Acute urinary retention: emergency care, causes, treatment, symptoms, signs. Urinary retention. Chronic urinary retention, its causes

Ischuria (urinary retention) - the impossibility of emptying the bladder, despite the overflow of urine. If urinary retention occurs suddenly, it is called acute; if it develops gradually due to an increasing, long-term obstruction to the outflow of urine, it is called chronic.

Urinary retention can occur due to the following factors:

1. Mechanical causes (adenoma, abscess or prostate cancer, acute prostatitis, trauma to the urethra, bladder or urethral stone, tumor of the urethra or bladder neck, phimosis).

2. Diseases of the central nervous system (tumor and trauma of the brain or spinal cord, dorsal tabes, myelitis).

3. Reflex functional causes (after surgery on the perineum, rectum, female genital organs, after childbirth, stress, alcohol intoxication, hysteria, forced prolonged stay of the patient in bed, etc.).

4. Drug intoxication (hypnotics, narcotic analgesics).

The most common cause of acute urinary retention is prostate adenoma, which is often found in men over 60 years of age. Naturally, acute urinary retention is predominantly a pathology of older men. Urinary retention in the presence of an adenoma is facilitated by causes that cause a rush of blood to it (prolonged sitting, constipation, diarrhea, cooling, alcohol intake). The anamnesis reveals frequent urination (especially at night), difficult onset of urination, and a sluggish urine stream. In acute prostatitis, acute urinary retention develops against the background of fever, pain syndrome, terminal hematuria.

Less commonly, acute urinary retention occurs with injuries of the urethra, fractures of the pelvic bones; it is observed predominantly in men and is due to the significant length of the male urethra, in contrast to the short female.

A peculiar form of urinary retention is the sudden "interruption" of the stream of urine, which is usually a symptom of bladder stones. When urination begins, a moving stone "closes" the internal opening of the urethra, and urination is interrupted. The patient has to change position so that it resumes. Some patients with bladder stones can only urinate in a certain position (squatting, lying on their side, sitting). Urinary retention is combined with pain, hematuria.

Acute urinary retention can be one of the manifestations of diseases or injuries of the brain or spinal cord with a disorder of the nervous regulation of the detrusor and sphincters of the bladder (tapes dorsalis, myelitis, spinal fractures with compression of the spinal cord or hemorrhage into it).

Acute urinary retention can be reflex in nature: in the first days after surgical interventions on the abdominal organs, operations for abdominal hernias, hemorrhoids, etc. Sometimes it occurs in perfectly healthy subjects after taking large amounts of alcohol: it is caused by atony of the cystic muscle . In the elderly, atony of the bladder with the development of urinary retention may be a consequence of treatment with atropine drugs.

Urinary retention can be complete or incomplete. With a complete delay, the patient, despite a sharp urge to urinate and strong straining, cannot excrete a single drop of urine; such patients are sometimes catheterized for years. With incomplete, partial retention, urination occurs, but after it part of the urine remains in the bladder (residual urine), its amount sometimes reaches 1 liter.

If the amount of residual urine exceeds 100 ml, it can be determined by percussion. Chronic incomplete ischuria can proceed unnoticed by the patient and be detected only with the development of complications, it leads to stagnation of urine in the urinary tract and impaired renal function.

With prolonged urinary retention, not only the ultimate stretching of the muscular wall of the bladder occurs, but its atony with stretching of the sphincters, and urine from the overflowing bladder is involuntarily excreted in drops. This condition is called paradoxical ischuria. Quite often, the accompanying indications of patients that they constantly urinate in small portions lead to the fact that acute urinary retention in the presence of paradoxical ischuria is not recognized in a timely manner.

The diagnosis of ischuria is based on the data of anamnesis and objective examination. When viewed in the suprapubic region, a bulge is detected due to an overflowing bladder. The upper border of the bladder is determined by percussion, which, in case of acute urinary retention, can be located in the middle of the distance between the navel and the pubic joint; the bottom of the filled bladder can often be palpated.

Complete urinary retention should not be confused with anuria, which stops urine production. With her, urination is also impossible, but there is no urge, the bladder is empty.

