How to flush a cat's bladder. Catheterization of the urinary bladder in a cat: technique and consequences

Urinary catheter care

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Urinary catheters are installed in patients when it is impossible to urinate independently, as well as during operations, diagnostics or treatment.

The duration of the installation of the catheter depends on its type and can vary from 7 to 30 days (indicated on the package), depending on the indications.

Urinary catheter care

5. Immediately inform the doctor if urine begins to leak from under the catheter, there are abdominal pains, a feeling of bloating, flakes or blood in the urine. If the catheter is painful or clogged, it needs to be replaced urgently with another one.

6. Never pull on the catheter. The catheter can only be disconnected if it is replaced or rinsed, or to empty the drainage bag.

Urine from under the catheter can leak in such cases: kinked urine collection tube or catheter, too thin catheter, badly inflated balloon, and catheter blockade.

How to flush a urinary catheter?

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how to properly flush the cat's bladder

How do I care for my urinary catheter?

Urinary catheters are installed in patients when it is impossible to urinate independently, as well as during operations, diagnostics or treatment.

The duration of the installation of the catheter depends on its type and can vary from 7 to 30 days (indicated on the package), depending on the indications.

Urinary catheter care

5. Immediately inform the doctor if urine begins to leak from under the catheter, there are abdominal pains, a feeling of bloating, flakes or blood in the urine. If the catheter is painful or clogged, it needs to be replaced urgently with another one.

6. Never pull on the catheter. The catheter can only be disconnected if it is replaced or rinsed, or to empty the drainage bag.

Urine from under the catheter can leak in such cases: kinked urine collection tube or catheter, too thin catheter, badly inflated balloon, and catheter blockade.

How to flush a urinary catheter?

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What to give the cat, what would he prescribe, the bladder is full and hard, sits down often, but all drop by drop. Already 2 times

a bladder was pierced and a catheter was inserted 2 times for 5 days. After removing the kitten, everything is fine for a week, and then again. he has polycystic disease, according to the analysis of urine they said that he also had nephritis. Can the bladder burst and what are the signs of this?

visit another veterinarian, preferably with the results of tests and examinations - perhaps there are other possible methods of treatment - in your case it is worth asking the opinion of various specialists.

Thanks for the advice! We were in different clinics: at Zhernovsky, at Obukhovskaya Oborona, at Bukharestskaya. They punctured the course of the antibiotic ceftriaxone + novocaine, dripped the droppers for 7 days with Essenseale, Riboxin, Kontaren and some other (I forgot what it’s called).

Now we are giving stop-cystitis, phytolysin, cantoren, healthy kidneys, yesterday I injected platifilin. now he pisses ... everywhere. but what to do, even if anywhere, the main thing is to write)))

We were also advised to pierce the autovegin until I did (they write that it was a very painful injection), and we tortured the already poor cat with treatment!

Ultrasound - to exclude large stones and generally see what is happening in the urinary tract. Hormone therapy. Come to us at Sofiyskaya 47, I see you are in our area. The urinary catheter was placed for 5 days - was the urinary catheter washed?

about homeopathy in general, I can strongly argue and doubt the effectiveness of such a treatment, especially for animals. I will not give "specific" advice and treatment regimens on the Internet, but what are you taking responsibility for the "virtual" treatment?

there is ultrasound, no stones were seen on it, but when the catheter was installed, a pebble was caught right at the entrance, it was quickly dissolved with ascorbic acid!) We put it for 5 days, washed with 10 ml of CatErvin

Rinse 10 ml with Coterwin - sorry, nothing. Flushing MP

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Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rub them with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. Prepare the furacillin solution yourself or purchase a ready-made solution.

Pre-treat the catheter with furacilin, take it with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. Hold a syringe filled with furacilin solution in your right hand. Carefully insert the syringe cannula inside the catheter (if it is thinner than the cannula) or press firmly against the catheter opening (if the catheter diameter is thicker than the cannula diameter). Slowly inject the furacillin solution into the bladder cavity.

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Catheterization of the urinary bladder in a cat

Bladder catheterization is sometimes the only possible way to drain urine and save the life of the animal.

If you do not have bladder catheterization

Therapy of urolithiasis in animals at home is carried out by professional veterinarians. The cost of treatment should be checked with the doctor by phone. Unfortunately, without medical help, you will not be able to help your pet.

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A cystostomy is a tube inserted into the bladder through the abdominal wall. It is used to drain and collect urine in a bag (urine bag). Most often, a cystostomy is applied to men with urinary retention caused by prostate adenoma.

Wash the skin around the cystostomy with boiled warm water, "Furacillin" solution or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Dry the surface of the skin with napkins, apply Stomageziv ointment or Lassar's paste to the skin around the cystostomy. After absorbing, remove the remaining ointment with a tissue. Observe the functioning of the drains. The appearance of fresh blood and clots is not dangerous only in the first few days after surgery. It is important to determine in time the cessation of urine outflow, as this may be associated with prolapse, blockage or kinking of the catheter.

