GCD summary for the application "Spring Carpet" (Senior "B" group). On the topic: "Spring carpet" (weaving from flagella) Explanation of the work

Software content:

Learn to create parts of a collective composition. Exercise in various cutting techniques. Develop aesthetic feelings (composition, color, rhythm) and aesthetic perception. Develop the ability to work in a team

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive development "

Preliminary work: Observing on a walk for flowers in a flower bed, for dandelions on the territory of a kindergarten, looking at pictures, postcards with different colors, conversations on the topic" Spring flowers " .

Materials and equipment:

1. A large bouquet of spring flowers.

2. Illustrations depicting flowers.(Bell, chamomile, lily of the valley, daffodil, tulip, dandelion).

3. Scheme with the sequence of making flowers.

4. Green paper, size А 3; green rectangles, small yellow squares.

5. Scissors, paper napkins, glue, glue sockets, oilcloths, boxes for scrap, green pencil

Move but d:

Organizing time: (The teacher draws the children's attention to a beautiful spring bouquet of dandelions)

Educator: The sun has risen in the morning!

It's time for you to wake up.

Is everyone awake?

Stretch, smile.


Children: Hello!

Look how big beautiful I have spring bouquet ... I collected it today when I was going to kindergarten. You like?

Breathing exercises:- Guys, let's breathe in how flowers smell (deep breath, and on exhalation pronounce: "How good our flowers smell".

Where do you think these flowers grow?(children's answers)

If flowers grow in a garden, what are they?(children's answers)

Yes, these flowers can be found in the meadow - these are meadow flowers, and where else do the flowers grow? ( children's answers)

Guys, if flowers grow in a field, what kind of flowers are they?(- field), if in the garden? (- garden).

How good it is in the spring on the green lawn! Among the green grass, bright fragrant flowers dazzle. Butterflies, bumblebees and bees flutter above them. Do you know the names of the colors?(Yes) I'll check now.

Let's play a game "Find out the flower and tell me where it grows".

In the clearing around which the children are standing, cards are laid out with the image of flowers (lily of the valley, rose, tulip, chamomile, etc.).(Pictures down)

(Children take turns taking the card and, without turning it over, name the flowers and say what kind of flower it is: meadow, garden, etc.)

Into the dweller : Guys, look at some message on my card. Let's read it.

Message : In our meadow every year, yellow flowers bloomed, and the meadow became golden, and we had fun, flying from flower to flower, savoring sweet nectar, but this year the flowers for some reason did not bloom. We are very sad, we do not fly from flower to flower and have not yet tasted sweet nectar. My friends and I don't know what to do now. Please help us, Butterfly!

Guys, do you know how you can help Butterfly.(Answers of children)

I also have an idea, I'll tell you about it, but first, guess riddle:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers bloomed.

Yellow as the sun.

On a green leg.

And as soon as they grow up,

Hats will be put on -

Soft, airy -

Obedient to the breeze!

Educator : What is the name of this flower?(dandelion)

That's right guys!

Chatting on pictures.

Let's see what a dandelion looks like with you!

What are his leaves, long or short?(long)

What color are they?(green)

And a flower blossomed on a long leg. What colour is he?(yellow)

What shape is it?(round)

What does it look like?(in the sun)

Did you know that the name of the flower comes from the word"blow" - as soon as the flower has faded, white parachutes - the wind blows the seeds.

Educator: Guys, Dandelions are primroses. Flowers are also called young and golden. They are yellow and look like little suns, located on long stems. And their leaves look like little Christmas trees.

Dandelion is a medicinal plant... For the preparation of the broth, roots, leaves and flowers are used. And what a delicious dandelion flower jam! (looking at the photo)

Physical education.... - Guys, now imagine that you have turned into little butterflies.

In the morning the butterfly woke up

Smiled, stretched,

Once - she washed with dew,

Two - gracefully circled,

Three - bent down and sat down,

Four - flew away!

