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Cystitis in dogs is an inflammation of the bladder, but in the literature you can find that this disease is designated as an inflammation of the urinary tract. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to determine for sure which part of the pathways (bladder or urethra) is involved in the inflammatory process, since all areas are usually affected, and this is not of fundamental importance for the choice of treatment.

Causes of cystitis in dogs

Cystitis in a dog can be acute, not complicated (primary), acute complicated (secondary), and it can be chronic. There may be relapses, when the same bacteria or other cause causes inflammation, as well as reinfection, when different pathogens provoke cystitis. Whether or not an infection occurs in the bladder depends on the microorganisms themselves: what is their number and activity, and how stable the pet itself is - on the state of its defenses. Therefore, there may be several factors that provoke the disease, but usually the main reason is the ingress of bacteria into the urinary tract. Most of the pathogens penetrate from organs that are located in the immediate environment: the vagina or prepuce, intestines. They can only affect the mucous membrane, or they can penetrate through it into those layers of the bladder wall that are located deeper. These are such microorganisms as Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, to some extent - staphylococci and streptococci. It was found that mycoplasmas do not play a big role here. Sometimes, but rarely, there may be an infestation by helminths - capillaries.

The most common variant of the development of dog cystitis is an ascending infection, and descending is relatively rare, which can be after pyelonephritis. The predisposing causes of ascending infections are the presence of blockage (that is, obstruction) of the urethra, urinary stones in the bladder cavity; development of vaginitis, pyometra, prostatitis. This also includes insufficient emptying of the bladder if there is a diverticulum in it; paralysis, adhesions with surrounding tissues due to adhesions, tumors, irritation with a catheter or certain medications, diabetes mellitus, if there were injuries, or the body's defense reactions are weak (lack of immunoglobulin A). Cystitis of a non-infectious nature can also be. But it is an extremely rare case and practically not encountered, so that hypothermia of the animal is the main cause of the development of inflammation. Idiopathic cystitis in dogs is usually not reported and is more common in cats. An uncastrated dog is highly susceptible to disease. Among the neutered, older bitches are more susceptible, whose urethra is rather short: they get sick more often than males.

Symptoms and signs of cystitis in dogs

Sometimes the developed cystitis in a dog may not give symptoms. In such cases, the owner does not suspect that his pet is ill, and does not expect such a diagnosis based on the results of a routine examination or during research for other reasons. If the pathology continues to develop, then the dog may begin to demonstrate the main symptom of cystitis - frequent, forced urge to urinate, while urine is in small quantities and can change its appearance - it becomes cloudy, pink or red, that is, contains blood. Complicated, painful urination is also noted, and urinary incontinence is sometimes present. With deep or complicated inflammation, sometimes there is a deterioration in the general condition, as in kidney pathologies. The chronic form of infection manifests itself either as a protracted process or as an acute recurring symptom. Therefore, it is important and necessary that at the first slightest appearance of the disease, the veterinarian promptly examines the dog while the disease is in its primary stage of development.

Diagnosing cystitis in dogs

The usual and sometimes even the main diagnostic method is urine analysis. Many factors affect the test result: how the urine was collected, what dishes were used, the presence of impurities, including blood, how long and where the sample was stored. In acute cases or during an exacerbation of chronic cystitis, the owner is often unable to collect the amount of urine required for the study. In such situations, you need to contact the clinic as soon as possible, where, through a clinical examination, the doctor will determine the origin of the symptoms, whether the pathology is complicated or not. In chronic and complicated courses, an examination is carried out for the presence of diseases that reduce the body's resistance, the exact establishment of the presence of structural (stone, blockage) and functional (urinary stagnation) disorders using ultrasound examination of the urinary and reproductive systems, X-rays. Treatment without regard to predisposing moments leads to failure, relapse and reinfection.

Thus, if an acute catarrhal inflammation is detected at the reception (when only the mucous membrane of the urinary tract is involved in the process), then it is enough, based on the results of a clinical examination for complications, to prescribe a primary trial treatment, including an antibiotic, until the results of a urinalysis are obtained. If the dog has hemorrhagic cystitis, severe, purulent, chronic or recurrent inflammation of the urinary tract, then a more detailed examination is carried out - bacteriological urine culture with antibiotic titration. In this case, the collection of urine is carried out sterile, by cystocentesis, and not by a urinary catheter. With the help of X-ray, the use of X-ray contrast methods / ultrasound, urinary stones, tumors, proliferation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, wall thickening, polyps, changes in the prostate gland, diseases of the uterus are excluded; if necessary, diagnose diabetes mellitus.

Treatment of cystitis in dogs

They begin to treat immediately, regardless of the severity of the course. Antibiotics for cystitis in dogs are used first of a wide spectrum of action, then, if necessary, from a group selected according to the degree of sensitivity. Sometimes antibiotic therapy takes weeks and the owner cannot independently cancel such drugs as soon as there is a visible improvement. Also, doctors often include additional drugs in the treatment regimen, based on tests and the underlying cause of the disease. In complicated cases, provoking factors are eliminated as soon as possible: urinary stones, impaired urination, restore the patency of the urethra, and resort to surgical interventions for diseases of the reproductive system. In the presence of an invasion, a special anthelmintic drug is used.

Prognosis for cystitis in dogs

Prevention of cystitis in dogs

Prevention of cystitis in dogs is possible - this is a planned and timely examination to detect predisposing diseases, chronic and unexpressed forms of pathology. Do not neglect preventive castration and adequate feeding conditions and comfortable keeping of the animal.

Cystitis in dogs is a disease that occurs everywhere, but few people really know about it. Some owners of mustache are not even aware of the variety of diseases of pets. It does not even occur to them that their pets, in addition to infectious diseases specific to animals, may also have “simple” inflammatory processes that are also common in humans. Today we will talk about the main symptoms and methods of treating cystitis in dogs at home.

In this article, the conversation will focus specifically on inflammation of the bladder, but if scientifically, then about cystitis. Let us analyze for what reasons it arises, what clinical signs and changes in the behavior and habits of the dog will tell about the inflammation of the bladder, how to cure the dog from cystitis and how to prevent relapse, and in the end we will tell you about how to cure cystitis in a dog.

The causes of cystitis in dogs are the same as in cats. They coincide with "human" ones, in fact, the bubble in mammals is not much different. Therefore, the processes occurring in it are similar regardless of the type of mustache. So, the main factors contributing to the development of cystitis in dogs are:


Most often, hypothermia is to blame for the fact that the dog develops inflammation. And not only cystitis can begin to bother the pet after being in the cold. It is not necessary for the dog to walk in the rain in the wind or run in the cold for a long time. It is enough to sit for a long time on cold concrete, sleep on a tile at home (if there is no heating, carpet). Often, homeless dogs or dogs living on the street (in a booth or aviary) are overcooled. Therefore, problems with the genitourinary system in such mustache are recorded almost without exception.


Bacteria trapped in the bladder find themselves in almost ideal conditions for reproduction. Pathogenic microorganisms are brought in with blood, lymph. But we must not forget about the direct method of getting into the bladder - with a non-sterile catheter (catheterization is carried out in cases where the normal outflow of urine is impossible due to stones or inflammation).

In addition, often the inflammatory process "passes" from other organs. Not necessarily from the kidneys or urethra (although these are the most common culprits). In females, it is often "thrown" from the uterus and vagina to the bladder. And vice versa.

Therefore, it is very important not to miss the symptoms of cystitis in a dog, so that even more health complications do not arise. In addition, inflammation of the bladder in a dog can be a symptom of a viral or bacterial disease. And it is not enough just to treat the bladder, you will not achieve a positive result without destroying the pathogen. The problem will recur anyway.

Metabolic disease

When metabolism changes, it is difficult not to notice it. If it slows down, then very quickly the pet is gaining excess weight, diabetes may develop. But much more often diabetes in a mustache with impaired metabolism, urolithiasis is recorded.

Therefore, we can safely say that stones are the cause of cystitis in a dog. They block the urinary tract, causing urine to stagnate in the bladder. This only accelerates the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, the stones, when they move through the channels, scratch the mucous membrane. This results in blood in the urine. A scratched mucous membrane is more susceptible to bacteria entering the bloodstream. And just imagine how painful it is when urine, especially stagnant, highly concentrated urine, gets on the damaged area (wound, scratch).

