Consultation for parents “How to organize an active summer vacation for a child. How to organize a summer vacation with a child How to organize a summer vacation for a child

Summer is the time of the longest vacation for schoolchildren. And many parents think about what to do with their child for this time, where to attach him. So that the child is in business and does not stagger along the street, left to himself. There are a lot of options for organizing summer vacations for children, it all depends on the capabilities of the parents themselves and the wishes of the children. Even leaving the child at home for the summer, you can come up with a program of rest and leisure. For example, take to circles, to friends of the child. You can hire a nanny, ask a neighbor's grandmother to look after the pay. You can even negotiate with familiar mothers in order to take turns somehow entertaining the children.

Guided tour for children and adults

A good option for organizing children's summer holidays would be a joint trip between parents and their child. An excellent opportunity for this is excursion tours for schoolchildren and adults, which allow them to visit interesting places and attractions for children and adults both in Russia and in neighboring countries. You can go on a tour of the Golden Ring, to beautiful St. Petersburg, to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory or the Crimean Peninsula - there are many options, you just have to choose the most attractive one based on your own capabilities and preferences.

To grandmother in the village

The most common and economical option is to visit grandparents in the village. However, not everyone has this opportunity. The village has fresh air, a river, green grass, fresh milk and vegetables from the garden. All this is undoubtedly useful for the child. There are few, if any, cars in the village, and there is plenty of space for cycling. And the child will get used to physical work. But this option is good for preschool and primary school children. After all, the older the child, the more boring it becomes with grandparents.

School camp

Or a school playground, as some schools call it. Children are there from morning until evening. Parents can pick up the child themselves, but it is possible that he himself can leave. Then you will have to write a statement that you assume all responsibility for safety. In such camps, children are provided with interesting activities, rest, walks, excursions, food and even a nap (for the smallest). This option is very convenient for parents, and you can work calmly and the child is nearby. But such school camps are organized for one month, more often in June, because then teachers have their own troubles, repairs, preparation for the new school year.

Regular camp

For children over 10 years old, it will be interesting to visit a regular camp. The time of stay is different, from two weeks to a month. But now the parents will not be able to see the child every day. Although for this age of children this is not so scary, and you need to take some time off from each other and give the child independence. In addition to organizing leisure activities for children in a school camp, in a regular camp everything is much more varied and more fun. These are discos, carnivals, contests, concerts, performances that children themselves stage and play. In general, in the camp the child will not be bored. However, the cost of the voucher is not cheap, from about 20,000 rubles.

However, if your child is often sick, he can be given a certificate in the children's clinic that the child needs a rest outside the city. Then the state pays a little more than half of the cost of the voucher.

You can take your child to the sea. There is an option - a camp by the sea. It is no different from a regular camp, except that the children visit the beach twice a day.

Country rest

You will only be able to lure a small child to the dacha. Older children will not be interested there. Although even here you can come up with your own recreation program so that a child of any age will be interested. If there is a river nearby, visit it regularly. Let the child ride a bike, rollerblades. You can even grow vegetables in an interesting way by giving your child your own garden. Let him plant what he wants and look after. If some kind of living creature lives in the country, you can invite the child to take care of it. It is very interesting for children to watch piglets, chickens, goslings. But very young children can get scared, so you need to be more careful when introducing them to animals. If you don't have your own summer cottage, then it is quite possible to rent for the summer. The child will be in the fresh air, under your supervision.

Babysitter for summer

If both parents work all summer, then you can hire a nanny for the child. Of course, this is not a budget option, but it is quite feasible. A nanny can take the child to her home, especially if she has a house outside the city. May come to your home. She will not only have to look after the child, but also work with him, walk, go to the cinema or concerts, perhaps. All this is discussed when applying for a job. The advantage of this option is that the nanny deals individually with your child. True, a nanny is more suitable for adult children - a friend or a friend.

