Useful toys for newborns. Toys for children under one year old? Educational toys

We talked about what kind of developmental toys your baby needs up to a year from the CashFoBrands service. Today we will go further and tell you what toys will help your child develop from 1 to 2 years.

During the first, most difficult and responsible year of life, the baby learned to sit and walk without support, to eat with a spoon on his own (although the kitchen after that looks like a battlefield), to pronounce a few simple words and phrases, and also to understand simple requests from adults like “give me a ball” ...

And if in the first year of life the task of the parents was to introduce the child to the world, now all the games will be aimed at the child's understanding of the laws of this world - objects can fall, colors and shapes can be different, and the dog says “woof”.

A short list of educational toys for one year old and older children, which will be discussed in this article:


If at the age of up to one year it is better for a child to be offered crumbs made of fabric for safety reasons, now it will be interesting for the baby to play with hard cubes. The material can be any - both plastic and wood perform their functions perfectly. At this age, children like to build and destroy towers, thunder with everything that comes to hand, and hit objects against each other. Therefore, when choosing cubes, take care of their strength and good quality.

As for the colors and images on the cubes, the simpler and brighter the better. With the help of multi-colored faces, you can study colors, various pictures with plants or animals will help you quickly master words and ideas about things.

Buy "Cubes-pyramid" in the online store.


Well, now it's time to develop the imagination and spatial thinking of your little architect! It is better to choose a designer at this age from plastic, with large multi-colored elements and a simple connecting mechanism.

Get ready for the fact that at the very beginning of acquaintance with the constructor, the kid will tear down mother's and father's works of art with a bursting laugh. A little patience. In the end, you can build the castle of your dreams when your little one is sleeping during the day. A little time will pass, and soon the child will become interested in connecting the details to each other, creating bizarre, almost alien figures.

The LEGO “Cinderella's Magic Castle” in the store will be an excellent construction set!

Complicated sorters

The sorter is a magical toy. Magic because it is very, very versatile. Just imagine: the baby needs to learn to distinguish colors and shapes, correlate them with holes, turn his hand at a certain angle and be patient if something does not work out the first time. Fine motor skills, logic, searching for similar things, names and types of geometric shapes and correlating one with another - everything is involved when playing with sorters!

At one year old, a child can make a simple sorter with his own hands - for example, from a mayonnaise bucket, in the lid of which holes of a certain shape or size are made. And closer to two years old, you can complicate the task with the help of purchased sorter in the form of houses, with flashing lights and music.

You will definitely like the Merry Figures sorter in the MyTois online store. We are shopping in this store!

Books with animals and objects of the surrounding world

The picture book is one of the most powerful toys when used correctly. That's right - it means reading with the baby. If you hand a book to a one-year-old child and say in a mock cheerful tone: “Look, what a cow!” - it will not work. Joint communication and exchange of knowledge about the world with the help of a book is one of the most wonderful pastimes with a child.

At this age, the child perceives a lot, therefore, in the pictures in the book there should be as many objects as possible that surround the baby. Animals, plants, natural phenomena, seasons, people and actions (for example, “a boy playing in the sandbox,” “a girl carrying a ball”). Instead of books, you can just as well use separate pictures, for which adults can come up with their own stories or fairy tales.

Another type of books for little children - books with sounds: you press the duck, and a funny “Quack Quack” comes from the book. Such a small, but still interactive will help keep the little fidget busy and focus his attention on the pictures.

Cars (gurneys)

A child from one to two years old has already learned to walk, but the steps are still not very confident. That is why many children find it easier to run than to walk calmly. Wheelchair toys can be used to teach your child how to balance, coordinate movements, and focus on the walking process.

Cars at this age are loved by both boys and girls. You can choose a model that fits easily into a child's handle, or you can buy a whole child's car in which a child can climb and move with the help of pedals or pushing off with his feet. The main rule when choosing any gurney or car is that the toy should be very stable and in no case should it turn over while driving.

