Unearthly love when each lived. About earthly love. And its differences from romantic love. Psychology of love. love in sound

You see, despite the fact that all people are different, but in a crisis, everyone behaves the same way.

1. Despite the obvious ambiguities and the fact that the family is a team game, they put their offense in the first place and hide behind it. Oh, I was offended / deceived / betrayed! Ah, I was traded and devalued! On this basis, they write themselves down as unconditional righteous, the opponent - into an unequivocal bastard, and proudly destroy everything "that is acquired by overwork." In a fair share of cases (if not to say that in most) it is completely in vain.

2. Those who, although it’s insulting, think not only about the fact that “the Soviets have a special pride, and traitors should be shot on the spot,” but find the strength and ability to think about the reasons for what happened, as well as the price of behavior in paragraph 1. Of course, it's not a fact that "the train hasn't left yet", but it's impossible to make an omelette without breaking eggs.

Which way you go is up to you and only you. This is your life, your decision, your path and therefore your responsibility. However, I want to emphasize again - the family is a strictly team game. Therefore, it is naive to think that "my mistakes, it's so, trifles, but his act is an unconditional meanness." For it is from the transition to such a position - this is mine, and this is his - that the marriage falls apart. Any. Though arbitrarily long and once insanely happy. Try to understand - only you yourself know about what you THOUGHT. He judges you based on what and how you DO, or NOT (!!!) DO. Which, as you understand, is not the same thing at all. It's not for me to explain the simple truth to you. Inappropriately said praise can be quite reasonably perceived as an insult, and a well-formulated insult, on the contrary, as praise. Proceeding from this, as well as from what happened to you, I dare to assume that mutual understanding in your family has sharply decreased over the past few years. While isolation, on the contrary, has increased significantly. As a result, either both of you, or, more likely, your husband, have a strong feeling that your feelings for him have practically cooled down. That you are bound only by obligations and what is called "it happened." House. Gen. General economy. That your joint (!!!) life has turned into almost completely protocol events. That she began to be perceived as something separate from her own PERSONAL life. Probably, both you and him, at different times, tried to improve something or do something good. But you are "out of phase". You yourself probably know when you are waiting for a clear, simple and short answer, and they answer you in detail and in detail, then this is not encouraging, but rather annoying. So it turned out that while fulfilling his "obligations" at home, the husband was deprived of the spiritual comfort and pleasure he needed (just for him and in the form he needed). In what exactly this could be expressed - there are a lot of options. Can't describe in two sentences. Here the format of the conference, alas, is too small. If you want, knock on the soap. But for now, accept it as a fact - that's exactly what happened. Whether someone likes it or not. This is what caused the attempt to satisfy this need "on the side". It is very likely that it all started with a completely innocent flirtation. After all, you, too, sometimes did not want to go home or just break out of the house to "talk" with someone. Just for a change of scenery. Just to have some free time. More natural. Without thinking about "how he will understand me." And you absolutely reasonably did not see any grounds for treason or crime in this. But in his case, it was not a momentary desire to TEMPORARILY escape from the house, from too many domestic conventions. At the heart of his behavior lay, most likely by himself even clearly unconscious, the need for "private life." It is in "personal life", and not a banal desire to get under the skirt of another woman. Therefore, starting as just a meeting with a pleasant woman - a friend, they, little by little, began to develop into affection, and she - already into a feeling. You yourself know that the feeling of love is just a craving for that person with whom it is good. First of all, it is good mentally. You didn't feel it at an early stage. Why is also a separate question. At this stage, only the final result is important - they did not feel it. It seemed to you that everything was going quite NORMALLY. That's what happened, what happened.

Brief summary.

1. I do not seek to justify or blame anyone in this situation. In a team, either everyone wins or loses, but also, by all means, everyone. The whole team as a whole. Therefore, it makes sense only to talk about who and what mistakes made. But in no case - which of you is more or less to blame.

2. The end result now depends very much on two things. From how deep alienation has gone in your souls (first of all, his). A crack, with a competent approach, can always be repaired to an absolutely imperceptible state. But even a very skillfully layered cup will still remain broken. And how you behave in it. If from a position - deceived and insulted - everything, consider that the cup has broken completely. If from a position - damn unpleasant, but unpleasant for BOTH - then there are serious chances to return the family again.

