Summary of the lesson “the history of the creation of glass. sound culture of speech. Conversation in the senior group of the kindergarten on the topic: Objects made of glass and metal Introduction to the properties of glass in the senior group

I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group for school on the topic "This is amazing glass." This material will be useful to educators of the group preparatory to school.

To acquaint with the history of glass, the process of its production and properties;

Expand words knowledge. Develop logical thinking, attention, imagination;

Maintain interest in experimental activities;

Exercise in quantitative counting, orientation in space;

Strengthen the skills of interaction with peers and adults;

To form a respectful attitude towards working people.

Material and equipment: Fairy glass crown, glass tube, clay pot, sand, ash, soda, paints, stirring stick, containers with soapy water, cocktail tubes, glass objects, basket.

GCD progress

Educator. Guys, today we will go to visit one fairy, and which one you should guess by guessing the riddle.

I am both fat and thin.

I am fragile and loud.
Both useful and necessary
“True, not always obedient.
I can turn into dishes
But I can break easily.

Right. We will go to visit the Glass Fairy.
One, two, three, four, five,
The eyes are closed.
One, two, three, four, five,
Children are surprised.
(The teacher puts on the crown of the Glass Fairy)

Allow me to introduce myself, I am a Glass Fairy. And this is my magic glass wand (shows). It will help you look into the wonderful world of glass.

Do you know how people learned to make glass? (Children's answers) People "discovered" glass many thousands of years ago. The legend says that it was so. The merchant caravan moved along the sandy desert along the seashore.

The merchants decided to stop for the night and made a fire from dry branches, laying down a hearth from pieces of lime right on the sand. And in the morning a miracle happened. Under a layer of ash, they found a transparent glassy mass. Over time, people noticed that when heated, this mass becomes viscous like honey, and its drops, solidifying, turn into balls that look like beads.

Thanks to the observation of the merchants, the craftsmen soon learned how to make glass. They poured sand, ash, soda into a clay pot and boiled this mixture over a fire until a soft, shiny, hot dough was obtained. Until the glass mass cooled down, the glassmakers cut it, bent it and twisted it. Later they learned how to make glass and hollow products of various shapes.

The master took a long pipe, hooked a little molten glass with its end, and took the other end into his mouth and blew a glass bubble. Until the hot bubble cooled down, it had to be cut off the tube. In this way, glassblowers made vases and glasses, bottles and flasks.

Repeat what the master was called who knew how to blow various vessels out of hot glass. (Glass blower) Try and you will turn into glass blowers. Go to the tables, blow bubbles. Do it carefully, imagine that you are working with hot glass.

Children come to the table, on which there are containers with soapy water and cocktail tubes, blow soap bubbles.
Educator. (glass fairy) You made wonderful bubbles! It is a pity that they are not as durable as the products of glassblowers. A small surprise for your efforts. Look at the screen. (The slide "The first piece of the mosaic" is shown on the screen)

This is a fragment of a mosaic made of pieces of colored glass. Nice? To see the whole mosaic, you must try to complete my tasks. Can you tell me if there are glass products in our group? Please tell me the items made of glass that are in our group. (Children call glass objects) But there are other glass objects that are hidden from you. I will help you find them. Listen carefully in which direction you need to move.

The teacher sets the direction of movement (right, left, straight, round, forward) and calls the number of steps. Children move in a given direction, find hidden objects (a vase, figurine, jar, glass, perfume bottle) and put them in a basket. You guys did a great job. Now sit on the chairs and see how many items you found (arrange the items on the table). What are these items made of? (from glass) So what are they? (glass)

Guys, name each object and the material from which it is made.
Children. Glass vase - glass vase. A glass of glass is a glass glass. Glass bottle - glass bottle. Glass jar - glass jar. Glass figurine - glass figurine.

Fairy. How many glass objects did you find? What is the item on the far right of you? leftmost? Which one is between the vase and the glass? (children's answers)
Continue my story. The first in the row is a glass figurine. Second in line...

