Benefits of banana peel. Banana peel fertilizer for plants: top dressing and methods, useful properties, cons Using banana skins

For some, such a concept as banana peel fertilizer- a thing quite familiar and acceptable. And someone may be surprised at such non-standard use of waste. In any case, each of you, dear readers, will be interested to know why banana peel is considered one of the best bases for preparing seedlings and you will learn the simplest and most interesting recipes for preparing this miracle remedy, and you will also be able to verify in practice the life-giving properties of this product.

Banana skins as fertilizer

What banana skins are ideal for can be understood immediately by examining the composition of this Bananas contain large amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. This complex of vitamins and minerals is very useful not only for the human body, but also for growth, flowering and fruiting. As you know, the peel and fruit often have an even richer and richer composition of trace elements than the fruit itself. This was the prerequisite for the use of banana peels for both outdoor and greenhouse plants many years ago. When all these organic elements decompose into they perfectly nourish the plants, promoting lush growth and flowering.

Did you know? The peel of commercial bananas contains a large amount of growth hormone, as they are plucked unripe and specially processed to ripen at the time of sale. Fertilizers prepared on the basis of this raw material stimulate the germination of seeds, the rooting of seedlings and the development of young shoots.


Banana skin fertilizer is actively used to stimulate the germination of seedlings, as well as to nourish indoor and greenhouse plants, mainly those that suffer from a lack of sunlight and heat. After all, magnesium, which is contained in this fruit, promotes photosynthesis. Such a potash drug will be especially useful for winter greenhouse plants. He is very fond of cruciferous. and they will also be very grateful to you for such a “treat”.

Chopped fresh peel

This is the simplest, but very effective way to feed seedlings and seedlings. Fresh peel is cut into pieces and buried in a hole under the root of the plant. Interestingly, after ten days nothing remains of the skins - they completely decompose, giving themselves to the plant. After such a reception, even frail and painful greens begin to grow actively, acquire a rich color and a healthy appearance.

Important! It is worth remembering that harmful substances can remain on the surface of the skins for a long time, with which bananas were treated during transportation to extend their presentation. Before use, the peel must be thoroughly washed and it is better not to use this method for fruit plants.

One wash will not be able to get rid of absolutely all harmful impurities, since a significant part of them is contained in the skin itself. To protect yourself before fertilizing fruit plants, it is better to process the banana peel.

dried fertilizer

This is one of the most convenient and safe houseplant fertilizers that can be made from banana peels. Of course, it can be used for both outdoor and greenhouse green pets. Dried tops are crushed in a mortar or ground with a coffee grinder, after which they sprinkle the ground in a pot or on a garden bed with this powder, water it and after a while admire the result - a flowering and lush healthy plant. There are several ways to dry banana peels:

  • The most popular method is drying the skins in an oven or electric dryer. To do this, they are placed in the oven for several hours at a minimum temperature. The leaves dry out, but some of the nutrients evaporate along with moisture, and harmful chemicals may remain in the skin.
  • Drying on the windowsill or on the battery. It is also a fairly effective method, the main thing is to cover the skins with gauze. The minus of it is that this is a rather lengthy process, and the raw materials may rot in the sun all the time.
  • Wither banana peels in the sun in a suspended state in the fresh air. To do this, banana peels are strung on a string and hung in a sunny, well-ventilated place, like mushrooms. Thus, the whole complex of vitamins and minerals remains in the composition, and there is no trace of harmful impurities.

  • Did you know? In addition to dessert sweet varieties of bananas, there are also canteens called plantains. They are insipid and taste like They can be fried, baked, stewed, boiled and even made into chips.

    Liquid top dressing

    This method is universal and well suited for all types of plants.

    This method is also effective in the fight against these insects. They do not tolerate potassium and its excess, so by watering the flowers with such a banana extract, you will permanently drive them away from your pots and beds.

    There is also a simple banana peel fertilizer shake recipe.

    • The skin of one banana.
    • Glass of water.
    Beat it all in a blender and, without filtering, add a couple of tablespoons to the ground once a month. It is a kind of natural growth and flowering stimulant. It will be useful when transplanting plants from one place to another.

    Another recipe for liquid top dressing is a spray. This fertilizer is based on banana tops.

    In order to prepare banana compost, you just need to add a few finely chopped banana skins to good black greasy soil, pour it all over with any leaven, such as Baikal, and mix well. After a month of infusion, you can fertilize the beds with such compost, and

    Waste freezing

    Freezing is one way to remove all harmful chemicals from banana skins, as well as keep them fresh so that you can feed your own and fresh fertilizer at any time. Just keep a banana skins tray in your freezer and as it arrives, instead of throwing it away, toss fresh scraps into it.

