How to learn clairvoyance: a wonderful gift for the benefit of people. Is it possible to learn clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is a gift that the elected people are endowed. As experience shows, there are two varieties of this phenomenon: aware clairvoyance and discrete.

Conscious clairwriting is extremely rare, they are endowed with only dedicated masters. This is the ultrahaver of human consciousness, in which a person clearly sees, feels or receives information in the form of thoughts about the specific situation in time. This happens when a person deliberately sends his astral phantom on a journey not only for the distance, but also at a specific time. This technique owns only dedicated, it is very complex - when separating the astral phantom from the body, there is a danger not to return to its physical shell, and a person can go to whom or get a psyche disorder. This cannot be learned, this ability is exclusively congenital in nature and is transmitted from generation to generation from the master.

Discrete clairvoyance is common. This happens when a person accidentally opens any information, sometimes in the form of dreams or images, but he cannot cause this condition at his own request. In this case, your abilities can be developed with the help of various techniques, only under the control of the specialist.


By virtue of the fact that clairvoyance is a superstructive ability, there is a lot of hazards that a person can undergo, using this gift. First of all, this is the danger of changes in the psyche. As a rule, people who unconsciously immerse themselves in the altered state of consciousness, replace the reality images from the future or past, which leads to closets, depression, psychosis and complete disregard with the surrounding world.

How to develop clairvoyance and why do you need?

Each person can develop a supersensible channel for taking the right decisions and make the right actions. When a person is in the border and complex situation of an important choice, he, as a rule, resorts to the help of specialists to obtain a prompt. But the ability to feel laid in each of us, you just need to open an intuitive channel and receive information. An intuitive vision, in contrast to the innate gift of clairvoyance, can open and develop any. A well-developed intuition makes it possible to take the right decision and get a successful result in any situation, avoiding problems and trouble. Use a convenient, your psychotype system to obtain the necessary information. For example, to those people who have developed figurative thinking, the Tarot cards are well suited, a symbolic system, and for people with an analytical warehouse will be more comfortable to use numerology or rune practice.

Anyway, maps, runes, numerology, astrology are only tools for information. The information field is a kind of space, akin to the Internet. You ask a question using the selected tool - and get the desired answer. Predictive practices can use any person to achieve personal and social goals. Due to the fact that in recent years, training in the opening of an intuitive channel has become affordable *, everyone can improve this ability.

Many people leading successful business use these skills. Intuitive abilities can be used in any situation. When a person has an intuitive channel, he can clearly define whether to go to an important meeting, whether the income will bring invested money whether the relationship with the partner will be promising **.

The answer is positive, the answer is negative ...

To learn about which channel discovery techniques, a person can apply independently for the development of clairvoyance abilities, I turned to Galina Bekhtereva - clairvoyant, an offacarious healer, a power engineering, a developer of a unique psychotechnical impact on a person's consciousness.

She told about safe technique that is available to everyone.

1. You need to enter the modified state of consciousness, which is characterized by such signs:
. uniform slow breathing;
. smooth pulse;
. lack of emotions;
. Complete calm and relaxation.

2. When you have reached such a state, mentally ask yourself a question that bothers, and listen to the reaction of your body. If you feel warm, tingling or a wave of energy and this feeling is pleasant, then the answer is positive. If you feel cold, goosebumps, unpleasant chills - the answer is negative.

Remember that the mind must be disconnected - only the sensations of their own body are involved. We always receive signs of fate, just need to pay attention to them, listen. For example, if you are going to an important meeting and before going out of the house something happens, it may be a signal that the meeting will not bring a good result.

Beginners can be used to receive responses pendulum, tarot cards, runic symbols. When preparing for practice, first of all, you need to develop your volitional abilities. When your will control the feelings, mind and emotions - the intuitive canal opens.

Work with the third eye. Workshop

As Galina Bekhtereva notes, the simplest exercise, developing concentration of attention and volitional abilities, is daily disciplined work with a third eye. It is necessary to choose a convenient time, daily the same, enter into a calm and relaxed state, close your eyes, present a dark pulsating hot point in the third eye area and hold on it for 10-15 minutes. If you correctly performed an exercise, you will have a painful sensation in this area first, then pleasant tingling and warm relaxation. This exercise will teach you to control your intuitive energy and make the right decisions at the right moment.

As experience shows, clairvoyance can bring both harm and benefits, it all depends on each person individually. If you consciously want to develop these abilities, it is better to seek help from specialists. In fact, this work implies disciplined, regular brain training that require high energy and time costs. So the decision remains for you - you need to develop this ability in yourself or not.

Julia Mimnikova, doctor, parapsychologist, Master of Occult Sciences, Finalist Ukrainian "Battle of Psychics"

* From the editor. If you have an intention to learn from the opening of an intuitive channel, we ask you to be attentive when choosing a seminar or a specialist and remember that the skills are being developed personally and it takes a sufficiently long time.

** From the editorial office. Remember that there is a so-called prediction error coefficient, even Vanga was mistaken in 10% of cases.

Feeling powerless in front of many phenomena of nature, man always wanted to look at tomorrow. The whole history of civilization is accompanied by attempts to predict the future and affect it - with the help of victims, prayers or rites. Another popular way is clairvoyance. Some argue that this is a gift over, but there are facts that prove that this skill can be learned.

Dar or skill?

Attempts to learn the ability of some people to be rejected repeatedly, but the final answer, humanity has not yet received. Most often, the ability to clairvoyance are congenital or appeared due to any misfortune: it is considered, for example, that the famous provisian Wang has gained the ability to see the future due to the fact that he blinded in early childhood.

It is unlikely that someone wants to get talent for renewing in this way, but still for many people the question of how to develop the ability of clairvoyance, is not idle. Is it possible?

