How to remove rough skin on various parts of the body. What to do with rough skin on your heels How to remove rough skin from your heels

Hello dear readers. Every day our feet are exposed to serious stress, which cannot but affect their appearance. The skin of the feet becomes dry, which leads to thickening and roughening. But if it were only the aesthetic side of the issue. Increased dryness of the skin on the heels can lead to the formation of cracks, which will bring you a whole host of problems. It is important to solve the problem of dry skin long before such consequences appear. In winter, few people care about the appearance of their feet, but the sudden warming forces us to act quickly. If you follow all the necessary recommendations, it is quite possible to get your feet in order in a short time.

First you need to find out why your heels are dry and rough. This will help you avoid the problem reoccurring in the future.

Why the heels become dry and rough - reasons

When a problem is detected, our brain begins to build a plan to solve it, and few people think about the very reasons for its occurrence. Many people think that the skin of the heels becomes rough only from incorrectly selected shoes, but besides this, several more reasons can be identified:

Vitamin A and E deficiency

Which are one of the most important components of healthy skin. Their abundance in the body leads to gradual drying of the upper layers of the skin, and over time it becomes coarser.

Fungal infections of the skin of the feet

The presence of a fungal infection leads to changes in the structure of the skin, as a result of which it becomes rougher and cracks.

If, along with these symptoms, you notice a change in the color of the nail, then this already indicates that the body has been damaged by a fungus.

Insufficient or incorrect hygiene procedures

If you do not take care of the hygiene of your feet, then the fungus will not take long to appear, since you create all the conditions for its appearance. Using the wrong cosmetics can also lead to dry skin.

Wrong shoes

As a rule, these are too narrow shoes made from non-breathable fabrics. Lack of shoe ventilation leads to increased sweating of the feet, and, as you know, a humid environment is ideal for the growth of bacteria.


When walking, the center of gravity of the entire body falls on the legs, so the presence of excess weight only increases this load.

Malfunctions of the endocrine system

Most often, this is diabetes mellitus, in which the body becomes dehydrated, which leads to dry skin.

Rough heels - how to get rid of them at home

Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the problem. Why is this so important? Yes, because, perhaps, in addition to “softening” procedures, you will need treatment for the underlying disease, which caused the dry skin of the heels.

If there is no serious reason, and your feet are simply tired of uncomfortable and stuffy shoes, then a short course of procedures will help you return your feet to a healthy appearance. It helps well, you can use it after baths.

1. Apple compress

To carry out this procedure, we need to grate a green apple on a fine grater in order to get as much juice as possible.

Apply the resulting paste to the rough areas of the skin, wrap it in polyethylene and secure the compress with socks.

Please note that it is important to carry out the procedure at night. During this time, the juice will soften hard skin, nourishing it with its beneficial substances.

2. Banana

To carry out this procedure, you should choose a ripe fruit so that it can be turned into a homogeneous porridge.

So, carefully knead the banana, then apply the puree to the damaged skin and leave for 20 minutes. The product must be applied to clean skin, so you should take a bath before starting the procedure.

3. Honey

In folk medicine, honey is almost the main healing agent that helps restore the structure of the skin.

We will need liquid honey, since we will add it to the bath. After this, you can do a massage using the same honey.

Honey helps get rid of dry, rough heels and is effective in treating cracked heels and dry feet.

You can also make honey compresses, leaving the compress on for 20 minutes to 1 hour. Then wash off the honey with water.

4. Lemon juice

As you know, citric acid is the best softening agent for rough skin. In addition, it helps remove dead skin from your feet.

Lemon juice can be added to foot baths, after which it won’t hurt to rub your heels with a lemon wedge. This will help not only soften and cleanse the skin, but also disinfect it.

5. Curd compress

We have all known for a long time sour cream face masks that can restore the beauty of “tired” skin. In this case, we will take cottage cheese as the basis of the compress, mixing it with a spoon of sour cream.

For a better effect, you can add a little honey to the curd puree, which will help heal cracks.

Apply the resulting base to your heels for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

6. Milk and onions

Grind the peeled onion using a fine grater and add a little milk to it. Apply the product to your feet and secure with cling film. Again, the procedure should be done overnight.

7. Castor oil

This oil has a fairly dense structure, which makes it easy to apply to the skin. Castor oil is considered one of the best remedies for combating dry skin.

We moisten cotton pads with oil and apply to the heels as a lotion. The skin will only have time to be saturated with useful substances overnight, so daytime procedures are unlikely to lead to any results.

8. Celandine leaves

Rub the leaves of the young plant and apply them to the affected area of ​​the skin. Wrap your feet in cellophane and leave the mask on for an hour.

Please note that celandine juice can cause allergies, so before starting the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction.

9. Cabbage

We will use two cabbage leaves as a compress, which must first be kneaded. This can be done using a meat hammer.

We apply the sheets to the heels and fix them with cling film.