We found an excellent cart with cubes and blocks in the store, where for every purchase.

To the great happiness of artistic parents with great imagination and imagination, the time has come when role-playing games become interesting and understandable to the baby. And here all the toys that can be at least a little "revived" and humanized will do. Soft animals, dolls, fairytale heroes and characters from your favorite cartoons, simple figurines of animals, insects or birds - the choice is huge.

With the help of such toys and a drop of magic, an ordinary box will turn into a puppet theater (and if you add shadows with a lamp, it's a real performance!), And a basin of water will become a sea for bathing mermaid dolls. Teach your little one to see the unusual in the simplest things. This is great!

The Peppa Family play set from will delight not only you, but also your little one.


Lacing toys are of two types: simple beads or figures with a wooden "needle" for stringing them on a thread and whole figures with holes where you need to thread the string and connect the parts. The first lacing for the baby should be with a strong string (make sure that small threads do not separate from it) and large holes. Then you can buy more sophisticated lacing - with finer details or more complex elements.

Such a toy trains fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of movements, attentiveness and perseverance!

Complex pyramids (nesting dolls)

Pyramids and nesting dolls are simply irreplaceable for a child to learn to see the difference between colors, shape and size of objects. Until a year old, we picked up a simple pyramid from cups for the child - now you can choose such models where the elements are strung on a stick. It will be great if the baby has several pyramids, different in shape and assembly principle.

As for nesting dolls, this simple toy has been attracting attention for many years with its bright drawings and makes even the noisiest fidgets sit for hours and pick up the halves of the toy to each other. Matryoshka is a guarantee of preserving parental nerves and silence in the house.

Look, a very interesting pyramid with lighting from a store with cashback.

Large puzzles (dominoes)

Wooden, plastic or foam - you can choose any material. The image on the puzzles for the baby should be large, understandable and without small, interfering with perception, patterns. The same animals, heroes of cartoons and fairy tales, boys and girls at play. If you really want to raise a little genius, you can try the alphabet from puzzles - a child will not be able to read at this age, but will remember the visual design of the letters.

Domino acts a little differently - here you need to learn how to match and find pairs (for example, make pairs of animals and their children: horse-foal, cat-kitten). If you use dominoes for other purposes, you can build towers and houses for dolls from the details - your imagination will tell you everything!

Soft puzzles "Dinosaur with cake" will suit your child as an educational toy. You can find it in.

Kinetic (or regular) sand with shovels and tins

All children love to dig in the sand with pleasure. Whether it is a sandbox in the yard under a bright mushroom umbrella, or a pile of sand, originally prepared for construction needs in the country, or a small container with kinetic sand on the bathroom floor - there will be a lot of pleasure from any sand! Show your child how a turtle appears with the help of a mold and a spatula, teach how to sculpt Easter cakes and "pies", let the baby "feed" you with them.

Excellent kinetic sand with molds is waiting for your little one in.

Happy hours with your baby! And if you want to pamper your baby with beautiful clothes or new toys, we recommend you a selection!

What is your child's favorite toy?

The baby is growing, and there are more and more toys in the house. Of course, I want them not only to take up space in the drawer, but to be useful.

Reading forums and advice from experienced moms, I have compiled a list of ten toys that must certainly appear in the house where the year old lives.


Requirements: wooden (most environmentally friendly), textile (safest) or plastic (lightest), not too tall, with a stable base.

How long will it last: up to three years.

While we are happy to disassemble and gnaw them. Later, the child will learn to string rings on a pin, collect them in a specific order. They are suitable for size recognition, comparison (especially if there is more than one pyramid). And there, and not far from the flowers.

Montessori toys

Requirements: high-quality materials, several parts of different sizes.

How long will it last: up to eight years old.

The Montessori technique has captured almost the entire world, these toys have become the dream of many parents. Such materials develop spatial thinking, fine motor skills, teach not only to distinguish colors and shapes, but also to count.

