How to determine the height of a building without measuring instruments. What and how to measure. Individual housing construction

To protect your body from the negative effects of the external environment, insect bites, harmful substances and other factors, ancient man invented clothing. Over time, it has undergone various changes, becoming more comfortable, functional. Separate elements of clothing became an expression of national characteristics, acquired cultural and social significance.

The design and tailoring of clothes have grown into an art form, separated into a separate direction, called fashion. The development of a variety of involved fashion designers. The better the master knows how to embody new fashion trends, while creating his own unique style, the more highly appreciated by the public he receives. The creation of high-class models requires from the fashion designer, in addition to the obligatory talent, great diligence, obsession and patience.

The concept of "tailoring" comes from the French word tailler, which translates as "to make to measure." In fact, cutting is a certain order of necessary actions that allow you to create patterns for various models of clothing.

In order to correctly build a drawing of a future product, the necessary measurements should be made. In mass production of models, template data is used for typical figures. In individual tailoring, it is very important to correctly take measurements. How to measure shoulder width, chest volume, product length and other parameters, a professional cutter should know well. The procedure for taking measurements should be treated with great responsibility, since the final result depends on the correctness of actions and the accuracy of measurements. The process seems quite simple, but in order to know, for example, how to correctly measure the width of the shoulders or the length of the sleeve, you need basic knowledge in the field of the anatomical structure of the body, ideas about the human constitution.


The physique of a person is a combination of several parameters: the size of the body, the shape of the torso, the proportions of individual parts of the body and the physiological features of the structure of the tissues of the human body. The concept of "physique" is rather a medical term. In everyday life, fitness, physical culture, modeling and tailoring, the term “figure” is the most common. Within the limits of the constitution, each person has his own individual figure, which is determined long before his birth. It depends only on the parental genes what will be the height of the unborn child, the width of the shoulders, the size of the foot. Due to the huge variety of hereditary factors, no one can guess what physique features a person will inherit. The figure is also influenced by gender, profession, sports activities.

The process itself

When starting to take parameters, you should be well aware of exactly what measurements are required. In order to sew a men's shirt, you need to know how to measure the width of the shoulders, the length of the sleeve, the circumference of the neck and the length of the product. Tailors can help with this.

It was invented by a French tailor in the early nineteenth century. It is a narrow strip of durable material one and a half meters long with metal clips at the ends. A division scale is applied on both sides of the tape. In order to avoid inaccuracies in taking measurements, it is advisable to use the same tool during the sewing process.


The data obtained must be entered in the measurement table using special designations. indicate the names of the measurements, and small letters indicate the measurement point. O - girth, H - height, W - width, D - length, t - waist, b - hips and so on. So shoulder width. This measure is designated as follows: Shp.

When taking measurements, the customer must be in the shoes in which he will wear the clothes being made. The height of the heel affects not only the length of the product, but also the curves of the figure. The person should stand straight, without moving, in a relaxed and calm state. It is better if he wears only underwear or thin tight clothes.

When taking basic measurements, it may be difficult to figure out how to measure the width of the shoulders. The accuracy and correctness of taking the size affects the fit of the product.

Width is measured horizontally by connecting the extreme points protruding above the shoulder joints. The tape should fit snugly against the body, but not be stretched.

We take measurements ourselves

If a tailor sews clothes for himself, then he can take most of the measurements himself. But the question inevitably arises: how to measure the width of the shoulders without the involvement of outside help? To do this, you can take your own shirt or T-shirt that fits perfectly on your shoulders, then straighten it on the table and measure the distance between the points where the sleeve joins the shoulder line with a tape. This way you can take the correct measurements.

Determining the size of inaccessible objects is easiest to perform using specialized geodetic equipment. Modern total stations with reflectorless measurement mode, laser tape measures and altimeters greatly simplify the task, allowing you to measure the height of a tree or the width of a river.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to have equipment worth several thousand dollars in reserve, and sometimes one has to deal with such tasks at the household level. To solve these problems, the knowledge gleaned from the series "Applied geodesy" comes to our aid: "History of the industry", "Choosing an electronic total station", "Independent measurements with a tape measure, pegs and ingenuity", a school geometry course, well, and a little ingenuity (where without it).

Determining the height of an inaccessible object

To determine the location of the future country house or any other building, it is important to know the heights of nearby objects, such as poles or dry trees. This will exclude the possibility of destruction of your property from the fall of the object in the event of a natural disaster or for any other reason.

Another important point before the start of construction is the determination of the height of the sag of the wires of the power lines passing in the area of ​​the site. A construction crane can touch the power line, which will lead to sad consequences. Do not forget about the breakdown voltage - there is the possibility of electric shock even a few meters from the high voltage wire in wet weather.