To reduce pain, the pet tries to write less often. But since the volume of daily urine secreted remains the same, the dog has to relieve himself more often. However, we will analyze this "mechanism" a little later, in the section of symptoms of cystitis in a dog. Now we will continue to understand the causes of inflammation of the bladder in a dog.

Improper eating and drinking

If you feed the wrong way, the metabolism is disturbed. Hence, one reason for the development of cystitis in a dog flows into another. Everything is interconnected. Certain foods stimulate the formation of insoluble salts, which settle and turn into stones.

If we talk about water, if it does not enter the body enough, then the urine becomes very concentrated. Such urine poisons the pet, leading to severe intoxication. The mucous membrane of the bladder is highly irritated and inflamed. Here is cystitis.

Water quality also plays an important role. If it contains a lot of metal ions or salts, then all this affects the health of the pet. It is best to use filtered water. You do not need to boil, just buy a regular filter. It will come in handy for you, and the mustache is good for health. Make sure that there is always clean water in the bowl.

Symptoms of cystitis in dogs

The clinical symptoms of cystitis in a dog are noticed by almost all owners. Yes, sometimes the inflammation proceeds almost imperceptibly. But much more often the symptoms are bright, specific. So how does cystitis manifest in dogs?

Signs of cystitis in dogs Manifestation
Frequent urge to urinate You may notice that the animal is increasingly asking to go outside. Or he relieves his needs right at home. It seems that the dog has always been noted for its ideal behavior, never crap at home, and then began to leave little puddles. Precisely small. A symptom of cystitis in a dog is a small amount of urine produced at one time. The total amount of urine per day does not increase, but the number of bladder emptying increases significantly. As if drop by drop squeezes a mustache out of itself.
During urination, the animal moans, whines It can even shift from foot to foot. From this behavior, it immediately becomes clear that the process of emptying the bladder is very painful. Although this symptom is similar to that of urolithiasis, when stones scratch the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. This also hurts the animal wildly.
Blood appears in the urine

This again occurs due to the fact that the mucous membrane is damaged. But not necessarily due to the mechanical action of solid particles (sand, stones, for example). Concentrated urine strongly irritates the walls of the bladder, which can cause the vessels to "react".

Urine becomes cloudy

In addition to blood, particles of pus may appear in it, mucus is also noticeable. The color also changes. And how the smell becomes "heavy" is difficult to convey in words. In more severe cases, the pet cannot pee at all. And then he needs emergency help - catheterization. If you do not remove the urine from the bladder, then very quickly the mustache will develop intoxication with the decay products of urea in the body, which will begin to be absorbed into the bloodstream, poisoning the animal.

Appetite decreases, general condition is sluggish

Temperatures can rise, but this rise is usually not so noticeable. But if the dog's cystitis is purulent, then the fever will not work.

If you experience one or more of the signs of cystitis in dogs, you should immediately contact your veterinarian and begin treatment. But until the doctor has made a diagnosis, self-medication is not worth it!

Treating dogs for cystitis

How to treat cystitis in dogs at home? First of all, you need to understand that there is no miracle pill - you need to treat a dog for cystitis in a complex way! This is a prerequisite. It is not enough just to suppress the symptoms, relieve pain. If you do not find the cause of the development of the disease, do not eliminate it, then the inflammation of the bladder in the dog will definitely return. Relapses of this disease are observed in almost 90% of cases. So what if your dog has cystitis?

Conditions of detention

The first step is to improve the conditions of detention. All cold floor surfaces are "insulated", or do not let your pet lie on tiles or concrete. Better to arrange a couch with high sides to exclude drafts. The room where the mustache is located should be warm. Just don't heat the bubble. Someone may advise to do this, but in fact it will only worsen the condition of the animal. Heat provokes an even greater growth in the number of bacteria, because of this, inflammation (especially purulent) is more difficult to eliminate, the course of treatment for a dog with cystitis increases.


For cystitis in dogs, antibiotics are required. Better intramuscularly. So they begin to act faster, a high concentration of the active substance remains in the blood longer. If pills are given, then the results will be later than if injected into solutions into the muscles.

Catheterization and bladder lavage

It is necessary to empty the bladder from the accumulated urine.

  • First, it will help reduce the risk of intoxication with urine breakdown products.
  • Secondly, it will remove some of the pathogenic microorganisms from the bladder.

All this will lead to the fact that the irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, if not completely stopped, will be significantly reduced. And this is a huge step towards the recovery of a dog from cystitis. You will not do this yourself; you will need the help of a veterinarian. Through the inserted catheter, he flushes the bladder with antiseptic solutions (for example, an aqueous solution of furacilin). Antibiotics can be injected directly into the bladder itself to "kill" the bacteria in it.


Antispasmodics make it easier for your dog to have a bowel movement - this is another type of drug used to treat cystitis in a dog. After taking them, the puffiness will subside a little, because of which the urinary canal will expand and urine will be separated in large portions, it will not stagnate. In addition, antispasmodics have analgesic properties. Your mustache will not experience that severe pain, although it will not completely disappear.

You can now view the current price of drugs for cystitis in dogs and buy them right here:

Eating and drinking

In any case, it is necessary to revise the diet and make a special diet for the dog with cystitis. To compose it more competently, observing the ratio between micro- and macroelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

  1. During the treatment of the dog for cystitis, exclude meat.
  2. But it is better to give fermented milk products, because due to the use of antibiotics, the intestinal microflora becomes poorer.
  3. And KMP restore it due to bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
  4. You can give prebiotics or enterosorbents in order to "bind" antibiotics in the intestine, preventing them from destroying beneficial microorganisms.

Give clean water, do not limit it. A large amount of water will help to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in urine (it will simply dilute it, make it not so "aggressive" towards the inflamed mucosa). And if the urine is not concentrated, then emptying the bladder will become less painful. It will become easier for your pet to go to the toilet in a small way. The more he writes, the less bacteria will remain in the urine.

Traditional methods of treatment

Of the popular methods of treating a dog for cystitis at home, decoctions from the leaves of lingonberry or bearberry are widely used. You just need to be very careful when using them. And give them as an adjunct to medication, not a substitute for it. These decoctions are known for their ability to heal the organs of the genitourinary system.

Quite good bactericidal properties, together with diuretics. By the way, diuretics can be given only when the swelling of the mucous membrane has disappeared, and the inflammation itself has subsided significantly. Otherwise, you will only make it worse. There will be a lot of urine, but the dog will not be able to “remove” it (the channel is too narrow, the mucous membrane is damaged, pain persists or there is a fear that it will hurt again).

Do not self-medicate! All drugs will be prescribed by a veterinarian after an internal examination and the obtained results of the analysis of urine and blood! The bacteria that led to the inflammatory process in the bladder may not be sensitive to the antibiotic chosen by YOU (or bought on the advice of a friend / neighbor / interlocutor on the forum)! This will only "strengthen" the resistance of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs, which will greatly complicate the process of treating a dog with cystitis.

Prevention of cystitis in a dog

Prevention of cystitis in dogs is the same as in cats.

  • Do not sleep on the cold, do not sit.
  • Avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  • Balance the diet, if necessary, switch to special dry food intended for animals with diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Filter the water and always keep it in an accessible place for the animal.
  • Vaccinate on time, do not neglect visits to the veterinarian. Donate regularly blood and urine of the dog for laboratory tests. Especially if the mustache has already had cystitis before and there is a chance of relapse.
  • Treat the animal if it has other inflammatory processes (often chronic diseases are the cause of the development of cystitis in a dog). Inflammation from the kidneys / urethra / ureters / vagina / uterus will simply "pass" to the bladder. And vice versa.
  • If the dog suddenly began to gain weight or has a strong thirst, but the amount of urine does not increase, then it is necessary to donate blood for sugar. If the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is confirmed, then this is a signal that the metabolism is impaired. And the animal urgently needs treatment and dietary adjustments.

If you still have questions about cystitis in dogs - write in the comments, we will try to answer!