Geometric pyramids

Requirements: at least three or four basic shapes: square, circle, triangle. Material - well processed wood (no chips).

How long will it last: up to six years old.

Inserts (geometric pyramids) perfectly develop fine motor skills, and also introduce the baby to geometric shapes. After the child begins to easily distinguish a circle from a square, and a triangle from a rectangle, complicate the task: play with him blindly - offer to recognize the figures by touch.

Wheelchair car

Requirements: stable, low, with a reliable high back and a place for toys under the seat, with rubberized wheels (so that the neighbors below do not complain about the rumble).

How long will it last: up to four years.

Don't forget about physical development. Such a wheelchair car (option - a wheelchair toy) perfectly helps to develop coordination, becomes a support for an uncertainly walking baby.

Of course, it is not suitable for every apartment. But you can play well with her in the summer on the playground, at the same time training the baby's legs and relieving the mother's hands. Many wheelchairs have a handle for mom, which can be easily removed if necessary.

For the delight of the baby, you can purchase a wheelchair-walker with figures, molds, gears and sound effects.

Balls (regular and sensory)

Requirements: the bigger, the better. Various sizes, colors, materials.

How long will it last: up to six years old.

Balls to throw and play soccer, bounce or inflate for beach games. This is important for physical development and coordination, for learning various games and rules for communicating with other people (children). And, by the way, it develops imagination well.


Requirements: environmental friendliness and safety, small size, legs and arms are securely fastened to the body, there are no small parts.

How long will it last: up to seven years.

  • Tell your friends:

Having been born, the child in his first year develops as rapidly as never before in his life. Toys are his constant companions and assistants at this time. Children under one year old are characterized by the transformation from "caterpillars" lying in tight diapers without movement, into full-fledged people who can sit, crawl, and sometimes even walk by this age. Rattles, developing rugs, mobiles ... From the range of toys offered in children's stores, you must choose those that correspond to the age of the baby.

"Children's world" at home

With the advent of a child, a lot of toys come to the house. They are bought not only by parents, but also by caring relatives, attentive friends. As the baby grows up, his room continues to be filled with toys, turning into a "children's world". And it cannot be otherwise - how not to buy such a dear son or daughter a new and very beautiful toy! However, under the age of one year, much of the gift is not needed by the baby. Therefore, the role of parents is to sort out all the available supplies of dolls-balls, and give them to the child as they grow up.

The main role of toys for children under one year old is to help the little man develop skills and abilities, such as vision, hearing, coordination of movements, logical thinking and others. Attentive parents have repeatedly paid attention to the age indicated on the package. Everything that is developed for children from birth (age 0+) takes into account the specifics and needs of babies of this age. Various educational games and centers (age 6 months + or 1+) include elements that older children are able to master.

Toys for toddler from birth to six months

The first 4 weeks after birth, the child sleeps about 20 hours a day, eats 6-8 times, and there is practically no time left for games. The best mom can offer him is walks around the house. For a month old baby, you can already pick up toys. It can be:

  • Clearly outlined monochromatic figures of household items, animals, etc.;
  • Pictures made in graphics. The patterns on them should have clear lines. Black and white pictures contribute to the development of the vision of a newborn child;
  • Mobiles.

Colored toys for newborns should ideally be made in four basic colors: red, yellow, blue and green. This applies to both figurines and toys used in mobiles. A mobile is a mechanism (electronic or mechanical) with pendants attached to it, which is hung over the bed. When turned on, the toys begin to rotate like a carousel, while music is playing. When purchasing a mobile for your kid, be sure to listen to how it sounds: the music should be moderately loud and melodic.

To the toys listed above, as the child grows up until he reaches the age of six months, the following are added:

  • Bell bracelets;
  • Rattles of various sizes with comfortable thin handles;
  • Rattles that make up a chain of various types of links (bears, balls, fish, and others);
  • Developing mat;
  • Natural fabric toys filled with cherry pits;
  • Big ball or fitball (from 3 months for gymnastics);
  • Tumbler;
  • Finger paint;
  • Toys that emit various sounds and have parts sewn from materials of different texture;
  • Clockwork musical toys.

