How can a mother not infect a nursing child with a cold, a nursing child. Can I breastfeed? What should a mother do so as not to infect a child if she is sick?

In the apartment where he lives Small child, one of the family members had all the signs of a cold - a runny nose, cough, body aches. What can be done to avoid infecting a child? Of course, no one will give a 100% guarantee, but you can reduce the likelihood of infection.

Isolate the child from the sick

First of all, the child must be isolated from the sick one, unless, of course, the mother of the child who is on breastfeeding... If it is impossible to isolate due to living conditions, the patient should wear a disposable or gauze mask and change it every half hour. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing. paper napkin which must be thrown into the trash can immediately after use.

If mom gets sick

If a nursing mother is sick infant, she must also wear a mask and continue to breastfeed her baby, even if she has heat... Breast milk contains antibodies that build immunity and help your baby fight infection. Just do not bend close to the child and especially kiss him.

  1. It is advisable that the child sleeps in a separate room or at least in a separate bed. It is advised to put a plate with finely chopped onions or garlic near the child's bed. They contain phytoncides - volatiles that cleanse the air from microorganisms.
  2. If the child does not have allergies, you can soak the napkin with oil from time to time. tea tree or lemon.
  3. In the absence of a child, the room must be ventilated for at least 10 minutes, preferably several times a day. It is also necessary to do wet cleaning with a disinfectant twice a day.
  4. The air temperature in the room should be about 20 degrees. If possible, the child should spend more time on fresh air.
  5. A child who is not breastfed should have his own utensils, which no one else should use.
  6. All family members should not enter the room in outerwear and forget to wash your hands with soap and water when you return home. During an epidemic, it is better to refuse to receive guests.

Medicinal preparations for prevention

Medicines can also be used as a prophylaxis. For example, drip 3-5 drops into the child's nose Interferon(antiviral drug). The rest of the family should do the same. Many moms find it more effective Grippferon in the form of drops or spray. It is an immunomodulatory, antiviral drug used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory diseases and influenza. It can also be used for children under one year old.

For prevention, you can also lubricate the nasal mucosa. Oxolinic ointment with antiviral activity. The same can be done for a child using cotton swab... Upon contact with a patient, the nasal mucosa is lubricated 2 times a day for three weeks. True, this ointment causes a slight burning sensation, which quickly passes, but this may not please the child. Therefore, it is better to use an antiviral and immunomodulatory ointment. Viferon.

There are also rectal suppositories under the same name. However, more than six months should not pass from the date of their manufacture, since the activity active substance after half a year it decreases much.

Children's candles are also popular with mothers. Viburcol... This is a German homeopathic medicine that stimulates the body's defenses and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It contains plant substances: chamomile, belladonna belladonna, nightshade, plantain, etc. It can be used by children from birth.

For the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, you can instill drops in your nose and yourself and your child. Derinat... It is also an immunomodulatory drug. As a prophylaxis for ARVI and influenza, a homeopathic drug is used in the form of drops for internal use Aflubin... It is also shown to children under one year old.

However, before using drugs it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Increases the body's defenses, moisturizes and purifies the air from dust and is used to prevent bacterial and viral infections gel spray for biological air purification TAGETON (Russian firm REBION). It contains a phytocomplex ( essential oils marigolds, pines) and is intended for people who often suffer from colds, with weak immunity... It is safe to spray indoors in the presence of people.

Since the flu is a rather contagious disease, parents are often worried about how not to infect a child with the flu if they get sick themselves. Soon after a person becomes infected, he becomes a distributor of the virus. However, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of infection by taking certain preventive measures.

Any mother who gets the flu is at risk of infecting her child.

The main method of transmission of acute respiratory viral infections is airborne. The initial signs of influenza are usually noticeable as early as the next day after infection. Sometimes a couple of days pass.

Treatment for influenza usually involves gradually reducing the symptoms until you recover. This can take at least a week.