The children are doing the task.
Fairy. Well done! You answered the questions correctly, and our mosaic continues to take shape. (The slide “Second Mosaic Fragment” is shown on the screen) What do you think, what picture is composed of a mosaic? (Children's guesses) We'll check your guesses later. In the meantime, let's find out how glass is made now?

The presentation "Glass manufacturing process" is shown on the screen.
Fairy. You see a photograph of the Chagodoshchensky glass factory. This is where glass bottles are made. What do you think this building is? (Children's guesses) This is a glass furnace. Who remembers what glassmakers used to boil sand in the old days? (Children's answers) Why is the glass mass so bright? (Children's assumptions. That's right. It is hot. The glass mass is poured from the oven onto a special conveyor. It moves along it like along a path.

Hot glass drops are poured into bottle molds. Why is the glass red, but the finished bottles are not? (Children's guesses) Right. The bottles cool down and continue on their way down the conveyor.

After cooling, the bottles are packed into boxes with a special device. Where will the finished products go? (Assumptions of children) Using a loader, containers with bottles are loaded into cars and taken to plants and factories, where various liquids are poured into them.

The process of melting glass and making bottles is managed by people of different professions. They operate various automatic machines, check the quality of finished products. But all of them can be called in one word - glassmakers. Do you think it's easy to be a glassmaker? (Children's guesses)

The work of glassmakers is hard and responsible. Therefore, they, like people of other professions, must be treated with respect.
Now let's turn into glassmakers and warm up.
There is a warm-up.
Children perform movements as shown by the teacher.

We are glass guys.
Let's get down to business!
(March in place, roll up oukawa)
We put the mass in the oven,
(Sit down and stand up)

We heat up very strongly.
(Sit down and stand up)
For a long time we cooked glass
And the quality was monitored.
(Perform circular motions with hands)

We made glass.
It should be light.
(Spread hands to sides).
Glass blowers - masters,
It's time to blow out the molds!
(Short breath in and long breath out)

We do not allow marriage
We check all bottles.
(Bring the right palm to the forehead, look left and right)
It's okay, we put five!
(Show fists with thumbs up)

Feel free to rest!
(rubbing palms)

Fairy. What properties does glass have? I will put a glass object to your hands, to your cheeks. What do you feel? (Glass cold) Right. Look at the pictures. Which picture shows an object that symbolizes this property of glass? (In the snowflake picture) Look out the window. What do you see? (Children's answers) What conclusion can be drawn? What is window glass? (Transparent) Which picture shows an object that symbolizes this property of glass? (Aquarium with fish)

Stroke the glass jar. Is it smooth or rough? (Smooth) So what else can be said about glass? (Glass is smooth) Find a matching picture. (Smooth lake surface) Do you think glass can be bent? (No. Glass is hard) Which picture fits this property? (The one with the stone on it) I pour water into a glass. Is water leaking out of a glass? Is the glass leaking water?

This property of glass is called the word "waterproof". What is shown in the picture symbolizing this property of glass? (Vessel with water) If you accidentally drop glass objects on the floor, what will happen? (they may break). That's right, glass is fragile.

Find the right picture. (Glass shards) What property of glass do you consider dangerous? Why?
Children. Fragility. Shards of broken glass can injure you. Therefore, glass objects must be handled with care.
Fairy. You have shown your ingenuity. Look at the screen. The mosaic continues to take shape. (The third piece of the mosaic is shown on the screen)

You will soon find out what is shown on it. Glass has another remarkable property. You have probably noticed how the salespeople in a store that sells dishes tap on glasses and vases with a pencil. Why are they doing this? (Assumptions of children) So the sellers in the store check the quality of the goods.