Our hotel offers services for the temporary keeping of pets. Including: cats, small dogs, rodents, reptiles and birds. Animals.

Our hotel offers temporary housekeeping services

When changing the capitate catheter after removing it, treat the skin around the cystostomy de

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How do I care for my urinary catheter?

Urinary catheters are installed in patients when it is impossible to urinate independently, as well as during operations, diagnostics or treatment.

The duration of the installation of the catheter depends on its type and can vary from 7 to 30 days (indicated on the package), depending on the indications.

Urinary catheter care

5. Immediately inform the doctor if urine begins to leak from under the catheter, there are abdominal pains, a feeling of bloating, flakes or blood in the urine. If the catheter is painful or clogged, it needs to be replaced urgently with another one.

6. Never pull on the catheter. The catheter can only be disconnected if it is replaced or rinsed, or to empty the drainage bag.

A kitten up to 2-2.5 months should not leave the mother's house! Buy a kitten from a clean house, with deworming (that is, when the kitten was given an antihelminthic drug), with vaccinations and documents (vete

Urine from under the catheter can leak in such cases: kinked urine collection tube or catheter, too thin catheter, badly inflated balloon, and catheter blockade.

How to flush a urinary catheter?

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How to flush the bladder correctly and with what?

Indwelling or temporary urinary catheter
When to combine a catheter with a urine collection bag?

Continuous use of a urine diversion catheter forces the problem of urine collection to be addressed. Indeed, with an indwelling catheter, the patient is not always bedridden. Many are relatively active

cat bladder massage

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Paralysis and paresis of the bladder

Paralysis and paresis of the bladder (Paralysis et paresis vesicae urinariae) is a temporary or permanent loss of the ability of the muscular wall of the bladder to contract.

Paralysis of the urinary bladder in animals can be the result of prolonged urinary retention, when working horses are used for hard and tiring work, with colic of various origins, with peritonitis and inflammation of the internal organs located near the bladder, as a result of the presence of mechanical obstacles to urine flow (blockage stones, urethral stricture, bladder neck spasm).

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if he doesn't pee today, he will let him go outside - WHAT, THIS will help the cat to pee? It is correct to do as the doctor did, if you saw. You can at least by phone consult with the attending physician - HOW do you proceed with the cat, the treatment is completed or how, what has been discharged and how it helps.

Ketorol 0.5, No-Shpa-0.5 intramuscularly. Relieve spasm and numb the urinary tract. After 15 minutes, gently press on the bladder if it is full. Press gently, as if squeezing a ball. Should help.

Zavolzhsky meat-packing plant ZMK Guru (3889) When stones come out, the urethral canal is injured. There may be blood from here. As a result, the patency becomes spasmodic and inflamed. Serve Cat Erwin.

What kind of doctor is this who has not prescribed ANYONE to the cat. treatment? Antibiotics, no-shpa, cyston, cantaren, traumatin. Solder the infusion of the floor. Look for another veta urgently!

We are constantly adding new functions

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bladder massage

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Varieties of catheters

The surname Ivanov / Ivanova is a beautiful old primordially Russian surname. According to the main version, the surname Ivanov comes from the baptismal male name Ivan. The name Ivan is a Russian canonical form

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bladder massage

Medical portal for online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question about "bladder massage" and get a free online doctor's consultation.

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Bladder catheterization of cats, cats, dogs, bitches

Other criteria for catheterization include the introduction of contrast media on X-ray analysis, and removal of stones from the bladder for examination. This procedure is sometimes done regularly after surgery.

Varieties of catheters

It is very important to perform the procedure, as otherwise, it can lead to serious complications. This should be done in a supportive atmosphere by qualified doctors under sterile conditions using modern equipment.

Diseases of the respiratory system in terms of frequency of occurrence rank second after diseases of the digestive tract. This group of ailments includes lesions of the nose, larynx and lungs.

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How to give your cat a bladder massage

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Coursework: Urolithiasis in cats


Urolithiasis - urolithiasis, a systemic, often chronic disease characterized by the formation of uroconcrements in the urinary tract, and manifested by dysuria, pollakiuria, ischuria, urinary colic, periodic hematuria and crystalluria.

I got sick a month ago. The illness began with unsuccessful attempts to urinate. Two days later, we turned to a veterinarian for help. The cat was released from the bladder by catheterization, without immobilization and anesthesia, which is a mistaken medical practice.

how to properly massage the bladder for a cat

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The Midnight Infringement Massage is a combination that is about quality. Ka

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Prostate massage: a way to have fun

Naturally, first you need to learn how to properly massage the prostate, and then start practical application. The prostate is located between the scrotum and the anus. It is this part of a man's body that is extremely responsive to touch and skillful caresses can bring a man even to orgasm. The basic massage technique consists in soft external kneading of this place, the advanced one involves internal massage of the prostate with female hands through the rectum.