Applique execution : Guys, sit down at the tables. Now we will make you and I beautiful spring carpet from dandelions for Beauty Butterflies, but first we will do finger gymnastics so that our fingers work dexterously and skillfully.

Finger gymnastics.

Our delicate flowers (fingers clenched into a fist)

Dissolve the petals. (fingers in different directions)

The wind is just breathing (children are blowing lightly)

The petals are swaying. (shaking hands)

Our delicate flowers

Close the petals (clench the fists again)

Shake his head (shake his fists)

They fall asleep quietly. (take your hands off the table)

Educator : To do the job, we need scissors, remember the Rules for safe work with scissors : the scissors should lie on the right with the rings towards you during the time, so as not to prick on their sharp ends. The blades of the scissors should be closed when inoperative. When working with scissors, do not wave your hands.

Applique work with children:

What are we going to cut out of the yellow squares? (children's answers) How can you cut a circle out of a square? (children's answers)

To make our flower fluffy, we need to make small cuts along the edge of the circle. Fold the circle in half, then in half again, hold the fold with your left hand, and make small cuts at regular intervals.

Cut out three circles, apply glue in the middle and glue them together.

Lift the top layer, squeeze it with your fingers around the center.

Pick up the next layers and squeeze them with your fingers as well.

It turned out to be a lush flower.

What are we going to detail from the green rectangles? (leaves). To make dandelion leaves, take strips of paper and fold them in half. Cut off the corners.

Unfold the sheet and bend it a little. Cut out a few leaves.

Now we glue the leaves on our clearing, we glue only the lower part of the leaf with glue.

And now each of you will stick your flower on our green meadow, apply glue, only to the lower part of the flower.

(Children stick their work on a common sheet. Assessment of the pupils' work.)

Educator : Guys, look what a beautiful meadow we have, yellow dandelions bloomed on it, and it became even sunnier, brighter and more joyful.

Scene: children (one child in a dandelion costume) recite poetry.

The sun has warmed from the sky -

The bird began to sing a song.

And bloomed from that song

Dandelion is golden.

Looked around, smiled

Well, how around!

And he exclaimed:

I woke up!

Hello sun!

Hello meadow
Educator : Guys, I think we helped the Beauty Butterflies, they would like our golden meadow. And I propose to listen to the song "Dandelion" and play the game "Repeat after me" (children in a circle, to the music, repeat the movements behind the teacher)

Outcome Educator: - Well done! today we not only helped the spring, but also gave joy to ourselves and others.

What did we do with you today?

What a spring have we learned how to make a flower today?

What did you like the most?

Well done, thanks for the job.

Synopsis of direct educational activities for applications in the senior group No. 2 "Why Much"

Educator: Kumarova G.D.

Theme: Spring Landscape

Target: to teach children to create a landscape composition, to show the possibilities of various means of artistic expression for conveying the created image.


Clarify and consolidate ideas about changes in nature in spring, its signs;

Form the grammatical structure of speech and activate the vocabulary of children;

Improve cutting technique with scissors;

To form the ability to convey the beauty of nature in applications, to develop aesthetic perception.

Preliminary work: walks, observing spring changes, reading fiction, memorizing poems, looking at pictures about spring.

Equipment: oilcloth, colored paper, scissors, glue stick, napkins, reproductions of paintings about spring, ready-made blanks - frames.

GCD move:

    Organizing time.

Children enter the group and see a letter.


Someone threw me at the window,

Look, letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What tickles my face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

Flying, dropped it?

Maybe someone is a letter, like a mouse,

Have you lured you into the window?

From whom the letter came

Do you want to know?

Then you have to try

You have to guess the riddle.


If the snow melts everywhere, it turns into a stream

The weed crawls out timidly, the day gets longer

If the sun shines brighter, if the birds have no sleep,

If the wind has become warmer, it means that it has come to us ( Spring).

That's right, well done, the letter came from the spring.

She comes with affection

And with his own tale.

Wave a magic wand

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest!

Let's read what she writes to us:

"Dear Guys! You are all happy spring sun, ringing drops, running streams? (Yes). I invite you to my spring lawn.

