Curantyl during pregnancy: a useful "vitamin" for the expectant mother. Why pregnant women are prescribed "Kurantil

Taking medication during pregnancy has always caused a lot of controversy and discussion. Everyone has their own arguments “for” and equally weighty “against” in this respect. However, to make an informed decision, you need only reliable information. A qualified and attentive gynecologist will always be able to explain to the future mother the appropriateness of the appointment. Alas, not all doctors are equally “useful”. What to do if you doubt the need to take any medicine, including Curantil?

Why take Curantil for pregnant women: positive arguments

Curantyl has a lot of positive properties. It is able to prevent the appearance of blood clots, helps strengthen blood vessels, thins the blood, reducing its aggregation. During pregnancy, all organs of the female body experience an increased load, and the effect of this drug significantly optimizes their work, having a beneficial effect on the development of the unborn child. Therefore, Curantil can relieve or prevent the following problems in pregnant women:

  • swelling;
  • pressure fluctuations;
  • headaches;
  • postpartum kidney failure.

Curantyl is also prescribed for the prevention and elimination of circulatory disorders of the brain and with encephalopathy. An equally weighty argument is the fact that Curantil can restore immunity by increasing the ability to produce interferon. Therefore, it is indispensable as a preventive and therapeutic property in viral diseases and influenza. In favor of the drug is also the argument that it does not affect the development of the fetus. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect on the placenta. Functioning in the blood, medicinal substances do not linger in the body of a pregnant woman, decomposing in the liver and excreted along with bile.

Taking Curantyl in early pregnancy

There are cases when the drug is prescribed to a pregnant woman during the entire period of gestation, several times in certain courses or even with short breaks. Gynecologists may advise taking it even when planning a child - this is a popular medical practice. Often, Curantyl is taken in the last months of pregnancy if the placenta is prone to premature aging. No less often, the medicine is prescribed at the beginning of gestation, which is very frightening for many expectant mothers who doubt the safety of the drug. Doctors convince that there is no danger, saying that Curantyl is needed to normalize the blood flow of the placenta. If this pathology is detected, then the child is deprived of the necessary nutrients in the right amount. Such a shortage is observed, as a rule, with excessive density of the mother's blood. However, many Western doctors have abandoned this practice, as the drug can cause bleeding in the early stages.

Instructions for use Curantyl

Curantyl is characterized by the following effects:

  • has an antiaggregatory effect - is able to reduce the likelihood of blood clots;
  • helps to strengthen the vascular walls;
  • puffiness decreases;
  • pronounced immunomodulatory ability;

Often, the drug is prescribed to pregnant women who have a high risk of miscarriage, as well as in complicated pregnancy.

In general, the reception is possible only after the appointment of the attending physician and only under his own control.


The drug Curantil has a number of contraindications for taking and can cause side effects, among which are the following:

  • vomiting, nausea and diarrhea;
  • at a very high dosage, arterial hypotension, tachycardia and hot flashes may occur;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • skin rashes and urticaria;
  • sometimes there may be excessive bleeding both before and after surgery.

If the dosage is too high, the side effects are mild and variable in nature.

You can also highlight the following contraindications for admission:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • collapse;
  • pathologies characterized by a high risk of bleeding;
  • unstable angina;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • subaortic stenosis;
  • severe arrhythmia;
  • arterial hypotension.

Why shouldn't Curantyl be taken by pregnant women?

First of all, do not forget about the considerable list of possible contraindications and side effects. There is also a high probability of an allergic reaction, so strict dosage control is needed. Despite the fact that doctors call Curantil a "vitamin" for expectant mothers, the possibility of side effects casts doubt on this.

In addition, very few clinical trials of this drug have been carried out, and in Europe it is prescribed quite rarely. In our country, Curantyl is included in the mandatory “program” for expectant mothers, although the drug is not suitable for everyone.

Homeopathic medicine strongly opposes the use of this drug. This is argued by the fact that pregnancy is not a disease, and therefore does not need medical treatment. For this reason, every expectant mother may require a clear explanation from the attending physician of the need to prescribe Curantyl.

It is important that you should stop taking the drug before giving birth, as it significantly thins the blood. Otherwise, it can cause dangerous consequences during delivery.

Curantyl Reception

You need to take the medicine on an empty stomach and one hour before meals. The tablet must be swallowed whole and washed down with a small amount of water. In general, you need to adhere to the scheme recommended by the gynecologist.