Baby at home

Well, if there are absolutely no options at all to arrange a child somewhere for the summer, then create conditions for rest at home. Working parents can take their children to circles, sections, various activities. Then ask a neighbor or friend to pick up the child from classes and take a walk with him, feed him, put him to bed. Agree with her for an affordable payment. You can ask other mothers who are at home with their children to sit also with yours. Also, of course for a fee. If the child is over 10-12 years old, then it is quite possible to get by with interesting circles or activities in the theater, for example. The rest of the time he will wait for his parents at home or walk on the site on his own.

In general, there are enough options and where to attach a child in the summer, it is up to the parents to decide. It all depends on the imagination, financial capabilities of the parents and, of course, the wishes of the child himself.

Recommendations for parents

Summer is a special period in a child's life, opening wide the door to the natural world, giving the child, with the support of educating adults, a unique opportunity to learn, discover new things, create, and communicate.

Summer is known to us as the time of holidays, both children and adults are waiting.
Adults have extensive experience of summer holidays in the city and in the country, on the banks of the river or the sea. Small children, on the contrary, do not have such experience and expect a repetition of the past or new ideas from adults: a kindergarten teacher, parents in a family. Preschoolers are happy to have a rest both in the south, where there is the sea and you can sunbathe, swim, play with water, and in the country or in the village with their parents or grandparents.
No matter how the child spends the holidays, he perceives it as the best way to relax. Children have enough imagination to find something to do and not get bored.

When choosing a place for a summer vacation for a child, one should take into account the peculiarities of his health and nervous system.

Going to the South Sea, especially for a short period, parents need to remember that such a trip requires a major restructuring of the child's body.

Children with poor health in the south are better off resting and being treated in specialized sanatoriums, where they undergo acclimatization and treatment under the supervision of doctors. A stay in the mountains, especially in places where pine trees grow, has a beneficial effect on the vascular and nervous system.
But mobile, emotional children in pine forests and in mountainous areas are not recommended to rest and receive treatment, since these natural conditions lead to excessive excitement of their nervous system. Anapa or the Kaliningrad region is more suitable for them.
Unorganized rest (that is, not in sanatoriums and health resorts) in the south, by the sea, as a rule, requires a lot of efforts by parents to comply with the dietary regime and rules. Otherwise, there may be unpleasant consequences - sunburn, poor sleep, appetite and, finally, sun and heat stroke.

It should also be remembered that after returning home, acclimatization is again required, which not all children pass easily.
It is better for a child of early and preschool age to rest in a familiar climate - outdoors in the countryside, i.e. in the country. And there the sun is brighter, the grass is greener, the air is cleaner than in the city. The kid will be able to frolic in the garden, eat fresh vegetables, berries, fruits. Summer in central Russia is wonderful, although it is shorter than we would like. So it must be used with maximum health benefits for the child, so that he returns to the city stronger, hardened, tanned and cheerful.
Well, if there is no way to take the child out of the city, you can usefully spend the summer weekend. You can go to the river, go to the meadow to pick berries, or take a family hike in the forest. It is very useful for a child to take short walks in a park or square. At the same time, do not forget that the clothes of a child and adults should be light, ventilated, a kerchief (panama), comfortable, shoes in size. Observe your surroundings as you walk. When examining trees, bushes, pay attention to trunks, branches, leaves. A thin trunk of a tree (birch, maple, mountain ash) can be grasped by one hand, a thick oak trunk can be grasped if the whole family joins hands. You will get a pleasant experience by organizing a joint outdoor game "One, two, three - run to the tree" (each time the leader names a tree that should be quickly identified and run to it). Pay attention to the bark of the trees. Examine the bark on a birch tree. On the south side, its bark is smooth, on the north - rough, with cracks, growths.

Knowledge of these features helps a person navigate the forest.
Under the trees you can find acorns, cones, which are useful for creating interesting crafts. Together with your child, admire the flowers, listen to the sounds of insects, enjoy the singing of birds. Having met a stream on a walk, stop, listen to the water murmuring, sing a song of water with your child. Throw a leaf of a tree into the water, observe its movement with the flow. Explain to your child that plants purify the air.