I would be glad to see you at my place! "Spring".

Let's go to Spring. How would we get there? (children's answers).

Let's fly there on the clouds. Do you agree?

Children imitate flying on airy, light clouds.

Look, and here is the spring meadow. And the magical Spring meets us.

Draws attention to the screen (spring landscape).

Name the spring months in order (March, April, May).

Let's look at Spring and name the changes in nature that occurred with the onset of spring?

Showing pictures of spring tags.

- Vmarch who is the main helper of spring? (Sun). The sun shines brightly, warms, the snow melts, drops ring, buds bloom on the willow, the first thawed patches appear, the first flowers - snowdrops - grow from the snow.

In a prele - the sun shines even brighter, the snow turns into water, streams run, the rivers seethe, ice melts on lakes and rivers, animals change their fur to lighter ones, change color, animals have cubs, birds return from distant countries, build nests, breed chicks ...

- In May - the first green leaves, green grass appear on the trees, trees and bushes bloom, various insects wake up, flowers bloom, the sun is shining brightly, it is green and beautiful around.

Which spring did you like best? (early, middle, late).

Let's take a little rest, play the game "Vesnyanka".

    Physical education:(perform movements according to the text)

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The breeze is quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher, higher.

Sunshine, sunshine

Golden bottom

Burn, burn clear

So that it does not go out

A stream ran into the forest

A hundred rooks flew in

And the drifts are melting, melting.

And the flowers grow!

Our first flowers

Open the petals

The breeze is barely breathing

The petals are swaying.

Our first flowers

Close the petals

Head shake

They fall asleep quietly.

Shall we wake up the flowers?

Spring! What an affectionate and gentle word. Spring is an amazing time of the year. Everyone feels very good from the warmth of the spring. People gladly turn their faces to the gentle spring sun. The image of spring is multifaceted. This is beautiful nature, and the arrival of birds, and flowering, and delicate green foliage.

    Explanation of the performance of the work.

And today, with you, we will become wizards and paint an unusual, spring picture. Let us convey in it all the beauty of late spring.

Here we have blanks, for these pictures spring has not come yet.

How can we help the spring? What do you think we can do? ( glue the bright sun and white clouds, make green leaves on flowers, grass, etc.).

How do we depict a bright sunny day? ( we will paste the sun and white clouds).

You have yellow squares on your plates; we will cut out the sun and a flower from the squares. From the green rectangle - grass and leaves.

    Independent activities of children.

    Analysis of works.

What kind of work did we get?

What do you like about your work?

What jobs do you like the most? Why? (children's answers)

YI. Summing up the results of the lesson.

You guys are real wizards today, and our pictures turned out to be really magical, unique.

What a sorceress Spring!

Why is there so much power in her?

Barely awakening from a dream

She awakened nature.

Wave my magic wand,

She melted the drifts.

And immediately without resting,

She paved the road for streams.

And the air is clean and the distance is clear!

Nature sings, coming to life.

Yes, you are a sorceress, Spring!

Now I know it for sure!

Summary of the lesson on the methodology of activityin the older group.

Decorative molding from plasticine.

On the topic: "Spring carpet" (weaving from flagella)

Software content :

Continue to acquaint children with the types of folk decorative and applied arts.

Learn to sculpt a rug from flagella, imitating the weaving technique.

Show analogies between methods of creating an image in different types of visual activity.

Develop fine motor skills and synchronize the movements of both hands.

Materials, equipment:

Plasticine of different colors, napkins, squares of colored cardboard, which will be used in the lesson as the basis of the composition.

Course of the lesson:

I invite the children to sit on the carpet and stroke it with their palms. Then I have a conversation.

Educator:- Children, what do you think is a carpet and what are carpets for?

Children: These things are used for warmth, beauty, comfort.

Educator: The art of creating (comfort and beauty) of these products is called carpet weaving. The art of carpet weaving has long been known as in Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan. What material are carpets made of? Usually wool, sometimes silk.