10. Oils

You can use vegetable oils (olive, peach, sesame and others). After cleansing your heels, lubricate your feet and heels with oil, put on a bag and a sock. Then remove after 15-30 minutes.

In addition to these funds, you can use. It is an antiseptic and tonic that is used to treat cracked and dry feet.

How to soften very rough and rough heels

Most of all masks and compresses are applied to already softened skin, because the effectiveness of the procedures depends on this. Therefore, we need to properly prepare our feet for the next stage.

The best type of procedure for softening the skin of the feet is a foot bath. This doesn't mean you just need to steam your feet in hot water. The solution should contain ingredients that will help remove dead skin from your feet.

Each of the bath solutions will contain its own natural medicinal component:

Bath with herbal infusion

The composition of the product will be dominated by plants such as chamomile, sage, string and calendula.

The bath is prepared using a pure decoction, in which you need to place your feet for just a few minutes so that the skin becomes soft.

In addition, the decoction has an antibacterial effect, which will be useful in the case of fungus.

With red wine

Preparation of the solution consists of mixing half a liter of wine with two liters of water. Dip your feet into the prepared solution for about 20 minutes. After just a few treatments you will see a noticeable improvement in your skin condition.

Please note that such procedures are considered an additional type of treatment and should be carried out in combination with other types of therapy.

Saline solution

To prepare it, it is advisable to use sea salt, but you can also use table salt. You need to dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in warm water, after which you will have a full 15 minutes to enjoy the pleasant sensations.

If your skin requires urgent hydration, then water can be replaced with milk. As soon as the skin becomes soft, you need to immediately treat it with pumice;

Heels are rough and cracking - what to do at home

If you notice that your feet have begun to become rough, and small cracks have already formed on the skin, then this means only one thing - you need to do something urgently.

But don’t rush to start the procedures right away. First of all, you should make sure that dry skin on your feet is not in any way related to other diseases. Otherwise, you will waste time on treatment that will lead nowhere.

If the cause of this manifestation is a simple lack of vitamins or uncomfortable shoes, then medical procedures will quickly help the skin of the feet to recover.

But the recovery process is not limited to one point, since the treatment of dry skin must be carried out comprehensively.

Let's find out what to do if you have dry and rough heels:

1. Pay attention to your diet. Increased dryness of the skin may be due to the insufficient amount of nutrients entering the body. Include more vegetables and fruits in your usual diet.

2. Do gymnastics. Poor blood circulation to the extremities may well be the cause of dry skin on the heels. Spend at least a few minutes a day doing simple leg exercises.

3. Wear only comfortable shoes. Do your feet hurt after wearing high heels? Start wearing shoes that will make your feet less tired. Swap your shoes for comfortable sneakers made from breathable fabric, or choose ballet flats that won't put as much pressure on your feet.

4. Humidify the air in the room. During the heating period, the air in the room becomes too dry, and this may be the reason for the unhealthy appearance of your feet.

5. Wear the “right” socks. Give preference to socks made from natural materials that will allow your feet to “breathe.”

6. Carry out cleansing procedures with pumice stones in moderation, otherwise you may damage your skin.

7. Masks should be done only after preliminary steaming using a bath. You can devote time to such procedures a couple of times a week.

8. Use natural ingredients. Carrying out any procedures to improve the skin of the feet requires the use of only natural ingredients. If cracks have already formed on your heels, then products with a rich chemical composition will only harm you.

With the onset of warmth, you will still have to show off your legs, which have lost their former appearance over the winter. But returning it is not so difficult, especially if we are familiar with such recommendations. But before you do anything, you need to find out the cause of such a problem as dry skin on the heels.

Due to uncomfortable shoes, lack of vitamins and improper care, the skin of the heels and feet becomes very rough. For many, rough skin on the heels is a very pressing problem even in winter. But making heels as soft as those of a small child is very simple. Available home remedies and cosmetics and special procedures will help.

Foot baths

You should start removing the rough layer of skin and calluses on the heels with foot baths. Such a simple and affordable procedure will help soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and you can easily remove corns after a pumice bath.

The best foot baths are:

  • with a decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • with soap shavings;
  • with baking soda;
  • with sea salt;
  • with oils;
  • with glycerin.

All these products cost pennies, and their effectiveness can be compared to salon procedures.

To make a foot bath, you need to fill a basin with hot water. Please note that:

  • soap helps to quickly clean contaminated areas on the feet;
  • sea ​​salt is an excellent antiseptic. Take baths with sea salt if there are cracks in the heels;
  • baking soda helps fight fungus;
  • glycerin is an effective emollient;
  • herbs and oils are universal helpers in foot care. Decoctions and oils of chamomile, calendula and celandine are especially useful.

Baths must be taken for at least 15 minutes. After the procedure, the heels are cleaned with a brush and pumice stone to remove the stratum corneum, which will soften well in water. After cleaning the heels with pumice, the feet are rinsed and dried, and finally a nourishing cream is applied to soften the steamed skin.