Let's try knocking on glass. (Tapping on glass objects with a “magic wand”) Glass can sing. Do these objects make the same sounds? Why? (Assumptions of children) That's right, glass products make sounds of different heights. The sound that we hear when we hit glass with a stick depends not only on the size of the product and the thickness of the glass, but also on its quality. Cracked glass will not produce a clear and sonorous sound. And now the melodious glass will help you stretch a little.

There is a warm-up.
Fairy. Perform each movement as many times as you hear sounds. (Here and below he hits the glass with a magic wand) Clap your hands. (4 times) Sit down. (5 times) Jump up. (3 times)
Now take your seats. Now you will see what amazingly beautiful objects people have learned to make from glass, and tell us about them.

The presentation "Amazing Glass" is shown on the screen. Children make up short stories about the objects depicted on the slides. The presentation ends with the Mosaic slide.
Fairy. You have completed all my tasks. What kind of mosaic picture was formed from colored glass? (This is a butterfly) I really liked you, and I want to leave a little surprise for you. Close your eyes. It's time for you to return.

One, two, three, four, five,
The eyes are closed.
One, two, three, four, five,
The children are returning.
(The teacher takes off the crown)

Educator. Here you are back. Tell me where you've been. Did you enjoy visiting the Glass Fairy? What did you learn new? Which of you would like to become a glassmaker? (Children's answers) Those who think that the lesson was very interesting, that he learned a lot of new things, please decorate this vase (indicates) with a red circle. And whoever thinks that he didn’t learn anything interesting or didn’t remember much, decorate the vase with a blue circle.

The children are doing the task.
Educator. Look what a beautiful vase we got.
And what is this box? Who gave it to you? (This surprise was left to us by the Glass Fairy) Let's see what's in the box.
The children open the box and find kaleidoscopes and bubble sets inside.

Educator. You can play. Look into the kaleidoscope and you will see an amazing glass mosaic. And soap bubbles will help you once again feel like glassblowers.

Ryzhkova Elena Borisovna, senior teacher. MBDOU - kindergarten No. 3 "Sun", Andreapol

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Elena Gordienko
Summary of GCD for children of the senior group "History of the creation of glass"

Educational area: "knowledge", "communication".

Activities: playful, communicative, productive.

Target: forming representations children about the creation of glass and glass objects.


1. Expand and systematize knowledge children about the features of glass and glassware.

2. Introduce children with glass factory and production glass.

3. To form the ability to see the inconsistency of phenomena and solve problem situations.

Planned results: knows how to maintain a conversation, express his point of view, actively and benevolently interacts with the teacher and peers.

Vocabulary Enrichment: glass manufacture, master - glass blower, glass, thin glass, transparent color, light, easy to break, fragile, beats, breaks.

Materials and equipment: Fairy of glass country, glass products, slides history of glass making, soapy water and straws.

Surprise moment - the appearance of the Fairy glass country.

Guys, do you want to know what country the Fairy lives in? (answers children)

To do this, guess the riddle, what is in this box?

The game "Well no" for children to identify the object in the box. Children ask questions, receiving only affirmative or negative answers.

Guessing algorithm. Is it alive? No, it's at home e? Yes. Is it in the kitchen? Yes. Is it dishes? Yes. Does it cook food? No. Do they drink from it? Yes. Does she have a pen? No. This is a glass.

The teacher takes out a glass.

What is the glass made of? Fairy came from glass country and tell us about glass. What items from glass you know? (answers children) Where can you meet glass and glass objects?

What words can you say about glass and glass objects? (answers children: glass, transparent, thin, brittle, broken, easy to break, breakable)

The game "Say the opposite": light - heavy, transparent - dark, sonorous - deaf, beats - does not break, glass - wooden, brittle - hard.

Physical education minute "How is it going?"

How is it going? (like this)

How are you going? (like this)

How do you run? (like this)

How are you standing? (like this)

How are you kidding? (like this)

How do you threaten? (like this)

How do you sleep at night? (like this)

Fairy: my country is unusual, all items in it glass. Think to be glass- is it good or bad?