    Tell me please, I have a big dog, he lives on the street, he began to eat badly, his belly pouted, he got pain on his stomach and a little urine was released practically does not urinate, no stranger does not allow anyone to approach him, this may be cystitis and how to treat us

  • Good afternoon! I have a pug 5 years after estrus, cystitis began, yesterday I urinated at home, although before this there was no urine mixed with blood and viscous in consistency, when walking I often sat down and urine drops came out sometimes with blood clots. The veterinarian prescribed ampicillin, metronidazole, but shpa, dexamethasone. She walked her every 3 hours and only once did she manage to urinate in a large portion. Today in the morning after a walk she tries to urinate and nothing comes out Active, eats and drinks as usual, sleeps. Did a warm bath today for her all the same it didn’t work. We didn’t knit even once and plus they also tried to transfer to natural food during the last month and again returned to royal food. Now I fell asleep, but I'm worried that we did not write and did not poop in the morning, although we eat and drink as usual. The skin around the loop became dark during estrus. Yesterday an exacerbation began and the vet also had yesterday. Maybe we're doing something wrong? tell me how to proceed thanks

  • Lyudmila 18:50 | 01 Feb. 2019

    Good afternoon. diagnosed with cystitis. dog-mestizo toy-pinscher, 5 years old. girl. analyzes - urine - yeast fungus, bacteria +, salts +++. erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood are increased. Prescribed pills furadonin. And also droppers for the liver, esenceale and something else there. 5 days. The question is, nothing is said about the liver in the analyzes. Why do we need expensive droppers (500 rubles each). Is this necessary or is it just the doctor pulling money from us? The catheter was placed in the dog, she has the strongest stress. Thank you for the answer. All the best to you))

    • Daria - veterinarian 20:40 | 02 Feb. 2019

      Hello! The first thing I will say: take furadonin for no more than 3 days! Although it is a diuretic, it "kills" the kidneys with longer use - nephrotoxic. Second: at the expense of Essentiale. I can’t say why they appointed him. I don't see what other drugs have been prescribed. Maybe this will help against the background of aggressive antibiotic therapy. As I see, a biochemical blood test was not done? Besides droppers and a diuretic, what else do you give? Did you do an ultrasound? The animal does not drink and does not eat itself, what droppers were prescribed? Maybe severely weakened? Was the bubble washed?

      Lyudmila 17:51 | 04 Feb. 2019

      prescribed only Furadonin. and Esenceale droppers. Everything !! the dog lay for 2 days, was lethargic, so we ran to the clinic. But she drank and ate herself. Ultrasound was not done to us, they took biochemistry, glucose-6.53, total bilirubin-4.4, ALT-79.8. the rest is normal. What are we then accept? the doctor said furadonin 2 weeks to drink 3 tablets. Thanks, Daria

      Daria is a veterinarian 23:36 | 05 Feb. 2019

      oh, how much nitrofurans to give they said! I would switch to safer broad-spectrum antibiotics. The fluoroquinolones are the same (ciprofloxacin, marboflox, for example). No-shpa, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Canephron at least as a homeopathic "support". Where with such indicators to load the liver with such a drug? Therefore, the essential is given. Droppers b with saline saline solutions (glucose is not allowed). Warm up the urine to make it easier to empty it. Drink more, so that there is more urine, more often "come out", thereby "flushing" bacteria and other nasty things from the bladder

  • Good day!
    We have a pug girl 6 years old, not sterilized, not giving birth.
    For a year now, we have been treated for cystitis, it does not help for long, the last treatment was 10 days, ciprofloxacin 500mg. 1 / 4t. x 2 times a day, omez 1/2 capsule 2 times a day (10 days), papavirin injections 2 ml each. into the muscle 2p. in d. (3 days), but-shpa 1t. x 1 p. in d.
    After the treatment, 20 days have passed and now she began to write again small puddles at night, the urine was retaken today (density 1050, pH 6.0, Leukocytes 1 before treatment was 2, Erythrocytes 1 before treatment were not detected, OXALATES - IN LARGE QUANTITY before treatment were oxalates in the same form)
    We eat food Hills C / D (the doctor prescribed!)
    Give advice on what to do?
    Tomorrow I'll go and hand over blood.

  • Hello! Can you please tell a Russian spaniel bitch (giving birth) 6 days ago, the abdominal cavity increased, on a walk it is always active, here it began to mince with its hind legs. The next day, its hind legs refused. after the failure of the hind legs somewhere in the afternoon, the next morning they turned to the clinic - they diagnosed cystitis. prescribed treatment injections and system, NaCl. nitrogil, cefriaxone, combilepen. proserin, urolesan, dicinon, noshpa. An X-ray was done, an ultrasound scan was made. The ultrasound scan confirmed cystitis, revealed a cyst in the uterus. Today, there is blood in the urine, but less than it was, it is emptied voluntarily, there is a sensitivity in the hind limbs, but it does not rise on the hind legs. The second day we massage the hind legs, I put the back legs on the front ones, I put the back ones for 3-5 seconds, but it doesn’t move, tell me what else can I do to speed up the recovery? What can you do to get the dog back on its paws? Thanks in advance!

  • Hello! Help me please! Jack Russell Terrier, a year old, does not shit at home, today in the evening he began to urinate at home, without raising his paws, walks down the corridor, and behind him the urine stretches along a path ... it is evident that the dog is ashamed, his husband took him for a walk and says that he soaked all the trees , I stood over one for two minutes, the urine was transparent, even the paw became numb for so long in a hanging position ... we came home, and these leaks continued, not in such a quantity of course, but still, not a couple of drops .. what could it be? Cystitis?

  • Hello. York dog 3 years old (standard), 7 kg, male, neutered at 8 months. Acute urinary retention developed sharply. We went to the clinic - did an ultrasound scan, took blood and urine tests. Stones in the bladder. They put in a catheter, but in the evening it fell out (the next morning the dog started to urinate with difficulty, but to urinate on its own, so the doctor decided not to install the catheter yet). Prescribed a course of treatment. Intensive course ... That is the question. In addition to tablets, 4 injections of different drugs were prescribed to the withers in the morning and 4 injections to the withers in the evening. The course of injections is 5 days. In total, 40 injections are received. Can you please tell me is this normal? I stab him myself and cry ... And he whines, because. painful drugs (albeit necessary) Injecting the thigh is even more painful! Will withstand the withers in 5 days 40 injections ??? Simply, if this is practiced, then I just want to hear it from another specialist. I really look forward to your reply. Thank you in advance.

  • Daria hello, something has happened!
    Most likely due to the antibiotic.
    I inadvertently missed one walk, the dog waited 6 hours and did not write!
    And about the food, we thought to transfer it to Brit kea hypoallergenic with a rabbit or try to give the same brand of canned food to monobilts.
    There, the composition is decent and, most importantly, there are many positive reviews about him from the owners who have dogs with allergies.
    He drinks water as usual, there is nothing special, he also pisses as usual, but the more often the less the volume of urine.

  • Hello, I have a Jack Russell Terrier
    Girl 1 year old, the problem is that she pisses very often.
    It tolerates somewhere for a maximum of 3 hours, no more, you have to take it out 7 times a day.
    When passing urine, there is no pain, the urine is transparent yellow.
    A seemingly active, healthy dog ​​eats constantly.
    The urine test showed an increase, we were told that for the general picture it is necessary to take blood for a general analysis and close up an ultrasound, but now I have very difficult finances.
    I suspect this is also for her nutrition, she is a terrible allergic and recently ate 2 weeks of empty rice and now, according to the advice of a dermatologist, we are gradually switching to Royal (Anallergenik)
    (On rice now, she gradually stopped scratching, but on the surface, alas, she scratches)
    Also a dermatologist wrote us a recipe
    (Drive out the worms, close up the prevention of fleas and clichés, and also buy the antibiotic clavaseptin 250 mg half a tablet 2 times a day and transfer it to feed)
    But first, give urine, which we did.
    The recipe remained unnamed after the result, we have been doing everything according to the recipe for 7 days.
    Tell me what with my dog ​​and the antibiotic can help us or does it work in one direction?
    And what should we do with all this (

  • 01:24 | Nov 21. 2018

    Hello. I really need advice, my dog ​​(amstaff, 6 months old) began to write very often and a little bit, sometimes even for herself. The urine is bright and not cloudy. She also whines sometimes she walks (not because she is hungry or requires attention) And to get to the veterinarian in the near future is not possible at all. Can you tell us what to take in order to help the dog in some way? I will be very grateful.

  • Hello! My dog ​​is 4 years old, just cured urolithiasis, all the stones came out, there was a slight inflammation. I continue to treat as the doctors said, Cyston and Urolesan. Everything was fine, but now, continuing the treatment, she again began to write in small portions and very rarely. myself perfectly at the same time, there is an appetite and playful, what could it be? is the illness coming back or the drugs are useless?

