An abstract classes for students of the older age group on appliqués "Presentation for Santa Claus. Plan-abstract application for appliqués, modeling (middle group) on the topic: Abstract application for appliqués with children with mental delay on the topic: "

Oksana Brushkova
Abstract Applique classes in the second youngest group "Colored ice cream"

Subject:« Color ice cream» Applique

purpose: To acquaint children with round-shaped items. Teach meals sticking: To smear the tall side of the shape to be smeared, take it on the brush, work on a skid, press the image to the paper with a napkin and the entire palm have circles in each cup one by one. Each cup of ball. How many cups? (3 and 3 balls) Porovna, equally.

Securing O. color. Fasten reading skill.

Develop perception colors.

Raise accuracy in work and the ability to rejoice in the result.

Material: colored circles(Yellow, Green, Red) Cleeter, tassels, planks, napkins, paper, plates, words for reading.

Vocabulary: balloons, ice cream, round shape, cup, colors, sweet, tasty, delicacy.

Travel course.

Organizing time. Psychohymics "Hip"

Surprise moment.

Educator: Guys, the telegram came to us, from the hypopotam.

He lives in a zoo, but not only he is alone, there are still many exotic and unusual animals with him.

(On Molbert : pictures with the inhabitants of the zoo). Who lives in the zoo? (Monkey, Tiger, Giraffe)

They have trouble - no animals are not at all, they are sad for all day. What helps, even the director of the zoo does not know. And what do you think to raise the mood when sad? (children's responses). And the claw to me is sad, I can eat a piece of candy or chocolate and becomes more fun. And what delicacies do you like? ....)

Guess the riddle.

I'm in a cup, horn,

Delicious and gentle.

Made on milk,

More often white.

IN freezers live,

And at the sun immediately Tay.

(Ice cream)

And let's send a lot of delicious zoo, multicolored ice cream? (Yes)

Just need to cook it. I wave a magic wand and you will turn into cooks that prepare delicious ice creamAnd I as the main cook - I will help you.

Fizkultminutka. "Cook"

We are funny guys

We guys - Cook,

Prepare we cookies,

From above rawl sugar.

And then the nut, jam,

Ah yes, what a treat.

Sample viewing.

Sugar ice cream

In the horn it is necessary

Thick and sweet.

Eat without a residue!

On a sheet of paper already drawn "Glass", on top are glued three multicolored circle(ice cream) . The educator draws the attention of children to the fact that the circles ice cream Do not go beyond the edges of the horror. Some colors of mug ice cream? (Yellow, Green, Red).Wyh there are circles ice cream(from above horn).

1 group 2 Group

Considers the sample along with the children, asks questions. Attracts children to self-analyzing sample.

Display image methods.

Brush we will apply glue to the details appliques. Napkin we will press the details appliques to the base. A trunk is needed in order not to stain the table.

Take big red (blue yellow) A circle, bring glue with a brush, we have it ... Where? (from above horn). That's right, excess glue we clean the napkin. Now we take second circle, we apply glue on it and glit next to the first circle on top of the horn. We remove excess adhesive napkin. Also glue and the next circle.

let's we repeat the rules of work: Take a circle, turn the white face to yourself, colorful side, put on a one-stop, we apply glue with a tassel with a tassel, glit, we scrape a napkin.

Fingering gymnastics "Cook".

Cook preparing lunch, (Children with the edge of the palms are knocking on the table)

Suddenly the light turned off.

Chef breed beret (Bend the thumb on the left hand)

And lowers in compote.

Throws a lamp to the boiler (flex the index finger)

In the stove puts jam.

Prevents soup to nice (flex a middle finger)

the corners hits the cook. (bend the ring finger)

Sugar Sypt in Broth, (take tricks the little finger)

And he is very pleased! (diluted with hands)

Independent work of children.

1 group

The educator helps those who have difficulty

2 group Children independently perform work.

Games with letters and words "Where did the word hid?"

Outcome classes.

