Beautiful happy new year congratulations to official organizations. Universal wishes of business official greetings. Happy New Year Congratulations to employees

We all rush to congratulate your friends, relatives and loved ones with the upcoming new year. In addition, everything has colleagues for work, partners who also need to congratulate. On our site the largest selection in which official congratulations on the New Year 2019 colleagues, partners and the manager. In verses and prose, short for SMS and beautiful New Year's wishes per year of pig.

Soon 2019 will come to their rights. His mistress will be a yellow earthen pig. It is believed that this year will bring financial success, well-being, luck to all people. Hurry up to congratulate your colleagues at work and wish them happiness in the new year, health and financial well-being.

What do you want in the year of pig

On the eve of the New Year, many people wonder how best and originally congratulate their loved ones and friends. No doubt that these wishes should be from the bottom of his heart. At the same time, each of us wants to congratulate your relatives, some special way, so that these messages are remembered for a long time.

What congratulations will be relevant in the coming year? First of all, the wish of good luck. In addition, grandparents often wish health and long life. Wishes to friends and acquaintances of money, fun and family well-being. Official congratulations on the New Year It is customary to start with the wishes of career growth, prosperity of companies and an increase in money capital.

Official congratulations on the New Year in prose organizations

Building plans for the next year we always hope for the best, dream, make a desire. I would like to sincerely wish that everything about what you dream and melded for the new year turned!

Dear partners, colleagues, comrades! New, 2019 is nearing. Each time, building new plans for the coming year, we are looking at the future with optimism, we hope for the best, dream, traditionally make desires.

We sincerely wish you so that all that you wanted and might for the new year turned in the new year 2019! So that you and all your loved ones were happy, whatever the diseases bypass you to be lucky to accompany you in all matters and endeavors.

Let this year be full of the coming hopes achieved goals and pleasant discoveries. And we will try to promote this as much as possible. Let your business flourish and summarizes, and the indicators achieved unprecedented heights. Congratulations on New Year 2019th!

Colleagues! I want to congratulate you on the New Year! I wish you the implementation of the planned, new creative projects, fun and friendly corporate standards, indulgent and tolerant authorities! Let only pleasant surprises wait in the new year, wonderful news, luck and success!

Let colleagues, friends, beloved and relatives please you with their understanding and support, reliable shoulder, right hand. I wish you, your family, native and everything our team of festive mood, laughter, joy, no chagrin and anxiety! Let things go uphill and good luck with us!

The new year is not just the beginning of a new calendar, these are new hopes, successes, victories. We are looking with confidence in tomorrow and for optimism. We have every reason - clear and specific plans of socio-economic development, the real possibilities of their incarnation!

Let in the new year your regular satellites will be luck and a good mood, let the joy of the coming hopes and desires never leave you. Let there be wealth in the house, and in the family peace and love. We wish you good health, happiness and well-being!

On New Year's Eve, somehow most specially believed that our world should be better, kinder, that happiness and success will certainly come to every home and in every family. I am sure that in our power to give our loved ones and native most expensive - it is warm, understanding and love!

Let the new year will help in the performance of the most cherished dream, will strengthen faith in the future, let the success accompanies all your undertakings always in everything! Happy New Year! Happiness, peace and well-being to you and your families!

Each outgoing year reserves implemented projects, new cooperation and pleasant moments. So let the new opportunities come to this new year before you, new vertices are conjugated. Let every your step, each movement leads you only for the better. Let the difficulties bypass you by the side, and good luck helps in all endeavors.
We wish you happiness, success, life luck and big creative heights.

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! The new year is a special holiday: he gives hope for happiness and good luck, the joy of new undertakings. The outgoing year was saturated with important events and accomplishments.

In the coming year we wish you good health, happiness, mental persistence, confidence in their forces and optimism. Let your relatives and friends be with you will be with you, and the well-being, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

Take the most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the new year give you the well-being, the execution of a cherished dream and strengthen the faith in the future. Let success be accompanied by all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, consent, patience, good, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year 2019!

Take the most sincere congratulations on the New Year 2019! I wish you good health, enormous personal happiness, well-being, inexhaustible energy, the realization of all professional plans! Let in the new year you invariably accompany the success in the important thing you are engaged!