Alas, the flu virus is not the only one. In total, there are more than two hundred of its varieties. The most common rhinoviruses that affect the nasal mucosa. They are responsible for nearly 30 percent of colds.

Breastfeeding moms transmit infants antibodies, due to which the immune system the baby and manages to more or less quickly cope with the disease. However, the risk of infection is real for all children. Hence the understandable concern of parents: how not to infect the child with the flu.

Sometimes children have to suffer from ARVI up to seven times in one year. But this amount can be reduced or at least guaranteed that there are no complications during and after the disease.

Rules for parents to follow

First of all, it is desirable to isolate the child, that is, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum his contact with a sick household. Sometimes even a mother needs less contact with her baby, no matter how much she wants to continue to share her love. Flu is temporary, not permanent... Have a little patience and get the right treatment in order to quickly recover and restore full communication with your beloved child.

Here are a few more rules to keep in mind:

  • In no case, in particular, should a sick parent sleep in the same bed with a baby. In cases where isolation is not possible, a gauze bandage should be worn or special mask to prevent infection by airborne droplets.
  • Dishes that are intended for a child to eat (the same bottle, as well as a nipple) must be sterilized. This is done in all children - even in infants.
  • Do not pour liquids into children's dishes from adult cups.
  • The room where the child sleeps should be ventilated on a regular basis. At least twice a day. For the duration of the airing, it is better to transfer the baby to another room. The right time such a procedure - about a quarter of an hour.
  • More often you need to walk with your child (even with a baby) so that he can breathe fresh air.
  • Do not forget about frequent wet cleaning in the children's room. In particular, damp cloths can be used to get rid of dust, and the floors can be washed with a solution of water and small amount chlorine or hypoallergenic agents.
  • Creating an unfavorable atmosphere for viral infection, for which, for example, you can finely chop the garlic or onion, put it in some cup or vase and put it in the baby's room. The phytoncides that are present in these vegetables destroy infectious pathogens.
  • It is necessary to monitor the temperature in the children's room so that it is not too cold and too hot. Do not overheat the baby - this is just as dangerous as hypothermia.

Temperature indicators in the room where the child is:

  • not reaching the month - should be approximately 20-22 degrees;
  • over a month - 18-22 degrees.

For those children who have normal immunity and have no other health problems, the hardening procedure will not interfere. They are allowed to start from about two months of age. This is an excellent prophylaxis against colds.

If the baby is still sick, treatment should be started immediately.

When an epidemic begins, it is advisable to reduce the number of guests in the house where the child lives. Babies are prone to infection and therefore care for their health should be especially attentive and unswerving. In cases where the reception of guests is inevitable, they should be equipped with gauze masks.

How to cure the disease as soon as possible?

In order not to rack their brains over how not to infect a child with ARVI, the parents themselves need to recover as soon as possible if they get sick.

But do not forget that by abusing such drugs, you can achieve the opposite effects - the congestion will increase, and the sinuses will swell.

Syrups intended for the treatment of cough have a very beneficial effect on health during a cold. They on pharmaceutical market offered in the following forms:

  • suppressive, that is, suppressive;
  • expectorant.

With the help of expectorants, it is possible to get rid of the mucus that has accumulated in the throat. Thanks to suppressive drugs, it is possible to suppress a dry cough (which often prevents the patient from falling asleep normally).

Using drugs like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen (in any pharmacy you can get them without a prescription and inexpensively), you will be able to cope with high fever and muscle pain caused by ARVI. However, pregnant women - especially in the third semester - should drink such drugs with caution (it is better to consult a doctor before this).

To recover sooner, doctors advise mustard baths. It is suitable for soaring feet in it (with a temperature of at least 40 degrees). Making a bath is very simple:

  • A couple of tablespoons of mustard dissolves in water.
  • Keep your feet in the resulting solution for at least a quarter of an hour.
  • When the procedure is completed, the feet are wiped dry, warm socks (made of wool) are put on and you need to wrap yourself in a blanket.