Risk health?

Numerous works on various esoteric practices argue that an attempt is not torture. Moreover, there are different ways to achieve the desired enlightenment.

    Drugs. Predated in many countries of the world - India, America, Africa - durable substances used to expand consciousness. There is even the assumption that many of the pythies described in the ancient texts were not engaged in any other, as inhalation of narcotic substances, in order to gain the desired clairvoyance. How to develop the abilities in a similar way, described in detail in the works of the famous Castaneda: Cactus Payyote in this regard is no worse than Indian Gashish.

    Specific television, sometimes in a complex with certain sounds. Oriental Dervish or Shamans of the North to flow into the state of the trance were performed by some dance passengers: Dervyshi was furious on the spot, the shamans danced under the roar of the drums, bringing themselves to the frenzy. After the occasion of the trans, in which the servant of the gods opened the future or past.

    Rituals. How to develop the gift of clairvoyance, know a variety of fans of specific religions - such as, for example, as the African Caribbean Voodoo. The sorcerers produce ritual actions (many of which are pretty unsightly) - and as a result it opens whether a success will be successful.

Let's say the drug "No!"

It is impossible not to say that all the above methods are rather risky. Using drugs or depriving itself air, it is possible to apply irreparable harm to their own physical or mental health. It is possible that then the question of how to develop the gift of clairvoyance, will not be interested in the experimenter at all. Like a lot of more.

One of the most famous authors who devoted themselves to the study of supernatural human abilities, the Teosoph Charles Lefeter is considered. "How to develop clairvoyance" - a famous book belonging to his Peru, it can be bought without problems or read on the network. The author categorically cautioned from the practice listed above. He argues that he had to meet people who lost sight or reason in trying to find clairvoyance with drugs or breathing exercises. How to develop your spiritual principle to gain a "higher" view, described in detail in the lecture.

The path to the highest knowledge

The first stage is a concentration. "The mind of a person is scattered," ledge says, he can easily jump from the subject on the subject. " According to the author, the human brain "picks up" the scraps of the thoughts of other people - that is why, having caught himself on some strange reflection, we cannot understand why it was withdrawn into our head. Before you wonder how to develop the ability of clairvoyance, the theosof advises to begin to gain power over my mind.

Second stage - meditation. It is especially important to engage in regularly and at the same time. Spiritual efforts, in the same way as physical, are effective only with systemic repetition.

Third stage - contemplation. At this stage, it is proposed to see the inner vision of a certain ideal image and try to merge with him together.

If not clairvoyance, then at least health

The author does not guarantee an indispensable achievement of success, but encouraging: Even if a person cannot discover how to develop intuition and clairvoyance, all the same efforts will not disappear. All that each of us is taking to improve their abilities will give themselves to know in the following embodiment. Thus, if you move in this direction, in the new life it can be born already with a congenital gift.

Ice lester, like many other authors, claims that before starting spiritual practices, you need to clean the body (stop smoking and drink alcohol, do not overeat, appeal to vegetarianism) and soul (leave egoism, think more about the general good, etc. .), That is, turn into a healthy physically and morally creature. Such a task is under the power not all, however, as the gift to foresee the future. The ice led writes that when a person achieves noticeable success in the disclosure of his hidden abilities, it will definitely notice: among people there are constantly so-called teachers - those who have already discovered "Higher Peace". They will help at the right moment to make a decisive step, so you have nothing to worry about. The most important thing is to start.

Guide to action

For those who firmly assimary to become a prunerator, there are instructions that are learning how to develop clairvoyance. Exercises designed to help in this endeavor, as a rule, are aimed at:

    The ability to focus on something real, and then "see" internal vision.

    Visualization of the required: For example, after meditation and singing mantra to see the Candle aura (exercise with a candle).

    The ability to submit an item, having heard his name, make his imaginary snapshot and only then "consider" it, etc.

What can Help

Often you can meet information that there are stones developing clairvoyance. Many sources call for this purpose many sources for this purpose. According to esotericov, this is a powerful tool that can open access to high areas and in general having a number of amazing properties: it rejuvenates the body, saves from insomnia, poisons, strengthens the donated subject of passion, amethyst is able to cause a response sense.

The strength of this stone is such that wearing it imparted in gold, can afford only devoted to the highest order. Aderates are better not to risk and change the stone in silver - it "muffles" his power.

In addition to amethyst, there are other minerals able to help open a progressive talent: copper azure, legist, sardonix, Moldavit and many others. Before starting to use the purchased stone, it is necessary to clean it from unfavorable energy, using saline solutions and flow water in energy-clean tanks and energy places.

It should be noted that there are many schools and directions trying to explain and somehow justify clairvoyance. How to develop this gift - trying to open chakras or looking at the images on the inner side of the own age, use for this stones, cards or other props - everyone who decided to go on this path should solve independently.

Be carefull

If seriously get together to discover the supernatural abilities, you need to really try not to be fooled. Today, many "specialists" for considerable money will be prompted, how to develop intuition and clairvoyance for three days. This, apparently, should alarming: if everything was so simple, life on the planet would have long become a lightly pleasant walk, in which there is no place for unpleasant surprises.

Is it possible to instill clairvoyance, which many consider unattainable over the ability of only individuals, as if chosen people? With sufficient effort, patience and regular training, the ability to clamping to one degree or another can develop everyone.

But the development of the gift of clairvoyance is not easy, and it will require not only the cost of a fairly long time, but also the diligent effort during the entire period of study. But the result will cost all the efforts! To learn the thoughts of other people, their true attitude towards themselves or others, the ability to foresee future events, "many would like to have such a gift.

What is clairvoyance?