Let your best undertakings always accompany creative inspiration and creative initiative, and your energy and an inset serve as a key to the successful implementation of the planned plans. I want to wish you so that you are always surrounded by warmth and love of your loved ones, respectful colleagues and friends, and an excellent mood and spiritual climb always accompanied your life! Love, good and well-being!

Dear our customers. Congratulations Happy New Year! We wish you in the new year of creative and financial growth, successful conclusions of contracts and responsible partners. And thanks for how to cooperate with us!

Reliability, stability and prosperity - the key to success of our cooperation! Take our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the coming year be saturated with new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial successes! And the first lines of all information programs will be born not news show business
, and the news of your sensational successes! Good luck with the holiday!

I cordially congratulate you on the New Year 2019! The new year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all good, which pleased you in the outgoing year, will find their continuation in the coming year! I wish you good health, the implementation of your plans and plans, respect and mutual understanding in the team. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The outgoing year was saturated and fruitful. He filled us with vitality wisdom and strength.
Let the coming new year accompanies further successes and achievements, bring joy, mutual understanding, consent and love.

Let the most difficult problems be resolved and the best hopes will come true and the most bold dreams. Let the coming new year be for all of you the year of new achievements and achievements! Happiness, health, joy, success and all the best!

Dear friends, colleagues, partners. The most important holiday is approaching for many - New Year. On the eve of this holiday, we sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming 2019th New Year. We wish you that the New Year, standing on the threshold, made it possible to implement a lot of ambitious plans and decisions on their embodiment, so that all ideas were embodied in life, projects were carried out, and the dreams just came true

Let your desire to always move forward, as well as energy and determination brought the desired result in achieving all your goals.

And let the luck accompanies you within the next coming year, and your loved ones inspire you to move upwards. Happiness and good luck to you in the new year 2019!

Work with professionals is valuable experience, which is the key to success in any business. Our cooperation made it possible to overcome many difficulties and maintain the stability and reliability of relationships.

The outgoing year will enter the history of our company as a successful, what is the considerable merit and your professional team.

In the coming year, we wish you prosperity and well-being, new successful joint projects and an inexhaustible source of creative ideas! Happiness and health to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!

The new year is usually associated with the hopes for the best, so let all good, which pleased you in the outgoing year, will certainly find their continuation in the coming.

Let the new year give you the well-being, the execution of a cherished dream, will strengthen faith in the future, and success accompanies all your undertakings always in everything. I wish you peace, consent, patience, good, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year 2019!

We sincerely congratulate your organization with the brightest holiday - Happy New Year 2019! We wish in the new year all your employees experience more takeoffs, achieve unprecedented heights, defeat sadness, longing and all problems and strengthen family relationships!

Growth of income, new achievements, amazing discoveries and unforgettable meetings! Let the New Year bring your organization to improve business positions and income growth!

Official congratulations on the New Year 2019 partners in verse

In the new year I want partners wish good luck,
Prosperity of ideas and even in addition:
Sparkling luck, gains increasing,
So that any hope was permitted simply.
To the table, as a self-banner, we sparkled.
So that a glass of success full of coup before the bottom washed.

Happy New Year, our team congratulates you, tested partners.
Let perseverance always lead forward
And perseverance and unity are ruins the mountains.
Let the efforts all be fruitful
A clear is the goal, confident - a dream.
Prosperity, stability and reliability
Serve how true three whales.

Dear their partners
Congratulations on the coming new year!
All our insults, failures, quarrels,
We will leave for his threshold.

In the new year, we will take good luck
Happiness, joy, loyalty and love.
Well, to become a little richer,
We will work together again.

We congratulate Happy New Year
Partners of faithful and reliable.
Let Creative lead to victories
Be careful.
Let the team flourish
Commander Spirit and Spirit of Success,
And the new year in your work will be marked will be an important milestone

We love your partners, appreciate, respect,
And congratulations on the New Year, Merry Christmas.
You plans for creative, financial success,
And let the work gives the joy day after day.

Helmet congratulations to partners
You have happiness under the supervision all this new year we wish!
For creativity you inspire you!
Let your business bloom and smells!
Let the crisis know somewhere!
Friends, we will tear all together,
We have competitors!

The new year remains a bit.
Living the anticipation of holidays
We are in a hurry to congratulate you, reliable partners,
And just - good friends.

Let in the new year you are accompanied by happiness
And your desire will come true.
For business - profits, love and luck.
Health love and prosperity - in the family.

