How to enjoy a compact powder for the face. Facial powder: For what is needed, how to use it, the rules of application, appointment, types of powder, the choice of tone and ranking the best brands. Compact Powder "Perfect Tone", Vichy


Now in the cosmetic market there are a lot of types of powder. In this article, we clarify what they differ from each other, for which skin types they are suitable and how to use them right.

Why do you need powder?

The perfect pallet for the contouring of the face should consist of 4 shades.

  • Makeup fixing. Such functions perform absolutely any powder when applied to a tonal cream, it can be compact or crumbly, transparent or tint.
  • Matting. Here, powders may differ. Matting properties in the composition of Popper have: Talc, zinc dioxide, quartz, corn starch, polymer particles. They control the separation of sebum on the surface of the skin. Powder for problem skin dry inflammation and has a bactericidal action. It can be both transparent powder, and aligning.
  • Leather tone alignment is a tone powder. Best lines compact face powder. Such powders, most often on the basis of Talc (it provides soft cream sensations when applied) and contains a lot of color pigment. But there are crumbly powders with the same properties.
  • Giving the skin of radiance. The flickering powder has a polymer base and have a slight toning effect contains very small reflective particles, which diffuse light and visually align the surface of the skin. The powder with the effect of radiance reduces the appearance of mimic wrinkles, gives the skin a fresh and rested appearance, works great on the age and prone to dry skin. Function photoshop in real life. It is not recommended to apply on fatty skin with advanced pores.

Types of face powder

Cream powder

This is the best way of powder for dry skin. Cream powders have as part of wax or mineral oils, they are heated from heat, level the skin relief and nourish. This format is more likely to the tonal means. If you do not want to use liquid tonal, but just the powder are not enough to you - choose cream powder. You can control the density of the coating. When applying a dense synthetic brush, the coating will be denser, and the wet Pro Sponge is translucent. The cream powder can be applied as a conservator and to the area around the eyes. And also, it does not require dusting, because Already possesses a matte finish.

Loose powder

Now many powders are duplicated in a compact and crumbly form. The crumbly powder for a person always has a lighter texture and provides the most transparent coating. A masking ability can be different: from transparent to the most dense. For example, the crumbly mineral powder can overlap all flaws on the skin, like a dense tonal medium. It is best suited for consolidating the consiler in the area around the eyes. Choose it for home use, secure the easy veil already ready makeup, but for the handbag is not very functional. It is better to have a compact analog for such cases. In the Inglot lineup presents 5 species of crumbly powder with different effects for any type of skin.

Matting powder

It should be chosen by the owners of oily skin, which is characterized by the presence of extensive pores and increased semism. Matte powder has not only a decorative effect, but also dries inflammation, prevents their development. The powder microspheres do not clog the pores, but they capture excess skin fat and absorb them. Thus, the resistance and mattness of makeup is extended. Featured powder for oily skin Inglot: 3S (transparent, there is a compact and crumbly, translucent (transparent, crumbly, drying) and ysm (compact, well levels skin tone).

Compact powder

It will always be a little more dense than its crumbly analogue, because has a plate texture. But it is convenient to carry it with you and update the makeup, block small flaws on the face. Many compact powders contain oils to prevent skin dehydration and softening. Inglot, you can meet any powder in compact form: classic, transparent (3S), drying (ysm) and shining (HD).

Transparent powder

The transparent powder does not give a shade on the skin, most often it is a white powder, professional makeup artists call it transparency (adjusts to any skin color). It is it that is designed to consolidate makeup when you have already applied a tone cream and a consiler. Reduces the visibility of pores and instantly matures. There are transparent powders of banana, pink or green shades. They are designed for easy color correction, if the skin is prone to redness, but the masking ability does not possess such a powder. Inglot has 2 transparent powder: 3S - suitable for all skin types, it can even be used as a base for tonal cream, and translucent - suitable only for the fatty skin itself and applied only on T - zone.

Bronzing powder

It may be a dark powder, with a radiance or matte, but always on a warm golden subteon. The bronzing powder more relates to color products, such as blush. It gives the skin a light shade of tan, freshness, slightly sculpts. Locals a very light transparent layer. Apply the fluffy brush with a long pile to all protruding areas of the person who are subject to tan first (forehead, cheeks, cheeks, chin, nose, ears, neck). If you are in a hurry or do not like abundant layers of makeup - powder with a tanning effect will be enough.

How to find a face powder?

  • Decide with the texture of powder. It depends on what action you expect from the powder (see above).
  • If you use a tone-tone daily, then it will be enough transparent fixing powder for you. If you like to update the makeup on the day during the day - select Compact samples, it disks small flaws on the skin.
  • Determine your skin type. If it is dry or dehydrated - make sure that you do not contain drying ingredients, such as quartz or zinc. It is desirable that the powder contains oils and vitamins that will not strengthen dehydration.
  • If you choose a tonal powder, it is better to choose a color a little lighter than darker. Remember, under the influence of sebum and heat, powder have a feature to oxidize (darken). Apply a small number of fingers to the forehead center. If the color coincided with the skin color - powder yours.
  • When buying, do not choose powder in hand. Ask a consultant to apply it to your face and check what will happen to the skin in 3-4 hours. A good powder should not emphasize the skin texture and overheat it.

