From what brittle nails. Brush nails - we find and eliminate the cause. Characteristics of layered and brittle nails

If you have brush and fragile nailswhich often breaks caustially, do not miss this article. Weakness, stratification and yellowness nail - a problem for many women, but we all want to have well-groomed hands and beautiful manicure. Fortunately, natural tools can effectively help us in strengthening the nails, and in our article we will tell in detail how to apply them.

Homemade tools to strengthen nails

1. Bath with olive and castor oil

Very simple I. effectivewhich is easy to cook at home. Ideal for food fragile nails, it moisturizes and strengthens them, and its combination with castor oil turns into an excellent vitamin cocktail.

Mix over 1 tablespoon of olive and castor Oil And apply to the nails and the skin of the hands using a cotton disk. Leave the mask for exposure for 20 minutes, and then see soft soap. If you repeat such a procedure 3 times a week, you will soon celebrate positive result - Nails will become strong and beautiful ..

2. Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is vital for our body: to strengthen bones, hair, nails and moisturizing and protecting the skin from free radicals. And with it, we will prepare the healing enamel for nails.

You will need vitamin E capsules, it can be easily found in the pharmacy, and clear nail polish For nails. Add the contents of 1 capsules into a transparent varnish and mix the tassel. Regularly cover your nails with such a composition - this will significantly improve their condition and relieve fragility.

3. Garlic

Surprised? Yes, garlic really can become your assistant in nail care - it has an antibacterial effect, which means that protects them from fungal infections and toxic substances that can affect the state of nails.

In the evening, cut the clove of garlic in half and slightly massaging them nails and cuticle, and then shattered with the help of children's antibacterial soap. Believe me, the smell will not be left on your hands.

4. Means for rising strong nails

We will share with you a prepatar mask, which will allow the nails to grow strong and healthy. Everything is very simple: Mix 1 teaspoon of meakty, egg yolkA little lemon juice and 5 teaspoons of milk. Thoroughly mix the ingredients before receiving a homogeneous mass and apply to the nails and the skin of the hands for 10 minutes.

If you repeat such a procedure 2 times a week, the result will not make yourself wait.

5. Horst

The cost is ideal for strengthening, nutrition and rehabilitation of nails. How to use it? Just boil four twigs of this plant in a cup of water, let me cool. As soon as the decoction cools up to room temperature, Opay him fingers for 15 minutes.

Repeat such a procedure 2 times a week.

6. Lemon and almond oil

Another classic and easy to prepare. Almond oil you can find in a pharmacy or health store. For a nutrient and strengthening mask, the juice of half of the lemon, a teaspoon of sugar and almond oil.

First mix lemon juice And sugar and lower the nails into this mixture for 10 minutes. Then, using a cotton disk, apply for each nail almond oil. Effectively and easy!

7. Nail bleaching agent

Sometimes our nails acquire an unpleasant yellowish tint. Can cope with him and whiten your nails using simple fund: add water and 1/2 teaspoon to a small container white vinegar, lower the nails in this bath for 5 minutes.

Also for bleaching nails it will be useful: we apply it with a cotton disk to the nails and do not wash it out.

  • Avoid the harmful habit of nailing nails, it significantly weakens them and makes fragile and lifeless. In addition, you can make an infection in the body.
  • Do not abuse the use of nail polish. Nails should have access to oxygen, so do a breather during a couple of weeks.
  • Do not use nails to open any tanks and other mechanical actions, you can cause them a serious injury.
  • Accustomed to use household gloves when washing and washing. The use of powders and cleaning products destroys the structure of the nails.

With the help of such distemper recipes and tips you can care for the nails and shine with beauty and extensive hands

Disturbance and integrity nail platesoK associated with the effects of external and internal factors. Brush nails It is often clouded, we are smeared, cracking, represent difficulties with the growing and high-quality decorative varnish. To clarify the causes of nail fragility, it is necessary to exclude chronic diseases, shortage of vitamins and microelements in the body, fungal diseases. Treatment of brittle nails involves the elimination of etiological factors, conducting medical baths, paraffin therapy, reinforcement of nails, the use of nutritional creams for nail care, etc.

