How to meet a man in classmates. Dating on Odnoklassniki: all kinds of options

It is no secret that in the modern world the Internet has practically ousted many information carriers, places of leisure and entertainment from people's lives. After all, today you can watch any film or program, read an interesting article or book, find ways of treatment, entertain yourself with games, tests, horoscopes and fortune-telling, admire the masterpieces of world art culture or listen to music, meet your soul mate and even organize a virtual date without leaving your home ...

Many Internet users prefer to communicate and keep abreast of the news of friends and family, as well as the latest in politics, cinema, fashion, music and other things through social networks.

One of the most popular international social resources is the Odnoklassniki website. Among the many fun and interesting communities presented on the site, there is a unique group for dating and communication "All dating sites"... Why is our group unique? Yes, because you can communicate and get acquainted in it directly, and those who prefer specialized sites for dating on the Internet can register on the newest and most interesting, as well as on well-known and popular sites, choosing them from the list presented in our community.

To start dating within a group or on the dating sites we offer, you just need to become a member of our All Dating Sites community. The convenience of our group, hosted on the Odnoklassniki website, is that you can simultaneously fully use the capabilities of your account and try your luck and find your soul mate or just interesting friends for communication without leaving the site.

As a member of our group, you can join such bright and interesting dating sites as Flirchi, Mamba, Kismia, Teamo, Photostrana, eDarling, Chokolate, Tourbar, choosing the one that is closest to your interests and desires. Our community is much more convenient than specialized dating sites. Here you will not need additional registration if you have an account on classmates.

A person interested in you can visit your page, see what you share on Odnoklassniki, put a “Class” on your photos and posts. The same opportunities open up before you.

In our group you can also post your photos, create topics for communication in the forum. Knowing how many negative moments in communication occur on the Internet today, especially in chats and forums, we take care of the warm climate of our group, so that each of its members would be pleasant and comfortable to be in our friendly company. To this end, the forum topics are first tested by the group moderator, and only then, subject to their admissibility, appear for general review by the community members.

The number of members of our group has outweighed 56 thousand, and this figure is growing rapidly every day, which means that the chance to meet interesting people is getting higher every day. If you are a sociable person who is looking for good friends for communication, strive to find your soul mate or make romantic acquaintances for flirting, have fun in a good company, then in our group we are waiting for you!


Honestly, if nothing comes to your mind except "Hello", please do not write to me. All these conversations usually do not end with anything: Hello, How are you, Great ... Communication is when both have a desire to get to know each other, there is an intention to communicate. And if it is weak, then in the interlocutor you will find only its confirmation ..

FOR REFLECTION When you sleep with women left and right, they all merge into one. And she just changes her name, skin, face, height and voice. Hair length, bust and lingerie color vary from case to case. But you repeat your memorized phrases to her, do the same things, make the same movements in the established order: "You smell good ... move closer, more ... I'm afraid of you ... I want your lips so much ... I I can't anymore ... what happiness ... I like you terribly ... it seems to me that this is a dream ... we will do this all night, all our lives ... "You talk the same thing every night to different girls with a spell the gaze of a child who unfolds a gift. Change leads to repeatability. Paradoxically, novelty arises only if you remain faithful to one woman. Don Juans are unimaginative. Casanova is considered to be a multi-user, but he was just a lazy person. Because no matter how you change women, you still remain the same peasant, a champion of the path of least resistance. It takes talent to be faithful. And then only you will receive your happiness, the happiness of being LOVED! Frederic Beigbeder

You know, meetings in life are not accidental! Nothing happens by chance, Once, in the midst of impotence and despair, One soul suddenly finds another ... ... Eye to eye, smile, word for word - A casual conversation turned out! With the arrow of Cupid-apt and passionate Hearts have already been shot at point-blank range! ... Call, question-answer, then date! It will no longer be possible to live without each other ... Let them meet each other with a delay, Let it be better late than not to live, but to suffer. ... And we will say goodbye to the sad past, We will become Tenderness, we will become Faithfulness ... We do not live, we admire life! Randomness has suddenly become a regularity !!!

Any kind of relationship is like sand in your hands. Hold it loosely, in an open hand - and the sand stays in it. The moment you squeeze your hand tightly, sand begins to pour out through your fingers. This way you can retain some of the sand, but most of it will spill out. It's the same in relationships. Treat the other person and their freedom with care and respect, while staying close. But if you squeeze too tight and with a claim to possession of another person, the relationship will deteriorate and crumble ...