First of all, it is suspiciousness, the ability to sharpen their feelings so much that the things usually hidden from ordinary people become available for observation, which they simply do not pay attention to. Simply put, this is the strongest development of the perception of reality, at many levels - from the usual world to thin matters and energies.

See what others do not see possible thanks to painstaking work on themselves.

Mandatory conditions

It is the main thing - daily work on yourself. At first, the need for regular classes can confuse and even scare away. But over time, she will start making a real pleasure! After all, after regular classes, it will be possible to see their own progress in improving skills, success in working on their organism, an emotional and spiritual sphere.

In addition to the development of the main gift in the course of training, it is necessary to work in adjacent areas, improving the body, mind and will. Then the result from classes will be visible much faster, and the effect will turn out to be higher. Parallel development helps to see not only a holistic picture of learning, but also quickly identify possible errors.

The second rule is the regularity of classes. If it is not possible to do the exercise entirely, it needs to be performed at least partially. Skipping even one training, violation of the rhythm of classes, will significantly remove you from the desired goal.

The third important condition is purity of thoughts. It is impossible to study clairvoyance with bad or dirty thoughts. After all, the effect and speed of the appearance of the result depend on the purity of the karma and the energy channels of a person who wants to learn the gift of clairvoyance. What these channels are cleaner, the faster the gift will develop.

And, of course, you need to eat right, without overloading the stomach of heavy food. This rule, of course, is always important, and not only when teaching clairvoyance. But in this practice, he is simply necessary for him. It is necessary to limit as much as possible the consumption of weak energy channels and requiring energy to assimilate, abandon heavy and oily food.

You will discover other important rules for yourself as learning and self-improvement.

Or maybe you already have a gift of clairvoyance?

Check it will help a simple and known test with envelopes. You need to take 10 empty envelopes and 5 strips of red and blue colored paper. At each envelope to invest one strip. Stir and lay out on the table in a row.

Seeking a chair and relax (this is important!). Then, concentrating on each of the envelopes, take them into hand in turn and try to feel how the color of the strip lies in this envelope. It is not to try to guess, but try to feel the color. The more answers turned out to be correct, the stronger the gift of clairvoyance is developed.

Such a test is suitable for analyzing the results of work on yourself, learning clairvoyance.

Description of the main occupations

Some teachers recommend first to learn the basics of autogenous training - to cause different differences in their body - weightlessness, warmth, cold, etc. It is also recommended to devote a part of the time yoga and meditation, learn to liberate their consciousness.

Exercises are performed on an empty stomach. It is impossible to train if you are sick. Alcohol does not eat 2 days before training.

An occupation that needs to be done daily is a concentration training. It is a concentration that is useful in class, and it is necessary to develop it well with the help of tractak - practices of the concentration of attention on a point or subject. To begin with, it is better to choose a simple object or draw a black point on a white paper sheet.

The object for the concentration must be placed at the level of the eye and at the distance of the extended arm.

Sit, give 5 minutes to complete relaxation. Eyes during the exercise should be relaxed. Blinking is impossible. Start looking at the object you need for a short time. Newbies are enough and minutes. I do not need to overvolt eyes. After regular practice, time will increase.

Having learned to concentrate on the object, complicate the task. Now the first half of time (about 10 minutes) must be concentrated on the object, and the second - on its image in thoughts.

Training in the photo. You need a photo of a friend who can then learn about the events in the near future. At this photo you need to concentrate, asking yourself mentally questions about this person. Relax for 2 to 3 minutes, trying to be in a state completely without thoughts. Memorize those images and words that will appear in consciousness in these 2 - 3 minutes. Training should last 15 - 20 minutes., Every day for a week.

Then you can ask a friend about his life, confirm or disprove your insights.

Aura learn to see, inviting assistant to exercise. In the room, create a twilight, settle comfortably, completely relax. We focus on the area near the head of the assistant (at any point at a distance of 15 - 20 cm), do not strain your eyesight, do not try to consider anything specifically. Perform 30 - 40 min., Every day. Feeling fatigue, stop training - it means that perception began to change.

Clairvoyance through items. Exercise is similar to a concentration. It is necessary to sit on the chair opposite the wall (it should be at the distance of an elongated hand), relax. Focus on a point slightly above the level of the eye ("third eye"), watch, not blinking, about 20 minutes. We defocush the look and look at the wall, also at least 20 minutes. After that, you need to see the same point, but behind the wall, as if through.

We found for you a learning video about the development of the gift of clairvoyance:

Proposed training and practice will be divided into 3 stages.

(1) Preparation and "Contact" with a third eye or Ajna-Chakra,

(2) activation of it, and directly,

(3) Management of its work.

With each stage there is an increase in the complexity of the practice.

The phased implementation practices is mandatory!

That is, you need to start with mastering and testing the first stage, then go to the second and then to the third. Otherwise, you simply do not get the desired results, or get at all what you expected.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the exercises and practices proposed in this section are not a set of random techniques from different resources, but a generalized exercise base, analyzed and collected not one year. This may seem strange, given the small volume of the section, but nevertheless, this is so.

In this section, that the work you are going to perform using this guide is a serious, esoteric and spiritually advanced way, which is significantly able to influence the psyche and human worldview.

First stage. Practical course "Clairvoyance and opening of the third eye"

This stage is devoted to the basic practical skills of "contact" with the chakra of the third eye. The purpose of the stage is to learn to feel the chakra and visualize it (represent mentally). Despite the simplicity of the stage, many quite difficult will be done. The area of \u200b\u200bthe chakra of the third eye is interburs, place on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Perhaps one of you has already experienced such sensations - a feeling of cutting in this area or a light "movement", similar to the blow of the breeze. This could occur in the usual reading of literature on esoteric topics.

