How to invite an unfamiliar man on a date. How to invite a guy for a date: trouble-free phrases and methods

Although the times in which we live are very different from those in which our great-grandmothers lived, in some issues we are still old-fashioned. There are things that we, women, just do not. We do not get acquainted first - we believe that it should make a man. We are not we invite men on dating - Many of us believe that only a man has the right to it.

If you like the guy, the game is worth the candle. At least you will not spend the following few months on sophisticated sighs. Speaking with simple words, people usually regret what they do not, and not about what they did. So it is better to hear "no" than to shatter on the rocking chair in the nursing home, sorry that you once did not have enough courage.

Men love when women are invited. First of all, a man feels relief that there is no pressure on him, right from the place in the quarry, offering a date.

Secondly, their self-esteem increases. Well, how were they invited, nice when someone shows their sympathy. Thirdly, men, often, are not confident. If a woman who looks fantastic, suggests them to meet, they feel that they fell a happy lottery ticket.

If you decide to invite a guy for a date, do not forget to follow several simple rules:

1. Speak right

Men usually do not understand hints. In a conversation with them, you should call things as it is. Most of them will not understand what you mean by saying that you saw a beautiful scarf at the show, or that you dream about a back massage.

You must bring a guy to the store and show your finger on the scarf, with a comment that he must buy it or give it massage oil and accurately indicate where he should do.

Therefore, instead of hinting a man that somewhere there is a very pleasant Italian restaurant, where you serve excellent carboné, just offer to have dinner together, walk in the park or something like that.

Otherwise, he will answer that he would like to eat something hot, and even take a friend with him.

2. Do not act spontaneously

Good to have a plan. If you just say a man that you want to go somewhere together, he will say that it is clear why not, and this will end.

If you tell him that in the club in the center - a good concert tonight, and what you wanted to be there with him, you have a chance that your dreams will soon become a reality.

3. Do not frighten it

Even if you are the initiator of the meeting, do not forget who of you wears pants. Most men are afraid of power, over-dominant women.

Remember that it is better to invite a man on a date in a personal conversation than sending him official letters and small gifts to the office, or hide a note with his phone number in the home cup, which he left on his computer.

How to invite a guy for a schitter date

Remember that men love to win, and it is worthwhile to give them a chance to do it.

First you need to prepare the soil for this. It is necessary to awaken in it curiosity and show him that you also want it. However, it is not possible to do this not so obvious.

So, how in smart (not to mention it) to encourage him to invite you on a date? Here are some suggestions!

1. Common interests

Learn about his hobby. You may be interested in what your potential guy likes. Thanks to this, he has a reason to offer you to spend time together. Similar interests are a great way to start a relationship.

2. Tell him about your plans

If you want to meet him, but you lack courage to offer him it, do it with another, smart way. During the usual conversation, tell him about your weekend plans. Tell him, at what party you are going to go. If the guy is interested in you, we guarantee that he will come there too.

3. Ask for help

Men love to take care of us and feel at the same time heroes. So what do you need to do to attract his attention?

Just ask him for help! Tell me that you have a computer problem. He will quickly come to help.

4. Let him understand what you are ready for relationships.

It is difficult to play, but only to a certain extent. From the very beginning, let the potential cavalier know that in the future you would like to be with him in a relationship.

He does not need to know what you mean a very close future ... Try not to scare it, but you also need to portray indifference. Give it to understand that you are not interested in short-term relationships.

5. Offer your friends what you like

Of course, pay attention to what you want him to stay between you. We guarantee, however, that none of his friends can close the language. As soon as the potential guy finds out that you like it, he will surely invite you somewhere.

6. Ask about his plans

By the way, ask about his plans for the weekend. As soon as he tells you what he is going to do, tell me that you like it too. Even if you have never done this before. There is a good chance that he will invite you to join him.

7. Always be friendly

Be merry, friendly and open. Everyone loves to spend time with such people. In addition, the potential guy is easier to invite you somewhere if he knows how much you can be enjoyable in communication.

Before inviting a man on a date, you should decide whether you just want to spend time or expect to continue romantic relationship. Depending on how much the girl knows the young man well, as well as whether the guy is in a relationship, and will depend on how it is better to be invited to date.

Preparatory work

If you still do not know the man you like, it is better to find out as much as possible about his hobbies, hobbies and interests. Armed with the necessary knowledge, it will be easier for you to find an approach to the guy and make an approximate scenario of an ideal evening.