Causes of nail fragility

Become brittle nails can for the reasons for external and internal order. Nails have a porous structure and easily absorb moisture, various chemicals with which you have to contact the hands. Therefore, fragile nails are found in humans, due to their professional activities in contact with solvents, acids, alkalis and other aggressive substances. In addition, the fragility and bundle of nails may occur due to frequent contact with the means household chemicals (washing powders, detergent and cleaning agents), long-lasting hands in water, etc. Weaken nails such physical factors, as low temperature ambient air B. winter time years, dry air indoor. As a result of chronic hypothermia and drying, the nails are thinned and become fragile.

A common cause of increased fragility of nails is illiterate care: improper cutting of the nails, habit of bite your nails with teeth. Frequent nail extension, the use of cheap varnish and liquid for removing varnish leads to the fact that harmful components (acetone, formaldehyde, etc.) penetrate deep into the nail, disturbing its structure and making more vulnerable. In addition, a mechanical impact of the nail can lead to the cracking of the nail.

The problem of nail fragments can be associated with endogenous factors, among which the leading role belongs to the shortage of trace elements and vitamins. Particularly unfavorable in the state of the nail plate affects the lack of vitamins A, D, E, calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc, iron. Nail fragility can enhance during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is quite explained - at this time female organism "Shares" with its resources with the body of the baby, so it is extremely important that the mother's diet of the mother is high-quality and full-fledged in composition. In addition, increased nail fragility can be celebrated during hormonal rearrangements - In the period of Pubertat and Klimaks. The cause of brittle nails can serve as thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, anemia, gastrointestinal diseases, stress.

Characteristic of brittle nails

The problem of brittle nails is not a bit familiar with many women. In this case, the free edge of the nail is often clouded over the entire thickness or stratified, i.e., the violations relate to its upper (brilliant) layer. At the same time, the nail plates are thin and grow slowly. Increased nail fragility does not allow a woman to enjoy beautiful, long natural nails. Often, the fragility of the nails is combined with the deformation of their surface, a change in color and shape.

The splitting of nails in the longitudinal direction (onichoclasia, onihorexis) often leads to a painful nail plate. Vertical cracks originate from free edge nail and apply to different distance in the proximal direction. In this case, as a rule, the lesion concerns individual nails of the fingers or legs. With onoxisis, nails are split in the transverse direction. Such a problem can occur with poorly performed manicure, game string instruments, typewriter printing, etc.

In dermatologies, brittle nails are considered as a manifestation of onsodefin, requiring the establishment of the causes and conducting competent treatment. With the problem of brittle nails, a woman can turn to the master nail serviceHowever, it will be more correct to first visit the dermatologist. Only medical specialist Will be able to correctly sort out the seriousness of the problem. Considering the growth rate of the nails (on the hands of hands 1-2 mm per week, on the legs - 0.25-1 mm per week), can be calculated approximate time The effects of the pathological factor.

For clarification true reasons Nail fragility may require additional consultation of the Mikologa, Endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist. In order to obtain objective data, the patient may be appointed spectral analysis for trace elements, scraping with nail plates on pathogenic mushrooms, blood test for hormones thyroid gland other required analyzes. Nail fragility, should be distinguished from onychomics, changes in nails when skin diseases (Psoriasis, eczema, red flat deck, congenital epidermolysis, etc.).

Treatment of brittle nails

A competent approach to treatment should begin with eliminating the main cause of nail fragility. In all cases it will be useful for a while to refuse to contact with chemicals, nail coatings with decorative varnishes; Strengthen the protection and care of the nails. Useful household means for brittle nails will serve warm baths for hand (oil, salt) - it will help to fill the deficit nutrients in nails. Daily tool Care of brittle nails should be nutrient creams and balms with keratin, vitamins, proteins that should be applied to the cuticle area, since it is most susceptible to the nail useful substances. However, nail nutrition should be carried out not only from the outside, but also from the inside. That is why, with the problem of brittle nails, it is necessary to take care of the change in the diet, the inclusion of products rich in vitamins A, C, E, B5, etc., as well as an additional admission of vitamin and mineral complexes.

When manicured processing of brittle nails, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Strike nails follow only with sharp scissors; It is recommended to abandon the use of bustacles that have too strong pressure on the plate, causing its separation and fragility. For feeding brittle nails, glass or ceramic pinks with fine graininess are better fit, not so much injured fragile nail plate. At the same time, the feeding movements should be performed in one direction, with a large amplitude, from the edge to the center. Before applying color varnish nails as a basis, it is necessary to cover with a special protective and strengthening agent. All means used for manicure procedures should not contain substances harmful to the nail plate.