How to apply powder to face?

  • After applying a tone cream and consilers, wait 5 minutes 5 so that the cream textures adapt on the skin.
  • Apply a large fluffy brush with a long pile. It is she who will give the maximum easy covering.
  • Shining powder is recommended to apply circular polishing movements, and matting - by fluttering, driven by.
  • If you have dehydrated plots on your face (cheeks, for example), do not apply matting powder on them. Powder is only needed where the fat shine appears and you need to fix makeup. Avoid excessive powder to the area around the eyes.
  • Before you fix the makeup is compact powder, be sure to use matting napkins. They are delicately absorbed excess sebum without damaging makeup. Only then apply to Pudder. Sponge or powder, which go to the powder, apply it enough tightly, and sometimes spots. For such situations, it is better to get a small road brush for powder and ruzyn.

Many of you got up before choosing: powder or tonal cream - what is better?

Answer specialists: Of course, a tonal cream. Moreover, the market is represented by infinitely the number of textures: from the easiest moisturizing lotions with a toning effect to the most dense. But! The presence of any tone does not exclude the use of powder as an finishing stroke, which is no less important. It will be touched on how long your skin will be matte, how makeup will hold on how it will look in the photo.

Also, your choice may depend on the season and the status of the skin.

For example, in the summer, many girls prefer the powder, because the skin is almost all prone to fatty. During this period, the cream consilet, the SPF base and powder is sufficiently locally.

In winter and in transition periods, our skin is experiencing stress from temperature drops, becomes prone to dryness. In this case, give preference to liquid and cream textures, and powder only bring makeup to the ideal.

If you still prefer the powder, then pay special attention to nutritional skin care and skin preparation to makeup. Use the color-corrective and moisturizing bases, apply locally cream consileters.

With age, the condition of the skin is striving for dryness, in all in varying degrees, but it takes place. The more you have dry skin, the smaller it is recommended to use powder. If you have a fat brilliance during the day almost never appear, but it is better to give up to Poozzl and make a choice in favor of nutritious tonal means with a satin effect. Matte skin and lifting makeup - not compatible concepts))

The Habit of Pudritis appeared not one thousand years ago, and for a long time, not the most useful means for this purpose were used: a mixture of lead and chalk, rice starch, rice or wheat flour. Based on most of the modern powder - Talc (one of the most soft minerals), and there is no malicious lead in the composition at all, its role performs zinc oxide. Also, the composition may include white and red clay, floral oils, moisturizing components and vitamins, which allow the means not only not to score pores and do not provoke inflammation, but, on the contrary, care for the skin.

What is better: powder or tonal cream?

Powder and tone cream belong to one category (actually, tonal means), but at the same time they have different characteristics and properties. At the same time, an unequivocal answer to the question, which is better, there is no and can not be: under different circumstances, powder can be useful and a tone cream.

Tonal cream has a liquid or cream texture. It allows the means to merge with the skin, providing a uniform coating. At the expense of such a texture, additional useful components can also be added: caring oils and anti-aging ingredients.

Different tonal creams provide different coating density, so suitable and girls who almost do not need tone correction, and those who need to hide noticeable flaws: disguise acne, traces from acne or scars.

Powder, as a rule, dry consistency (cream is not so common yet) and has a smaller overlapping ability. It is hardly possible to cope with serious shortcomings, but there is no such task in front of it: a powder can make a tone more homogeneous, mocking the skin and align its relief. In addition, using powder in the "clean" form, do not forget the first thing to apply a moisturizing cream and let him absorb.

Tonal creams are adjusted for the needs of different types of skin, cosmetic brands produce versions for dry, oily, normal and even age-related skin. But with the powders, not everything is so simple: most of them do not fit girls with very dry skin, however, and there is a solution for them. For example, the NYX Professional Makeup brand came up with the Hydra Touch powder, which includes moisturizing components - chamomile extracts, cactus, algae chlorella and wheat sprouts.

Most often, it is not necessary to choose between powder and the tonal cream. If you do not have any skin problems with the skin, use a tonal cream to correct the tone, and on top to apply a powder that will prevent the oily shine and fixes the makeup.

More information about tonal creams are looking here:

6 Basic Face Puddles

The first image that occurs when mentioning powder is a compressed dry powder in a beautiful package with a mirror. Indeed, compact powders are the most popular, but far from the only one. We tell about each type of face powder.

Compact powder


The same powder with a mirror and a poucher (or sponge), which is accurately found in any female bag, backpack or evening clutch.

  • It can be used both to create day makeup (independently or in a duet with a tonal cream) and for its adjustment during the day. Use the compact powder to instantly make the skin more matte.
  • Compact powder can be applied a denser layer than the crumbling (a sponge is suitable for this), or to distribute a translucent layer in a powder or wide fluffy from a natural pile.
  • Be careful when choosing a shade: due to the more dense texture, the compact powder is more noticeable on the face than crumbling, so the tone must be selected perfectly. About how to choose powder of the desired shade, we will tell a little lower.