At home, invite your child to sketch their impressions of the walk. Use the collected natural materials to make crafts that you can use to decorate your home or bring them to kindergarten.
When walking with your child, remind them of the rules of behavior in nature and strictly follow them yourself.
And these rules are very simple:

- do not throw candy wrappers, bottles and other garbage;

- do not tear or allow children to aimlessly pick flowers, medicinal and other plants, break tree branches;

- do not catch or allow children to catch and kill butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, bumblebees, bees and other insects;

- pick berries, nuts so as not to damage the branches;

-Do not let children destroy anthills and bird nests.

Summer is not only a time of travel, but also the most favorable
time for rest, hardening and health improvement of children. Therefore, it is very important that parents make the most of this precious time.

In summer, children should spend maximum time outdoors. And parents are obliged to remember that the sun is good, but in moderation! The biggest danger is overheating of the body, sunburn, sunstroke, since a small child has less perfect thermoregulation and his skin is very delicate. The younger the child is, the more sensitive he is to the effects of heat and sunlight. A child should not sunbathe in direct sunlight, but in the shade, better during games and on the move.
Bathing is an excellent hardening agent. The bathing area should be shallow, level, with a slow current. Before giving the child the opportunity to enter the water on his own, you need to make sure that there are no holes, deep mud, snags, sharp stones in this place. Avoid hypothermia when swimming.

If your child stays at home all summer, first of all think with him about the daily routine that he will follow. Don't ask your child to adhere to the same strict regimen as during the school year. It's okay if he goes to bed and gets up a little later than usual, but preferably at the same time. Return to the school daily routine gradually from the second half of August to make it easier for your child to adapt to the beginning of classes. In the summer, the student has a lot of free time, which you need to help him organize intelligently. If the offspring is aimlessly wandering around the house until the evening or spending half a day watching the TV or at the computer, this is unlikely to benefit him. But it is not necessary to completely deprive the child of leisure that is useless in your opinion, because summer holidays are good because they give you the opportunity to relax and do what you like. Moreover, watching TV and playing computer games can become an interesting and rewarding pastime if you organize it wisely. Try to create a daily routine in such a way that there is time for walking, and for a computer with a TV, and for lessons. Yes, yes, you need to remember about reading with arithmetic during the holidays!

Summer in the city: watching TV

It is almost impossible and unnecessary to completely protect a child from multimedia devices during the holidays. They are an integral part of the life of a modern person. It is better not to prohibit, but to control television viewing in order to benefit from this process. Broadcasters today create a lot of useful content for children. For young viewers, there are specialized TV channels that non-stop broadcasting cartoons, films, and educational programs. It is important to take into account the age-related needs of the child. At the age of 7-8, he will be interested in puppet shows, circus performances, cartoons with animal heroes, from 9 to 11 years old - science fiction, programs about the structure of the world and wildlife, from 12 years old - cartoons with human heroes and children's feature films.

The problem can be that, staying at home without parental supervision, children willingly absorb not only information addressed to them. To protect a son or daughter from this, it would be good to purchase a special children's remote control, where each button is programmed for a specific channel. Thus, the remote control can be easily adjusted to the preferences of the young viewer, adding there TV channels about animals, nature, science, etc. information.

The presence of the child at the blue screen should be dosed in accordance with the age. From 7 to 10 years old, they should spend no more 1-1.5 hours a day ... Older kids can spend more time watching TV - 3-4 hours ... It is advisable to watch the programs in the morning. If you do this in the evening, the child's nervous system is overexcited, as a result of insomnia, disturbing dreams. It is better to discuss with your son before bedtime cartoons and films that he saw during the day. This enhances the developmental effect of television viewing.

Summer in the city: computer games

All sorts of "adventure games" and "shooters" should also not be on the "stop list" during the holidays. Psychologists say that virtual games, in addition to bringing great pleasure to modern children, also have some therapeutic effect. For example, they help to get rid of accumulated negative emotions, promote the development of creative thinking, memory and ingenuity. But here, too, you need to know when to stop.