Specialized caring for brittle nails can be carried out in the conditions of the nail studio of the beauty salon. For brittle nails, spa manicure procedures and Japanese manicure, paraffin therapy, hand and nail masks are recommended. Useful therapeutic massage of the nail plate and the cuticle zones using a keratin complex, polishing nails using vitaminized creams or oils, sealing nails. For strengthening natural nails In arms and legs used acrylic, gel, biogel. In the event of a fracture of the nail plate, the nail repair is carried out using silk or fiberglass. As the plate is growing, the damage place is gradually cut.

Well-groomed I. beautiful nails - This is a sign of the well-being of the owner and his concern about himself. If they become uneven, weak, both men and women, this fact attracts insecurity and indicates that failures appeared in the work of the body. Fragile plates - the problem is not only cosmetic and aesthetic, but directly concerning human health, so it is necessary to decide immediately.

  • dull color;
  • roughness;
  • stratification of tips;
  • a significant slowdown in growth;
  • splitting plate on scales.

What is the nail?

The plate consists of tightly adjacent keratin horny scales. Between them there are layers of water, it is needed for elasticity, gives shine and pleasant color. Growth occurs as follows: Based on (Matrix - White Crescent, adjacent directly to the skin) there is a division of embryonic cells that pushed the old forward. If microcamations or cracks arise between the plates, it leads to the fact that the nails break and go.

External factors:

  • Wrong manicure or pedicure technique.
  • Regular use of varnishes that contain formaldehyde.
  • Building.
  • Violation of the technology of correction and removal of artificial nail.
  • The use of liquid for removing varnish with acetone, the breeding of the old varnishes.
  • Frequent use of alkaline tools for cleaning without hand protection gloves. Characteristic for women housewives.
  • Injuries.
  • Regular long stay in the cold or under reduced humidity.
  • Professional deformations. Infected with musicians, especially guitarists and representatives of other professions, which will use nail plates when working.

Internal factors:

  • One of the main reasons for brittle nails - unbalanced nutrition. It occurs like a lack of protein in food, vitamins A, D, E, such trace elements, like sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, calcium.
  • Pathology of the endocrine system, biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract or liver. With them there is an incorrect distribution of trace elements in the body, metabolism is disturbed.
  • Anemia.
  • Dermatological diseases in which the nail or adjacent fabric is affected. It is a fungus, and red flat deprived, and eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body. May be observed in men, especially in publit periodBut more characteristic of women. It is often found in the period of Klimaks.
  • Pregnancy and feeding breast milk. In these situations, priority in the distribution of nutrients and trace elements is given to the child.
  • The consequence of intoxication with harmful elements, especially hard metals.

In addition to these reasons, such a state may cause depression, and bad habits or nervous pathology: biting plates, destruction of their integrity. This requires a visit to the psychotherapist.

What to do and what to treat?

If a person gives himself a report that he does not have brittle healthy nails, any therapy should begin with a campaign to the doctor. To begin with, visit the Mikologist, Dermatologist. In some cases, consultation of an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist or immunologist is required. The specialist will advise to make blood test - biochemical or on hormones, which is most often relevant for men, but for women. If the cause is in the disease internal organs, it is necessary to treat it first of all.

1. Normalization of nutrition.

Whatever the cause of problems, treatment should include power correction. Be sure to regularly protein food. This meat (it is preferable to take white, poultry meat), dairy products (they are, in the same, rich in calcium), eggs, fish. Do not neglect the vegetable protein, which is contained in vegetables, and especially in lentil, peas, beans.

If nails break on hands, for any specialist will be obvious, which is not enough to your body: these are vitamins A and E, as well ascorbic acid. Complete vegetables, fruits, berries, unrefined vegetable oils in food.

Among large number Products are especially highlighted by cottage cheese, as a source of high-quality protein, sesame, rich in calcium, nuts and spinach, which is desirable to eat in raw form.

The lack of vitamins and trace elements is not fixed immediately. Requires a considerable period of time, after which the body can cope with the causes of trouble.