To completely remove rough skin on the heels, baths should be taken at least twice a week for a month.

Compresses and masks

In addition to baths, special masks and compresses according to traditional cosmetology recipes help to remove the rough layer of skin on the heels. It is advisable to apply such compositions immediately after a steam bath, while the skin of the feet is soft.

Masks and compresses are applied for 15-20 minutes, after which the feet are rinsed and a nourishing cream is applied.

Yolk + lemon juice.

To prepare this mask, grind the raw yolk with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. It is useful to add 1 tbsp to the mask. l. vegetable oil (it is better to use olive oil). It’s great if you add a few drops of tea tree oil to the mask.

The mixed mask is applied in a thick layer to the feet and wrapped in film. After 15 minutes, you can rinse off the composition with warm water, dry your feet and apply a nourishing cream.


If your heels are very rough, then pharmaceutical glycerin will help cope with this problem. Keep this mask on all night, wrapping your feet with film and wearing warm socks.

To prepare the mask, you need to buy glycerin in a bottle at the pharmacy. Usually the bottle is not completely filled. Add vinegar essence or regular apple cider vinegar to the bottle and shake it well. This mixture is applied to the feet after taking a foot bath.


Lemon is an excellent remedy that quickly helps remove the stratum corneum on the heels. The fruits are cut into circles and applied to the feet. Then the feet are wrapped in film and socks are put on. It is best to do this at night. In the morning, you can easily remove all the rough layers of skin with a pumice stone.


Onions are an indispensable aid in foot care, despite their pungent aroma. You should pass the onion through a meat grinder and apply the pulp to your feet. The feet are tightly wrapped with film. Socks are put on top of the film. The mask can be applied at night. By morning, the skin will swell, and you can easily clean it with a pumice stone. Your heels will become unusually smooth and soft.

Honey + viburnum.

Ripe viburnum berries need to be crushed and mixed with honey. In this case, you need to take exactly 2 times less viburnum than honey. This mixture is used for compresses. The heels are lubricated with the composition, then covered with film and socks are put on. Honey perfectly softens corns, and viburnum juice promotes faster renewal of the epidermis.

Rye bread.

Rye crackers need to be soaked in warm fresh milk. The resulting pulp is used for compresses. The mixture is simply applied to the corns and left for 30 minutes. This method helps to quickly restore velvety skin.

Foot scrub

You can use ground coffee as a scrub to care for your feet after a steam bath and before applying a mask. Do not rush to throw away your coffee, but use it to care for your feet. Coffee can be mixed with any vegetable oil and simply rub the mixture onto the skin. Oils will saturate the skin with nutrients, and coffee will exfoliate dead skin.

Oil wraps

In addition to masks, after taking steam baths, you can pamper your feet with an oil compress. It is also advisable to do oil wraps at night.

For oil wrapping, cotton socks are soaked in vegetable oil. You can use flaxseed oil or olive oil. The soaked socks are put on the feet, and the feet are wrapped with film on top and another pair of socks made of natural thread is put on.

By morning, the skin on the feet will be deeply softened, and it will be possible to remove the entire rough layer with a pumice stone almost effortlessly. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after a couple of days. If your feet are very rough, you will need to undergo a course of procedures over the course of a month.

Cleaning your feet with aspirin

Some home recipes suggest off-label use of medications. For example, regular aspirin, which perfectly softens the skin, will help remove corns.

The effectiveness of aspirin in the fight for softness and smoothness of heels is due to acetylsalicylic acid in its composition. This substance is very often used for peeling.

Aspirin will help cope with the following symptoms:

  • dry skin;
  • cracked heels;
  • corns;
  • painful sensations.

To quickly get your feet in order, you only need 10 aspirin tablets. The drug should first be crushed to a powder state, and then mixed with 250 ml of ethyl alcohol. You still need to add 1 bottle of iodine to the resulting solution. This mixture can be stored in a dark place for a week.

The resulting liquid is used to make foot lotions. To do this, a gauze napkin is soaked in the mixture and tied to the heels. It is better to keep the lotion all night. In the morning, the remnants of the product are easily washed off with water, and the feet are treated with pumice. After the procedure, the skin must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

There are several rules that are very important to follow in order to maintain the beauty and tenderness of your feet.

It is best to start cleansing your feet in the evening. Well-groomed feet will rest well overnight and absorb all the beneficial components of the mask or compress. The active ingredients of the masks, left on the skin for several hours, will work very effectively.

If you need to remove corns, then under no circumstances should you use sharp objects. A razor or scissors can easily injure your feet, which can lead to the development of various inflammations.

It is very important to take care of your feet regularly. You can also use store-bought cosmetics, although no one doubts the effectiveness of folk recipes. An integrated approach to foot care will allow you to make your heels as soft as a child’s.

You need to take care of your feet all year round, not just during the height of the summer season. Before cleaning your heels, it is advisable to find out the reasons for the appearance of rough areas. In general, all procedures are carried out at home quite quickly and effectively. Let's get started!