Expectant tactics - the perfect option, if a young man already has a girl. True, it is worth reminding myself that in someone else's misfortune to build happiness is not easy, so think well before trying to discourage a young man.

The strategy of "waiting" involves development primarily friendly and confidential relations. This position is also convenient for the fact that in the role of good friend and comrade you will have a unique opportunity to collect more information about the guy, conquer his trust and arrange to yourself. Nevertheless, you should not exercise a stick and turn into a kid, desperately supporting any men's interests, be it mountaineering or kayaking.

When you become a guy with a real girlfriend, you will not be much difficult to invite him to a date. Any sentence to meet may be regarded as an invitation to an innocent friendly walk or a joint campaign in the movies.

Where to invite a man on a date

If you are already in close friendly relationships, then it is possible to decide what to do and where to go.

In the event that you dare to take the first step and decided to invite you like, but an unfamiliar man on a date, you should think in advance where you could go. In this matter, information about his interests mentioned is very good. Having learned his favorite musical performers, you could buy two tickets to a concert or the festival.

The cinema is the proven and most optimal place for the first date. Romantic and even slightly intimate setting in the dark cinema setting to the desired way of both of you. Here you need to carefully approach the choice of the film. It will be better to stay on a popular blockbuster or, for example, on an exciting thriller.

Picnic is another wonderful option for a date. For its implementation, it is necessary to take care of all the details - bedspread, food, napkins, orproof instruments. Do not forget to see the weather forecast in advance. Such a date will allow you to talk in a slight and relaxed atmosphere.

In order not to put a man in an awkward position, you should not invite it to an expensive restaurant or cafe. According to the rules of etiquette, coming to such institutions with a girl, a brought up young man will have to pay for himself for him.

Options, how to invite a guy for a date

Friendly meeting

How to invite a young man on a date, being his girlfriend, already mentioned above. Young people often do not mind developing romantic relationships and with a friend, especially if they like it as a girl. On such a friendly walk you have every chance awaken in a man an interest in your person, to conquer him with your charm.

Date of interest

Conversation is thinking

The third option for someone may seem too brave. To invite a man on a date, you can simply go to the open to offer him to meet and spend time together. Women's confidence attracted men at all times, so do not be shying for their feelings and emotions. At the same time, hold on with dignity, do not be nervous and do not worry. At this moment you need to be ready for any answer. Also, do not forget that this man is not the only land, therefore, even if it does not divide your sympathy, do not despair. You will definitely meet the one who will not only take your invitation with delight, but it is quite possible, it will manifest the initiative himself and will make the first steps.

You probably wonder how to invite a man on a date, especially if your sympathy does not give you peace, but the object of interest does not make the first step. Here you will not find a universal answer - for the simple reason that it does not exist, but the portion of useful recommendations will definitely be appropriate in your situation.

What should I think about

So, you decided not to wait for the initiative from a man and you plan to invite him somewhere. Come on for the beginning, think how do you like to receive consent? The fact is that a woman in love can any actions of men interpret as a manifestation of sympathy, although in fact he simply behaves tactfully and hanalenly - as a man believes with any woman. Look at the situation from the side and decide whether you are sure in his sympathy.

Another important point is that you know for sure whether a man is free for a relationship. Of course, completely and next to your colleagues and acquaintances happen novels with those who already have a couple (and sometimes legitimate marriage), but why do you need to perform in such a role? Therefore, check the soil in advance so as not to get into an awkward position, inviting me to a date for a married man. In the age of the Internet, it is easier to make it simple - just look at the social networking profile.

By the way, before inviting a man on a date, it is better to really collect some information about him to understand his interests and proceed from it. Someone loves football, someone's fan of Italian cuisine, and for someone the best rest is active rest. And if you offer a man a date in a pleasant and usual setting for him, this will surely increase the likelihood that he will gladly agree.

Not all women are so confident in themselves that, having decided to invite a man that you liked for a date, they will immediately fit and do it. However, the conversation still remains one of the best ways to make such a proposal. To get cherished confidence, such a conversation is better to schedule in advance and prepare for it. You can even propose speech in front of the mirror!

Preparation can be concluded not only that you will think of where to invite the object of your sympathies and how to clothe this idea in the words of invitations, but also to prepare for a conversation. You probably thought about what day this conversation takes place? To be confident and irresistible, you will need to look good, because we all know well: nothing gives confidence as an excellent outfit and perfect makeup. You can even ride in the closet and find your "happy" thing - let it support you and give the strength!