2. Vitamin complexes and biooduddes.

Any specialist will advise to do the following: go to the pharmacy and buy some or another vitamin preparationsYou need to regularly take at home. The receipt of nutrients from food is not as great to help if the fragility of the marigolds is strongly launched, so medication will need.

Treatment at home

Cancel your nails on your hands and eliminate the cause of their bundle actually, rubbing nutrient creams in them. Often there are valuable oils and vitamins that will strengthen the effect. In pharmacies or specialized stores You can buy waxes. They are a good and more affordable alternative to similar salon procedures.

Replace the usual varnishes to therapeutic. They contain growth activators, strengthening and feeding components. Often they are used in decorative purposes, independently making themselves manicure.

Nail fragility can be eliminated at home with special natural mud. For this, the drug bought at the pharmacy is bred in warm led to a viscous state and make the compress on the hands of about 15 minutes. Plates should be completely closed with a mixture. Wash off in salted water, after apply nutritious cream. The procedure is carried out daily during the week, after a 10-day break repeat the treatment.

You can take care with the help of special baths. For this B. warm water dissolve a couple of tables false sea salt. Then it is necessary to make an oil workpiece: in the almond teaspoon or apricot oil dissolve a couple of etheric droplets - Mirra, Bergamot, tea tree, Ilang Ilanga, Patchouli, Pine or Cedar. The resulting mixture is made in water. Lower hands in the bath, withstand from 20 to 30 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on how much the nails are injured. After with cream, it is good to massate every finger. The treatment continues until complete recovery, its frequency is approximately 2 times a week.

Thin plates are successfully healed by applying healing oils. It may be sea buckthorn or olive, coconut or almond, jojoba oil. Any of the selected elixirs should be thoroughly rub into the nails and the surrounding skin for the night.


  • Interact with aggressive means exclusively in gloves.
  • Keep vulnerable I. thin nails From frost in winter.
  • Use ceramic or glass Piloxes. Process in one direction.
  • Manicure scissors should be sharp.
  • Buy high-quality varnishes. Before applying, use protective equipment.
  • The brittleness can be prevented by rational nutrition.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

When communicating, the interlocutor involuntarily pays attention to the hands of a person. They tell a lot about the owner.

If the hands are well-groomed - it means that a man is neat, if brittle nails in arms means, the reason lies in the deviations of the body from normal stateAnd before us is a sick person.

However, brittle nails are in people who are not careful about themselves, unfamiliar with the concept of hygiene. Tied, dull, brittle nails give the untidy and negleous appearance to the hands.

Causes of nail fragility

The impact on the nails of external and internal factors leads to their fragility. They start cracking, peeling, rolling, it is impossible to grow and, even more, make a quality manicure.

The impact on the nails of external and internal factors leads to their fragility.

To deal with the reasons for this process, you need to contact BPach. It will help to identify or eliminate chronic and fungal diseases, check the amount of vitamins and microelements in the body.

Complex treatment of nail fragments includes eliminating all the reasons for this phenomenon: the use of therapeutic baths, special creams, paraffin therapy, etc.

The main reasons for the incidence of your nail plates include a number of factors.

Genetic reasons

Such reasons for nail fragments are found quite often. A person from parents is transmitted to the body's ability to produce keratin and a certain amount of sulfur to harden it.

In order to exclude genetic causeIt is recommended to hand over a small part of the nail part to the laboratory.

Hands should not be lowered. Need to carefully care for nails and conduct healing procedures As prevention measures.

Bad care, manicure

If suddenly a woman discovers that she has brittle nails on their hands, often the reason for this lies in the wrong and illiterate care.

If suddenly a woman discovers that she has brittle nails in their hands, often the reason for this lies in the wrong and illiterate care.

The use of cheap varnishes and liquids based on acetone, low-quality care products leads to penetration harmful substances deep into nails, damages their structure, making more vulnerable.

If girls often make a manicure or nail extension - it's perniciously affecting them. The marigolds begin to fade, get out and become brittle.

Do not everyone know how to properly do the manicure at home and learn independently, while producing manipulations that negatively affect the marigold.

Pay attention to the most common mistakes:

  1. It is impossible to use metal and glass sawmills;
  2. The file must be kept strictly perpendicular to the nail, then correctly form the shape of the nail plate;
  3. If the detachment already takes place, it is necessary to handle such a nail to the sides, gradually turning to the center;
  4. The movements of the sawnie occur in one direction;
  5. The tool is preferred with small abrasive and not grind.

