Very bad gifts! Don't give them to anyone... Is it possible to give watches for the New Year: the whole truth about watches as a gift

Choosing gifts for the New Year is a responsible and pleasant business. In search of interesting and original options for presents, we always think about what to give for the New Year. But, it would be nice to always keep in mind a list of gifts that cannot be given for the New Year.

Talking about what you can’t give for the New Year 2018, first of all, all sorts of signs arise. Some consider these signs to be prejudices, but it is always better to play it safe so that the person who receives the “wrong” gift does not later blame you for all his troubles. For example, when a wallet is presented, it is necessary to put a coin in it so that there is always money in the house. That is, it is not necessary to give an empty wallet or piggy bank for the New Year 2018 - this is a bad omen.

What gifts cannot be given for the New Year 2018 include cosmetics. Recently, it is considered to be the rules of bad taste if you give a person cosmetics, not based on his tastes and preferences. A woman whom you do not know well should not present underwear on New Year's Eve. Also, what cannot be given for the New Year includes pets, you should not impose a pet on people, all of a sudden, they are not ready for this yet.

But this is all the ethics of presenting gifts, which many people know firsthand and try to adhere to. I would also like to talk about beliefs that are associated with gifts, including New Year's ones.

Some people ask if it is possible to give knives for the new year. There is a belief that piercing and cutting objects, including knives and scissors, even hairpins and pins, cannot be given. Moreover, this belief has existed for a long time and not only among the Slavs, but also among other peoples. The Chinese believe that when a cutting object is given, it cuts the aura of a person, as it were. This makes a person less resistant to troubles and diseases. The Slavs do not give knives, because it is believed that such a gift leads to a serious quarrel and a break in relations.

Giving handkerchiefs for the New Year and for any other occasion is a separation. It is said that giving candles is also a bad omen. Although, this is very strange, because it is candles that are one of the most popular souvenirs for the New Year. Candles - to turn off the light. But nothing, on New Year's Eve it will be difficult to scare you with a blackout, and next year you should only hope for the best.

When it comes to whether it is possible to give flowers for the New Year, then everything is very complicated and it is rather problematic to answer unambiguously. If you want to give flowers, then always ask in advance what kind of these plants the person loves. It is impossible to give indoor flowers so that they grow well. Therefore, when you give such a gift, the owner must definitely give you a pretty penny back in order to complete the ceremony of buying a flower and ensure it grows well. By the way, any small money can be given for a gift that, according to the rules, cannot be given. This is a kind of payoff, which will help save the donated thing from negative signs and consequences.

Why can't you give a clock for the new year? Watches are considered a bad gift because they are a symbol of imminent separation. In China, in general, for a long time there was a custom that watches were given as an invitation to a funeral. They also say that if you give a watch to a person, you shorten his life. So, decide for yourself whether you believe in omens and whether it is possible to give watches for the New Year.

As for bed linen, unlike the bottom one, it is not forbidden to give it. Therefore, if you are still thinking about whether it is possible to give bedding for the new year, then feel free to buy a set.

In addition to gifts that are accompanied by bad omens, on the eve of the New Year, you just need to make a list of presents that will not be very pleasant for a person to receive.

What little kids won't like:

Clothing and footwear;

Smart books;

School supplies that will remind you that the holidays are ending again, and again it will be necessary to start nibbling on the granite of science;

A toy that will only decorate the room.

What teenagers will not be happy about:

Children's plush toys;

Household things like a bathrobe or slippers;

Smart books.

What does not please women:

Cheap cosmetics or perfumes;

Tights of complex colors or a household apron;

Shapeless hoodie;

A set of cheap cups;

Saucepan or frying pan.

What does not please men:

Socks and handkerchiefs;

Cologne with a pungent smell;

Umbrella in bright colors;

Cufflinks (they are no longer worn);

But remember that there is always an exception to every rule. Therefore, think not just what to give for the New Year, but what exactly to give to a particular person. In a hurry in the festive bustle to choose gifts for relatives and friends, be sure to remember what you can’t give for the New Year 2018. You may not believe in omens, but the person to whom the gift is intended may well believe in them.