Toys for babies help them improve their hearing, vision, and stimulate physical activity. Multi-colored funny animals made of multi-textured fabrics contribute to the development of fine motor skills. Exercises on fitball not only delight children, but also help their muscles to receive uniform additional development. Bone-filled toys can be heated and placed on the baby's tummy when they have colic.

Toys for children from six months to 1 year

For children 6 months and older, the view of toys is greatly increased. At this age, they are already purposefully approaching objects of interest and grabbing them. Moreover, more often than not, adult things become desirable for a baby: television remotes, mobile phones, mother's pots and pans. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor things and not leave them in the child's reach.

At 7-8 months, when the baby has already learned to sit confidently, the washing process becomes more fun and longer. There is a need to purchase toys for bathing. It can be:

  • Rubber (ducks, animals, frogs);
  • Children's dishes (mugs, pots, ladles);
  • Ships;
  • Watering can;
  • Balls.

Pay the baby's attention to the fact that some objects are heavy - they sink in the water, while others are light ones - float on the surface. Also, children really like to pour water from a bowl or watering can.

Up to a year should be functional, and also contribute to the development of fine motor skills. Functionality means the ability to perform a variety of actions with a toy: roll, disassemble, assemble, fold, tie, glue, tear, unbutton, press, pull, etc. logical thinking. Classic examples of functional toys:

  • Matryoshka;
  • Pyramid cups;
  • Classic pyramids (plastic, wooden, wheelchair pyramids);
  • Spirals with cubes and balls;
  • cubes;
  • liners;
  • developing cubes and centers.

Fine motor skills are directly related to the development of the nervous system and the brain. At the age of up to a year, the child grows and changes every day, therefore, for harmonious development, he needs sensory ones. Toys for toddlers that allow them to touch different surfaces include:

  • Finger paint;
  • developmental rug - with beads, pieces of fabric of different texture, ribbons, zippers, buttons and other elements;
  • soft toys stuffed with balls.

Celebrating the first anniversary

When the child turns one year old, parents and relatives are puzzled by the question: what toy to give the baby? Toys for children in 1 year can be very diverse:

  • wheelchairs with handles;
  • Carriages for dolls;
  • play houses, ranging from tents to serious plastic houses with slides and other developmental elements;
  • sorters;
  • sandbox set;
  • swing;
  • constructors;
  • rocking chair;
  • music books.

In a year, the baby already has many interests, and toys should correspond to them. Wheelchairs and doll carriages help to take confident first steps, houses develop imagination, sorters and constructors - logical thinking. Swings and rocking chairs train the work of the vestibular apparatus. There is nothing to say about the benefits of books, and when a fairy tale is complemented by a funny song, it becomes even more interesting to read and consider it.

Child development is unthinkable without toys. They were created before our era! Today, their range is replenished every year, offering parents more and more educational toys for kids. The most important thing is to navigate the real needs of the child, depending on his age and not buy toys "for growth."

Even before the birth of the baby, the first toys begin to appear in his room, and after a year the army of bears, hares, dolls, telephones, cars and other goodness sometimes simply has nowhere to go! To prevent this from happening, we recommend that from the first days buy your child not one-day fun, but high-quality and useful toys that will keep the baby occupied for a long time and will bring maximum benefit to his development.

Criteria for choosing good educational toys up to 1 year old

An educational toy for toddlers under 1 year old should:

  • age appropriate. There is an age marking on every product;
  • develop one or more skills and abilities that are relevant to children of this age. For example, crawling, speaking, distinguishing sounds, sensory perception, etc .:
  • be very strong, do not contain small parts that can be bitten off and swallowed;
  • have a rounded outline without sharp corners;
  • consist only of high quality materials (plastic, fabric, latex, wood);
  • sound pleasant, not harsh or loud;
  • withstand numerous cleanings and washes.