Basic principles of treatment tactics in case of acute urinary retention:

1. Acute urinary retention causes severe pain and requires emergency care. Bladder catheterization in the presence of prostate adenoma should be carried out only with a rubber catheter. After treating the external opening of the urethra with a disinfectant solution, the catheter, abundantly moistened with glycerin or vaseline oil, is inserted into the urethra with tweezers. The forward movement is made in “short steps” of 2 cm. You should not try to force the catheter into the urethra, since catheterization of the bladder can lead to complications in urolithiasis and acute prostatitis. If necessary, the catheter can be left in the bladder for several days (permanent catheter), however, in this case, in order to avoid infection, the bladder is washed with an antiseptic solution, antibiotics, furadonin, nitroxoline and other antibacterial agents are prescribed. If it is impossible to insert a rubber catheter, the patient should be immediately referred to a urologist.

2. In the case of reflex urinary retention (for example, with postpartum, postoperative ischuria), you can try to induce urination by irrigating the external genital organs with warm water, by pouring water from one vessel into another (the sound of a falling stream of water can reflexly cause urination); introduction into the urethra 5-10 ml of a 1-2% solution of novocaine; with the ineffectiveness of these methods and the absence of contraindications, the introduction of 1 ml of a 1% solution of pilocarpine or 1 ml of a 0.05% solution of prozerin subcutaneously is indicated; with inefficiency - catheterization of the bladder.

3. In some cases, acute urinary retention often recurs. The main danger of re-catheterization is the inevitable urinary tract infection up to the development of urosepsis. After providing emergency care, patients with acute urinary retention must be referred to a urologist for examination, after which the question of the possibility and expediency of surgical treatment aimed at eliminating the obstacle to emptying the bladder can be resolved.

Acute urinary retention takes a person by surprise. Confusion and pain make it impossible to make the right decision. It is not recommended to endure in such cases, it is better to call an ambulance. To improve literacy, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the causes of such a complication.

Sources of malaise

Acute urinary retention is characterized by a sharp manifestation of pain, bloating. More often, this condition is formed against the background of another developing complication. Infections, an inflammatory process in the bladder, prostatitis, urethritis and many other diseases affect the release of excess urine. Damage to the nervous system also has a negative effect on the excretory system.

Acute urinary retention is similar in symptoms to anuria. However, in the latter case, pain is manifested due to the lack of urine in the bladder. With this type of complication, she does not go there at all.

Acute urinary retention is predictable if you pay attention to the state of the body. By the symptoms, you can determine the onset of the disease and be treated. A sudden deterioration in the condition can be avoided.

In advanced cases, only surgery helps, which can also have side effects. After all, the formation of acute urinary retention can be affected by surgery on other internal organs. Similarly, women's health is affected by difficult childbirth, when muscle fibers are torn.

Signs of complications

Emergency care for acute urinary retention should follow immediately after the discovery of swelling in the lower abdomen. When there is a sharp and unnatural increase in the size of the peritoneum. A person discovers that he has not gone to the toilet to urinate for a long time, and water consumption is normal.

You will also need help with acute urinary retention, when there is a sharp pain and the body requires relief. But you can't go to the toilet. A doctor should be consulted if at least one of the listed symptoms is detected. If all complications are observed at once, then the patient needs hospitalization.

The sharp color and smell of urine should be alert if this is observed for more than two days. Often the change in composition depends on nutrition and bad habits. Many diseases of the genitourinary system are manifested by such properties, you should undergo a complete examination when the normal state of urine changes.

Classification of complications

It is necessary to distinguish between chronic and acute urinary retention. Treatment is carried out in both cases, since this condition is a sign of a developing serious illness. A complete examination is carried out in order to identify the deviation of health and prevent further blocking of the excretory passages.

If the condition worsens within a few hours, then this is acute urinary retention. Treatment is unscheduled and is carried out in a hospital. With this complication, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen is observed. The patient feels a constant craving to go to the toilet and cannot do it.

In the chronic form of the complication, pain may be absent, the patient goes to the toilet, but the bladder is not completely emptied. This situation is eliminated by long-term treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Can and should be carried out first aid for acute urinary retention, aimed at alleviating the condition of the body. Each patient should be approached differently, based on the available information on chronic diseases.

The disease paradoxical ischuria is allocated in a separate area. Here there is incontinence with overflow of the bladder. There is a complication with overstretching of the sphincters, otherwise the mechanism closing the ducts is called so.

