The mental connection between people. Energy connection between a man and a woman

Is energy connection and energy binding the same thing?

It is necessary to distinguish between two concepts: energy connection, or energy channel, and energy binding... They are not the same thing.

Energy channels always arise during the communication of people; energy exchange takes place through these channels. Energy connections are the norm of life, they cannot be removed, this will violate human nature.

Anchoring is also a channel, but if an energy communication channel is the norm, then anchoring is a pathology. These two concepts are similar in form, but sharply differ in their inner content.

In the process of energy exchange, both participants voluntarily come into contact and are free in their choice. The attachment is based on the dependence of a person on something or on someone, which means that it deprives a person of inner freedom.

In the process of life, almost everyone creates energy bindings for themselves, not even suspecting how much this complicates their existence. These attachments do not allow a person to fully develop, and having stopped in development, a person begins to degrade.

The danger of energy attachments lies not only in stopping development, but also in the fact that a skilled manipulator, through this attachment, can cause negative emotions, the origin of which will be difficult to trace.

The reason for the appearance of bindings is a violation of the laws of nature by a person. Being a part of the Universe, a person obeys its laws. Violation of them - in actions, words or thoughts - leads to negative consequences, including the appearance of attachments.

On the subtle plane, the bindings are seen in the form of tubes of different diameters, through which energy of different colors and consistencies flows. These channels are localized in the area of ​​various energy centers (chakras) and determine the different nature of the attachments.

It is not so much the attachments themselves that are dangerous, but the disturbances in the interaction of energy - when people try to subjugate another, and as a result become dependent themselves.

Bindings appear not only as a result of a person's actions, words or thoughts, they can also be created artificially. Various rituals of black magic - love spells - create bindings, and, accordingly, lapels destroy the bindings and block energy channels. Bindings burden communication. In this case, a person will feel a strong attraction to the one to whom he is attached. The degree of strength of the bindings is very high, they deprive a person of freedom and hinder his spiritual development.

Most common bindings

Pity, desire to help, save... Many fall for this bait. Considering that he is doing a good deed, a person can feed such an energy dependent for many years, believing that without his support he will not survive.

Resentment. This feeling is considered one of the strongest, negatively affecting health. The fact is that when offended, a person again and again returns his thoughts to the offender, generously giving his life energy to that.

Revenge, a desire to prove your case. It is difficult to forget and let go of a person, when every now and then you replay an ominous plan of retaliation in your head, imagine what you will tell him, what kind of face he will then have, etc., etc.

Guilt. Here we are dealing with self-directed aggression. The feeling of guilt is an unproductive emotion, because a person does not correct what he has done, but is engaged in self-flagellation. An individual who feels guilty before another often thinks about how to beg forgiveness from that person and what can be done to make amends. The result is a strong bond.

Material losses... Unpaid debt binds two people for a long time, while the larger the amount, the stronger the bond. However, the one who lends has a way out: mentally say goodbye to your money as if it were lost, and sincerely forgive the debtor. Imagine that he gave this money to him for his birthday, for example. The debtor's situation is worse - no matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to forget the one to whom he owes. The only way to get rid of the attachment is to pay off your debt or work it off. Robbery, theft, fraud - all these also form bonds between the perpetrator and the victim.

Feeling the need to repay for the service provided... Here, too, there is a sense of duty, but not material duty. "Now I am in your debt", - says one person to another, thereby creating a powerful connection. Debts must be repaid, but here we forget that another person voluntarily did a good deed for us, and in this case, sincere gratitude is enough.

Formal connection between strangers to each other... People live together, but the stage of intimacy has passed, in fact, they are already strangers, but they cannot move further, linking each other. Or one of the partners has long outgrown this connection, he would have to go forward, but the other does not allow him to develop. What feeds the attachment in this case is a habit, a sense of duty, duty, caring for children, attachment to joint property, pity for a partner. Anything but love.

