Olive oil during pregnancy is the best remedy for stretch marks. Rules and methods of application. How to choose the right olive oil

Many women use olive oil during pregnancy for stretch marks. And they do it for a reason. Moreover, it is useful both for external use and for eating. Not only does olive oil help prevent stretch marks, but it also helps to reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks.

I must say that the use of olive oil is useful not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby. The beneficial substances that it contains in itself contribute to the correct formation of the fetus and even have a beneficial effect on the very process of childbirth.

Of course, prevention is easier than it is. Genetic predisposition plays an important role in the appearance of stretch marks. However, it is in the power of every woman to reduce the risk of their appearance to a minimum, especially since in fact it is not so difficult. For these purposes, regular 100% olive oil is perfect.

Natural olive oil should be applied to wet skin of the abdomen and chest twice a day after showering. It is especially effective to apply olive oil to the skin after a light exfoliation. It can be used in combination with a light massage. It is best not to wear clothes for a while after applying the oil to the skin to allow it to fully absorb, and then remove the excess with a paper towel.

Olive oil not only keeps the skin hydrated for a long time, but is also a source of the miraculous "beauty vitamin" - vitamin E (tocopherol), which accelerates cell regeneration. This vitamin is included in almost all creams for stretch marks. In addition, vitamin E promotes better absorption of vitamin A (retinol), which is also found in large quantities in olive oil. Vitamin A, in turn, is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, which means it prevents it from breaking during stretching.

It is recommended to use olive oil externally from the first months of pregnancy. Moreover, for these purposes, unrefined (unrefined) 100% olive oil, which has a dark color and a specific smell, is best suited. The bottle with this oil is usually marked that it is the first cold pressed oil.

There are no contraindications for external use of olive oil during pregnancy. And you cannot use it inside if the expectant mother suffers from gallstone disease. The explanation is simple - natural olive oil has a pronounced choleretic effect.

Olive oil during pregnancy is very useful, it:

  • supplies omega-3 fatty acids necessary for the proper formation of the baby's nervous system;
  • resistant to oxidation, and therefore retains vitamin E for a very long time, which prevents abortion and is necessary for the development of the fetus;
  • reduces appetite, thus helping to normalize weight;
  • normalizes bowel function, preventing constipation (for a mild laxative effect, it is enough to drink 1 teaspoon of olive oil twice a day on an empty stomach with some liquid);
  • contains a large amount of fat-soluble vitamins (D, E, K) and calcium, which is beneficial for the skin and skeletal system of mom and baby;
  • is an important source of polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • promotes easy opening of the cervix during childbirth;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.

Olive oil information video

During pregnancy, a woman becomes especially attractive. But at this time, the health of the expectant mother and her appearance require increased attention. Very often, pregnant women use olive oil for personal care. This product is also called liquid gold, because it contains many useful trace elements and vitamins. What is the correct way to use olive oil for pregnant women? This is what we'll talk about.

Benefits of olive oil during pregnancy

The spectrum of influence of this natural product is incredibly large. The oil benefits not only the expectant mother, but also the child developing in her womb.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids, which the oil is so rich in, have a great influence on the formation of the fetal nervous system.
  • Vitamin E helps to maintain pregnancy, reduce the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. It also moisturizes the skin.
  • Despite the sufficient calorie content of the oil, it helps to reduce appetite and normalize weight.
  • It has a laxative effect and can also improve bowel function.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Vitamin A makes the skin more elastic, which prevents breaks during sprains. That is why the oil is recommended for stretch marks.
  • It is considered a storehouse of fat-soluble vitamins and calcium, which is important for the formation of a child's skeletal system.

Interesting! Olive oil is very similar to breast milk in terms of its fatty acid content. That is why its use after childbirth has a beneficial effect on lactation.

Which oil is best for internal use and which is best for external use?

The quality of the oil also depends on the storage conditions. It is worth buying the product in dark glass bottles with tightly sealed corks. And you need to keep it at home in a dark, cool place where direct sunlight does not penetrate.

Important! Only refined oil should be used for frying.

In a product made using the cold-pressed technique, carcinogenic substances are formed at high temperatures, which negatively affect our body.