It is important to learn how to control this feeling. The stage can be considered passed if you study at any time as desired to be freely concentrated on this area and feel it, a sense of light pressure or cutting in it.

Exercise 1.

Take a calm, convenient meditative pose. Throw extra thoughts. Next you need to focus on the area between the eyebrows and try to feel this area. Perhaps someone will immediately feel a sense of light pressure - this is a good sign. If you find it difficult to feel this area and concentrate on it - help yourself, pull the place on the forehead between the eyebrows of the knuckles of the fingers. As an option for the first time - use some kind of sticky material that can be pasted on the specified area to better feel it. Keep the concentration on the specified area as long as possible as you can.

A positive feature will be considered a feeling of cutting, pressure, "peeling" air in the interbracy area. In some individuals, this practice can already cause paranormal activity and manifestations of chakras, it may be expressed in the appearance of some visions, flashes of light or even involuntary astral outlets. If this happened - to gently stop the exercise until the next day.

Perform this exercise is recommended as often as possible, including in free time. Terms can be limited with experience. Color chakras - sky blue or blue. Rotation - counterclockwise. Targeted images - Blue energy ball, energy funnel, light bunch.

At this stage, you also need to learn the visualization of the chakra of the third eye, that is, its shaped presentation. Let me remind you that these two items are very important for further practices - sensation and visualization. Be sure to work out the proposed exercises to the highest possible perfection.

Exercise 2.

Take a comfortable posture, sit down, relax, get rid of extra and obsessive thoughts. Close your eyes and try to raise them and look at the interbra area. Of course, do it carefully, you do not need to linger my eyes unclear where or try to let them up to pain. All you need is a slightly lift a look at the interbrass area, the eyes are closed at the same time. Feel the interbracy area, as they did in the previous exercise.
Watch for sensations.

Try to imagine any of the above images - a bright blue energy ball, a clutch of light, a sunny drive - what you are more convenient. Mentally transfer it to the interference area, reducing the image to the size of the walnut. Perhaps you will immediately do it right away, in which case you can present yourself from the side and impose an image of an imaginary imaginary. Keep the visualization within the possible time - the light bulb in the interbrass area.

This exercise will have to work thoroughly, it is quite difficult for developing novices, moreover, many may have problems with visualization (image imagination). Look for successful pictures or images on the Internet and use in your practice. The criterion of successfully completed exercise can be considered the appearance of a feeling of lightness, some euphoria, lifting energy.

Exercise 3.

Recommended for those who may have problems with visualization (shaped presentation). For him you need a candle. Slightly dink the room. Light a candle. Take a convenient meditative pose, relax, discharge extra thoughts. Calmly glance contemplate the flame candle. Pay contemplation for about 5 minutes. Then close your eyes. A bright image from the flame of the candle, remaining in the imagination and on the retina's eyes mentally transfer to the interburs area, presenting it as a bright energy throat or a ball, or as a funnel. Keep visualization as much as possible time. After that, open your eyes, shake, clean your face. Exercise is completed.

Tip: Useful for this stage as well as to prepare for the development of clairvoyance are ways to improve cerebral circulation. To this end, the usual massage or self-massage of the head and the cervical belt will cope.

If you smoke, eat alcohol or love greasy abundant food - all this will be a serious interference in your practical work. It is important to monitor and abide by the purity of vessels, especially brain vessels to provide the brain with sufficient blood supply and nutrition.

1st stage completed. The proposed exercises are recommended to work regularly. Without receiving clear skills from this stage, further will be difficult to pass. Carefully practice exercises, try to achieve perfection in their implementation.

An approximate period of working out this phase is an average of 1-2 weeks.

Second phase. Practical course "Clairvoyance and opening of the third eye"

This stage will be devoted to techniques of energy activation, cleaning, cleaning blocks that interfering with clairvoyance, active techniques that promote the development of chakras of the third eye.

Exercise 1. "Energy Breath"

One of the most simple and efficient exercises on energy flow management passing through the chakra of the third eye. All you need is to take a comfortable position, relax, concentrate in practice. Visualize or feel the interburs area, imagine the energy ball there, as they did in the previous exercises.

Next you need to concentrate on your breath, inhale - exhale. At inhale, imagine how clean energy coming from the space fills the ball-chakra, expanding it, and in exhalation - leaves the chakra back into space. Time for exercise - up to 5-7 minutes. It is advisable to visualize (represent figuratively) or feel sensations, not to breathe, and the energy center.

Similar exercises are often found on the network in a single form, i.e. as an independent means for the development and activation of the selected Chakras. We propose to perform it in a complex with other exercises of this stage, to achieve a faster and harmonious effect.

Exercise 2. "Energy Pyramid"

Similarly with the first exercise, and is performed almost similar. Get ready for practice, comfortably sit, relax, discharge extra thoughts.

Hold your palms about each other and slowly dig on the sides, feeling the resistance of the energy between them, creating an energy ball. Some time, concentrate on your breath, imagining how on the breath you take energy from the surrounding space, and on exhale - fill the ball between the palms, until the feeling of cutting, filling. Then you need to make your palm with a triangle (your fingers come into contact, palm are divorced), and put them in the area of \u200b\u200binterference, so that the chakra of the third eye was its base. Perform the same, the formation of the energy ball between the palms, use breathing. With the difference that in this case you fill the energy and appropriate Ajna-Chakra.

Exercise 3. "Cleaning blocks"

This simple exercise is aimed at visual work to remove energy blocks that prevent the development of your clairvoyance and activation of the chakra of the third eye.

Take a posture for practice, relax, discharge extra thoughts. Feel and visualize the interbracy area. Then, using the fingers of the right hand and not touching the interference area, make a clutching movement, as if removing the veil from the chakra or remove the energy cork.