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Vibrator for prostate massage: pros and cons

Vibrator for prostate

The prostate gland is responsible for reproductive function as well as sexual performance. When malfunctions in her work begin to appear, the health and well-being of the patient deteriorates, unpleasant symptoms disturb, and the functions of the bladder are disrupted. Of course, it is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with it later. Vibrator massage is excellent as a preventive measure, however, if you already have a disease, you cannot do without professional help.

In the treatment of prostatitis, the impact of a vibrating massager on a diseased organ can only be used as an auxiliary method. The disease of prostatitis requires a complex effect, the use of effective medications, medical supervision.

The benefits of massage with a vibrator

Of course, urological prostate massage is more effective, however, this service is quite expensive and is not necessary for a healthy organ. Exposure to vibration brings many benefits to the prostate gland, namely:

Prostate massage with a vibrating massager is not only useful, but also pleasant

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The second crisis is to learn how to give an injection with the end - to resume the video "massage from insulin in the fetus, performed by the wife." Before using the prostate lock at home, hypoglycemia is required. The collection of the prostate systematically atrophied about three years ago, when a diabetic suffered from prostatitis. How to store cystitis in short faces. Cystitis is a drinking of the bladder. Hover over all videos.

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In this group we can politburo - lesson

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How to do Guasha massage?

How to do Guasha massage?

Move the scraper in the directions indicated by the arrows. The figure shows how you need to correctly affect various parts of the body. Basically, these are directions from top to bottom and from center to side.

You can see the result of the impact of the scraper in the picture at the very beginning. Sha spots (scraper marks are called # 171; sha # 187;) look intimidating, but are not painful and go away after 1 to 3 days. This is a signal that the next massage session can be performed.

Sha spots appear in places where there are problems in the body. Moreover, these are not bruises - there is no rupture of blood vessels. With Guasha massage, only the permeability of the vessel walls changes.

Do-it-yourself charms top the list of magical means designed to protect their owners, protect their property, and develop their creative and energetic potential.

Obere made from the heart

2. Drink a lot of hot water (or herbal tea) during the day. Purification processes continue in the organ

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ZooForum: Atony of the urinary bladder in a cat - ZooForum

(the rest can give advice in drugs, indicating that the advice is not given by a veterinarian. But the forum is not responsible for THESE advice.)

Atony of the urinary bladder in a cat Question about proserin

Our cat underwent surgery for an eye injury. After the operation, I wrote to the tray, but less than usual. A week after the operation, urine was collected for analysis (they managed to # 33; because after that he stopped urinating). Here's the analysis:

At first, the urine was released twice a day, then we were prescribed proserin subcutaneously once a day according to the scheme 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.3 - 0.4, plus the urine was released manually after 12 hours if the cat did not write on its own ...

Will there be a lot of proserin? Maybe it's better to stop injecting him and wait, maybe the urge will be restored, but for now make him write?

Unfortunately, the age is unknown, he was picked up by adults on the street in 2003. An ultrasound scan was done, and the diagnosis was made atony. There is inflammation, it was suggested that urine stagnation. The urine was released by means of a bladder massage. Now the cat is still pissing by itself only after a few pressure on the bubble.

Many pet lovers bring them to their home at an early age. They believe that the sooner a kitten is taken from its mother, the easier it will adapt in the house, get used to its owners and its inhabitants. Of course, young n

Maybe he has no need to write 2 times a day, but one is enough for him? After all, if a cat consumes a little liquid, then he does not write x

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Coursework: Urolithiasis in cats


Urolithiasis - urolithiasis, a systemic, often chronic disease characterized by the formation of uroconcrements in the urinary tract, and manifested by dysuria, pollakiuria, ischuria, urinary colic, periodic hematuria and crystalluria.

I got sick a month ago. The illness began with unsuccessful attempts to urinate. Two days later, we turned to a veterinarian for help. The cat was released from the bladder by catheterization, without immobilization and anesthesia, which is a mistaken medical practice.

Manual bladder emptying in cats and dogs

Manual emptying of the bladder (push-up, massage, squeezing - colloquial) is a procedure for emptying the pet's bladder by hand, using squeezing.

Bladder compression is primarily necessary for cats and dogs with severe paralysis, most often as a result of trauma (spinal fracture) or disc disease. Such animals are usually called spinal, spinal.

Neurological deficit (grades 4-5-6) is the main reason why continuous lifelong mechanical emptying of the bladder can be recommended.

In other cases, when the pet cannot go to the toilet on its own, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause by contacting a veterinary clinic.