The need to possess another person, passion, jealousy... A person again and again thinks about the object of his desire, dreams of it, passionately desiring to get it. A person becomes like a child who is not given a favorite toy. He demands it and sees nothing else around. This state has nothing to do with love, love does not infringe on the right of another to freedom.

Unrequited love. It is a very durable and strong binding. Such a state is exhausting both the one who loves and the one whom they love. In addition, a new love cannot appear in a person if all his energy goes to the one for whom he feels unrequited love.

Parental Bindings... Often parents (especially mothers) strive to completely control their child, stifle his development with their attention and care. There is no need to talk about love here, this is dependence and a desire to subjugate another person. The consequences can be quite unpleasant. The child will either find the strength to break the attachment, which is fraught with a complete cessation of communication with the parents, or will remain an inferior personality. For example, if a mother in adolescence does not accept her son as an independent person and does not let him go, then her energy tightly blocks his main chakras, which leads to major failures in a man's personal life. The same goes for a daughter's relationship with her father. Although ties between a daughter and a father are much less common than between a mother and a son.

Suppressing and displacing your true feelings for another person... Sometimes a person, feeling love for another, hides it, being bound by stereotypes, afraid to seem stupid, ridiculous, or rejected, or simply because "it is not accepted" or "I am not like that." Love must be thrown out, given away, discarding stereotypes and hypocrisy.

Bindings are sometimes very tenacious. And if negative emotions are strong, then the bindings remain for several incarnations in a row. People again and again attract each other in each new incarnation, until they free themselves from their attachments. Almost all karmic connections are based on attachments.

Release from bindings

What if the bindings are not the result of a magical ritual and do not need appropriate intervention? What about someone who suspects their presence and wants to get rid of them? It is necessary to realize with what emotions you create and feed it. It is necessary to remove your negativity, accept the other person as he is, forgive him and let him go with love. Then the binding will disappear.

If it is difficult for you to do this, think about whether you want not only to the end of this life, but also in the next lives to experience the same feelings towards this person? You will meet with him over and over again until you solve this problem.

Removing the binding does not imply the removal of the energy bond. Having freed ourselves from attachments, we do not stop loving each other. We gain freedom and give freedom to others, recognizing their right to dispose of their own destiny. This is unconditional love.

According to tantric teachings, when a man meets a woman, an exchange of energy begins between them.

It is natural for a man to be charged with energy from above (ideological), and a woman - from below (energy of force). To bring an idea to life, a man needs to be “charged” with female power. And a woman, since she is a "bank" of energy, is not able to spend it for action, but only gives it, because she receives the kind of energy she needs only in the process of interacting with a man.

There is always an exchange of energies between the strong and the weaker sex. As soon as a boy is born, he already has a mother who inspires him, giving him her motherly love. Then he meets his first, second love, a pretty employee at work - in all the fair sex, a man seeks to find the very source of energy, filled with strength from which he can successfully realize himself in life.

Then, when a love relationship is struck between a man and a woman, the woman surrenders (not only physically, but also taking care of her beloved, morally and intellectually), and the man, receiving female power, is able to create and perform active actions in life.

Everything is clear with this, but this is only the initial stage, during which the energy does not flow yet, because the exchange itself does not take place. Having been filled with the necessary feminine power that allows him to embody his ideas, a man should return energy to a woman (in the form of gifts, financial care, physical assistance), in such an amount as to inspire his lady for subsequent bestowal.

And this interaction is constant.

Energy connection between a man and a woman

In the case when people feel sympathy for each other, they actively exchange their energies and this process gives them mutual pleasure. In contact between the biofields of two individuals, channels are formed through which energy circulates from one side to the other.

These streams can differ in their colors and shape (they can be seen by people with psychic abilities).

Partners are connected through these energy channels through one or another, based on the type of their communication:

  • by - kinship;
  • by - relationships like lovers, married couples or friends for an easy pastime;
  • family ties, relationships between colleagues at work, bosses, friends in sports hobbies - those people with whom you have to compete;
  • on - this type of connection will tell about relationships in which objects interact with each other emotionally - these are the people for whom we feel love. But, in order for the relationship between a man and a woman to be harmonious, it is important that they have a sufficiently well developed channel of sexual energy;
  • on - the relationship between like-minded people, work colleagues;
  • on - often communication on this channel speaks of copying their idols, sect leaders and various organizations. The hypnotic channel is well developed, other people's thoughts and ideas are suggested. People are connected to each other by telepathic communication
  • on - communication is present only at the level of egregors (collective, family, religious and others).