Finally, mustard powder can be poured into socks made of cotton fabric... It is allowed to sleep in these socks. Or simply rub your feet with diluted alcohol.

Symptoms of the flu in a child

Here are the signs of ARVI in infants that you need to pay attention to in the first place:

  • runny nose, which is accompanied by discharge (their color is green, yellow or transparent);
  • sneezing and coughing;
  • feeling weak and unwell;
  • sore throat and hoarseness;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat;
  • temperature increase.

As soon as the baby has signs of SARS, it is necessary to start treatment. The longer this process is delayed, the longer and more difficult it will then be to fight the disease.

You can determine the onset of the disease in infants by a number of symptoms.

It will be nice for a baby to drip one drop into each nostril of mother's milk, which is not only valuable food for the baby, but also acts as an effective remedy for colds. It is especially effective in the early months of a child's life.

If the child is on artificial feeding, he can drip interferon (one drop is also enough). Various ointments also help - for example, Vitaon, as well as oxolinic ointment. Take quite a bit of ointment and treat the area next to the nasal passages.

Before allowing children to take certain drugs, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

Anaferon - help!

How not to infect a baby with the flu if you get sick yourself? It is necessary to make sure that the baby's body can resist itself, that is, strengthen its immunity.

For this, there are drugs such as immunomodulators. For example, Anaferon (for children). It has already been proven (by numerous studies) that it works effectively in the treatment of childhood colds:

  • reduces morbidity;
  • reduces the incidence of complications.

There are no side effects after using Anaferon. But, even if one of the parents coughs, the child's protective abilities are significantly improved.

You can give this remedy to children from one month of age.

Why is Anaferon so effective? It's all about its unique composition, thanks to which interferon is produced in the child's body and, accordingly, it is protected from negative impact infections.

Rules for new mothers

Many young mothers start to panic: "I got the flu - how not to infect a child?" Here are a few more rules that sick mothers should follow in order to protect babies from the same fate (especially since babies suffer the disease much more difficult):

  • It is important to feed your baby with your milk. Only in breast milk there are substances that will protect children from many diseases (including infections) and help strengthen their immunity.
  • It should not be too early, and even more so during an epidemic, to summon all relatives and other acquaintances to the bride. Even if outwardly it seems that a person is completely healthy, in fact, he can be a carrier of a viral infection and spread it everywhere, thereby threatening the young parents and the child. While the epidemic is raging, it is undesirable to even go with the child to the hospital and other crowded places. If this cannot be avoided, put on a protective mask on the baby.
  • If someone in the family has ARVI, isolate him from contact with the child until he recovers completely. At least as much as possible living conditions... Do not forget about airing the premises and carrying out wet cleaning.
  • Why not use the “old-fashioned” way to protect your child? We are talking about cut cloves of garlic, which need to be peeled, put on a string (like beads), hung next to the bed where the baby sleeps (as an option, decorate his neck with this necklace).
  • In order to prevent, rinse the baby's nose special solutions or a little salted water.
  • Baby dishes must be sterilized. In no case should the child be given the dishes from which the sick household consumes food. No compotes and other liquids in the baby container from the "adult" bowl!
  • Remember how important it is for your child to get as many vitamins as possible. There are, for example, special vitamin complexes for kids. But before buying and using them, be sure to check with your pediatrician.

Breast milk contains antibodies that can help your baby fight the flu

  • You shouldn't stop breastfeeding or worry about germs getting into your breast milk. This cannot be. Instead, breast milk contains important antibodies that help babies cope with ailments. Accordingly, it will be good if the baby receives them.
  • Mom should drink plenty of fluids, which will help keep the milk from burning out (in any case, it will reduce such risks). It is known that an increase in temperature leads to a loss of liquid in human body, and without it breast milk is not produced.
  • Before taking certain therapeutic measures, using certain drugs (medicines), you need to consult a pediatrician (pediatrician). What if the child will have some contraindications and the situation will only get more complicated? What if the medicine is simply not suitable individually for the baby? Even to the reception folk remedies you need to be treated with caution and consult a medical professional.