Reached the goal with you
During the year, I succeeded in many ways!
Shoulder, Support We are each other!
At any time we shifted your hand.
Let in the upcoming New Year,
Reaches all sorts of heights!

Cooperation with you ours,
They all still show!
What our faithful partnership is:
Success, trust, perseverance

With respect, we congratulate partners
You wish you success in business!
Let the success of our relationship,
It will be many, many achievements!

Let you have the upcoming New Year,
Many profitable customers will bring!
Energy partnership increases
The friendship of the relationship only strips!

In our business joint
We wish to flourish for a long time,
Let it be in creative work
Star of Success to you shine!

I wish new things,
So that the client went to the jacket
And positive balance
For many, many long years!

Happy New Year,
You are partners from the soul!
Let only bright weather
You always hurry to please!
Let your bank grow in the bank,
In the upcoming New Year!

Official congratulations happy new year short in verse

To work, as a holiday,
We are in a hurry year per year.
A bunch of cases, big and important
And the crowd of customers is waiting.

I wish you all success
And diligence in labor,
To no interference
So that always always, everywhere.

To increase salary,
The family had enough strength.
Happy New Year
All our friendly team!

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Let a friendly dance
You are surrounded by frequently
Love, luck, happiness!

Wages to all huge
Growing and immodest
Success is indecent
And the rest is excellent!

Colleagues, this new year,
I wish you big heights,
More profitable ideas,
Smaller sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily
To row her shovel,
Corporate parties were more often
And life was kind and sweeter!

Let it be what you need,
Accompanies the success of cases
So that our team lives together
And so that the chief praised us!

I wish that this night,
The work went to the background.
So that instead of folders and reports -
Glass of champagne and cake!

Let there be in this new year,
Faith and good luck
Health is loved ones and in addition
Events, best, turnover.

I also wish creativity,
More laughter, positive,
Emotions, lightness, freedom ...
Let the skies grow income!

Year worked tirelessly
Our cohesive team.
We deserve guys,
"Target" corporate.

I wish you cool,
To remember then.
With a positive, clearly, clear

Together in the New Year enter.
I wish you all success,
And income noble
So that the salary allowed
Live very sweet to us!

Prosperity and income.
Let a success accompanize
So that you do not know any interference.
Let health be strong
Mind - enlightened, chain,
In the world - the world, and in families - the way.

Enlarge all wages.
A lot of strength and optimism
Travel and tourism,
In souls - sunny weather.
All, colleagues, Happy New Year!

I congratulate all colleagues
Happy New Year and I wish
So that work does not tomila
Pleasure gave.
Optimism and positive
Let him get into the team.

To pay salaries
And more often issued -
A month three or four times.
Well, all pockets are wider!

So that the authorities did not julily,
How relatives you loved everyone
Vacation gave on time ...

A year Well, somewhere the heels.
Well, Santa Claus Dobryak
Happiness will give, love and benefits.
Let the service promote you
And gifts will throw!

Official congratulations on the New Year short for SMS

With misher and foam from champagne,
New Year hurries to your home,
I wish weakness I am royal,
Well, health was so much!

Let the new year magic fairy tale
In your house, Tikhonechko will enter
And happiness, joy, kindness and affection
You will bring to you as a gift!

Happy New Year all who are waiting
This holiday is a new year!
Happiness to you, gifts a lot,
Clear blue sky

And smiles and colors,
And good, good words!
Happy New Year! Happiness to all
And lack of problems!

Often wealth to you in the new year,
Good luck to a row, hopes a couple!
Let life be bright, cheerful, beautiful,
Fate - amazing, generous, happy.

Year of pig! How much in this sign!
How calm, generous and clever!
And although the last in the zodiac,
Not the last force is endowed.

So let him bring him
Wisdom, judgment for everyone
Good solution to issues
Beauty, health and success!

Happy New Year! In life, let
Sadness will disappear,
Happiness let speed come
And the soul will bloom again!

There is a bright holiday, waited a long year for a long time.
Wings on wings scattered who is where.
I wish you to join the festive whirlpool,
And catch your luck, and keep the tail always!

Again the fairy tale is waiting for -
Santa Claus to us enters the house.
Let under the loud ringing of the chimes
Awaken talents.
I wish you creative victories
Good luck, recognize, long years!