If you still lack confidence to come and talk, do not despair - there is a lot of ways to invite a man on a date and without a personal conversation. For example, if his number firmly settled in the contacts of your phone, it is quite possible to call or write an SMS. And for those who do not think and the day without the Internet, will suit the option to write a separate one in any convenient way. Messengers, social networks, and even at least email - anything comes with your goal!

You are afraid to seem intrusive and do not want to voiced, what is it really an invitation for a date? Ensure everything as an accident, for example, buy two tickets to the theater on the play, which exactly will like the chosen one, call him and offer to go together, and then "the girlfriend could not go, it's a pity that the ticket will disappear." This move works very often, so it's worth trying!

And finally, the traditional portion of humor specifically for you!

Oh, girls, what kind of man smartly went. I whispers me alone today on the bus: - Girl, you have unabled to you ... I blushed with stupidity, let's turn the briefs, check the bra ... Only Google learned that this is a fastener on the earrings.

There were times when only guys invited girls on a date. But in our days, the girl should no longer sit alone, waiting for the invitation if you want to invite a guy on a date, all you have to do is get ready to react in advance, to emit confidence and adequately react, no matter how the situation is.


Part 1

Preparation for the invitation for a date

    What is the worst thing that can happen? Worst of all - if he is a decent person - will, if he says "no." Do not forget about it, and just then get ready for the invitation. This will help you withstand pain if this happens.

    Find the right place and time to invite. You need to find the opportunity to meet him in a daily atmosphere without excessive pressure. Maybe in the corridor, near the coffee machine, on the playground after training or where you usually encounter it. Choose a place where you do not prevent, as well as the time when it is most likely relaxed and not under the influence of stress. That's what you need to consider when you choose a place and time:

    • A little privacy will benefit. You do not need to be quite alone, but both will be more convenient for you if the conversation happens in a not too long place. People do not always respond honestly when their friends are nearby and they feel pressure, so some privacy will help you get sincere answer.
    • Do not make the problem in order to climb it in the first second alone. If you are together in the company, slightly lower the voice and tell me: "Hey, can I go for a second?" - And get out a couple of steps back.
    • Do not lie it. Every morning, silently wait for him at the entrance to the class, all the time call him and throw the phone, constantly ask friends about him - so the persecutor behave. It will surely scare it.
    • Do not bother him in real life or on the Internet. To be generally aware of his life normally, but to follow every step is already unhealthy obsession.
    • Select a reasonable place and time. To talk about a date after classes in the theater circle is normal, send SMS in a half-foot night - to put it mildly, not very.
  1. Come up with a date content. If you first invite a guy for a date, you will feel much more confident, having a concrete plan: where to go and what to do. It will save you from stress to invent something that you can do when you have already come for a date, and you don't have to say "Mmm ... I don't know," when he asks about your plans. Here are some ideas to start:

    • Do not dwell on negative thoughts like "he will laugh at me," "he rejects me," he will say that he wants to just be friends "and so on. Remember that guys are just as tormented and thinking when they are suitable for the girl, and that is why many of them remain just friends. You will not recognize the truth until you ask, so gather with the Spirit and invite it. You can! His reaction can surprise you: in fact, with most guys, it is much easier to talk about such things than with girls.
    • Invite it to school dancing (if you study in high school). In many schools, they arrange evenings for which girls invite guys. It all depends on your school, so you find out if you have a similar event - it can spring, for the day of all lovers or for some autumn holiday. This is an excellent reason!
    • Plan a classic date. Or, if you already know this guy enough and just want to spend more time with him, invite it to an ordinary evening together. Schedule dinner in a restaurant or at home - order food or cook something yourself, and then you can, for example, watch a movie, go to a concert or show, to the museum or another interesting one for you.
    • Choose a lesson who especially likes this guy. If he loves cycling, jazz concerts or sushi, invite it to Veloprogulka, a jazz club or a Japanese restaurant. He will feel more at ease and with a greater probability will agree.
  2. Prepare a retreat strategy. Although it is necessary to focus on a favorable outcome of the situation (yes - yes yes!), And not at worst, you need to realize that the minimum probability of refusal remains. Maybe he likes someone else, maybe he sees only a friend in you - in any case, you will survive it. But if you want to extract a maximum of the situation and do not lose your composure, then think up a spare plan in case that something goes wrong.