For the experiment, we will try to determine the height of the pole of a 10 kV power transmission line from the ground to the upper insulator using various methods and write the obtained values ​​​​in the table.

Statistical evaluation method

It is also popularly called the “by eye” method. Its essence lies in the visual comparison of the known height and inaccessible. For convenience, near the measured object, you install a stick with a known height vertically. The "reference" for comparison should be as high as possible. Having moved to a convenient distance, evaluate the height, and write the result in a table. As you understand, one person cannot accurately make “measurements”, therefore, to get a good result, ask your relatives or friends to perform similar actions. The more people participate in the "measurements" - the more accurate the result.

Then comes the time to process the information: discard the extreme values ​​\u200b\u200b(maximum and minimum), and calculate the arithmetic mean from the rest of the results. The resulting value will give an idea of ​​the height of the inaccessible object. The error of this method depends on the experience of people and the quality of their spatial orientation.

Photo rating

The rapid development of technology has made it possible to integrate the camera into almost any modern gadget, so the selection of equipment for such an experiment will not be difficult. The essence is the same - an estimate of the height of an inaccessible object, but not by eye, but by calculating the proportion between the photographic image of the standard and its real height.

Near the object to be measured, you set up a stick with a known height (we used a geodetic pole), move back to the distance when the top of the object fits into the frame. Ideally, the height of the reference and the shooting level should be approximately the same, and the camera itself should be held level. If possible, use a photographic tripod, the height of which should be set according to a tape measure.

Dump the image to your computer and refresh your memory with the information from the article in our series, in which we gave the concept of scale. We have received an image, the dimensions of which are proportional to the dimensions in kind, we just have to calculate the scale and recalculate the height of the inaccessible object. To do this, you can print a photo for measurements with a ruler or use any image processing program that allows you to measure distances in a photo in centimeters.

This method is more advanced, but requires a computer and a camera, and in the field it is not always possible to provide.

Ball pen

A device for writing is always found in a desk, and it will help us in determining the height of an object using the perspective method. Instead of a pen, you can use a pencil, a straight stick, or any other similar object. We will also need an assistant and a tape measure.

We retreat to such a distance when we will be able to see the object of measurements in its entirety. Holding the pen in a fist, we extend a straight arm in front of us so that its tip coincides with the top of the object. We extend the thumb to the side parallel to the ground, so that we end up with a right angle. Then we turn the brush with a ballpoint pen by 90 degrees, as a result, our thumb looks into the ground parallel to the object being measured, and the tip of the pen points to the place where the assistant needs to move.

We have projected the height of the object by parallel transfer to the ground. Now it will not be difficult to measure the distance obtained with a tape measure from the assistant to the pole, it will be equal to the determined height. The method is well suited for field conditions, accurate enough, but requires an assistant.

Shadow measurement

The method used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks is easily reproduced in modern realities and requires a minimum of labor. To determine the height, we need to simultaneously measure the length of the shadow from an object with a known height and the length of the shadow from an inaccessible object.

Measurements should be made in the evening or morning, when the length of the shadow is maximum. This will eliminate errors, and the result is calculated by drawing up the simplest proportion:

Pole height = human height * post shadow length / human shadow length

Mirror method

The angle of incidence is known to be equal to the angle of reflection. We will apply this postulate to calculate the inaccessible height. We put the mirror on the ground approximately as shown in the photo, step aside until the top of the object being measured is reflected in the mirror.

We measure the required distances from a person to a mirror, from a mirror to a pole, and we get the required height after calculating the proportion.

Pole height = person's height * distance from mirror to pole / distance from person to mirror


You can make measurements according to the "Winnie the Pooh method" to please your own children. Despite some comedy, he also has the right to life, because. under favorable conditions, it gives acceptable results.

For work, we need a ball filled with an inert gas, a rope and a tape measure. Carefully release the ball on the thread parallel to the object being measured, when it reaches the top, fix the height of the thread, lower the ball and measure the required distance with a tape measure. To get a more accurate value, your assistant should move a considerable distance to more accurately visualize the place when the height of the ball and the object is equal. We present this method as one of the alternative ones, so we will not conduct laboratory tests on it.

Piano in the bushes

We have covered several basic methods for measuring the height of an inaccessible object. I would like to know which one is the most accurate. The "piano in the bushes" will help us with this - an electronic total station with special software that allows you to get the height value in the field.

For convenience, we will enter all the values ​​in a table, which will give us the necessary clarity. As can be seen from the table, all methods have a small error, but this is quite enough to estimate the height of an inaccessible object.