Complications in the stronger sex

Acute urinary retention in men is often caused by problems in the reproductive system. Prostate adenoma is a growing tumor that begins to compress neighboring tissues. If the neoplasm belongs to a benign type, then a malignant tumor - prostate cancer - similarly affects.

A similar effect is observed with prostatitis in the acute stage, trauma to the urethra. The narrowing of the ducts is affected by inflammation of the seminal tubercle, a violation of the normal movement of the foreskin. The latter situation occurs with phimosis.

The development of complications is influenced by infections of the genitourinary system. This is facilitated by promiscuity and lack of basic hygiene. To prevent complications and when acute urinary retention can already form, the symptoms are constantly diagnosed at the first suspicion of inflammation.

Doctors recommend to undergo an examination once again, than to subsequently experience pain and bewilderment from acute pain in the lower abdomen. This condition can be prevented by simple preventive actions, and it will be faster to improve already spoiled health in the clinic.

General complications

If acute urinary retention has formed, the causes of malaise may be common to both sexes. More often it is inflammation in the urinary system and deviations in the nervous system. These include: stone deposits in the bladder, tumors in the excretory system: disorders in the structure of the rectum, swelling and narrowing of the urethra.

Diseases of the nervous system that affect the blocking of the excretory ducts include: damage to the spinal cord and brain, injuries in this area, failure of the parts of the body responsible for the production of myelin. Also, the blocking of the excretory tract mechanism is affected by temporary malfunctions in the nervous system: stress, shock, in case of poisoning, after surgery. A long-term state of immobility is dangerous for the excretory tract, when the risk of muscle atrophy increases.

Also common are mechanical effects on the lower parts of the body: injuries, cuts, punctures. An equal contribution to the formation of complications is made by alcoholic and toxic shock. Smoking contributes to the slagging of the body, due to which there is stagnation of blood in the small pelvis. Hemorrhoidal veins are the result of negative factors of immobility of the body. They are able to partially block the lumen of the ureter.

If an acute urinary retention has formed, the diagnosis often shows that the cause of the complication is the usual hypothermia. It leads to pathology in the work of the kidneys, bladder. Poor nutrition and mineral-rich foods can lead to an imbalance in the body. It provokes stagnation of urine by slowing down metabolic processes.

Complications in the weaker sex

First aid for acute urinary retention depends on the patient's gender. Diagnostics is built on the basis of statistics. In women, most of the ailments of the excretory system occur due to prolapse of the bladder. The risk of prolapse of an organ from the vagina increases.

Contribute to the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth. When the muscles are overstrained, and then there is no physical training for a long time, the process of sagging of the bladder begins. The risks increase if more than one birth has taken place.

Less often, pathology manifests itself in women who have undergone a caesarean section. Another negative factor affecting muscle tone is the decrease in estrogen in the postmenstrual period. At risk are people who experience overstrain due to weight lifting, excessive sports.

Also, bladder prolapse occurs due to a genetic predisposition, when weak pelvic muscles formed in childhood. Negative factors are: operations to remove the uterus, postpartum injuries, exhaustion of the body.

Methods for early diagnosis

Acute urinary retention (ICD-10 assigns a complication number R33) is a relatively common complication. To assess the state of the body, information is collected by a survey method. Questions are asked about existing chronic diseases. Have you experienced similar ailments before? Doctors need all the information whether a periodic examination of the genitourinary system was performed.

Early operations can affect the formation of complications, so it is recommended to bring the most complete information to the doctors, even about the presence of poor nutrition and bad habits. Palpation determines the degree of swelling of the abdomen. To establish the state of the body, it will be necessary to collect tests: KLA, OAM. The level of leukocytes, indicating the presence of inflammation, is determined.

When acute urinary retention has formed, emergency care is carried out before testing. After the patient feels better, doctors begin to look for the true cause of the complication. An elevated level of white blood cells and red blood cells in the urine indicates an infection in the body.

Previous treatment for another disease can affect the condition and cause a deterioration in urine output from the body. Therefore, it is important to report on the medications taken for the previous six months. The state of the kidneys is an important criterion for assessing health. Alcohol and some drinks undermine the work of all systems. Hiding this information is not recommended.