Remember that aspirin improves the effect of the drug, while tea and coffee reduce it.

Curantyl known in the pharmaceutical market for a long time. It is used as an antianginal (anti-angina drug), antiplatelet (antithrombotic) and angioprotective (protecting blood vessels) agent.

Curantil has a vasodilating effect mainly on the small vessels of the heart, but in large doses it reduces the resistance in the arterioles of the whole body and leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Due to the expansion of the diameter of the vessels, blood circulation increases and oxygen flow to the cells improves, therefore, the damaging effect of hypoxia or ischemia, which often occurs with heart diseases, is leveled. Curantil promotes the formation of collaterals (bypass routes) in ischemic areas, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and lowers blood pressure.

Curantil improves microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, retina, kidneys. During pregnancy, it slows down degenerative processes in the placenta, eliminates hypoxia of fetal tissues and restores placental circulation.

In addition, the drug prevents the adhesion of platelets and the formation of blood clots, especially with the combined use of Curantyl and acetylsalicylic acid. With an increase in a single dose of the drug, a shortening of the life of platelets and suppression of the tendency to thrombosis is observed. This effect is used in the treatment of patients with deep vein thrombosis. The combined use of Curantyl and acetylsalicylic acid is often prescribed in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, as well as to reduce the risk of recurrent stroke in patients with ischemic stroke.

The main active ingredient of Curantyl - dipyridamole, which contributes to an increase in the production of interferon - a protein with a pronounced antiviral effect. In this regard, Curantyl can be used as a drug that increases the body's resistance to viral infections.

And the last scope of Curantyl is stress echocardiography and dipyridamole-thallium-201 perfusion scintigraphy in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease in patients with unchanged coronary vessels. In this case, the drug is used as a diagnostic tool to determine the state of the heart muscle, the safety of the valvular apparatus and its contractile activity.

Release forms

Curantil is available in tablets, dragees and solutions for intravenous administration.

Tablets yellow or greenish-yellow, coated. Each tablet contains 25, 50, 75 or 100 mg of the active substance dipyridamole. Depending on this, the drug is called Curantyl 25, Curantyl 50, Curantyl 75 or Curantyl 100.

Dragee contain 25 or 75 mg of dipyridamole. Usually dragees are packaged in glass jars of 100 pieces.

In ampoules a 0.5% solution of dipyridamole is produced. 2 ml of each ampoule contains 0.01 g of the active substance.

Instructions for use Curantyl

Indications for use

Curantyl is prescribed for adults and children over 12 years of age who have vascular disorders in the brain, retina, heart, kidneys, deep vessels of the extremities. In obstetric practice, it is used for circulatory disorders in the placenta and deterioration in the nutritional conditions of the fetus.

The main indications for the appointment of Curantyl are:

  • Treatment of coronary heart disease, subacute myocardial infarction or post-infarction condition, stable angina, especially with intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid. With these diseases, Curantyl can also be prescribed for prophylactic purposes.
  • Prevention of thromboembolism and thrombosis of arteries and veins in the postoperative period when replacing heart valves.
  • Widespread atherosclerosis of the heart vessels.
  • Heart failure in the stage of compensation.
  • Hypertension II degree and above.
  • Deterioration of placental circulation, fetal hypoxia, placental insufficiency.
  • Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, cerebral infarction, dyscirculatory encephalopathy.
  • As part of complex treatment for various microcirculatory disorders.
  • As an immunomodulatory drug (to increase immunity) during periods of influenza epidemics, SARS.


Any acute conditions caused by impaired microcirculation, unstable or decompensated diseases, as well as increased bleeding are contraindications for the appointment of Curantyl.

Children under 12 years of age are not prescribed the drug, because. there is insufficient data on its harmlessness to the child's body.

The drug is not prescribed for the following diseases or conditions:

  • Acute cerebral or myocardial infarction;
  • Acute or unstable course of angina pectoris;
  • Heart, kidney, liver failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • Arterial hypotension, collapse, fainting;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia of the hypotonic type;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances - ventricular arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, etc.;
  • Obstructive diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • Subvalvular (subaortic) aortic stenosis;
  • Common coronary sclerosis;
  • Tendency to spontaneous bleeding, the presence of peptic ulcer (due to the possible development of bleeding), hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

Side effects

Side effects while taking Curantyl occur quite rarely. Among them, the main place is occupied by dyspeptic phenomena - nausea, occasionally vomiting and diarrhea. There may be complaints of headache or muscle pain, weakness and dizziness. People with a tendency to arterial hypotension are likely to develop fainting and / or increase the heart rate to 90 or more times per minute.