So if it suddenly happens that you or someone from the household is sick, and there is a small child in the house, you should not panic and drive the sick person out of the house. There is great ways protection child's body from infection - if you adhere to the above rules, this probability is significantly reduced.

If a young mother is sick, she needs to drink as much water as possible so that the milk does not burn out.

But even if the child gets sick, do not delay in any case with the beginning of the treatment process. The sooner you start it, the faster and easier you will cope with the disease, and avoid complications.

Children who have already reached the age of six months can be safely vaccinated against influenza - such immunization further improves their chances of staying healthy even during an epidemic.

For any mom, there is nothing more scary than her child's illness. Especially when it comes to a kid who still does not know how to explain that he is not feeling well, and it is sometimes very problematic to provide him with first aid. In today's article on the site for moms, the site will talk about

Exactly adults are often carriers of infection without attaching of particular importance to such important aspect like personal hygiene and safety. If there is a baby in the house and one of the family members gets sick, then it is very likely that the child will become the next victim of the disease, protective functions whose organism is still underdeveloped.

Given that even the usual course in children is much more difficult and can cause serious deviations in development, you need to know how to protect them from infection.

Public spaces as a source of disease

In order for the baby to grow up healthy and strong, with him you need as much as possible be outdoors more often.

However, many mothers who are forced not only to raise a child, but also to drag an unbearable burden on their shoulders household, during such walks, they try to combine business with pleasure. Therefore, they often go with the baby to shops, markets, dry cleaners, libraries and even beauty salons.

In principle, it is not forbidden to do this, but it is always worth remembering what exactly public places are the source of infection.

And if adults, due to the already existing immunity, easily cope with microbes, then it is quite difficult for babies to do this.

Therefore, if you want to know how not to infect an infant, first make it a rule resolve household issues at any other time, except for walks. Especially in the midst of seasonal respiratory illness, when any person sneezing or coughing is a real threat to the baby.

For the same reason, it follows take certain precautions when visiting a children's clinic, which are mandatory and regular in the first year of a baby's life.

Of course, in such institutions there is unspoken rule skip young mothers to the doctor without a queue. However, a few minutes spent in a common hallway full of sick children can be more than enough for your little one to catch an infection.

How not to infect your nursing baby in this case?

First, it's worth talking with patronage nurse and find out what the incidence rate is. If an epidemic has begun, then a visit to the clinic is best postpone for a week or two.

As a rule, doctors are very willing to make such a concession, since they are not at all interested in the list of their patients being replenished with another baby. However, if you have already decided to go to the clinic, but at the same time are afraid of infecting an infant, you can resort to a simple and proven method - lubricate the nose of your beloved child with oxolinic ointment. Of course, this drug cannot guarantee complete safety, but it will still be able to protect the baby from microbes.

How not to infect a baby at home?

In the first months of a baby's life, protect from contact with people as much as possible. After all, it is not for nothing that there is an old Russian belief, according to which babies should not be shown to strangers.

And the point here is not at all in the evil eye, but in a banal infection, which is brought on their clothes, hands and hair by numerous guests who want to congratulate you on the addition to the family.

If such a procedure cannot be avoided in any way, then at least one should first get visitors to wash their hands and ... drink a cup of green tea, which is excellent for disinfecting the oral cavity.

After that, they can show the baby, but at the same time you need to make sure that the visitor is away from him at least a meter away.

For those who want to know how not to infect breast newborn child, it should be borne in mind that his close environment can also become a source of infection. Therefore, the site recommends especially observe personal hygiene carefully those who are constantly in contact with the baby.

If you are worried about how not to infect a baby, you should make sure that no one close to you, including yourself, comes into the baby's room if he doesn’t feel well.

Of course, when breastfeeding, it is impossible for a mother to avoid communication with a child, and in this case, she can come to the rescue regular gauze bandage, which traps up to 98% of germs.