Rida Khasanova

On the eve of the New Year holidays, many people think about what gifts make your loved ones happy. There are many options, but it is worth remembering that some things are folk omens giving is not recommended.

Do they give watches for the New Year? There is a sign that they cannot be given as a gift, and it came from China. The inhabitants of this country are very distrustful of the mechanism that counts the time. It is believed that hours have evil energy, which can stop the passage of time, so some people do not even keep them in the house. But in European countries, people treat watches quite favorably, considering them a wonderful gift.

Why you can’t give a watch for the New Year to your man

Is it possible to give a watch to a man for the New Year? If you believe the popular belief, then you can’t give a watch to a loved one, since along with a gift you can bring sadness and other negative moments into his life. Before deciding to make such a gift, you should think about whether it is worth risking your loved one or whether you may prefer another present.

Giving a watch to a guy can inadvertently shorten the time of his life. But if he dreams about his personal watch, then you can go for the trick.

Watches cannot be accepted as a gift, but they can be redeemed. To do this, the donor needs to give a few coins, thus, a symbolic payment for the gift will be made.

If the decision is made, then you should think about choosing a men's watch. It can be classic or something original, but you can combine it together. This stylish accessory will not only be a great addition to the image of a loved one, but also will last for many years.

Watches for men, OKAMI(price link)

When choosing a watch as a gift for a loved one, it is worth remembering that our thoughts are material, and faith in them can turn all fears into reality. Therefore, if the chosen one sincerely believes that a watch as a gift will bring negative consequences, then he can attract trouble like a magnet.

But if the guy is not among the superstitious people, then you need to cast aside all doubts and think that we ourselves create our lives. And you need to believe only in the good, including signs.

Is it possible to give a watch to a woman for the New Year

Women are naturally endowed with greater sensitivity to the words and events taking place in the world around them. They also often believe in various superstitions, signs and are well versed in them.

If for the New Year you give your girlfriend a watch as a gift, and she observes all the signs, then there are two possible options for her reaction:

  • she will be upset, and a sad look will not be able to hide her upset feelings;
  • she will not show that she does not like the gift, but very soon the relationship may end.

Whether women give watches for the New Year depends on how superstitious they are. If your girlfriend or friend doesn't believe in omens, then you can safely buy her as a gift, for example, an elegant Sunlight watch. The company offers many options for sophisticated accessories that will decorate any woman's hand.

Watches for women, SL (price on the link)

Easiest give your mom a watch, even if you believe in signs that this is not the best gift. The fact is that there is a strong connection with mom from birth, so nothing can break it.

A relative in old age is likely to accept such a gift, and she will be pleased with the attention.

Older people perceive time differently. It is for them - as a symbol of the fact that life is fleeting, and time will never go back.

If a woman is prone to a serious illness, then she becomes more sensitive and suspicious in such matters, so it is better to give up the idea of ​​giving a watch.

It is better for a spouse to choose a different gift than a watch. According to legend, they are able to destroy even the strongest marriage.. Therefore, if the spouse knows about such a sign, she can regard such a present as a hint that her man wants to end the relationship. And it will not matter to her how many precious stones adorn the dial, and what commemorative engraving is made on the watch.

Do wall clocks give

When you need to make a general gift for the New Year to the family, the choice often falls on a wall clock. Such a chronometer model attracts attention, as it not only becomes an additional decoration of the interior, but also allows all family members to keep track of time and successfully plan their work around the house. In particular, such a gift will be pleasant if it is made with your own hands.