Well done! All coped, you can now send ice cream by our animals.

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If you are looking for a cradle for a child of preschool age, try to make ice cream from paper. Your baby will cope with simple instructions and will be able to make a filling for your favorite doll.

Do not know what to take a child? Make a paper ice cream with him! You not only spend time having fun and with benefit (developing a small toddler motorcy, its fantasy and creativity, spatial thinking, patience and ability to concentrate attention), but also get a wonderful accessory for a doll house, which a child will be happy to use in games.

Consume consumables for ice cream

Before you start work, you need to stock all necessary. To craft performed in the Origami technique, only scissors and colored paper will be needed. You can watch a video instruction how to make such ice cream from paper. By the way, folding origami, the child will be able to learn to distinguish between geometric shapes, and the process itself will be even a kid of preschool age. Especially if you do not require it excessive accuracy and clarity of lines.

If you are crawling with a child with a child of 3 - 4 years old, you can make a filling of paper napkins. For its manufacture, prepare:

Two white cutlery napkins;
One yellow single-layer dining napkin. It will be better if its surface will visually look like a waffle towel, then the horn of your ice cream will look like a real;
tight cardboard sheet;
PVA glue;
coil of white threads;
Dried tea poured from one used tea bag.

Production of paper ice cream: procedure

Prepare a sheet of dense cardboard. Put the circus to the center of the sheet and draw the circle. Its diameter should not exceed the size of the yellow napkin. Now you need to cut a circle and cut it into four identical sectors. Each part will serve as the basis for the "waffle horn", so that you can immediately make 4 portions of ice cream.

Take one of the cut parts and apply for its surface. a large number of glue. Stick cardboard to a yellow napkin. Attention! Do not press a lot, otherwise the napkin will become smooth and no longer looks like a waffle horn. Roll into the cone and secure with glue.

Crumple into a lump one white napkin. Fold the second napkin and put the crumpled in its center, previously formed into the ball. The free edges of the second napkin are reinforcing under the ball white thread. The inner edges of the horn do the glue. Place the ball in the horn. Apply a little glue to the ball, and then sprinkle it in advance by the welding of the used tea bag. Now your ice cream seems to be decorated with a "chocolate powder".

Our crew is ready - now you can safely open cafes-ice cream and invite guests to a treat! Next time you can make another, searching for master classes on the Internet. Such crafts are an excellent opportunity to develop a child's fantasy. If the baby has not yet can cope with the work itself, help him, but do not do all the work instead of crumbs. Let your seal and will not look like a work of art, but because the creative process is more important than the final result!

Performing this applique, we repeat the main colors, geometric shapes; We continue to develop cognitive interest.

In order to execute the "ice cream" applique, we will need:

Colored paper

White paper,



To begin with, let's guess the riddle:

I'm in a cup, horn,
Delicious and gentle.
Made on milk,
More often - snow-white.
In freezers I live
And at the sun immediately Tay.

Right, ice cream!

Now cut out the details of the colored paper and gently glue them onto white paper. You can calculate the horn with a marker and create a waffle relief. And on top to decorate ice cream with a multicolored spray or strawberry. Fantasize with the child.

For the smallest can be replaced by templates for punching appliqué. This will help the baby to show his creative abilities, even if he still does not know how to cut. Just tear away small pieces of colored paper and stick them on paper.

Our bright unusual ice cream is ready!


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Directly educational activities for senior preschool children

"My favorite ice cream"


1. consolidate the existing, expand the knowledge of children about ice cream, to acquaint with varieties and species, as well as with its composition;

2. Create conditions for the manifestation of fantasy when creating their ice cream;

Directly educational activities aims to achieve the development goals in children of cognitive interests, intellectual development of children through the solution of the following tasks:

sensory development

development of cognitive, productive activities

expansion of the horizons of children

Materials: pictures with images of different varieties and types of ice cream, poem E. Yablokova, landscape sheets for each child, set for creativity, colored paper of different colors, glue, grinding brushes, scissors.