I like talking to you Drawing an image in an alluring silence Mysteriously imagination slides Though not familiar in real life Everyone has their own way in it Their dreams of hopes and aspirations We wanted to share thoughts They bring inspiration :))

Never, never, never give up, No matter how difficult it is to go through life. Falling on your knees, rise again from your knees, To grit your teeth to reach the goal! Never, never judge anyone, May you not be judged yourself then. Try to understand, and having understood, forgive ... God is the only judge for your offenders! Never, never regret anything, Let not everything you wanted to do. It all depends on you: want to, be able to ... And all the obstacles will be left behind! Never regret what happened, The days of the past, alas, we can no longer return. Never regret what will be, the days to come are not yet known to us the way. Never, never accumulate resentment, Let fate punish your offenders. It is not given to them to understand that by offending others, Initially, they offend themselves. Never, never hesitate to your loved ones Confess your love and work miracles. May love and God be kept in life. Only kindness lives in your heart. Never, never, never give up, You need to go through life with dignity. No matter how difficult it is, always smile, To reach your goal with a smile!

Why do we use social media? The answer to this question is quite logical - for communicating with friends, relatives, colleagues from a former job, and so on. have long been not just a website for communication - at your service are many services and services, thanks to which you can watch movies and funny videos, listen to music, play interesting games, and so on. There is a special contingent of people who start a page for themselves just to get to know the opposite sex. And what, it’s quite convenient.

Our parents used to get to know each other personally, when they met. Now times are completely different and you can get acquainted online, especially since there are a great many photos for preliminary acquaintance. By the way, there are already many couples who met each other on the Internet. Yes, this method of dating will seem at least strange to someone, but others use it, as they say, 100 percent.

So how do you find your soul mate? There are two ways - using search and through special applications. Let's start in order.

Dating through search

Everything is simple and banal here. You can search for a person by their first or last name. However, you can use the advanced search and indicate not the name, but the age and place of residence of the person - you must agree, do you need an old woman of 80 years old, living in the Krasnodar Territory, when you, a young man in the prime of life, live somewhere in the Far East ? We don't think so.

Another option is to try to find a person in a thematic group. By the way, this method is very good - let's say you love motorcycles and want a biker girl for yourself. Where to find her? That's right - in the group of bike lovers.

However, there is one clear drawback here. Not everyone wants to get to know you, besides, not everyone knows how to properly structure a conversation in such a way that something useful would come of it. Therefore, we move on to method number two.

Dating through special applications

Let's start right away with the cons. Usually there is no search as such, you can only choose your geographic location, but setting the same age is unlikely to work. Most applications do not allow you to get to the user with whom you are communicating, and therefore you will not be able to learn much about him. Subsequently, this can develop into a big problem when you see a person in a photograph or in real life. That is, the inconvenience is obvious.

But let's get back to the pluses. All users who enter this kind of games are looking for relationships, which means that the most target audience is in your pocket. And besides, it is much easier to start communicating in the application than to just write to the girl you like in private: “Hello! How are you?".

In a word, do not sit idly by - go ahead, look for your soul mate!

Communication on social networks, like dating itself, has become popular due to the lack of real time for communication. People prefer to meet on the Internet, rather than at a disco or in a park. Therefore, in order to get acquainted with a possible soul mate, many disappear on social networks for hours, and sometimes days.

Getting to know classmates is quite simple, but also difficult at the same time. After all, it is difficult to immediately understand where to start a conversation with a stranger. It is very interesting to communicate with friends, but how can a woman meet a man she likes in her classmates?

Features of dating in social networks of men and women

Despite the equality, the peculiarities of acquaintance between men and women differ in ways and techniques. Men and women often meet on the Internet with their halves or just friends, but the ways of dating are very different. This is how men and women meet online.

Only men can start an acquaintance with a compliment. It may seem strange at present, but the unspoken rules allow them to start communicating with the opposite sex just like that. Also, an unfamiliar man can congratulate a girl on her birthday in classmates, send her a beautiful gift or a link to congratulations on a postcard, and this can initiate acquaintance and communication.

But if a woman behaves this way, it can cause confusion and scare off a partner, since men may regard such behavior as obsessiveness and inadequacy, especially if the woman is not attractive or is older than the man. That is why in no case should a woman begin acquaintance with a gift, birthday greetings or just a holiday.

A man can tell a woman that she is beautiful, beautiful and sweet, but a woman cannot tell a man. This can be subconsciously regarded as an invasion of personal territory without permission, and a woman who wrote something like this may be prohibited from visiting the page of a young handsome man. Therefore, a woman cannot begin her acquaintance with the recognition of a man's beauty or admiration for his taste.