And the more both partners show their interest in each other, the more extensive energy channel is formed between them. And with the establishment of strong relationships, it is observed.

This is how a love relationship is formed, over which neither time nor distance will have power. For example, a mother always feels her child, wherever he is, even if a lot of time has passed since their last meeting.

In a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, clean, bright, pulsating channels are formed. Then the partners trust each other, they are sincere, but at the same time preserve their personal living space. In this case, we can talk about an equivalent energy exchange, without disturbances.

And if the relationship is unhealthy, for example, one of the partners becomes dependent on the other, then the channels become dull, heavy. In such a connection, there is no freedom, often lovers over time show irritation, aggression and anger towards each other.

When one of the partners wants to take full control of the other, there is an aura enveloping from all sides.

With the death of a relationship, the same thing happens with the channels - they become thinner, weaker. After a long period of time, the movement of energy through the channels stops and people seem to become strangers, as if nothing connected them before.

And if there was a separation, but the energy channels were preserved, then people continue to be drawn to each other. Such a scenario can also happen when one of the former lovers broke off the energy connection and closed himself off from subsequent influences, and the second continues to restore relations, breaking through his layer of energy protection.

Energy connection between people during sexual intercourse

If there was a close relationship between people, the channels are not destroyed for a long time after parting. This is especially pronounced during sexual intercourse.

When we have sexual intercourse with a new partner, a new channel is formed through the sexual chakra. Such channels remain active for a very long time (for years, and sometimes they remain active even throughout life).

At the same time, it does not play a significant role whether the sexual partners managed to get to know each other sufficiently or their connection was fleeting (at a party, at prom, etc.), the energy channel through the sexual chakra will still be formed and will be active for a very long time.

And if there is a channel, energy continues to circulate through it. And what kind of plan it will be - positive or negative, you can find out about this only if you know both partners well.

An interesting feature is that people living together are characterized by the adjustment of their energy shells relative to each other. For harmonious intimate relationships, synchronization of biofields is necessary. That is why, often lovers, when they live together, over time acquire similarities with each other (often even physical).

When a person does not want to contact with anyone, he closes his own contour, as a result of which there is a reflection of all energy flows emanating from others. Then it seems to other people that they are not being heard.

Features of male and female energy in a pair

As mentioned above, in the case of mutual feelings between lovers, a single energy field arises, which will be maintained in the future if the conditions of partnership are met. The couple will become stronger if both of the partners fill their union with their energy, supporting both themselves and their beloved (beloved).

A very important point - each of the partners must act according to their nature: a man - like a man, and a woman - like a woman.

For example, when a woman develops masculine energy in herself, manifesting herself in the physical world like a man, then if she lives alone, this may not affect her well-being in any way. But, being in the conditions of a couple, her man will be forced to develop a female demeanor (the same rule applies to men).

In general, in a couple, the man is responsible for the world of material wealth, and the woman is responsible for the sensual manifestations and the atmosphere of the relationship in general. Therefore, a man gives energy through the material chakra, and a woman receives, and she, in turn, gives energy through the heart chakra.

This was laid down by nature and actions against her will negatively affect the state of partners individually and the couple as a whole.

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Many of you have more than once felt an incomprehensible exhaustion after communicating with some person. This is an energy vampire that steals energy from you. Let's see how to break the energy connection and live a full life?

Energy connections

Did you know that it is enough for people to shake hands or touch each other so that thin threads of energy appear between them? If people begin to communicate more with each other, then this connection is strengthened and turns into a thick rope along which energy flows from person to person.