Loose powder


The second most popular type of powder. The crumbly powder on the texture is easier than compact, and more resembles a flour of fine grinding.

  • It does not overlap redness or other flaws of the skin, its main task is to make the skin and fix the tonal cream. It is applied by a thin layer over a strong brush. The crumbly powder perfectly removes the fat shine and lines the tone of the face.
  • To correct with its help makeup during the day is not so comfortable. As a rule, the crumbly powder is released in large round jars, which occupy enough space. In addition, the brush is rarely included.
  • There is another reason why the crumbly powder is better to use at home: particles of powder when applied are flying up in all directions and can be stained with clothing.
  • The crumbly powder is perfectly merged with the tone and is well distributed over the skin, but it is not necessary to apply it if the moisturizing or nutrient cream has not fully absorbed: the powder will end up with stains.
  • With the crumbly powder, it is almost impossible to overdo it, but if you still cause too much tools, just pass the face with a clean wide brush. All surplus will immediately be removed.
  • The shade of the crumbly powder can be even darker, and a little lighter tone of your skin. Most likely, the difference will be imperceptible on the face, since the remedy lays down a translucent layer.


In terms of its properties, it looks more like a light cream tone cream, but a little more dense is so so that it can be placed in the package from the compact powder. Cream-powder is also convenient to take with you, apply it to sponge or - to local areas - fingers. Such powder has the highest degree of overlap, so in some situations it can even replace the tone cream. An ideal solution for girls with dry skin, which is not suitable for the usual compact powder.

Mineral powder


Externally, the mineral powder is no different from the usual crumbly or compact powder, but the composition of it is different. It does not include substances that cause an allergic reaction, but caring components and useful minerals are included. This type of powder can use everything, but most of all it is suitable for sensitive skin.

Powder in balls

The powder in the balls is not so many cosmetic brands, so it can hardly be called very popular. It is sold in round jars, like crumbly, inside there are balls of compressed powder (monophonic or colored - the latest help to do lung). The main feature of this type of powder - there are reflective particles that give the face additional radiance and freshness. Such a powder is suitable for daily use, but good-skinned girls should be careful in handling it: shining particles can add the skin of an unnecessary shine.

Baked powder


Another pretty rare option is powered by a face. As can be seen from the name, it is baked in a special way at a temperature of 60 ° C. You can "identify" it according to a certain structure: the composition of the powder is inhomogeneous and more resembles the surface of some distant planet, shiny bodies are noticeable. There are two types of baked powder: matte and glossy. In the glossy powder there is more luminous particles than in the matte. Baked powder can use girls with any skin type. You can apply it like a brush and sponge.

Powder for different skin types: how to pick up and use?


  • Look for moisturizing and caring components: vegetable oils, vitamins, colors extracts. For example, in the moisturizing powder Hydra Touch Powder Foundation, there is a whole scatter useful for dry skin ingredients: cactus extracts, chamomile, algae chlorella, wheat sprouts.
  • The matting powder is not suitable for you (so even more dried the skin), but the cream will become the best solution.
  • Even if you have chosen a cream-based powder, be sure to use the usual moisturizing cream before applying it. Apply it by massaging movements and wait until the tool is absorbed.
  • It is not necessary to actively lay one tonal tool: In the case of dry skin, the risk of getting the effect of puff cake is especially great.

Limit into one translucent layer of moisturizing tonal cream and distribute over powder. It is better to use for this purpose not flat sponge, which is included in the powder kit, but a fluffy brush: so the coating will turn out to be weighty.

  • Do not apply a powder on those areas that are very flaky, or dehydrated most: usually it is cheeks and zone around the nose.
  • If you want to add a little shine leather, use mineral or powder with reflective particles.

Powder for problem skin

  • Prefer the mineral powder. Such does not contain oils, wax and fragrances, which, as a rule, is part of the usual powder: they can have a negative impact on the problem skin.
  • It is better if the following marks stand on the package: "For sensitive skin," "non-encoded", "does not cause allergies."


  • You fit any matting powder - and compact, and crumbly.
  • Avoid funds with reflective particles in the composition: your skin they will provide not beautiful radiance, but an unpleasant greasy shine.
  • Waterproof powder will also become an excellent solution for oily skin.
  • Before applying the powder, use the primer: it helps to mock the skin and controls the production of sebum.

Try the next beauty trick: before applying a tone cream or powder, wipe your face with ice cube. It will help a little pores a little and derete the appearance of oily shine.

  • It is necessary to apply the powder in your case: first pass the tassel around the face, and then add another layer of the means on the T-zone.

How to choose a powder for skin? 3 rules

You can buy a powder to the tone of the lighter of your skin, but the difference should not be more! Powder on two or three tones lighter can give the skin not too nice ashon.

If you have a bright porcelain leather, choose a powder with a pink subtock, if you are soiled - look for a variant with yellowish or orange pigments. If you have a middle tone skin, which is impossible to be called neither pale, nor dark, try the powder with a delicate peach tide.