How to clean your heels - find out the reasons for the appearance of rough skin

  • general dehydration of the body;
  • deficiency of vitamins B, E, A, C;
  • constantly being on your feet due to duty (hairdresser, consultant, etc.);
  • walking barefoot;
  • deterioration of the thyroid gland;
  • overweight, obesity (high load on the heels);
  • fungal diseases of the feet;
  • non-breathable shoes (especially summer ones);
  • synthetic socks;
  • walking in high heels or tight shoes;
  • difficulties in kidney function.

Before you clean your heels and get rid of rough skin, you need to find out the reasons for the appearance of this feature at home. If everything is fine with your body, perhaps you just walk barefoot a lot or wear uncomfortable shoes.

Baths for cleansing heels: TOP 10 recipes

Basically, baths are used to get heels like a baby's. You can also resort to pharmaceutical drugs, but first things first.

Recipe No. 1. Peroxide

Prepare a bath of 2 liters. warm water and 120 ml. hydrogen peroxide (3%). Place your feet inside and wait a third of an hour. During this time, the skin will soften, but you can change the solution and immediately carry out another procedure. Finally, remove rough areas with a pumice stone or brush. In addition to softening, such a bath whitens the heels. It is advisable to do it once every 2-3 days.

Recipe No. 2. Vinegar with glycerin

If you are wondering how to clean your heels and whiten them from yellowness at home, use this bath. It also quickly and effectively copes with fungus, cracks, and corns. Mix 100 ml. glycerin with 60-80 ml. vinegar and 1.5 l. water. Place your feet in this solution and leave until cool. Next, rub rough areas of the skin with pumice stone, rinse, lubricate with cream, and put on socks.

Recipe No. 3. Sea salt with peroxide

Combine 2 l. water with 120 ml. peroxide. Add 2-3 teaspoonfuls of sea salt and allow it to partially melt. You can additionally add 15 drops of any ether or 30 ml. vegetable oil. Dip your feet into the solution and wait about half an hour. Constantly add hot water. Then rub your heels with a brush, apply cream, and put on socks. This procedure is best done before going to bed.

Recipe No. 4. Soap with soda

For this type of bath, we take tar or laundry soap. Grate a third of the bar, mix with 1.4 liters. boiling water and stir until smooth. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and wait for the granules to dissolve. Dip your feet into the solution and leave them for a quarter of an hour. After softening the heel, be sure to rub it with a pumice stone, lubricate it with cream and wrap it in warm socks.

Recipe No. 5. Milk

High fat milk (from 3.2%) is ideal. Since you can clean your heels with it much faster. At home, heat 1.5 liters. milk, pour into a bowl and add a little baby soap or shampoo. Immerse your heels for half an hour, remove them and rub them with a pumice stone. That's how fast and effective it is! Procedures are carried out 3 times a week.

Recipe No. 6. Acetylsalicylic acid

Aspirin is the No. 1 remedy for softening, healing, cleansing, and whitening heels. It makes sense to use it. Dissolve 10 units of the drug in 1 liter. warm (closer to hot) water, lower the legs and wait 20-30 minutes. Then, by analogy with all the previous methods, rub the skin with a file, lubricate it with lotion and insulate it with socks. Cleansing will be noticeable immediately, but it is better to carry out at least 3 procedures.

Recipe No. 7. Soda

Before cleaning your heels, prepare a hot bath of 100 g. soda and 1.5 l. boiling water Let it cool, immerse the legs for 20 minutes. Then use a pumice stone to get rid of the rough skin. It is advisable to carry out such manipulations at home 2-3 times a week.

Recipe No. 8. Chamomile and celandine

A herbal bath is ideal for cleansing your heels. Brew in 1 liter. boiling water, a handful of celandine and a squeeze of chamomile. Leave covered for 2 hours. Then heat it up, immerse your feet in the mixture and leave it in it for half an hour. As usual, clean your heels from rough skin with a pumice stone or a brush.

Recipe No. 9. Lemon acid

If you're wondering how to clean your heels, consider this method. Lemon powder is sold in every store for pennies, and the result of the procedure at home will really please you. To quickly and effectively deal with rough skin, mix 20 g. citric acid with 1 l. water. Keep your feet in the bath for a third of an hour.

Recipe No. 10. Bouillon

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the broth obtained from cooking pork will help soften and thoroughly clean your heels. Warm it up and lower it inside your foot. Leave for 30-45 minutes, periodically add hot water. After the procedure, lubricate your heels with a slice of lemon and cream, put on socks.

Effective pharmaceutical products for cleansing heels

When deciding how to clean rough heels at home, you should consider professional products that are available at the pharmacy. With their help, you can quickly and efficiently cope with the task. Don't forget to follow the instructions.