  • 10:42 | 24 Oct 2018

    Hello! A 6-year-old Pekingese male fell ill with me (urine is dark, lethargic, does not drink or eat). poison-72, lymphocyte-24, monocyte-4, platelet-66, urea-13.8, creatine-120.7, alt-27, ast-49, amylase-694 Diagnosis - pyroplasm +++ Outside we don’t go and we don’t know where we didn’t know. Maybe we brought home with clothes. Did an ultrasound of cystitis. ok, but did not go to the veterinary clinic

    • Hello! You have been diagnosed with pyroplasmosis! Why start to doubt, think what and where, the diagnosis has been made! Not at random, but confirmed by laboratory research. Bad urine was an indicator for going to the clinic for help and making a diagnosis. Say yourself: the urine was bad. So why be surprised that the walls of the urinary tract are inflamed. Treat your pet for pyroplasmosis first, then deal with urinary and kidney problems, and there will be no more problems with urine

      Why be surprised? Banally walked on the grass, near small bushes or a park / forest area, the tick got on the clothes. They are very small hungry (match head). You brought it home, it hit the pet. That's all. The female ate, fell off. Now carefully inspect the house, she eats up to the dump in order to feed the offspring. If only she did not "give birth" at home. Be sure to heal your pet for piroplasmosis and start with urinary treatment. Necessarily! Don't run. An animal cannot say whether something hurts or does not hurt him, whether it bothers him or not. Remember that cloudy or dark urine, the color of meat slops or red, with an unusual odor or a pungent ammonia odor is all reason to see a doctor. no need to wait for it to pass. Otherwise, there will be a chronic sore, which is much more difficult to remove than an acute (just appeared)

  • Hello. We have a Shar Pei, bitch 7 years old, sterilized 3 months ago. Now, with 1 urination, blood clots with white impurities come out, with subsequent just urine with blood. What could it be?

  • Ksenia 22:41 | 26 Sep 2018

    Hello, we have a shepherd, 11 months old, in childhood there was a mini inflammation, he treated. , the puddles are not small, I gave an antibiotic + lactobactic acid and washed with furacilin, covered all the windows with diapers, closed (maybe blew it out) in the morning I’ll take it to the doctor, from a member of the discharge of a cloudy (like a purulent liquid) hello low temperature 36.9. can give caffeine? or what can I give to cheer up, eats normally, drinks water, is cheerful, only worries, nervous. Ask to go outside, but I can’t take him out every 5 minutes (I’ve walked 20 times in 2 hours already).

  • Hello! Please help me figure it out. They brought a poodle puppy, 2.5 months old, active, cheerful. But the legs are constantly wet behind and the place itself, no matter how you touch the back, is wet or damp. Writes often, but within reasonable limits for a puppy, probably 10-12 times a day, does not get up at night. The color of urine seems to be normal, without impurities.
    Several times she noted that the dog stopped abruptly, almost screaming, and began to lick itself there, but was not associated with urination.
    Vaccinated 10 days ago. According to the owner-mother of the puppy, she often began to lick something after urinating just the day before our arrival to pick up the puppy. Passed before vaccination. I haven’t been outside yet.
    I don’t know what to think, whether it should be so in puppies, given that they often pee, or is it still cystitis? We will be able to drive up to the vet only at the end of the week. Does it make sense to serve the same Stopcystitis or Canephron and herbal preparations in drinking?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Edward 16:52 | 27 Mar 2018

    Hello! The puppy is 4 months old CAO bitch, recently lay on cold concrete (it was hot, we did not see it as a fault), then the next day the skin in the groin area turned red, the puppy began to go to the toilet "small" more often and in smaller portions, the urine did not appear to have changed ( without blood, mucus, pus, pungent odor, etc.), but at the same time diarrhea began (there was no earlier), while the feces have a normal color, like food. At the time of urination, the dog whines, so I give the burden. The fact is that there is no opportunity to go to the veterinarian yet. Or maybe you will advise the remedy better? Could another disease develop due to this disease?

    • Dasha - veterinarian 20:16 | 27 Mar 2018

      Hello! The urinary system is very closely interconnected with the reproductive system, it is not for nothing that it is called the genitourinary system. Therefore, if the inflammation is in one, then it can easily "pass" to another organ system. The symptoms are very similar to cystitis. But ideally, visit a doctor, get tested and make sure there are no complications. Instead of phytolysin, you can give kanefron (in tablets) twice a day for up to 10-12 days. Continue no-shpu. Dicinone / etamsylate - so that there is no blood in the urine (after all, an inflammatory process, there may be capillary bleeding). Ideally, add antibiotics (but again, the veterinarian will prescribe them based on the weight of the animal, select the dosage and frequency according to the severity of the disease).

      Edward 16:53 | 28 Mar 2018

      At the moment, we have the opportunity to purchase stopcystitis for a puppy in tablets + phytolysin (we are already giving it 2 days, she doesn't like it very much, of course, but there is no konefron, unfortunately), it is worth giving them in a complex, before a visit to the doctor and a complete examination of the puppy.

      Edward 16:59 | 28 Mar 2018

      There is an opportunity to purchase stopcystitis in tablets as antibiotics, is it worth giving it in combination with phytolysin, of course, before a visit to the doctor and a complete examination of the puppy. We give phytolysin for 2 days, the puppy has become more cheerful and urination is easier (I certainly understand that only symptoms pass), but the puppy also does not eat very well, what would you recommend? Thank you in advance.

  • Eduard Sinenko 16:24 | 27 Mar 2018

    Hello. Puppy 4 months old female thoroughbred Alabai. She lay on the concrete, apparently chilled. In the groin area, the skin turns a little red, goes to the toilet "on the small" often, and in smaller quantities (without blood, mucus, pus, etc., normal completely transparent urine without a strong smell), with abdominal pulpation, the puppy is calm and the tummy is not tense Should she be given phytolysin? It so happened that now there is no way to take to the veterinarian, won't we harm her?

    • Dasha - veterinarian 20:21 | 27 Mar 2018

      Hello! In any case, the animal should get an appointment with the veterinarian in the coming days for an accurate diagnosis. It is better to replace phytolysin with kanefron (it is in tablets, it is easier to give, and it tastes less disgusting). This is only symptomatic treatment, but an integrated approach is required: antibiotics, antispasmodics, diuretics, anti-inflammatory, etc. You will not draw up a treatment regimen on your own. Animal for ultrasound, urine analysis for research (general, bacterial culture). But after the use of antibiotics, it makes no sense to do bacterial culture. The puppy is warm, no-shpa and kanefron, and an appointment with the veterinarian in the coming days (diagnosis, treatment regimen).

      Good day!
      Everyone writes to go to the vet.
      On April 18, we went to the veterinary clinic, they made him an ultrasound scan, inserted a catheter, cleaned it ....
      Until today everything was fine, but today he could not pee….

      He was prescribed: Sinulox 50 mg. inside 2 tab. 2 r / day (course from 3 weeks)
      Terazosin 2 mg orally 1/2 tab. 2 r / day (course 14 days)
      and no-shpu intramuscularly

      For the visit they took in the veterinary clinic 5680 ((
      I would be glad to advice on the veterinary clinic also in St. Petersburg.
      Because I think I'll have to go there often.

      Hello! This is the first time I've heard about subtitling. But the doctors know about it, but for some reason they do not speak ... ..., it is regrettable! So much money, time, effort was thrown away. I can hardly move myself (problems with the spine), but all this is not as offensive as it is a pity for my pet, who, due to not knowing or not wanting the doctors, suffers. The animal is young, but I'm afraid that after such treatment we would not have to treat other organs! All this is bad, especially since all the services are paid and we (the owners) are well aware and aware of this, and we pay, all the more so everything should be of better quality! Now we will change the doctor! The new doctor will prescribe something for us ... Thank you for your answer!