Always test the powder on your face and compare the resulting shade with the color of the neck, and do not apply a means on the wrist, as it is often recommended to do with (this is, by the way, also an error). To check how suitable to you or another powder, apply it not only on your cheeks, but also on the jaw line.

How to apply powder?

Depending on what type of powder you use, you should adhere to certain rules for applying.

How to apply dry powder?

Type a small amount of powder on the brush and shake the surplus by having a brush along the back of the palm.

Distribute to powder, starting with the following areas: cheeks, forehead and zone around the nose.

Apply powder along the edges of the face.

By the way, the dry powder for a person can be used not only for its intended purpose. More about how this tool can still come in handy in make-up, read.

Unlike dry powder, cream-powder cannot be applied by a powder or brush - most of the product is simply absorbed into it. As a result, it is not possible to distribute powder to a smooth and uniform layer. Use a special sponge or brush, or apply cream powder with your fingers like a tone cream.

In general, when using cream powder, you should follow the same rules as when using any cream textures. Most importantly - careful decisive: cream funds look on the skin more naturally than dry, but provided that there are no spots and divorces on the skin. Therefore, pay special attention to the decisiveness and do not forget to apply powder on the whiskey and along the hair growth line.

Apply a cream powder dry sponge to get a light weightless coating and slightly adjust the tone. Or use a wet tone to get a more dense coating and hide disadvantages.

How to use powder in the balls?

Powder in the balls is also dry in its texture, so it is most convenient to apply a wide fluffy brush from a natural pile. Pre-circular movements, mix the brush of the balls in the package (if they are colored, it will help to mix colors), and then apply the powder on the face with a translucent layer.

Brushes for powder

When you choose makeup brushes, buy the most expensive option from those that you can afford: good brushes, alas, can not be cheap. This rule is relevant for any brush, regardless of its purpose. On the specific characteristics of brushes for powder, we will tell you more.

How to choose a brush for powder?

  • The brushes for mineral, crumbly and any other dry powder should be sufficiently long, soft and fluffy bristles, which are perfectly distributed by powder, without having mastered makeup. The best option is a wide dense, but fluffy brush with a rounded tip.
  • For crumbly, compact, mineral and any other dry powder, buy a brush from a natural pile, the cream must be applied to sponge.
  • Sometimes there are separate brushes for mineral powder on sale - they look almost the same way, but have a more dense structure: so villi literally imprinted useful minerals in the skin.

What is better to apply powder - sponge or brush?

Dry compact, mineral, crumbly and powder in balls (that is, any powder with a dry texture) It is most convenient to apply a brush from a natural pile. As a rule, when they are created using goat wool. Cream-powder is applied to a sponge - dry, to create a translucent coating, or wet so that the tone turns out to be more dense.

How to apply a brush powder?

To find out how to properly apply a brush, see our video tutorial.

Types of color in color and properties

Face matting powder

There are many matting agents, polymer particles, clay, corn starch, tapioca are often found in their composition. As can be seen from the name, the main task of such a powder is to deliver the skin from the fatty gloss. For dry skin, this powder is not suitable, but even if you have oily skin, it is better to look for a remedy with a reliable composition. For example, the Stay Matt But Not Flat from NYX Professional Makeup contains in the vitamin E, so the skin will feel comfortable. Choose an option in a compact package to always keep a reliable matting agent at hand.

Transparent powder

The transparent white powder is used to make the skin, as well as fasten the makeup - to hide acne, redness and other flaws of the skin can not. With the help of a transparent powder, you can create a natural makeup, but if you go over, the face will look as if you were drinking it to flour.

What is also useful to know about the transparent powder:

Bronzing powder

Can be used for, as well as instead. So that the image looked natural, choose the shade of the bronzing powder on one or two tons of darker and the warmer of your tone. If you have bright leather, choose peach, honey and beige-pink shades, for medium leather tones - bronze with pink subtock, dark, copper or amber option is suitable. Girls with very bright porcelain leather use the bronzing powder can not, it will create the effect of dirt on the face.

This powder has been left one of the bestsellers of the brand for several years - and not in vain: the remedy provides even silk coating for the whole day! Use it to mock the skin and provide meycap phenomenal durability.

Compact powder Affinitone, maybelline

This powder is characterized by the fact that it is suitable for any type of skin, even for dry. As part of Vitamin E, which is perfectly caring for the skin. Powder is distributed sufficiently thick layer, but does not score pores and does not give out its presence. Presented in five shades.

Moisturizing Powder Hydra Touch Powder Foundation, NYX Professional Makeup

This moisturizing powder contains vegetation extracts and moisturizing components, so it not only perfectly eliminates the bold glitter, but also provides her comfort for the whole day.

Folded Powder Souffle d'éclat Poudre Libre Translucide, YSL

This crumbly powder-pink shade powder contains pearl microparticles that help to give a skin light natural radiance. This powder veil is suitable even for sensitive skin!

Bronzing powder Sun Fabric, Giorgio Armani

The bronzing powder in two bills will help create on the effect of tanned skin, the contours of the face will emphasize and lines the skin tone. You can choose from four shades: from light brown to terracotta.