Laboratory methods

Methods for diagnosing the urinary system include:

  • Ultrasound helps to get a picture of the internal organs and determine the degree of squeezing of the excretory ducts. Ultrasound does not give a complete picture of the complication, therefore it is used as an additional method.
  • The condition of the bladder, kidneys, intestines, stomach is assessed. The prostate gland is also translucent. In women, pay attention to the inside of the uterus.
  • Blood biochemistry may show elevated protein values. Urea and uric acid, creatinine are also detected.

Catheterization refers to the first aid method and can be used as a diagnostic method. During the procedure, the amount of fluid removed is estimated. A tube is inserted through the outlet channel, and the accumulated liquid is pumped out.

An emergency measure to save seriously ill people is a puncture or cystomy. A tube is inserted through the skin to drain excess urine.

Types of first aid

With acute urinary retention, always resort to calling an ambulance. But before her arrival, you can help and alleviate the condition. First of all, the slightest movement is excluded so as not to experience pain. While waiting for the doctors, you can take a diuretic if you are sure that the cause of the complication is the accumulation of fluid in the bladder.

If the cause of the disease is unclear, it is better to refrain from taking medicines. Stretching yourself physically in order to go to the toilet is not recommended. Blocked channels must first be released, otherwise there is a risk of rupture of the urethra. Warming up the abdominal area makes sense. The heat can soothe the muscles and help free up the channels. To do this, use a heating pad as a safe method.

Analgesics and sedatives help with pain. The latter includes valerian. It can relax muscles and relieve spasms. Water consumption is also limited until medical assistance is provided.

Help in the hospital

First of all, doctors try to empty the bladder to alleviate the condition. The method of assistance is chosen individually: catheter or puncture. In the process of choosing therapy, the need to treat the underlying cause is taken into account. If you do not extinguish the inflammation in the neighboring organ, then the complication will recur.

Catheter assistance involves two types of procedure: soft and hard. Piercing of the skin can be done by a suprapubic puncture, called capillary: the procedure got its name because of the very small hole after the puncture. Trocar cystostomy is also widely used: the technique is similar to the previous puncture. Before the procedure, two parameters are evaluated: the degree of distension of the bladder and the result of the examination by palpation.

Epicystostomy also involves a puncture in the suprapubic area in order to secure an elastic drainage to drain fluid from the bladder. After the procedure, there is a risk of developing inflammation in the fistula area. To exclude complications, a course of antibiotic treatment and antiseptic treatment of the puncture site is carried out.

Each method has a number of significant drawbacks. One of these is mechanical damage to the walls of the bladder, as a result of which the peritoneal space can be filled with urine. The last action ends with the development of peritonitis. The risk of transmission of infection to healthy areas of the body increases.

How to prevent the development of complications?

To prevent the development of acute urinary retention, one has to switch to a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, normalize the diet, exercise physically and avoid overexertion and stress. It is mandatory to undergo a periodic examination of the genitourinary system at least once a year.

You will also need to be tested for infections. Treat chronic diseases to maintain good health. Avoid hypothermia, overheating, observe the regime of the day for nightly recovery of the body in a dream.

It is required to maintain the state of blood counts. Remove slagging of the body, eat dietary dishes. For men, the issue of acquiring prostate pathologies at the age of more than 50 years is acute, and for women - prolapse of the uterus.

The condition of the intestines also affects the bladder, it is necessary to monitor the formation of constipation and adjust the food intake. If acute urinary retention in women manifested itself once, then subsequently the body is already being constantly monitored and, at the first suspicion of a complication, they seek help from the clinic.

Athletes and workers in hazardous industries are susceptible to urinary retention when, in the process of performing duties, the groin experiences constant stress and mechanical stress. Such people have to look around the doctor for the occurrence of pathologies much more often. If health deviations are detected, it is recommended to change the profession or type of physical activity.

Urological emergency, when the ability to empty a full (or even full) bladder is lost, is called ischuria. The term "acute urinary retention" is often used in relation to this pathology; in the ICD-10, such conditions are coded as R33. This is a predominantly "male" disease, in women it is diagnosed extremely rarely.

Ishuria- this is the accumulation of urine in the bladder due to the impossibility of emptying it due to the occurrence of an obstacle at the level of the urethra (foreign body of the urethra, adenoma and prostate cancer, neurogenic or psychogenic dysfunction of the bladder, etc.). This critical situation requires emergency care, since with acute urinary retention there is a real threat of rupture of the bladder.