The game "Good - bad (answers and reasoning children: "Okay" it is transparent, you can see that you are drinking; beautiful, light, "Badly" glass objects break easily, you can get hurt; cannot be put on fire)

Do you know how they do glass? (answers children)

Teacher story using presentation « History of glass consciousness» .

This secret has been revealed for a very long time. Travelers were walking through the desert. They walked along the sands and were very tired. So they decided to rest, made a fire, and so that the wind would not blow out the flame, they overlaid the fire with bags of salt, which they were carrying to sell. The fire blazed all night. And in the middle of it, a sacrament happened - the fusion of salt with sand. And in the morning the stone turned out hard, but transparent and sparkled in the sun. People first saw glass.

Of what "boil" glass? Where do glassware? (At the factory) creates glass objects? (glass blower) say slowly: glass blower.

What tool does the master use? glass blower? For blowing glass? (pipe)

Do you want to become masters - glassblowers? (Children blow bubbles)

Final part:

Guys, what have you learned? (answers children) What do you remember the most? (answers children) What is the name of the person who creates glass objects? (glass blower) Let's say goodbye to Fey, tell her goodbye!

Target: To acquaint children with the method of obtaining glass.


1. To develop cognitive interest in children, mental activity: to be able to reason, draw conclusions;

2. Learn to conduct elementary experiments and experiments with glass;

3. Expand the vocabulary of children;

4. Cultivate accuracy when working with glass.

Course progress.

Guys, listen to my riddles, guess them and then you will know what we will work with today.

Sounding, transparent,

I'm not afraid of water

And hit - I'll break.

Very fragile and transparent

Designed for the benefit of the people

On the windows is simple,

And in bottles of color.

Do not run, do not pour,

And if you hit it, it will break.

Guessed, well done.

The teacher brings the children to the table, where small glass objects are placed and asks to name them. (Children call, and the teacher generalizes the objects, saying that they are made of glass, that is, how they can be called in one word.)

Educator: Guys, what objects made of colored and transparent glass do you know? And now I will tell you how glass is made.

Man has long learned to make objects from glass. Glass was invented many years ago. Sand, ashes, a little paint were poured into a clay pot, and all this was boiled for a long time on fire until a brilliant “dough” was obtained. The clay stick helped the master glazier a lot. With one end of the stick, he shaved the molten mass, and blew into the hole of the other end and blew a glass bubble, as you blew soap bubbles. Blowing bubbles, the master gave them different shapes (vases, vessels, flacons, beads were obtained). In ancient times, window glass was not yet made. Houses, castles and even royal palaces had small windows. Instead of glass, they inserted paper impregnated with wax or oil so that it would not get wet from the rain. In Russia, a film of a bull bubble was stretched over the windows. But one day the master glazier blew out a large glass ball, cut off the ends on both sides, a pipe was formed, and while it was warm, he cut it and unfolded it on the table. The result is a sheet of glass. The first glass was uneven, cloudy, but it was also very much appreciated. At first, glass windows were only in the homes of wealthy people. Time passed, and people came up with a machine that pulled liquid glass mass from a melting furnace in the form of a wide ribbon. The frozen, hardened glass tape was cut into pieces, a sheet of glass was obtained. Modern enterprises for the manufacture of glass have now been built. Look again at the table and name the item you like. .

Guys, name more glass items in our group that are not on the table. (window, light bulbs). Well, now let's go to our laboratory and experiment a bit to learn more about the properties of glass. But first, we must remember and learn one of the most important rules for handling glass.

Be careful with glass

After all, it can break.

And it crashed - it doesn't matter,

After all, there are true friends:

Nimble broom, brother - scoop

And a trash can

In a moment, the fragments will be collected,

Our hands will be saved.

Let's make sure this rule is correct. (The teacher in a special box drops a glass cup, and it breaks.) If the glass breaks, then it is fragile. Remember that glass must be handled carefully and carefully. Now take your seats.