Compact powder Color Clone Pressed Powder, Helena Rubinstein

Compact powder from Helena Rubinstein has a truly valuable property: it is perfectly merged with the skin tone (hence the word "clone" in the title). In addition, it has a very compact size, therefore, the role of the most faithful beauty comrade forces by the Forces is the Color Clone Possed Powder fit even in a small clutch.

Crowded Powder Naked Skin, Urban Decay

Punches that are part of the powder will help to quickly hide skin irregularities and create an ideal relief. In addition, this crumbly powder is a silky texture, so apply one pleasure on the skin.

Powder with the effect of healthy shiny skin Belle de Teint, Lancôme

Let a modest package not misleading you: under the lid of this powder is hidden truly powerful. As part there are caffeine, which is effectively fighting with traces of fatigue, as well as apricot oil that is responsible for the skin. The effect is provided not only external, but also internal.

Compact Powder "Perfect Tone", Vichy

Mineral-based powder contains the SPF 25 filter, which will ensure the proper level of protection from the Sun. Pouder can also be used as an independent tonal agent, and as a makeup lock.

Powder is used as a fastening makeup element. Its use allows you to hide skin imperfections, eliminate irregularities and align the tone of the face. There are several types of it, and various tools for applying means help to achieve a certain effect: fasten makeup or remove the fat shine.


In the Middle Ages, the powdered powder consisted of a large number of components of both natural and not very. The first consisted of corn flour, starch potatoes. And even lead to others, even lead so that the skin was pale. She really light, but by sending toxins.

To date, the compositions have changed strongly and include:

  • flour of cereals;
  • red clay or kaolin;
  • potato starch;
  • potassium oxide;
  • floral flavors;
  • extracts of oils;
  • microelements and vitamins.

Depending on the type of powder, the silk fibers and mineral salts can also be found.

Such cosmetics has its own characteristics: due to the consistency can be used and applied in different ways, it is capable of fixing makeup and can give the skin of mattness.

Advantages and disadvantages

Powder is a dry powder. And it differs in the fact that the components of the adhesion may be present in its composition, which helps to be fixed on the skin for a long time. The pigment in the composition has a high concentration, due to which the skin becomes not only matte, but also velvety.

Main advantages:

  • makeup looks natural. When using definite tools for applying a means (for example, brushes), it is easy to achieve a professional level of makeup applying;
  • eliminated fat shine. As part of powder (especially for oily skin), units are always present, which absorb excess moisture and fat on the surface of the epidermis;
  • allow the Derma to breathe. Due to the decline in preservatives, powder restores oxygen exchange in the skin. Such cosmetics contains less than all chemical additives;
  • you can use in the hot season.Excessive humidity on the skin for such means is not a problem - they are just created to restrain the sweating (without blocking pores). Due to the powder, you can easily notify makeup or restore the natural tone of the face, as well as a few touch to remove excess fat from the dermis.

However, the shortcomings also have:

  • the complexity of use. On some plots you can apply more cosmetics, to others - less. In the absence of skills in the use of brush, makeup may look inactively;
  • irregularity of application. With repeated use of powder, it can score pores, sliding and falling around. So that this does not happen, it is necessary before fixing makeup to get into the face with a napkin;
  • stressing the shortcomings of the epidermis. Some powders have a property being clogged in wrinkle lines and accumulate around dry plots of dermis. It is impossible if you apply makeup correctly;
  • time consumption.Since the cosmetic base is applied in several layers, the time for the main care is spent more;
  • certain types of powder are harmful to apply for combined skin.When using a compact powder, makeup rolls and stacked on the derma unevenly. It is necessary to carefully select the type of skin.

In general, powdered bases are an excellent way to achieve a natural, uniform facial tone. Funds are particularly popular with young girls.


From the moment the powder was invented, not only its composition changed, but also expanded opportunities. Currently, there is a large selection in the cosmetic market. Manufacturers offer to choose a tool according to the most individual needs.


Represents a dense consistency that is pressed. As a rule, it has several shades, and can cover with a dense layer of skin. Differences such as powder: small size, packaging (placed in hand), mirror coating on one side and a small sponge bundled.

Such powder should be chosen on the tone of the lighter of his skin shade, otherwise it will be lying on an uneven layer.


It has the most soft, small texture from all species. This is a means in the form of a bulk powder, with which it is easy to create the most natural skin coating. It gives the derma shining look and easily adjusts the tone of the face. Also, due to its texture, it is completely connected to the tone base. Is the best way to fix makeup;


It can easily replace the tonal base on the face. It is often used with fast makeup, it is capable of better than the kinds of masking flaws of the epidermis. As a rule, it lies with a dense layer. To apply such powder correctly, it is necessary to practice, otherwise the irregularities of the dermis can manifest. Sometimes used as a sculpturing analog. When buying a light tone, a powder can have a discoloration effect.

With flicker

It can occur both in compact and in the crumbly version. Powder with reflective particles gives natural radiance skin, which is necessary for evening makeup. It is easier than the rest of the species applied to the skin. However, it should be used in a fatty and problematic dermis: can enhance the bold shine and clog pores.