Do not let a student to spend at the computer more than an hour a day. In this case, it is desirable to divide the session into parts. Children 6-7 years old can sit at the monitor for no longer without a break 10 minutes , 8-11 years old - 15 minutes , 12-13 years old - 20 minutes , adolescents over 14 years old - 25-30 minutes ... Then a ten-minute break is needed, during which it would be good to do gymnastics for the eyes. Make sure you have the right lighting, too, and invest in a quality monitor. If you follow these simple rules, you can be completely calm about the psyche and health of the child.

Summer in the city: walks

Try to organize the day in such a way that the child spends enough time outdoors, at least 3 hours ... The student must walk in any weather. The benefits of walking for a child's body can hardly be overestimated. Outdoor games increase immunity, strengthen the nervous system, and stimulate metabolism. In addition, the sun actively produces vitamin D, which is necessary for normal growth. Among other things, children who spend most of their summer holidays outside the apartment adapt faster to the beginning of their studies.

Staying in the fresh air will bring maximum benefit to the child if he walks in the park, square, away from dusty gas-filled highways and industrial enterprises.

Summer in the city: activities

Reading, spelling, math, foreign languages ​​should also be on the summer schedule. Regular classes will allow the student to maintain the acquired knowledge and ability to learn, which is also very important. Over the long weeks of summer vacation, children relax and often lose this skill. It sometimes takes 3-4 weeks to get in shape at the beginning of the school year. It is better to start active classes in mid-July - early August. It is advisable to read fiction during all summer holidays for at least 20 minutes a day.

Summer holidays, among other things, provide an excellent opportunity to tighten up subjects, the academic performance of which leaves much to be desired. Of course, getting the tomboy to do his summer lessons won't be easy. Find the right motivation, for example, promise your offspring an interesting excursion, a trip out of town, fishing, etc. for a job well done. Also try to convey to the child the idea that if you are not lazy during the holidays, it will be much easier to study later, and, therefore, he will have more free time that he can devote to his favorite activities.

Summer in the city: entertainment

Finding an opportunity for a child in the city in the summer to be interesting and to usefully spend time is not so problematic. In addition to museums, cinemas, exhibitions, which often did not have enough time to visit, you can do what you have always dreamed of. For example, learn to swim, ride a horse, play tennis, roller-skate. Sign up your son or daughter for the summer in the sports section, pool, equestrian club. And then there are culinary studios, computer clubs, dance schools! You can also find something interesting on special sites dedicated to children's leisure.

It is good if the child has a cheerful company of peers who, like him, stay in the city for the summer. Get to know the parents of these children and arrange mutual visits. If your child spends the summer in the city, try to spend the whole weekend with him, devoting time to outdoor activities.

Safety engineering

A child who stays in the city for the summer, as a rule, is left to himself. It is the duty of parents to make the life of their own child as safe as possible.

* Check for any areas in the house that could pose a potential hazard - faulty sockets, electrical appliances, exposed wires, etc.

* Spend a detailed educational program with your son or daughter : remind me of the rules for handling matches, gas stove, stabbing, cutting objects, etc.

* If the child is supposed to go outside alone, make sure he knows the rules of the road well.

* Forbid him to try unfamiliar berries, mushrooms, plants, kindle fires, swim in places unsuitable for this. Also keep in mind that a child should not be outside unaccompanied by an adult after 10 pm.

Be creative in organizing summer vacations, and your child will remember the holidays for a long time!

At sea with a preschooler

It has many positive health benefits: the possibility of deep heating not only from the sun, but also from warm sand, contact with salt-saturated sea water, massage of all receptors with pebbles and waves, sea air and the psychological effects of the sea. There are many advantages, but there are several factors to consider:

For children, a sharp change in climate is a serious blow to the entire body. It is harmonious to shift no more than 15-20 degrees of latitude. The younger the child, the less it is worth going south.

Our spa experts warn: the child is acclimatized in a new place for at least 2 weeks, so the children's holiday season should last more than 30 days (remember, in our southern children's camps and sanatoriums there were two shifts of 40 days).