Each Russian on average eats up to 8-9 kg of bananas per year. It is a very convenient and nutritious product that can be eaten anytime and anywhere to satisfy your hunger. Ecuadorians, the main suppliers of this fruit, eat more than 70 kg. It is customary for us to throw away the peel, and the inhabitants of the tropics find various useful uses for it.

Often it is in the fruit and vegetable "shell" that there are more useful substances than in the main content. Banana skins contain:

  1. Fiber - in greater quantities than in the fruit itself. It promotes satiety, cleanses the intestines and lowers cholesterol.
  2. 40% potassium - supports the work of the cardiovascular system. It also increases the expenditure of kilocalories in sports training.
  3. Carotenoid lutein - improves vision, prevents age-related changes in the lens.
  4. The enzymes, antioxidants, serotonin and tryptophan in green peel are responsible for the mood boost.
  5. Vitamins A and B together with antioxidants improve metabolism. The human body especially needs magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins C and PP, which are abundant in bananas.
  6. Sucrose gives energy.
  7. Green peel probiotics maintain a normal balance in the internal flora, normalizing weight.
  8. Resistant starch also burns fat.

Yellow skins have anti-cancer properties.

Can you eat banana peel?

It is important to know! The use of banana peels is acceptable if the fruit is freshly plucked and not processed in any way. For long-distance transportation, they are removed unripe and stored at an average temperature of 12 to 15 ° C.

They are then treated with gases (nitrogen and ethylene) that the fruit releases during natural ripening. It is quite possible to process plucked bananas with preservatives containing banned phenol. All the harmful substances present usually accumulate in the skins.

The benefits of banana skins for the garden

The macronutrient-rich peel is especially good for the healthy growth of tomatoes, peppers, and rose bushes. It needs to be cut into small pieces and sprinkled with soil, spreading under the plants.

Sent to the compost, it will enrich the entire contents with potassium and phosphorus - the best root growth stimulants. In addition, it will be useful for earthworms.

Top dressing for indoor flowers from banana peel

Dried and ground, it is added to the ground.

Gives energy to plants when watered with infusion.

Insist during the day. Add 1 part fertilizer to 5 parts water.

leaf cleaning

Wipe with the inside of the fresh side of the peel. Especially good for croton, ficus, monstera and other plants with waxy leaves.

Aphid control

You can bury dried pieces or put a container with them under the bushes. Important! A small amount of peel is required, as wasps flock to the smell of a banana and rodents come.

Pour water into a bowl with a screw lid and pour 1 part of sugar, shake and add the banana peel along with vegetable and fruit peels, herbs in the amount of 3 parts. There must be an empty space inside.

Every day it will be necessary to release the resulting gas. Insist 3 months. Strained infusion is used for irrigation. To do this, it must be diluted (10 ml per bucket of water). When top dressing - 2 times more. You can store the mixture for several years.

Use in the interior

With the help of dried barks, you can imitate the bark of a tree, create unusual artworks, artificial small trees in the Japanese style.

For this, the peel, cleaned of soft tissues, is dried for a week, laid in paper under the press. Freshly cleaned, it is used for drawing or carving objects.

Home Tricks

polish the silver

Grind the skin with a blender, add water to the resulting mass to a pasty state. With a soft cloth with this composition, all darkening is removed. Then rinse and polish without product. Can be wiped with fresh peel.

Natural oils and waxes will clean well and add shine. Scrub using the inside and then buff with a paper towel or dry cloth.

Smooth out scratches on CDs or DVDs

Wipe the disk with the banana itself, after two minutes - with the peel. Wipe gently with glass cleaner and leave to dry.

Get rid of midges

These insects are happy to fly into a bag with the remains of a banana. Just tie it up and throw it away.

You can whiten your teeth by rubbing them with the inside of a banana peel after brushing. Residues are removed with a toothbrush. Repeat morning and evening.

Moisturizing the skin, nourishing, cleansing, reducing wrinkles on the face and hands - wipe, massaging, also with the inside.

To get rid of blackheads and acne, hold a part of the inner pulp of a banana skin for 10 minutes on the problem area.