The need for this procedure is determined by the doctor, pressing the bladder, not knowing the diagnosis of the animal, can be extremely dangerous, even fatal.

It is equally dangerous and harmful to leave everything as it is when the animal needs to manually empty the bladder.

If the animal cannot go to the toilet at will and relax the bladder sphincter in a controlled manner, the bladder will overflow and expand (containing both today's urine, yesterday's urine, and the day before yesterday's urine).

In stagnant urine, the concentration of salts increases, which can lead to urolithiasis.

Often, the procedure for manual emptying of the bladder raises concerns of the owners, because the efforts that need to be applied are quite large, it may seem that they injure the pet's bladder.

However, this is incomparable with how the bladder of a paralyzed animal is injured and deteriorated from overflow, if it is not squeezed out at all (it stretches and becomes atonic),

with the fact that stagnant urine is a favorable environment for the development of KSD and the life of pathogenic bacteria (due to which the kidneys may suffer),

Many, believing that the ability to go to the toilet on their own, will return, they are afraid that if they press the bladder, they will deprive the animal of the chances of restoring the independent ability to do it, and will not press it.

In fact, everything happens exactly the opposite - as a result, after 2 weeks, in the absence of care, serious inflammation can develop, blood, mucus, and clots appear in the urine.

Imagine the same balloon - if you do not inflate it too much, before the walls begin to thin and then deflate, it will look the same as new. But if you inflate it to the end, and then deflate it, you get a rag with an uneven wall thickness.

If an animal has a chance to restore independent urination, then it is all the more important to keep its bladder healthy, not overstretched, not atonic.

Manual emptying of the bladder is not indicated for all spinal spines.

With injuries of the spinal cord at the level of the lower motor neurons (ventral horns of the spinal cord, ventral roots and motor fibers of the spinal nerves), the picture is the opposite - there is a lack of tone, outwardly this is expressed in constant urine leakage. Unfortunately, the only way out for such animals is to constantly wear a diaper; manual emptying of the urinary tract can stop urine leakage for a while, but not for long.

The type of damage and the prognosis for restoring the ability to urinate independently is determined by the doctor after a neurological examination.

Often, pet owners who are shown manual emptying of the bladder perceive leakage from overflow as spontaneous urination.

When, during active movements, a cat or a dog leaves behind drops of urine, the owners may think that since something flows out of the animal by itself, it means that it has no problems with urination and it is not necessary to manually empty the bladder.

An even more reliable way of checking will be an ultrasound scan immediately after the animal has left behind drops or puddles of urine.

Even if you drive to the clinic for several hours to the other end of the city, when you empty your bladder for ultrasound on your own, you should see a small, almost round ball in which there can be no more than 1-2 ml of urine.

If there is more urine, then the animal needs to manually press the urine.

That is, if the dog went to the toilet 3 times a day, then it will go to the toilet 3 times a day, if the cat was accustomed to the litter box, he will at least try to crawl to the litter box, and even with a paralyzed pelvis, animals that have retained the ability to voluntary urination, they try to take a physiological posture (they most likely will not succeed in this, but nevertheless).

How to pressurize the bladder.

This procedure is sometimes referred to as massage of the bladder. However, the word massage is not entirely correct here - for competent emptying of the bladder, it is precisely squeezing, and not stimulation of the walls, is required, independent urination will still not occur.

You can ask the specialist at the veterinary clinic to show you how to properly carry out this procedure.

To better imagine the sensation, fill the balloon with water - a little, and place it under the blanket, and then try to feel and squeeze it from the outside.

Manual squeezing of the bladder is a fairly simple procedure, and if the animal has not a neglected case, caring for it will be only slightly more difficult than for a healthy animal, and life with such a pet can be absolutely comfortable for the owner.

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How to probe a cat's bladder

Urinary retention in cats is a common symptom of the disease.

A cat in this state spends a lot of time in the toilet, spinning near the tray, often sit down, worry, meow. Sitting down in the litter box, the cat begins to push, but urine does not come out. It can be seen that the animal is in pain. Sometimes urine is passed in drops or in an intermittent stream.

To save a cat from urinary retention, you need to cure his illness.

One of the symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary system or kidneys is urinary retention. Mostly cats suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system.

For example, urolithiasis is more common in cats, since the urethra in cats is several times wider than in cats. Neutered cats suffer the most from these diseases.

They don't get the hormones they need, and without proper nutrition and vitamins, they become doubly vulnerable.

Be sure to restrict castrated cats from fish, it can provoke illness.

If your cat has kidney stones, give Cat Erwin. Thanks to the herbal scent, cats will happily consume these drops. According to the instructions, the drug should be given to the cat as a preventive measure once every 3-4 months. It has diuretic properties, dissolves small stones and removes sand.