In some cases, the phenomenon of cardiac "steal" occurs - a retrograde movement of blood through the collaterals, bypassing the narrowed coronary vessels. A withdrawal syndrome may also develop with the development of unstable angina or myocardial infarction. This phenomenon usually occurs during long-term treatment with Curantil.

Extremely rare adverse reactions are urticaria and bronchospasm, as well as changes in the blood, in particular a decrease in the number of platelets (thrombocytopenia).

Unlike acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Curantil does not cause ulceration in the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment with Curantil

The doctor selects the dosage and duration of taking Curantyl individually, based on the form of the disease, the severity of its course and the patient's sensitivity to the drug. If necessary, the drug can be taken for a long time, in some cases - up to 10 weeks or more.

Self-administration of the drug is not allowed, due to the fact that its incorrect or unreasonable intake may worsen the patient's condition. Curantyl is a prescription drug.

How to take Curantyl?
The drug is taken before meals or 1.5-2 hours after a meal. A tablet or dragee should not be chewed, they must be swallowed with a sufficient amount of non-carbonated water.

Dosage of Curantyl
The maximum daily dose of the drug is 600 mg, it is prescribed only during the treatment of severe disorders. While taking Curantyl with anticoagulants or acetylsalicylic acid, the dose of Curantyl is halved.

Depending on the nature of the disease, Curantyl can be prescribed in the following dosages:
1. In ischemic heart disease, the initial daily dose of the drug is 225 mg. The dose is divided into 3 doses.
2. In case of cerebral circulation disorders, Curantyl is prescribed 75 mg from 3 to 6 times a day.
3. As an antiplatelet agent, Curantyl is prescribed 3-6 tablets per day, dividing the dose into several doses. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 8-9 tablets.
4. During an epidemic of influenza and SARS, Curantyl is taken 1-2 tablets once a week for 1.5 months. To increase immunity in frequently ill people, the drug is prescribed at 100 mg per week (the dose is taken in 2 doses, the interval between doses is 2 hours) for up to 8-10 weeks.

Curantyl during pregnancy

Curantyl is allowed to be taken during pregnancy, it does not have a negative effect on the fetus. However, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, it should be taken with extreme caution and if there are clear indications for this.

Most often, Curantyl is prescribed for pregnant women with placental insufficiency, late toxicosis, concomitant cardiovascular and renal pathology, premature aging of the placenta, post-term pregnancy.

Curantyl can also be used to increase nonspecific immunity in pregnant women during periods dangerous for viral diseases or with frequent exacerbations of an existing chronic viral infection (for example, genital herpes).

Interaction of Curantyl with other drugs

During treatment with Curantil, it is undesirable to drink drinks containing caffeine (coffee, cocoa, tea, mate, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola), as well as take the drug diuretin. These substances can significantly reduce or neutralize the completely positive effects of Curantyl.

With simultaneous treatment with Curantil and indirect anticoagulants (drugs that reduce blood clotting), as well as acetylsalicylic acid, the dose of Curantil should be reduced, because. its activity rises sharply and there is a risk of spontaneous bleeding.

Curantil may enhance the effect of drugs prescribed to lower blood pressure. And, on the contrary, when using Curantyl and drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, myasthenia gravis, a decrease in the activity of the latter is observed.

The simultaneous use of Curantyl and antibiotics of the cephalosporin series (Cefamandol, Cefoperazone, Cefotetan) leads to an increase in the antiplatelet properties of Curantyl.

Antacids used for increased acid-forming function of the stomach reduce the absorption of Curantyl, which causes a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

It is not allowed to mix the Curantyl solution for intravenous injection with other injectable drugs due to the fact that an insoluble precipitate may form. Do not mix Curantyl's solution with Actovegin, tk. the latter can cause anaphylaxis. However, the tablet forms of Curantil and Actovegin are often prescribed in the complex treatment of microcirculatory disorders of various origins.