The arithmetic mean of the obtained values ​​is 9.47 m, so to obtain the optimal result, the methods must be combined, and the obtained values ​​averaged. If high accuracy is required, a pendulum altimeter can be purchased, which is used by foresters for estimating green spaces.

Well, the most accurate result will be obtained when ordering a topographic survey. In the terms of reference, it is worth noting a special requirement - measuring the heights of trees and other inaccessible objects. As you understand, this will affect the estimated cost of the work, so we will devote the next article from our series to estimates. Incomprehensible terms may hide work processes that you do not need, and vice versa, some important points due to ignorance may fall out of sight. Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to communicate with specialists almost on an equal footing, which will eventually save money.

Vladimir Stefansky,

The height of the mountains is amazing. The majestic eight-thousanders look amazing even in photographs. It is not surprising that climbers are so eager to conquer these peaks, because climbing is a very special adventure that will be remembered for a lifetime. But how do you know how high you managed to climb? How do you measure the height of mountains? After all, people managed to measure even Everest, having received an indicator of 8848 meters above sea level.

How are such measurements made, what tools help people get accurate results when it comes to sky-high heights? Perhaps every curious person would like to know about it.

How were mountains measured in the past?

Considering the exact methods of measuring heights on the ground, it should be noted that topographic surveys were used to solve this problem. This method allows you to get the exact coordinates, dimensions and shape of any piece of land, including hills. There are several options for conducting geodetic research, but they all come down to triangulation, that is, to the trigonometric survey technique.

Related materials:

Why is it cold in the mountains, because warm air rises?

Remembering the basics of geometry, we can give a theorem according to which, given information about one of the sides of a triangular object and its two angles, the remaining two sides can be calculated. The scale of the measurement object does not play a role in this case, the triangle can be both small and many kilometers long. To use this theorem, it is necessary to make accurate measurements to obtain initial information. Two landmarks are taken, a mechanical measurement is made. This is how you get the side of the triangle. Next, another conditional reference point for the top is selected. Imaginary lines are drawn from the top, it is possible to get an angle. It remains only to use the theorem.

Angles are measured with a theodolite, the device is intended just for this purpose. Having received the coordinates of the first triangle, you can get the next ones by dividing the required area into these figures until the total area is found.

Interesting fact: theodolite measures both horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Leveling is another proven method for measuring space within which the spirit level at the base of the theodolite is applied - it allows you to bring everything to the same level, indicating the moment of alignment. Using a sighting device - an optical device, and raising it to the desired landmark located on the mountain, you can end up with a height indicator.

Related materials:

How are mountains formed?

Modern technology and accurate results

Amateur tourists and climbers who are not associated with geological surveys do not carry all this equipment with them. Modern technologies have allowed a person to carry a minimum - GPS navigation can be installed on a regular smartphone. There are also more reliable and accurate stand-alone GPS devices that allow you not to get lost, always know who and where is on the ground. They work vertically and horizontally, they can show the height. The latter is important for climbers, lovers of parachuting.

The height of a tree is defined as the vertical distance between the highest point of the crown and the ground. It is different from tree length, which is the length of the trunk from the ground to the top of the tree (Figure 1). Measurements should be made to the nearest 0.1 m if possible, although this level of accuracy cannot be achieved for large trees.
It is recommended to mark the location (e.g. distance from the tree and bearing) from which the measurement is taken so that all subsequent measurements are taken from the same position. The same measurement points can be marked in kind on the ground. Although it is believed that visibility conditions may change in 10-20 years (growth of undergrowth, development of crowns...), this procedure is one of the ways to limit measurement errors.

Fig.1: Height and length of the tree.

Tip: in some cases (for example, rubbing peripheral shoots, shoots of shoots), the highest "living" bud of the crown is considered the top. Although it is not so easy to see the top of a tree during winter measurements of deciduous species, it is
will allow you to distinguish the top from dry dead branches, which usually break off in spring.
Tip: For leaning trees, it is recommended to measure the height of the perpendicular from
the highest point of the crown to the ground in the direction of the slope of the tree.
Tip : In the case where the plantation is located on a slope (> 6°), it is recommended to measure
the height of the tree at the base of the tree (the same height above sea level) or higher.

2 way

The measurement is carried out by two people. One person stands next to the tree, and the other, with a good eye, moving a certain distance to look at the whole tree from the butt to the top, "lays" by eye how many people of this height "fit" along the entire length of the trunk. At the same time, it is more rational to postpone the distance each time, twice as much as the previous one, i.e. mentally put off first the height of the two "little men", then add two more to them, then four more, then eight more, etc. (i.e. according to the scheme 1 - 2 - 4 - 8 - 16). From the point of view of the human eye, this is simpler and more accurate. Knowing the height of the "little man" you can calculate the height of the tree.