Energy Vampirism

When everything is harmonious in a couple or in a family, then close people feed on each other. On the physical plane, this is expressed by support, understanding, intuitive feeling. But what if the relationship becomes unbearable? Constant quarrels, scandals, tantrums and showdowns provoke an outflow of energy. A sick relationship is a swing, when people either quarrel or ardently reconcile - this is exactly the case. And if you find the courage to break it, then you will reach a different stage of your development.

This is quite difficult to do, because many at such moments are attacked by strange emotions. It is easier for them to push their ego's throat again than to start solving the problem. And why? And because they are afraid that they will be left without their favorite "tormentor". The torturer ... But such a dear one! That is why this method is suitable only for the strongest, who are ready to abruptly tear off the plaster from the aching wound and begin to sew up the hole with magic threads.

Even if you ended the relationship and stopped communicating with the person, this does not mean at all that you have severed the connection on an energetic level; some of your energy is still flowing into your past relationship or family.

How to break the energy connection with an ex-man, husband, lover, woman, with your partner, relative, mother, father, sister, brother, friend, colleague, and in general with any person? Let's see.

Types of energy connections

There are several energy connections:

  1. Energy connections that accumulate during the day: communication with relatives, trips to the store, work, study, people on the street, etc.
  2. Connections that arise during conflicts, quarrels, and if someone offended you.
  3. Love bindings: cordial and long-lasting.


If you don't know how to break the energy connection, then here are some techniques that will help you. You can do them at any time convenient for you: even at home, even on the street or at work.

On every day

If you know how to work with chakras, then here is a simple method to break all attachments:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and relax.
  2. You need to ground yourself. Imagine that a dark brown pillar is leaving your tailbone in the region of the tailbone down to the center of the Earth.
  3. Walk through each chakra, starting with the first. Imagine that you are removing all the dark spots or any growths on them with your hands, cleaning each one with an imaginary vacuum cleaner.

We remove the resentment

If someone offended you, then you should try to clean yourself as soon as possible, without accumulating anything.

How to break the energy connection with a person:

  1. Imagine your abuser standing in front of you.
  2. Run two tubes at chest level that go from you to him. Energy flows from him to you through one tube, and from you to him through the other.
  3. Take imaginary scissors. To heighten the effect, you can take real scissors and do the same with them.
  4. Cut off both tubes.
  5. You close the ends of your tubes to each other on yourself.
  6. You wash the offender's pipes between you on it.

Relationship room

If you have accumulated too many grievances and it is rather problematic to work through this with each person, then this technique can help you.

How to break an energy connection:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and relax. You can turn on your favorite music in the background, or.
  2. Let go of thoughts and try to stop the internal dialogue.
  3. Imagine that your head is a room, and all the furniture in it is your offenders. Let's say a wardrobe is a father, a floor lamp is a mother, a chair is a former partner, a chandelier is a boss, an armchair is a colleague, a table is a saleswoman in a store who is nasty to you, and so on.
  4. Start taking all the items out of the room.
  5. When the space is completely cleared, push yourself out of the room by any means: pull by the ear, bulldoze, or fly away in a hot air balloon.
  6. Look into your room through a keyhole or window. If it is still empty, come out of your trance. And if there are still some items, take them out again until the room is completely empty.

Love bindings

With love bindings, things are a little more complicated. It will take more effort, energy and time to remove all suckers. But you will definitely succeed if you really want it.

Burn everything that you gave me

How to break the energy connection with a man or woman:

  1. Take a piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Determine the place on the piece of paper where your resentment or irritation wants to settle.
  3. Draw whatever you want with a pen. Don't think about time, just paint.
  4. Take a basin of water and light a piece of paper with matches.
  5. Wait until the entire drawing has burned, and then dip the paper in water for safety.
  6. Drain the water.

Airing the heart

The technique is pretty simple:

  1. Get into a comfortable position and relax.
  2. In the region of your heart, mentally find a black hole.
  3. Breathe in through your mouth and mentally exhale through the hole.
  4. At first, black smoke will come out of it, and with each breath it will become blacker and blacker.
  5. Then the smoke will become light, and then a draft will form in your heart.
  6. This means you have completely removed the energy connection.
  7. Close the entrance with your hand or a fictional stopper. Or you might want to patch up this wound.