Remedy No. 1. Cream "Radevit"

The product contains a high concentration of vitamins in the form of tocopherol, retinol, etc. The cream has excellent restorative and anti-inflammatory effects. Active components eliminate excessive dry skin and resist itching. Systematic application of the composition increases tissue regeneration at the cellular level. Use the cream twice a day.

Remedy No. 2. Ointment "Calendula"

This product effectively heals deep cracks on the sole. The positive effect is achieved thanks to salicylic acid, carotene, resins, flavonoids and essential oils. Inflammatory processes also quickly subside and tissue regeneration increases.

The product easily penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, softening it. The presence of beeswax allows you to fill scratches and deep cracks. As a result, a protective membrane is created. Use the ointment before bed, after thoroughly cleaning your feet.

Remedy No. 3. Flexitol ointment

When thinking about how to clean your heels at home, it’s worth considering the following remedy. The unique composition allows you to cope with the problem quickly and effectively. The ointment has valuable components that heal wounds, soften the skin and restore its elasticity.

The ointment perfectly removes the stratum corneum. Active ingredients in the form of Shea butter, aloe extract, urea, lanolin and various vitamins allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. Use the product twice a day. Noticeable improvements appear on the 2nd day.

Remedy No. 4. Cream "Gewol"

It has almost the same healing properties as the previously described remedies. The cream also eliminates and prevents the development of fungus. The composition contains many valuable substances, which together quickly solve the problem. Apply the product 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to steam your feet in advance.

Remedy No. 5. Cream "Doctor"

The composition showed itself well in eliminating dry heels. The result is not achieved immediately. On the other hand, the cream is very effective. The positive effect is manifested due to natural components. The product is completely natural and does not cause a negative reaction. Apply the composition according to the instructions.

Remedy No. 6. Cream "Scholl"

This product is similar in composition to the one described above. Only this cream contains many times more plant components. Due to this, a positive result is achieved many times faster. Systematic use will allow you to forget about dry heels forever.

Remedy No. 7. Cream "Natura Siberica"

The product contains unique extracts of Far Eastern and Siberian plants. This cream has a positive effect on the deep layers of the epidermis. Useful enzymes deal with the problem as quickly as possible.

It’s easy to achieve the desired result and understand how to clean your heels at home. Take advantage of effective formulations that will help quickly and effectively remove the stratum corneum. Follow simple tips. Choose the most suitable method for yourself.

Where are we standing? On them, on the heels (and on the toes, if we practice ballet or wear high heels). Basically, it is the heels that bear the maximum load and all our weight. The skin, protecting itself from such significant pressure and possible damage associated with it, builds up the stratum corneum. To this main factor there are many others added.

So what stimulates the formation of rough skin on your heels?

“The reason for rough skin on the feet and heels is that one of the important functions of the skin is protective, including from too much pressure. In places of maximum pressure, the skin thickens, becomes denser, and blood circulation is impaired. And if the skin is not taken care of regularly, scabs and painful cracks can form.”

    Body weight pressure.

    Impact load when walking and any other activity. By the way, during jumping, a person’s weight upon landing increases 8 (!) times. That is, this is the load that the feet have to cope with.

    Insufficient fluid intake - the skin becomes dehydrated.

    Hormonal changes lead to excess: lactation or menopause, for example.

    Walking barefoot on sand and salty seawater can also contribute to dehydration. The heels will feel the same effect if the apartment is being renovated - suspensions from construction mixtures and powders pull moisture not only from the air.

    Tight shoes and prolonged wearing of synthetic socks, stockings and tights - all this interferes with normal blood circulation and skin functioning.

    An overzealous pedicure that affected not only the stratum corneum, but also the deeper layers of the epidermis. This is possible, for example, when using an abrasive file or blade that is too hard. For self-defense, the skin thickens the stratum corneum.

Athletes and dancers definitely need to pay special attention to foot skin care. © Getty Images

What methods of struggle exist?

You can try to remove rough skin on your feet yourself. This will require a certain set of tools.

    Foot file: ordinary “grater” or roller.

    Foot scrub. The scrub will have a much greater effect if you rub it not with your hands, but with a sanding file for your feet.

    Moisturizing and nourishing foot cream.

    Foot bath. Of course, you can steam them perfectly just in the bath, but the bath, as a rule, is also equipped with the necessary brushes, pumice stones and - the best part - a massage mode.

    Compress mask for feet.

To summarize, standard care for rough areas of the feet includes the following steps:

Many people prefer to entrust this important work to professionals - pedicurists. In a critical situation, you may need to consult a podiatrist - a doctor who treats various foot diseases. After all, discomfort, dryness and soreness can be associated with flat feet (there are many types of it), and with diabetes, and with other hormonal and skin diseases.

But usually a good pedicurist is quite capable of removing rough skin and eliminating unpleasant sensations. And also offer a lot of options for cosmetic procedures for the feet. To remove rough skin in the salon, various means and tools are used, such as:

    files of varying degrees of roughness (blades should be used in exceptional cases);

    devices on which you can change attachments to adjust the strength and depth of impact;

    special solutions for foot baths that loosen and exfoliate rough skin;

    various combinations of all these influences.