The composition of cosmetics includes special ingredients that dry inflammation. Such a means not only masks redness, but also removes irritation. The antiseptic base is suitable for a fatty and combined skin type. The makeup artists are advised after applying this basis to use the layer of ordinary powder.


Powder-bronzer gives the skin with a tinge. It is used in the summer to give the skin effect of the tan or remove small inflammation and irregularities. The tool also eliminates pigment spots. Sometimes there is a view of powder mosaic (with several shades).


Such cosmetics is sometimes called transparent. Used for any shade and type of skin. In its composition there are quartz components, thanks to which excess fat and moisture are instantly absorbed, and the bold shine is eliminated. The transparent powder differs from the rest of what has a neutral tone, it is not able to cope with the masking of the defects of the dermis, but perfectly aligns its tone. Sometimes used as highlight.


This view of powder consists of a large number of small balls of various shades: from the darker to bright. Due to this, the color is obtained saturated and natural. The means can fasten the makeup, and sometimes used as a blush.


It has the natural composition of all types of cosmetic bases. Its active ingredients are mineral salts and natural oils that allow the skin to breathe. In addition to the health effect, powder has a corrective effect and perfectly copes with imperfections of the epidermis.


The composition includes a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Such powders have a filter protecting the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. Due to the antioxidants, the tone of the person is aligned, and the pearl components give it a natural radiance.


The very first stage for a successful purchase is the definition of the required shade. The best is when the shade of powder coincides with the color of the skin of the face, but it is rare. To properly determine its shade, it is necessary to observe simple rules:

  • apply a small amount of money on the wrist and see how natural it looks on the skin in day and artificial lighting;
  • for a more accurate determination of the color palette, a small amount of powder must be applied to the chin, watching the condition of the skin and its color.

  • with regular visits to the solarium, it is better to acquire a bronze powder;
  • in the absence of a rose shades on the skin, pink shades should be avoided - they make a pale skin unnatural. In such cases, you can see the amber shade of the means;
  • for girls with dark skin color you need to use a dark basis. They shall be tangible and perfectly combined with tonal bases;
  • for makeup in the evening, use the empathy base to the tone lighter than usual;
  • compact powder can make white skin on a few tones darker, so it is necessary to select a shade carefully;
  • with an unsuccessful purchase, such cosmetics can be used to visually adjust the face shape.

When irregularities on the face and mimic wrinkles, it is necessary to buy bright shades: they will give the natural radiance of the skin and speak the dermis.

Pusher Application Tools

The choice of means for applying is quite large. Separate tools followed by each type of powder separately. This gives the most comfortable and correct use of any basic fastening makeup. It happens:

  • tassel. By buying such a tool, you need to choose natural manufacturers. The brush is best to apply dry bases - it is especially good to use it for the distribution of the crumbly powder. In this case, the face is covered with a smooth, thin layer. A small brush is an excellent sculptor of the facial oval;
  • sponge.It is used to distribute the epidermis compact and creamy powder. Sponge can be applied a more dense layer than the tassel. Due to this, a uniform texture is created that hides the shortcomings of the epidermis. It is necessary to rub the remedy neatly, without stretching the epithelium, and even better - just patted the roller face;
  • puff.With the help of it you can apply quickly and easily any cosmetics. It is possible to use a gun only after cleaning, as a large number of pigments are settled on the vile.

So that the powder lay in a smooth layer on the skin, it is necessary to take into account not only its tone, but also the composition. Most of the funds are intended for certain types: one can mask irregularities, other eliminate bold blacks. But it is important that there are no artificial dyes and parabens in the composition.

If there is excessive work of the sebaceous glands, then apply to the face it is necessary to powder dry or crumbly type. Mineral tools will make the face shining and lines the skin tone.

Powder developing, transparent - will help you adjust the irregularity of makeup or can be used as the main matting the skin.

Several effective advice on use:

  • to prevent sniffing powder, it is necessary to use a base or moisturizing cream before applying;
  • better, if the tone of the powder is a little lighter skin color;
  • for uniform distribution, use special tools: brush, powder or sponge;
  • before use, the powder should be waited 20 minutes: it is necessary that the nutritional cream is completely absorbed;
  • sequentially distribute the foundation of a clean face: first to the center of the forehead, nose and chin, and then on the cheeks and cheekbones;
  • before quick makeup adjustment should get the face with a napkin.

Application Rules: Step-by-step instructions

Each type of powder has its own subtleties. With the help of special devices, you can distribute the tool in the best possible way.

Powder compact type - the most popular foundation for the face of the girls. It allows you to adjust makeup anywhere quickly and without much effort. For its uniform use, the brush or sponge is most suitable.

To create a matte effect on the skin and radiance, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of powder: take a very little substance and distribute it with patting movements all over the face.

Transparent powder can be used after a tonal cream. It is necessary to distribute it along the massage lines with a brush, slightly touching the skin. After that, you can easily apply blush on the cheeks.

