Devented her husband for betraying by changing him. Finally, an unusual technique. Just be happy

Each woman at least once in his life experienced a feeling of resentment and anger on her man, especially if the relationship with him was destroyed. When the accurate negative reaches a critical mark, only one desire remains - to take revenge on the offender and make it suffer as much as possible. There are several proven ways, how to spoil the mood of the former guy, without crossing the framework of the law and not tormented by remorse of conscience due to the non-residential act.

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Do you need revenge?

Before trying to revenge the former lover, we need to weigh all the positive and negative consequences of a similar act.

Positive consequences of revenge are not so much:

  1. 1. It is possible that a removable side will have a sense of moral satisfaction if the planned retribution will take place.
  2. 2. Avenger will prove his former guy that she is not so weak and defenseless, as he probably thought.

But there are even more negative sides of the negative sides:

  1. 1. Relationships may be irrevocably corrupted - instead of the former beloved, the likelihood of acquiring an open enemy is great.
  2. 2. From the part of men can follow response actions that can cause much greater damage to the avengeon.
  3. 3. Any revenge requires the cost of time and strength, including emotional.
  4. 4. A former man can think that the girl is still not indifferent to him. Some guys can flatter any manifestation of attention, even expressed in the form of aggression.
  5. 5. Many methods of ignition are qualified by the laws of the Russian Federation as criminal actions - there is a danger to acquire an unpleasant acquaintance with law enforcement agencies.

Brilliant revenge of her husband for treason

How to revenge former?

If it was still decided that the revenge should take place, one of the methods described below can be applied:

  1. 1. Become successful and happy. This method is most recommended for psychologists, so it goes to the first point of the list. Such revenge has a huge number of advantages for a woman. First, doing self-development and achieving success, the girl will distract from problems in personal life. Secondly, if you do not get enough to your grief, but to get into the new hobby, the chances of meeting a new lover will increase repeatedly. Finally, the most important thing - seeing that the girl abandoned by him does not suffer at all, but lives a happy and interesting life, a former man will test genuine disappointment. But, most likely, by this time of his feelings will no longer have any meaning for the girl - it will become for her through the stage. Many women dream about such revenge - in front of the former guy, throw out of the expensive car, having a dazzling appearance, so that he finally realized that he missed the beautiful girl in his life.
  2. 2. Make friends with his new passion. Perhaps the girl will not want to be friends with the former beloved of his boyfriend, but she will accurately agree to one meeting or conversation. During this conversation, you can tell you in detail about all the shortcomings, bad habits and "skeletons in the closet" of its chosen one. If their relationship has just begun, such a story will make a new mistress carefully look at the chosen one or even thoroughly scare away. A simpler version of Vesti: Send a new girl love letters or messages of her chosen one to the former beloved. Even if it turns out that this correspondence has been many years, it will pretrate their relationship.
  3. 3. Tighten the virtual novel with the former guy. This method is most suitable for those who want to take revenge on treason. If the guy is inclined to infidelity, he most likely will not stand before the attention of beauty, whose profile will be designed in advance by Avenger. To implement revenge, this method will have to be pretty to work hard: pick up photos of a girl who will correspond to the taste of a former young man, create a realistic page with a certain number of friends and subscribers so that the guy does not immediately suspect the wrong. After several months of the virtual novel, you can make several venge variants: either throw it according to the correspondence, as it should humilize it; or send correspondence to its current girl (if it consists in relationships); Or cause it to a real date on which he will find that all this time communicated with his former beloved.

Husband went to another

Beautiful revenge

Some women try to show creativity in the implementation of their ideas. In this case, several ideas may seem interesting, how to take revenge beautifully and nontrivially:

  1. 1. Use compromising against a spouse. Over the years of relations, any woman can be preserved in the hook of some compromising photos, documents or videos. If a former husband managed to build a career and occupies a serious position, then for him it will be an unpleasant surprise to find that all his subordinates have a video where it appears in a stupid or unsightly form. If his wife is aware of some financial frauds of the former spouse, then this information can be sent to the leadership anonymously by e-mail. But it must be remembered that if there is a couple of common children, there is absolutely unprofitable for the ex-husband to lose work - the size of the alimony will decline sharply if the spouse quit with the governing position and its salary will fall several times.
  2. 2. Spoile rest. This method of revenge requires good preparation and large financial costs. The main idea is this: to make the former guy and his new girlfriend unexpectedly received a ticket on an expective exotic resort. When they arrive at the place of the alleged rest, they should arise (not without your help) numerous problems - it will not be places in the hotel, the food is terrible, the return tickets will suddenly be unpaid, and the former guy with a new girlfriend will have long and painfully solve the issue of returning home Sitting at the airport. So that such a revenge goes according to plan, you need to have an agreement with the travel agent, paying it not only for trips, but also for having risks his reputation. After all, the groomed former will leave a negative feedback on such a vacation, accusing in all the troubles of the tourist agent, which provided a ticket.
  3. 3. Make him suffer from constant calls. You can place several ads on the Internet for various subjects from its behalf. So that phone calls from the former were not stopped by day and night, ads must be placed in regions with different time zones. The content depends on the fantasy and the degree of resentment on the former. If you want to take revenge on cool, you can place funny announcements with its phone number, for example, "buy an elephant", "I am looking for sex, work not to offer." But if you want to really deliver the trouble to the former lover who used and threw a girl, then his phone number can be postponed, for example, on sites where people with unconventional sexual orientation are negotiated. Now even special groups on social networks, where you can tell the phone number of the offender, and completely outsiders will constantly call him to film.

How to teach her husband

What should not be done?

In the desire to revenge the former women are often ready to come from elementary moral principles and transfer the face permitted. It happens that the revenge is far superior to the resentment and completely incommensurable with them.

There are a number of observation options that are categorically not recommended to do not get unnecessary troubles:

  1. 1. Make small domestic duffs. For example, to score his mailbox advertisement (it will be a fierce, pulling a bunch of waste paper), with the help of a syringe to pour under the external upholstery of his yolk from the egg under the external upholstery (it will be surprised in incomprehensible from where a terrible smell comes out), scratch his car, passing by (due to one scratch We will have to repaint the entire car, which is very expensive). But it must be borne in mind that such actions are regarded by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as a hooliganism. If it is found, who is behind these packages, will have to compensate for the damage, pay a serious penalty and may even lose freedom. Therefore, it is worth abandoning such a revenge.
  2. 2. Play on his father's feelings. If the smashed pair has common children to whom the former husband is attached, then women often begin to manipulate children, while carrying out revenge through them. This method does not apply to ethical, and it is not recommended to implement it. Of course, if the children begin to be afraid of their dad, having listened to the mother of terrible stories about him, it hurts the former husband. Even more will upset him if he won't give him to see children and participate in their upbringing. But such a revenge is too selfish, because both parents need both parents, and a child from which there will be a lot of psychological problems in the future.
  3. 3. Trying to bring damage to the former husband or perform other magic rituals. Many women cannot forgive their husband betrayal and departure from the family and are ready to do everything possible to take revenge on him. Often they turn to sorcerers, fortune tellers or blacks to make the former spouse and his new passion suffer hard. Internet is Pestet with numerous advice, how to make a voodoo doll, make a damn or other way to take revenge on a man who betrayed. For example, they offer to put a candle in the church behind her husband and rival, to bring their ambulance death. But following such advice, there is a danger to cause much greater harm to his children. People who are fond of esoterica argue that any negative will certainly return to the one who radiates it, and for any evil sooner or later it will have to pay expensive.

Before embodying one of the above options for revenge, it is necessary to think about several times - whether this person is worth spending time and strength on him. Moreover, the basis of any parting can be the reason that is still not least of our understanding.

A woman who changed her husband, breaks down burning anger and the strongest pain. Everything that she dreams is to cause the same suffering to another beloved spouse. I guess instant gust, girls often make mistakes for which then you have to pay. Therefore, it is worth thoroughly think about how to revenge my husband for treason, so as not to lose your own dignity.

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Not all the ways are so good, as it is shown in films and videos on the Internet. Some methods can not even be called legitimate. Therefore, it is important to know the face that you should not step up.

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    What should not do?

    Often, the methods of revenge that comes to the mind of a woman first of all turn out to be illegal or can put it in the unattractive light.