The best manufacturers of educational toys for children under 1 year old

The market for toys for children is so diverse that the relatives of the baby are happy to spend money on more and more portions of children's fun. However, not all toys then please with durability and developmental capabilities. In order not to be mistaken in your choice, pay attention to the products of world-famous brands: Tiny Love, Taf Toys, Bright Stars, Chicco, Fischer Price, Klddieland, Playskool, Playgro, etc. These products are distinguished by impeccable quality, great developmental potential and attractive appearance. ...

Somewhat cheaper - toys from Chinese brands Canpol Babies, Smoby, Jetem, Rich Toys, Happy Baby, Lider Kids and others. Their quality is less stable (there are unsuccessful toys and even marriage), but on the whole it is acceptable, and the price is affordable. But what you should definitely not do is choose cheap products of little-known brands for your little one. A poor-quality toy is a direct threat to the baby's health.

The best educational toys for children under one year old

"Price Expert" has selected high-quality and popular toys for the development of babies up to one year old. In this article, we will not rate and highlight favorites, because each of the selected toys is good in its own way and must be with the baby.

1. The rattle is the child's first educational toy


Developing toy-rattle "Flower" Tiny Love. Average price: 420 rubles.

It is with these unpretentious toys that the child's passive acquaintance with the surrounding objects begins. You can look at the rattle, find it by sound, and later feel it and even gnaw it. Perhaps the best developmental rattles are those that cover the development of several senses at once: sight, hearing, touch. Particularly interesting are the combined options with moving parts, fabric elements, built-in teethers, etc.


  • affordable price;
  • ease of use and ample room for development.


  • it is necessary to constantly and especially thoroughly wash the rattles;
  • you have to change them often so that the baby does not get tired.

Expert Tips:« Encourage the child to grab objects, and then slowly take them away from him, gently pulling them out of his hands. It is important that the baby grasped such an object properly. If he likes this game, give your child a stick and teach him how to hang on it. Then teach your toddler to take and give the object (from the book of Cecile Lupan. Believe in your child) ".

2. Mobile is a popular educational toy for a baby's crib up to 3 months


Mobile Tiny Love "Island of Sweet Dreams". Average price: 4700 r.

Mobiles are pendants for a crib with small bright toys. Manufacturers often provide them with functions of rotation, playing melodies and backlighting. Bright moving figures and melodic sounds attract the baby's attention and calm him down, allowing the mother to move away from the crib at least for a short while. This educational toy is included in the list of the best for the little ones - after 3 months (sometimes earlier) the classic mobile ceases to interest the child.


  • automatic operation of the mobile frees mom's hands;
  • beautiful toys, pleasant melodies;
  • develops visual and auditory perception of the child.


  • a high-quality mobile is not cheap;
  • short term of use;
  • quickly bothers the child;
  • does not replace live communication with parents.

3. An educational mat with arcs is the best educational toy for babies from 3 to 6 months.


Developing mat TAF TOYS 2 in 1. Average price: 3600 p.

Soft multi-colored rugs are positioned by manufacturers as "all-in-one" for the development of a baby who does not crawl yet, but no longer wants to lie quietly in the crib. Indeed, unlike a mobile designed only for contemplation and listening to music, a rug with arches opens up more opportunities for the development of the baby. Toys here can not only be viewed, but also grabbed, pulled to oneself, tasted, felt different textures, and evoked sounds. Some rugs have areas with noise and sensory effects - for those who like to play while sitting or lying on their tummy.


  • many opportunities for the development of visual, tactile and auditory perception;
  • stimulating the activity and independence of the child;
  • beautiful appearance, a great gift for a newborn;
  • compact storage.


  • as soon as the baby crawls, he does not need a rug;
  • high price.

