Napoleon Hill as thoughts attract money. Open the secret of billionaires! How to attract money by the power of thought. How do I do the power of thought how to attract big money

Attract money for the power of thought


In our society, success is measured by the presence of material well-being. A person is considered successful if money is enough to satisfy all his needs. From a penny in the pocket depends, sometimes, very much in life. Why does it turn out that the river flows to one money, and others live from salaries before salary?

How to make money become part of everyday reality? Is it possible to learn to attract money and other benefits in your life?

Thoughts on how to attract good luck, are constantly satellites of people. Sometimes it seems that you just need a bit of lucky solutions and actions so that everything in life is so much like a person wants. That's right and unfold! We can afford everything that only dreamed of. After all, money always suggests freedom.

How to perceive money

All that surrounds us is actively changing, moving and lives with their own life. Based on this principle, supporters of mystical exercises include money to a certain type of energy that can be controlled. To monitor financial flows, you need to learn how to understand the money correctly. Any energy can be sent both to positive and something negative. Perceive money as tributary, learn how to control your thoughts when you think about them - the result will not make long wait.

A respectful attitude towards capital in all its manifestations is the main rule for those who want to become successful. Do we not care about money? This answer can be heard on this statement. Yes, of course, rejoice in success, we try to delay the precious papers as long as possible, we are proud of our results. Only now we never think that any energy, and we have already found out that money is exactly a kind of movement, does not endure stagnation. Maybe this is the essence of: the compensation and inability to manage financial flows plays against us. The energy that was not sent to the right channel simply disappears. It looks like this, as follows: There are problems that can be solved only with some attachments.

At the same time, it is impossible to be very easy to relate to money, constantly try to invest them in dubious enterprises or instantly change them to unnecessary purchases. So you will only pushing your luck. Respectful and deliberate attitude towards money, not asking them to the pedestal - this is the equilibrium to which they should seek.

The principle is here and now works

If you correctly apply the power of thought, you can achieve incredible results. You can never regret the losses, it is better to accept them as soon as possible in order not to poison your life with experiences. Do not send thoughts about welfare to the future, it is still completely foggy. Learn to live today. Wisely plan your life, for example, calculate how much money is necessary to live with a worthy of a whole month. Calculations take real, do not need to be wade into space sums. Attract this money to yourself by the power of thought, reflecting on the positive emotions that they will bring in your life. In no case should not think that they must be postponed, suddenly there will be a need that you did not take into account. Believe me, it works, dream and implement your plans here and now.

Spend finance in pleasure

Secure this idea: the waste of money brings joyful emotions. Let it not fit on, at first, with the fact that money should be attracted to themselves. Later you will understand that such a message is triggered, because the money will still have to spend on life, the process will be less painful if your emotions will be positive. Positive reaction attracts good luck. Make such a mood with your life position, it will be the first step of attracting money to his reality.

Present mentally (visualize) money

It is already clear that money is demanding a good relationship, learned to control their emotions when you have to part with your blood - only a positive and joyful promise. Next, consider the relationship of the energy of money and the personality of a person trying to attract financial flows. From person, in turn, fluids are based on, which demonstrate his attitude towards the surrounding, mood to certain installations. The more confidence, the clearer the message that he sends into space.

Mentally imagine what a person really wants to get, it is possible only at a strong concentration. It is not necessary to think about where finance can take, just tell me and fix the thought that the money will come soon. There should be no doubt that they will come. Only one hundred percent confidence in its statement. You can submit bills that are pleasantly crouching in your hands, or as you wanted to spend welcome finances.

Such a method works not only in terms of money, you can attract success, good luck in any sphere. Simply imagine what you really need in life.

Do not postpone money for a black day

Each person is inclined to think about tomorrow, we have money in the blood just in case. Do we always do it right? After all, postpone finances for a black day, we are already afraid of what can happen. Why give installation for heavy times? A person will feel uncomfortable if he won't have a snack, many will say. So do it with a positive! Copy finances on the world journey or supercropper. Sewing finances, holding a chic home in mind, in which I would like to live. The principle is understandable - accumulation only on something good, bringing joy.

Stop feeling the poor, mutually sick, who refuses himself in purchases that bring a good mood. Such actions will trigger the block to attract money. Financial energy will not go to those who limit themselves in the smallest. Money can only attract yourself to yourself with pleasure to spend their loved ones, or someone from loved ones.