    Damage to property

    Many ladies prefer this particular method. In the films, furious women spoil the expensive property of the traitor: an ax is imposed in an expensive car, the country houses, yachts, and so on. And it turns out not only the personal belongings of the former lover, but also the property of his mistress.

    For such actions can be seriously paid. If an incorrect spouse has evidence that it was a furious wife that destroyed everything is not possible, it is waiting for:

    1. 1. The trial for damaging the property that it will lose.
    2. 2. Payment of compensation for everything destroyed in a rustling of anger.
    3. 3. Costs for lawyer services.

    The car usually cost recorders who remove everything that happens next to the car day and night.

    As a result, an offended woman not only will not receive satisfaction, but will be forced to spend a large amount of money.

    If there is a huge desire to "pump" a spouse, then you should not destroy his car. There is another way - to throw the car with mud, then the fading smell will disperse soon, so the traitor will carry his new mistress not only with the breeze, but also with the aroma. A man is unlikely to go to court in such a situation. It will look ridiculous. And even if you decide, then the maximum will have to pay to him car wash. But the woman who committed such an act risks to acquire a bad reputation in the eyes of acquaintances.


    This is another way that may entail this time already criminal liability. If, after the news about treason, a woman dreams to disperse his faithful face, etc., it should be understood that this method of revenge hurts not only the wrong spouse, but also can lead to prison.

    If you pay familiar or simply "men from the street", it will not make it easier to take into account the offended woman. When it becomes clear who is the customer, the lady will have to answer the court.

    Wanting to do hurts, it is not necessary to cripple a man physically, it is possible to spoil his life with proven school methods. If for one reason or another, it does not work with faithful, it can play on the hand of an offended lady.

    Before using this practical council, you need to make sure that the wrong husband does not sit behind the wheel. After that, it is necessary to purchase a light sleeping bag at the pharmacy. Harm from such a fund will not be, but the man will be able to relax.

    It is enough to drop a few drops of funds in the morning tea men, and he will definitely fall asleep in public transport on the way to work. Several such decenes, and he will be invited to himself a boss. The wrong husband will receive a reprimand, and he will have to live without premiums.

    If a woman has colleagues at his work, they will help to implement the following idea. It is enough to buy a laxative. Colleagues can imperceptibly add it to coffee or any other drink that spouse uses at work. There is nothing criminal in this, but the wrong husband will disgrace not only at work, but also, perhaps, in front of the direction at the direction, if he goes to her after work. However, before using these funds, you must make sure that they are not contraindicated by a man.


    If you observe the traitor to the entire Internet or order a banner with his photo and put an incorrect husband in an unsightly light, then a man will experience shame. But these methods have one weighty flaw.

    Today, false sponsors are a competent matter. If the lady publishes the fake page on the face of a husband on the Internet, will set its provocative photos or will issue an unusual banner on the street, then she risks go to court.

    And if there are children in the family, they will feel humiliated in such a situation, in the class above them will begin to laugh, due to the fact that there are unsightly photographs of the dad on the Internet. Therefore, it is not necessary to descend to this level.

    It is recommended to tell the truth. In social networks, you can tell about the treason of a husband - as he traded family happiness on a fleeting smelting. May all comrades and relatives of the wrong spouse know what he did. It will punish it much stronger.

    At the same time there is no risk of a trial. If we tell the truth and describe your feelings, it will be an excellent opportunity to spoke. A woman will definitely find comrades and a group of support in the form of ladies who had to face the same tragedy.


    This is the most useless and tragic revenge method. Some ladies believe that, causing a pain or going to extreme measures, they will bring the wrong spouse a lot of remorse, since he will blame himself all his life in what happened.

    But this method is too dangerous. No man is worth it to harm himself because of him.

    In addition, a woman in this case is unlikely to be able to enjoy revenge. Perhaps a man will experience for a while, but in the arms of his mistress he will quickly forget. In addition, men are psychologically more stable, they always find excuses so as not to feel remorse.

    And the woman risks to remain disabled for life. Many do not take into account that in such situations after treatment, the doctor will necessarily refer to a psychiatric hospital and will be forced to treatment. After that, you can forget about a good career, "spot" will remain for the reputation for life.

    What can be done?

    Therefore, it is recommended to take revenge on the guy who came to betrayal, in other ways. Do not harm anyone or humiliate morally and physically. Revenge brings only a fleeting relief. It is better to follow the effective advice of psychologists.