There are even such wall clocks that are passed from family to family, but this is the option when no signs work. But if you accept the watch as a gift, then numerous signs speak, What:

  • the one who accepted the watch exposes himself and his family to the influence of evil forces. They can manifest themselves in numerous quarrels and misunderstandings between family members;
  • the donor wishes a speedy death to the one to whom they are intended: such a terrible sign still exists in China;
  • when the hands of the clock stop, they will begin to “reverse”, until the relationship between the one who presented such a gift and the one who accepted it is completely destroyed.

Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better to purchase a wall clock on your own, but do not give them or accept them as a gift, even if this is done from sincere motives.

Various signs about watches have become so firmly established in life that many people take them for reality. Of course, from a scientific point of view, there was no confirmation that such a gift and negative events in life are somehow connected with each other. But close people and friends deserve attention, so you should find out in advance how they feel about such gifts, and only after that make your choice.

January 15, 2018

We all love the New Year holidays, because this is a time of entertainment, relaxation, fun parties and joyful fuss. The exchange of gifts brings special pleasure, but you need to choose them correctly. Some gifts may upset the recipients, seem indecent or inappropriate. It is also worth considering that many people are superstitious and your gift may seem to them associated with a bad omen. We will tell you what you can’t give for the New Year 2019, so as not to put yourself in an uncomfortable position for the recipient.

New Year's gifts and signs

Even in our enlightened time, many people continue to believe in omens - the most inveterate skeptics sometimes bypass black cats on the tenth road and spit over their left shoulders with pleasure. Therefore, avoid gifts that can cause unpleasant associations. This is important not only for the New Year 2019, but also on any other holidays. Of the pleasant traditional presents, the list of objectionable ones included:

  • Watch. At first glance, this is a wonderful gift, reminiscent of the approach of the New Year. But, according to some signs, such a present portends an imminent separation. Especially such a gift will upset a loved one. Also, there used to be an opinion that watches “steal” time from a person, bringing his death closer.
  • Towels. Another popular gift for any occasion. A set of good towels will come in handy in any home, but they have long been treated as ritual items. Towels were brought to weddings, christenings and funerals. For some reason, it is with the last sad event that they are especially firmly connected, therefore they can remind a superstitious person of an imminent death. If you really want to give a towel, choose terry products, you can with joyful and funny pictures, but by no means waffle ones.
  • Candles. They are also often associated with funeral rites and are not recommended as gifts. But there are so many beautiful, festively decorated candles around that will become a casting decoration for the New Year's table that you just want to buy them and present them to your loved ones. You can do this on the condition that you get something in return, but there will definitely not be any problems with this on New Year's Eve.

If a person is superstitious, and you know about it, you can immediately ask for a few coins in return for a gift. This "annuls" the harmful effect of the omen, reassuring both you and the recipient.

Some "harmful" gifts from the point of view of acceptance are not so popular and obvious, but they also need to be remembered. This list included:

  • A beautiful wall mirror or a pretty pocket mirror- at first glance, it is a wonderful gift for a woman. But there are a lot of unpleasant superstitions associated with it. Since ancient times, mirrors have been associated with dark forces, considered portals to the "other world" and attributed to them the ability to steal people's souls. Therefore, superstitious people should not give such gifts.
  • Slippers. Another nice homemade present that will surely come in handy for everyone. But relatively recently, they began to be associated with traditional burial shoes. Therefore, slippers have become a bad gift, promising the recipient of illness and even death. If you are choosing a gift for a person who is serious about signs, it is better to avoid slippers.
  • Socks. This is a controversial present, both from the point of view of morality and according to signs. Socks received from a beloved woman promise a quick separation for a couple. And if a mother gives such a piece of clothing to a married son, this means that she wants to destroy her family and return him to his father's house.
  • Sharp and cutting objects. A beautiful kitchen knife or souvenir weapon seems like a great gift. But there are beliefs that they attract misfortunes, quarrels and other problems.

Sometimes men are interested in whether it is possible to give flowers for the New Year 2019? Still, this is a summer symbol and will it be appropriate in winter? You should not worry - you can always give flowers to a lady, and you even need to. If in doubt, you can supplement the composition with fir branches, tinsel, beautiful cones. Bouquets of exquisite orchids and callas look very beautiful in the middle of winter.