3. Do not hope that if you manage to save the family, then it will be - as before. Those who say that the past cannot be returned are absolutely right. That family will never be again. But those who say that if there is no THAT family, then happiness is no longer worth dreaming of - they are also mistaken. You (including both of you) have a chance to start a new family. Based on past experience. Experience mistakes. But also the experience of happiness. Which makes it very reasonable to expect to create this family much happier for both. Isn't family happiness, including for yourself personally, you want?

4. Don't count on instant results. Instantaneous are only nuclear explosions and divorces. Everything else is under construction. And you know very well how something that was built "as quickly as possible" looks like ... It will be difficult. But having said "a", you need to say all the other letters of the alphabet. If you want to have a happy family of your own, then you will have to seriously work on this. For both of you, and for you personally.

5. You need to start with increasing the degree of mutual tolerance. Without this, it is impossible to know and understand the reasons that led to such a result. And without understanding, they cannot be corrected. And nothing can be done without correction. Without correction, you can only get a divorce. 06/12/2004 01:40:26,

The investigation of a flagrant criminal case is being completed in the garrison military prosecutor's office of Vladivostok. Sailor Yuri Polezhaev was killed in a military unit. And his parents were told for more than a year and a half that their son had run away. And they didn’t report the guy’s death even after his skeleton was accidentally found 500 meters from the shore by amateur divers. When Polezhaev's father and mother found out the truth, Yuri had been resting in the cemetery of Russky Island for three months.


Russia, 2002
Production: "REN-film"
Director: Georgy Shengelia
Screenwriter: Alexey Timm
Producer: Dmitry Lesnevsky

Probably, there is not a single person who would not like to look at the stars and make wishes when some of them fall: “Look how something flies in the amount of more than five over the house four, breaking through the light barrier,” Boris Grebenshchikov sang. And he was, as always, right: after all, sooner or later, everyone thinks that these are not just beautiful little dots, but huge celestial bodies, only they are very far from us. And around them, like around our Sun, the planets revolve. And since the planets, it is possible that people live there - or rather, aliens ...
These guesses can be developed indefinitely. All the same, there is nothing else left, because humanity will reach these stars very soon (if at all). In the meantime, foreign creatures remain to be watched on film and television screens. The REN TV channel will delight you with a meeting with an alien civilization in November of this year in the series Impossible Green Eyes.