The skin of children from the northern regions is very difficult to get used to with the sun. Therefore for rest with the smallest in the south, the beginning or late period of the holiday season is preferable. For the Black Sea coast, these are May and September. Do not forget about quality UV creams.

The Black Sea is about 2 degrees warmer than the Mediterranean. This is important: on the Mediterranean coast, there is a greater temperature difference between water and air. It is often during intense heat that it is difficult to trace hypothermia in water: children catch colds, and adults develop all sorts of rheumatic diseases. In this sense, the cool Baltic is less contrasting and more beneficial to health.

Another pitfall is hotel pools. The blue wave, the guys really like the fountains, and there is no need to trudge to the beach. But attention! All the advantages of a seaside holiday are lost.

So, it is best to go to the Black Sea or the Baltic, in extreme cases, visit the Aegean, Azov or other "internal" southern seas. All other resort places are extreme conditions for children.

Look for us on the southern coast of Crimea!

I fell in love with Crimea three years ago, when I first came here with my children. I felt good here before, but then they brought me, and now it was my own mature love.

Sorry for the banality: observe the regime
Getting up is early and no breakfast is needed. Fruit, bread, cucumbers, boiled eggs, jacket potatoes, or
Immerse the porridge in a bag and hurry, because there is nothing better than a morning bath in still water that is still clear.
Let the madmen roast on hot stones, your time is up to eleven. Already at twelve the air is ringing from the heat, and before that it is necessary to have time to return home.

Sleep with your kids after dinner! Let siesta be sacred! This is a normal regime for residents of hot countries.
It is known that this is what determines the value of housing in summer resorts. Usually spontaneous "housing markets" are formed at the bus station and trolleybus stations.

It is best to form a colony of mothers (or families) with children. Rent an apartment in half or housing nearby. Your child will have a company, you will have a company just as necessary for you, and if something happens, a nanny.

Big city lights
Living in a coastal village is quieter, quieter and cheaper. If you are going to live with a small child in a resort town, think carefully: how much money are you willing to shell out for attractions?
The children and I agreed right away: every day - one entertainment. The entertainment included boating, climbing the Yalta cable car to Mount Dar-Ean, a circus (a very decent program), a dolphinarium and attractions - any, but one.

But one day, when the crowd got tired, I invited the children to just go to the sea to admire. Instead of watching the sunset, our eldest gave a concert: “Aha, you didn’t give me any pleasure today! I want! .. But not that! .. ".

And then I thought that the sweet habit of every night's entertainment was not so harmless. It means that we did something wrong. And I tried to explain to the children that our whole trip is a great pleasure. The next evening we again sewed to the sea with albums and felt-tip pens.
My children, not very keen on drawing, had an artistic splash this time. We drew not only on paper, but also on stones. We also have popular laying out figures from stones. You can practice body art: sheer delight!

Healthy kids are smart kids
Children at sea grow up quickly. During rest, they may not manifest themselves in any way, but upon arriving home, for the third time I observe a powerful intellectual leap.

No sooner had we arrived in 1996, the eldest son (he was then 3 years 7 months old), on the first piece of paper that turned up, brought out several letters. This year the middle son (he is now 3 years 7 months) came and was eager to write, and according to the table he counts up to 100. And the eldest began to read books - "Dunno", "Buratino". This is probably okay.

Any resort destination will seduce you with excursions. With small children, this is not always a pleasure: in the Vorontsov Palace, I made sure that the children did not touch anything, in Gurzuf - so that they did not run away.
You can easily take any trip yourself, since all the sights are nearby. From Yalta to Polyana Skazok (there is also a small zoo corner nearby) - 15 minutes by minibus. To Livadia - 20 minutes by bus. It is easy to get to Nikitsky Botanical Garden by boat. If the children are in a favorable mood, join the excursion. And if not, then you are not attached to anything.

Health problems
Acclimatization cannot be avoided with small children. The temperature may rise about a week after arrival. I don’t knock her down in any way. It's just that we don't swim on this day. We go to the sea, but we sit exclusively in the shade. And usually the very next day there is no trace of sickness.