Do not put in words wrong blocks

The same principle works and with the words that we pronounce. No wonder the people say that the word is not a sparrow, it will fly away - you can't catch. Before you say that there is no money and complain about this problem in a row, think. Also, it is not worth throwing your achievements, talking about your salary - money does not like puffy. Such conversations only violate the integrity of cash energy flows. Thoughts in hearing are only positive.

Spend with mind

It is necessary to have patience, if seriously decided to engage in attracting money. This process is long and painstaking, good luck does not tolerate ill-conceived solutions. Approximately, it can be compared with the same big purchase that cannot be made without thinking about the consequences. Imagine that you won a million dollars. How can it be done with such huge money? There are a lot of examples when a person wins a large amount that he descends for a record short time. He just never kept in his hands such a sum and does not represent much better to put it. It was already learned to spend money, so this process he goes much better.

Thus, you always need to know exactly where you will spend each penny to be benefit and good mood would not leave you. Laying money to your home, paint the picture in my head, what it will be, how much money to put on the improvement, which furniture you will have in the living room and many other nuances. It will not only serve as a magnet for money, each penny will go into business, financial flows will not be stated.

Control costs

Having learned how to accumulate correctly, do not forget that money should work. How can this be done with your stocks? Very simple. Taking from the sleep on any needs one amount, promise to yourself that exactly a couple of weeks will return there the same amount and plus we report from above, which will increase the accumulation. In short, you take the credit itself, which we assume to return with interest. Such thoughts will serve the attraction of money, since you do not spend them thoughtlessly.

Feng Shui to help

The method of working with the power of thought to attract money is good and really works. For greater confidence, you can contact the world-famous practice, the East Asian variant of geomantia. Tips from Feng Shui.

· Aquarium for fish, better round, put in the room on the south side, in the corner. It should swim eight goldfish and one black. If there is no place or other reasons do not allow this, the picture is suitable, with the image of water. Feng Shui promises that such a location will attract good luck and finance to the house.

· The house is better to keep plants that resemble trees. They attract money. Such dry plants are better to throw away immediately, otherwise "dries" and the flow to the family budget.

· Windows in the house always keep clean so that health and well-being reigned in the dwelling.

· Hold Mediques not only in the purse, but in all rooms in the house.

· The more expensive your wallet, the more careful it stores money. Do not keep cheap wallets.

· In the mirror, the entrance door should not reflect, do not hang it right on the contrary, otherwise the money will be treated every time the door opens.

Famous signs for attracting money

· Push to poverty empty containers, which keep in the house: boxes, tanks, banks.

· Do not use the slop or somehow spoiled dishes. Otherwise, your savings will also be shared. Do not even advise the use of mugs without a handle, in no case glue the fragments.

· Red is considered a precursor good luck. Each room should have an accessory of this color, even in the toilet recommended to have at least a red brush.

· Things that wear should not be repaired several times. It is allowed to sew a shirt three times, but no longer follows, as it drives out your luck.

· Wallet - a house for money only. Excess content prevents finance, they will not be found.


Observing all the above wishes, it is possible to summarize: to attract money and good luck can be learned by the strength of thought. Only a positive and correct arrangement of the Spirit will help tune in to such a wave that the energy of the money will begin to attract you. Do not miss your opportunity! Start changing your consciousness right now!

It is difficult to live in the modern world. Many people have problems with money. How much do you earn, they are always lacking. And someone does not really know how to earn. In pursuit of material well-being, obsessed with the desire to "live well" people resort to the most familiar ways to attract money in their lives.

Magic to help

One of the most controversial ways, although quite common - the use of magical means to attract wealth to their lives. This method of improving the material situation is used by people of different intake: both rich and poor. Someone buys items charged to the enhancement of their finances, someone appeals to the magicians. The most fiscal option is to spend the ritual of the house yourself.

Attracting money for the power of thought

The power of human thought has an incredible power. Properly formulated and directed into the right direction, it is really able to change the reality of a person.

The basis of any ritual aimed at attracting money by the power of thought is the following algorithm:

1. At first, a person comes to a desire - a certain mental image of what he wants.

2. A mental image, like a messenger, broadcasts the desire to the world around. Therefore, if you are correctly forming a mental image, then the desire will be fulfilled. Money is no exception. If you wish to have money, they will definitely appear. Of course, there will have to make some efforts, but with the help of the proper wording of desire, the process will go at times faster.