The young man Alexander Litvinov (Evgeny Stychkin), who is about to turn thirty, is not very lucky in life. He works as an agent in a real estate office, but his career stubbornly does not add up. He is married, he has children, but his family is full of discord. He tries his best to meet the standards of life imposed by the environment and glossy magazines, but because of the average, even rather low income, he does not succeed. In short, everything is going to hell, but Sasha is given one last chance. For his company, he must get a piece of land on which a pioneer camp was once located. However, it turns out that the earth is occupied by aliens who conduct their experiments on people there. Sasha has no choice but to become a hero and save the planet from evil space creatures, to whom, it turns out, nothing human is alien. Love, for example.
When we went to shoot in the Istra district of the Moscow region, we wondered all the way how these same aliens would look like. To our disappointment, it turned out that they would not differ from people in absolutely nothing. And this is the main intrigue of the series: where are strangers, where are their own, the viewer will know only at the end of the film.
“The dramaturgy in this film is very unexpected,” Sergey Nikonenko shared with us a little later. You won't immediately understand what's going on here. Despite the aliens, there is little invented here: we encounter all this “fiction” in life every day. When I read the script, I discovered our reality with you, in which we live. In terms of complexity, I probably haven't played anything like this for a long time. These people we're portraying here have a slightly different mindset. And to pass their nature, their thinking through your circulatory system, to make it yours, so that it heals in you, and there is the main difficulty. Also, the director chose the ensemble cast very well, and I don’t know if I will fit into it or not. I am always very demanding of myself, I want to find my place, so as not to be across and play with all the artists in the same key. (Because of such fears of “not fitting in”, Sergey Petrovich even persuaded the director to arrange an audition for himself, although he was ready to take the eminent actor just like that. - "MKB".)
A little more than an hour by car from Moscow - and we are there. Or rather, in the forest. Ahead of them loomed a twisted iron gate. They explained to us that once upon a time there really was a pioneer camp here, and now the main part of the filming takes place here. In a small wooden pavilion, which was dragged to the shore of a surprisingly dirty, completely covered with duckweed pond, Evgeny Stychkin and Sergey Nikonenko sat at the table and had a nice cup of tea. Nikonenko plays a certain Colonel who pretends to be the director of this camp. Sasha Litvinov is trying to find out what kind of object it is and who these people who live here are. The Colonel assures him that he ended up in a boarding house for relatives of wealthy people. But Sasha has the complete impression that he ended up in a madhouse, where the patients killed all the staff and act as medical workers themselves (for example, shortly before that, one of the doctors listened to Alexander with a pioneer horn). The Colonel always dodges the answer. At that moment, a boy of about ten appears from the bushes with a pistol and aims at Litvinov. Sasha leans under the table, and then a shot rumbles ...
“This camp is the most decent of the abandoned ones, at least there is electricity here,” director Georgy Shengelia told us. — We are filming in two more camps, because it is rather difficult to find all the necessary nature in one place, but there is practically nothing left there at all - a complete devastation. Are you asking if there were any problems with the rent? Well, yes! We live in a different world: everyone wants to get a dollar for their square meter. The owners were immediately found ... (Then the director added a few words that we cannot reproduce for ethical reasons.)
"The most decent of the abandoned" - this is said very, very conditionally. It's hard to say how scary this camp is at night, but even during the day it's pretty creepy. Especially if you go deep into the thickets, where the sounds from the set do not reach. While the actors were having lunch, we went to explore the area. Exhausting thirty-degree heat, ringing silence, a cloying smell emanating from some flowers, and a road that leads to no one knows where ... All this looks a lot like the Zone in the movie "Stalker", although the director assured us that he tried to do everything to make it it didn't look like the Tarkovsky Zone. Suddenly, some buildings appeared from behind the trees. This, in fact, was the camp itself with residential buildings, a dining room and other administrative houses. The foreign car standing on the path was sharply discordant with the desolation reigning here. It belonged to the main artist of the painting, who gladly agreed to show his possessions.
At first he took us to see the Colonel's office. Having risen to the second floor, we found ourselves in a long corridor, on both sides of which there were chambers. The fact that someone once lived here was only reminiscent of iron beds and dilapidated bedside tables near them. At the end of the corridor there was a rest room, which was converted into an office. As a whole, it really represented a madman's asylum, although there were no unusual things there. Children's drawings hung on the walls, which the film crew collected from the archives all over the world. The peeled wallpaper and half-peeling stained-glass windows on the windows, unfortunately, were not inherited: the artists had to do it all by hand. The same applies to all the inscriptions and drawings on the walls, both inside and outside the houses - in total, 2000 square meters had to be painted. In one corner of the room stood a bust of Lenin, in the other - a pioneer banner, next to it lay the same notorious bugle. In general, the whole room was littered with long-forgotten attributes from the pioneer past, there was even a poster with the words of the oath. In the middle of it all was a massive table.
Then we followed to another building to look at the hospital ward. It was a small room with a single bed, on which lay a terrible-looking dirty mattress. The artist told us that the day before our arrival, one actress was tortured here: according to the plot, her heroine was tied to the bed by orderlies, since she behaved, in their opinion, very violently. It was not very easy to get out of the building, as it had been before to go there, because half of the steps of the stairs were broken. Holes of various sizes gaped in the floor and inside the premises ... The artist dreamed of showing us a medical room in which aliens conduct experiments, but we could not get inside: the lock was jammed. Therefore, climbing knee-deep into the thickets of nettles, we went to look through the small windows. It was difficult to make out something through glass that had not been washed for years, but it is clear that nothing pleasant awaits experimental people there. From everything we saw it became even more uncomfortable, and even the understanding that this was just a scenery did not make the atmosphere more joyful, and we hurried back to the people, leaving the artist alone with his creation.
The first person we came across was Boris Korchagin, the same boy who would shoot Litvinov. We tried to find out from him who he really was, but the child behaved like a partisan and did not tell us anything. Nikonenko also did not reveal secrets. “When you find out who this boy is, it won’t seem enough to you,” Sergey Petrovich said only. But we also turned out to be scouts and found out that Borya plays almost the main alien who reincarnated as a child, but in fact an adult, almost an old man. And the role of the main alien went to Grigory Siyatvinda.
- Grisha is a dray actor, just fantastic! Shengelia said. - The fact that the head of the aliens is black - that's how it is written in the script. The producers and the studio were ready for me to call a foreign actor. They were ready to pay for any black man - from America, from Uganda, from Brazil ... But I convinced them that no one would play the way Siyatvinda played.
In general, to get at least some details of the plot from the director turned out to be almost unrealistic. Unless the “impossible green eyes” belong to the main character, played by Lyubov Lvova.
“What I really like about this story is that our planet is saved not by the Americans, not by the French, not by the Chinese, but by the love that happens in our suburbs,” shared Georgy Shengelia in the end. - Love that puts pressure on those who flew here. They suddenly understand something, and a particle of the air that we breathe penetrates into them. Love will save the world, and not only love for each other, but in general for all living things that surround us.
He is echoed by the "chief savior of mankind" Yevgeny Stychkin:
It is very difficult to say what this film is about. Yes, nothing. About love, about people, about what, in addition to beauty, can save our world ... About everything.