Plus, if you do not know how not to infect your infant, if someone in the house is already sick, you need to take care of regular wet cleaning in the apartment and ventilation of all rooms, including the nursery. In this case, near the baby's crib, it is worth hanging protective beads - strung on a thread peeled garlic cloves which is an excellent antibacterial agent.

Also, if you are worried about how not to infect a nursing baby, preventive purposes he should at least twice a day bury expressed milk in the spout, which will help protect your baby from infection.

So, there was a nuisance - one of the household members fell ill, or another virus is walking around the city. And in this, it would seem, there is nothing unusual, especially in the autumn and spring periods. But, if there is a baby at home, it is necessary to take all measures so that he does not get sick with a cold. Such small children are much more difficult to tolerate even an ordinary runny nose, so everything must be done so that the baby does not get sick. How not to infect a newborn with a cold? Usually, following some rules and simple prevention of the disease is enough.

A few general rules for protecting a child from disease

  1. The easiest way is to isolate the baby from the sick family member. However, this is not always easy. If the apartment is one-room or the mother is sick, temporarily isolating the child will not work. Therefore, the sick person should be at home in a mask and change it regularly;
  2. Try not to have gatherings with family and not invite guests during an exacerbation infectious diseases... The more bacteria at home, the easier for the kid pick them up. Even if all guests are healthy, give them masks;
  3. Walk with your baby in the fresh air often. But! Do not walk in places large congestion of people;
  4. Wash your hands and face often when you come home. The rest of the family should do the same. Watch the dishes your child eats - always sterilize them. The linen on which the baby sleeps and the towel must always be clean. Pathogens easily grow in dirty tissue;
  5. You can protect your baby from viruses in the air with the help of chopped garlic and onions on a plate in the children's room. Of course, the smell will be heavy, but the child will be protected;
  6. If the baby has already started sniffing, you need to do everything so that he does not get sick more. Clean your child's nose from mucus, if he is already able to blow his nose himself, make sure to do it regularly. Use antiseptic nasal drops. Do not drip breast milk, as many advise. It can make the problem worse.

If mom gets sick

Prevention of colds in infants will be very difficult if the mother is sick, because she is constantly in contact with the child, how to protect him from infections? Be sure to monitor your health during viral epidemics, and if you feel that you have begun to fall ill, you should be treated on time.

Important: Even if you are sick, do not stop breastfeeding your baby. The infection is not transmitted through breast milk, but it itself saturates the baby essential elements and strengthens its immunity. The best remedy for the prevention of colds in children can not be found.

However, during illness, due to a lack of fluid in the mother's body, the amount of milk produced may decrease. To prevent this from happening, be sure to drink plenty of fluids to replenish the water balance in the body.

When treating, do not rush to buy the first powders from ARVI that come across in the pharmacy. Many drugs are contraindicated for breastfeeding, because together with milk they can enter the baby's body. Take medication only after consulting your doctor.

Garlic and onion nose drops

If you have not yet become seriously ill, but already feel a slight malaise and you have a runny nose, make garlic drops, for this squeeze the juice of the garlic. Be sure to dilute it with water in a ratio of 10 to 1, otherwise you will get a burn of the mucous membrane. Instill the product in the nose 5 times a day. Such preventive measures will help you not get sick more and not infect your baby.

Instead of garlic, you can use onion drops... Pour finely grated onion with water, leave the mixture to infuse for an hour. Strain so that only gruel remains, and mix it with honey (a quarter teaspoon is enough). Drip this remedy into your nose in the same way as you would for a garlic solution.

How to protect a nursery from viruses?

It is good if the baby has a separate room, but in a one-room or small-sized apartment it is difficult to isolate the child. Allocate a place for the baby in your bedroom, but be sure to comply with the condition: do not put the baby to sleep in your bed if one of the parents is sick.