Musical instruments game

Any mechanical impact on the nail plates, whether game on a musical instrument or printing on a computer, leads to damage to the nail on the microscopic level and, thus, to a violation of natural detachment.

Any mechanical impact on the nail plates, be it a game on a musical instrument or printing on a computer, leads to damage to the nail.

Work with aggressive substances

Making cleaning in the house, a person can not do without chemical substanceswhich greatly improve and simplify washing.

Even if the woman did washing dishes, then without washing chemical agent not enough. Therefore, it is recommended All the work on the house associated with chemistry, do in gloves. They will protect nails, and hands, from the effects of aggressive substances.

Hormonal failures

Hormonal failures associated mainly with adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding or climax. At such a period, brittle nails are often manifested in their hands, and the reason for it lies on the surface.

Hormonal failures associated mainly with adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding or climax. At such a period, brittle nails are often manifested.

During the hormonal failure, the level of estrogen decreases, and this adversely affects the state of the marigolds.


Avitaminosis, a lack of a man's body of vitamins and microelements leads to the fact that the marks look dull, go. Brush nails on the hands look unpleasant. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon.

The nail includes keratin so that the body produces it is recommended to enter the poultry meat, eggs, sea fish in the menu.

Daily by using these products will benefitly affect the health of nail plates. For the prevention of avitaminosis once a year, a complex of vitamins can be taken.

Nail fungus

This problem arises from many people. If it does not start treatment in time, then your nails lose their shape, color and become brittle.

Foreign intervention

Many people nibble nobs or remove their places, it is categorically prohibited. Under the influence of improper mechanical intervention, they break.

Lack of water and dehydration

The lack of water in the body leads to the fact that the marigolds become yellow, dim and brittle.

Chronic diseases

This reason, due to which brittle nails appear on their hands, occupies a leading place. Such diseases like diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the kidneys, liver, problems with endocrine system All of them affect nail health.

All of the above reasons for the fragility of nail plates can be eliminated. Some are deleted quite easily and quickly, with others you will have to gain patience, treat the disease under the doctor's supervision.

All of the above reasons for the fragility of nail plates can be eliminated.

The main thing - as a result there will be healthy, dense and elastic marigolds.

Features of brittle nails

Now consider how brittle nails look like, and what is their feature.

Except them, the composition includes keratin, which is responsible for the density of the nail, and water that is responsible for elasticity and healthy shine. Based on the nail there is a light zone - matrix. Cells are divided in it, and due to this he grows.

We will analyze the structure of the nail. It consists of a large number of horny plates that are strongly pressed to each other.

For negative impact On the nail plates between the layers are formed the smallest cracks and gaps. Over time, emptiness is formed, which smells to nail.

Please note that brittle nails look bad, their structure becomes soft, with mechanical exposure They bend and break.

The tips look casually, lifeless, can be lazy. If you try to repel them, it is most often not possible. With such nails, the hands look unturied, and the person himself is inaccurative.

How to strengthen nails

In order for your nails to put into order to reduce their fragility as much as much as possible, it is necessary to care for them, strengthen.

Suggest your nails only by sandpaper, metal and glass spoil nails.

Correct care Includes the following:


Most often, brittle nails are the message of the body so that the person thinks about his diet. If the body is experiencing a shortage of trace elements and vitamins, it immediately reacts to this fact that it is nail.

The body may lack such elements as:

Strengthening nails with special drugs

Many people have brittle nails in their hands, so there are many means on the market that are struggling with the causes of their occurrence.

Such means are purchased in pharmacies:

Folk Methods

Also, in addition to special drugs, it is possible to test the methods for their traditional medicine.

Folk methods that are struggling with loneiness:

Prevention of nail fragility

In order not to launch your nails to the previous, unfavorable state, it is necessary to remember the conduct of preventive measures.

It is important to remember a number of tips:

Thus, observing all the necessary measures, constantly caring for your handles and marigolds, you will forever forget about the problem of their fragility.

This video will tell you about what can be done to strengthen your marigolds.

From this video you will learn about the three effective recipes for the strengthening of nails at home.

In this video, you will tell you how to deal with brittle nails and a fungal defeat of nails.