If necessary, hide strong disadvantages or pigment spots, use a more dense layer of powder. For a natural coating, it is better to apply a wet spongature to a wet spongature or put the remedy over the applied cream - this is called a wet way. The makeup artists are recommended to complete such a makeup with a brush, tapping to her in problem areas, as when applying a tone base.

The use of scattering powder requires compliance with some rules:

  • it is necessary to wait until the tone base is fully absorbed;
  • religious cosmetics best with a wide brush: so the skin will find smoothness and velvety;
  • choose the remedy should be circular movements, easily touching the powdered basis;
  • excess the powder must be shaken off the brush and only then apply down the entire face.

In the summer it is best to use powder mineral type. It is useful for the dermis. To apply it easily, a large skill is required or special tools for the distribution on the skin: a row or brushes. Such cosmetics must be applied first on cheeks and cheekbones, but only then - to the central part of the face. Cleaning must be completely dry.

After killing a small amount of means on the gun, you should act on the face with circular movements. To the dermis with advanced pores should be applied by powder with strokes to prevent their clogging.

Use a creamy base on long journeys. It is allowed to apply it even with your fingers, only apply pattering movements. It is necessary to cover the face from the forehead center to the temples, then move to the chests and only then to the chin. On the nose, the means should be applied in the latter order.

How much is

The cost depends on several indicators: from the brand, composition and type of powder. Average cosmetics indicators are shown below.

Compact powder is considered one of the most economical consumption and budget costs. For example, you can find funds from 120 rubles per pack (Vivienne Sabo and Rubyrose). However, the brand brand "Lux" (Clinique) offer a tool at a price of 1000 rubles.

A good crumbly powder is sold at a price above 1100 rubles, regardless of the brand. This indicates the presence of nutritious and caring components.

Cream-powder can be found high-quality composition in the price range from 400 to 1200 rubles. However, it should be familiar with the components: there should be no fragrances and dyes in the composition.

The flickering cosmetics should be properly filling: particles must be barely noticeable and supplemented with a mineral complex. Taking into account these factors, the cost of powder is overestimated. Quality brands are presented in price from 1300 to 4000 rubles.

The best composition of the antiseptic powder is oils and anti-inflammatory components. The tool can be found even in a pharmacy, and the average price is from 440 to 1500 rubles.

Bronzing Taking into account its name, has a large amount of dark pigments, which means they should be natural. Otherwise, an allergic reaction is possible. Natural components are slightly expensive than artificial additives, so high-quality powder brockets have a price from 1000 rubles.

The average cost of transparent powder - 800 rubles.

Ballovaya costs from 350 rubles. Such cosmetics is a budget analogue of bronzing cosmetics.

Mineral Tool It has very different prices (a manufacturer and consistency of cosmetics are taken into account). For example, you can find mineralized powder for 400 rubles from budgetary brands, and it is possible for 3,400 rubles from the Lux class brand.

A rejuvenating powder base may cost from 300 rubles.

The face depends on its shape, texture and composition. Let's figure out what powders can use for makeup, and how best to contact them.

How to apply a powder: COMPACT POWDER

Modern compact powder is not the product that our mothers and grandmothers are accustomed to. So, it is able to create a coating of any density: from a thin veil to the "creation of second skin", it is not dried and protects against the negative effects of the external environment. Modern powder can moisturize, and even nourish.

The method of applying a compact powder depends on what you plan to use it. If your goal is to fix makeup, make a face matte, or you want to refresh mek during the day, use a big brush, spending it from top to bottom to smooth out a small pile on the face. Before applying the powder, be sure to remove all excess the skin with a matting, or wet napkin.

Every time you drink a face during the day, remove excess fat with napkins. If this is not done, powder is mixed with skin bass and acne and forgotten pores may form. In addition, makeup will look inactively.

In case you need to create a tight coating, use a special sponge. Choose powder and drive into the skin, as if you apply a tonal cream. Best of all, if you are applied to the powder to the not yet absorbed day cream, or you will use the wet sponge. So powdered coverage will look natural. Do not forget to grow well powder so that the borders can not be seen. From above, you can walk a large brush to secure the result.

If you plan to disguise small disadvantages of the face, take a small brush (for both the corrector), a little of her smell with water. After that point to the means.

How to apply a powder: LOOSE POWDER

The crumbly powder is an ideal product for fastening makeup. It is easy to apply and it easily creates an invisible veil on the face. The main rule of application of the crumbly powder is to wait when the tone cream is completely absorbed.

Often, girls complain that the crumbly powder leaves the stain on his face and sorry, sin on the quality of the product. In fact, the reason is that the tone cream did not have time to absorb. And the crumbly powder extremely does not like layers on wet products.

Can be applied to a classic brush or special sponge. In the first case, the application scheme from above - down, as if smoothing the hairs. In the second, powder is needed by light movements to "indulge" in the skin.

So that the powder is better "clinging" for the brush, dial it with circular movements. The remains of the brush with the brush, or say a solid part of the edge of the faders.

How to apply a powder: MINERAL POWDER

Mineral powders are very often heavy for applying the product. Although it has a number of advantages. In particular, its composition is 100% natural, it does not score pores and even treat acne.