How not to infect a baby with colds and other viral diseases, being in the same room with him? Here are some tips:

  1. Ventilate the area regularly to keep the infection out of the air. Open a window in the room several times for at least 15 minutes. Of course, the baby at this time should not be indoors - at this time you can go for a walk with him;
  2. Do wet cleaning often. Ideally, you should wash floors and wipe surfaces twice a day - in the morning and evening. If you are very sick, add chlorine to the wash water;
  3. Follow temperature regime in the bedroom. Both overheating and hypothermia are equally harmful to the baby. Normal temperature to maintain the health of the baby - about +22 degrees;
  4. And of course, if you are already sick, treat yourself as hard and fast as possible so as not to spread bacteria around the apartment. If the listed preventive measures did not help and the baby began to fall ill, take him to the pediatrician. An adult can quickly recover from an illness in 2-3 days using home methods or pharmacy powders, but babies get sick longer and stronger.

Preventive measures in public places

Walking in the fresh air is good for children - so they will grow up healthy and strong. But, if it is clear how to protect a baby from colds at home, then in public it is more difficult to do this, especially when mothers are so busy with everyday life that they try to combine a walk with a child with a trip to the store, to the post office, to the bank, dry cleaning, hairdresser, etc. ...

Of course, no one forbids taking little child in public places, especially if there is no opportunity to leave it at home for a while. Remember that any crowded place is a source of infection, and keep your baby safe from colds and the flu will be hard. In adults, immunity is stronger than in infants. While the disease simply won't stick to you, the baby will immediately pick up the infection.

If you decide to find out how not to infect a baby, first of all, learn a simple rule - do not take your child with you to public places, try to solve your affairs at a different time. This advice is especially relevant during the period of seasonal epidemics of influenza and SARS.

The slightest sneeze on the baby, and infection is almost inevitable. Particular care must be taken if the child is under one year old. At this time, regular visits to the children's clinic are necessary, and better place for the accumulation of a variety of infections, it is simply not possible to find - after all, parents first of all bring sick children to this place.

Even if you are allowed out of line with toddler, you will still spend some time in the corridor with the rest of the visitors. What to do in such a situation and reduce the risk of infection:

  1. Be sure to check with your health visitor for information on the incidence rate among children. If you find out that an epidemic has begun in the city, it is better not to bring your child to scheduled inspection, even more so if he is healthy. Wait 1-2 weeks for the peak incidence to subside. As a rule, this information is not secret, and many employees medical institutions willingly agree to such a concession;
  2. If it is not possible to wait a while and come to the clinic later, and you are afraid that the baby will become infected from other children and get sick, you can use a simple and effective means. Lubricate your baby's nose with regular oxolinic ointment. Of course, this is not a panacea for illnesses, but this drug will stand up to such a test as the queue to see a doctor in a polyclinic.

Prevention of colds in a child

It is no secret that it is better to avoid the disease altogether than to cure it. Often, if the prevention of colds in newborns fails, acute respiratory infections in babies can lead to serious complications up to heart murmurs, asthma, liver disease, kidney disease, and even loss of vision or hearing. The consequences are serious, therefore, the child's immunity should be strengthened from the very beginning. How to do it:

  1. Give your baby vitamins regularly throughout the year. V summer period it can be fresh fruits and vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes. If you are breastfeeding, be sure to eat as many vitamins as possible. In winter, you can use preparations with vitamin and mineral complexes in the composition;
  2. An excellent preventive method is hardening. Of course, you do not need to rub the baby with snow or dress it too easily for a walk, but cold and hot shower - good remedy strengthen the natural immunity of the child;
  3. For older kids, playing sports is good. Physical exercises very useful for the body. Send your child to a swimming or figure skating section, you yourself will notice that he will get sick less often;
  4. An effective remedy against disease is vaccination. Vaccinations will help develop immunity to specific diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before the procedure.

If, do not give him potent medicines especially without a doctor's recommendation. Give your child more warm drink: milk, compote, fruit drink. Drinks can be combined with taking vitamins. If the baby has a high fever, bring it down by giving it to the baby. And, of course, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

A kid protected from infectious diseases with preventive measures, will be healthy and cheerful. It's enough to follow simple recommendations and shorten contacts healthy child with strangers during seasonal exacerbations of diseases. Don't forget about own health, because you are constantly with the baby.