Key words

During the execution of the techniques, you can contact the person with whom you want to break the connection and say to him approximately the following words (you can add on your own):

My dear (name)!

I know how you feel and perceive all my words on a subtle plane. And here and now I renounce you with full responsibility and with all my heart. I suppress all possible grievances against you.

Our relationship was great in the beginning. But today this is not what you and I need from life. From now on and forever I am free from you with a clear conscience and an open soul.

Here and now I decide to be the master (mistress) of my life, my thoughts and feelings. I am under the divine protection of the Higher Powers (God, Allah, Guardian Angels, etc.).

I wish you harmony and joy in life, but without me. Everything is good in my beautiful world!

Important note

There are situations in everyone's life when he wants to cut off the energy connection with a person so that he does not vampire you. But you need to keep communicating. These can be parents, relatives, or friends.

According to tantric teachings, when a man meets a woman, an exchange of energies begins between them.

It is natural for a man to be charged with energy from above (ideological), and a woman - from below (energy of force). To bring an idea to life, a man needs to be “charged” with female power. And a woman, since she is a "bank" of energy, is not able to spend it for action, but only gives it, because she receives the kind of energy she needs only in the process of interacting with a man.

There is always an exchange of energies between the strong and the weaker sex. As soon as a boy is born, he already has a mother who inspires him, giving him her motherly love. Then he meets his first, second love, a pretty employee at work - in all the fair sex, a man seeks to find the very source of energy, filled with strength from which he can successfully realize himself in life.

Then, when a love relationship is struck between a man and a woman, the woman surrenders (not only physically, but also taking care of her beloved, morally and intellectually), and the man, receiving female power, is able to create and perform active actions in life.

Everything is clear with this, but this is only the initial stage, during which the energy does not flow yet, because the exchange itself does not take place. Having been filled with the necessary feminine power that allows him to embody his ideas, a man should return energy to a woman (in the form of gifts, financial care, physical assistance), in such an amount as to inspire his lady for subsequent bestowal.

And this interaction is constant.

In the case when people feel sympathy for each other, they actively exchange their energies and this process gives them mutual pleasure. In contact between the biofields of two individuals, channels are formed through which energy circulates from one side to the other.

These streams can differ in their colors and shape (they can be seen by people with psychic abilities).

Partners are connected through these energy channels through these or those chakras, based on the type of their communication:

  • according to Muladhara (base chakra) - kinship;
  • according to Svadhisthana (sexual chakra) - relationships like lovers, married couples or friends for an easy pastime;
  • for Manipur (navel chakra) - family ties, relationships between colleagues at work, bosses, friends in sports hobbies - those people with whom you have to compete;
  • according to Anahata (heart chakra) - this type of connection will tell about relationships in which objects interact with each other emotionally - these are the people for whom we feel love. But in order for the relationship between a man and a woman to be harmonious, it is important that they have a sufficiently well developed channel of sexual energy;
  • according to Vishuddha (throat chakra) - the relationship between like-minded people, work colleagues;
  • on Ajna (frontal chakra) - often communication through this channel speaks of copying their idols, leaders of sects and various organizations. The hypnotic channel is well developed, other people's thoughts and ideas are suggested. People are connected to each other by telepathic communication
  • according to Sahasrara (crown chakra) - connection is present only at the level of egregors (collective, family, religious and others).

And the more both partners show their interest in each other, the more extensive energy channel is formed between them. And with the establishment of strong relationships, there is a close connection across all energy centers.

This is how a love relationship is formed, over which neither time nor distance will have power. For example, a mother always feels her child, wherever he is, even if a lot of time has passed since their last meeting.

In a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, clean, bright, pulsating channels are formed. Then the partners trust each other, they are sincere, but at the same time preserve their personal living space. In this case, we can talk about an equivalent energy exchange, without disturbances.