The rituals are described below to attract money by the strength of thought, described in the book of Z. Z. Golothina "Rituals of Monetary Magic." They are easy to execute and take away no more than 5 minutes a day. For execution, no additional objects are required, they can be performed anywhere. The first fruits will bring these techniques after a few days after the start of the practice.


To fulfill this technique, you need to retire where no one will hurt. Mentally it is necessary to imagine that you are smeared with honey from your head to the feet, and the bills fly to you from everywhere. They flush in the windows, seep through the door and fall from the ceiling, stuck you from all sides. Mentally, this money needs to be collected in neat packs and thank the universe for giveing \u200b\u200byou the energy of money.

"List Fall"

To perform this ritual, you need to take a comfortable position sitting and putting hands on your knees with palms up. As in the previous technique, you need to imagine how bills roll right on you. This time they all fall from the ceiling to your feet. When in your thoughts all the floor will be eliminated by bills, it is worth thank them for the fact that they came to your life. During this ritual, it should clearly represent each detail: the size and color of the bill, their rustle and the density of paper that concerns your body.


To fulfill this simple technology you will need your wallet. It is necessary to open it and imagine how a lot of money begins to fly to it. After hitting, they fit the bills to the bill, numbers to the number, tutu to a pack. Imagine that the purse is bottomless and accommodates a huge amount of money.


To carry out this ritual, it is necessary to sit down or lie down, closing the eye. Over yourself you need to imagine a beautiful sky. Raise my head, but do not open your eyes. Next, it is necessary to imagine the hell, which will open the sky all wider and wider, and money starts from the hole: first a little, with every second more and more. Imagine how they gradually fill the entire room where you are. As soon as this happens, stop. Money does not like greed.

By regularly practicing each of these techniques, you can open a powerful cash channel that will allow you to find, save and multiply your finances. Do not forget every time you thank the universe for what she gives you.

Folk signs that attract money, good luck and well-being

In addition to various techniques, there are folk signs and rituals to attract well-being. They often imply the use of various attributes. Despite this, the meaning remains the same: when you burn the candles, read conspiracies and scatter coins, you form your desire and broadcast it into the universe.

Every time we put a salary in the wallet, say:

Money come easily and often

On the eve of any holiday you like, whether the shints, Halloween or your birthday, write the following words on a piece of paper:

I wish you always have prosperity in money

Leader roll up and put under the pillow. In the morning burn it, not unfolding, but the ashes to entee in the wind.

This conspiracy is read at the workplace in the evening at any even date. You need to talk a coin or bill, pronouncing the following text:

How many trees in the forest, so much let me have money (name); How many leaves on the tree, so much let me have money (name); How many fish in the river, so much let me have money (name)! My money, money, grow, plunge, bring me (name) Wealth Bring!

These words need to pronounce three times, and hide the money in the right corner of the room and leave there for 12 days. After the expiration of the term to spend it on something necessary.

The ritual is carried out in the new moon in the light of the green candle. Looking at the flame, you need to say:

My healing candle, the magic force giving, let the money river flow to me, through all his life my. Let the money pass through my life through a powerful stream. I am a magnet, I attract money! I accept wealth. I am surrounded by light, warmth and good. They protect me from poverty and poverty. My word is strong. As I wish, let it be so!

After pronouncing a conspiracy, leave the candle to get to get it.

Consider bills as follows:

I am a merchant. I go to bargain.

Returning from a bargaining on horseback, well done. I bring profit, wealth and prosperity to the house. Let in my house there will be so much money as water in the ocean. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The conspiracy bill is put on the wallet and is stored there for 2 weeks. After it, you need to spend on something necessary.

"Carries those who are lucky"

The most important thing is that you need to remember: any ritual for attracting money is, first of all, a powerful promise to the universe. That is why all actions must be made with complete confidence that it will help. Only sincerely believing in the success of what is happening, you can create a stream of information such that it can convey your desire to space. That is why rituals can be invented independently: put a wallet for charging, throw in the chandelier of the laundry of the red color, talking the bills on the night for the day faceted glass or go on hand, gluing bills to heels. Whatever you do, it is important to believe that this action will help to attract prosperity and well-being in your life.

