How is Food Worker Day celebrated? Food Workers Day (Food Industry Workers Day)

The hard work of the village workers, their holiday and the history of its occurrence will be briefly described in this article. What date is the day of an agricultural worker and how is it celebrated by rural workers of various professions - those who work tirelessly from dawn until night on the spacious Russian lands? All this can be found here.

History and significance of the holiday

Agriculture is the oldest human activity. Everything once began with work on the ground, with planting the first seeds.

The origin of the economy began to actively form from the very time when the ancient primitive man began to master and cultivate the land with the simplest tools of labor and to tame animals. Since then, over the centuries, the tools of labor have improved and the conditions of the farming system have changed.

By right, the day of the agricultural worker is an important and significant holiday for the workers of the village and the whole country. Russia is an agrarian country and is one of the largest producers and exporters of rural products. The branches of its agricultural industry include a wide variety of types of production: the cultivation of various grain crops, vegetable growing and animal husbandry.

Today Russia has begun to take a leading position in the production and import of agricultural products. It should be noted that meat and dairy products are of particular importance here.

The emergence of a holiday

In order to increase the importance of each of the rural workers and industrial workers, with the aim of fostering love and devotion to their native land in the young rising generation in 1999, a decree was issued on the celebration of the day of agricultural workers and industrial workers processing their products.

Holiday - Day of the agricultural worker by the decree of the President of Russia officially entered into force on May 31, 1991. The time of celebration falls on the period of the end of the harvest, grown on the rich in gifts of nature and the endless Russian land.

Farmer's Day in Russia: date, meaning

In the spring in the Russian fields, work is underway to sow grain, in the fall - to collect the fruits of the great labor invested. During these periods, the workers of the village give their whole soul, care and strength to their main and favorite work.

Every year in Russia in October, on the second Sunday, a magnificent holiday is celebrated, dedicated to the kind and hardworking citizens of the country. This holiday is the Day of Agricultural Workers and Workers of the Processing Industry of the Russian Federation.
In 2016, this significant day falls on October 11th.

On this wonderful holiday, all workers and leaders are honored, wonderful warm words of gratitude are said not only to people who put all their strength into work in villages and villages, but also to industrial workers. This holiday is dedicated to all those people, without whose labor there would not be enough basic food products for the townspeople.

How is the holiday - the Day of the Agricultural Worker - celebrated?

Each of the rural areas celebrates this holiday in its own way, following its well-established traditions. The festive event is organized by the local authorities. Fairs, exhibitions and sales are organized, presenting a wide variety of agricultural, crop, livestock and other products. The holiday is held according to interesting scenarios. In general, this is a real festivities with concerts, contests and prizes. Artists are invited.

Leaders give speeches congratulating and expressing appreciation and gratitude for the incredibly difficult work. Be sure to be honored by presenting letters of thanks and certificates, gifts and cash prizes.

About the village and its workers

Today the village has an excellent labor market, which is important and significant for the whole country. The rural economy is becoming the main sector in the huge Russian economy. By right, the country can be proud of its achievements in this direction.

There are almost ½ of all the earth's reserves of chernozem. This is not the case in any other country. This is very important for obtaining excellent yields, and, accordingly, large profits. Recently, the government has been allocating rather large funds for the development of agriculture, and this is yielding good results.

By right, workers deserve a lot of attention and must definitely celebrate the day of the agricultural worker. Many problems and difficulties fall to their lot.

The whims of nature often surprise the workers of the village, but they always adequately overcome the created desperate situations and save the fruits of their labor. Thus, they bring warmth and tranquility to the hearts of a huge number of people living in the country.

It is impossible to imagine how much effort, health and effort the people of the village put in to provide such a huge population of the country with the necessary food to maintain and improve their lives.

Food Industry Workers Day is celebrated in Russia every year on the third Sunday in October. In 2019, the holiday falls on October 20. It is celebrated by employees of the food industry: bakers, chefs and representatives of related professions, logisticians, technologists, engineering and scientific workers.

Meat and dairy, alcohol and alcoholic beverages, fish, fat and oil, flour and cereals, fruit and vegetable industries form the basis of the food industry in Russia. A professional holiday is dedicated to the employees of such enterprises - people who contribute to the economic development of the country and are responsible for ensuring food stability in the regions.

Holiday traditions

On this day, festive feasts are held in the circle of colleagues. Toasts sound, wishes of health and success in work.

The management of the enterprises awards the best employees with diplomas, confers the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Food Industry".

Gala concerts are held in cultural institutions.

history of the holiday

The holiday was established in 1966 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The Soviet tradition of honoring food workers has survived in Russia to this day.

Throughout his life, a person eats about 40 tons of various foodstuffs.

In 1912 there were 5,000 slaughterhouses and slaughterhouses in Russia.

The first slaughterhouses appeared in 1914. In 1929, 10,240 enterprises of the meat industry were already functioning, including bacon and sausage factories, intestinal factories, meat slaughterhouses and slaughterhouses.

Until 1953, information about various additives in products was open, without the use of codes.

In the food industry, beetroot powder is often used. It is added to ketchups and tomato sauces.

Every year Ukraine and Russia celebrate the Day of Food Industry Workers. It's no secret that recently in many countries the issue of food has been especially acute. While in developed countries people sometimes spend several thousand dollars on food, in poor and partly in developing countries, citizens have nothing to buy food. At the same time, thanks to the professionalism of the food industry workers, the range and quality of products are constantly growing, and the responsibility for the safety of consumed food also grows.

The Day of Food Industry Workers originated a long time ago - back in the days of the Soviet Union, or rather, in 1966. Now, as then, people involved in the food industry celebrate their holiday on the third Sunday in October.

I wish all food workers
Smiles, happiness and prosperity,
And do not be sad for trifles,
So that your life is easy and sweet!