An invitation to a real restaurant if a man and a woman live in the same city. In this situation, both man and woman have equal rights, but the success of such an acquaintance depends on the woman's artistry and how she does it. A man can simply invite a girl he likes to meet in a cafe or just take a walk in the park, but the success of this event depends on the experience of the other half and on the girl's expectations and ambitions.

Therefore, the likelihood of such an acquaintance may be the same for a man and a woman. Only for a girl an invitation to take a walk or spend time in a restaurant can cause a mixture of admiration and self-satisfaction, and for a man - curiosity and interest. But you should not offer such an acquaintance to those who are already in a couple or married. Otherwise, such behavior will be regarded as harassment or the man may stop communicating.

A man in the process of communication can address a woman with the words "beloved and dear", but a woman - not. Only after the relationship has moved on to the next stage. Therefore, a man, especially an attractive and smart one, will have many reasons and ways of acquaintance, unlike a woman. But on the other hand, a woman can do it more gracefully, beautifully and artistically, acting not so straightforward and simply.

Actions of men and women when meeting classmates

The man speaks and acts directly. Because subconsciously, a woman expects from him not only beautiful words, but also actions. From time immemorial, girls dreamed that a decisive and handsome prince would come for them to take them to a splendid country. And today dreams have not changed, only instead of a horse they now dream of an expensive car, instead of a mysterious country - a secured and prosperous world in a good apartment with comfortable conditions. And even if this is all for a man in the future, then the girl may like him with words, compliments, gifts and actions. He attracts women with his decisiveness, honesty and straightforwardness.

A woman must act gradually. Even in today's social media world. Talk with a man about common affairs, acquaintances, be wise, intelligent and successful in his favorite business, and at the same time quietly demonstrate to him your beauty and readiness for closer communication. And for this, the best tools will be her beauty, attractiveness and other personal qualities. Therefore, a woman should consider her role before taking action. Then the result will be as it should be.
Features of men who like to communicate in Odnoklassniki

All women who want to meet on this social network need to know them. The fact is that Odnoklassniki became one of the first social networks aimed at communicating between those who once studied together or worked. Therefore, the main category of men on the site is the average age, at least 25 and older. Most of those who are there love communication, although they directly exchange pictures and gifts with their friends and classmates. Most often, this network is actively visited by the following categories of men:

Married guys from 25 to 30 years old who do not live in their hometown. Most often, they keep in touch with their parents or former friends through this social network. Therefore, they immediately write in the information about themselves that they are married, and do not just get to know women. Let the heart of these men lie only through communication with his wife or relatives, otherwise he will not get acquainted under any pretext. Unless you are a relative of the boss's yoke or the new secretary who sent him a message from him.

Students who study in other cities and have had very close communication with their classmates. Unfortunately, in the modern world this rarely happens, and not only because friendly classes are extremely rare. It's just that students are more fond of other social networks, where you can constantly communicate with the help of pictures, photos, or where the page design is more attractive for them.

Therefore, in classmates there are only a few of them. Such guys willingly make contact with strangers, but it is very important to attract them beautifully, bewitch and intrigue. They are greedy for everything beautiful and unusual, especially for bright avatars. These men love companionship, but they choose women younger than themselves and have a negative attitude towards older women.
Mature and independent middle-aged men from 30 to 55-60 years old. They not only communicate with former classmates, but also solve business issues. These men may also be in search of their soul mate, but they do this not on dating sites, but are looking for an attractive woman among colleagues and acquaintances. And they find it quite often. They usually register a nickname under their real name and surname. And their friends are all real.

Lovelaces and scammers. There are not many of them, but sometimes they are also in classmates. Calculating them is easy, as they often come up with striking pseudonyms and pose attractive photographs. Usually their work is designed for a specific female audience or age: young guys are often forced into friends with peers or frivolous high school students who are looking for acquaintances with attractive young people in their classmates.

Other young guys are looking for an older woman who is already desperate to get married or just find a life friend. Skillfully pretending to be boys in love, but soon become gigolos and abandon their patrons when they are unable to serve them or begin to demand to marry.

There are many men who meet women, either young or, on the contrary, older in order to satisfy their needs. They promise to young and inexperienced women mountains of gold for sex, and they try to make older women fall in love with them so that later they will rewrite an apartment for them or give them a large amount of money. It is not always possible and simple to calculate such men, but it is possible. They often choose pseudonyms with names, often change photos and are registered under different accounts. You need to be especially careful with them.