It is even more important to realize that in order to have money, it is necessary to work hard. How many rituals do not spend, the bills will not sprinkle from the sky. No one will begin to give you money just like that. Earns one who works. And rituals are an opportunity to speed up and facilitate the earning process.

How to attract money ... thought

Poverty is the feeling of
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What are your feelings about money? For the most part, they say that they love money, but if they do not have enough money, their feelings in relation to money are quite negative. When a person has much money as much as he needs, he, of course, belongs to them positively. It turns out that the amount of money is the indicator of your relationship. If you do not have everything that you need, you will not refer to the money positive.

If you look at the global situation, you will be sure that most people negatively relate to money, because most of the world money and other wealth are focused in hand less than 10% of the population. The only difference between rich people and everything else is that wealthy people have positive feelings about money over negative. Yes, that's so easy!

Why are such a huge number of people relate to money negatively? The reason is not that they have never had money. Many of the wealthy people started from scratch, with an empty wallet. The reason for the negative attitude towards money lies in a negative idea of \u200b\u200bmoney. Such ideas penetrate the person's subconscious since childhood. Here they are: "We can not afford it. Money - evil. All the rich - certainly the rogues. The desire to have money is a bad and desireless desire. To have a lot of money, it is necessary to work much and hard. "

In childhood, we simply absorb what parents, teachers and society tell us. Not realizing himself, man grows with a negative attitude towards money. Think about what irony: you were told that the wish of money is bad, but at the same time they stated that you need to earn a living, even if it meant the work that you don't like it at all. Maybe you even said that it was possible to earn a living for life only a certain profession ("Everyone was in our family ...").

All this is not true. People who inspired you such ideas are not to blame. They told you what they believed themselves, but because they believed in it, the law of attraction created his life according to their ideas. But now you know that life acts absolutely different way! If you do not have enough money - it means that your negative thoughts about money prevail over positive.

When you realize that there is no shortage in the world anything, you own the whole world
Lao Tzu

"Sticky" property of the power of love

I lived in a family with a modest sufficient, and at least my parents always lived by means and did not build plans for sudden enrichment, even this modest wealth was given to them at the cost of considerable effort. There is nothing surprising in that I grew up with the same negative ideas about money, which are found from the overwhelming majority of people. Over time, I realized that for changing the living conditions, I need to change my feelings regarding money. More that money began not only to come, but also "sticking out" to me, I had to absolutely change myself.

I noticed that rich people do not just attract money to themselves, but make them "stick up" to themselves. If you take all the money of the world and equally divided into all, then soon the money will focus on the same few percent. Why? Because the law of attraction follows love, and these few percent of people have a positive attitude towards money and attract them to themselves. The power of love drives all world money and wealth, and the movement is subject to the named law.

This is an eternal and fundamental principle, inherent inherent in everything, manifested in every philosophical direction, in every religion and in every science. It is impossible to evaporate from the law of love.
Charles Enel

You can see the action of the law of attraction when people won the lottery. They clearly imagine and all their hearts feel that they will win. They say: "When I win," not "if I win"; They build colorful plans that they will do when you win. And they won! But the statistics of the winners clearly shows, money is attracted to these people or not. For several years after winning, most lucky people have time to spend everything and get into more long debts than they had before winning.

It happens that because such people use the law of attraction to win the lottery, but even the receipt of money money does not change their relationships to money, and ultimately they are all deprived. Money does not "stick"!

When you are tuned to money negatively, you repulse them. They will not be attracted to you. Even if you get a certain amount that you did not expect to get, this money will soon go through your fingers. Larger accounts will come to you, you will break something or various unforeseen circumstances will appear, and life will take the whole amount.

Then what makes money attract to certain people? Love! Love is a power that attracts money, and she forces them to "stick up"! The strength of love is still good you man or bad. This aspect is not taken into account at all, because you have much more amazing properties than you can realize.

To attract money to make them "stick" to you, you need to give them love and positive feelings. If you now have no money, and the credit card debt grows, the money is not attracted at all to you. On the contrary, you repulse them.

Anyway, in what financial position you are in the now. It does not matter the condition of your business, your country and the whole world. There is no such thing as a "hopeless situation", simply does not exist. There were people who flourished during the Great Depression, because they knew the law of love and the law of attraction. They lived according to this law, representing and feeling what they wanted, and overlooked circumstances.