What Not to Give in the Year of the Pig

When deciding what cannot be given for the New Year 2019, one must definitely remember the patron saint of this year according to the eastern calendar - the Yellow Earth Pig. Learn what kind of character this lady is, what she likes and what presents can upset her. The pig is practical, loves simplicity and practicality in everything. She is unpretentious in everyday life and is skeptical about excessive luxury.

You should not give too expensive gifts for the New Year 2019 if they are not of practical use. Better leave them for another reason.

Practical Lady Pig will not approve of such presents as:

  • Souvenirs that have no practical use. The patroness of the year loves useful things and will not approve of a simple trinket that will simply take up space in the house.
  • Detergents e.g. shampoo, shower gel, bath foam. Pigs are widely known for their love of wallowing in the mud, so such gifts will not be very appropriate.
  • Perfumery. The choice of perfume is a very difficult task, and it will be very difficult to please the recipient. In addition, pigs are known for their love of natural scents, so perfume would be out of place in this situation.

If you want to donate clothes, remember that they should be comfortable. Pigs don't like things that restrict their movement. Choose something loose, such as a dressing gown, pajamas, or a nice nightgown for a loved one. You can also choose a beautiful T-shirt or sweatshirt with an interesting print.

Pigs love to eat well, so tasty presents would be appropriate. Just avoid meat - no sausages, salmon, smoked meats, etc. The patroness of the year will definitely not approve of the presence of pork, even the most delicious, on the table.

What not to give children

Both kids and teenagers love to receive New Year's gifts. They care little about signs and traditions. The main thing is a lot of fun toys, sweets and entertainment. To please the child, remember in advance which gifts for the New Year 2019 will not please children. Our list includes:

  • Clothing and footwear. The era of scarcity has long passed, and modern children do not know what it is to dream about a new outfit, so such presents will not please them.
  • School supplies. New Year holidays are a time of holidays and rest from studies, so such gifts will only cause unpleasant associations. In addition, in the middle of the school year, children already have everything they need.
  • Presentations are not age-appropriate. When choosing a gift, it is necessary to take into account not only the real age of the baby, but also how developed he is and how he feels. The present should not be too childish, but very adult things that can be used in a couple of months or even years should not be given.

An ambiguous decision is to give money to a child. The kid simply will not be able to dispose of the amount handed over and will not be able to cope with buying a gift. But such a gift will please a teenager, because he will give a feeling of freedom and the opportunity to independently make a decision about his gift.

What not to give women

It causes difficulties and the choice of a gift for a beautiful lady. Learn what you can not give for the New Year 2019 to a woman so as not to accidentally ruin her mood on the holiday. Unsuccessful presentations will be:

  • Unsuitable cosmetics and perfumes, and also cheap, unnecessary. If you don't know what exactly a lady will need, don't risk it.
  • Items that will hint at the shortcomings of a woman. For example, ladies with curvaceous forms should not give scales or body shaping products.
  • Pots, pans and other boring household items. Surely she has everything she needs, and in the New Year people are waiting for fairy tales, magic, and not a teapot.

Clothing can also be referred to controversial gifts. Most women will love a beautiful fur coat, stylish scarf or dress. But you need to choose them correctly, taking into account the tastes of the girl and the degree of closeness of your relationship. You can not buy clothes for a woman, regardless of her opinion. It is better to call the lady to go shopping or present a gift certificate.

New Year is a joyful holiday that comes to every home. New Year's shopping trips in search of gifts - a pleasant pastime. Everyone wants to give their family, friends and relatives something special, something that will warm the soul and be remembered for a long time. For people who believe in omens, choosing gifts becomes an extremely difficult task. Today we will talk about what is accepted and what is not accepted to give for the new year.