    • Hello again! Above I wrote that my dog ​​was diagnosed. cystitis. The dog is 4.5 years old, spayed. a year ago (I wrote above, weight 25 kg.) I'll write down the tests in a little more detail: urine: leukocytes - single, erythrocytes - 0, hemoglobin - negative, epithelium. flat - 1-0-2, epithelium. transitional - 0, epithelium. renal - 0. What is a blood leukogram? If these are leukocytes, then they are 9.1 nuclear erythrocytes before treatment. were 0, became 1, eosinophils were - 4, steel - 8. ESR - 4. Treatment first: 1) furadonin, 1 t. 2 r / d., within 5 days 2) Stop cystitis bio, 4 ml. 2 r / d, within 5 days. 3) Melbemax from worms. We continue to write. Second treatment: 1) Cefotaxime 500 mg. 2 r / d for 10 days, (after the 6th injection they canceled, started limping on their paws) Replaced with Marflaksin, 2) Noshpa 1t. 1 r / d - 5 days, 3) Tavegil - 1/2 t. 1 r / d - 5 days 4) Stop cystitis bio 4 ml. 2p / d. (5 more days for a total of 10 days) 5) Furadonin 1t. 2 p / d (5 more days, total 10 days) 6) Linex usual 1 caps. 2 p / d. for 14 days. We continue to write. The third treatment is still the last, we drink to this day: 1) Marflaxin 20 mg. 2.5 tabs 1 time per day (this is the 12th day, extended to 20 days, then cancel and take tests), 2) Cyston 1 tab. 2 r / d for a month (we drink the 12th day), 3) We continue to drink Linex (in my opinion, it is already more than 14 days, they said to continue, isn't it a lot ?!). Stop cystitis was drunk on drink for 10 days and the doctor canceled it. WE CONTINUE WRITING !!! I painted everything in more detail, I understand that in absentia, it is difficult to give any recommendations. But all the same, advise me if I need to give Kanephron (as you wrote above), since Stopcystitis was canceled? What kind of food Urinari (name, manufacturer) would you advise, the dog often gives allergies, tried a lot of things, even went to the natural. Now we are sitting on Happy Dog lamb rice, we have been eating for a year, everything seems to be fine. Can I switch to medicated feed right away? I mean, not gradually? And yet, about marflaxin: the instructions say to take 10-14 days, we were extended to 20 ... .., how is it? Is not it too much? Well, like everything, I was exhausted to write and I was exhausted, I'm sorry! Thank you in advance for your reply!

    • Hello! Tell me please! I have a dog, a girl, a mestizo, 25kg, sterilized a year ago. Almost a month ago, I began to pee a couple of puddles at night and during the day as well. Maybe it could be more often and more, I just began to take her out into the street 4-5 times a day. The urine tests seem to be more or less good, the blood hemoglobin and erythrocytes are increased. Ultrasound of the bladder wall. 3.8 mm (what should be the norm?), The structure of the mucous membrane is loose, the suspension is found insignificantly, everything else is normal, the kidneys are also normal. At the beginning of the disease, they prescribed stop cystitis at 4 ml, 2 r / d, furadonin at 1 t. 2 r / d, drove out the worms, drank all this for 10 days, no sense at all. Then cefotaxime was prescribed intramuscularly at 500 mg. 2 times a day for 10 days, only 6 injections were made, I had to refuse, because I limped on all paws, after these six injections I did not observe any positive dynamics. Prescribed Marflaxin 20 mg. 2.5 tablets, once a day for 10 days, ciston 1 table. 2 r / d drink a month. Today we have drunk these medicines for 10 days, no improvement whatsoever! Clinical blood test before treatment before treatment: hemoglobin 209, after 206; erythrocytes up to 8.52 - after 8.23; nuclear erythrocytes before treatment were 0, and they became 1. Everything else was normal. blood biochemistry is also all within the permissible range, urine analysis was taken only at the beginning of treatment, now it does not let us get close, urine was normal, except for pH 7.5. Today the doctor said that then we continue to drink marflaxin for another 10 days. Why am I writing in such detail, I am already beginning to doubt the correctness of the treatment, because, I think that, in principle, the tests are not so bad that with such a long treatment there would be no positive dynamics ! There is no blood in the urine, he pisses on the street normally, as usual (and not a teaspoon at an hour), his appetite is normal, he’s not averse to playing and hooliganism. It seems that she makes puddles in a dream, i.e. does not control. Help, advise, something please! Pity the dog for just poisoning with antibiotics, which do not work! Near the veterinary clinic, it was assumed that this leakage is associated with weakening of the muscles after sterilization, but three doctors (to whom I showed tests) all diagnosed cystitis. On the ultrasound, they also wrote: preliminary diagnosis: cystitis! Help us please, otherwise my dog, probably, will soon be pooping with pills and all to no avail!

    • Good day!
      The dog was diagnosed with cystitis, wrote for himself, froze in the country.
      They treated with sinulox and stop cystitis for 10 days, began to miss less, but still walks around once a day. Tests show that the dog is healthy.
      Another doctor said to drink furodanin1 / 4 tab 2 times a day for 3-5 days.
      The day before yesterday they started drinking, but during the walk they stayed outside longer than usual and in the evening the dog began to urinate frequently by and under itself.
      She also refuses completely from food, yesterday she put in the food the fish that he pulled out. They gave me another food to try last night, ate it with pleasure, but refused to eat it today. Today for breakfast I gave fat-free cottage cheese, after an hour I pulled it out.
      Now she gave Almagel.
      Tell me how to be a dog?
      Maltese 10 months, 4,800 kg

      • Hello! What kind of antibiotic? The doctor prescribed a course of treatment for how many days? If 5 days have been prescribed, then retake urine and blood. If there is an opportunity to do an ultrasound, then go through it. Make sure the disease has completely receded. Sometimes the symptoms subside, but it is worth stopping treatment after the first relief, as cystitis worsens again or becomes chronic, which is even worse. You can give stop cystitis, cat Erwin - herbs against inflammatory processes in the bladder and urinary tract. If the course of treatment is prescribed for 7-10 days, then pierce the antibiotic to the end (the entire course), even if the animal looks absolutely healthy. A speedy recovery for your pet

        Well, Baitril is actually a pretty good antibiotic. You can add Canephron tablets to the treatment regimen (1 tablet 1-2 times a day up to 7-10 days, maximum 12). Another Dicinon or Etamsilat 1 ml intramuscularly twice a day (course 5-7 days). No-spa 0.4-0.5 ml intramuscularly or subcutaneously twice a day (up to 3-5 days), or in tablets. You can replace noshpu with Riabal 0.7-1ml also twice a day with the same course. Mezim and Karsil half a tablet twice a day for 7-10 days.
        Diarrhea needs to be dealt with. Either because of pancreatitis, he appeared, or some other reason (worms, infection, improper feeding, dysbiosis due to antibiotics). If necessary, we will draw up a recommended treatment regimen for diarrhea.

    • Victoria 01:20 | 16 Sep 2017

      Hello! We live in the north and we have poorly developed veterinary medicine. The dog has cystitis, several times she wrote with blood and often sits down on a party. According to the results of biochemistry, we have an increased pancreas, a slightly overestimated liver, urea and cryatinine are normal! there is no way to go to another city now, we ask you for help with medicines and how to treat Her! A Samoyed girl, almost 7 years old, has been sterilized. Thanks in advance!

Many pet owners are unaware of the variety of life-threatening diseases in their pets. In addition to specific infectious diseases, four-legged friends have inflammations characteristic of humans, such as cystitis in a dog. Symptoms and home treatment of this delicate pathology are discussed in the article.

The term cystitis refers to acute inflammation of the bladder mucosa. Mainly passes against the background of urethritis - an inflammatory process of the urethra.

This pathology is often diagnosed among pets. The consequences of untimely treatment are severe and pose a threat to the life of the dog.

The pathogenesis of cystitis

An increase in the level of leukocytes occurs. With the growth of the population of pathogenic microbes, the focus of inflammation captures large areas of the mucous membrane and provokes malfunctions of the bladder.

Bacteria penetration routes

In 70% of cases, pathogenic microflora provokes the development of the disease. This complicates the treatment of cystitis. It is believed that the most common causative agent of the disease is staphylococcus aureus.

There are 2 ways of infection:

  1. Ascending. Infection occurs through the urethra. Microorganisms are constantly present in the urethra, but they are harmless, since they are washed out by urine. If the animal does not urinate for a long period of time, or if its immune system is weakened, the disease-causing agents become active and rise to the bladder. This method is observed most often.
  2. Descending. Infection is carried out through the kidneys or the lymphatic system of the pelvic organs. Also, microbes enter the bladder through blood flow from distant areas of inflammation - boils, teeth damaged by caries and abscesses.

Regardless of the way in which the microbes reached the bladder, long-term abstinence of the animal from urinating accelerates the development of pathology.