Let our life be good, then the time will be good. We ourselves create our times: What are we, such and time.
Blessed Augustine from Hipon

The power of love can crush any obstacle, change any situation. The problems of the whole world for the strength of love is not a hindrance. The law of attraction acts the same and in periods of prosperity, and during periods of decline.

Love has an infinite number of ways to give you the desired

Money is a tool that gives you the opportunity to have what I like, and do what you like. When you think about various things and classes that you can afford if you have money, you experience more love and joy than with thought only about money. Imagine how you spend time with your favorite people, do your favorite thing, use your favorite things, and you will feel much more love than when your strength is thought, your feelings are focused exclusively in cash.

The force of attraction of love has an unlimited number of ways to give you the desired, and only one of them is associated with money. It is not necessary to make a mistake, thinking that the money is the only way that you can get something. This is a limited thinking, it will put restrictions in your life!

My sister pulled a new car due to a rather adventurous coincidence. She went to work and got into a rave flood. Water flows forced her car to stop. Although the level of the rising water was not dangerous high, the rescue service worker made my sister get out of the car. The sister laughed loudly when she was transferred to a "safe place". This episode even got into the evening issue of television. Meanwhile, the water seriously damaged the sister's car left, and after two weeks the insurance company paid a large amount. So she was able to buy a car that dreamed of.

But I have not yet told you the most amazing part of this story. Then my sister was reworking the interior of her home, and she had no money for a new car. She could not imagine that soon would buy a new car. Do you know how she could pull him to him? Sincerely, to tears, having rejoicing for another our sister, who a little earlier bought a new car. You see, the sister was glad for another, as if he had got a new car herself. Naturally, the law of attraction created a "confluence of circumstances", which allowed her to become the owner of a new car! Such is the power of love.

While you do not get the desired, you do not know how it comes to you, but the power of love knows. Therefore, we must sincerely believe and do not interfere with it. Imagine the desired, feel joy inside yourself, and the force of attraction of love will find the best way of delivery. Our human minds are limited, but the mind of love has no boundaries. Its paths are not available to our understanding. Do not limit your life, thinking that the money is the only way to get what you want.

No need to make money your sole purpose; The goal is the one you want to become what you want to do and what you want to have. If you want to buy a new home, imagine it and feel how to live in it. If you want to have beautiful clothes, household appliances or cars, if you want to learn from college, move to another country, etc. - imagine all this! Do not consider ways to make your dreams.

The ruling power of love

There is one rule regarding money: you can not put money ahead of love. If you do this, then violate the law of attraction, and you yourself will suffer from the consequences. The ruling force in your life should be love. Nothing and can never be set above love. Money is only a tool that you can use.

Empty love, you will get money. But if you put money in front of love in your life, then get a whole bouquet of unpleasant consequences. If you are expressing love for money, and you treat the surrounding people rudely and empty, do not think that so you can get rich. This behavior will negatively affect your relationship, health, happiness and, of course, finance.

If you demand love, try to understand that the only way to get love is to give it to others. The more love you give, the more you get. And the only way to give love is to be filled with it to the edges until you become a magnet.
Charles Enel

Each of you from birth is destined to have so much money as you need for a full-fledged life. You were not born to suffer from a lack of money, because suffering only add negative energy to the world. The beauty of life is in the fact that as soon as you put love for the first place, all the money you need come by themselves.

How to change feelings about money

When you change the mood of your feelings for money, their number in your life will also change. The more positive your feelings about the money, the more you can attract money to yourself.

If you do not have enough money, the bills do not cause you with rainbow feelings at all. But at a time when you are annoyed at the sight of large accounts, you will send negative emotions to the world and next time you will be almost certainly a big bill. What do you give, then get - this attracts like that. This moment is very important here: when you pay bills, find any way that your feelings are positive. Never give money at the time when you are upset about something, depressed or annoyed, because you risk attracting accounts to larger amounts.

To change your feelings, it is necessary using the imagination to turn the accounts into something that can afford you to feel better. For example, imagine that it is not at all the accounts - simply, you voluntarily wanted to sacrifice money to several companies or people and made it on the kindness of spiritual, as a sign of gratitude for excellent work or service, etc. Paying the score, you can write on the root of the receipt: " Thank you - paid. "

If you do not have money to pay the bill right now, write across notifications: "Thank you for money." The law of attraction does not distinguistrate, imaginary feelings or you actually thank money for the money (the feeling should be sincere). He responds to the fact that you sent to the world. Always, no exception.