Educator: Guys, listen to the poem.

Very, very fond of ice cream children,

After all, it is deer than all sweets in the world!

Children give ice cream: all day would eat,

And then and the song would have a good sang?

In milk mixes yolk, protein, sweet,

The waffle cup is still a spoonful of jam ... -

Real jam! It's just a smoke!

May be ice cream berry - fruit,

Maybe with nuts, and with raisins, - to be honey,

Under the layer of chocolate and coffee wondrous taste,

And even culinary being a masterpiece is so skillful! E. Yablokova

A, do you like ice cream? What does it happen?Do you know where the ice cream appeared? What do you think from what make ice cream?

(Children's responses)

So, today we are with you and find out the answers to all questions, we learn a lot of new and interesting about ice cream and make our extraordinary ice cream.

Ice cream appeared in ancient China (more than 3000 years BC). Frozen fruit juices were served on the tables of Chinese emperors. China's wide trade relations with many states contributed to the spread of this delicacy throughout the world.

In the era of the Middle Ages, almost all the ice cream secrets were lost. Only in the XIII century, thanks to Marco Polo, European countries have gained recipes for cooking ice cream, reminding modern fruit ice.

This dessert immediately entered the number of exquisite dishes at the Italian courtyards. However, the Venetians were in no hurry to share their acquisition with the rest of Europeans. The production of ice cream was surrounded by a mystery.

The confectioners gave an oath of silence, the violation of which was punished by death. Therefore, this product was very slowly distributed in Europe.

From a long time, ice cream is known in Russia. The peasants mixed cottage cheese, sour cream, raisins and sugar, all this was put on the porch, so that the mixture was frozen, and then rejected himself with a treat on the carnival. Ricor people ate not such a primitive ice cream, but frozen desserts from cream, oranges, egg proteins, cherries, currant and cranberries

The story is accompanied by showing illustrations.

Currently, there are about 700 types of ice cream. Ice cream is a frozen sweet mass of dairy products with various additives, the main products of any ice cream is milk, cream, butter, sugar and various nutritional supplements.

There are many options for packing ice cream - wafer, paper and plastic cups, ice cream on a stick, wafer horns, rolls, briquettes, cakes

Also, there is a huge number of variety of varieties and types of ice cream. For example,creme brulee , cream , Eskimo, Shcherbet, Briquettes, It can be different colors and tastes - red, white, yellow, green, fruit, chocolate, vanilla - any to your taste.

And what is your favorite? (Children's responses)


Creamy ice cream (based on animals or vegetable fats).

Sorbet (Sherbet) (Soft ice cream based on fruits, berries, juices).

Fruit ice (solid ice cream on a wand based on juice, usually without milk).

Here are some interesting facts about ice cream

The name of the ice cream "Eskimo" came up with the French. Eskimo they called knitted children's jumpsuit, similar to the leather suit of the Eskimo.

Eskimo - creamyice cream wand coveredchocolate icing . Christian Kent, Dane by origin, a resident of the United States, the owner of the factory for the production of sweets for children. Once he accidentally poured a chocolate ice cream briquette. So it appeared popsicle.San Francisco , he left a glass withsoda and a wooden spoon in the backyard. That night the temperature fell below zero, and when Ipperson discovered the drink the next morning, he saw that gashed water in a glass was frozen. The boy wanted to melt a drink, putting it under a stream of hot water. Pulling the spoon, he pulled out a frozen drink and eaten. So appeared ice cream from "frozen ice on a stick"

The waffle horn for ice cream invented the Syrian trader waffles Ernest Hamvi. When his neighbor has a merchant merchant - ended the saucers in which the cold delicacy was sold, Hamvi wrapped her horns from waffles, which he filled with his goods.

Here, guys what ice cream is different and varied!

And now I suggest you make your favorite ice cream.

Applique "My favorite ice cream."

At the end, the work analysis is carried out and the exhibition is made.