Causes of the disease

The disease can be caused by several factors. One of the most likely is a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

Table 1. Possible causes of the development of the disease

Lowered immunityDuring normal operation, the immune system destroys pathogenic bacteria on the urethral mucosa. However, with a decrease in the protective barrier, even a small population of microorganisms provokes the development of cystitis. This is facilitated by hypothermia.
Activation of pathogenic microfloraInfectious diseases caused by the presence of staphylococci, Escherichia coli, streptococci and chlamydia in the body are often accompanied by cystitis.
Improper nutritionAfter prolonged feeding of industrial feed, chemical compounds appear in the urine, leading to changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of the bladder. This makes it susceptible to pathogens.
Physical injuryIncorrect manipulations by veterinarians contribute to the occurrence of iatrogenic inflammation of the bladder. Medical oversights include non-sterile catheterization of the urethra or surgical procedures without observing sanitary standards.
Kidney malfunctionWith kidney dysfunction, substances are released that irritate the mucous membrane and lead to inflammatory processes.

Predisposition to cystitis

Dogs of any age category and breed are susceptible to cystitis.

Stunted pets, such as dachshunds and spaniels, are most prone to the disease. Due to their small stature, they are very susceptible to low temperatures.

If we consider resistance to the disease by gender, females get sick more often. This is due to several factors:

  • wide urethra;
  • close location of the urethra to the anus.

Also, the state of pregnancy and childbirth act as a provoking factor.

Males get sick less often. In most cases, inflammation of the prostate is the cause of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Cystitis progresses rapidly. In the initial stages, it may be asymptomatic or the manifestations present are not specific. The pet during this period is characterized by emotional instability. The animal becomes lethargic or aggressive. Frequent urination is considered one of the clear signs of the presence of the disease.

Table 2. General symptoms

Evaluation criterionCharacteristic
UrinationFrequent, sometimes uncontrollable. Causes discomfort to the pet. When emptying the bladder, the male sits on the ground, raising one paw. At home, animals ignore the litter box and urinate in non-designated areas.
Urine qualityUrine smells bad, the color becomes cloudy. There are blotches of mucus, pus and blood.
BehaviorIn a supine position, it is difficult for a pet to roll from side to side. On palpation of the peritoneum, painful sensations arise. After using the toilet, the dog has difficulty walking in the hind limbs.

In some cases, there is an increased feeling of thirst, an increased body temperature and a lack of interest in food.

With an exacerbation of the disease, the symptoms are aggravated. The dog becomes moody, often sits down while walking. All the free time the pet lies and loses the desire to play. Blood stains appear on the genitals.

Why is cystitis dangerous?

This disease is fraught with pyelonephritis. Pathology poses a threat to the life of pets due to an increase in blood pressure. An increase in indicators negatively affects the work of the heart and leads to its rapid wear. Acute cystitis provokes chronic renal failure, which has irreversible consequences for the body.

Diagnosis of the disease

To make a correct diagnosis, the veterinarian conducts several types of examinations. Ultrasound and bacteriological analysis of urine are considered the leading methods in identifying pathology.

Table 3. Diagnostic methods

Diagnostic methodCharacteristic
Analysis of urineThe study of urine reveals an excessive amount of protein, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Bacteriological analysis determines the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. With inflammation, the urine contains a large number of red blood cells, leukocytes, salts and epithelium. The presence of sand is one of the main signs of cystitis.
UltrasoundDue to the fact that the clinical picture of cystitis is similar to urolithiasis, an ultrasound examination is necessary.
FluoroscopyCompared to ultrasound, it is a less informative method. It is used in rare situations. Allows you to see the presence of stones in the bladder. However, the need to use contrasting materials for greater image clarity makes this method laborious and unsafe.
Blood testThis study is prescribed in the presence of additional symptoms that are not characteristic of cystitis.
External examination of the bladderOvercrowding of an organ in the absence of urge to urinate is one of the signs of an ailment.

When determining cystitis, pathology should be differentiated from pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus and ICD.

Treatment of the disease

After receiving instructions from your veterinarian, you can start treating cystitis at home. Due to the fact that this disease is rarely observed as a single pathology, it is necessary to carry out therapy for concomitant diseases.

Table 4. Medicines

Groups of drugsAction takenName of drugs
AnalgesicsAnesthetic effect
  • "Cyston";
  • "Analgin".
  • AntihemorrhagicStop bleeding
  • "Vikasol";
  • "Dicinon".
  • HomeopathicUsed as supportive therapy
  • "Contaris Composition";
  • "Aconite";
  • Nux.
  • AntihistaminesAgainst allergic manifestations
  • Suprastin;
  • "Diphenhydramine";
  • "Tavegil".
  • AntibioticsKill pathogenic microflora
  • Ciftriaxone;
  • "Cephalotoxim";
  • Baytril.
  • HepatoprotectorsReduce the harmful effects of antibiotics on the intestinal microflora
  • "Divopride";
  • "Hepatovet".
  • ImmunocorrectorsSupports the body's protective functions
  • "Gamavit";
  • "Immunofan".
  • In order to relieve unpleasant symptoms, drugs of complex action are used:

    • "Stop cystitis";
    • "Kantaren";
    • Urolex.

    As a mild supporting phyto-remedy, "Cat Erwin" is popular.

    In case of severe complications, the doctor flushes the bladder with antiseptic solutions. The following preparations are suitable for this purpose:

    • "Ichthyol";
    • Furacilin;
    • "Sodium chloride".

    In the process of manipulation, blood clots and sand are washed out of the organ.

    The dog should always have access to fluid. It is advisable to boil water and add a pinch of baking soda. If the nutritional scheme focuses on industrial feed, it should be replaced with renal feed.

    Features of the use of antibiotics

    If the disease has arisen due to the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, an antibiotic susceptibility test should be done before aggressive treatment is prescribed. An illiterately prescribed drug leads to the following consequences:

    • the transition of pathology to the chronic stage;
    • increased resistance of pathogenic microbes to antibiotics;

    The drug "Stop-cystitis"

    Often used in veterinary medicine. Due to the presence of many useful components, it has a complex effect. Give 2 times a day at the dosage indicated in the instructions.

    The drug contains the antibiotic nitroxoline, which inhibits the causative agents of cystitis.

    In addition, Stop Cystitis contains many herbal ingredients.

    Herbal treatment

    With cystitis, the active use of diuretics is not encouraged. Therefore, in the absence of blockage of the urethra, it is possible to use light sulfonamides of plant origin.

    To make a healing fee, you should take one ingredient from each group:

    1. Pain relievers. Melissa, peppermint.
    2. Anti-inflammatory. Marshmallow root, ginger.
    3. Diuretics. Oregano, bearberry, St. John's wort.

    For chronic cystitis, the following mixture is effective: 1 part of St. John's wort, elecampane root, calendula and eucalyptus leaves and 2 parts of fireweed, meadowsweet, elder flowers and lingonberry leaves. It is necessary to mix the components, brew 1 tbsp. in a glass of boiling water, insist and give the animal 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

    Disease prognosis

    Provided timely and correctly selected treatment, a complete cure for pathology is possible. The therapy takes 3 to 6 weeks. In its advanced form, the disease can last for several months.

    Disease prevention

    To avoid the occurrence of this unpleasant ailment, the owners of four-legged friends must follow a number of rules:

    • while walking, avoid hypothermia;
    • do not allow your pet to be in a draft;
    • adhere to the rules of personal hygiene of the animal;
    • walk 3 times a day;
    • regularly check the condition of the gums and teeth;
    • during estrus, avoid communication of females with stray dogs;
    • trim the hairline under the tail in long-haired breeds;
    • monitor the quality of water and food fed;
    • add cranberry juice to the feed.

    But the main preventive measure is an annual visit to the veterinarian to examine the general condition of the pet.

    Video - Cystitis in dogs: symptoms, prevention, treatment

    Cystitis in dogs occurs when the bladder mucosa is inflamed by pathogens, often accompanied by urethritis. Often in pets, the disease is a consequence of problems in the urinary system: kidney stones, nephritis or pyelonephritis, less often the inflammatory process occurs in its primary form, when the infection enters the organ from the outside. Pathology proceeds in an acute or chronic form, differs in the duration of the course, the severity of symptoms, treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after an examination and clarification of the causes of the disease.

    Features of cystitis in dogs

    In dogs, cystitis does not develop as often as in felines, but is more pronounced. Mostly adults and young animals are ill, but the disease also occurs in puppies. More often, inflammation in the bladder occurs in stocky and decorative breeds: short-legged terriers, dachshunds, welsh corgi, toy terrier, French bulldog. Neutered animals are less likely to get sick.