The exercise can be diversified by a large number of options, which will tell your fantasy. Here is one of them - push the opposite fingers to the interbrass area and push the hand for a while, presenting that you feel the barrier or block in the chakra. Then slowly, very slowly weaken the pressure and give your hand from the forehead, at the same time, as an obstacle disappears, or you pull out a certain imaginary clamp.

Exercise 4. "Vision of Light"

This exercise also helps to work and workout in the vision and sensation of subtle energies and the development of chakras of the third eye. You will need a light source (for example, the sun or bright lamp) and a white landscape sheet of paper. The sheet is placed closely in front of the eyes, like a mask. Through it, you need to contemplate bright light, seeking to create before the eyes of a uniform, white light field.

After some time, bright spots or sparks begin to observe such contemplation of the eye, concentrate attention to them. You need to look not straining, scattered look. Approximate execution time - 5-7 minutes. Recommended for the source of light take the sun. Another variation of the exercise is to look at the sky, during the day. View of the scattered. Notice bright dots or outbreaks of light that will fill in front of the eyes.

Respiratory energy practices

There are many useful breathing exercises that do not have equal in efficiency in yogographics. Respiratory exercises are generally a very strong practice and useful for self-development. At this stage, two exercises will be given, the regular execution of which may be in the shortest possible time to have a powerful effect, even using them as an independent practice. They contribute to the powerful filling of the body with energy and recharging, so it is undesirable to perform them right before bedtime.

For the development and activation of the third eye (Ajna - Chakras), breathing delays are useful on the breath.

Exercise 1 a.
Conveniently sit, the spine must be straight. The most correct lotus posture will be. Relax, Tune in to practice. Make some calm and deep breaths-exhale. Then begin to rhythmically breathe. Make the most deep quick breath (seconds for three) and immediately as deeply breathing, too, quickly (seconds for 4).

An important detail is to inhale first try to fill the abdomen with air, then the chest. In exhalation in reverse sequence. You can make an ordinary fast exhale, if it is difficult to breathe as it is indicated, but it is advisable to do it exactly that - first the stomach is filled with air, then the chest. Such a breath and exhale are considered for one cycle. Breaks between cycles should not be, as well as between inhams and exhalations. A sharp breath - exhale, breathing - exhale. Make such breathing 10. With experience you can increase to 15-20.

Breathing will contribute to light dizziness - you are actively saturated with an organism and a brain with oxygen. On the last cycle, after the exhalation - make the most deep breath and hold your breath on as much as you can. During the delay, it is possible to concentrate on the interbrass area. Then smoothly and calmly exhale. You made 1 approach. Such approaches (rhythmic breathing and then air delay) It is advisable to make a minimum of 2-3, with minor interruptions. You can do in the morning and in the evening. Practice is quite powerful in itself, if there are serious health problems - it is not recommended to perform. A certain effect can be felt on the 3rd day of execution, without even making all previous exercises.

Exercise 1 B.

This breathing exercise is calmer and can be performed after the above. Take a comfortable posture, better lotus pose. Make some deep and calm breaths and exhale. During practice, it is advisable to ensure the influx of fresh air, and the most optimal - to train in nature, away from the motorways. Just open the window (if you live on the first floor). Close your right nostril and breathe through the left, approximately equal to 4 seconds by duration. Hold your breath as well as for about 4 seconds. Now close the left nostril and exhale through the right, in time, similar to inhale and delay. Total we had a cycle 4-4-4. Again, inspire, already through the right (left closed), delay, closing the right and exhale through the left. We continue such breathing within 10-15 minutes, closing alternately nostrils.

With experience, it is advisable to increase the intervals in time. During breathing it will be useful to visualize the chakra and filling it with energy.

Exercise 5. "Candle"

It is believed that the simple contemplation of the candle flame is one of the best ways to promote the development of clairvoyance and the vision of subtle energies. At the same time, it has an excellent harmonizing effect from all negative. Choose free time (better in the evening, in the twilight) and dedicate this exercise. Contemplate a candle flame, watch the rays of light, behind the blue flame halo. Close your eyes, watch color stains and images that floate in front of your eyes. Duration - no more than 5 minutes. After the exercise, shake, clean the face.

Exercise 5 a. "Lock"

Stand on your knees. Make hands in the castle - right hand (palm) worst left - by type, like men greet hands, your hands should be in the same castle as if you greet themselves with them. Next, go down to the elbows. The forehead needs to be reinforced on the castle from the palms, the back of the left palm to the forehead, so that the approximate center of the palm was at the level of the interbrass area. Close your eyes, focus on ripples between palms. Watch and track any images that will appear before inner eyes. Performance time - about 5 minutes.

Exercise 5 b. "Outcasting"

To remove psychological blocks, which can also interfere with the development of your clairvoyance, it is useful to periodically use autotraining formulas. Here are some approximate options (the rest you can come up with themselves most suitable for you):

"I possess clairvoyance."
"My third eye is open, I see everything that I wish
"I see the essence of things"

Exercise 6. "Termination of Etheric Vision"

Useful to configure your third eye will be already familiar to you exercises for the development of essential and astral vision. They are sufficiently simple - contemplating the contour of their hands on the background of a white sheet, or in a twilight, contemplation of reflection in the mirror, with the aim of seeing the auratera, and so on, we recommend that the course "Aurovizor" is required as part of this course. All this helps you tune in to the perception of fine energy.

Exercise 7. "Sample images"

This exercise includes the ability to observe images that pop up before your eyes in a precast state. Each time, go to bed, try to hold on the verge of sleep and wakefulness, make it will help an uncomfortable position, or raised and put on the elbow hand, which will fall, if you all fall and wake you up.