And if the relationship is unhealthy, for example, one of the partners becomes dependent on the other, then the channels become dull, heavy. In such a connection, there is no freedom, often lovers over time show irritation, aggression and anger towards each other.

When one of the partners wants to take full control of the other, there is an aura enveloping from all sides.

With the death of a relationship, the same thing happens with the channels - they become thinner, weaker. After a long period of time, the movement of energy through the channels stops and people seem to become strangers, as if nothing connected them before.

And if there was a separation, but the energy channels were preserved, then people continue to be drawn to each other. Such a scenario can also happen when one of the former lovers broke off the energy connection and closed himself off from subsequent influences, and the second continues to restore relations, breaking through his layer of energy protection.

If there was a close relationship between people, the channels are not destroyed for a long time after parting. This is especially pronounced during sexual intercourse.

When we have sexual intercourse with a new partner, a new channel is formed through the sexual chakra. Such channels remain active for a very long time (for years, and sometimes they remain active even throughout life).

At the same time, it does not play a significant role whether the sexual partners managed to get to know each other sufficiently or their connection was fleeting (at a party, at prom, etc.), the energy channel through the sexual chakra will still be formed and will be active for a very long time.

And if there is a channel, energy continues to circulate through it. And what kind of plan it will be - positive or negative, you can find out about this only if you know both partners well.

An interesting feature is that people living together are characterized by the adjustment of their energy shells relative to each other. For harmonious intimate relationships, synchronization of biofields is necessary. That is why, often lovers, when they live together, over time acquire similarities with each other (often even physical).

When a person does not want to contact with anyone, he closes the circuit of his energy body, as a result of which there is a reflection of all energy flows emanating from others. Then it seems to other people that they are not being heard.

As mentioned above, in the case of mutual feelings between lovers, a single energy field arises, which will be maintained in the future if the conditions of partnership are met. The couple will become stronger if both of the partners fill their union with their energy, supporting both themselves and their beloved (beloved).

A very important point - each of the partners must act according to their nature: a man - like a man, and a woman - like a woman.

For example, when a woman develops masculine energy in herself, manifesting herself in the physical world like a man, then if she lives alone, this may not affect her well-being in any way. But, being in the conditions of a couple, her man will be forced to develop a female demeanor (the same rule applies to men).

In general, in a couple, the man is responsible for the world of material wealth, and the woman is responsible for the sensual manifestations and the atmosphere of the relationship in general. Therefore, a man gives energy through the material chakra, and a woman receives, and she, in turn, gives energy through the heart chakra.

This was laid down by nature and actions against her will negatively affect the state of partners individually and the couple as a whole.

Binding is an energy channel formed during a person's interaction with other people, objects or egregors. Let's distinguish between two concepts: energy channel and energy binding. They are not exactly the same thing. Energy channels arise as a given during the communication of two people, through these channels there is an interchange of energy. Without energy connections with other people, a person cannot survive, they cannot be removed, this will violate human nature.

Negative emotions form bindings for the corresponding chakras:
Muladhara (base chakra) - fear, aggression.
Svadhisthana (sex chakra) - lust, obsession.
Manipura (navel chakra) - submission, or vice versa, the desire for power.
Anahata (heart chakra) - love and hate.
Vishuddha (throat chakra) - striving for self-realization.
Ajna (frontal chakra) - attachments to what a person considers to be true, principles and attitudes.
Sahasrara (crown chakra) - attachments to egregors

Bindings between people are positioned at different chakras (energy centers) depending on the type of relationship. On the subtle plane, anchoring looks like a tube through which energy flows. The color of this energy depends on the chakra on which the binding is attached. As a rule, bindings burden communication. At the level of feelings, a person will feel a strong craving for the one to whom he is energetically attached. An energetic attachment is often formed as a result of an astral attack.