Expert Opinions: « If the baby has already well studied the possibilities of his developmental rug, try to "extend the life" of this toy, supplementing it with new devices for playing on the tummy:
Make small "doors" from pieces of fabric. Opening them, the baby will see a picture, a sewn toy or a button. "Doors" can be closed with different fasteners - Velcro, hooks. Attach small toys to the ends of the ribbons and sew the ribbons into the pockets. Now these toys can be taken out of pockets and put back as much as you like. Sew several carpet rings in a row, pass a ribbon through them, at the ends of which two small toys will ride back and forth (from the book of Lena Danilova “Encyclopedia of Developing Games”) ”.

4. Soft cubes are the best toy for the development of spatial thinking in children under 1 year old.


Soft cubes in a boxK 'sKids. The average price is 1500 rubles.

Soft cubes for the little ones, or "crumbs", are a great alternative to cubes made of wood and plastic. They are large, bright, they can be thrown, you can safely sit on them, jump and fall. It is convenient to study animals, objects and first colors with them. Particularly interesting are soft velcro cubes: they allow you to develop not only motor skills, but also the creative skills of the baby.


  • completely safe for the child and others;
  • soft surface trains sensory skills;
  • develop spatial thinking;
  • useful for fine motor skills of the hands.


  • not very suitable for "serious" construction, because structures made of them are unstable;
  • get dirty quickly.

Expert opinions: “Sets of building blocks develop eye-hand coordination and cognitive abilities. Teach your toddler to place cube on cube. Build a tall tower before his eyes, and then destroy it, exclaiming: "Bang!" This game will bring great pleasure to the child. Teach it to build and destroy (from the book by Olesya Zhukova "Encyclopedia of educational games from 0 months to 3 years") ".

5. The play center is the best multifunctional educational toy for toddlers up to 1 year old.


Play houseKiddieland. Average price: 4200 r.

A wonderful purchase (and gift idea) for a toddler who is already sitting on his own. As a rule, such centers are equipped with sound capabilities, have bright colors, sound accompaniment and many other pleasant discoveries for crumbs (buttons, moving figures, shape-shifting pictures, etc.). The kid can engage in such a game for a long time, allowing his mother to rest and calmly do household chores.


  • develop several skills at the same time: visual, sensory, auditory, motor.
  • stimulate independent play;
  • take the crumbs for a long time in one place.


  • often high price;
  • the need to change batteries.

Expert tip: « The child loves to throw toys from the crib and watch them fall to the floor and knock. If you are tired of constantly throwing things back, you can tie them with ribbons to the bed, the baby will very quickly figure out how to drag them back in order to throw them on the floor again (from M. Andreeva's book "Home psychologist. 100 secrets of raising children"). "

6. Children's piano is the best musical educational toy for children under 1 year old and older.


Fisher Price "Puppy" educational piano toy. Average price: 1600 r.

Small size and weight, large bright details, large keys with a light touch, melodic songs - these are the criteria for choosing a piano for the little ones. And if the manufacturer has taken care of several volume levels (so that the kid is not afraid of loud sounds), several modes of play and learning, and an interesting, unbroken repertoire, you can safely buy such a toy for your baby.


  • beautiful and safe toy;
  • develops auditory perception and ear for music;
  • helps to easily learn children's songs;
  • does not get boring for a long time, can be used in story games.


  • fun but noisy;
  • need to change batteries periodically.

Expert Opinions:“Place a musical toy out of your toddler's field of vision. Start it up and ask: "Where is the music?" When the baby turns to the sound, be sure to praise him, not skimping on compliments. Repeat the game by placing the toy in different parts of the room. If your child is already crawling, hide the toy under a pillow or in any other accessible place so that he can crawl to it (from the book "125 educational games for children under 1 year old" by Jackie Silberg). "

7. Pyramid "Cups" - an irreplaceable educational toy for children from 6 months


Pyramid "Educational cups"FischerPrice. Average price: 900 r.