    Elderly dogs, mainly bitches, are susceptible to illness, since their urethra is located near the anus, the canal is whiter and wider than that of males. Sometimes infection occurs during mating, then the treatment of inflammation is complicated due to the inability to use some drugs in pregnant females.

    The inflammatory process captures the surface of the epithelium of the bladder, if untreated, it penetrates into the deep layers of the mucous membrane. The mucus and exudate formed on the walls of the organ mix with urine, changing its structure, color and consistency. Biological structures and cells of the epithelium quickly decompose, therefore, an unpleasant odor appears. The differentiation of the disease occurs according to the state of the secreted fluid and changes in the wall in the cavity of the bladder, cystitis is distinguished in dogs:

    • Catarrhal. The mucous membrane of the organ is involved in the inflammation, it turns red and swells, becomes covered with mucus and pus, so the urine becomes cloudy and stretches with threads.
    • Hemorrhagic. It is accompanied by deeper lesions with thinning and punctate lesions of the blood vessels, and blood is noted in the discharge.
    • Purulent. It develops in a neglected form, accompanied by the appearance of grayish-yellow fibrinous films on the walls of the organ, necrotic erosions with mucus and pus appear on the epithelium of the bladder, capturing deep layers, urine acquires an unpleasant odor, purulent inclusions and blood are present in it.
    • Dystrophic. With permanent damage to the walls of the bladder, epithelial cells of the mucous membrane are found in the discharge of the dog, the color of urine remains unchanged.

    An acute course of the disease is distinguished when the clinical picture is manifested clearly and the diagnosis is not difficult. A chronic form of inflammation, characterized by hypertrophy and wrinkling of the mucous membrane of the bladder, in some cases, non-bleeding granulomas develop. The process is accompanied by periodic relapses, often cystitis is a companion of the underlying disease, therefore, its symptoms are accompanied by manifestations of other pathologies, which makes it more difficult to identify the disease.

    It happens that severe inflammation captures the entire surface of the bladder mucosa with the formation of separate purulent foci that break through into the cavity of the organ or into the surrounding tissues, causing an inflammatory process in them.


    The causative agent of inflammation in the bladder in dogs is bacteria and viruses, protozoa, more often staphylococcal, streptococcal infections, Escherichia coli and Proteus are found in the analyzes. Microorganisms that are present on the ground, litter, on the wool near the anus and in the groin of the animal penetrate into the bladder along the ascending path: from the outside through the prepuce, the urethra, rising, overcome the sphincter and concentrate at the orifice of the organ, causing cystitis.

    If the dog is healthy, and the number of the pathogen is low, the body copes with the infection and resists its spread, the weakening of the immune system leads to the activation of microorganisms and the development of cystitis. Factors contributing to the disease:

    • poor quality food and conditions of detention;
    • hypothermia, swimming in reservoirs;
    • renal pathology;
    • abnormalities in the structure of the urethra;
    • infection by nematode larvae when eating earthworms;
    • the presence of other diseases in the pet's body, in bitches, cystitis is provoked by birth trauma, endometriosis or vaginitis;
    • improper catheterization or insufficient sterilization of the instrument during the manipulation of the veterinarian;
    • trauma to the abdomen and groin area;
    • lack of physical activity and paralysis;
    • taking anticancer drugs and an allergic reaction to industrial feed irritate the walls of the organ;
    • drinking water saturated with chemical compounds.

    Cystitis of non-bacterial origin in dogs develops due to internal damage to the walls of the bladder by calculi, tumors, and pelvic bone particles in fractures.

    The development of inflammation is facilitated by a rare emptying of the bladder due to untimely walking of animals kept at home. Increased sugar in the urine also provokes irritation of the walls of the organ and active reproduction of pathogenic flora.


    The bacterial infection spreads in all directions, therefore, in advanced cases in dogs with cystitis, urethritis develops in parallel, males suffer from balanitis, and females suffer from vaginitis, this threatens the development of prostatitis and endometritis and other inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. The purulent process sometimes leads to the death of the animal.

    Pyelonephritis becomes a dangerous complication of cystitis, and there is a risk of infection of both kidneys, leading to intoxication of the body, disturbances in the work of the heart. Development of persistent enuresis and even death of the animal is possible. Chronic inflammation in the bladder contributes to the formation of stones and aggravates the problem, so it is important to see a doctor when the first signs of illness appear.


    The multiplication of bacteria leads to an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane lining the bladder from the inside, and a violation of its function. With an increase in the lesion, signs of acute cystitis appear, the severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the process:

    • Irritation of the mucous membrane causes repeated reflex contractions of the bladder, leading to frequent urination. The urine comes out in small portions, the dog is in pain. At the same time, a previously clean pet leaves puddles on the floor due to the inability to restrain urges.
    • At the moment of urine discharge, the animal whines, especially at the beginning and at the end of the act, changes its usual posture, the males try to raise the hind paw higher and at the same time squat, the girls sit down, and, moving forward, tighten the back of the body.
    • The color of the discharge is initially transparent, or immediately cloudy, later impurities of blood appear in the first portion, the urine acquires a pink tint, yellowish streaks of pus are noticeable in it.
    • A launched inflammatory process leads to severe edema of the sphincter or the ingress of stones into the outlet of the bladder, in this case, when trying to urinate, discharge only flows out in drops or there is no outflow of fluid at all.

    The behavior of the dog also changes: when trying to touch the belly, the pet whines or snaps. The products of inflammation are absorbed into the bloodstream, causing metabolic disorders, the animal is depressed, and an increase in temperature is noted. Violations affect the secretory function of the stomach, a decrease in the production of gastric juice worsens the digestibility of food, the pet refuses to eat, with severe pain, vomiting is observed.

    In chronic cystitis, the symptoms do not differ, but the process is not so bright: the pain is less pronounced, the urge to urinate occurs less often.


    The owner can cure cystitis in a pet at home on his own, but a veterinarian must make a diagnosis, since it is required to identify the cause of the inflammation and concomitant diseases, conduct an examination and take tests to prescribe effective drugs.

    To alleviate the condition of the animal, if it has not urinated for a long time, bladder catheterization is performed to remove stagnant urine. At the reception, the organ cavity is washed with antiseptics to remove cell particles, mucus, blood clots, pus and sand. First, a saline solution of sodium chloride is injected, then formulations based on furacilin, alum, ichthyol, potassium permanganate, boric acid are applied, the washes are returned back through the catheter. The procedure is carried out daily up to 4 times in a clinic, until the liquid becomes transparent.

    Cystitis requires an integrated approach to treatment, therefore, a group of drugs is used that affect all manifestations of the disease. Since therapy should be started immediately, the veterinarian prescribes broad-spectrum antibacterial agents to relieve inflammation, after the results of the microflora, a suitable antibiotic for cystitis is selected for each type of pathogen.

    The following medications are prescribed:

    Drugs and other treatmentsActionDosage
    Baytril, Cefa-kure, Cefotaxime, AmoxicillinTreatment of inflammation and destruction of the pathogen
    • Baytril - intramuscular injection at 0.2 ml / kg;
    • Ceftriaxone injections - 15-20 mg / kg twice a day;
    • Amoxicillin - injections of 1 ml / 10 kg
    FuradoninAntimicrobial agentTotal 5-10 mg / kg per day

    Evitalia-Vet, Veda-Bactoneotim, Agrovetzashita, Zoonorm

    Hepatovet, Covertal, Legafiton

    Restoration of obligate intestinal flora and liver cells after and during antibioticsGive 2-3 times a day, the number of doses depends on the drug and the weight of the dog according to the instructions
    Baralgin, No-ShpaReduced pain and spasm
    • Baralgin - 0.1 ml / kg solution.
    • No-shpa - injections of 1 ml / 10 kg or 40 mcg / 10 kg tablet on the root of the tongue
    Vicasol, Calcium Chloride, DicinonIncreased blood clotting
    • Vikasol - 1-2 mg / kg.
    • Dicion - in the thigh, 1 ml / 10 kg, in tablets: once a day 0.5 tab / 5 kg
    Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actionInside 10-15 g
    Ammonium chlorideDissolves mucus, increases urine output0.2-1 g
    Suprastin, AllervetTo relieve an allergic reaction
    • Suprastin: for large breeds - 1.5-2 tablets, for small and medium - 0.5-1 tablets.
    • Allervet - into the muscle until the symptoms disappear, 1 ml / 5 kg, up to 4 times a day
    Anandin, Immunofan, GamavitTo fight infection, produce interferonsAnandin: tablets or injections for 3 days at 20 mg or 0.2 ml / kg
    Exposure to a high-frequency electromagnetic field is prescribed for chronic inflammationFor elimination of inflammation, activation of phagocytosis, tissue regeneration and resorption of proliferates10 sessions every other day for 15-30 minutes

    At home, the animal needs to be provided with warm bedding, rest, plenty of boiled water and proper nutrition. The diet includes milk, millet and oatmeal, boiled vegetables. Light meat broths are allowed when normalizing the outflow of urine. Fish and meat are undesirable, food from the hosts' table is prohibited: salty, spicy and fried, dry food should be excluded.