Every representative of the fine sex dreams of a flawless body. The main object providing beauty and tenderness female handsare natural healthy nails. Unfortunately, many girls today are difficult to maintain nails in good conditionunder the action of various negative factors They are damaged. The plates are systematically crumbling and cracking, not the time to grow. To grow chic durable nails, It is necessary to identify the root cause of their depletion and separation, as well as organize the right smooth care. You can choose any natural agent against nail fragility, but do not forget to get acquainted with the main reasons for their weakening and integrated approach to restoration.

Tools for brittle nails


Try to arrange a 2-week exchange rate, the basis for which is easy to prepare from pharmaceutical glycerin, water and alum. In the course daily procedure Contact with a mixture of tissue with nails continues about half an hour.

Liquid vitamins

Ahead with creams can be applied to the nails. liquid vitamins. In pharmacies, drugs with vitamins E, A and D are sold, they will greatly serve for nails and skin of the hands, the lubrication must be carried out regularly.


The most effective is olive oil - the product of the first cold spin. For one oil bath It will take half a cup of oil, it should be heard slightly. Fingers should be in oil for about 20 minutes, make such a feeding of each week, at least 2 months and be sure to get a great result. In addition to olive oil You can use other varieties of oils.


Classic salt bath - universal tool against nail fragility and other common problems. The procedure will be useful in any case, this technique can be applied without restrictions, as suitable for all. This pleasant procedure May be standard preparation for manicure. Dissolving a large spoonful of marine or ordinary salt In the desired volume of water, lower the hand in the container for 20 minutes. Water should be comfortable temperature. Do good procedure every other day, sticking to the course of 20 days. Nails will be healthy, if you do 4 courses per year. In addition to salt, you can add drops essential oils or natural vegetable oils.


Apply from time to time fresh juices. For example, lemon, cranberry and currant juice are optimally suitable for strengthening the nails. Means to impregnate cotton pad And thoroughly wipe all nail plates.


Weak nails are noticeably transformed after the nutrient and strengthen gelatin baths. Food gelatin granules dissolve in boiling water, this mass must be left before cooling, and then lower the hands into it by a quarter of an hour. Use gelatin three times a week.

Means against nail fragments:excellent firming effect give gelatin, juices, salt, oil, liquid vitamins and glycerin

Comprehensive approach to the treatment of nails

Restoration of problem nails

With the pronounced problems and inefficiency of ordinary supporting measures, it is worth consulting a doctor. The restoration of the injured nails must certainly be comprehensive. It is understood that it is necessary to act immediately in several directions, not limited to external means. This complex necessarily needs to include an adequate diet. The development of the system must be carried out individually, depending on the state of health, age and other features. For the sooner rehabilitation, the nails will have forever refuse harmful products And fix your lifestyle as a whole, trying to bring it to healthy.

In addition to proper nutrition, weak nails A powerful vitamin feeding is required from the inside. This can be realized by eating courses. vitamin complexesdesigned specifically for such a goal. Specialist will help correctly choose vitamins. Fortunately, today there are a lot of outdoor funds from authoritative manufacturers in a free sale, when applying strictly according to the instructions, the restoration of the nail plates occurs quickly, a noticeable strength and long-term protection against damage is acquired. Together with medical cosmetics We advise you to use proven homemade funds, including publicly available organic products. This article presents the simplest and effective recipes To strengthen nails.

Facts on the topic of weak nails

Before selecting a means against nail fragments, you need to determine why there are chronic difficulties with nail health. Low-quality products for nail design and removal from them varnish can cause bundle. All sorts of aggressive substances from ambient, professional activity Or injury - everything can negatively affect the state of nail plates. Permanent overcooling of hands occurring in winter causes dehydration and fragility. Incorrect application of manicure tools is also fraught with damage to a different nature.

Some housewives neglect the protection of hands with gloves, performing a lot of cases using water and aggressive household chemicals, which is definitely harmful. Swimming fans in the pool also fall into a risk group, since frequent long-term soaking of the body in chlorinated water is unsafe. It is known that some serious pathology have among the symptoms of the destruction of nails, their whole spectrum, for example, is the diseases of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular or hormonal system. Acute lack important vitamins also can manifest itself a deterioration in the state of the nails, and often suffer skin covering and hair.