If sheep are raised in countries, carpets are made of sheep wool. If camels are bred - from camel hair. And if there are not many such animals with thick, good wool or not, people make carpets from fibers and stems of plants. Usually carpets are beautifully decorated with different patterns, which can be used to tell which country they were made in. There are small rugs, and there are huge carpets that can be used to cover the people's hall of a castle or palace.

And we will try to weave a spring rug. We will weave for real. But our rugs will not be made of wool, silk, straw or even paper, but plasticine flagella.

See how we will do our job with you. First, we will roll out the flagella - the same amount of a different color. Then we trim the flagella along the length - put it in a row and cut off the extra "tails" so that all the threads are the same length. The number of strings can be divided in half into two "heaps" without counting, simply alternating: one here, the other there. After that, we take cardboard of a suitable color and start weaving: first we lay out the threads of the same color, placing them from top to bottom, at a short distance from each other, and then we will take one “thread” of a different color and weave it so that it will be beautiful when the rug turns out. If you wish, you can decorate it with patterns of flowers, berries, butterflies, suns, etc.

I advise you guys to make part of the flagella for weaving in blue or light blue, as if it were streams, and the other part in green, as if it were a green shore. At the intersection of these streams - berezhki, you can place yellow flowers, flatten them into flat cakes and cut “along the bank”.

At the end of the lesson, I praise all the children and invite you to admire each other's spring rugs and put them together in one large spring carpet. You can look at this carpet from above, as if we are birds or butterflies - we fly, flutter in the air and look down at the ground.

I suggest that the children go to the washroom, wash their hands after sculpting, and clean up after themselves equipment after class.

Educational areas: "Creativity", "Cognition", "Communication".

Sections : "Application".

Theme: "Spring flowers".

Software content:

1. To develop in children fine motor skills of hands in the process of creative activity of children.

2. Fasten the napkin applique techniques - trimming, twisting, rolling, tearing, skills in using scissors and glue.

3. To develop creative imagination, a sense of color, the ability to bring things to an end.

Bilingual component: gүl, gүlder, byishek, kyzgaldaқ, zhұpapgүl.

Equipment: pictures of spring flowers, Red Book PK, glue, napkins of different colors, oilcloth, scissors, carton, kapandashi, butterfly, flower-surprise, background by P.I. "Walt of Flowers", songs "Magic Flower".

Preliminary work: observing spring phenomena in nature, interpreting flowers, reading poems, literary literature, legends about spring flowers, making enchantments, making gingerbread, flavoring

Course of the lesson

1. Motivational-stimulating stage of activity.

Circle of joy:

All people are smiling (They go in a circle).

Spring, spring, spring!

She is everywhere, she is everywhere

Red, red, red!

(Raise their hands above their head and clap their hands rhythmically)

Through the meadow, forest and clearing (They walk rhythmically in place.)

It goes, it goes, it goes!

Get warm in the sun (They wave both hands towards themselves.)

Calling, calling, calling!

And fervently in the forest stream (They snap their fingers rhythmically.)

Ringing, ringing, ringing!

By the pebbles in the wide river (They rub their palms.)

Murmurs, murmurs, murmurs!

Carries smells everywhere (They make a "bud" out of fingers.)

Flowers, flowers, flowers!

And all living things hears at once (They put their hand to their ear.)

Spring bells! (Clap their hands.)

2. Organizational and search stage of activity.

Educator: I invite you to go to a wonderful country,

Adventures are more interesting for us, guys, to find,

There is no snow, no cold,

Everyone there woke up from a dream

We'll go out of town

To a wonderful country - Spring!

Educator: Do you agree to go on a trip?

Children: Agree.

Educator: I propose to listen to the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky, and you will immediately understand what we are going to talk about today.

Listening to "Waltz of the Flowers".

Educator: Guys, have you guessed what will be discussed today?

Children: Today we will talk about flowers.

Educator: Today, guys, we have an unusual meeting. Meeting with spring flowers. What are the names of the flowers that bloom first?