    • Come up with the reason to go in advance. We can say that you need to prepare for the control, go to the lesson for the tutor or that you are late for a meeting with a friend, the reason will sound better if you prepare it in advance.
    • Come up with what to ask him if you see that he is not in the mood. If you come to him, and he is clearly not downtown, come up with what else you could ask him to not look strange that you approached him. Ask about the homework in mathematics or in which the hour begins today's football game.

    Part 2

    Other strategies for inviting a guy on a date
    1. Use a trick with an excess ticket. Buy two tickets for the film, a concert, an entertainment show or anything, which may be of interest to this guy. And then, when you start talking to him, you will definitely mention this event and add: "Eh, my girlfriend threw me alone ..." If the guy does not nice it, ask right - just tell me: "Maybe you want to go? I'm to death I wanted to see this show, it should be fun. " Let your words sound at ease, as if you just thought about it.

      • This is the perfect way to invite a guy without pressure.
      • However, be careful. If you are too vague designate your intentions, he will decide that you just have a friendly meeting, and not a date.
    2. Invite it to a group date. Group date is another need to understand whether the spark is slipped between you. If you and your guy spend time in the company of several pairs or just in the company of friends, it will be less like a date, but more on a party. Just tell the guy that you and your friends are going to bowling, in the movies, for dinner or anywhere, and invite him to join.

      • He will understand that you invite him to a date, but none of you will experience that pressure, as if you were spent alone.
      • If a group date goes well, then soon you can arrange a meeting in a more secluded atmosphere.
      • Try not too vague to designate your intentions. The guy can take a group date for a regular friend party. It will be embarrassed if during a date he will not guess that this is a date.
    3. Invite it to do what you like guys. Choose something interesting that loves to make your favorite guy and his friends, and invite a guy to join you. Maybe he is interested in basketball or likes to root for his favorite team on a football field, or simply looks at the local bar or restaurant, or loves hiking and ribs on nature. Invitation to do something more male will sound more attractive and naturally than the prospect of dinner at candlelight.

      • First find out that his Like to do. Perhaps what you like most guys is not very interesting.
    4. Invite it to the movies or a concert. This is a slight variation of the "extra ticket" strategy. According to this strategy, you must first tie a relaxed conversation with a guy. Then mention the film that goes in cinemas, or a group that comes with a concert, trying to learn its preferences. Wait until he reacts - how much he likes this group or film, and if he can't catch your hint, say: "I also wanted to see this movie so much. Do you want to go on this weekend?"

      • If you really want to behave at ease, you can add: "No one else comes to mind, who would like to go with me" or "No one from my friends like this group ..."
    5. Invite his note. Leave a note in its locker, tutorial, bag, a guitar case or in any other place that can be considered important for it. Just write: "Do you want to go somewhere?" - And leave him your phone number. Perfectly works with guys that you barely know, and no one feels pressure. The method is not only effective, but will make a guy consider you a cute and a little creative kind.

      • If you want more romance, you can even invite it with a letter, the main thing is not to rearrange and do not scare it.
    6. Invite a guy by phone. If you really want to invite a guy for a date, but you are afraid to do this personally, just call him and ask if he wants to go somewhere on the weekend. You can even call him with a close friend or two for moral support - if they do not spoil everything with their giggling and screech, their presence will help you calm down and find confidence. And if he denies, all you need to do is say goodbye and put the phone.

    7. Let him understand how you treat him.

      • Do not worry, just talk at first a little, and then go to your question.
      • When you are going to talk to him, let your friends are within visibility, if necessary, come to your aid.
      • Call him the reasons why you like it, and then tell me what he likes you. You will increase his self-confidence, and maybe the likelihood of consent.
      • It is best to ask whether it is free to a specific day. If so, share your plans, and if they like him, he most likely will say "yes."
      • Give it to understand that if the date does not succeed, you are still ready to be friends with him, and if you manage to go to the next. He should know that you will not get angry. Tell me, for example: "You know, you are smart, kind, cool, and I like you. If you are free on Friday evening, let's go to the cinema and have a dinner together. We can go alone or call someone else. If nothing comes Not scary, stay friends. " You can first not offer to invite someone else, but to clarify when he agrees: "Only you and me, or call someone from friends?" So he will see that his opinion is important to you.
      • To say, say: "We are going to dinner with a friend, and she invited her boyfriend. Maybe you will go with me? I like you, you are cool, smart and very nice. What do you say? Are you free on Friday night?" Wait for his answer.
    • Always listen to what the guy says, and react accordingly.
    • First try to know it a little better.
    • Think about his feelings. Even if you are embarrassed, stay yourself.
    • Invite calmly so that he does not feel pressure or anxiety.
    • Patiently wait for the answer. If the guy says he needs time to think, let him think. It is better to give him time, and not to hurry with the decision-making, otherwise, if you like him, he can get frightened.
    • If he answers "No", do not be discouraged! In the light of many other guys. Do not show how sad to you so that he does not feel guilty. Just accept yourself and smile.
    • First, make friends, and when the time comes, tell him about your feelings and how much he means for you.
    • Try to talk alone. If his friends with him may, he wants to portray a steep guy and refuses you.
    • If the guy is experiencing a break with his previous girl, he may not be ready for a date or, on the contrary, just look for her a replacement.
    • Make sure that it is correct to interpret its signals. If you are mistaken, you can be in an awkward position.
    • Do not expect a guy must demonstrate your feelings for you (if he is experiencing them). He can be nervous or be unsure in relation to your part.