Analogues of Curantyl

Curantyl has a lot of analogues. Depending on the country and the manufacturer, the drug is produced under the following trade names:
  • Dipyridamole;
  • Parsedyl;
  • Persanthin;
  • Trombone;
  • Sanomil-Sanovel;
  • Anginal (Anginal);
  • Antistenocardin (Antistenocardin);
  • Trancocard (Trancocard);
  • Aprikor (Apricor);
  • Cardioflux (Cardioflux);
  • Coribon (Coribon);
  • Trombonil (Trombonil);
  • Viscor (Viscor);
  • Vadinar.

All women who are preparing to become mothers carefully monitor their health, so they are, to put it mildly, wary of prescribing any kind of medication. No matter how bad it gets, they think. Of course, you can understand them, because now they are responsible not only for themselves, but also for the little man who grows inside. But still, there are cases when medications simply cannot be dispensed with. For example, with a complicated pregnancy, it is simply necessary to take drugs to prevent placental insufficiency. Among the medicines that doctors prescribe in this case, the most common chimes.

Curantil - description

Curantyl is produced in the form of dragees or tablets of 25 and 75 mg. The main treating substance is dipyridamole. Also, each tablet contains lactose, corn starch, magnesium sterate and carbonate, macrogol 6000, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, as well as gelatin, sucrose, glucose, quinoline dye and polyvidone.

This drug should improve blood microcirculation, its vasodilating effect is rather mild. In addition, chimes is an indicator of the synthesis of such a substance as interferon, therefore it can affect the interferon system, increase its production. That is why the drug can be prescribed for the prevention and even treatment of various colds.

The use of chimes during pregnancy

Basically, chimes are used when there is a risk of various thrombosis (arterial, venous) after surgery. It is prescribed for violations of microcirculation, and also in complicated pregnancy to remove the risk of placental insufficiency.
I prescribe Curantyl during pregnancy in order to prevent the occurrence of intrauterine hypoxia and gestosis. It should also prevent the growth and development of the fetus, which may occur in the process of placental insufficiency. It is believed that chimes help with childbirth, prevent injuries in the baby. And that is not all. Doctors are sure that it is this medication that helps the fetus develop properly, so it is often prescribed to almost all mothers who come to the antenatal clinic.

Dosage of chimes during pregnancy pretty standard. As a rule, expectant mothers are prescribed one tablet (25 mg each) three times a day. It is recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach with a small amount of water. The tablet must not be crushed, it must be swallowed whole.

And yet, you need to remember that in no case during treatment with chimes you can not drink tea and coffee, then the action of the active substances of the drug will be reduced several times. But the most common aspirin is able, on the contrary, to increase the effect of chimes several times.


Curantyl should not be used in acute myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, unstable angina pectoris, severe renal failure, arterial hypotension and a tendency to bleeding, as well as allergies to drug components.

Curantil, the instruction during pregnancy says that if a woman is in an interesting position, the drug is prescribed to her as needed. The dosage should be prescribed by the doctor in each individual case. Self-administration of chimes during pregnancy is not recommended.

Curantyl during pregnancy: reviews

Many drugs cause conflicting reviews, but they are very far from chimes. Perhaps this is due to the fact that recently it has been prescribed to almost all women in position, while at different stages of pregnancy. It is this fact that is discussed the most, because how can it be that some women treat placental insufficiency with chimes, while others are prescribed it just like vitamins and hofitol, for prevention. They say that blood circulation will improve and the baby will receive more useful and nutrients through the placenta, which means it will grow and develop much better.

But the most interesting fact is that I do not recommend taking chimes during pregnancy, unless there are strong indications for this. And this is clearly stated in the instructions for use. From here, most women have a completely logical question: why is it prescribed in the absence of evidence. Skeptical expectant mothers are even ready to believe that doctors are lobbying the interests of some pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers, they say, they are paid a percentage of each package of a medication sold. Of course, nothing is impossible in this life, but such statements are too exaggerated.

During pregnancy, a woman thinks not only about her own health, but also about the well-being of the unborn baby, so any doctor's appointment is perceived with caution. However, in most cases, all fears arise only due to the lack of complete information about the effectiveness and necessity of the remedy. Is it possible to fearlessly drink Curantyl during pregnancy - why is it prescribed and how to take the drug correctly? Let's find out the answers to these questions.

During the period of bearing a child, the female body experiences tremendous stress. All organs and systems do more work than before, for example, the heart begins to pump more blood than before pregnancy.

Curantyl 25 during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, in particular:

  • prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • thins the blood;
  • improves blood circulation.