You are not responsive for work, not for the time spent, but as your love.
Holy Catherine Siena

Getting a salary, Thank you for it, because your thanks multiplies the money! For the most part, people do not even rejoice when they receive money - they are very worried about the thoughts that after plugging the financial "holes" they will again remain anything. Such people misses the amazing opportunity to express their love when receiving money. When money comes to you - be grateful, no matter how modest amounts! Remember: Everything you thank you for, multiplied. Gratitude - Great Multiplier!

Grab about any opportunity to play

When you have money in your hands, use any moment to increase their quantity with good feelings. When you pay for something, feel love! Feel love when you give money. Feel it with all your heart and imagine that your money is provided by the company's noticeable help, in account of which you pay, and working there.

As a rule, when paying the accounts, you are feeling a sense of regret - after all, after payment you have less money left. What I suggest here will change your feelings on positive. The difference between your feelings about the return of money is the difference between cash abundance and constant struggle, for survival.

I offer you a game. She will be able to help you not forget about the positive feelings towards money. Play every time you need to pay for something. Imagine a dollar bill. Let her face will be a positive, personifying money abundance, and the revolving is negative, the side of the lack of money.

When you pay for anything, apply bills so that their front sides are facing you. Fold the bills in the wallet face to you. I repeat: give money, be sure to try to keep them face up. Then the money becomes a reminder for you about the need to maintain positive feelings at the expense of the abundance of money.

If you use a credit card, turn it with that side where your name is. The front side of the card tells you about abundance of money and certifies this to your name!

Paying out in cash or feeding a credit card, imagine the abundance of money from the person you pay, and sincerely wish him (or her) of this abundance. All you give to the world will definitely return to you!

Imagine that you are already getting rich. Imagine that you already have so much money as you need. How could your life change? Think about everything that you would like to do, having enough money. How will you feel at the same time? Naturally, our feelings and sensations will change.

Probably, you will act in a different way, to speak differently. Your posture and gestures will also change. You will not react differently. Your attitude to the incoming accounts will change. Another will be your reaction to people, circumstances, events and in general on your whole life. Why? Because you will feel differently!

You will keep confident. You will save peace of mind. You will be happy. You will be much easier to treat everything. You will enjoy every day and not worry about what will happen tomorrow. You want to feel so? This is a sense of love for money, and it will attract money, forcing them to "stick up" to you!

Imagine the feeling of fulfilled the desire, presenting those feelings that would cover you if the desire has already been fulfilled, and then the desired will be embodied in reality.
Neville Godardd

Speak money "yes"

Do not forget to rejoice whenever you hear about whose wealth or success; This means that you are at the same frequency! You get confirmation that you tuned to a good frequency, and therefore rejoice in the news as if it happened to you, because it all depends on your reaction to it. If you are happily and enthusiastically treat the wealth and success of another person, you say "yes" own wealth and success. If the news is upset if you envy that it happened not with you, your negative feelings say "no" your money and success.

If you heard that someone won the lottery that some company received a record profit, sincerely rejoice for them. Since you heard about it, it means that you are at the same frequency and your positive feelings at the expense of the happy winner of the winnings or a successful company say "yes" to your progress!

No matter how much we give; It is important how much love we invest in our give.
Mother Teresa

If you have a lion in a dream, then you manage enormous forces. Submit it to yourself - you will be the winner in any business.

The lion won you - remain unprotected under the blows of ill-wishers.

We saw a lion in a cage, then success will depend on your ability to neutralize enemies.

The trainer with Lv's dream of success in affairs.

Young lion - to a new business.

If a young woman saw in a dream of a young lion, then she will have a new charming lover.

The growl of a lion, heard in a dream, is the foresight of unforeseen achievements in the affairs and success in women.

Lion's skins dream of wealth and happiness.

They saw himself riding in Lev - show the courage and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

According to Nostradamus, the Lion is a symbol of royal persons, power, tyranny. This is how he interpreted the dreams about the lions.

Lion playing with a little dog - a sign of real friendship, which will last all his life, to the death of one of the friends.

We saw a lion, wounded in the heart, - apply to someone personal insult and they will suffer.

Hungry and thin, faced and exhausted lion - a symbol of the period of revaluation of values.