This diagram shows the connections between people at the level of energy centers. Each one indicates the types of attachments, positive and negative qualities that appear with each type of attachment.
The family relationship is fixed on the root chakra, where all information about the family, surname, ancestors is laid. These connections are most powerful, especially in childhood. They always act and, especially during spiritual development, they allow you to interact with the ancestors of the clan.
1At the base chakra (mooladhara), all relatives are united by energy channels. The brightest bindings are the parents, but the bindings can become thinner over time. In the event of the death of one of the relatives, the binding dries up after a while, but does not cease to exist. In childhood, the birth canals are the most dense, bright due to the frequent exchange of energies between the child and the parents. The birth canal between spouses appears during conception.
2At the sex chakra (svadhisthana), sexual attachments are formed during the onset of sexual attraction. Also, an attachment in svadhisthana can form during flirting between people of the opposite sex. If two people, a couple, enter into a love relationship, then after a while an energetic connection is formed between them, a channel - it is established as a result of a constant exchange of feelings between people. The stronger the channel, the stronger the sexual attachment. There may be several such bindings, especially in younger years.
3 Umbilical chakra (manipura) - bindings on it are very rare. Formed due to the test of great respect and trust either in a partner, or in a boss, employee, friend. It is necessary to clarify that this respect and trust should be mutual, bilateral.
4 Heart chakra (anahata) - attachments on it - a sign of spiritual relationships. In order for a family relationship to develop, partners must love each other with spiritual love. There can be bindings on it to relatives, best friends, and friends.
5 Throat chakra (vishudha) - this attachment means similar interests and views of the world. It arises when scientists, philosophers, people of science or art are engaged in joint ideological development or joint creativity. It can also be two spiritual people whom life has tied in such a way that they constantly exchange their thoughts and ideas. Binding on vishuddha is rare and rarely exists for a long time. At its core, it is an alliance of two minds. Such alliances are rare.
6Frontal chakra (ajna) - on it the communication channel is formed even less often. These are isolated cases of constant telepathic contact. Such connections are formed during the long and constant work of a spiritual teacher and a disciple. Blavatsky, Roerich, Sri Aurobindo possessed such channels.
7 The wedding chakra (sahasrara) - there are two types of communication channels: egregorial and with the consciousnesses of higher beings. Egregorial channels are links to society, political ideas: communism, capitalism, democracy; religions: sects, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Hinduism; also to smaller egregors. Channels with the consciousnesses of higher beings are a rare phenomenon and, in terms of their functionality, look like a constant contact. Such channels of communication appear as a result of long joint spiritual work.

seasong wrote: Sweto, thank you, do you have your own experience?

Sweto wrote: "Airing the heart": a cure for unhappy love This procedure is good as a remedy for "unhappy" love and dark, heavy thoughts. Performed in the evening, 1-2 times a week.
Sit by the window, relax, disperse your thoughts. Concentrate on the area of ​​the heart. Imagine that you have a hole in your chest, and you feel a dull pain in this place and a burning sensation inside.
Inhale, and as you exhale, try to imagine that the air comes out through this hole, and something dark, like smoke, comes out of it. With each exhalation, the dark becomes less, the pain in the chest subsides and there is a feeling of a pleasant chill. When you feel a “draft in your chest,” it means that all the bad feelings that poison your heart are gone.

OOO. Sometimes in anahata I am so sausage not in a dezzy way, but the truth is then not cold, but warmth and light come. Anahata should shine

I myself use these practices, they help, then depending on what the person causes and what kind of attachment to break
constantly different states, but of course if for a past love affair, then just like you use
it seems to me that already realizing the problem itself and the need to remove it is already the first step, and then just practice and over time, pain and resentment and all other feelings caused in conjunction with a person are destroyed
in theory, I understand myself that all these feelings will no longer lead to anything, and the harm falls on the person who cannot overcome them, even realizing the need for this, the body often resists the removal of these connections, so there is no way without practice

and I also noticed that when they meet, a man often begins to manipulate a girl, for example, arouse pity (this was in my case), and then. then nothing. sometimes it helps to evoke those feelings that the partner manipulated to another object. so that somehow if you do not remove it, then transfer the binding to another object. but only sincerely. and the main thing is that it would not be another man ..
often the attachment seems to be a heart-anahata. but its cause can be found both in the higher and in the lower chakra. here you need to look at what the partner influenced you
they say that women are insidious - there is no man. men hit all chakras at once, so that later they would not be removed

True love is happiness. No wonder many books have been written about her and countless films have been shot. We believe in true love so much that we often become victims of energy attachments.