Being in such a state, try to watch what will emerge in consciousness. It can be bright images, vision, pictures. Try not to fall into them and observe impassively. Emotions and experiences will also be superfluous, you need and important is the position of an impartial observer. With experience you can try to ask the "topic" for the performance. Wish see something defined. Either imagine that it was already seen. Train this ability to determine. Considering that each of us is somehow sleeping every day, such an opportunity should be in any case)

Third stage. Practical course "Clairvoyance and opening of the third eye"

This stage will be slightly unfinished. It will be devoted to the most difficult - control of what you managed to awaken and intensify. Methods of control are very individual, so it is difficult to bring out some definite dogmas. Nevertheless, several main tips will be given.

Exercise 1. "Screen of perception"
Put a specific goal, for example, see what is behind the wall. It is very important to imagine exactly how it will look. Imagine a certain screen in front of which the desired images will pop up. Imagine how it happens. Next, activate the chakra, set the contact. Paint it as a bright light or energy clot. Eyes closed. Imagine how light from the interbrass area falls on the wall, shifts it through. Try to watch not through your eyes, but "through" the domain of interburs, through the clutch of light. Slowly open your eyes, trying to save and concentrate on the bundle - "Eyes - the third eye - wall or selected object." With a good progress of the exercise, you will probably be able to see on your "internal screen" necessary. Exercise needs regular workout to achieve success in it.

Exercise 2. "Vision in the dark, X-ray vision."
Perform the same way. Preferably in a darkened room. Install the contact with the chakra, imagine exactly how you will see in the dark, what items will be in front of you. Close your eyes, see "Through" chakra, which is a bright throat of light. Imagine how her light floods the twilight of the room or room where you train. Gradually, open the eyes, keeping the bundle "Eyes - the third eye - the object." After performing the exercises, shake, want the face.

Would you like to read the thoughts of other people? And predict the future? And to find out how you really treat you your friends and relatives? Obviously, the overwhelming majority will reply affirmatively. The gift of clairvoyance in the world has a very small percentage of people. Some of this ability was given from birth, and many independently developed this skill in themselves. What is this gift in this? How to develop clairvoyance in yourself? What does it give and why is it necessary? In this article, we will consider in detail the phenomenon of clairvoyance, try to answer these and other questions. Our libez will give you the opportunity to learn in general about the phenomenon, and will also help competently and correctly plan the first of your steps towards the development of abilities.

The skill of clairvoyance for many is very attractive. First of all, tremendous opportunities are opening both for further personal development and for rapid career growth in business or work. You will learn whether it is possible to learn clairvoyance and that it will be necessary for this. This material will help you understand what is the ability, how to develop it, and most importantly - will warn from errors that are most often allowed on the way of development. Immediately make a reservation, which is easy way to master clairvoyance will not be, and it cannot be easy. These are everyday practices and training, concentration and relaxation exercises, various meditations. The only thing that can be said is that one practice will be easier to be given, and others are slightly harder. It all depends on congenital abilities and your, it is your perseverance. After all, nothing on efficiency in mastering anything will not replace everyday painstaking work. Therefore, be asked for the development of this amazing ability, immediately prepare yourself for productive work on yourself. Perhaps this is probably the most pleasant thing - working on yourself, having everyday pleasure to watch your progress. We, in turn, try to tell you in detail,: how to develop how to learn what exercises to do and where to start work.

What gives suspicity?

In the literature there are a lot of descriptions of the concept of clairvoyance, we will give him a laconic and capacious definition as an extrasensory ability to perceive the surrounding reality outside the five main senses. Why do you still devote your time to master the skill? How to discover the gift of clairvoyance? What can give this skill? Briefly try to reveal the potential of this wonderful phenomenon and allocate a number of major advantages that automatically receives a person who has begun the development of clairvoyance abilities (the stronger the human ability, the more effective it will be able to perform various magical rituals, for example). So what you will master:

  • High heel. Over time, the fabulous ability will begin to appear to notice the fact that the early consciousness was not fixed at all. The feeling of people, nature and life will be released on a qualitatively new level.
  • Vision of subtlester plans. The elements of the subtleter world becomes available to perception. Clairvoyance is the development of perception, therefore, over time, elements of thin worlds will begin in the field of sensations.
  • Vision of man and animal aura. The ability to view the subtle bodies of biological creatures is opened. Clairvoyant can easily see diseases, negative, energy breakdowns and thickens of negative energy in the body. Accordingly, it will be possible to diagnose a person.
  • Forecasting various events in our own life, as well as other people. The quality of the forecast will depend on the sensitivity of perception.
  • Ability to vision surrounding space without eye help. This is a special skill, it reveals and trains on a special technique that we describe just below.
  • Vision of various events that can be strongly removed both in time and in space. Various law enforcement services are often resorted to the services of clairvoyants.
  • Strengthening its own health. Molding this skill in parallel can easily manage their own health. This includes the rapid restoration of vitality, an increase in immunity and resistance to various loads of both physical and mental nature. A person in his will can significantly increase its strength and endurance in certain situations.
  • Development of intellectual abilities. This is one of the large advantages of classes for the development of clairvoyance. Together with various practitioners, the learning memory develops, attention, concentration. This is a considerable degree then affects the quality of study and work. A person becomes able to operate with a huge number of information in the head. Clairvoyance lessons significantly affect the entire student's intellect in general.

This is not a complete list of everything that will later receive the student. It should be understood that with the development of any one quality, a considerable extent and other abilities are developed. Otherwise, it does not happen, there is no such thing to have a bad memory with excellent attention, and vice versa. For many, well-developed intuition is.