For cosmetic procedures, only a 100% natural product with a specific smell and dark color is suitable.

Recipes for using olive oil for the beauty and health of a pregnant woman

It is much easier to prevent stretch marks than to get rid of them after childbirth. Heredity plays an important role in their occurrence. But still, any woman can minimize the risk of this unpleasant problem. Natural olive oil works great.

When applied locally to the skin, olive oil increases blood circulation and activates skin regeneration processes

To prevent stretch marks, apply the oil to the skin twice a day after showering. You shouldn't get dressed right away. It is necessary to allow the beneficial substances to be completely absorbed into the skin. The remaining oil can be removed with a paper towel. This procedure will give an even greater effect if it is carried out after a light peeling.

You can start using olive oil as a prevention of stretch marks from the first trimester of pregnancy.

Folk recipes for stretch marks

  1. Take half a glass of olive oil and aloe juice, add 5-7 drops of vitamin E. Mix the ingredients and apply on problem skin for 20 minutes, then rinse or wipe the skin with a napkin.
  2. Mix finely chopped grapefruit zest with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter and add 150 grams of low-fat sour cream. Stir until smooth and apply on stretch marks for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with water.

Video: olive oil for stretch marks is the best remedy

How to drink for constipation

Since olive oil does not cause any side effects, it can be used as a laxative during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important to observe the prescribed dosage.

Pregnant women need to drink oil in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, and wash it down with warm water. You need to drink a tablespoon of the product at a time. A stable effect will be achieved after a week of regular use.

Important! Take olive oil for constipation of a pregnant woman under the supervision of a doctor.

Massage with olive oil for tears after childbirth

Thanks to the massage of the perineum, for which olive oil is used, it is possible to avoid cuts and tears during childbirth, and to make the skin more elastic. Doctors recommend this procedure:

  • primiparous women;
  • giving birth naturally after a cesarean section;
  • multiparous, if the first time there were tears and cuts, as well as overmaturity.

Only a specialist should conduct sessions, since an incorrect massage technique can lead to premature birth.

There are several rules that must be followed when massage:

  1. Massage should be done regularly.
  2. Before the session, you should take a warm bath or shower, which will help relax your muscles.
  3. Before the procedure, the bowels and bladder must be emptied.
  4. The oil used must be sterile or well heated over a fire.
  5. The person giving the massage should have their hands thoroughly washed and their nails trimmed.

Perineal massage is prohibited for various diseases, such as herpes and vaginitis, with the threat of miscarriage and the risk of premature birth, allergic rashes and fever.

Perineum massage technique

The best position during the massage: lying on your back. A small roller or pillow should be placed under the lower back.

  1. The specialist pours oil on the fingers and lubricates the skin of the perineum and a third of the vagina, closest to the entrance.
  2. After that, he inserts one finger into the vagina at a distance of 3-4 cm and begins to gently press on the back wall of the vagina and on the sides, as if stretching it. Such manipulations continue for 5-7 minutes until a feeling of slight tingling and tension arises.
  3. After that, the specialist proceeds to rhythmic movements with the transition to the perineum in the direction of the anus. This stage takes about 3 minutes. All movements should be gentle, but at the same time a little pressing.
  4. At the end of the massage, you can apply a warm heating pad to the perineum for half an hour or an hour. This will help soften the tissues and enhance the massage effect.

The number of sessions of this procedure depends on the duration of pregnancy:

  • up to 28 weeks - one procedure every 7-10 days;
  • 28–32 weeks one procedure per week;
  • 32–36 weeks, once every 3–5 days;
  • 36–38 weeks every other day;
  • at a later date (from week 38), daily procedures.

For hair

Many pregnant women complain of hair loss. Olive oil helps to cope with this problem. The hair mask recipe is simple.

  1. Mix 3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 teaspoon of honey and egg yolk.
  2. Rub the resulting mixture into the roots of the hair, put on a cellophane cap, and wrap it with a towel on top.
  3. After 40-60 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

You can do this procedure 1-2 times a week.

Photo gallery: ingredients for an anti-hair loss mask

Olive oil is a healing agent that heals hair and scalp
Homemade eggs are best used Ideal if the honey is purchased directly from the beekeepers

You can also rub a little warmed oil into the hair roots for 10-15 minutes before each shampooing. This will moisturize your scalp and get rid of dandruff.