There are no barriers to true love. Feelings overtake, envelop and take away into sweet captivity, from which there is no desire. God calls for love, so much is said about love in art, love is the basis of everything. But how often do we fall into the grip of passions, completely unaware that we have become a victim of an energetic attachment! Her networks are so similar to real feelings that a person, enveloped in rapture and happiness, cannot even admit the thought that this is not love. Love attachment has destructive properties that incinerate all tender feelings.

The nature of energy bindings

By contacting people, we exchange energy information. This is a completely natural and painless process. But at the junction of the exchange of energies, a spark sometimes slips. It is from this that sympathy or antipathy for the opponent follows. When a person is pleasant to us, subconsciously we show more interest in him, make efforts to please him, therefore, we give an order of magnitude more of our own energy. The more positive experiences a person evokes in us, the more we become attached to him. Thus, an energy binding is formed.

True love is mutual and full of harmony. The process of energy exchange is considered beneficial and correct when we not only give, but also receive energy back. Only then will the connection between people be inseparable and strong. Both should be involved in improving and developing relationships. If only one person does this, the existing feeling cannot be called love - it is an energetic attachment.

It is important to respect your personal space and not cross the line. In no case should you turn your partner's life into your own, impose your interests, opinions and attitudes. Each person should bring something fresh to the relationship, his own and thereby develop common interests. You need to remember that you should give your partner a breath of fresh air, but you will not succeed if you completely fill his life with yourself.

If it happens that one of the partners constantly enhances the energy of the relationship, and the other does nothing, then he begins to feed on the energy of the "donor". Such a person is called an energy vampire. If only one tries to energize the relationship, then he will have neither the strength nor the desire for everything else.

How to detect energy bindings

It is necessary to find the energy binding in time so that your relationship does not become a "one-sided game." Every person is worthy of happiness and love. And if you only give, but receive nothing in return, be sure that such an alliance will not last long and will not bring you anything good.

The main signs of energy binding:

  • You always expect your partner to contact you. Stay on the phone, check your email all the time.
  • Jealousy appears in you, you regularly check your partner's pages on social networks, check his / her phone and mail.
  • Every day it becomes more and more difficult for you to concentrate on work moments and other matters.
  • Almost every conversation with your acquaintances or friends comes down to your loved one.
  • You are more concerned with the satisfaction and satisfaction of your partner than with your personal needs.

How to get rid of energy binding

If at least two of the above principles characterize your stay in a love union, then, most likely, you are energetically "attached" to your partner. In order for this situation to change and the exchange of energy to return to normal, one should work hard on oneself and strengthen relations, achieving harmony of feelings and mutual understanding.

  • You need to take a short break, try not to show any activity in the relationship.
  • You should focus and direct all your energy to something else that brings positive emotions and satisfaction.
  • Allow yourself not to think about anything bad, concentrate on your hobbies or work.
  • Practice meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, or other spiritual practice. They will speed up the process and help you achieve positive results in a short time.
  • Change your image, find new hobbies for yourself, harmonize your consciousness.
  • Be a confident person. People are attracted to positive, cheerful and successful personalities.

The main thing in a relationship is to become a safe haven for your soul mate, where she will feel peace and reliability. More often than not, people do not understand or do not want to understand that they are energetically attached to their partner. And worst of all, they do not seek to change anything, dooming themselves and their loved one to unhappy relationships, betrayal, scandals and breakup.

Liberation from energetic attachment does not mean rupture or damping of feelings. On the contrary, love addiction is the main threat to a happy relationship. By eradicating this, you can strengthen your feelings, which will bring even more positive emotions, love and respect. We wish you a great mood, family well-being and mutual feelings. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and