A well-chosen gift will bring joy to both the recipient and the one who gave the gift.

What gift can not be given for the New Year

For centuries, folk wisdom has protected the homes, lives and health of households, attracted love, prosperity and happiness to the house. Let's turn to her and find out what surprises you can put on crafts, and what gifts you can not give for the new year.

First on the list of what is not customary to give to family members, friends and colleagues are towels and slippers. Yes, indeed, it is not recommended to give someone these items for personal use. First, slippers can cause negative associations, especially among older people. Of course, such things as towels and slippers are very necessary and important things in the apartment, but give the person the right to choose and purchase such household items for himself. For the New Year, slippers and towels certainly will not create a festive mood.

Should not be considered as a gift and handkerchiefs. Why, you ask? Everything is very simple. According to ancient customs, he promises tears to the new owner, the person will cry bitterly and not find consolation.

As signs say, it is not recommended to give various hygiene kits, as such gifts are already outdated and have become boring to everyone. And even more so, self-care products will choose much better on their own. Such presentations indicate inaccuracy and negligence. And think for yourself, would you be pleased to receive such a gift?

Folk signs also do not recommend giving a wrist or wall clock, as such a present can prophesy a breakup. Even if you yourself do not believe in omens, you should still refrain from the idea of ​​such a gift as a watch. And if you give a watch to a person who believes in omens, then he can be very offended by you.

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The sign says - a donated watch portends an imminent parting

What can not be given for the new year is wallets. Why? According to signs, to give a wallet means to give your money to another. They will flow away from you, and they will flow to that person, and to whom the wallet was presented. If you decide to make such a gift, be prepared for great financial difficulties.

What to give a girl?

It is not easy for a young man to choose a gift for a girl. Here you will find a list - a reminder for men that you should not give a girl for the New Year:

  1. Cheap cosmetics and perfume;
  2. Cheap jewelry from the market;
  3. Items and accessories for the kitchen;
  4. clothes;
  5. Towels and slippers.

Beautiful and charming creatures are not easy to please, so choosing a gift takes a lot of time. It is quite difficult to guess with the aroma of her favorite perfume, even if it is branded and expensive, and it is very difficult to hit the bull's-eye with cosmetics. If you want to present jewelry, then it must be of high quality and certainly not from the market. With clothes, too, everything is not easy, the girls themselves sometimes do not know what they want, so it is better to leave the trips to the fitting rooms to her. Why won't kitchen utensils fit? - you ask.

If you make your beloved a gift in the form of kitchen accessories, dishes or appliances, and even more so towels. She may be offended. Most likely, she will regard such a gift as a hint on your part that her place is in the kitchen. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to avoid a scandal, and the New Year's mood will be spoiled.

Although, in truth, it will be important for a woman not what kind of gift you chose, but how you presented it and how much time and effort you spent on thinking and searching. Ordinary gifts will not surprise or please her, so you will have to work hard. A woman can be madly in love with a little surprise you made for her, it can even help melt the ice in her heart.

The wrong gift can ruin a relationship.

What to give a young man?

Long before the New Year, the beautiful half of humanity begins to wonder what kind of surprise to prepare for a man. So, what can not be given to a man for the new year:

  • Shaving items (cosmetics, machine tools, etc.);
  • Bouquets with flowers;
  • Towels and slippers;
  • Underwear.

A young man can be presented with a tie that matches his suit, which he has always dreamed of. A good gift for a man will be branded watches that increase his status, but only if neither you nor he believes in omens. It is better if gifts such as a tie and a watch are presented to a man by his wife or girlfriend. It’s definitely not worth giving a watch to a colleague or boss, they can be given a bottle of good alcohol.

Happy New Year! Now you know which gifts should not be given, and which, on the contrary, will please the soul. The most important thing is to invent and make surprises with good intentions and from a pure heart, because, as they say, the main thing is not a gift - the main thing is attention.