Children: Primroses.

Educator: Guys, listen to riddles about flowers:

The first to get out of the land

On the thaw.

He is not afraid of the frost,

Though small. (Snowdrop)

White peas

On a green leg.

I met in the spring

On a forest path (Lily of the valley)

Wonderful flower,

Like a bright light.

Lush, important, like a pan.

Delicate, velvet…. (Tulip)

There are signs of a spring flower,

So as not to be mistaken:

A leaf is like a garlic,

A crown - like a prince! (Narcissus)

I'm not famous for flowers

A unusual sheets:

That hard, cold

That is soft and warm. (Coltsfoot)

Here I put on my sundress

Bright yellow ... (Dandelion)

Educator: What spring flowers do you still know?

Children: Lilac, mimosa, crocus, forget-me-not, poppy, bell, hyacinth.

Educator: We have named spring flowers. Try to share something interesting about spring flowers.

(Children tell legends about flowers, about the beneficial and harmful properties of flowers.)

Didactic game "What does color mean in the language of flowers".

Educator: Guys, what happened if we didn't have flowers?

Children: There would be no beauty, insects, less oxygen, etc.

Educator: What is necessary so that the flowers do not die?

Children: Sun, water, heat, earth, care, oxygen.

Educator: We know these plants,

We care and protect

They are in the Red Book,

They have been entered for a long time.

- What flowers are included in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

Children: forget-me-not, lily of the valley, snowdrop, hyacinth.

Educator: If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers

All the glades will be empty and there will be no beauty!

Tree, flower, grass and birds do not always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet!

There is a knock on the window. A butterfly flies in.

Educator: Guys, look, a butterfly flew to us. She's so scared, frozen. "Sweet butterfly, what happened to you?"

Butterfly: I was born and lived in a wonderful magical garden, where the tender sun always shone, many beautiful flowers bloomed. But suddenly an evil sorceress flew in, blew with an icy wind, and elegant flowers drooped, all butterflies scattered around the world, hoping to find a blooming garden again. A gust of wind lifted me high up, then threw me down, and I ended up near your window, looked into it, and it seemed to me that I was again in my magical garden. Only there were much more flowers in my magic garden, and they grew in flower beds. I'm so sad and sad without flowers.

Educator: Come on, guys, we will help the butterfly. You, too, can be little wizards. Don't be upset, butterfly. Now our little wizards will assemble a flower bed from parts, on which magic flowers will bloom. Let's rub our fingers.

Flowers (finger gymnastics)

(Children sat down, imitating unopened flower buds).

One, two, three, flowers grew

(they slowly rise, raise their hands up and open their palms with outstretched fingers, imitating flowers).

Stretched to the sun -

High: (stretching on tiptoes, looking up).

It became pleasant and warm for them!

The breeze flew by, the stem shook

(running on tiptoes in a circle, gently waving their hands).

Swung to the left, bent low

(lean to the left, lean forward).

Swung to the right, bent low

(lean to the right, lean forward).

Breeze, run away, don't break the flowers

(they shake their right finger, then their left hand),

Let them bloom, grow (clap their hands)

They bring joy to children! (they nod their heads, smile).

Educator: To get started, let's remember the napkin applique techniques.

Children: Facing, twisting, rolling and breaking.

Educator: Tell us about each of the methods. (Children talk about napkin handling techniques).

Educator: Now let's start making spring flowers. (Children make spring flowers by choice: hyacinths, poppies, dandelions, lilies of the valley, lilacs).

3. Reflective-correcting stage of activity.

Educator: This is a wonderful flower bed for a butterfly!

Butterfly: Thanks guys! I also have a gift for you - a magic tulip that will give you a piece of happiness if you smile cheerfully.

The song "Magic Flower" sounds and the butterfly gives children a magic flower (inside a candy medal).

Educator: What new have you learned? What did you like?

Children talk about what they liked.