The difference from anuria is that with urinary retention, the bladder is full, while with anuria, the kidneys do not perform their functions and there is nothing to urinate.

Symptoms and diagnosis of acute urinary retention

Acute urinary retention is complete and incomplete. With a complete delay, the patient, despite a sharp urge to urinate and strong attempts to urinate, cannot excrete a single drop of urine. With incomplete, partial retention, urination occurs, but after it part of the urine remains in the bladder (residual urine), its amount sometimes reaches 1 liter. With prolonged urinary retention, not only the ultimate stretching of the muscular wall of the bladder occurs, but also the stretching of the sphincters, and urine from the overflowing bladder is involuntarily released in drops. This condition is called paradoxical ischuria.

Acute urinary retention occurs in about 10% of men over 60 years of age.

The main symptom of acute urinary retention is the inability to urinate when there is an urge to urinate. The patient is restless, complains of painful urgency to urinate when it is impossible to complete it, pain in the lower abdomen and perineum of varying intensity, a feeling of fullness and fullness of the bladder. The patient assumes a forced posture "bending over". The abdomen itself is enlarged, a dense pear-shaped protrusion appears above the pubis.

When diagnosing acute urinary retention, a physical examination is performed - palpation of the bladder above the pubis and a patient questioning. In addition, the doctor may prescribe RG and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. To identify the cause of acute urinary retention after emptying the bladder, retrograde urethrography, excretory cystourethrography and intravenous pyelography are performed.

First aid for acute urinary retention and prevention

A person suffering from acute urinary retention needs immediate hospitalization!

During first aid for acute urinary retention before the arrival of the ambulance, the patient can drink a glass of cold water, apply a warm heating pad to the perineum. Put a cleansing enema, rectally - a candle with belladonna. It is possible, when providing first aid for acute urinary retention, to place the patient in a warm bath and open the tap - the sound of the falling jet will help to reflexly induce urination.

In the hospital, the bladder is emptied with a standard urethral catheter. Sometimes, according to indications for the treatment of acute urinary retention, an operation is performed - suprapubic trocar cystotomy (puncture of the bladder and creation of an outflow of urine using a tube that is inserted through the wall of the abdomen in the suprapubic region).

Prevention of acute urinary retention is to eliminate the disease that caused it. It is necessary to treat infectious diseases in a timely manner, regularly undergo examination by a urologist, gynecologist and oncologist, protect yourself from injuries and foreign bodies in the urinary tract, eat properly and rationally and not abuse alcohol.

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Acute urinary retention is the inability to empty the filled bladder on its own. This condition must be distinguished from anuria, in which there is no urination due to the fact that the kidneys stop filtering fluid and form urine. Urinary retention is more common in men.

There are three large groups of causes of acute urinary retention: obstruction of its outflow from the bladder, malfunctions in the nervous system that regulates urination, and various poisonings. A mechanical obstruction to the outflow of urine can be created by an adenoma or a malignant tumor of the prostate, an exacerbation of chronic inflammation of this organ, an injury to the urethra or cicatricial changes after it, a stone or body wedged into the urethra. In women, acute urinary retention can also be triggered by uterine prolapse.

Damage to the nervous system that can lead to a cessation of urine output, such as a brain tumor, craniocerebral, stroke, etc. Some types of poisoning can lead to urinary retention even in a healthy person. This occurs when an overdose or intolerance to common medications such as sleeping pills and some antidepressants. Narcotic painkillers have a similar effect on the bladder.
For all these reasons, acute urinary retention can develop spontaneously or be triggered, for example, by an infection or alcohol intake.

Symptoms in acute urinary retention.

Acute urinary retention is manifested by a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the suprapubic region, which is extremely unpleasant for the patient. A person constantly feels the urge to urinate, but is not able to empty the bladder. Sometimes, with every urge and strong tension of the abdominal muscles, a few drops of urine leave, but the condition does not improve from this.

With a long delay, heaviness and fullness turn into pain, the patient's temperature rises slightly, the heartbeat increases (due to reflex reactions), he is able to lose consciousness. If left untreated, the bladder may rupture.

First emergency medical aid for acute urinary retention.

For the correct provision of emergency care, one must be able to determine the cause of urinary retention. For example, with a prostate tumor, a rough attempt to catheterize the bladder may be ineffective, lead to damage to the urethra and. Therefore, the first step in providing assistance should be a brief questioning of the patient.