So, there was a nuisance - one of the household members fell ill, or another virus is walking around the city. And in this, it would seem, there is nothing unusual, especially in the autumn and spring periods. But, if there is a baby at home, it is necessary to take all measures so that he does not get sick with a cold. Such small children are much more difficult to tolerate even an ordinary runny nose, so everything must be done so that the baby does not get sick. How not to infect a newborn with a cold? Usually, following some rules and simple prevention of the disease is enough.

A few general rules for protecting a child from disease

  1. The easiest way is to isolate the baby from the sick family member. However, this is not always easy. If the apartment is one-room or the mother is sick, temporarily isolating the child will not work. Therefore, the sick person should be at home in a mask and change it regularly;
  2. Try not to have a get-together with your family or invite guests during an exacerbation of infectious diseases. The more bacteria there are at home, the easier it is for your baby to pick them up. Even if all guests are healthy, give them masks;
  3. Walk with your baby in the fresh air often. But! Do not walk in crowded places;
  4. Wash your hands and face often when you come home. The rest of the family should do the same. Watch the dishes your child eats - always sterilize them. The linen on which the baby sleeps and the towel must always be clean. Pathogens easily grow in dirty tissue;
  5. You can protect your baby from viruses in the air with the help of chopped garlic and onions on a plate in the children's room. Of course, the smell will be heavy, but the child will be protected;
  6. If the baby has already started sniffing, you need to do everything so that he does not get sick more. Clean your child's nose from mucus, if he is already able to blow his nose himself, make sure to do it regularly. Use antiseptic nasal drops. Do not drip breast milk, as many advise. It can make the problem worse.

Prevention of colds in infants will be very difficult if the mother is sick, because she is constantly in contact with the child, how to protect him from infections? Be sure to monitor your health during viral epidemics, and if you feel that you have begun to fall ill, you should be treated on time.

Important: Even if you are sick, do not stop breastfeeding your baby. The infection is not transmitted through breast milk, but it itself saturates the child with the necessary elements and strengthens his immunity. There is no better remedy for the prevention of colds in children.

However, during illness, due to a lack of fluid in the mother's body, the amount of milk produced may decrease. To prevent this from happening, be sure to drink plenty of fluids to replenish the water balance in the body.

When treating, do not rush to buy the first powders from ARVI that come across in the pharmacy. Many drugs are contraindicated for breastfeeding, because together with milk they can enter the baby's body. Take medication only after consulting your doctor.

If you have not yet become seriously ill, but already feel a slight malaise and you have a runny nose, make garlic drops, for this squeeze the juice of the garlic. Be sure to dilute it with water in a ratio of 10 to 1, otherwise you will get a burn of the mucous membrane. Instill the product in the nose 5 times a day. Such preventive measures will help you not get sick more and not infect your baby.

Onion drops can be used instead of garlic. Pour finely grated onion with water, leave the mixture to infuse for an hour. Strain so that only gruel remains, and mix it with honey (a quarter teaspoon is enough). Drip this remedy into your nose in the same way as you would for a garlic solution.

It is good if the baby has a separate room, but in a one-room or small-sized apartment it is difficult to isolate the child. Allocate a place for the baby in your bedroom, but be sure to comply with the condition: do not put the baby to sleep in your bed if one of the parents is sick.

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How not to infect a baby with colds and other viral diseases, being in the same room with him? Here are some tips:

  1. Ventilate the area regularly to keep the infection out of the air. Open a window in the room several times for at least 15 minutes. Of course, the baby at this time should not be indoors - at this time you can go for a walk with him;
  2. Do wet cleaning often. Ideally, you should wash floors and wipe surfaces twice a day - in the morning and evening. If you are very sick, add chlorine to the wash water;
  3. Monitor the temperature in the bedroom. Both overheating and hypothermia are equally harmful to the baby. The normal temperature for maintaining the health of the baby is about +22 degrees;
  4. And of course, if you are already sick, treat yourself as hard and fast as possible so as not to spread bacteria around the apartment. If the listed preventive measures did not help and the baby began to fall ill, take him to the pediatrician. An adult can quickly recover from an illness in 2-3 days using home methods or pharmacy powders, but babies get sick longer and stronger.

