends on the health of the child at the moment. Of course, entering the gathering of goat milk should only after consulting the pediatrician, in any way.

It is necessary to start the kiss of children to the year of goat milk to a year, however, the same applies to any other product. It is desirable that at that moment the child has already been 9 - 10 months, but if the lack of maternal milk forces you, then you can give much earlier.

  • often sick (weak immunity);
  • there is a threat to the development of Rahita.

Thanks to the goat milk, in such cases, it is possible to speed up the growth of babies, having relived it from negative deviations in development.

Right input

This product can be used in different ways - and for the cooking of children's porridge, and for adapted milk mixtures. When cooking any dish, it is important to comply with the following rules.

  1. When using a dry mix, purchased in a baby food store, it is necessary to breed it correctly, as indicated on the package. It is not necessary to add anything too much to it, only water, everything you need already exists in its composition.
  2. If you have purchased a fresh goat milk, then before cooking it is necessary to boil, and at least five minutes. You can buy only fresh milk, and always recognize from the sellers, in what conditions the goat contained and what it was fed. It will be better if the seller has a reference that the goat is not infected. And the first batch is better to drink the parents themselves to make sure that there is no allergies.
  3. After boiling, milk is diluted with cold boiled water. When the product temperature becomes acceptable, it can be given to drink a child. Remember that it is hardly necessary to boil milk to warmly: useful properties in it will not be left.
  4. Store milk, as well as to ride them the baby preferably from glass or ceramic dishes. Metal containers are better not to use.

What proportion you need to breed

To breed freshly boiled milk for kids up to 12 months can only be proportions 1 to 3 to reduce its fatness. If after a pair of receptions you will notice that the baby began to fix - reduce the concentration, divorce 1 to 4.

When the baby gradually gets used to, or he will be older, in the second year of life, this ratio is allowed to reduce, for one portion of milk to take two portions of water. After two years, the child can give a drink and undeveloped product.

Do not particularly experiment and increase the concentration ahead of time. Even if your baby and will first endure large portions of milk, it does not mean that it does not harm him. The negative in the children's body has the property of accumulating slowly, and when the Bowl of this suddenly will surfate, the sores can climb immediately from all sides. And it may occur by 5 years, and even to 20.

How to start feeding

Start as we have already mentioned, you need from small portions. Start with 25 milliliters, bringing them to the same amount of boiled cloth. Feeding the baby for the first time, take a break for a day and over the day watch it for his reaction. Do not continue if:

  • you will notice the rash on the kid's skin;
  • the tummy crumbs swell;
  • broken chair;
  • other negative consequences will appear.

But this does not mean that from goat milk should be completely refused - try to repeat the attempt after three to four weeks or a couple of months. After the secondary sample, the problems usually do not occur, but if an allergic reaction still appears, it is better to refuse milk.

If the first bass adequate was transferred without problems, then in the next feeding, its portion can be doubled. In the future, gradually increase the volume of milk in such a way that the kid has already drank 500 milliliters to one and a half years, to two to 700.

How to cook porridge

So that porridge came out very tasty, prepare it for such a recipe.

  1. Crupe needs to be welded only on water. It is boiled according to the selected product: 10 minutes will leave the oatmeal, the cube is about 20, and the corn croup will have to cook three hours, not less.
  2. In the welded croup, add some warm goat milk, diluted to the desired proportion, and again approve before the boil.
  3. Remove the bucket, put a teaspoon of cream or vegetable oil into porridge, after mix, strooping from the bottom.
  4. You need to grind the finished mass for infants. To do this, it is silent through sieve or use a blender.


No matter how much goat milk is useful, should not regard it as a source of full nutritional nutrition, if not yet fulfilled the year. Yes, in milk, the mass of beneficial substances, it is much more preferable to cow, but there are not enough important components. Therefore, it is worth using it only as a discount, diluting with water in the necessary dohas and gradually increasing portions.

After two years of children, the goat milk can be fedlessly, their nutrition will no longer be limited to them, all the missing children will receive with other products. Yes, and they have immunity to this age much higher.

Many external factors lead to the fact that breastfeeding becomes almost luxury, not a reality. And although most moms try to do everything possible, to strengthen the lactation and self-feeding of their child, every year the percentage of children on breastfeeding decreases. It is necessary to find a worthy analog that is capable of not to give up in its composition with breast milk, not to cause allergies and perfectly absorbed by the rapid body of the baby. Recently, goat milk for infants has become a worthy alternative. And for those who offer different alternatives, it is necessary to think well before feeding the baby with adapted mixtures, and not to give preference to the natural natural product.

Is it possible to breast goat milk?

For parents looking for a worthy alternative and seeking to give their own child only the best answer to the question: "Is it possible to go goat milk?" Obviously. Naturally, the answer is positive. And in this case, it is worth considering that, unlike adapted mixtures produced from cow's milk, you can completely avoid allergies, eliminate lactose intolerance, avoid dermatitis and strengthen the health of the baby. And all because the fats contained in goat milk are more close to maternal milk. They do not have a negative impact on the pancreas, easily absorbed and become worthy of alternative to breast milk.