Everything in the world is evolving. Love, a feeling that has been sung by poets for centuries, is no exception. I found it interesting to trace the evolution of this feeling.

Do you think that the concept of "love" has always existed? This is not true. At the dawn of mankind there was not even sex, there was animal mating, the purpose of which was exclusively the birth of offspring. Sex "invented" skin-visual woman. It was thanks to her that the mating began to be colored by an emotional connection, and procreation did not become an obligatory result of sexual relations. It was she who knew how, like no one else, to bring an element of emotions into relations with a man and “taught” the others this. This is how earthly love appeared.

At the moment, such love gives the greatest pleasure in the relationship between a man and a woman that a person is capable of. It is she who is sung by poets. Because of her, Romeo and Juliet die. For the sake of love, you are not afraid to die. However, only a person with a developed visual vector can experience such a bright and amplitude feeling. Emotions are the basis of the visual vector. In other vectors, it can be habit, care, excitement, that is, feelings that have a much smaller emotional amplitude.

Psychology of love. Sound love is the love of the future

However, this strong feeling is not the limit. Love will also change. The transition from mating to sexual relations increased the pleasure of intercourse many times over. The transition to sonic love will give endless enjoyment as a couple. It will be a million times greater than what we are experiencing now. What is sound love - the love of the future?

Love in sound is spiritual love. We can feel it by loving our neighbor, including him in ourselves, feeling his mental state, feeling his desires as our own. We adhere to the principle of pleasure for ourselves, when our desires are above all. But when we feel our neighbor within us, we feel one with him. He is the psychic that lives by him, and it becomes ours. We feel it within ourselves. We are ready to fulfill our common desire. It is like joining two halves of one soul. This is sound, "unearthly" love. People united by such love feel a special fulfillment.

Now only a few among spiritually developed people can experience this feeling. But in the future it will be available to everyone. And then physical intercourse will become secondary, performing only its function of procreation.

Even now sexuality, which has an animal nature, is being eroded in the world. Relationships between men and women are increasingly standardized. It has become customary to wash off the natural smells on which animal attraction is based. Relationships thrive online based on intellectual and emotional connection. The spread of accessible pornography is increasingly lowering the threshold of sexual acceptability. Sexual relations lose their intimacy, become something familiar and public. In developed countries, there is a loss of interest in sex among young people. It's not bad. These are the first signs of a transition to a new relationship, to the next level of love: priorities will change from the value of the physical body, physical pleasure to inner content, spiritual intimacy. Primary will not be smells and sexual desire, but the feeling of a partner, the knowledge of a woman and a man.