Principles of learning

In any training, in any learning it is important to comply with certain rules. Following the rules or principles allows you to make the learning process as efficient as possible and productive. After all, they are created for that. Neglecting these principles, practitioner slows down learning significantly, and at the same time loses and motivating to further work. Now it becomes clear the categorical importance of the plan, the rules and principles of any training in general. But in this case, we will talk about the basic principles and patterns, knowing who follows which clalliness will be free for you with a light and enjoyable occupation that brings only joy and pleasure. So, the combination of laws and principles, which will ensure the rapid development of clairvoyance:

  • The stronger and cleaner your energy channels, the faster and better work will go.
  • In practice and learning, one and only one is stability and regularity. This factor is largely affected by a successful end result. It is better to perform an exercise not completely than to postpone it entirely tomorrow.
  • Dangers awake people bad, good, goodness is waiting for favor and safety. This is a question of karma than you cleaner, the better the case will go. The opening of clairvoyance will require you good thoughts and clean thoughts. The less evil and hate will be in the heart, the easier and faster you will come to the result.
  • Dip as closely as possible. Do not let yourself be blunting on the surface of some teaching, doctrine or knowledge. Try to study the topic completely and as much as possible. Knowledge in this issue plays a very important role. It is not enough to understand the phenomenon from some one side, multidimensionality is important. Those thoroughly seek to learn how everything works, what goes and how it happens. This is one of the main conditions of success.
  • Do not learn something one. This principle suggests that the accompanying teachings and knowledge should also be paid. This important moment, which will give you a guarantee that you will not leave the consciousness of a storm some kind of system of worldview. In parallel, always do something conjugate, it will help you to see a holistic picture of the exercise, as well as identify some errors or inaccuracies. Thus, the development of clairvoyance Anna Belaya (famous psychic) \u200b\u200bcombined with diverse energy activities, due to which as a result, achieved great success.
  • Put right. This is the topic of a separate article, however, it should be said here that you need to eat a light, not aggressive stomach of food. It is impossible to overeat and eat heavy food, especially animal origin. Because of the table, you need to get up rather hungry than full.
  • Always stay open to new knowledge. Do not let yourself become a slave of any single concept or doctrine. In this world, everything is relatively, and therefore it will be a big mistake to approve something one hundred percent. In the path of development, do not fall into the trap of conviction and confidence. Always weigh the stringent weights your rail knowledge. This rule will not so much protect you from the illusion of confidence in something as warned against the mistakes of knowledge. It doesn't matter whether you are interested in how to develop a gift of clairvoyance, learn how to search or cook delicious salads - always be open to everything new.
  • Be modest. Final, but very fundamental rule. With the increasing skills, skills and knowledge do not let your ego take the top over the person. Always remember how much you have learned, all the same most of the knowledge will remain for you sacred and incomprehensible mystery.

This is far from an exhaustive list of rules that need to follow. In the way of study, you will come to the rest of the nuances and the principles of training. To reveal them now - it means to deprive you of the opportunity to independently discover all new and new knowledge and patterns.

Most important skill

What do you think, what is the most important skill need to develop intuition and telepathy, clairvoyance went easy and without much difficulty? And what skill plays the most important role in the development of intuitive abilities? But in general, in the development of any abilities? The answer is extremely simple and concise - concentration. Without the ability to concentrate, you will not be able to develop anything or achieve anything in life. Attention is the most important thing in any activity. In clairvoyance, this is a critical ability. The development of the concentration is in the first place in almost any system of teaching. As far as this is an important part of learning, you will learn at the very beginning of classes. Clairvoyance you will be able to develop as much as it turns out to develop the ability to concentrate. Winning from the development of concentration is truly huge, perhaps, there is no place in the sphere of human activity, wherever the ability to concentrate would have brought success. Even if you consider your clairthing classes, the ability to concentrate for life will remain with you. Immediately note that the exercise that will be described below must be performed every day without exceptions. The best way to develop a concentration is to engage in the so-called "trading". This is one of the best exercises for the development of concentration, a very powerful, effective and tested agent. If you wondered how to develop the ability of clairvoyance, it will be your gold exercise.

Tractak - an ancient tantric exercise that came to us from India. If briefly, this is the practice of focusing at one point. You choose yourself any object for concentration. It can be drawn black dot on a white sheet of paper, any object from the table, a thing, feeling, image in the head, the image of the deity, part of the body, some of some space and so on. It can be anything, but at the very beginning it is best to choose any simple item from home domestic product: handle, cup, book, marker, and so on. Also a classic option will be a concentration on a drawn black point on a white sheet of paper. Many advise to begin their practices from this subject. Choosing an object for concentration, sit in a convenient posture, calm down. The first 5 minutes should go to bring themselves in a calm peaceful state. You must be completely relaxed, nothing should interfere with you. After that, proceed to the concentration on the object. The subject should be at the level of the eye and at the distance of the elongated hand is the best conditions for practice. Enhanced concentration will allow many rituals, including, more qualitatively. It is important to follow 2 rules for this exercise:

  1. Blinking during concentration is impossible. The blinking worsens the effect of the entire exercise. Migration is allowed if preparatory workouts are performed.
  2. Eyes should be relaxed. This is a very important point, because The stress in the eyeballs will not allow you to fully focus. It should always be remembered when doing practice.

From the very beginning it will be difficult to look at the object not blinking more than 1 minute. Then, with constant practice, the duration of contemplation without blinking will increase everything and increase. Over time, the eyes will begin to get used to such a load, and the practice will be easy. The main thing here is to understand that clairvoyance and exercises are identical things. Therefore, immediately get used to similar loads.