A thorough pedicure, whether at home or professional, is absolutely necessary to make a habit of. For a professional, as a rule, once a month is enough.

How to Cleanse Rough Skin with a Foot Bath

A special foot bath is a real mini-spa at home. When using it, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions, but usually the procedure is quite simple.

“For those who already have cracked heels, it is good to apply the cream in a thicker layer after such procedures, put on cotton socks and leave the compress overnight. By repeating baths, sanding and socks 2-3 times a week, you can get rid of dryness and cracks quite quickly.”

    First you need to steam your legs. To do this, a special product is dissolved in a bath of warm (closer to hot) water. You can use a few drops of oil to soften the skin.

    Hydromassage mode is not only a pleasant, but also a very useful idea. It helps improve blood circulation in the legs, which is very important for maintaining skin function. In addition, after hydromassage of your feet, you will sleep like a baby.

    10 minutes is enough to steam the skin. In any case, do not keep your feet in the bath for too long, because the cold water will ruin all your efforts. And let's not forget: water dries out the skin.

    Many hot tubs are equipped with files and a brush. By following the manufacturer's instructions, you can take advantage of the opportunity for a lightweight home hardware pedicure. If this is not the case, you need to get your feet wet and scrub them thoroughly using a pumice stone or a special file - not too rough! - keratinized skin from the heels. Don't be alarmed, there can be quite a lot of it.

    After the procedure, spread the cream on your feet and let it absorb. If the cream is absorbed very quickly, apply again to saturate the skin with nutrients and moisturizers.

These home spa treatments should be done before bed. Firstly, you can apply more cream as your feet will be resting. And secondly, at night the regeneration processes are most active and the cream will have the best effect.

Cosmetical tools

If we are talking about removing rough skin from the heels, it is important to understand that cream alone will not solve the problem. Dead cells must be removed mechanically, and then the skin must be cared for, softened and moisturized. Therefore, it is important to combine foot scrubbing with creams.

“Foot creams are distinguished by the fact that they contain not only well-moisturizing components, such as urea, but also exfoliating ones, such as salicylic acid. In low concentrations, it has the ability to dissolve connections between cells, loosen rough skin, and provide effective exfoliation.”

Body scrub “Precious Beauty Scrub”, Garnier- argan tree seeds, rich in oils, act as both exfoliating and nourishing components. Oils such as macadamia and rose also provide softness and nourishment to the skin.

Restoring foot cream “Intensive care”, Garnier smoothes the skin and heals cracks. Sugar maple extract and glycerin are responsible for restoration, moisturizing and softening.

Revitalizing cream for dry skin of feet, CeraVe along with skin-restoring ceramides and hyaluronic acid, it contains exfoliating acid, which helps cleanse the skin of dead cells of the stratum corneum.

Cosmetic procedures


The specialist works with a file-grater and manually exfoliates and polishes the pre-steamed skin. It’s good if the master also does a foot massage, which stimulates blood circulation, which is not only pleasant, but also useful for maintaining normal skin functions, and also helps resist excessive dryness and prevents the formation of cracks.


The skin is exfoliated using an electrical device with rotating nozzles made of metal and ceramics. They have different grain sizes and, accordingly, have a rougher or softer effect on the skin. The master also adjusts the rotation speed depending on the thickness and roughness of the stratum corneum. It is believed that a hardware pedicure cleanses the skin more evenly. But here, too, everything is decided by the professionalism of the master.


While the master takes care of the nails and coats them with varnish, the foot remains in a warming polyethylene sock soaked in a special cream. This provides comprehensive skin care.

Paraffin therapy

The feet, cleaned of rough growths, are lowered into a special bath with melted paraffin. It warms and nourishes, stimulates blood circulation and improves skin condition for a long time.

Procedures alone are not enough - you need daily self-care, which will maintain and prolong the effect achieved in the salon.

Recipes at home

There is a rich collection of home recipes designed to restore softness to the skin on your heels. Let's talk about the most common ones.

Walking barefoot on fresh grass is good for the skin of your feet. Special moisturizing qualities are attributed to woodlice grass. © Getty Images

Baking soda

What you will need:

1 tablespoon of baking soda for every liter of water.

What to do:

  1. 1

    dissolve soda in hot (tolerable) water;

  2. 2

    put your feet in a soda bath, you can add hot water little by little as it cools in the bath;

  3. 3

    After 10–15 minutes, remove your feet and pat dry with a towel;

  4. 4

    remove softened rough skin using a file-grater;

  5. 5

    apply foot cream.


What you will need:

1 tablespoon of dried chamomile (or calendula) per 1 liter of water.

What to do:

  1. 1

    pour a glass of boiling water over chamomile;

  2. 2

    when it boils, remove from heat and leave to steep for 20 minutes;

  3. 3

    strain the broth and pour into a foot bath filled with warm water;

  4. 4

    keep your feet in the bath for 15 minutes;

  5. 5

    blot with a towel and apply cream.