What to give for the New Year? How to please a loved one and what to pack in a beautiful wrapper, put under the Christmas tree to make real magic? Tips from the Internet, personal experience of friends and recommendations from sellers can easily spoil the best holiday of the year. How and why? Here are the most unfortunate gift ideas for your girlfriend, wife and mother.


Men, remember, do not give household appliances for the holiday, regardless of its price and size. The wife will not be happy with the new refrigerator, dishwasher or vacuum cleaner with especially powerful nozzles. Household appliances - that's why it is household, this is an occasion for a family purchase, but it will not fit under the Christmas tree.

Mobile photo printer

Last year, this damned photo printer got into the article TOP of the best gifts for the New Year, which surprised my wife. She said that if she saw this miracle of technology in a bag of gifts from Santa Claus, she would give me a drill in return. So the printer from the top of the best things fell into the category of the worst. In my opinion, a cool thing: I took a selfie with my friends at work, immediately printed it out, why not fun? But I immediately got a question from my wife: why do such crap? Okay, let's learn.

Smart scales

What a wonderful thing - smart scales, but not the fact that your girlfriend has a good sense of humor. Even the most beautiful and slender woman doubts her attractiveness, such is the female logic. Therefore, such a gift can be understood as a hint of forms that are far from ideal. This dangerous gift can ruin your whole New Year's holiday and your whole life. And get the last joint celebration of the New Year.

Gift Certificate

There is nothing worse than an impersonal gift. Not only can you miss and give a certificate to the wrong store or an unpleasant service for a girl. You can still get reproached for insensitivity and indifference to the choice of a gift.

Sport equipment

Smart fitness trackers, dumbbells, yoga mats, and jump ropes can all hint to a woman on a diet and the need to lead a more active lifestyle. But the card to your favorite fitness club or SPA-salon, most likely, the lady will appreciate. But, men, find out in advance where your beloved wants to go with an unobtrusive question. Not every girl wants to sweat in the "Zebra" surrounded by wrestling brothers.

Crockery and household rubbish

Your girlfriend may be a goddess in the kitchen, but these are her gray routines. On New Year's Eve, she wants to get away from household duties and turn into a princess for at least one night, finally taking off her apron. And yes, giving an apron for the New Year is also not worth it. Therefore, make her happy and do not give her a bag of spoons, a porcelain tea set for 12 people. Let it even Villeroy & Boch , but the price does not solve anything here, the attitude is more important.

Decorative cosmetics and creams

You can give Velvet Hands cream to your beloved girl only when you know for sure that she uses this cream and that it does not cause her allergies. Despite its simplicity, this is a very individual gift, so creams and lotions, scrub masks and tonics should be given only with full confidence that your girlfriend has already used it. But giving anti-aging and even more so anti-cellulite products is strictly prohibited, because your girlfriend is always young and beautiful. There is not and cannot be cellulite on her ass, because she cannot.

sex aggregates

New Year's Eve is not an evening of pleasures for you in the name of St. Valentine, no, your girlfriend can be modest and naive. She will not understand your rich experience, and sophisticated taste when choosing a sex device will scare away or cause psychological trauma to the lady for life. Excessively revealing underwear, outerwearA hard disk with 3 TB of porn personally selected for 10 years of loneliness and pink fur handcuffs on New Year's Eve will be appreciated only by a nymphomaniac. And if you are sure that your girlfriend is just like that, guys, you are in luck.

Mouse in the form of a BMW, Mercedes or Ferrari

I will not explain to you that this is an obvious hint to the girl that if an elite car appears in her life one day, then it will definitely not be you who will give it. Resentment and disappointment, that's what the New Year will bring you.

DIY gift

If you excelled at labor lessons, skillfully wielding a jigsaw, sawing out a teapot stand, then you should not remember those sweet days 20 years later. Your girlfriend will not appreciate the carefully assembled birdhouse. After all, the oak parquet from her mother's apartment served as the material for the bird house. So, savings fans, head to the store.