For neutered cats, again, you should pay attention to nutrition. To get rid of kidney stones, feed it with food that is marketed as "for neutered cats." Infectious diseases and colds can also cause urinary retention in cats.

Animals, especially those accustomed to heat, should not be hypothermic.

To avoid these problems, you need constant care, proper feeding and prevention.

If you notice that the cat cannot go to the toilet, try to determine how long it has not been urinating. Healthy cats urinate 2-3 times a day, kittens up to 4.

Cats can accumulate urine in themselves, so concentrated urine is normal. A dark color indicates that the animal feeds mainly on dry food.

If the cat's diet is predominantly natural, the urine should be less concentrated and light in color.

If a cat cannot go to the toilet for more than a day, this is a very serious problem, since the body can be poisoned with urine. Signs of poisoning: lethargy, apathy, lack of appetite.

How to tell if a cat's bladder is full? This is quite easy to do. Having put the pet on its paws, grasp it with both hands so that the thumbs are on the cat's rump, with the rest of your fingers feel the belly.

If the cat begins to resist, it becomes painful, then immediately contact the veterinarian. If the cat allows itself to be felt, feel the bladder. In its normal state, it should not be large.

The daily urinary retention will inflate a bladder the size of a walnut.

If the cat often runs to the toilet and squeezes out a drop each time, this may be enough to save the animal from poisoning.

The overflowing bladder is removed by catheterization. It can only be done by a veterinarian. The sooner you see a doctor, the faster your pet will feel better.

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The most important thing is to remove the blockage and restore normal urine flow.

Hospital treatment

What to do after discharge from the hospital?

The main task of the owner is the correct implementation of the medical prescriptions of the doctor and careful observation of the general condition of the cat and the nature of his urination.

It is important to understand that the risk of re-obstruction is very high in cats in the first two weeks after obstruction.

Further treatment

Read also: Liver disease in cats symptoms

Post-operative care

The most serious complication is postoperative stricture (scarring) of the urethra. In this case, the opening of the urethra becomes very narrow and reoperation is required, however, such a complication is extremely rare.

It is necessary to protect the seams from being licked by the animals themselves; for this, the doctor will recommend the use of a protective collar and a diaper. All the time when the animal is left to itself, and you cannot control it, these protective equipment should be worn - after all, re-altering the urethrostomy under anesthesia will not please you, the doctor or the cat itself.

After the operation, an antibiotic (in tablets or injections) must be prescribed, and only a doctor should cancel it.

The sutures are removed by the doctor in the clinic after a thorough examination of the formed stoma, complete healing of the surgical wound and normal functioning of the new urethral opening.

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Delayed urination in cats

Pavlyuchenko Artem Yurievich anesthesiologist-resuscitator

Acute urinary retention (urethral obstruction) is the most common and life-threatening complication of the so-called urological syndrome of cats (FLUTD or FUS).

USC is a complex of the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination in small portions, often in unusual places;
  • soreness and difficulty urinating;
  • the appearance of salts, mucus and blood in the urine.

The causes of USC are inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, mainly its lower parts - the bladder (cystitis) and urethra (urethritis), urolithiasis (ICD, urolithiasis), much less often - tumors.

The symptoms listed above are associated with inflammation of the affected organ and soreness, the appearance of abnormal inclusions in the urine and often obstacles to the normal outflow of urine.

For an animal suffering from such a disease, a tense, unnatural posture is characteristic, indicating impaired urination.

The urethra (urethra) is the lowest part of the urinary system of animals, through which urine, which is continuously generated in the kidneys and accumulates in the bladder, is regularly excreted into the external environment during urination.

Acute urinary retention is caused by a blockage of the urethra with mucus, crystals, blood clots and small stones, and occurs almost exclusively in cats and extremely rarely in cats.


To establish the diagnosis of acute urinary retention, in addition to analyzing the owner's complaints, it is necessary to feel and evaluate the animal's bladder. The bladder is located in the lower abdomen between the hind legs and slightly in front of them.

As a result of the blockage, it overflows with urine and becomes large, the size of a peach, and hard to the touch. The animal will worry and resist even slight pressure on it.

A normal bladder, partially filled with urine, feels like a soft, deflated balloon, or is difficult to find because it contains little urine.

If you suspect your pet has an acute urinary retention, try evaluating bladder fullness, but if you have any doubts as to whether it is full or not, see your doctor immediately. After all, if urinary retention lasts for several days, the accumulation of toxins in the blood will lead to the death of the animal.

Treatment The most important thing is to clear the blockage and restore normal urine flow.

The veterinarian will feel the bladder and try to get the animal to urinate by gently applying pressure to the bladder.

Sometimes this allows you to eliminate urinary retention, but more often a more serious intervention is needed - the installation of a urinary catheter. In this case, the plug in the urethra is usually flushed into the bladder.