3 way

Measuring the height of a tree with a shadow
On a sunny day, you can use the shadow it casts to determine the height of a tree. By measuring your shadow or the shadow of a pole, you can calculate the required height from the proportion AB:ab = BC:bc

since the tree's height is as many times your own height (or the height of the pole) as the tree's shadow is as long as your shadow (or the pole's shadow). This follows, of course, from the geometric similarity of triangles ABC and abc (at two angles).
The most accurate of the indirect methods - used in sunny weather. The shadow of a standing person whose height is known is accurately measured. Next, the shadow from the tree under study is measured. In a dense forest, when the shadow of a particular tree and, especially, its tops are difficult to find, we can recommend the following method. Move away from the tree in such a way that the person’s gaze (head), the top of the tree and the sun lie on the same line, and then find the shadow from your own head on the ground - this will be the shadow from the top of the tree. It remains only to measure the distance between this point and the base of the tree and determine the height of the tree according to the proportion: the length of the shadow of a person / his height - the length of the shadow of the tree / his height.

II.4. 3. Method for determining the age of a tree

It is very difficult to determine the exact age of centuries-old trees. Therefore, for such trees, it is customary to talk about the size of the circumference and diameter of their trunk. The dependence of the trunk circumference on age is also very relative and depends on the natural conditions in which the tree grows.
The age of a century-old tree is determined by a simple formula:
L = k c,
where L is the age of the tree,
k - coefficient,
c - the circumference of the tree table (girth) at a height of 1.3 meters from the ground. For pine, the coefficient is from 0.7 to 1.5 on dry rocky ground.

Whether you need to determine the size of your finished garment from a size chart, or you just want to sew something for yourself or someone else, taking the right measurements is the key to a perfect fit for any item. It is best to take measurements with a special centimeter tape, but if you do not have it on hand, you can use other tools at hand.


Choice of measuring instruments

    Look for something flexible to take measurements. Try to find something flexible at home that you can easily wrap around your body to take measurements.

    • Try using available materials such as yarn, twine, scraps of fabric, or wire.
    • The material you choose should not be of great value to you, as you will have to mark it with a centimeter scale, cut or otherwise damage it in order to make it easier for you to take measurements.
  1. Find an object with exactly the length you know. Look for an item with a straight edge that you know the exact length of. Depending on the specific item, you can either use it as a measuring tool or measure other material such as twine with it.

    Apply a scale with centimeter marks to the selected material for measurements. If you do not know the exact length of the object chosen instead of the centimeter tape, take a ruler and put a centimeter scale on it.

    To take measurements, attach an improvised centimeter tape to the body. Attach the prepared measuring material to the part of the body that you are going to measure in order to determine its length, based on the centimeter marks applied to the material or from knowing its exact dimensions.

    • If the material being used is too short to measure the required length, place your finger as accurately as possible at the point where the material ends, and attach it (material) to this point again to continue measuring. Do this as many times as needed to complete the measurement.
    • If you want to first find out the length of a body part and only then measure it in centimeters, attach the measuring material to this part of the body and mark on it with your fingers the place (or, if you use string, even cut the material in the place) where the required length ends. Then take a ruler or use your hand measurements to find out the length of your measurements.
    • Be sure to write down all the measurements received and do not forget to sign what the numbers you specified refer to.

    Taking measurements for women's clothing

    1. Measure your bust. To determine your chest circumference or the chest circumference of another woman, it is necessary to draw the measuring material around the body along the shoulder blades, under the armpits and along the most protruding part of the chest.

      Determine your waist circumference. Take the measuring material and determine the girth of the natural waist - the narrowest point of the body. To determine the location of the waist, look in the mirror and pay attention to the part of the body that is just above the navel, but below the chest.

      Measure around your hips. To determine the circumference of your hips, wrap the measuring material around the widest part of your hips.

      • Usually the widest point of the hips is 20 cm below the natural waistline, however this parameter varies from person to person. You can take several different measurements to pinpoint the largest one.
      • If you are measuring yourself, be sure to check in a mirror that the measuring material runs horizontally around the hips and buttocks.
    2. Find out the length of the inseam. To determine the length of the inseam of trousers, it is necessary to measure the distance along the inside of the leg from the crotch to the ankle. The leg must remain straight.

      If necessary, take additional measurements. Use the measuring material to take any other measurements that are listed in the finished garment size chart or needed to fit the pattern.

    Taking measurements for men's clothing

      Measure around the neck. Take the measuring material and measure the girth of the neck at its base.

      Determine the circumference of the chest. To measure the circumference of the chest, it is necessary to draw the measuring material around the body along the shoulder blades, under the armpits and along the most protruding part of the chest.