The drug is prescribed to prevent placental insufficiency. In the presence of this disease, the placenta simply ceases to perform its functions, for example, it does not supply the fetus with oxygen, does not nourish it. Taking Curantyl during pregnancy can prevent this condition by improving blood microcirculation in the placenta.

The drug does not pose a danger to the baby, since it affects the blood vessels that are located in the placenta itself, that is, the active substance does not penetrate the child's body.

In addition to restoring the work of the placenta, taking Curantyl during pregnancy helps to solve the problem, which is relevant for many expectant mothers. Also, due to the normalization of blood pressure, the work of other organs that perform double work, such as the kidneys, improves.

The active ingredient of Curantyl is dipyridamole, it promotes the production of interferons, and this is an excellent support for the immune system, which is significantly weakened during pregnancy. Taking the drug in this case does more good than harm. The consequences of viral diseases can be more serious.

Curantyl is prescribed during pregnancy and to solve other problems, namely:

  • convulsions;
  • swelling.

Despite the positive effect on the mother's body and safety for the baby, only a doctor can prescribe the drug. It is he who will select the necessary dosage and tell you how to take Curantyl during pregnancy.

Indications and contraindications

When the doctor prescribes you the drug, you need to ask him why take Curantil during pregnancy. Indications may be as follows:

  • violation of blood circulation in the placenta (the drug can also be prescribed to prevent such a condition);
  • increased number of platelets;
  • weakened immunity during a period of increased risk of viral diseases;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • insufficient blood supply to the capillaries;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of thrombosis (in this case, it is prescribed to prevent their occurrence).

In most cases, the use of Curantyl tablets during pregnancy is carried out for prophylactic purposes. So, for his appointment, the doctor must be sure that the development of a certain disease is inevitable in the absence of preventive measures.

As a rule, it is applied in courses throughout the entire gestation period. Curantyl is prescribed in order to prevent placental insufficiency. This condition is characterized by disorders of the placenta and fetus due to various diseases and obstetric complications.

Curantyl n 25 helps to normalize blood circulation between the expectant mother and the child, resulting in the restoration of normal nutrition and oxygen supply. Curantyl in early pregnancy can provoke bleeding, which can be avoided by choosing the right dosage, as well as following a special diet.

Curantyl in late pregnancy is prescribed if the patient has gestosis, which is the result of blood clotting. In this condition, the supply of oxygen to the organs is disrupted, which leads to malfunctions in their work.

Outwardly, this condition is manifested by excessive swelling in the arms, legs, abdomen, face. Curantil normalizes blood circulation, and therefore eliminates the symptoms of late toxicosis. In addition, the impact occurs on the condition of the child - during the active development of organs, it is necessary that the expectant mother feel good in order to provide good nutrition to the baby.

Immediately before childbirth, Curantyl helps to cope with prenatal swelling. However, two weeks before the expected date of delivery, the drug should be stopped.

Despite the peculiarities of the effect of the drug on the mother's body and its safety for the baby, there are also contraindications to taking Curantyl:

  • low blood pressure - the drug is able to reduce it even more due to vasodilation, which can result in a critical condition;
  • liver failure - the active active substance is converted in the liver cells, which means it affects the functioning of the organ;
  • heart failure - dipyridamole tends to accumulate in the heart muscle;
  • diseases that increase the risk of bleeding, such as stomach ulcers;
  • renal failure, its chronic form;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, a tendency to allergies.

In addition, the presence of any disease can become a contraindication to taking the drug. This is due to the fact that the active active substance is able to accumulate in red blood cells and spread throughout the body, and therefore affect any weakened organ.

Dosage and method of application

The instructions for use of Curantyl during pregnancy indicate the standard rules for admission, but the exact dosage is always selected individually.

If you are prescribed Curantyl during pregnancy, how and how much to drink the drug, the doctor decides. It takes into account the following factors:

  • gestational age;
  • the indications on which the decision to prescribe the drug was made;
  • test results.

As a rule, the regimen for taking Curantil n 25 during pregnancy is as follows: 1 tablet, which corresponds to 25 ml of dipyridamole, is taken three times a day. If necessary, the doctor may decide to increase the dose to 75 ml in one or two doses per day. In such cases, drinking Curantil 75 during pregnancy is more convenient.

You need to take the drug one hour before meals or 2 hours after it at the same time.

In the event that taking Curantyl did not lead to the desired result, it is necessary to consult a doctor to correct the treatment regimen. You cannot do this on your own.