    Change appearance

    After betrayal men, the ladies literally can not look at their reflection in the mirror. The woman has complexes, as she is sure that the problem is in it. In fact, the cheating of the spouse can not demonstrate that something is wrong with it. However, nothing is better than raising yourself mood, changing the haircut, hair color and wardrobe. It helps to start life from a new sheet. New hairstyle - new start.

    It is worth making a traitor to see the transformation of his spouse. Realizing that the former wife is not only not washed with tears, but, on the contrary, it looks gorgeous, a man will perplex. Many of them are observed, as former wives suffer. If you demonstrate a new yourself, then there is a chance to pretty angry the wrong spouse.

    A man will see what kind of queen he lost. Some after that try to return to the family. Thus, you can take revenge in a doubly train. It is recommended to visit a professional photo session. After adjusting the pictures of the photographer, the girl will look excellent.

    Cavallar start

    It is worth starting to walk on dates with other men. Even if they seem unattractive, it is a good way to distract. Having made some pictures with a new worker and publishing them on a social network, you can deliver a lot of trouble to the ex-husband. The psychology of men is such that they are accustomed to consider their former ladies still associated with them. Any encroachment on a woman causes the guys anger.

    If you go to meetings there is no mood, then it is worth at least starting to meet with friends. When the spouse sees that his wife is having fun in the company of comrades and perfectly spends time, he will be very offensive that the spouse has not suffered a short and looks even happier than in marriage with him.


    In order not to suffer from our own actions, psychologists recommend for forgive the wrongful husband. Resentment and revenge poison man from the inside. If a woman begins to live only one thought, she loses herself. Forgiveness will help to forget faster and let go of the past.

    Feeling ease, the girl is much easier to radiate joy. Seeing this, the traitor will be angry. But the most pleasant thing in this situation is that there is absolutely indifferent to the lady, how the life of her ex-spouse is.

    What to offend representatives of different signs of the zodiac?

    If the revenge of the former husband is the only way to forget his once and for all, then you can learn its weaknesses on the zodiac horoscope.

    Zodiac sign Characteristic

    These men do not tolerate critics in their address. If you hurt the pride of Aries, it will lead it into rabies.

    However, you need to be ready for the fact that representatives of this sign of the zodiac can behave very aggressively and unmanagen

    Such men are distinguished by loyalty and rarely come out of themselves.

    Taurus is very difficult to offend, but if you hurt his family or a loved one, then it will greatly annoy the man


    These men can be offended by anything or not to notice even the very obvious revenge. It all depends on their mood.

    If the twins are sullen and upset, then any word in their address is perceived very painful, so you need to make a moment when the guy is most vulnerable

    It is very easy to offend these men.

    They suffer from lack of attention, any offensive word or action. Therefore, enter cancer in despondency is very easy.

    The weak point of these men is awareness that they are underestimated. The lion is used to be majestic. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by pride. Therefore, the easiest way to humiliate lion, if you show the errors around it.

    But, you need to be ready for the fact that such a man will be mercilened and will surely want to revenge

    The rationality of these men does not allow them to be offended by trifles. They recognize their guilt, so they will understand and forgive the actions of the offended spouse.

    It is very difficult to offend the virgin, the only thing they do not tolerate, is injustice towards them

    Representatives of this sign of the zodiac differ in peace and kindness to all others.

    If the man-scales hurt anyone and then gets any punishment for it, he begins to look for a problem in himself and trying to figure his mistakes.

    Any imbalance in relationships strongly grieves these guys


    In disadvantages, representatives of this sign behave like small children.

    They are insulting almost all, ranging from unflattering words to their address, ending with active actions. And they are eloquent and if they calculate who exactly humiliated them, then the revenge will not wait long


    These are good-natured men who are very quickly forgiven even the strongest resentment. Because of this, you will have to break your head, how to harm the shooter.

    This will require something more serious than insults in social networks.


    These men are rarely offended, as they do not see the point in spending nervous cells and time on it.

    Any insult is perceived by them as a reason to work on themselves.

    The only weakness from which they suffer greatly is increased demanding to others. But it is difficult to take this to revenge

    Inborn diplomats can get out and find benefits even in the most difficult situations.