The most important are several questions. When was the last urination, did this happen in the past, does the person have any diseases that can cause urinary retention (many patients themselves can name the cause of their condition), has he recently taken any medications that can provoke this? In older men, first of all, you need to ask if they suffer from prostate adenoma and how urine passed before. For prostate adenoma is characterized by frequent urge to urinate, sluggish urine stream.

There are two ways to try to empty your bladder. Reflex and by introducing a catheter into the bladder. First (or if it is not possible to perform bladder catheterization), they resort to the reflex method. Washing the perineum with warm water - the sounds of pouring water also help urination. In the absence of effect and the presence of an appropriate skill, a catheter is inserted into the bladder.

If the patient has an abnormal location of the urethra or if a technically correct attempt to insert a catheter failed three times, you should wait for the help of doctors. Of the drugs that can promote urination, a 1% solution of pilocarpine hydrochloride (1 ml) and a 0.05% solution of prozerin (1 ml) are isolated. If these drugs are available in the prehospital setting, they can be injected under the skin. All patients with acute urinary retention should be hospitalized.

Based on the book "Quick help in emergency situations."
Kashin S.P.

Acute urinary retention (ischuria) is a condition in which a person completely suddenly loses the ability to empty his bladder on his own. At the same time, the patient has a very bad pain in the lower abdomen (often the pain is characterized as unbearable). With acute urinary retention, a person also feels a strong urge to go to the toilet, but he cannot do anything. Ischuria is often confused with anuria. Anuria is a condition in which a person is unable to empty his bladder due to obstruction of the kidneys, resulting in an unfilled bladder. With ischuria, the bladder, on the contrary, is full. However, the patient cannot empty it.

Diseases by symptoms

Any symptom is a signal of the body that any organ, department or whole system is disturbed. To find out why acute urinary retention occurs in children, you need to exclude some diseases. Make sure that your baby undergoes a timely diagnosis, check with the doctors why the child has ischuria and how to quickly and effectively improve the condition of the crumbs.

The list of diseases and conditions in which acute urinary retention occurs in children:

  • forced stretching of the foreskin, which from birth the boy turned out to be narrow;
  • hypospadias, in mild forms of which a small patient undergoes a dissection of the external opening;
  • a crack in the anus in children (in this case we are talking about reflex ischuria);
  • bladder stones;
  • foreign bodies in the bladder;
  • in small women, a urethrocele sometimes falls out through the urethra;
  • damage to the urethra during the game (for example, hitting the ball in the boy's perineum);
  • in boys, acute urinary retention can be the result of tumor diseases, but this happens extremely rarely.

Treatment and specialists

Treatment of ischuria in children should only be handled by a qualified specialist. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat acute urinary retention in a child, how to get rid of complications from ischuria and prevent its occurrence in the future. The following doctors can answer the question of what to do if your son or daughter has acute urinary retention:

  • pediatric gynecologist,
  • pediatrician,
  • surgeon,
  • urologist.

The treatment of acute urinary retention in children depends on the cause of the symptom. Treatment should not be aimed at eliminating the symptom (although this too), but at ridding the child of the disease that causes ischuria. In cases where acute urinary retention occurs due to a crack in the anus, the parents themselves can help the baby. It is necessary to prepare a warm bath for the baby, which will relieve spasm and eliminate the resulting urinary retention. However, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is still required, since it is extremely difficult to independently determine the cause of acute urinary retention.

Arm yourself with knowledge and read a useful informative article about the disease acute urinary retention in children. After all, being parents means studying everything that will help maintain the degree of health in the family at the level of “36.6”.

Find out what can cause the disease, how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about what are the signs by which you can determine the malaise. And what tests will help to identify the disease and make the correct diagnosis.

In the article, you will read everything about the methods of treating such a disease as acute urinary retention in children. Specify what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose drugs or folk methods?

You will also learn how untimely treatment of acute urinary retention in children can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent acute urinary retention in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find full information about the symptoms of acute urinary retention in children on the pages of the service. How do the signs of the disease in children at 1.2 and 3 years old differ from the manifestations of the disease in children at 4, 5, 6 and 7 years old? What is the best way to treat acute urinary retention in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and be in good shape!

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