In the future, the concepts of betrayal, jealousy, marriage will go away. All children will be shared because relationships will be built according to the principle of relations between the urethral leader and the skin-visual woman, that is, according to the principle of priority of the general over the particular. The anal values ​​of “their family”, “their children” will become a thing of the past. It seems fantastic, but if you see the patterns of human development, its mental development, then you can very accurately predict that it will be so. Moreover, reality gives us more and more evidence of this.

Psychology of love. love in sound

In today's world, the collective sound is still underdeveloped and generally does not experience such love, full understanding and inclusion of one's neighbor. However, people with a sound vector, who make up 5% of the human community, are still able to feel love in a slightly different way than people with other vectors. For sound engineers, love is manifested in the direction of spiritual knowledge. But not all sound engineers are aware of this direction.

For a sound woman, such love (and in fact a spiritual search) can manifest itself in a strong dependence on a man, to whom she tends to transfer her spiritual quest, the search for the meaning of life. It is from him that she expects the fulfillment of her sound desires. She expects that he will bring her meaning, reveal her nature, fill her with that special feeling that sound love can give. But the man brings her food and knows nothing about her desire.

This dependence can last for many years. The woman will just be there, not demanding anything. She doesn't even need physical intimacy. At the same time, she will experience a strong craving for him, which cannot be filled with anything material - neither sex, nor provision, nor joint entertainment. All this will go into the black abyss of unfulfilled sound desire, leaving a feeling of deep dissatisfaction with life. It can be brought out of this state only by understanding one’s desire and its independent fulfillment with the help of the practice of mental awareness, which today only system-vector psychology can give.

It is clear that it will be better if there is a sound man next to a woman with a sound vector. Then their potentials will be equal and their values ​​compatible. Such a couple will develop. Otherwise, the woman will feel constant dissatisfaction, not realizing its causes.

With the help of system-vector psychology, we get the opportunity to experience love in a completely new way. First, we learn to see the manifestation of the hidden psychic in the form of vectors, then this purely mental understanding develops into a feeling of a person, when words and descriptions are not needed to merge with him, to feel his desires, a special unity with him. This special feeling of the neighbor, which gives us the opportunity to touch the unearthly feeling, cannot be compared with anything that mankind has known so far. This is our future.

Where are you, my unearthly love?
Beats, boils in the veins of bright blood!
It beats, boils in the veins of scarlet blood!
Where are you, my unearthly love?

I left everything, I'm looking for you
There is neither sun nor day for me,


Space and time. I merged with the field of beauty and harmony, with the field of perfection. incommunicable unearthly feeling. From somewhere the thought came: Love. This is the one Love that permeates, fills and holds our entire world. I felt that it was the Supreme... I wanted to be alone. I wanted to merge forever with the sensation that had just flooded in, to imprint in my memory this meeting with Unearthly love. But the doctor's voice finally brought me back to this world: - You had a cardiac arrest. But now already...


Schedule with past dates.
Rock has reached its limit.
Troubles disintegrated into atoms,
Memory is hazy.

Looking forward to the magic of the future
So that for the soul and excitedly
Happiness to taste us thick
Until darkening.

Crystal castles are being built
On the...


Focused on one person, and can be focused on the universal. If it is focused on one person, then it is called love if it is focused on the universal, then it turns into a state of prayer. The state of love is as natural as breathing. If only... by me." If you obey, you will become dead. You cannot say: "Love only in my presence." There is no monopoly on love. All this does not mean that we must love everyone, but we must be in a loving state of mind. What is it like...


Much more often than in past centuries, and this pleases, there is hope that all the same love and good will overcome evil and cruelty. Inner understanding and application of the true qualities of human love and love... by talking about the lofty”… The desire to comprehend the feelings and principles of Cosmic Love is a criterion by which one can determine the vector and level of development of civilization. Love Cosmic - for many, unfortunately, little is known from the practical side: and this is humility, and independence, and acceptance, and ...



Love - what can be in that word?
Just the letters in the word, that's all.
And think a little, how much there is native,
And how much tenderness for your heart!