Onion compress

Onion foot compress works on the principle of acid or, rather, enzyme peeling.

What you will need:

1 medium onion.

What to do:

  1. 1

    Before going to bed, cut the onion in half. Or cut two circles about 1 cm thick;

  2. 2

    grease the sheets with honey;

  3. 3

    apply sheets smeared with honey to the heels and wrap them around the feet, put on socks, leave overnight;

  4. 4

    in the morning, throw away the sheets, wash your feet and file them;

  5. 5

    grease with cream.

    Every day in the shower or after a steam bath, treat the driest and roughest areas of your feet with a special file. Be careful when using electric rotating files: in the wrong hands, they can make the problem worse, as there is a risk of removing more skin than necessary.

    Once a month (on your own or in a salon), do a full pedicure procedure, removing the excess stratum corneum of the skin.

    Apply the cream to your feet twice a day. In the morning, this will prepare the skin for the upcoming day's stress, and in the evening, it will help it rest and recover.

    There are no restrictions on the use of creams or body milk in this area. But if there is a tendency towards increased dryness and roughening of the skin, then give preference to a special cream.

    Drink enough fluids and avoid dehydrating your skin.

    If you wear high heels, use silicone heel (and toe) pads. This helps redistribute the load on the foot.

    In summer, walk barefoot on the grass if possible.

    Watch your weight! Excessive does not have the best effect on the health of the feet and joints.

Perfect heels are a source of pride for any woman. Smooth, delicate leather on the heels allows you to appear barefoot on the beach and wear open shoes without embarrassment. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the skin of the feet is a kind of indicator of health.

The appearance of calluses, corns, cracks, hyperkeratosis and, as a result, dry heels indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Rough and dry skin on the heels in most cases is a cosmetic problem that develops as a result of poor foot care or wearing poor-quality tight shoes. Pathological conditions develop in the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • dermatoses of an allergic nature;
  • psoriasis;
  • hormonal disorders in women during menopause.

To achieve successful results from foot care, it is necessary to eliminate the likelihood of painful skin conditions. By contacting a dermatologist, a histological examination of the rough skin will be performed.

If a pathology is detected, the doctor will identify the cause and prescribe treatment. While adhering to the doctor’s recommendations, you also need to take careful care of your feet. Without appropriate therapy, rough skin due to diseases will reappear.

If ugly skin on your heels is the result of a careless attitude towards yourself, cleansing procedures will quickly give a good effect. To do this, it is not necessary to go to specialized salons; careful care at home is enough.

Method number 1: hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable, inexpensive product that can be sold at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It is mainly used to disinfect damaged skin. Antiseptic and exfoliating properties in combination give excellent results when cleaning the skin of the feet.

For a cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to prepare a special solution, which includes 5 tbsp. spoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 liters of hot water. For ease of use, you can choose rubbing or foot baths.

In any case, before the procedure, it is advisable to steam dry skin on the heels to achieve maximum effect. For rubbing, you can take a cotton pad or cotton cloth and, moisten it in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, clean the entire skin of the feet on both legs.

To do this, you need to pour the resulting mixture into a clean bowl and place your feet there for 10 minutes. At the end, the skin of the feet is cleaned with a pumice stone or a file, and then lubricated with a rich nourishing cream.

The number of procedures will depend on the condition of the feet; usually the full course can take up to one and a half months. Once every 3 days is the optimal frequency to achieve good results; more intensive use will only dry out the skin.

Having achieved smooth skin on the feet, the ideal condition must be maintained regularly. The skin of the feet is subject to constant pressure and friction while walking under the weight of its own weight, so it is more vulnerable than other areas of the body.

Hydrogen peroxide will become an indispensable assistant in the fight for healthy heels.

Method number 2: Epsom salt

Epsom salts are great for removing rough skin on your heels. Bitter salt can be purchased at a pharmacy; its other name is magnesium sulfate. A unique chemical compound of sulfur and magnesium gives the skin a radiant appearance and nails a strong structure.

Epsom salt, interacting with the skin of the feet, cleanses, softens and has an antibacterial effect.

In addition to its cosmetic benefits, magnesium sulfate relieves swelling and fatigue after a long day on your feet. Sulfur with magnesium is effectively used to combat unpleasant foot odor.

Cleansing procedures for dry heels are carried out in the form of warm evening treatments or Epsom salt crystals are used as a scrub. A handful of bitter salt is rubbed into the surface of rough heels for several minutes into pre-steamed skin. After the procedure, the skin is washed with warm water and generously lubricated with nourishing cream.