    To offend the Aquarius, you will have to act sophisticated so that he cannot find benefit in what happened

    Representatives of this zodiac sign can offend any little thing.

    Even the stroke remark from the work colleagues can spoil the fish mood for several days

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Especially degrees me my weight. I greatly scored, after pregnancy weighed as 3 seconds together, namely, 92kg with growth in 165. I thought the belly will come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, it began to gain weight. How to cope with the restructuring of hormonal background and obesity? But nothing umbrellas or mans a man like his figure. In his 20 years, I first learned that the full girls call the "woman", and that "such sizes are not sewn." Further at 29 years old divorce with husband and depression ...

    But what to do to lose weight? Operation Laser Liposuction? Learn - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, Mostimulation? A little more accessible - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. Of course, you can try to run on the treadmill, before the breathtaking.

    And when to find all this time? Yes, and still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself I chose another way ...

When I married Aristarha, everyone said everything: "Not yours!", "Throw, do not have time to look around, how he will guard you!". I, with my stubbornness peculiar to me, disgusting from everyone and sacredly believed - it will change for me.

Five years have passed and I managed to return home early. And here he, my Aristarkh, hugs his colleague Inno on my table from Pine (I was looking for such a whole year, by the way!).

Then everything flew out of the apartment: and Innochka, and the husband, and the table. With him (spouse, not a table, of course), we divided two months ago, but the thought to take revenge on Him for treason does not leave it to this day.

How to revenge my husband for treason? How to make it understand: I am the best, what happened in his life?

Also interesting? Let's hand, we will understand together.

First, you should clearly decide what you need to take revenge on your husband. Yes, treason is very bad. It hurts, it is dirty and low. This is a betrayal, and after will never be the same.

But revenge in the classic understanding is low. Moreover, it takes a bunch of your energy and forces that could be sent to the constructive channel.

Under classical revenge, I understand such actions that are aimed at conscious destruction of life, health and well-being of another person / people.

Therefore, if you want to take revenge on her husband, so that he:

  • lost work
  • lost the location of children
  • undermined health
  • went bankrupt
  • lost a woman (if suddenly he managed to build other relationships),

... and much more, you should understand - this process will take yours Forces. The consequence will be deterioration of quality your Life.

And even if the husband does not lose his job due to your efforts - is it a fee comparable for your unclean conscience, the depletion of the energy stock and spending of precious energy that you could spend on building something big and clean?

But there is another method, how to take revenge on your husband for treason, while remaining clean and unwitting. This method is simple - you need to become happy. It is this way that we will take revenge on the husband for treason and we will disassemble with you on the shelves.

Tip 2. How to dismisse your husband for treason with forgiveness?

Yes, you understood everything correctly. To revenge my husband for treason, you need to forgive this "goat" (and other non-delicious epithets). For what? To feel your comfort, of course.

After all, when we carry in the soul, the burden of resentment and the desire to revenge, we slowly poison ourselves from the inside. Our emotions become uncontrollable, the consciousness is imperceptibly changing. This poison spreads to each sphere of our life, and we are no longer able to support the quality of life at the same level. Not to mention to improve it!

But it is worth aware of one simple truth - you do it for yourself, for your calm. The less you know the better you sleep.

Stop calling him to work, demand a report.

Call three times on the way home to find out when he is to dinner? Stop do it.

All the time that you have freed from reading his correspondence and obsessive calls to direct.

Better if it is outside the house. Training, cutters and sewing courses, vombilding and hundreds of interesting things for every taste.

A man who wants to take revenge for treason, accurately honors something - stopped controlling, began to engage in himself, would it really go out or appeared who?

Shot a bit from the spouse.

Then he will begin to conquer you if he possesses the feelings. Start jealous and, what to hide, think about whether you do not change.

How to abuse a man for treason?

How to distinguish a wise revenge from stupid? Permissible
Methods of revenge.

But this Council is already from the discharge of extreme, but bed relationships are really what can happen between you and the husband to which you want to take revenge.

A revenge into bed is a great option for those women who have courage and a clear understanding of how they want to develop relations with his spouse in the future. It will also help return the dominant position to you and at the same time help start a new page in your relationship.

After all, the husband will look at you with new eyes, and he will not want to let go of such a woman. And why should he "go to the left" when there is such a tigress here?