Experience #1

Children put colored pebbles in a transparent glass, thereby showing that glass has the property of transparency.

Experiment #2

The teacher offers to pick up glass objects lying on the tables and touch them. Asks what kind of touch glass objects. (Children answer that | smooth, cold, ribbed.)

Experiment #3

Children, together with the teacher, demonstrate the water resistance of glass, for which they pour water into the glass, make sure that the glass does not let water through, i.e. it is waterproof.

Experiment #4

The teacher offers days to lightly hit a glass object with a pencil and listen to how it sounds. (The glass makes a ringing sound.) They compare a simple glass and a crystal one.

Educator: Well done guys, they got the job done. So what did we do today? (Children's answers.) What should you always remember when working with glass? (Children's answers.) This rule will always be in our laboratory, like many others. Thank you all for your work.

Tatiana Getmanskaya

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group. Topic: "V glass world"

Tasks:help children identify properties glass(transparent, smooth, colored, durable). Cultivate respect for things. Develop curiosity.

Vocabulary, activation dictionary: strong, dense, transparent, sounding, fragile, smooth, cold.

Types of children's activities: productive, cognitive-research.

Material: small glass perfume bottles, glass, Christmas toy, glass cup, water painted in any color, a mug, a plate, marbles balls, a stick for checking the sonority glass, recording music - playing on glasses.

Course progress.

caregiver: guys, today we will get acquainted with unusual objects that are located on the table, but before we look at them, please guess riddle:

Sounding, transparent, I'm not afraid of water, but if I hit, I'll break

Very fragile and transparent

Intended for the benefit of the people. (glass)

Well done! Today we will talk about glass which is well known to all. We learn about the properties, quality glass, let's experiment with glass. And what do you think glass Is it a natural material or man-made? This is the work of man. And about opening glass there is such a legend. Long ago, sailors landed on a foreign shore. A fire was lit on the sand, and so that it would not go out, they surrounded it with lumps of soda. At night, the tired sailors fell asleep. And when they woke up, they were very surprised when they found shiny pebbles that were formed from an alloy of sand and soda. Guys, what was formed from glass? (sand, soda).

Guys, look around and name what glass objects surround us (children's answers).


A hedgehog walks with a drum

Boom Boom Boom (Children march in a circle, imitating drumming).

The hedgehog plays all day, Boom-boom-boom!

With a drum behind him, Boom-boom-boom! (March with hands behind back).

A hedgehog wandered into the garden by accident, Boom-boom-boom!

He loved apples very much, Boom-boom-boom! (They bring an imaginary apple to the mouth with one or the other hand.

He forgot the drum in the garden, Boom-boom-boom! (Shake hands).

At night, the apples fell, boom-boom-boom (Hands on the belt, perform jumps in place).

And the beats were heard, Boom-boom-boom!

The hares got really scared, Boom-boom-boom! They didn’t close their eyes until dawn, Boom-boom-boom (They squat, making "ears" from palms).

Let's define quality now glass: drop a marbles ball into a glass. Guys, tell me what I lowered into the glass? How did you know there was a ball there? (because transparent glass) .

We also experiment with colored water. (Plastic glass is not transparent water can not be seen).

Where else is transparency used? glass? (windows in houses, glass in the car, chandeliers, light bulbs). Glass is also colored: multi-colored Christmas balls, multi-colored vases, blue light bulbs. What happens if you drop glass object(children's answers). Surely it will break because glass is fragile. So glass must be handled carefully glass objects, do not throw, they may break. The next property is strength, pour water into cups made of paper and glass. Which cups do not spill water (answers). Well done. Now take it in hand glass. Tell me how does it feel? Right (smooth, cold).

What an unusual glass, and it can still sound. (listen to audio recording).

Guys, what did we learn new and interesting things on lesson? What have we met?

Reflection: Guys, what did you like the most? What did we meet today? What glass? (children's answers).Thank you very much. You all helped me today, well done!

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