For skin

For dry skin, a mask based on olive oil will help.

  1. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix 1 tbsp until smooth. a spoonful of oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese.
  2. Apply to face skin, and after 15–20 minutes rinse with warm water.
  3. If the skin is problematic and prone to rashes, then the curd should be replaced with green or white clay.

You can repeat this mask no more than 2 times a week.

Photo gallery: ingredients for a dry skin mask based on olive oil

Vitamins A and D contained in the oil are involved in the renewal of the epidermis.In case of dry skin, it is recommended to use more oily curd.In its pure form, clay is not used for dry skin

Olive oil body wraps

  1. Dilute blue clay purchased from a pharmacy with still warm mineral water. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the skin and wrap with cling film. After an hour, wash off and lubricate the skin with a thin layer of olive oil. You can do this procedure twice a week for a week.
  2. Mix equal parts olive oil and lavender oil. Add chamomile infusion. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 4 tbsp. tablespoons of dried flowers with two glasses of boiling water, leave for half an hour. The resulting mixture should be applied to problem areas of the skin with gentle rubbing movements. Then wrap with cling film and sheets. After an hour, wash off with warm water. Such wraps can be done daily for two months.
  3. Mix equal parts onion extract and olive oil. Rub the mixture into problem areas, wrap with cling film and a sheet. Wash off after 40-60 minutes in the shower using a mild body wash. The procedure is carried out for three months, twice a week.

Such wraps will help not only get rid of stretch marks after childbirth, but also keep your figure, remove extra pounds.

Possible harm and contraindications

Excessive use of olive oil can cause diarrhea, cause movement of stones in the bile ducts or liver, and cause excessive bile production. In this regard, if a woman has problems with the liver or gallbladder, it is imperative to consult a specialist before consuming olive oil.

The oil should not be used by women with individual intolerance.

Stretch marks are extremely unpleasant. It has no dangerous character for the human body, but it brings discomfort. In particular, it affects the appearance of a woman. Especially on the stomach. Therefore, many recommend using olive. During pregnancy, it is better to use only natural ingredients and substances. They do not harm the fetus. How effective is olive oil in preventing stretch marks? What do women think about it? How to use this oil correctly to see the result? Are there any contraindications? Sorting out all this is actually easier than it seems.

Myth or reality

The first question: "Is it really possible to use the studied remedy in order to get rid of stretch marks?" It is difficult to answer. If you formulate the question in this way, then with a greater degree of probability you can answer in the negative. Olive oil is good for moisturizing the skin and enriching it with nutrients and vitamins. But to lighten the already appeared stretch marks - no.

Nevertheless, it is always easier to prevent the onset of an illness than to treat the consequences later. Therefore, women often use olive oil. Future moms assure that this is an excellent remedy for stretch marks. It helps not to cure already existing skin defects, but to prevent them in principle.

Genetic predisposition

It should be noted right away: even the correct use of olive oil during and before pregnancy does not give a 100% guarantee of the result. Both doctors and mothers themselves often talk about this. After all, it is quite difficult to prevent and stomach.

The fact is that the success of using the drug depends on the woman's genetic predisposition. Olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy helps many. But if a woman's skin is prone to inelasticity, the risk of failure is high.

The main problem is that skin elasticity can be inherited. Therefore, if the mother had stretch marks after childbirth, then with a high degree of probability they will also appear in her daughter. Then even olive oil against stretch marks during pregnancy will not help. You should not be surprised at this - you can improve to the maximum, but you will not be able to get rid of hereditary factors. Then olive oil will simply minimize the effects.

No contraindications

The studied product is 100% natural oil. This means that it a priori has no contraindications. This pleases many women. After all, a pregnant woman is extremely vulnerable. She should not take medications (there are very few allowed), eat any foods. This means that you will have to select with special attention.

And the component under study is perfect. Olive oil from stretch marks during pregnancy receives mostly positive reviews from women because this remedy itself has no contraindications. It does not harm either the expectant mother or the fetus. This means that even if there is no efficiency in the use of oil, then there will be no negative consequences. This is small, but a plus.