To apply mineral powder, you will need a special brush called "Kabuki". Kabuki must necessarily be with a natural pile. Mineral powder, as well as her crumbling sister, loves moisturized skin without fatty glitter. Therefore, before applying it is better to get into the excess fat with a napkin.

The mineral powder is best to gain from the packaging as well as crumbly: the circular movements of the brush, removing excess the tapping along the edge of the pyrome. Mineral powder is applied in small circular motions. Initially, the contour of the face is being worked out, and then the central part. In areas where there are extended pores, circular motions are better changed to the smears so that the powder does not fit into the pores.

Mineral powder can be applied by layers until you achieve the coverage of the required density.

How to apply a powder: Cream-powder

Cream-powder is an excellent product when quality needs to be made as quickly as possible. She also helps on trips when you do not want to take with you many jars. Cream powder is applied, both wet and dry way on moisturized skin. Before applying the remnants of the powder, it is necessary to remove with a napkin.

Cream-powder must be applied gradually, starting with the middle of the forehead, rustling with it with light movements. Ideally make a decisive circular movement. After applying the means on the forehead, you can move to the temples, and then to the cheeks and chin. At the very end, the nose is being worked out. For applying powder to the eye area, it is best to use a small brush. This will work out every centimeter in this such delicate area.

Complete application best, using the crumbly powder - it will secure the tone for the whole day.

Applying powder - the final stage in the process of makeup. It allows you to hide excessive shine, make the color of the face brighter, and the disadvantages are less noticeable. There are various types of cosmetic agents that can not only align skin tone, but also darkened, dry, mock or give healthy radiance. In the desire to look like the most attractive every woman should know how to properly apply the powder on the face so that the skin looks natural and fresh throughout the day.

Structure of powder, its advantages and disadvantages

The cosmetic product is a fine powder consisting of a variety of ingredients. Thanks to them, the remedy can well hold on to the skin, giving the face velvety and beautiful shade.

The composition of the decorative means

Today, the leather decor is based on mineral components, moisturizing components, various fonds and preservatives that can extend the shelf life of the product. Modern powders usually contain substances:

These components give decorative cosmetics all the necessary qualities and are quite safe for health. Usually, each manufacturer produces its product according to individual composition and therefore powders may differ from each other in resistance, a variety of shades, a method of application and price.

Pros and Cosmetic Product Cons

Powder is very convenient in use, as for counting minutes can give the face a healthy shade and hide small flaws. In addition, it contains special ingredients that allow the powder substance not to turn, but to decorate the skin for a long time. Therefore, this agent is quite popular among all consumers of cosmetic products.

The main advantages from the use of a decorative product are as follows:

Unfortunately, at the cosmetic decor there are some drawbacks:

Mainly, the decorative means for makeup always helps to achieve the desired result. It is just necessary to just buy a suitable product, as well as know how to properly use the face powder and in the end you can get a well-groomed, silky skin of the perfect shade.

Types of means and appliances for applying

There is a huge selection of decorative cosmetics for every taste and wallet. Thereby, you can easily choose a suitable meanswhich will correspond to the type of epidermis and will help create a magnificent appearance.

Main types of face decor

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of cosmetic product, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bits species, features and rules of use. Powder happens the following types:

The quality of powder always depends on its composition, so during the acquisition it is recommended to choose those products that do not contain chemical additives and harmful dyes. And it is also necessary to carefully select a suitable tone of the decorative coating, which practically will not differ from the primary color of the face.

Tools for makeup

In order for the cosmetic base to cover the skin with a beautiful and smooth layer, it is necessary to apply a powder with special devices suitable for this procedure. You must select them depending on the type of product. It is recommended to have a set of different tools that may be needed when performing day, evening or unusual makeup. These include:

After working with any tool, it is always necessary to put it in order - it is good to wash warm water with soap, then thoroughly dry and then store until the next use.

Rules for applying a cosmetic product

Surely every woman wants her makeup to look impeccably, emphasized the dignity, made prettier and younger. But the basis of a successful image is the perfect skin that can be achieved using a decorative coating for the face and its competent application.

To find out how to properly paint powder, it is necessary to explore the recommendations of the makeup artists:

Observing these rules, you can easily achieve the desired result, the main thing is not to impose too much tools and try to distribute it exactly on the surface of the skin.

Instructions for applying powder

Many representatives of beautiful sex do not know whether it is possible to apply a powder without a tone cream and therefore apply it only after the color base for the face. But if the skin is clean, fresh and does not have noticeable defects, it will be quite humidifying and several layers of powder, which will help create a perfect tone and emphasize the beauty of the face.

It is necessary to cover the skin with decorative means of different types as follows:

To get the maximum effect of using a cosmetic decor, applying funds needed very carefully, given their texture and purpose. Only in this case the make-up will look complete, and the face will shine health and beauty.

Each fair sex should be perfectly seized the technique of proper application of powder. After all, smooth and fresh skin, obtained by decorative correction, will decorate a woman of any age, will increase self-esteem and give confidence.