I wish you prosperity
Your work is so important!
May all wishes come true
And the life of love will be full!

Hurray for the food industry workers!
For feeding the people
Let the prosperity be at home
And in life you will be very lucky!

You are tired, but not very,
And let the salary grow
Let it rain and autumn
And in my soul, spring is blooming!

Happy Food Industry Workers Day. I wish you natural happiness and joy without GMOs, as well as success in your work, excellent results and good ideas. May every day bring a smile and hope, as well as an incredible taste of great victories.

On the day of food workers
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
So that harmony reigns at home,
At work, everything was at "five".

So that incomes rise up,
And the native team was friendly,
And health for many years
And great job prospects!

Feed everyone with butter and sour cream
Here is a wonderful task for you,
You work just tirelessly
So that we have milk!

Your dairy is incomparable,
It gives the best products,
Everything is European, modern,
The people are eating and smiling.

Let your brand be recognized abroad,
The assortment is growing,
Let glory fly faster than a bird
In gratitude there will be - a compliment!

Happy food worker's day, accept
Congratulations from me
No delicious delicacies
Not even a day goes by.

Feed the glorious country,
Let the people be full
May the salary be enough for everyone
For you a delicious sandwich.

Food industry -
The industry is not easy!
Workers are here anywhere,
Happy Holidays, friends!

We wish you in a difficult matter,
To achieve what they wanted
Your salary is the highest,
Nice and easy victories!

You open the refrigerator
You get yourself some food
And then, after thinking,
You put the kettle on the stove.

I opened the closet, and there are cookies,
Above is a jar of jam
The fruits are out, standing in a basket,
It's like a small banquet!

Thanks to the whole food industry,
To their employees, for their efforts,
We wouldn't be happy without you
And the food would be boring!

We wish you a lot of imagination,
Aimed at diversity
Success in all your endeavors
And all the blessings of life!

We wish you working days
Always brought you pleasure!
Thank you for everything, food workers,
You gave us so many products!

We wish you a delicious life,
So that every day there is enough food for everyone!
Great, let things always go
So that your mood soars up!

Food Industry Worker Day is a holiday with a long history, approved by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR back in 1966. Food Worker's Day is celebrated by people of many professions directly related to the conduct of a market economy, the development of the latest methods and technologies for the production of finished food products, semi-finished products, and drinks. These include cooks, bakers, pastry chefs, as well as technologists, scientific and engineering specialists of the meat, dairy, flour, bakery and other types of food industries.

Significance and role of the food industry

The food industry is of great importance for the national economy, since its products are the basis of human life. There is nothing more socially important than food, since no person can exist without food.

Modern Russia is not experiencing a food shortage. All kinds of shops and supermarkets offer an incredibly wide range of food products for all categories of buyers. From which it follows that the food industry has high potential.

Bases of food raw materials abound with high quality agricultural products. Food products of domestic manufacturers have excellent quality characteristics and are in great demand not only among Russian, but also foreign consumers.

The food industry in Russia is represented by a variety of enterprises and organizations of different production scales. That is why the food industry occupies a leading position in our country.

The work of food industry specialists is called upon not only to constantly expand the range and increase production volumes, but also to control the quality and safety of food products.

The professional holiday is celebrated by Russian food workers annually, each third Sunday in October... Food Industry Workers Day 2018 will be celebrated on October 21st. Traditionally, on this day, the merits of employees of enterprises and labor veterans, whose invaluable experience is a solid foundation for the further development of the industry, will be honored. Food stability in the regions of the Russian Federation depends on people working in the food industry, their work is a significant contribution to the development of the country's economy.

Food Industry Workers Day is a professional holiday for bakers, producers of pasta, flour, cereals, meat, milk, fish, oil, fats, vegetables, fruits and other products.

It is celebrated not only by product manufacturers, but also by logisticians, technologists, engineering and scientific workers who work in this industry. The day of the food worker is also considered by teachers and students of specialized educational institutions.

When is Food Worker's Day 2016?

When is the holiday celebrated? The date of celebration of the Day of Food Industry Workers falls on the third Sunday in October (in 2016 - on October 16).

How is Food Industry Worker Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? On the Day of the Food Worker, the honorary titles "Honored Worker of the Food Industry" are awarded. The management of the enterprises congratulates the best workers and presents them with valuable gifts and certificates.

On the Day of Food Industry Workers, competitions of professional skills, master classes in cooking, exhibitions, fairs and concerts are also held.

The history and traditions of the holiday of the food industry worker

Let's talk about the history of the holiday. The Day of the Food Worker was established in our country in 1966, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The food industry is considered one of the most significant sectors of the economy. It includes the baking, macaroni, flour-and-cereal, meat industry, including sausage production, fish industry, including the production of canned fish, dairy, fat-and-oil and fruits and vegetables.

The "food industry" also includes the alcoholic beverage industry, winemaking and brewing, the production of soft drinks, and the tobacco industry.

By the early 1990s, the food industry in our country was far from being in the best condition. Due to mismanagement, the national economy lost up to 40% of finished products and raw materials.

With the onset of perestroika and the economic crisis, food production declined. However, later, in the 2000s, the situation changed for the better, the range of products was significantly expanded.

Now the enterprises of the domestic food and processing industry play a leading role in providing the population of the country with food.

This industry has become one of the leaders in the development of new methods and forms of market management of the economy, the introduction of technical and technological innovations. Modern supermarkets provide a wide selection of a wide variety of products.

The food industry employs hundreds of thousands of workers, whom we congratulate on their professional holiday.

The Day of Food Industry Workers is also celebrated in Ukraine, where it was established by the Decree of the second President of the country L. Kuchma No. 714/95 of August 8, 1995.