To do this, you will need all your liberty, bitchiness and passion, which was lost with the birth of a third child / time:

    Stop to refuse a spouse.

    A revenge for treason, constantly denying her husband - it is very, you hear, a very bad idea. It will only aggravate your rigorous position and provoke treason to her husband again.

    Of course, I do not call you lying and endure. In your free time, work on yourself. Let me take offense, try to relax, remember what it is like to enjoy such "activity." Cultivate the desire for her husband!

    Show the initiative.

    Or, how fashionable bloggers love to talk, "do love, like a man." If you use sex, like a revenge of your husband, then behave accordingly. Maximum initiatives from your side, minimizing the initiative of the spouse.

    Of course, he will not mind. But the feeling "What is happening?" Set in his head and be sure to attract attention to your person.

    Use new devices. Binding, eye bandages, candles - give the will of fantasy.

    You can take revenge on your spouse, making him hurt in bed. Throw it, enjoy and get your own. Just do not forget about safety and stop words, of course.

    It will help not just a pretty revenge on her husband for treason, but also strengthens your relationship, threshing the firewood.

When we are blinded by offended, then incorrectly tend to do. Do painful others and, above all, to yourself.

How to revenge my husband for treason? Do I need?

If the answer to this question is not subject to this question and discussion, take advantage of my humane methods of revenge.

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Relationships with the second half are far from always folded as you want a woman. Sometimes the spouse behaves wrong, and sometimes he is ready to go to insults and manification, just to hurt the beloved. To take revenge on my husband, so that he does not hurt his insult for a long time, and at the same time I understood the female message - science. It is important to use the individual features of the beloved, creatively approaching the process of revenge. What aspects should be taken into account?

How to revenge my husband for treason

The cause of the lady's resentment can be different, but more often it concerns the treason. The wrong spouse often repents, denies the guilt, but it does not save him from the revenge of the beloved. How to take revenge on your husband for this insult bright and tasteful?

Response treason

It is difficult to cope with the betrayal of the second half, and the ladies believe that this can be done with the help of response treason. Psychologists warn that one should not enter into sexual relations with other men only for the sake of revenge.

First, it can be physically unpleasant to the lady. Secondly, it equals it in a position with the sheltered spouse and deprive the preemptive position. Thirdly, treason can finally destroy any hope of reconciliation.

It should be decided on treason if the woman intends to invest in the future if she is ready for such moral and feelings for a new partner.

How to take revenge on your beloved husband for betrayal without resorting to sex with another? Everything is very simple: act with hints. SMS in the middle of the night with unknown numbers, dear gifts, late return from work. All this will make the spouse believe in the presence of an opponent, but at the same time will not hit the ladies itself.

Non-standard partner orientation, and how to react

To betray a man can in different ways. Sometimes the woman is shocked by the fact that her partner entered same-sex relationships. Take it and forgive your beloved is very difficult. That is why the ladies choose the path of revenge.

Here the action plan is simple:

In this case, promotional insults will work, but the tactics of oppressive silence will not give anything. You should add to the man for his act, and you can connect to this and friends.

However, psychologists advise before starting revenge to talk with the second half. Perhaps a woman will be able to accept the lifestyle of the once close person, forgive him and let go.

The fact is that in Russia and the CIS countries to people with unconventional sexual orientation are not in the best way. Men often have to hide their addictions for heterosexual relationships. Exposing his passion at the bottom, a woman can bring his beloved to despair and even suicide. Therefore, it should be valid only after weighing all "for" and "against".

Acquaintance with the enemy

If a man is increasingly going to his mistress or lover, the best revenge will be familiar with the enemy. Here the woman is important not to drop to elementary wells. It should act with a cold calculation, and not to throw insults.

Perhaps the delibeper also has a family, and then you need to tell about the mistress's spouse. In this case, it will be punished for their own actions. Another option is to contradict the destructiveness of the family by a compromising at a personal meeting. Everyone in the past have its skeletons that do not want to put on the public.

When meeting with the enemy, a woman should always look impeccable to feel his superiority. It is necessary to study the psychology of this person, to understand what he wants. If the mistress is ashamed of their own actions, you need to put them on the universal review. If she, on the contrary, boasts love victories, it is necessary to vulnerate its pride. For example, the wife of the traitor can try to lead the legitimate spouse of the coaches. Then they will definitely be kitits.