Vitamins and minerals

Olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is recommended not only because it is a natural remedy without contraindications. It has already been said that it is safe, does not harm either the woman or the unborn baby. Therefore, you should pay attention to the main properties of this substance.

The fact is that olive oil is enriched with vitamin E. It is extremely important for improving the condition of the skin and its elasticity. Vitamin E is generally used not only during pregnancy. With its help, you can not only get rid of stretch marks, but also prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.

It also helps to moisturize the skin. Olive oil is an excellent natural non-allergenic moisturizer. Another key to success in preventing stretch marks during pregnancy!

Calcium is another substance rich in olive oil. It helps not only the bones but also the skin. So, there is a possibility that this remedy will really help to cope with skin problems that arise during the period of "interesting position".

What is the benefit?

So why is olive oil so good? Prevention of pregnancy stretch marks is not enough to ensure the benefits of this remedy. After all, as already mentioned, it also happens that even the best cream for stretch marks does not help. This question is individual!

But don't despair. The fact is that olive oil itself is extremely useful. If you combine external and internal use, you can see numerous advantages. These include:

  • lack of allergies in the mother;
  • safety for the fetus;
  • relief of labor;
  • moisturizing the skin;
  • preventing stretch marks (increasing the elasticity of the treated area);
  • helps to eliminate constipation (if taken orally);
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the unborn child and its development in general;
  • reduces appetite;
  • enriches the body of a pregnant woman with polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Thus, olive oil from stretch marks during pregnancy, reviews earns mostly positive for its properties. And to a greater extent for all of the above points in general. After all, as a remedy for stretch marks, this is a very dubious substance. It, as already mentioned, does not give a 100% guarantee of success.

Oil selection

In order to use the studied component during pregnancy, you should pay attention to 100% extra virgin olive oil. It is distinguished by its color - brown. This olive oil is ideal. Acquired without much difficulty at the pharmacy.

If there is no such oil, you can use the usual "kitchen" oil. It is important that such a substance does not contain any other constituents. It is recommended to look for the first cold spin. In this situation, as already mentioned, the oil will give the maximum result.

How to apply?

Substance purchased? Then you might think about how to use olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. How do I apply it? It's very simple - the oil is applied to the skin, then rubbed into the treated area with massaging movements. Nothing difficult.

For the simplicity of its use, olive oil against stretch marks during pregnancy receives positive reviews. You don't need to have any knowledge or special skills. Simply wash your belly and chest first, then wet these areas and gently rub in the oil.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, after taking a shower. This will maximize efficiency. It is advisable to start all the manipulations during the planning period of the child. And finish after giving birth. If stretch marks still appear, don't panic. After all, now you can lighten them with the help of cosmetic services.


But that is not all. Olive oil against stretch marks during pregnancy helps quite well. At the very least, it does not harm the skin and does not cause allergies. You can slightly increase the effectiveness of this tool. How exactly?

Women point out that olive oil gives a better result if the skin is exfoliated before application. Both belly and chest. And after that, rub olive oil into certain areas with massaging movements.

True, there is one point - you should not carry out peeling several times a day, just one procedure, which is performed daily, is enough. It is required to cleanse the skin thoroughly, but gently.


In general, reviews on the use of olive oil during pregnancy for stretch marks are varied. There are both positive and negative opinions. It is only very problematic to understand how much the tool helps in reality. The answer is simple - everything is individual. Olive oil really helps to increase the elasticity of the skin, but there is no 100% proof that after this procedure, defects will not appear.

There are some more useful tips that will help increase the effectiveness of the application. Many people use olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. And women advise:

  • rub oil daily 2 times a day, starting with pregnancy planning;
  • apply the substance to the body with massage movements;
  • cleanse well, but do not dry out the skin;
  • combine the external and internal use of olive oil;
  • do not wear clothes on treated skin - the substance must be absorbed into the body.

All this will help to increase the effectiveness of the fight against stretch marks. At the same time, one should not forget - no one is immune from them. And olive oil is not 100% capable of protecting a woman from stretch marks during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes, which safely disappear after childbirth. And only one sign remains for a long time and in the future may indicate that a woman once carried a child. It's about stretching.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are a characteristic companion of bearing a child. Their official name is striae gravidarum, meaning "pregnancy stripes."