Walking in the fresh air is good for children - so they will grow up healthy and strong. But, if it is clear how to protect a baby from colds at home, then in public it is more difficult to do this, especially when mothers are so busy with everyday life that they try to combine a walk with a child with a trip to the store, to the post office, to the bank, dry cleaning, hairdresser, etc. ...

Of course, no one forbids taking a small child into public places, especially if there is no opportunity to leave him at home for a while. Remember that any crowded place is a source of infections, and it will be difficult to keep your baby safe from colds and flu. In adults, immunity is stronger than in infants. While the disease simply won't stick to you, the baby will immediately pick up the infection.

If you decide to find out how not to infect a baby, first of all, learn a simple rule - do not take your child with you to public places, try to solve your affairs at a different time. This advice is especially relevant during the period of seasonal epidemics of influenza and SARS.

The slightest sneeze on the baby, and infection is almost inevitable. Particular care must be taken if the child is under one year old. At this time, regular visits to the children's clinic are necessary, and it is simply not possible to find a better place for the accumulation of a variety of infections - after all, parents first of all bring sick children to this place.

Even if you are allowed out of line with a baby, you will still spend some time in the corridor with the rest of the visitors. What to do in such a situation and reduce the risk of infection:

  1. Be sure to check with your health visitor for information on the incidence rate among children. If you find out that an epidemic has begun in the city, it is better not to bring your child for a routine check-up, especially if he is healthy. Wait 1-2 weeks for the peak incidence to subside. As a rule, this information is not secret, and many employees of medical institutions willingly agree to such an assignment;
  2. If it is not possible to wait a while and come to the clinic later, and you are afraid that the baby will become infected from other children and get sick, you can use a simple and effective remedy. Lubricate your baby's nose with regular oxolinic ointment. Of course, this is not a panacea for illnesses, but this drug will stand up to such a test as the queue to see a doctor in a polyclinic.

It is no secret that it is better to avoid the disease altogether than to cure it. Often, if the prevention of colds in newborns fails, acute respiratory infections in babies can lead to serious complications up to heart murmurs, asthma, liver disease, kidney disease, and even loss of vision or hearing. The consequences are serious, therefore, the child's immunity should be strengthened from the very beginning. How to do it:

  1. Give your baby vitamins regularly throughout the year. In summer, it can be fresh fruits and vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes. If you are breastfeeding, be sure to eat as many vitamins as possible. In winter, you can use preparations with vitamin and mineral complexes in the composition;
  2. An excellent preventive method is hardening. Of course, you don't need to rub the baby with snow or dress it too easily for a walk, but a contrast shower is a good way to strengthen the child's natural immunity;
  3. For older kids, playing sports is good. Exercise is very beneficial for the body. Send your child to a swimming or figure skating section, you yourself will notice that he will get sick less often;
  4. An effective remedy against disease is vaccination. Vaccinations will help develop immunity to specific diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before the procedure.

If the baby is already infected, do not give him strong medicines, especially without a doctor's recommendation. Give your child more warm drinks: milk, compote, fruit drink. Drinks can be combined with taking vitamins. If the baby has a high fever, bring it down by giving the baby paracetamol. And, of course, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

A baby protected from infectious diseases with the help of preventive measures will be healthy and cheerful. It is enough to follow simple recommendations and reduce contacts of a healthy child with strangers during seasonal exacerbations of diseases. Do not forget about your own health, because you are constantly with your baby.

  • Every time you go to the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return.

Many women after childbirth are faced with the problem of the appearance excess weight... For some, it appears during pregnancy, for others after childbirth.

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  • Every time you go to the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return.

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