Restrictions concern physical actions. Remember that the beatings are regarded as a criminal offense. That is why your emotions must be kept under control.

Universal Review Office: how to use this method correctly

How to take revenge on your husband for insults, betrayal, betrayal? The most popular way is to exhibit his act on everyone's review. However, this technique needs to be used with the mind.

What rules here exist here?

Tips regarding the correct use of this method can be given many. Remember that by exposing a quarrel on the universal review, you take a sorrows from the hut. Perhaps the conflict with the spouse will soon come to no, but the surrounding will not forget about him soon.

Insubbit your husband is in publicly needed with the mind, and than more original action, the better. You can use social networks for this, banners, or just rumors scattered in the company. Often, a mirror action of a man becomes a response of the Ploud cruelty. So you need to be ready for the fact that your secrets will emerge in this veil war.

Full indifference as a method of revenge

The reaction to men's boys and cruelty often becomes indifference to women. If the lady does not want to destroy the marriage, but at the same time he wants to teach a partner, silent boycott - her perfect choice.

It is necessary to ignore the lover with all their forces, do not respond to his insults, curses or response silence.

Psychologists recognize that such actions are very effective as part of thoughtful revenge. A man needs attention, support, love, and a woman deprives him. Gradually, the partner realizes that without the second half he will have not sweet. He understands how wrong his behavior was before and wants to apologize.

Refused the policies of indifference follows only if the woman received real confirmation of positive changes.

Other methods of revenge

Indifference or the establishment of men's actions to the public seems to many women seems banal. That is why they resort to other methods of revenge.

For example, you can competently set up against a man its own surroundings. It will help to narrow the circle of familiar beloved and make it even more tied to the family.

You can also act as a second half in everything. For example, a woman can spend family funds only on themselves, refuse to cook and clean. Such a riot is effective in most cases. It will continue until the second half recognizes his own guilt.

How else can you offend the guilty man? Consider several ways.

Laxative to help

How to wean a husband from drunkenness or disrespect in relation to loved ones? Sometimes such poles is quite enough. A woman can plug a laxative spouse in the food, but so that he did not see it. Next remains only to wait. The reaction will manifest in a couple of hours.

And about his act, you need to tell my husband only a few days later, noting that this can happen if a man cannot be corrected. Yes, he will be angry, but take note of the remarks of the beloved.

Sale or damage

This technique is resorted in extreme cases, as the damage of the property is also criminally punishable. When is the use of a method of revenge considered rational?

  1. If a man bought things on family money without a spouse's knowledge.
  2. If he continues to offend a woman for several years, ignoring her requests for divorce.
  3. If the thing that the lady spoils is assigned a man and does not belong to him.
  4. You can sell things if a man owes alimony or moral compensation.

Women who have long been expedited to reconciliation with the guilty have been resorted to such a technique. It is important to take those objects that the spouse values. Then the revenge will be much painful, and a man does not want to betray someone in the future.

Magical rites and rituals

Use magic to revenge only in cases where the woman sincerely believes in the existence of paranormal. If she is not confident in the effectiveness of the technique, he is unlikely to help her.

It is better to immediately turn to a professional, because independent rituals will probably turn out to be inactive. Also need to be revenge without excessiveness. Do not send curse, illness and death to her husband, since all this will return to the woman itself. Black magic never passes irrevocably.

There are things to which in no case should be resolved. Psychologists warn that such actions will spoil the reputation as the woman itself and even turn into criminal punishment.

Here is just a brief list of vengeal actions that are prohibited:

  • it is impossible to go to revenge, which threatens the health and life of a man;
  • psychologists do not advise you to change the partner only in order to make it hurt;
  • also should not take the money of a man without demand, as this may turn into criminal prosecution;
  • it is not recommended to announce the information that are not confirmed;
  • not to descend to empty insults and mat;
  • also not to revenge a man for what is the guise of both the woman itself;
  • in no case can not be involved in such actions of children.

Psychologists advise carefully thinking actions. Actions in a state of alcoholic intoxication or in a state of affect nothing good will not turn into. To vulne the partner, you need to consider revenge and use it competently.

Natalia, Moscow