The urinary catheter placement procedure is often painful and requires prior sedation and sometimes general anesthesia. Most cats are successfully catheterized and the catheter is left in place for a couple of days. In rare cases, catheterization cannot be performed, in which case an emergency operation is required - perineal urethrostomy.

But the blockage of the urethra and its elimination are not the only problems that the doctor has to deal with. Cats with urinary retention quickly become dehydrated and toxins build up in their blood, leading to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and general weakness.

In addition, life-threatening heart rhythm disturbances can occur due to changes in the electrolyte composition of the blood. All these complications require treatment, and in addition to examination data, a biochemical blood test and (in severe cases) a gas and electrolyte blood test help to control them.

Partial urinary retention can be as serious as complete urinary retention and also requires treatment.

Hospital treatment

It is necessary to understand that urinary retention lasting more than 1-2 days is a very dangerous condition that threatens the life of the animal. After a long (more than a day) urinary retention, most cats should be left for several days in a hospital clinic with an installed catheter for infusion and antibiotic therapy, control of the general condition and urine formation.

The main work in the recovery phase is done by the kidneys of the cat itself, which, due to a blockage, stopped its production. The formation of urine is monitored immediately after the restoration of its outflow, and longer if the amount of urine generated per hour is lower or higher than normal values ​​(2-4 ml / kg / hour).

Fluids are administered intravenously or subcutaneously to eliminate dehydration, drugs are administered to relieve pain and relax the inflamed urethra, antibacterial drugs to prevent the development of bacteria on the damaged mucous membrane of the urethra and bladder.

After two days, the catheter is removed and the cat is observed to urinate. For most cats, urination is difficult and painful at first, but most often it is a temporary problem. A cat with normal urination can be taken home.

What to do after discharge from the hospital The main task of the owner is to correctly fulfill the medical prescriptions of the doctor and carefully monitor the general condition of the cat and the nature of his urination. It is important to understand that the risk of re-obstruction is very high in cats in the first two weeks after obstruction.

During this period, the volume of urine excreted by the cat and, if possible, the size of the bladder should be monitored. If you experience loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Sometimes (quite rarely) the bladder suffers from hyperextension during obstruction, in which case special treatment is required to help it contract and empty normally.

Further treatment

For the treatment of diseases that cause symptoms of USC, long courses of antibiotics are used to eliminate inflammation, a special diet that prevents the formation of stones and sand, reduces the density and increases the volume of urine. Antispasmodics, such as no-shpa, are used to relax the muscles in the urethra and make urine easier to pass. In addition, your doctor may advise you to take a urine test at regular intervals.

Surgical treatment (perineal urethrostomy)

If the urethral blockage in a cat is repeated several times, this is an indication for surgical intervention, in which a urethral opening is formed, similar to that of females - shorter and wider. The operation is called a perineal urethrostomy, during which the penis and testes are removed and a new urethral opening is formed.

The operation is performed only to prevent blockage of the urethra, it does not prevent or cure diseases of the lower urinary system. This means that urinary salt formation, inflammation, and painful urination may continue. Cats with a urethrostomy are prone to carry infections into the bladder and develop infections associated with bladder stones.

Metabolic disorders that occur during the blockage should, if possible, be eliminated before the operation.

This can be controlled by a biochemical blood test (creatinine and urea) and an analysis of blood gases and electrolytes.

In a number of emergencies this is impossible - not all cats manage to place a urinary catheter and a new urethral opening must be formed immediately. In this case, the risk of anesthesia is especially high.

Post-operative care

For 5-7 days, and sometimes longer after the operation, it is necessary to carry out the bougienage procedure once a day - inserting a thick probe or catheter into the urethra to check its patency and eliminate obstacles to urination. In this case, the doctor checks the correctness of the formation of a new urethral opening, with the help of an antiseptic removes accumulated discharge and processes the sutures.

Bladder catheterization in a cat is the only way to save the life of a pet with acute urinary retention. Most often, such an emergency condition of an animal occurs with urolithiasis. In this pathology, stones disrupt the normal flow of urine and cause an overflow of the bladder. If catheterization is not carried out in a timely manner to remove the accumulation of urine from the organ, it will stretch to the limit, and at some point the walls of the bladder will burst due to excessive stretching. It is almost impossible to save a cat in such an emergency.

Sometimes catheterization is needed to flush the bladder for therapeutic purposes. The insertion of a catheter for any purpose is performed only by a doctor.

Reasons for inserting a catheter

The main indication for the installation of a catheter is urolithiasis (Urolithiasis) in a cat, in which there is an impaired insufficient flow of urine. This violation can be noticed on several grounds..