There may be a runny nose, for that and the sea to dive and rinse the nasopharynx. From the unusual abundance of fruit, little greedy people can experience diarrhea. In this case, it is useful to have the appropriate means in the first-aid kit, in the menu - fig.

We are not the first
At the beginning of this century, Marseille was compared with Odessa, Toulon with Sevastopol, Nice with Yalta. In favor of the latter. So we were not the first to "sunk" on the Crimea. See you!

Don't forget to have fun
When choosing a foreign seaside resort, it is worth considering not only its safety for the health of children, but also the ability of these very children to entertain, enrich them with impressions. This is how this problem is solved in the seaside resort of Rimini in Italy.

A bustling town, where the first three streets from the Mediterranean Sea are completely occupied by hotels and hostels. Wakes up before sunrise and goes to bed long after sunset.

Something in its character, behavior of visitors, Rimini resembles our Anapa. I called home one evening and watched the grandmothers chatting in the neighborhood. One of the old women so much reminded my own grandmother - in her dressing gown, and neat curling, and demeanor, that I could not understand why she was speaking Italian.

The entire large beach (and it stretches for several kilometers along the city) is divided into small ones belonging to different hotels. Everything around is dotted with slides in the water, small aqua parks, special areas for rollerblading, rental of inflatable toys. Every free span of the street opposite is lined with shops and cafes. On one side, the main street ends with a huge aqua park, and if you go the other way, in half an hour you will be buried in the gates of the “Italy in miniature” amusement park. This is where we took our souls away - and went around all of Italy, and rode on the rides, and ate ...
The manager of a travel company (or better, those who have already used the services of the company) must be thoroughly inquired about everything, look at the catalogs and maps: what is in the vicinity, how to get to the hotel, is there a company representative in an easily accessible place, and everything that still comes to mind.

With the onset of summer holidays, many parents are faced with the question of organizing summer vacations for their children. Every parent wants their child to spend the summer with health benefits. What recommendations can you give to parents in this case?

First of all, you need to monitor the child's diet and the water balance of the body, including taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. If possible, try to comply with the previously established diet. With a change in climate, food quality, food intake, the child's appetite changes, and this negatively affects the child's health.

In the case of drinks, you should control what and how much the child drinks. It is worth excluding carbonated sweet drinks, cola, mineral water, coffee. Water without any additives, tea, fruit drinks, natural juices in small quantities are welcome. It is best to get vitamins from fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

When buying fruits, berries, vegetables at the bazaar and in the store, you need to thoroughly rinse them with water. When giving your child baked goods, dairy and meat products, you should pay attention to their shelf life and storage conditions.

Secondly, if you decide to go on a trip with your child, you need to remember that acclimatization in children is much more difficult and longer than in adults. For the child to have time to rest normally, the duration of the trip must be at least 3 weeks.

Thirdly, in summer, children should spend maximum time outdoors. And parents are obliged to remember that the sun is good, but in moderation! The biggest danger is overheating of the body, sunburn, sunstroke, since a small child has less perfect thermoregulation and his skin is very delicate. The younger the child is, the more sensitive he is to the effects of heat and sunlight. A child should not sunbathe in direct sunlight, but in the shade, better during games and on the move.

Bathing is an excellent hardening agent. The bathing area should be shallow, level, with a slow current. Before giving the child the opportunity to enter the water on his own, you need to make sure that there are no holes, deep mud, snags, sharp stones in this place. Avoid hypothermia when swimming. An adult must be in the water with the child.

Many schoolchildren are asked to read a certain number of books for the summer period. Most of today's children prefer to sit at the computer, various gadgets. Parents should remember and remind their children that summer is a time of relaxation and health improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to limit communication with the computer and replace it with live communication with friends, increase physical activity: organize joint family walks in the park, forest, to the reservoir, walking and cycling.

Summer vacations for children should be organized so that they have the opportunity to develop their creative potential, improve health and prevent diseases, engage in physical culture, sports and tourism, develop healthy lifestyle skills, observe diet and life in a favorable environment while performing sanitary and hygienic and sanitary and epidemiological requirements on the part of adults.

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