Cleaning rough heels with a salt solution at home is easy and pleasant. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Add a pinch of Epsom salt to hot, clean water and stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Place your feet in the solution and steam your heels for half an hour, keeping the mixture hot.
  3. After finishing, remove the thickened skin mechanically with a pumice stone or brush.
  4. We wash our feet with fresh water and dry them with a clean towel.
  5. Lubricate the skin of the feet with cream. To enhance the nutritional effect, you can add 3 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A and E to the cream.

In just a few days, a good result will be noticeable. The course is completed when the desired result is achieved, on average it lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Method No. 3: onions

How to clean rough skin using onions? There are onions in every home. Not everyone knows that it can be used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic procedures.

Fresh onions are a source of calcium, fluoride, zinc, magnesium, as well as essential oils. The high content of these elements makes ordinary onions a bactericidal agent that improves the condition of the skin epithelium and has a cleansing effect.

When applied topically, onion regulates the activity of sweat glands and eliminates unpleasant odor.

To remove rough and dry skin on the heels, cut a large onion in half and place it on top. Then, on top of the onion, you can wrap your feet with cling film and put on socks made from natural materials.

Another method is to use chopped onions. The mushy mass is placed on gauze folded in several layers. The bandage is applied to the heels, the time of contact with the bow should be no more than 30 minutes.

Onions, as a means to remove rough skin, are suitable for everyone. Try not to overdo it and perform manipulations no more than once every 3 days.

Daily use can lead to inflammatory processes as a result of irritation of the sweat glands. For the fastest effect, try to choose shoes made from natural materials that can allow air to pass through.

Method number 4: baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate has long been known for its unique skin cleansing properties. The softening effect will prepare rough skin to remove unwanted growths.

Antiseptic properties will remove pathogenic bacteria and fungi, which cause not only changes in the skin, but also an unpleasant odor. The anti-inflammatory effect will promote healing and regeneration of the skin of the feet.

How to properly clean your heels from rough skin using baking soda at home? There are several folk recipes:

  1. Dry mixture of soda and soap. A small amount of soap should be grated on a coarse grater. Add a teaspoon of soda to the crushed soap and apply to the skin in the heel area. Wrap in film, put on socks and leave the compress for 20 minutes, then clean your feet with pumice and lubricate with nourishing cream.
  2. Foot. Add a little soda to hot water and take baths for 15 minutes until the solution remains warm. After steaming, wash your feet with clean water and mechanically remove the rough skin on the heels. After softening with cream, be sure to wear warm socks.
  3. Soda with milk. An excellent effect can be achieved by using milk instead of water. The use of dairy products to nourish and soften the skin has been known since the ancient times of Egyptian beauties. with milk are carried out according to the same scheme.
  4. Olive oil and soda: mix 15 grams of soda with 5 ml of olive oil and rub into rough skin. The abrasive properties of soda in dry form act like a scrub, and the oil softens the skin and makes the cleansing process more gentle.

Method number 5: natural honey

How to get rid of rough skin on your heels using honey. Honey is a natural antiseptic that combines an emollient and nourishing cosmetic to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body.

When cleansing the skin of the feet, to speed up the effect, use not pure honey, but a mixture of it with viburnum or prunes. When exposed to honey, rough keratinized layers noticeably peel off, releasing clean epithelium and eliminating inflammatory processes from the skin. Viburnum is a real storehouse of microelements that stimulate the growth of young layers of epithelial tissue.

How to easily and quickly remove rough skin from your heels using a compress:

  • Crush 50 g of viburnum berries, after removing the seeds, and mix with half a glass of honey;
  • Before applying, the paste should be heated in a water bath until warm;
  • the mixture is applied to a bandage or natural fabric and applied to the heels;
  • To obtain a compress effect, the legs are wrapped in cellophane and wrapped in a blanket for 30 minutes.

In a similar way, it is useful to use prunes instead of viburnum. A mixture of honey and prunes breaks down the thick dead skin layers of damaged skin, and acts as a chemical peel to remove rough skin on the heels. The skin begins to come off in large pieces, leaving the smooth surface of the feet free.

The advantage of this method is absolute safety and painlessness. Compresses with honey can be applied daily without harm to the feet. The duration of the course is extended until the desired effect is achieved.

Prevention of corns, calluses and rough skin of the feet

Having done a tremendous amount of work, you can achieve an amazing result. Smooth and healthy feet will delight and delight, but many people face the problem of rough skin appearing again and again. Having achieved the desired result, it is necessary to maintain the effect with preventive procedures.

Daily foot care allows you not to think about how to clean your heels of rough skin again. Mandatory evening dress includes:

  • with medicinal herbs and essential oils;
  • regular use of scrubs and fine-grained foot files;
  • daily use of foot creams with vitamins A and E;
  • using a personal towel to dry your feet.

Increased demands must be placed on shoes. Ideally, it will be made of natural materials and an anatomically correct last. In this case, the feet will be provided with air circulation, and the orthopedic padding will ensure proper distribution of the load on the foot when walking, eliminating the appearance of corns.

It should be added that daily work in caring for your feet will be rewarded with admiring glances from others when they see your feet.