So that your business was with a dream in Lada,
So that the heart of the desires of big has not forgotten.
We want to wish in this new year
So that it happened that you were intended!

Winter holiday comes again,
Sharing a calendar into two parts!
Again from everyday life resting
In Mandarinovo - fabulous happiness!

You wish you to go round
Current train old quarrels and offense,
And with January binding linking
New Year will be announced about yourself!

New Year in the right of his own
Let you everywhere luck awaits
I wish the health of strong
Let you in all matters luck!

Salmon congratulations on the New Year
With a snowy white dance!
I wish you happiness and warmth,
So that life like in a fairy tale flowed!

The ringing of the glasses fills
Heart joy and happiness
Happy New Year -
Let him not be bad items!

Official congratulations on the New Year boss

  • Congratulations from the team in verse

The head of strict but just
A man serious but positive
Congratulate a hurry team Happy New Year!
We wish you a great weather in the entire company.

You have a great and durable happiness.
So that money flows like water from the source.
Grabbed in excess and strength, and health,
The family warmed warm and love.

Happy New Year, with a bright good holiday,
Congratulations sincerely, with soul!
We wish to meet him with joy
And set a cheerful feast mountain!

Let an incredible luck
And stunning success
Give holidays, happiness, mood,
Cheerfulness, optimism and good laughter!

One beautiful year passed,
In which he sang and be sad
And the fact that it did not fit
Let everything happen in the new!

There are hours, there are days, -
Such a law of nature
And we want you today
Congress with the Hov Year!

We wish you from all soul
In the coming new year
Health, happiness, new forces,
Successes at work!

We congratulate you on the new year to you, the unchanging our director.
Let work do not lose the heat and positive vector.
Let the luck pursue luck
And away is a cunning crisis runs.
May the personal life be happiness,
Growing and flourishing business.

Manager Our Assurance
Always find contact with the people.
Congratulations on new happiness
And, with all my soul, Happy New Year!

  • Congratulations and wishes Happy New Year in prose

Let the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and their tasks come to life! We wish good health, good luck and love to you and your loved ones! Good mood and fulfillment of the most cherished desires on New Year's Eve!

On behalf of the whole team I want to congratulate you on the winter and magical holiday New 2019 year. Your energy and enthusiasm always admired us. You are a wise and reasonable leader. You know, in what direction will lead your team. We will try to justify your hopes in the next year. Health to you, peace and family well-being.

Take the most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the new year give you the well-being, the execution of a cherished dream and strengthen the faith in the future. Let success be accompanied by all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, consent, patience, good, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Dear, supervisor / director / boss, let all your new things in the next year will be doomed to tremendous success. Health to you strong, well-being in the family and simple human happiness.

The profession for each person is a means of expression and the ability to have a certain welfare. I wish you, colleagues, so that in the coming year you all managed to feel the tide of the strength and reached the desired heights, so that there were those who you can trust and sincerely love. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Let's sometimes our way is complicated and difficult, there are quite a few obstacles and interference, but our cohesion, mutual execution, mutual support - what allows you to believe in the best and confidently go ahead! New victories, achievements, accomplishments, big financial opportunities and faith in New Year's magic!

Dear colleagues, congratulations on your New Year! Let him bring you new ups and victories, pleases with new successes and great prospects. I wish you enjoy going to work, always find in the face of like-minded employees, embody creative ideas and ideas. Let the salary pleasantly surprise, the bosses praise and encourages, and his favorite thing inspires and gives joy.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. I want to wish you great good luck on the way to new goals, good health, patience, forces, promising ideas, confident aspirations, loud success, big breakthroughs in activities and true happiness in life. I also wish that new affairs in the work have always given opportunities for self-realization, so that new days in life constantly gave you joy.

Official congratulations to partners Happy New Year in prose

We make one thing with you, we strive for altitudes in the sphere that you chose the heart and mind. Dear partners, we wish that in the coming year you have established constructive connections so that your business develops that families live in harmony and prosperity so that every day is filled with positive. Happy New Year, and let us be sure to be lucky!

Dear partners! We hosted a lot of roads, experienced each other in good and difficult moments and kept afloat, despite the economic crisis, thanks to the joint efforts. Let's continue to stay together, hold the selected strategy and listen to the wishes of each other!

Congratulations on your New Year, dear partners. Let the coming year marked new, our common, victories and will be with you the year of great achievements and success. We wish you good health, family heat and professional growth. Thank you for fruitful cooperation, let in the new year our overall work will be the same coordinated and productive.