Interpretation of dreams from psychological dream

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Dream Interpretation - Lev.

See lion in a dream - a sign of an important meeting that may have serious consequences for you and affect your future. The lion in a dream is equal to the great and strong world of this. A causing or playful, good-natured lion to see with him near the dream - a sign that you will have reliable protection from enemies and help in a difficult matter. I caress lion in a dream - a sign of the fight against a dangerous enemy or rival. Train lion in a dream - an indication that you will successfully handle the difficult task and will certainly succeed. Sometimes such a dream may mean that you can use your connections to achieve the goal. Fighting with Lvom in a dream means that you have a strong and powerful enemy. Who will win in a dream, he will win in real life. If you dreamed that the lion confused you, then the ruin awaits you. Lion frightened in a dream - a sign of danger. There is a lion meat - the head of big honors and wealth. To see in a dream, the corpse, the heart or the liver of a lion means you will be lucky and you will find the weaknesses of your enemy and you will be able to win over it. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will find the opportunity to quickly enrich. See the Leo, locked in Zveztz, - the fores of the shame and humiliation. Hold it on chains in a dream - a sign of high patronage. Rather behind the lion in a dream means that your life will not be overshadowed by failures and troubles. Lion bite in a dream foreshadows you danger from persecution by people who endowed with the authorities. Lion skins in a dream - a sign of wealth and luck. The dream in which you saw a lioness with imprint, foreshadows you a quick acquaintance or a meeting with a widow, who has several children. If you dreamed that imprisoned from the breast of their mother, you can count on the patronage of an important person. A young lion in a dream means a new fan for women or a new lucky business partner for men.

Interpretation of dreams

Hi, my dear readers! How to attract money by the power of thought? And is it possible?

Perhaps? .. Of course! After all, as you know, money is not just a means of calculating and sharing on values, but also a certain energy.

Today it will not be about how to attract wealth with the help of the strength of the thought or the law of attraction. We will not talk about how to increase your income using ...

What about what then? - you ask.

Now I would like to consider the situation, how to attract a specific amount of money when you need certain funds for certain purposes.

There are situations where you need a certain amount of money to close some accounts, something to pay now, urgently, or just wanted something to buy something, well, "impacted", and that's it. Here, right an hour, seek, I want, and that's it.

How to attract money?

What to do? Go to the bank, take a loan? Or microloan? To then pay considerable interest. Take away from relatives and acquaintances? That also turns out to be possible ....

There is another, much more interesting and advantageous way.

I have more than once, I got such an interesting story ... I'll think about it, for example, to buy, well, say, a couple of kilograms of good yarn. I love to knit with a crochet, and the yarns, as it knows a lot ...))))

Or, it will fall out to me to go to which developing and useful training there, a seminar or an online course. I don't feed me with bread, give me only self-development and self-knowledge to do))

And it seems that there is no free money, and it was not planned to somehow in advance. And here suddenly caught fire, I want to eat like. Well, right and position!)

Think, I will go ask for someone, poke, or take, put in debts? No, just. I just don't like to ask somehow, and I don't know how ... (although in general, the ability to ask, they say, the skill is useful, it would be necessary to work on its development ... and not only in terms of money).

And to take, put in debt - so more than the extreme measure, to resort to which I will force me just a serious hopeless case. Well, in general, once again in debt it will not be for sure., Not about me. At all.

And often it turns out that an unexpectedly niggy, and the necessary amount suddenly appears somehow by itself. It all develops in such a way that money come from there, where did you come from and did not expect them. That debt suddenly someone gave unexpectedly on time, then the additional earnings were "drawn", and even it will give anyone from their familiar friends in honor of some upcoming or passing holidays ...

Well, not great, eh?)

So I led the technique that helps me attract money for certain goals:

  1. Need to know exactly what exactly you need money
  2. Determine the specific amount you want to get
  3. Do not think where this amount you take where to run and what to do. Release. All experiences about this - to the side! The keyword is to let go - with the complete faith in what you want to get, and from where it does not matter.

Just understand, we are not given to know all possible ways of execution of conceived. Give the universe, God (or your inner I - as you will be pleased) to find a way to deliver this money to you.

How to get rid of money blocks and program subconscious on income increase? -

And what helps you to attract money, do you have your interesting proven ways? I will be grateful if you share them in the comments. I am sure that it will also be interesting to other readers.

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