Inadequate men. Usually there are many of them where there are acquaintances. They often choose scary and frightening aliases for themselves, they are sticky and strange behavior is detected almost immediately. But there are also those who persecute their victims, for example, rapists, pedophiles or even maniacs. Usually they choose a type and often begin to wait until a real acquaintance will take place. They do not give themselves away, they can pretend to be affectionate and pleasant people, but their inadequacy begins to manifest itself if you do not communicate with them for a long time or refuse to come to a personal meeting. They can then show their true colors and start swearing, threatening, etc. They should be blocked immediately and you no longer need to communicate with them, as this can be dangerous not only for your mental health, but also for life.

Take a look at his page and read information about him. If he has a private profile, and you have mutual friends, then try to ask them to introduce you to him. You can name any reason, for example, that he once worked for you, that you saw him recently, or that perhaps he forgot his mobile or laptop in your organization. Better glasses or something.

You need to start with something neutral. The main thing is to get access to his page and find out information about him. Well, if you want to remain unnoticed for now, put invisibility. This will allow you to calculate further actions and choose a suitable photo for acquaintance.

Analysis of information. In the user profile, everyone leaves information about themselves. For example, about the city where he was born, place of study or marital status. Pay attention to these points right away to think about where to start your acquaintance. If you are familiar with his city, then you can ask a man about what has changed there now, what is the travel or the cost of housing, how is it with work, etc.

It is possible that he will gladly tell you about this and you will make an acquaintance. If he is married, then try to get to know his wife under any pretext. Go to his page, find out what she does, and contact her with a neutral request. For example, if she's a nail artist, find out how to get to her salon. If she is a photographer, sign up for a photo session, or check the information about the cost of a photographer for your sister's wedding, etc.
The main thing is to make friends with her and gradually become her friend. And there will already be a reason to meet her man. There is another way. Find out what he is doing and ask for advice or, on the contrary, gently show that you understand his issue.

This can be the beginning of an acquaintance.

Choose a good photo. It can be different depending on the purpose of your acquaintance. Decide what you will show in the photo. It is important that it matches your goal and the image that your man will like. For example, you can show how you are relaxing, where you like to spend time, or show a high-quality art portrait.
But do not send a photo in a swimsuit to a married man, even if you look amazing in it, or take pictures without makeup in unkempt clothes. You should radiate neatness, neatness and beauty, and choose the degree of frankness depending on how your partner is ready to perceive this or on the purpose of your acquaintance. And if for an easy flirtation with a divorced and respectable lover, you can send a photo in a swimsuit, then for love it is better to choose a more gentle and modest image. He should be gentle and romantic.

Reason for dating. Write a message to a man about his mutual friend, ask a question about a mutual acquaintance or a field of activity in which he understands, after that you can add him as a friend and wait for an answer. You can say that you are his relative, colleague, or friend he forgot about. But do not be upset if he does not immediately accept your application. It means that you just did something wrong and next time you will definitely get lucky.

Virtual love article pages


By registering on the Odnoklassniki website, you can pursue several goals - to find relatives you have never met, make interesting friends, start flirting with a nice person, etc. Depending on your goal, your actions will be different.

If your goal is to find a potential soul mate, start by looking at the pages of different people. To do this, go to the "People on the site" section. You can get into it by left-clicking on the line with the words "People on the site", which is on the right side under the section "Your friends on the site". In the section that appears on the top line, you can choose at your discretion the place of residence of the person, i.e. if you want to meet people from your city - enter its name, and if from another - enter its name.

On the line below, mark the gender among whose representatives you will be looking for new friends. To do this, check the box next to the words "man" or "woman". Depending on which gender you mark, the page will immediately change and avatars of people who have passed through the specified filter will appear. Also in the search line, you can indicate the approximate age of the people with whom you seek to meet.

After you adjust all the settings, you will see the avatars of various people matching the specified parameters. If you liked someone visually, you can go to his page - to do this, click on the line with the last name and first name, or click on the photo of the chosen one or the chosen one. After visiting the page of the person you like, rate the photo or sign a cute comment on the status you like.

If you are determined to make acquaintance with the owner of the selected profile - write an unobtrusive message. Ask about something neutral, encouraging dialogue, give a compliment, ask about something, find out about hobbies, for example, “girl, you have a wonderful figure, do you like to go to the gym?”, “There are so many interesting photos in your photos - you are a sailor ? " etc. When meeting, try not to compliment the person you like to the level of an idol, because not everyone is interested in blatant flattery.

If a person responds to your message or comment, comes to visit and gives excellent grades and "classes" - feel free to regard such actions as reciprocal sympathy. Try to develop communication, show interest in something. If you are in the mood for a serious relationship and long-term friendship, try to be natural, do not seek to embellish anything.