  • Small puddles outside the litter box throughout the house. This happens due to the fact that the cat cannot suppress an acute urge to urinate, but due to a violation of the discharge, physiological fluid is released in an excessively small amount.
  • The pet often goes to the tray. In this case, the cat sits for a long time in a position corresponding to the one that it takes when urinating, but there is no urine flow at all.
  • A loud scream at a time when, in addition to the physiological fluid, which is not enough, a significant amount of blood also leaves.
  • A serious increase in the size of the bladder, which is easily palpated by palpation of the abdomen, even by a non-specialist. The manipulation should be carried out with extreme caution so as not to rupture the maximally stretched walls of the overcrowded organ.

If symptoms of urinary retention occur after examining the animal, the veterinarian will determine whether a bladder catheterization is needed or not. If the cat is able, albeit incompletely, to clear the bladder of urine, it can be treated without a catheter.

Main indications for catheter placement

An animal may need catheterization not only because of urolithiasis, but also for a number of indications. The cat should be catheterized in the following cases::

  • a conservative method of treating urotlitase - a urinary catheter is used, depending on the condition of the animal, one-time or permanently;
  • traumatic injury to the bladder;
  • violations of urine flow in acute form due to any violation when catheterization is required for emergency emptying of the organ, even before the cause of the phenomenon is clarified;
  • surgical interventions, in which a catheter is inserted so that urine can easily drain both during the operation itself and after it, when, due to anesthesia, the work of the muscles of the bladder can be disrupted;
  • therapeutic lavage of the bladder and urethra, which is carried out in order to deliver medicinal substances to a sore spot;
  • determination of the volume of urination and the need to collect urine, when catheterization is carried out for a short time, and after receiving the material necessary for the study, the catheter is removed;
  • X-ray of the bladder with contrast, in which catheterization is required for the introduction of a contrast agent.

For single use for a short time, cheaper catheters made of polypropylene are used. If the presence of a catheter in the cat's body is required for more than one day, then a device made of polyvinyl chloride is used, which is more comfortable for the animal and does not cause vivid negative sensations. After catheterization, the cat must be completely isolated from the street to prevent bladder infection.

How is it put

Catheterization is prescribed and performed by a specialist and in most cases in a clinic. It is impossible to install a catheter on your own. Catheterization is performed by a veterinarian with the assistance of an assistant. Every veterinarian knows how to place a catheter in a cat's bladder. If a cat needs catheterization of the bladder, a special compound is injected into the vagina to provide pain relief.

After the manipulation area has been clipped and treated with an antiseptic, a catheter is inserted into the urethra, which is pre-lubricated with sterile petroleum jelly. To prevent the device from falling out, its cuff is sutured to the cat's skin, if the catheter must be left for a long time. Walking with a catheter in this case does not give the animal much anxiety, since stagnation of urine torments him much more.

For various pathologies of the urinary system in animals, catheterization is often used. The procedure for catheterization in case of impossibility of spontaneous urination in pets requires certain qualifications and is performed, as a rule, in specialized institutions. But there are situations when animal owners have to perform the procedure on their own. Therefore, the questions of how to remove a catheter from a cat, whether it can be done at home without having special skills, are more than relevant.

Read in this article

Why put a catheter

Many diseases of the urinary system are accompanied by a symptom such as ischuria. Retention of urination with an overflowing bladder is a frequent companion of urolithiasis, tumor diseases, problems with the prostate gland in males, severe inflammation, narrowing of the urethra of a traumatic nature, etc.

Most often, a catheter is placed on a cat at, since this pathology leads to obstruction of the urinary tract. Urinary retention can be acute or chronic. In the first case of ischuria, catheterization is a vital procedure. When a plug of urine sand forms in the urethra, obstruction develops. Signs of urinary retention in a cat are as follows:

  • urination in the wrong places, outside the tray;
  • frequent urge, the pet takes an appropriate posture, but no urine is released;
  • the animal is worried, screams when visiting the toilet;
  • urine is released in drops, often with;
  • palpation of the lower abdomen reveals a tense bladder. It becomes hard, increases in size to a chicken egg.

With a complete blockage of the urethra, the pet often takes an appropriate position on the toilet, but no drops of urine are released. In this condition, general intoxication of the body develops rapidly, there is a risk of developing acute renal failure, pain shock. If veterinary care is not provided to the animal within 2 - 3 days, death occurs.

Indications for catheterization

In order to empty the overflowing bladder, a catheter must be inserted into the cat. This procedure is the only condition for keeping the pet alive. Owners should be aware that one in five cats dies from untimely assistance in the formation of stones in the excretory system.

Catheterization for conservative treatment of urolithiasis

Catheterization is performed in the following situations:

  • with conservative treatment of urolithiasis;
  • violation of urination of various etiologies;
  • bladder injuries;
  • surgical intervention (to release urine during and after surgery);
  • when therapeutic procedures are performed (washing the urethra, bladder);
  • for urination control, urine collection;
  • in X-ray diagnostics using a contrast agent.