Cups are an example of an inexpensive and amazingly functional educational toy for babies from 6 months to 1 year old. It is distinguished from an ordinary pyramid by its complete safety: there are no small parts, no sharp pin for rings, no chance of breaking anything. Cups can be stacked on top of each other, collected in one another, used as containers in a bath or a sandbox. The dexterity of little fingers, the eye, the ability to compare similar objects - these are the main skills that this simple pyramid develops. In the future, it will be convenient to study colors and counting with her.


  • security;
  • affordable price;
  • long service life;
  • functionality, different uses for games and learning.

Minus: not a single cup should be lost, otherwise the pyramid will not be built.

Expert advice:“Teach your toddler to play independently. Independence in the game develops imagination. But first, you must show your baby how to handle the toy. If the toy is collapsible (for example, a pyramid), disassemble and assemble it for the child to see. And then let him play himself (from S. Zaitsev's book "Handbook of a Young Mother"). "

8. A wheelchair is the best educational toy for the physical development of a child up to 1 year old.


2-in-1 walker trolleyPlayskoool. Average price: 2300 r.

The trolley-walker is one of the best educational toys for the first independent steps of the baby. According to doctors, it is more preferable for a child than a classic walker. Yes, she will not add peace to her mother, because now her child will be able to move around the house much faster. On the other hand, a high-quality, stable wheelchair trains muscles, teaches the child to maintain balance and allows him to switch to independent walking easier and more harmoniously.


  • excellent training in motor skills and gross motor skills;
  • can be used at home and outdoors;
  • game elements on the body - additional entertainment.


  • perhaps the baby will fall more often;
  • some models glide over parquet and laminate.

Expert advice:“If the child expresses a desire to walk, stop using the stroller, unless there is a need for it. This period is quite difficult, as it turns out that helping a child to walk is not so easy. The best time for this is a day walk. First walk 50 meters, then gradually increase the distance. You must be alert and confident at all times. This should give the little one courage (from Cecile Lupan's book “Trust in your child”). "

6. Sorter is a good toy that develops the logic of children under one year old


Sorter "Logical teremok" Polesie. Average price: 800 r.

Sorters can be of various shapes, from a simple box to a house, a typewriter, a train, etc. Their main feature is the presence of slots of various shapes and corresponding figures. Choosing a figurine to the slot, kids learn to compare objects in shape, to find common signs and differences in them. Along the way, they train fine motor skills of the hands and, of course, perseverance. Sorter is not easy fun, so at first the help of an adult is necessary for a child.


  • as a rule, sorters are bright and safe toys;
  • development of logical thinking and finger motor skills;
  • figurines can be used in tutorials and story games.

Minus: figures are easily lost.

10. Pegs and a hammer - a useful educational toy for the development of fine motor skills in children at the age of 1 year


IKEA MULA Pegs and hammer set. Average price: 369 r.

It is still difficult for babies at the age of 1 year to perform small actions with their hands. It is for training the fine motor skills of the hands that all kinds of knockers are intended, consisting of a wooden base, pegs and a hammer. In order to hammer a peg, the child requires coordination of movements and considerable, by children's standards, effort. But even random hammering on the pegs is not just fun, but a useful developmental activity.


  • develops fine motor skills, and therefore speech;
  • wood is an environmentally friendly, natural and durable material;
  • each peg is painted in its own color, you can study the colors;
  • useful after 1 year.

Minus: baby and hammer are not a safe duo (watch out for toddler while playing!)

Expert Opinions:“Children really enjoy holding various objects in their hands and hitting the surface with them. Such actions are great for developing coordination and, in addition, they are a lot of fun. Place a wooden spoon in your child's hand and show you how to tap the floor with it. Sing along to your favorite songs as you spoon batter together. (From the book "125 educational games for children under 1 year old" by Jackie Silberg) ".

So which educational toys should you choose for a child under 1 year old?

Of course, the kid should have a lot of games and fun, good and different, but it is always better to buy one good educational toy than two bad ones. By giving preference to high-quality, “long-playing” options with wide play and educational opportunities, parents make a contribution to the successful development, well-being and health of their baby.