It is also necessary to follow the rules for taking Curantyl:

  • You can not combine taking the drug with tea and coffee, as these drinks can reduce the effectiveness of the drug. To drink a pill, it is better to take clean water.
  • It should be taken on an empty stomach, one hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.
  • Do not chew, bite or otherwise crush the tablet.

In emergency cases, the drug is administered intravenously. The action of this form of Curantyl is similar to tablets, but the effect lasts a short period of time.

Side effects

Any drug may not work as expected. This is facilitated by many factors, for example, the state of a particular organ. That is why the doctor should warn about possible negative consequences.

If a woman takes Curantyl during pregnancy, side effects may affect the work of a number of organs, namely:

  • gastrointestinal tract - vomiting, nausea;
  • cardiovascular system - lowering blood pressure, hot flashes, heart rhythm disturbances, subject to an increase in recommended doses;
  • nervous system - and;
  • skin - urticaria, rash.

Among other negative reactions, pain in the joints and increased bleeding during medical procedures are observed. It is in the presence of a large list of contraindications and side effects that the main drawback of Curantyl is revealed. Also, we must not forget that shortly before childbirth, the drug should be stopped, since the risk of bleeding increases.

Interaction with other drugs and analogues

During pregnancy, a woman needs to be extremely careful when taking various drugs. This also applies to Curantyl. With some drugs, it is not only not recommended to be combined, but even prohibited. For example, it is categorically contraindicated to take Curantyl and at the same time (the second remedy should not be used during pregnancy in any case).

This drug also affects drugs that lower blood pressure. It enhances the effect of these drugs, which can result in a sharp drop in pressure, which is highly undesirable during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, there are no analogues of the drug, neither in composition nor in the effect it has. Therefore, when Curantyl is needed during pregnancy, the dosage is adjusted and the decision on its use is made based on the benefit-risk ratio.

If the reception due to the presence of contraindications is impossible at all, the doctor selects other means, depending on the goals of treatment. Replacement options:

  • To thin the blood during pregnancy, it can be prescribed, which is as close as possible to Curantil in action, but differs in the mechanism of action. Sometimes during pregnancy, Actovegin and Curantil are combined.
  • Oscillococcinum is recommended to increase immunity.

Curantyl can be called a universal remedy that can prevent fetal hypoxia due to thickening of maternal blood. It thins the blood, makes it move faster, does not stagnate in one place, and therefore avoids swelling. In this case, the child receives the amount of oxygen and nutrition he needs.

But, despite this, it is impossible to call the drug a harmless vitamin. It is unacceptable to make a decision about its use on your own. Only with the right dosage and medical supervision is it safe for the expectant mother and her baby.

Useful video about the possible effect of drugs on the development of pregnancy


Women in labor often consider "Kurantil" an analogue of vitamins that are prescribed to pregnant women. However, this is not at all the case, and the drug is not a vitamin complex, and confusion occurs only because experts recommend drinking it for almost every pregnant woman. This is a complex medicine that affects all systems of the human body. You can take Curantil at a dosage of 25 and 75 mcg only as prescribed by a doctor, only in this case its active substance will not harm the woman and the unborn baby.

Active components of "Kurantil" and their action

In the international classification, "Kurantil" is designated as dipyridamole. This agent prevents the destruction of adenosine compounds, a biologically active substance, and prevents its cellular uptake. This means that the action of dipyridamole is based on an increase in the amount of adenosine in the blood plasma, and on a decrease in its amount in the intercellular space.

Adenosine is necessary for the expansion of peripheral vessels, which promote blood flow to internal organs and tissues, while saturating them with oxygen and other necessary elements. The increased content of adenosine in the blood guarantees an improved supply of oxygen to the organs. At the same time, large vessels do not expand, so if you drink "Kurantil" in limited doses, then the blood pressure indicators will remain unchanged, it will not decrease. How much is the daily dose of the drug? The maximum dosage allowed for admission during the day is: one tablet of "Kurantil" 75 mcg, or three tablets of 25 mcg.

With an overdose of adenosine, thrombosis can develop, so you need to take it only according to the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor. Thrombus formation is necessary to stop bleeding when small blood vessels are damaged, but in case of an overdose, platelets gather into a single mass in whole vessels, block or narrow the blood flow, and then the tissues of the organ suffer, up to ischemia.