    • Even if you invited a guy for a date, it does not mean that you must do anything you don't want. If something went not at all, immediately leave this situation and do not worry about politeness, only about your safety.

This is what letter I received from the readers:

I liked the article about the first date in Moscow and that a woman needs to give a man the opportunity to show the initiative ... I had a slightly different situation: we regularly communicated, but he never invited me on a date ... well ... I myself invited him! To my surprise, he gladly agreed, and at the same time added "Wow, you are just like a guy." What does he expect now? My further initiative? I don't like such a prospect, but I myself created this situation ... UPS! What should I do now? Masha

Dear Masha, I imagine what you had to hear from him that you are like a guy. Such moments in relations with men are terrible, but at the same time instructive! The first thing that comes to mind is this guy that - only from the palm trees or came out of the deaf taiga - to react to the invitation of a woman? But in fact, he simply voiced the fact that other men talk about themselves in such situations. And it's good that he said that - because he said this not only Masha, but also to all of us - now we see on a living example a male perception of female activity. The men themselves are very diligently trying to convince us that they are not singing and they like it when a woman manifests the initiative.

To invite a man itself ... Did I ever do it? Yes, did. And even if it works for some women, and even if there are ways to sophisticated and tricky to seek a man and encourage him to action ... Inviting him to a date - not exactly from their number! The experience of millions of women speaks about it! If a man is truly interested in a woman, he will invite her, no matter how modest it is. Look, after all, there are a lot of modest, shy, but married men; They somehow sorted out with their shyness and overcame it so much to get his wife ...

Therefore, the most important thing for a woman who has not resisted against the temptation to invite a man on a date is not to invent excuses and good reasons why he did not. When he actually wants this, he will invite you ... And if he just does not particularly want to ... Then you definitely do not need such a split from the very beginning! You will save your time and your emotions are not bothering on men who are not interested in you.

But the Masha's question is how to fix it ... My advice: not to continue to care for it. You have already invited him once, he must be flattered by your attention! This does not mean that you ever invite it again. In this regard, there is nothing wrong with this, but to start a relationship, taking the male part of the work - this is a failure from the very beginning.

Do not worry about his expectations. You have already given him to understand what you like it. From now on, return to the image of a woman who has many men awaiting her attention, and who invited him once simply on her inexplicable female fad ... Be patient and enjoy the time spent together, but do not let him be imbued with the thought that All the male part in the relationship you take on yourself. This is nonsense!

What to do if a conversation occurs about this? You can tease him and say that they were blinded by His charm for a moment. "I never invite men myself. I don't know what then found me," talk about it, as something cheerful and frivolous.

I have nothing against the female initiative, I have two hands for her! But the problem is that if it is manifested by a male way, fills the male space in relationships - it will never work. If you get a piece from a man in a relationship, then what will you leave him? Women's party? Women who do this exactly are this and get: a man - a rag, a man - Mamieniki son. And indignant by the fact that there are no normal men. And what is not really left - so it is places for a real man next to such a woman. The place of the man she occupied herself.

From the listener of the course "Women's Power":

Hello, hope, I walk your course "Women's Power" ... and I agree with every word. I check all your advice in practice and they work! Now many people say that it is not necessary to sit on the pope and wait for the prince that everything needs to do the same and many of my friends are worn with the husbands that they became milfs, and not by wives. That is because they followed the advice and took everything into their hands. I just now understood how you can take the situation in your hands and at the same time stay a woman and attract a real man to him, and not a nital or child. Alyona