Goat milk for infants must be selected with special care. And this means that milk of industrial production should be excluded. Like a cow, it may be insufficient quality. A cattle intended for industrial purposes is fed by gennodified products, soybeans and other feeds that can have a negative impact on the health of the child. Moreover, over time, such negligence can lead to an irreversible change. If you use goat milk for infant, then you should have your own goat or at least a proven supplier, the cattle of which has passed the necessary checks. The benefits of this product will be incommensurable. Allergies, indentation of the stomach, the oppression of the pancreas activity will not disturb, since, as opposed to the adapted mixture, this natural product has passed century-old tests and fieranged a single child healthy and happy.

What can you wait if the baby on goat milk is brought up? Only positive results. Baby will be:

  • gain weight;
  • have a healthy pancreas;
  • do not have allergies;
  • good absorb iron from goat milk;
  • develop in accordance with the norms;
  • do not lack vitamins and trace elements.

There will be pretty baby like a baby on goat milk. In contrast to the mixtures produced using numerous chemical treatments and operations, milk does not have such a complex structure. It is close to the maternal, and therefore brings indisputable benefits.

Goat milk for infant, from what age?

Goat milk in its quantitative and high-quality composition is significantly different from the breast female milk. His distinguishing features are:

  • large concentration of minerals (calcium, phosphorus and potassium);
  • high saturation of group B vitamins, especially B6 and vitamin A;
  • huge nutritional value.

Manufacturers of children's adapted mixtures rationally combine all the positive qualities of this product with the addition of missing minerals.

The use of goat milk earlier, especially as the main nutrition can lead:

  • to significant failures in the work of the digestive system;
  • to impairment of mineral metabolism in the form of neuro-arthritic diathesis, dysmetabolic nephropathy (salt in kidney channels and lochanks);
  • to allergies;
  • to resistant metabolic disorders in the body (acetonemia, acetoneuria and others).

This is due to the immaturity of all systems and organs.

Since this dairy product can be damaged by the child organism under certain conditions - to introduce babies after 6 months, it is necessary to start with a small amount of porridge (the first reception starts from a teaspoon). In the absence of pathological changes, it is possible to gradually increase the amount of dust as the kid growing.

How to breed goat milk?

Many believe that whole milk, not subjected to various types of treatment, retains vitamins, microelements and nutrient nutritious. Therefore, quite a logical question is: Is there a need for boiling this product? Much depends on the age of the baby - up to the year, boiling must. For kids, everything else depends on many factors:

  • when buying a juicy milk, you need to pay attention to the preservation of the integrity of the packaging and shelf life;
  • the quality of one-piece goat milk - it is necessary to make sure that the health of the animal, the chopliness of the hosts, the good conditions of the animal content;
  • for kids up to a year, goat milk must be breed.

Instructions for the introduction of this product in the diet infant:

  • milk must undergo thermal culinary boiling treatment;
  • i need to remove the foam;
  • boiling water also need to be boiled;
  • for children until the year, the proportion for breeding is 1: 5 (boiled goat milk: boiled water);
  • after breeding, milk must be strain through two layers of gauze and cool.

As the child grows, you can breed milk:

after a year - 1: 3;

after 1.5 years - 1: 2;

after two years, the introduction of solid milk to the diet (in the absence of adverse reactions) is allowed.

Goat milk with allergies

Goat Milk practically does not cause allergic reactions, even with atopic dermatitis after receiving cow's milk. Also, many experts consider cycling milk products - a strong antihistamine and when applying it in children suffering from diathesis - signs of this disease are gradually reduced (but only in children older than six months as feeding, performing all the rules for the introduction of a new dish and dilution standards).

Goat milk is useful when reducing the reactivity of immunity and frequent viral or colds.

How to give goat milk baby?

In order for the baby to develop correctly it is important to know how to give goat milk baby. In this process there is nothing complicated. But, compliance with the prescriptions are necessary.

First, the goat milk in no case can be given in its pure form. It should be diluted in a 1/1 ratio with filtered boiled water. Otherwise, there will be a strong impact on the pancreas and problems with digestion may appear.

Secondly, milk must always be boiled, removed from it a foam, and pass at least three layers of gauze. Similar precautions will save the infections.

Thirdly, even boiled milk should not be boiled for infants, since its beneficial properties are leveled.

How to give goat milk baby is understandable and quite simple. It is worth attaching only for a minimum of effort so that the child gets a maximum of benefit from such feeding and observe its right and timely development.

Goat milk baby feedback

From those who do not experiment, but enjoys centuries-old experience, goat milk infants reviews the most positive. On any of the life stages of the child, it would be introduced into the diet, the benefit is observed undoubted. Even for children having lactose intolerance, it can be worthy of alternative to mixtures. For children after the year, it is shown as a prophylactic agent and a natural additive to the diet.

Goat milk for babies carries an indisputable benefit. And for those parents who wish to take care of their children with maximum efficiency, it will be the solution of many problems and a real assistant in compliance with the normal diet.