With the help of dipyridamole, adenosine is dispersed in the blood plasma and cannot cause platelet aggregation, this protects the body from the occurrence of extra platelet clots. "Kurnatil" 75 can increase the life of the platelet mass and stimulate the production of interferon, which will protect the body of a pregnant woman from external viruses and infections.

Why use "Kurantil" during pregnancy

"Kurantil" during pregnancy should be taken if during gestation there is a risk of increased thrombus formation and an immediate threat of loss of functionality of any organ. And also as a prophylactic against spasms of small vessels.

For example, women with atherosclerosis in the chronic stage should drink the drug at a dosage of 25 mcg. In this disease, the walls of the vascular network are covered with cholesterol plaques, which leads to the formation of blood clots. Dipyramol 75 is prescribed as a preventive agent for suspected risk of myocardial infarction, in which the blood supply to tissues may be disturbed and necrosis may occur, which threatens to die off some parts of the heart muscle. And at a dosage of 25 micrograms, it is recommended to drink at the risk of a stroke that affects brain tissue. With varicose veins, the dosage of the drug varies and in extreme cases it can be increased over 75 mcg within one day.

During pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe to take "Kurantil" 25 to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, as well as in the placenta and kidneys. With multiple pathological ones that arise as a result of a delayed pregnancy, for example, with gestosis and a sharp aging of the placenta caused by vasoconstriction, placental insufficiency is observed, which threatens the fetus and mother with a violation of metabolic processes. In this case, the specialist necessarily prescribes drinking dipyradamol. If a woman belongs to the category of old-bearers, then it is recommended to take Curantil during pregnancy immediately after conception, if there are all the necessary indications for this.

The drug is able to boost the immune system, and using this property, doctors will definitely prescribe "Curantil" to 25 pregnant women diagnosed with acute and chronic infectious inflammations, for example, with genital herpes, frequent colds, SARS. How much the daily dose of the drug will be with such a diagnosis - only the supervising doctor can decide, but, in any case, it is necessary to take the medicine under strict supervision. This will help stop the recurrence of the disease.

The harmlessness of the drug is very conditional both for the child and for his mother. Therefore, the course duration of administration, doses, the content of the active substance in one tablet (75 or 25 mcg) - all this should be strictly supervised. Many years of experience in prescribing the drug to pregnant women with different terms indicates the inadmissibility of self-prescribing and taking "Kurantil".

Side complications and the danger of the drug "Kurantil"

With a chronic or newly acquired syndrome of reduced blood clotting, the medication can be detrimental to the development of the fetus. The ability of dipyridamole to stop thrombus formation in such pathologies becomes very dangerous. With a high risk of bleeding, for example, with a gastrointestinal ulcer, the medication should be limited, or completely withdrawn from the course of therapy. Before taking the drug, especially at a dosage of 75 mcg, it is necessary to make a coagulogram, which will reveal the level of blood clotting.

Renal failure is a contraindication for taking the drug

Women who have severe heart disease, kidney or liver failure, or problems with jumps in blood pressure - the drug is strictly contraindicated. Since an exacerbation of the underlying disease can occur as early as an hour after ingestion, when dipyridamole reaches peak plasma concentrations.

You can not take "Kurantil" 25 in conjunction with drugs based on caffeine, as well as drink it with tea or coffee. Among the side effects are noted: general weakness, dizziness, fever and fever, rapid heartbeat, slight bleeding.

Dosage of the drug (75 and 25 mcg) during pregnancy

The main rule is that you can drink these pills only after an appropriate examination and appointment by a specialist. In most cases, the drug is prescribed at 25 mcg three times a day, at a dosage of 75 mcg once. It is necessary to carefully follow the instructions of the attending physician and consciously read the pharmaceutical instructions. Situations when a specialist chooses a different treatment regimen are by no means uncommon. Dipyridamole is taken exclusively on an empty stomach, it can be one hour before lunch, or one and a half hours after it. Tablets are not chewed, swallowed whole, while drinking them with several sips of liquid.

Signs of an overdose are as follows: a sharp decrease in blood pressure parameters, minor bleeding, for example, from the nose or gums, an acceleration of the pulse, general weakness and loss of strength, dizziness. If a pregnant woman notices all these symptoms, you should immediately stop taking Curantil and urgently call an ambulance.

Do not take this medicine for more than 20 days in a row, otherwise the platelet count will drop sharply, which will lead to negative consequences and require additional treatment, which is dangerous to the health of the mother and child.