They are found in more than 80% of expectant mothers. The favorite places of localization of these changes are the mammary glands and the abdomen. They are also often found on the buttocks and thighs. Sometimes stretch marks can also be seen in the knee area.

They come in different colors:

  • purple with a bluish tint;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • white;
  • with pearlescent shine.

The color changes depending on the age of stretch marks formation. The mechanism of their formation is rather complicated.

Formation mechanism

Previously, it was believed that the formation of stretch marks is based on the usual mechanical stretching of the skin. However, later this theory was revised, since such changes were not observed in people with tumors of the abdomen or a significant increase in its volume due to ascites.

Subsequently, it was found that the mechanism of formation of striae gravidarum is more complex than it seemed.

During pregnancy, the skin is not only mechanically stretched. Various changes occur in it at the biochemical level, which affect not only the underlying muscle layers, but the subcutaneous fat. When carrying a baby, a significant amount of fat is deposited in these areas, and the fiber itself is loosened.

When the abdomen, thighs and breasts increase in volume, the skin stretches and tears in the deeper layers. Through these breaks, blood vessels begin to shine through. It is this phenomenon that explains the violet-red color of newly formed stretch marks.

Over time, regenerative processes take place in the skin, and the places of rupture are filled with connective tissue. This gives the stripes a white color, sometimes with a pearlescent tint.

Stretch marks are based on atrophic skin changes.

Risk factors

It has long been noticed that stretch marks in pregnant women are expressed in different ways. For some, these are wide stripes of saturated color, which, after childbirth, significantly deform the skin of the abdomen and cause wrinkles. In others, they are barely noticeable and only in certain lighting conditions. There is a small percentage of lucky women who do not develop stretch marks at all.

What is the reason for such a variety of manifestations? There are risk factors that make it possible to predict the nature of skin changes with a high degree of probability. These include:

  1. Heredity. If the mother and grandmother had stretch marks, the daughter is unlikely to be able to avoid this fate.
  2. Sharp weight gain. Excess subcutaneous fat, which is deposited quickly, leads to micro-tears in the skin.
  3. A sharp increase in the volume of the abdomen, hips, chest. At the same time, the skin is also stretched too intensively and this is manifested by the appearance of stripes.

But even a combination of all three factors does not mean that stretch marks will inevitably appear. If you take preventive measures in time, unaesthetic skin changes can be minimized.

Control methods

No woman wants to have a lot of stretch marks. Even when there are few of them, pink and white stripes on the belly and chest do not add beauty.

With such "signs of pregnancy" it is difficult to wear short clothes and sunbathe on the beach in an open swimsuit. In addition, numerous stretch marks give the skin a flabby appearance.

Despite the fact that they fade over time, they are clearly visible in any light.

In cosmetology, there are a huge variety of options for dealing with these skin changes - from using local remedies to skin resurfacing. However, you can fully use this arsenal only after childbirth, and more often after the end of breastfeeding, because most methods are contraindicated during pregnancy.

But, when the stretch marks have already formed, it is almost impossible to get rid of them. Skin atrophy cannot be cured, these changes can only be somewhat smoothed out, made visually not so noticeable.

That is why it is necessary to start fighting the problem even before it arises. Preventive maintenance is the best way to keep your skin looking even and smooth. And this does not always require expensive cosmetics. Moreover, they are sometimes undesirable when carrying a baby, as they can cause allergic reactions. It is much better to use natural remedies that are safe and inexpensive. These include olive oil.

Olive oil

The benefits of olive oil have been known since time immemorial. Even then, women applied it to their skin so that it was elastic, smooth and silky. Why is this product so useful?

Olive oil contains a large amount of oleic acid esters and triglycerides of various fatty acids. In addition, it is rich in the following vitamins:

  • E (tocopherol).
  • A (retinol).

The undisputed leader is tocopherol, which is quite abundant in this product.

Contains this oil and useful trace elements. The most important among them are:

  • Calcium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Sodium.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.