A child is born and immediately - the same love,
It grows, and mothers do not have a soul in it.


Love goes where they wait

Love goes where it is expected.
Love goes to those who believe in it.
Larisa Chugunova

Love goes where it's expected.
Love goes to those who believe.
Who is ready to give shelter to the feeling
And he will open the door to the soul.

Love is not a fairy tale, not a game
And it doesn't happen...

The term "ethereal love" is used in "The Charm of the Feminine" as the personification of the highest degree of tender love of a man for a woman or a woman for a man, a love that rises from the level of mediocrity to the level of heaven. These are flowers instead of weeds and a festive dinner instead of dry crusts.

Does your husband experience this kind of love when he says he loves you, remembers your birthday, invites you to dinner, or shows you generosity and kindness? Quite optional. He can do or say all these things out of a sense of duty, without any feeling of true love.

Unearthly love is not love out of obligation, it is love spontaneous, hot and tender. When a man truly loves a woman, he experiences a deep inner feeling. At times it can be strong and tense, like pain. Sometimes he feels captivated and enchanted, experiencing a keen desire to protect and protect the woman he loves from evil, danger and difficulties. Then a deeper, more spiritual feeling arises within him, like a bow. But even these comparisons are not enough to describe this multifaceted amazing experience called love. Below are vivid examples of the true love of a man for a woman.

John Alden and Priscilla

An illustration of unearthly love is Longfellow's story about John Alden and Priscilla Mullen, in which John says this about Priscilla: "There is no earth more sacred, and no air more pureand useful than the air she breathes and the earth shekeeps her footprints. It's right here next to her that I want to stayforever and like an invisible patron to protect and protectfuck her."

Love Victor Hugo

A tender protective feeling of love is revealed in the words of Victor Hugo, written by him about Adele Fouche, the woman he loved in real life: "Do I exist foryour own happiness? No, my entire existencedevoted to her even independently of her. And by what right do I darecount on her love? What does it matter if it's nothurt her happiness? My debtstay close to her, surroundher with his presence, serve as a barrier to her from all dangerstei; turn your head like a stone, with the help of whichhow could she cross the river of difficulties; incessantlybut to stand between her and her sorrows without demanding rewardand not expecting compensation ... Alas! If she would only letme to dedicate my life to anticipating everyher desire, her every whim; if only she would let mereverently kiss her lovely footprints; if only sheagreed at least sometimes to lean on me in the midst of difficultsteps of life."

Woodrow Wilson

Perhaps one of the clearest examples of true and enduring love is found in President Woodrow Wilson's love letters to his wife Ellen. After seventeen years of marriage, he writes: "All that I am and all that II have in life, I owe you. ..I could not be who I am,if I had not drawn such serene happiness from my union withyou. You are a source of pleasure; and as long as you have methere is and while you are also happy, nothing can come to me,except for goodness and power. Oh my incomparable sweet wife, may Godbless and keep you."

And after twenty-eight years of marriage, he writes from the White House: "I adore you! No president before me had suchwife like you! I am by far the happiest man in the world.those". And in another letter: "When I write, I can't think of anything,except you. My days are filled not so much with restlessness andside sense of responsibility, how much they are filled with you, my precious wife, who, even being away from me, playsIt plays a major role in my life every day and every moment.” These lines are taken from a collection of their love letters called "A Priceless Gift". Each of these letters is full of love, warmth and intimacy.

Some of you may feel that your husbands are incapable of having such feelings, or at least unable to express them. This is another question. Warm, tender letters from President Wilson came as a surprise to those who knew him personally. His character was distinguished by the restraint of a school teacher. Every man is capable of being gentle, romantic and adoring if the woman he loves awakens all these feelings in him.

Shah Jahan's love for Mumtaz Mahal

In the northern Indian city of Agra is the Taj Mahal, an ornate white marble tomb built by Shah Jahan in honor of his wife. Despite the fact that the tomb was built in the seventeenth century, it is still considered one of the most magnificent buildings in the world and one of the most luxurious tombs that exists. This is a monument to the true love of a man for a woman. I quote the description of the Shah's love for Mumtaz Mahal from Elizabeth Byland's book The Three Wise Men of the East.