Dear my partners, I congratulate you on the New Year and I want to wish a successful, promising, profitable and productive year. Let the upcoming year go under the banner of large victories, let our partnership and cooperation brings their fruits, joint success and high reputation. I wish all good health and confidence in your abilities, as well as positive stability in all spheres of vital activity.

New Year's congratulations to customers in prose official

We work for the benefit of our favorite customers, we want them to be satisfied with our services and always returned to our friendly and positive atmosphere. Dear customers, we wish you in the coming year of successful purchases, material well-being, positive emotions, sincere love and sea of \u200b\u200bimpressions. Happy New Year, and remember that we work only for you!

Dear customers! In the past, we tried so hard to take into account all your wishes and requirements, expand the range of services, please the quality of products and services, so that we will have to try to really try to not lower the highly raised bar. We want to become your friends and the source of pleasure!

Happy holiday you, dear customers, Happy New Year! We sincerely wish the New Year to bring you only happiness, spiritual harmony, great love, financial stability and the embodiment of great ideas. Let the result of our collaboration always please and meet your expectations. Good to you, the fulfillment of desires and all the best!

Dear our customers, congratulate you on the New Year. We wish any choice in the new year to be correct to ensure that any of your desire is fulfilled to fulfill that any of your desire certainly led you to victory. We also wish the health and well-being, enthusiasm and optimism, self-confidence and love of loved ones, success in affairs and happiness in every new day.

Official congratulations in prose Happy New Year to the Chief

You have taught us to be targeted and active, you have come to the formulation of new tasks and their embodiment, you showed a decent example of how to work. Dear chief, we are glad that you are under your leadership and want to wish you in the new year the sea of \u200b\u200bachievements, the river of the Good, Ocean of Energy, the Sky of Love and the Universe of Success! Happy New Year from your faithful and friendly team!

Dear chief! The path to the top of the layer and the right, but you overcame it! We wish not to take positions, to strengthen the situation, increase profits, the number of reliable partners and grateful customers. And remember that the employees are happy with the leadership capable of real wonders!

Happy New Year, boss! We wish you in the New Year as wisely and masterfully manage our cheerful team, condescendingly applies to misses, encourage success and regularly indulgent subordinates with monetary premiums. Let health be powerful, nerves - strong, and patience - angel. Large professional success to you and personal happiness in the coming year!

Dear boss, I congratulate you on the New Year and I want to wish the purposefulness, enthusiasm, health, patience, strength and good luck. Let each decision be true, let each of your action be rational, let each goal be achieved, let each your day be productive, successful, saturated and kind. I wish you sustainable life positions in the new year and well-being.

Dear colleagues, congratulations on your New Year! I wish you new aspirations and discoveries, successful starts and large victories, successful results in affairs and prospects in personal interests. Let this year become good and happy for all of us!

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on your wonderful holiday - Happy New Year! Let this year bring you only happy moments, positive mood and success! I wish our joint work to be productive, efficient and prosperous, and our affairs developed in the right direction, bringing profit to us and our customers!

Happy New Year, colleagues! I wish the big awards and merit, confident aspirations and victories, promising ideas and cases, bold solutions and actions, successful starts and successful days. Let this year for all of you will be fruitful with regard to work and happy with respect to life!

I want to congratulate you on Happy New Year!
Let this year bring all happiness
Wealth in the house, joy and fun,
Love and friendship, glory and honor!
I also wish you good luck, let him please
Favorite family, and finally - Health
Be richer, and never give up in life!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year and I want to wish all the benefits and wealth, confidence and decisiveness, creativity and optimism, health and forces, purposefulness and good luck. Be happy in the new year and extremely successful.

Dear Colleagues! Let the new year be successful and significant. Let it bring success in labor achievements, well-being in personal life and stability in the career and own growth. I wish to always put real goals, and have the strength and potential to achieve them. Let the income and premiums will be stable, and the workflow without any pitfalls. Happy New Year!

Colleagues, congratulations on the New Year. I want to wish to always find a way out of any situation, with each business to seek success and recognition of your talent. Let the coming year give a lot of opportunities, ideas and good luck, let every day there will be a day of professionalism and a significant achievement.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues. I would like to everyone from you to wish health and confident positions in the coming year, decisiveness and courage of character, harmony and inspiration of the soul, love and happiness of the heart, wealth and great opportunities from life. Let the new year at times will increase all your progress.