    If the cystitis is not complicated by serious disorders, the symptoms of the acute form disappear after a week, the dog will recover in a maximum of 10 days. Treat the chronic form of pathology for 1-1.5 months. When the disease is provoked by kidney stones, an operation is performed to remove them; anthelmintic drugs are required for helminthic invasion.


    • Urolex. It is produced in the form of drops based on herbal preparations, the drug is low-toxic, has a moderate analgesic, antiseptic, hemostatic and diuretic effect. Prevents the formation of salt crystals and the development of relapses. The pet is given the medicine for a month at 3 drops / kg three times a day.
    • Stop cystitis. Antimicrobial and antiseptic agent, relieves spasm, increases urine flow, removes sand and toxins. For ease of use, it is produced not only in tablets, but also in the form of a suspension. The dosage is indicated in the instructions and is determined by the weight of the pet, the drug is included in food or applied to the root of the tongue.
    • Cyston. The medicine is based on plant extracts, provides a beneficial effect on the function of the urinary system, relieves inflammation, and removes toxins. Dogs are given 0.5-2 tablets, the duration of admission is up to 14 days, with stone formation, the course is extended to 6 months.
    • Healthy kidneys. The product contains about 30 medicinal herbs, it is allowed for use in puppies. The composition provides anesthetic and antibacterial effect, relieves spasm and inflammation, promotes fluid excretion, neutralizes urine acidity and prevents the formation of stones. In the acute phase, the drug is given every 2 hours at 1 tablet / kg, then the amount of application is reduced to three times use until the symptoms disappear.

    If there is no urethral blockage, it is recommended to water the dog with herbal decoctions made on the basis of horsetail, lingonberry or bearberry leaves, knotweed, corn silk is used to reduce pain. Light diuretic properties of the formulations will help accelerate the elimination of decomposing organic matter, prevent stagnation.


    As an adjunct treatment for bladder inflammation, the doctor sometimes prescribes homeopathic remedies that have a beneficial effect on the dog's urinary organs:

    • Cantaren. Participates in the anti-inflammatory, spasmodic and diuretic process, activates the regenerative reactions in the tissues of the urinary organs. Injections are indicated for acute cystitis throughout the course, up to 2 times per day are injected into the muscle or under the skin. The chronic course requires application 2-3 times a week for no more than a month.
    • Kantaris compositum. Germanic drug for the normalization of kidney and bladder function, helps to eliminate exudate and reduce the inflammatory process. An injection is given daily until the pet's condition is normalized, the dose is 1-4 ml.
    • Nux vomica. It is used for debilitating spasms, when other drugs are not effective, the dose is 1-4 ml, depending on the weight of the animal.
    • Atropinum compositum. A complex medicine - an antispasmodic, is also used to remove adsorbed toxins, to activate immunity. Acute course: once a day, chronic - once every 4 days, 1-4 ml.

    Homeopathic medicines have no contraindications, but the dog sometimes has an intolerance to the components, so they are used only as directed by a veterinarian.

    Cystitis is an inflammatory disease that affects not only the urethra and bladder, but also the kidneys. At the first sign of illness, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, as serious complications may arise. The disease has no age restrictions, so both a puppy and a mature dog can get sick.

    Causes of the disease

    The most common causes of the disease are severe hypothermia or infection. It could be like this bacteria like Escherichia coli, streptococci and staphylococci. For a healthy dog, they do not pose any danger, since his immunity is able to cope with them. But when the defenses of the animal fall, the infection affects the bladder.

    If the dog is constantly under stress, has a weak immune system, then the slightest hypothermia can provoke the disease.

    Often, cystitis is combined with the following diseases:

    • urolithiasis disease;
    • diseases of the uterus or vagina;
    • nephritis;
    • diseases of the prostate gland.

    Even poor-quality industrial feed can provoke problems with urination. Such food can change the composition of urine, thereby making the bladder less resistant to pathogenic factors.

    Dogs with short legs have a predisposition to cystitis, such breeds include dachshunds, spaniels, Yorkies and pugs. Males less susceptible this disease. In bitches, cystitis can occur during pregnancy and childbirth.

    In the process of mating, a chronic disease can worsen and thereby aggravate the situation. Many difficulties can arise in the treatment of a pregnant animal, since most drugs are contraindicated for them. In some cases, sterilization is the only solution.

    Cystitis symptoms

    The disease provokes changes in the behavior and well-being of the animal. Severe pain can make the dog anxious or, conversely, lethargic and indifferent to everything.

    With cystitis in a dog, the symptoms are as follows:

    • urine is excreted in small quantities;
    • urination is very common;
    • the dog urinates in an unusual position for it;
    • urine may not be released or in small drops.

    Symptoms and treatment of cystitis in a dog depend on the degree of neglect of the disease. The pet may have an increased body temperature and loss of appetite. When trying to feel the belly, the dog begins to get nervous.

    Danger of disease

    With untimely or incorrect treatment, cystitis can develop into pyelonephritis. This disease is characterized by a high body temperature and one-sided pain in the kidneys. Bilateral pyelonephritis can be fatal.

    Such a disease is also dangerous because the animal's blood pressure rises, so the heart wears out much faster.

    Cystitis can lead to the development of incontinence. In the most advanced cases, chronic renal failure can develop. Sometimes, together with cystitis, urethritis can occur - an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the urethra and bladder.


    During the examination, the doctor feels the dog's bladder. Artificial emptying of the bladder through a catheter is often required.

    If cystitis is suspected, your veterinarian may order a urinalysis. Thus, you can detect the infection that triggered the development of the inflammatory process.

    The doctor should be sure to test the urine for sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. If the disease is chronic, then the veterinarian may prescribe an ultrasound of the prostate gland for males and the uterus in girls. Radiography is sometimes prescribed.

    Treatment features

    Only a doctor can tell for sure how to treat cystitis in a dog. He must select the medicines and their dosage. It is important to determine the cause of the disease. Therapy should not be aimed at eliminating symptoms, but at eliminating the cause.

    Antibiotics are prescribed to treat the disease. If the doctor does not have time to analyze the sensitivity of microflora, then he can prescribe drugs with a wide spectrum of action or nitrofurans. Furadonin is often prescribed.

    If there is blood in the urine, then the doctor may prescribe hemostatic drugs. In addition to cystitis, may also develop secondary diseases... Their treatment can be carried out in parallel or after the end of the therapeutic course of the underlying disease.

    Bladder lavage is also recommended. This procedure uses a catheter and an antiseptic solution. Rinsing should only be carried out by an experienced technician. Such a procedure helps to clear the bladder from the waste products of microorganisms, which, if accumulated in large quantities, can lead to intoxication of the body.

    If your pet has been diagnosed with allergic cystitis, then in addition to therapy with antihistamines, the animal's diet is adjusted. All possible allergens should be completely excluded.


    The doctor selects drug treatment based on the results of urine analysis. For therapy, you can give the following drugs:

    • Monural;
    • Baytril;
    • Cefadroxil;
    • Amoxicillin.

    From homeopathic remedies, the following drugs can be used:

    • Atropinum compositum;
    • Nux vomica-Gommacord;
    • Mucose compositum.

    Such medicines are used in the form of drops or injections. They relieve pain well and reduce the urge to urinate. You can cure inflammation with drugs such as Stop Cystitis and Furadonin.


    It is better to prevent the disease than to treat its consequences. Avoid hypothermia. If the dog has small paws, it is recommended to put on a jumpsuit on the animal that protects the belly.

    Don't miss out on walks in the fresh air. Make sure that the dog is not lying on the cold coating, as the dog can chill the internal organs.

    Home treatment of cystitis in dogs should be supervised by a doctor. Traditional medicine methods can be used as ancillary, but they cannot replace drug treatment. Cystitis is a disease that causes severe pain, so treatment should be started as soon as possible.

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