The second important point of the spending is the concentration on the internal image. Suppose you concentrated a month on a cup. Now the first 10 minutes will need to first concentrate on the cup, and then concentrate on its postcase in thoughts. This concentration on mental images is a very important aspect of clairvoyance. And from success in this lesson will depend on the success of the entire undertaking. To the second exercise, it is necessary to approach only after her first part is well learned. The main thing, remember that all exercises for the development of clairvoyance are built on your ability to long concentration. Put this exercise at the head of all others, and success will not make you wait long. Perform a workout every day for 20-30 minutes. Try not to overturn your eyes and often rest. In addition to training will, imagination and concentration, practice is a well-being effect for the nervous system and eye organs. Train every day, and over time you will start notify fabulous results from this exercise. The unsurpassed value of this method will be gradually disclosed both in the development of intuition and in everyday life.

Basic exercises developing intuition

Training and training must be started with basic exercises and only then switch to more complex, but more dangerous exercises on the development of perception. Any guide on how to learn clairvoyance takes its beginning in the simplest basic classes. Before each approach, it is necessary to relax well and relax.

It is selected for classes a calm and cozy place in the house, it is very desirable that there are no extraneous noises. Before occupating the stomach should be empty, and if there was an alcohol consumption, then you need to wait 2 days. It is also impossible to conduct classes being sick.

Exercise in the photo

Very effective and effective exercise for those who are interested in how to open clairvoyance and browse the aura of people. Expite the photo of any of your friend, who can later learn some details of his personal life. Exercise is designed for 1 week to 15-20 minutes of classes per day. The meaning is that you are concentrating in the photo and mentally ask questions you are interested in. After the question is set, you need 2-3 minutes to stay in complete mimfaction, paying all your attention to the incoming images, words, thoughts and sounds. Then the question is set again and the cycle is repeated. The goal is to achieve sustainable thinking in relation to the object. Do not worry if the result is not obtained for a long time, it says only that you need to pay more attention to concentration and thinning of perception.

Exercise on view Aura

To do the exercise, you will need a person as an assistant. Stay comfortably in the room, make the lighting so that the room is twilight. A completely dark room should not be, silhouettes of objects and a person should be clearly distinguishable. Then relax completely relaxed and focusing on a person in any area 10-15 cm around the head. In no case do not strain your eyesight, the look should be clear, directed, but relaxed. Do not try to consider anything, all sensations will come to you by itself and gradually. Just concentrate on this area and contemplate it without tension. Exercise needed 30-40 minutes daily. If we suddenly feel fatigue, then the training should be stopped immediately. This is a clear sign that perception begins to change. The well-known development complex "Your Yoga" recommends this practice 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Exercise with envelopes

Would you like to go for free Clauntness test? There is a very simple and visual exercise to verify your extrasensory abilities. Cut from multicolored paper 10 strips: 5 blue and 5 red. Place each strip in a separate envelope, it turns out 10 envelopes with multi-colored stripes. Sit comfortably on the chair, relax, concentrate on envelopes and, go through each envelope, try to feel what color strip in the envelope. Do not guess, and try to feel. Accordingly, the more correct answers you get, the better you have clairvoyance. Try to regularly spend this exercise to track progress. Alsitally develop clairvoyance, and the test will not need to be needed soon. Strong gift will help to perform such rituals, as, more efficiently!

Technique Vyacheslav Bronnikov

Claintion is not secret for seven seals. Our scientists have long tried to unravel the phenomenon of super-perception, give it a scientific substantiation, and most importantly - to put a method for scientific rails. Well succeeded in the study of clairvoyance Russian scientists Vyacheslav Bronnikov and Mark Commissioners. The researchers have developed a methodology that allows almost any person to master the skills of clairvoyance, clarity and clearing. If you can engage in systematically, you can immediately or later learn clairvoyance and get good results. Especially popular by V. Bronnikov School of Claints for training visually impaired children. New groups are typically gained to school. Some of them are trained free.

The Bronnikov method is based on the natural natural abilities of a person, on his sleeping potential and reserves. In his groups, blind people train alternative vision, develop perception, carry out an exercise for the development of supercontrants. The method is based on a sacral exercise from Taoist yoga.

What is interesting, clairvoyance courses are not limited to one development of intuition. Thanks to the daily training on the Bronnikov system, people improve the work of all organism systems, the state of energy bodies is heated, the brain work improves, the vegetative system is heated. The whole range of learning consists of 3 stages that must be consistently undergo:

  1. At the first stage, students master the foundations of autogenous workout. They learn to relax and cause various sensations in the body: lightness, heaviness, warmth, cold, weightlessness, and so on. This is the first and most important set of exercises, because It lays safety fundamentals when conducting more complex and dangerous workouts for the development of clairvoyance.
  2. The second stage is the development of internal vision. The student learns to create a white screen in the head and reproduce various thoughts on it, images, tactile and taste sensations. The main thing - the student learns to deeply immerse them into these states. The technique of "closed eyes" is immediately being implemented. Exercises for clairvoyance at this stage are more in-depth.
  3. In the third stage, they are already engaged in a "direct vision". The disciple closes completely eyes, and he learns to recognize the objects of the surrounding world without the participation of the eyes. That is, according to Bronnikov, impulses come directly into the brain, bypassing organs of vision. Here students fully rethink their usual perception of the world and learn new ways to contact with reality. At this stage, success depends to a greater extent on the ability of the student to rebuild its attitude to reality and believe in the existence of a completely different nature of perception. What is noteworthy to children this stage is made much easier than adults.

This technique has been successfully tested at the Institute of Human Brain, Natalia Bekhtereva. And the methodology and the exercise complex received a high assessment of scientists at a conference dedicated to the development of the brain.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the success of any technique for the development of human abilities will be primarily dependent on the perseverance, faith and desire of the student. No most effective technique will replace regular persistent work. See also video assignment of the famous documentary film "foreseen":