Olive oil not only softens and moisturizes the skin, it nourishes it with essential nutrients. It is vitamins A and E that are responsible for its health and beautiful appearance. These substances prevent micro-tears of the skin, its thinning and aging. It becomes smoother and more elastic, and even mechanical stretching due to an enlarged abdomen or chest cannot harm the skin too much.

However, you need to be careful when choosing this product. Not all olive oil is equally effective against stretch marks. In addition, counterfeit products have been quite common lately.

Product selection

The selection of olive oils today is impressive. Not every expectant mother can determine what kind of product she is holding in her hand, even after carefully reading the label. It comes from different manufacturers and comes under different names.

In fact, there is no urgent need to understand all the nuances of this product, but the main types and manufacturing technologies still need to be presented. Olive oil can be roughly divided into 4 groups:

  1. Extra virgin.
  2. "Olive oil".
  3. Product of the second cold pressing.
  4. Lamp oil.

It is worth noting that they all have a right to exist and are successfully used, mostly in cooking. For topical application, these products are even more suitable. They differ in the quality of the olives, the technology of preparation and the content of nutrients.

Extra virgin

The Extra virgin product can be safely attributed to the most natural. Its production does not involve chemical treatment or exposure to heat. No preservatives are added to it.

This oil is similar to fresh juice - freshly squeezed juice from fruit. Its manufacturing technology is cold pressing.

The nutritional value of such a product is the highest, as is the content of vitamins. It can be successfully used against stretch marks and expect a good effect.

The disadvantage of this tool can be, perhaps, only the price. It is not cheap.

Extra virgin olive oil can be stored for a long time - from one and a half to two years. And given that not so much is spent on lubricating the skin, a standard liter capacity may be enough for a long time.

The words "Extra virgin" must be indicated on the label.

"Olive oil"

The product "olive oil" means a mixture of refined oil and extra virgin oil. Moreover, it contains up to 85% of the first, and only 15% of the second.

However, this does not mean that such a product is much worse. On the contrary, it is successfully used in cooking due to its softer taste. And its cost is much lower. But if we talk about the content of nutrients and especially vitamins, then their content here is not so high.

Olive oil can be used against stretch marks. It will also soften the skin and make it softer, more resistant to tears. But it will be more difficult to achieve good saturation with vitamins E and A with this tool.

Second cold spin

The technology for the manufacture of this oil uses the action of high temperature and solvents. This method affects the content of vitamins and minerals in it, their amount is significantly reduced.

In the future, to improve the taste, it is mixed with Extra Virgin, which allows you to somewhat equalize the balance of nutrients. And yet it is significantly inferior to the first grade in its ability to fight against stretch marks.

The second cold-pressed oil is inexpensive, due to which it is available to most people. In the absence of another option, it is quite suitable as a preventive measure against the appearance of stretch marks.

Lamp oil

Sometimes on sale you can find a special product - lamp oil. Oddly enough, but it is also made by the first cold pressing without preservatives and high temperatures.

However, for its production, substandard olives are used - usually they are harvested from the ground or of poor quality.

It is not worth using this oil against stretch marks during pregnancy.

Fake oil

Given the popularity of olive oil, it should come as no surprise that counterfeit products have increased in recent years. Scammers usually add rapeseed oil to them, which significantly increases the volume.

However, the usefulness of such a product raises huge doubts. In order not to use a fake, it is necessary to purchase oils only from trusted manufacturers and carefully read the composition on the label. You also need to consider the cost.

Diluted olive oil will always be the cheapest among comparable products. Pregnancy is the period when mother and child are most vulnerable, so you shouldn't even save on cosmetics.

Mode of application

It is quite simple to use olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. Before applying, it is advisable to take a shower to cleanse the skin. Do not wipe dry. The product is most effective when applied to slightly damp skin.

Lightly and gently rub in the olive oil until it is absorbed. Then it is better to blot the area of ​​the chest, abdomen and thighs with a paper towel to remove excess.

It is advisable not to put on your clothes for a while after rubbing in the oil, then it will probably not get dirty.

This procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day and always before bedtime. It should be remembered that olive oil has a characteristic smell, so it is better not to use it or replace it with a refined product before going to a visit, cafe or store.

The sooner a woman starts to lubricate her skin with olive oil, the better the result will be. Once the stretch marks are formed, it can take more than a year to get rid of them, and you will still be able to notice the white pearlescent thin stripes.