Expected Result:

  • know about the first spring flowers, the rules for using scissors and glue;
  • have the skills of napkin applique techniques - twisting, trimming, rolling, tearing, a sense of composition, courage, confidence, initiative in the experimental development of new materials and ways of working with them;
  • be able to see the beauty of flowering plants, take care of the creations of nature, work carefully.

Collective application
"Spring Dandelion Carpet" (or
Summary of classes in the senior group
: To consolidate the ability to create parts of a collective composition. Exercise in a symmetrical arrangement of images on a square and a strip, in various cutting techniques. Develop aesthetic feelings (composition, color, rhythm) and aesthetic perception. To cultivate love for nature and respect for it.
Subject - developmental environment
: cardboard for carpet, scissors, yellow paper for dandelion flowers, green paper for leaves, glue, napkins, subject pictures depicting dandelions.
Directly - educational activities
I. Organizational moment
... - Hello guys! Please tell me what time of year do we have? (Spring). What spring flowers do you know (snowdrop, tulip, dandelion, daffodil)? Well done! Guys, when I was going to work in kindergarten today, I met Maya the Bee. She was sad. It turns out in their meadow where her house is, a big tree has grown and it has become cloudy. The bee does not know what to do and asked for help from you guys. Do you know how you can help Maya? (children's answers). Guys, I know another way, but first listen to the story:
"Bees on reconnaissance".
Spring has come; the sun drove the snow from the fields; fresh bright green stalks were visible in the yellowed grass of last year; the buds on the trees opened and released young leaves. So the bee woke up from her winter sleep, cleared her eyes with her furry paws, woke her friends, and they looked out the window - to scout out: had the snow, and ice, and the cold north wind gone? The bees see that the sun is shining brightly, that it is light and warm everywhere; They got out of the hive and flew to the apple tree: “Do you, apple tree, have something for the poor bees? We've been starving for the whole winter! " - No, - the apple tree says to them, - you arrived too early: my flowers are still hidden in the buds. Ask the cherry. The bees flew to the cherry: “Sweet cherry! Do you have a flower for hungry bees? " - Visit me, darlings, tomorrow, - the cherry answers them, - today I don't have a single open flower on me yet. The bees flew to the tulip, looked into its variegated head, but there was no smell or honey in it.
The sad and hungry bees wanted to fly home, but they saw a bright yellow flower under the bush - it was a mother and stepmother. She opened her cup full of sweet juice to the bees. The bees ate their fill and flew home. " - What is the name of the flower that helped the bees? (Mother and stepmother) -Right, guys! II. Conversation on plot pictures. - Let's see with you what Mother and Stepmother looks like! - What are the leaves of the flower, long or short? (short, rounded) - What color are they? (green) - A flower has blossomed on a long stem. What colour is he? (yellow) - What shape is it? (round) - What does it look like? (in the sun) - Do you know why this flower was called that? This is because of their leaves: the upper side is tender and soft, like a mom's palm, and the lower side is rough and rough, like the hands of an evil stepmother from a fairy tale. IV. Physical minute. In the morning, the bee woke up, stretched, smiled, One - she washed with dew, two - gracefully whirled, Three - bent down and sat down, flew to work. She stopped in the meadow, whirled over the flowers. V. Execution of the application. - Guys, sit down at the tables. Now we will make a beautiful spring carpet from mother-and-stepmother for Maya the Bee (showing the completed application). Applique work with children: Take squares, cut out a circle, cutting off the corners. To make dandelion leaves, take squares of paper and fold them in half. Cut off the corners. And we will make the second leaf. Now we glue the leaves on our clearing, we glue only the lower part of the leaf with glue. And glue the flower next to the leaves, spread it with glue, only the lower part of the flower. Now let's draw a stalk. Guys, look what a beautiful flower we have. Assessment of pupils' work. - Look how wonderful your dandelion carpet is! Let's put houses for Maya the bee in our meadow, she will probably like to live in our meadow. Vii. Reflection. - What did we do with you today? - What spring flower did we learn to make today? -What did you like the most? And Maya the bee and her friends say thank you and also treat you to sweets.