“The young Indian ruler found in this Persian girl the embodiment of all his high dreams and imagination. Their lives were so closely intertwined, she was such a strong inspiration for him that the image of one is inseparable from the image of the other. The Shah's feelings are expressed in the following poetic lines: "To the throne of the world, he preferred the smallest of curls, which fell on her graceful neck."

In the culture of his time, there were practically no deterrents, be it law or public opinion, that would control the desires of the Mughal emperor regarding women ... He was absolutely free to take women from where he wanted and use call them at will. However, it is clear that Shah Jahan never subjected his wife to competition with other women. He had two more wives, but with them he was in a political marriage, not in a marriage of love.

The shah also built a beautiful palace of white marble for his wife, probably the most luxurious dwelling in the world at that time. It was an exquisite palace with marble columns carved like lace and magnificent mosaics of birds and flowers made of precious stones. Building a house for his beloved, the emperor created a truly unique work of art. And on the ceiling, against which lush columns rest, is the famous inscription, made in gold paint in beautiful Persian handwriting: "If there is a paradise on earth, then it is here, it is here, it is here."

Mumtaz died in childbirth when their fourteenth child was born. In an old Persian manuscript we find the following description: “When the emperor learned that she was going to die, he wept bitterly because of the great love he had for her, and one would have thought that the stars had gone out in the sky and a flood had fallen on the earth. Such a strong cry arose in the palace, as if the day of the great judgment had come. The emperor, sobbing and beating his chest, repeated the words of the poet Saadi: "As God has no rest inin the hands of a spendthrift, so patience in the heart of a lover is like water in a sieve." But grief woke up his talent, which was realized to the highest extent. He decided that a beautiful wreath of love should be laid on the grave of his beloved.

Famous buildings were usually the monuments of pompous and proud kings, or the temples of the gods, or the monuments of rich and haughty cities. But he, in the beauty of white marble, for the first time expressed the true love of a man for a woman, not a physical desire, but a union of spirit with spirit. He spared neither effort nor means to perfect the last dwelling of his beloved queen. Twenty thousand workers worked on it in the sweat of their brows for seventeen years.

Note one thought: Mumtaz Mahal belonged to a culture that required women to be subservient and dependent and to know their place in the female world. In this culture, women did not dominate, did not demand equality, and did not try to be equal with men. But she still managed to get what every woman aspires to - the respect, reverence and devoted love of her husband. The Taj Mahal, which Shah Jahan built for Mumtaz, was the most expensive gift of love a man has ever given a woman.

Is it selfish?

Do not think that the desire to be loved with great tenderness and devotion is selfish. A husband's love for you is a source of great joy for him. Because of his love for you, he can be a real man, and he has a real incentive to succeed in life, an incentive that provides him with something for which he could work, live and, if necessary, die. Awakening your husband's love will help him find happiness and fullness of life. If you don't, you are depriving your husband of one of his greatest pleasures in life.

You too will be rewarded. Your husband's love will be the center of your happiness. You will be able to more adequately devote yourself to family and household chores. Love will improve your health and enrich your emotions, help you blossom and feel like a queen.

Love in marriage is the most important element of his success, and a happy marriage is the foundation of a successful family. There is no real chance to create a truly successful family without a happy marriage based on sincere and constant love for each other, which means that love is not only desirable, but obligatory. With a happy marriage, happy children grow up, who develop normally and prepare for the future life. A happy family is a worthy contribution to the well-being of society, a contribution that brings peace, and not divisions that arise from a lack of love.

Your love for your husband

The true form of "heavenly love" can only exist if you love your husband as much as he loves you. Since we are discussing only those principles that arouse a husband's love for his wife, think about how your love for him can become deeper and stronger? Usually women answer like this: "He must do something for this, become better." While your husband's pursuit of self-improvement would certainly increase your love for him, the magic of the Allure of the Feminine is this:

1.When you put our lessons into practice, you
you will begin to better understand and appreciate your husband more, teach
try to see its best sides and, thus, you will be able to
her to love him.