Dear my colleagues and dear colleagues! I wish you a speedy fulfillment of desires, well-being and joyful events. Let Love and Understanding are always present in your homes and families, the order, comfort and peace is dominated. I wish success in the works, stable payments and great wealth. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, allow
You, colleagues, I congratulate
Wish love and happiness
And in your work awards!

To your achievement
Would always notice
Premiums to receive
The work of pleasure was to you.

And on the front of your personal,
So that there was no thunderstorm
And health your children
Let dreams fulfill!

My dear!

Take the most sincere and sincere congratulations on the New Year 2015!

Let him bring joy, new impressions, hopes and optimism.

Let it be different: bright and cheerful, romantic and dreamy, successful and purposeful.

Let the arrival of this year will be encountered with the most expensive and close people.

Let the new year be an excellent opportunity to continue their successful undertakings and a wonderful chance for those who decided to start all over again.

Sad and sorting moments let them go to the past, and the best and pleasant memories all life warm the soul in gentle warmth.

Let the old insults forget, opening the road for new friendship and love.

Let wishes be fulfilled, the favorite work brings satisfaction, new knowledge and accomplishments.

Let the stars shine brighter, and the sun illuminates the path, full of rainbow hopes, joyful events, peace and travel.

Let each person find his own happiness this year, family consent and home comfort.

Long live the new 2015, and it will bring us only good and light!

Congratulations on your upcoming New Year!

In this, the most magical holiday of the year, I want to wish first of all the fulfillment of desires.

After all, at what another holiday we are so sincerely believe in a miracle and magic.

Let the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only a wonderful mood.

Let the news be good, dating pleasant, things are successful, and the trouble is small.

Let your home be full of friends, love, smiles and warmth!

Let all the conceived happen to happen, health will not let, and the closest will always be near!

Happy New Year!

Building plans for the coming year we always hope for the best, dream, make a desire.

I want to wish that all you wanted and mad for the new year turned!

So that you and your loved ones were healthy and happy that luck would accompany the love surrounding and filled you and your home.

In order for bad weather to be side, and the sun was always shone above the head, warming and giving a good mood.

Let this year be full of completed hopes performed by the dream achieved goals and pleasant discoveries!

Congratulations to all happy new year!

Happy New Year,
Happiness to you and prosperity.
Let health be strong
The soul pleases the vocation.

Generous will be the coming year
Let joy and good luck
Become only more successful
Positive and richer.

Income indicators
Up rapidly grow
Let in the family accompanies
Understanding and comfort.

Let him open a new year
More new horizons
Will give a bright takeoff
For the success of the most loud!

Like a magical snow whirlwind,
In the door, let the luck,
Attracting happiness to life
And solving all the tasks!

Congratulations on the New Year and I want to wish you stability, confidence and well-being in the new year. I also wish respect, prosperity, happiness, wealth, success in affairs and good luck in life.

Happy New Year,
Let good luck bears
Let success, prosperity
You confidently leads.

In the new year I wish the world
Positive and love
To smooth expensive
Fortunately, everyone was led.

I wish in life
Promed your plans
Year of happiness and good
The new year for everyone will be.

Take congratulations on the new year
And the wishes of wonderful goods!
Work let the success blooms,
And the sky will be clear.

There will be no problems, there will be no,
Let the house reigns the order.
Emotions you wish bright
And let the life been in life so that Iron.

A short

Happy New Year! Let this year bring joy, happiness, wealth and good mood in your home.

Happy New Year. First of all, I would like to wish good health, self-esteem, well-being and great opportunities. Let the New Year allow to implement all new ideas, let it be luck and success.

Congratulations on the New Year and leave the most kind of wishes. Let the whole year accompanies luck, even if any effort turns into success. I wish you health, love, wealth and happiness.

New Year let me give you
Many joy, happiness, fun,
Let luck go on the heels,
Will become a dream and aspirations!

On New Year's Eve let the soul
You sing funny songs,
Will life will be good
Each moment, every hour, for a whole year!

Soon the New Year's holiday,
Congratulations to you today.
Let the desire come true
And dreams are carried out.

Let in the houses be light,
Well, in souls, of course, warm.
Let everything be wonderful
And live, we wonder.