Catheters can be installed for a short period of time, for example, during a diagnostic examination, for collecting tests, with a one-time excretion of urine. For these purposes, polypropylene models are most often used. The answer to the question of how long a catheter should be in a cat will depend on the severity of the animal's disease, the characteristics of the pathology. Often resort to indwelling urethral catheters, for example, when the animal is in serious condition, with acute renal failure, with injuries of the bladder. For permanent catheterization, models of polyvinyl chloride are used, which are less traumatic for the animal compared to polypropylene.

Catheterization is a purely medical procedure that requires certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, it can only be carried out by qualified personnel. The owner must have an idea of ​​how to put a catheter in a cat in order to understand the seriousness of the subsequent care of the pet.

Catheterization also has contraindications. You can not carry out manipulation with:

  • septic processes,
  • acute infectious diseases,
  • damage to the urethra and bladder tumors.


Many specialists give the animal a manual bladder massage before inserting the catheter. Often, this manipulation leads to the resolution of the urinary plug formed in the urethra and the independent discharge of urine.

The catheter placement procedure is painful for animals, especially cats with a narrower urethra. Therefore, veterinary specialists most often use sedatives and anesthesia. In very rare cases, catheterization is performed without the use of anesthesia. As a rule, pain relievers are prescribed for older animals with heart problems.

The veterinarian usually performs catheterization with an assistant.... The animal is fixed in a lateral position. Hair cut in the crotch area, disinfected. The cat's penis is pushed out of the prepuce and a catheter, previously lubricated with sterile petroleum jelly, is inserted into the urethra. To facilitate insertion, the foreskin of the penis is pulled back. With careful movements, the device is inserted into the bladder. Cats are given pain relievers that are injected into the vagina.

In case of obstruction of the urogenital tract and difficulty in installing a catheter, rinsing the urethra with saline is used to wash off the sand. After the catheter is inserted, a special cuff is used to secure it, which is sewn to the animal's skin. Then the urine collection system is connected. To prevent falling out, the catheter is fixed to the tail of the pet in such a way that there is no tension in the sutures. It is advisable to put a special collar on the cat.

That is why it is not possible to change the catheter on your own.

Useful video

For information on how bladder catheterization is performed, see this video:

Catheter care rules

The main condition for caring for a urethral catheter in an animal should be compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. In the event that a permanent urinary apparatus is supplied, the owner should maintain its sterility. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the coat in the perineal area, keep it clean, and, if necessary, shave off the hair to avoid getting it into the genitourinary tract.

The genital area should be regularly treated with antiseptic solutions of furacilin or chlorhexidine. This will prevent the development of a bacterial genitourinary infection.

With continuous catheterization, the cat's urinary catheter must be flushed for several days. This procedure is performed to sanitize the urinary tract with a heated saline or antiseptic solution twice a day. For washing, use syringes without a needle. After the urine is removed from the catheter, about 60 - 80 ml of disinfectant liquid is injected with their help. The bladder is emptied using empty syringes. Having freed the organ from the liquid, pour in another 60 - 80 ml of solution, close the catheter with a lid and leave it for sanitation. After 20 minutes, the system is opened and the flushing liquid is removed using empty syringes. The procedure is carried out until the resulting solution becomes clear. As a rule, 2-3 such manipulations are required.

If an indwelling urethral catheter is needed, experts usually recommend that owners leave the animal in the clinic for a bladder lavage.

Caring for the animal after catheterization

Before removing the catheter from the cat, you should check for kinks and curvatures in the system, otherwise injury to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract is possible. Only a veterinarian should remove the catheter.

After the catheterization procedure, the animal is usually prescribed antispasmodic drugs to facilitate urination. Antibacterial agents are prescribed to prevent the development of a bacterial infection. Since obstruction of the urinary tract is more often a consequence of the disease, then after the elimination of ischuria, the treatment of the underlying pathology is continued.

Often, owners face various problems when catheterizing an animal. For example, a cat after a catheter cannot pee. This phenomenon is observed due to a spasm of the muscles of the urethra. In this case, the animal is prescribed antispasmodic drugs. For this purpose, no-shpa, spazgan, papaverine are used. It is also effective to carry out manual massage of the bladder. It is better to carry out this manipulation by putting the pet on your knees with its stomach up. Press rhythmically on the bladder with gentle stroking circular motions. This massage reduces muscle spasm and encourages spontaneous urination.

If the cat has pulled out the catheter, what should the owner do in such a situation? The animal, regardless of the reasons for which the catheterization was performed, must be immediately taken to a veterinary institution.

If the pet has urological syndromes indicating difficulty urinating, then catheterization is sometimes the only solution in this situation. Only a veterinarian should insert and remove the catheter. Independent manipulations are unacceptable, since they are associated with the risk of injury and rupture of the urethra, bladder.