Therefore, if future parents are planning a pregnancy, it is worth preparing the skin even before conception. If the pregnancy was unexpected, it is necessary to start these procedures as soon as the test becomes positive.


Should I take olive oil internally to prevent stretch marks? Of course, it does not have a direct effect on the skin. But this useful product saturates the body with vitamins A and E, without which the normal state of the skin is impossible.

Olive oil can be added to salads and soups, or used for frying. Some substitute it for butter and add this product even to cereals.

It is only important to observe the measure, since it is rich in fats, albeit of plant origin. In addition, do not forget that olive oil is contraindicated for cholelithiasis, as it can aggravate the disease.


However, sometimes a situation may occur when olive oil for some reason is not suitable for the expectant mother - for example, it causes an allergic reaction in her.

In this case, do not be upset. You can use an alternative remedy - sunflower oil.

If natural herbal remedies are also contraindicated for a pregnant woman, the modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge selection of cosmetics. Among them, the most popular are creams for stretch marks of the following brands:

  • Vichy.
  • Chicco.
  • Veleda.

However, it should be remembered that although these ready-made cosmetics are easier to apply, absorb faster and smell better, there is still no viable alternative to natural olive oil.

The period of pregnancy for a woman is the expectation of a happy meeting with her baby. A pregnant woman wishes to preserve her attractiveness during this special period of her life. As you know, not all cosmetics and skin care procedures are suitable for the expectant mother. While waiting for the baby, it is better to give preference to natural and harmless remedies. Using olive oil during pregnancy, a woman will benefit both herself and her baby.

Benefits during pregnancy

The benefits of using olive oil for a future mom:

  • Promotes the correct development of the baby. It has a particularly beneficial effect on his nervous system.
  • Saturates the woman's body with vitamin E, which is indispensable for the correct formation of the fetus and the successful course of pregnancy.
  • Prevents the occurrence of constipation, which can affect pregnant women.
  • It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, the skeletal system of the baby and the mother, because it contains a huge amount of useful vitamins D, K, E.
  • Corrects the weight of the pregnant woman, reducing appetite.
  • Provides the body of the expectant mother with important polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Does not cause allergies when consumed.
  • Improves labor activity.

Olive oil is especially effective when applied externally to combat stretch marks.

Prevention and treatment of stretch marks

Many pregnant women are familiar with the problem associated with the appearance of stretch marks. During pregnancy, the uterus grows rapidly, which means the abdominal wall is stretched. If the skin is not elastic enough, then the connective components of the skin are stretched. As a result, the inner layer of the skin is damaged, and pink or purple stripes (striae) appear on its outer surface. Stretch marks usually appear on a pregnant woman's abdomen, thighs, and breasts.

The predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks is associated with heredity. If the mother had stretch marks, then there is a high probability that her daughter may have them while carrying a child. Genes can transmit the degree of skin elasticity. With the likelihood of stretch marks, attention should be paid to preventive measures even before pregnancy. These include doing specific exercises to strengthen skin elasticity and swimming. During pregnancy, when choosing exercises, it is important to consult a gynecologist.

One of the most effective remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy is the use of olive oil. It is indispensable, both in their prevention and in the fight against existing stretch marks. Olive oil contains in its composition valuable substances that help, with regular use, to increase the elasticity of the skin and prolong its youth.

The greatest value in the composition of olive oil for the skin is vitamin E. Its regenerating and antioxidant effect protects skin cells from degeneration. In addition, applying olive oil to the surface of the body moisturizes, nourishes and smoothes it. Olive oil has the ability to stimulate the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. It is better to start using olive oil for stretch marks as a preventive measure at the beginning of the first trimester. And with a planned pregnancy - before conception. This approach will prevent or stop the process of stretch marks in the early stages.

Mode of application

For external use, 100% extra virgin olive oil is suitable. It is distinguished by its dark color and specific smell.

Apply 2 times a day after a shower. The effectiveness of olive oil is enhanced by a gentle exfoliation before applying it to the skin. It is better to combine the use of oil with a light massage. After application, it is necessary to wait until the oil is absorbed into the skin, and remove its residues with a napkin.