For medicinal purposes

Rich in many useful substances and vitamins, banana peel is also good for health. When applied externally with its help, it is possible:

  1. Remove splinters, heal scratches, relieve pain and inflammation from sunburn and insect bites, including mosquitoes, heal minor skin damage. Glue a piece for a day or wipe.
  2. Get rid of warts by fixing part of the skin with the inside for a week or a month, depending on their number and condition.
  3. Treat psoriasis and acne by rubbing the skin with pulp from the inside.
  4. Accelerate the resorption of the bone in hallux valgus deformity of the big toe by wrapping the painful area with a banana shell. Fasten and put on thin socks. Hold for 30 minutes three times a day. Wipe with water after removal.
  5. Remove inflammation and redness in the eyes by applying fresh and clean banana peels to them.
  6. Reduce muscle and joint pain. Infuse in vodka (500 ml) crushed banana peels, from 5-6 pieces, for 18-40 days in a room in a closet. Rub sore joints at bedtime for 21 days.

It is useful to dilute fruit juices and compotes with a decoction of banana skins. They need to boil for 10 minutes and cool. Can be drunk as an independent drink by adding honey.

Whole banana smoothie. 300 ml of milk is poured, 0.5 tablespoons of vanillin is added, ice is added to taste and everything is whipped with a mixer along with an unpeeled banana.

Dried pieces can be seasoned with dishes.

Quench your thirst well with kvass based on banana skins. Put in a 3-liter jar 150-160 g of chopped banana skins tied in a gauze bag. Press down on top. Pour 1 glass of sugar, pour water and bifidok (3 teaspoons). Will be ready in 14 days.

Homemade banana peel vinegar can be added to a marinade as a salad dressing. It has an unusual sour-bitter taste with a sweet touch and a banana smell. To obtain it, it is enough to “overexpose” kvass (recipe above) for 2.5-3 months.

Banana peel vinegar can be taken to cleanse the body - 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach.

You can soften a piece of meat or chicken breast by lining the bottom of the broiler with ripe banana peels.

Do not rush to throw the skin from the overseas banana fruit into the bin, because they bring so many benefits. It is better to use it for treatment, for beauty or in the household.

Helpful Hints

About the benefits banana pulp heard by everyone. A couple of bananas a day saturates the human body with all the necessary trace elements. But no less useful than citrus itself isits peel .

Few people know how necessary in everyday life can be the same banana skin, which is usually immediately sent to the trash can. It can be used for the most unexpected purposes: from teeth whitening to pest control in the garden.

Next life hackswill greatly facilitate the life of the hostess and help to cope with a particular problem in everyday life.

So, having an ordinary banana peel on hand, you can:

How to use banana peel

1. Keep Chicken Breast Juicy While Frying

Even if you are an excellent cook, frying meat in such a way that it comes out juicy is quite difficult. First of all, it concerns the chicken breast.

Chicken meat itself is rather dry, when frying it becomes even drier. In order for the chicken breast to turn out juicy and soft during frying, use a banana peel. Before you put the meat in the oven or put on the fire, just put a banana peel on top of it.

It will create a barrier that acts like skin and allows the meat to retain its juice.

Thanks to such a simple culinary trick, you can significantly improve the quality of the cooked dish.

2. Make a natural and effective fly trap

If you can't live without fruits, then this item is for you.

Surely, many housewives have repeatedly noticed annoying small flies in their kitchen that attack a fruit bowl. These are the so-called fruit flies that get to the bowl of apples and oranges before you do.

Build a pest trap and forget about this problem once and for all.

For this you will need: a large container of yogurt, a banana peel, a hammer and a small nail.

Use a hammer and nail to make holes in the lid of the container. Then place the banana peel inside the container and close the lid tightly. Leave this design near the fruit in the place where the flies accumulate.

The sweet banana flavor will lure them into the container. Attracted by the smell of the banana, the midges will crawl inside, but they will not be able to get back through the tiny holes.

When you notice that the midges have disappeared or their number has significantly decreased, the trap can be thrown out.

3. Repairing a scratched CD or DVD

If your favorite CD is scratched and therefore won't play clean, fix it with a banana peel.

Place the disc label side down. Turn the banana peel inside out, then rub the inside of the banana peel on the scratched surface of the disk in a gentle, circular motion. Banana peel pulp and wax will fill in existing scratches without harming the plastic finish.

Then wash off any remaining wax with a soft cloth dampened with glass cleaner. Polish the disc until it is clean. The disc is rehabilitated and ready to play.

Benefits of banana peel

4. Rid your garden of aphids

Have you noticed aphids in your garden that are harming your favorite plants? This problem is solvable. Take 2-3 banana peels, dig a hole 2 cm deep at the base of the aphid-infested plant and bury the peel in it.

Aphids and ants cannot tolerate the rich concentration of potassium in banana peels. Thus, thanks to this little trick, the hated pests will retreat.

5. Quickly remove ink stains from skin

Got your hands dirty with ink leaking from a ballpoint pen? In this case, water and soap will not be able to fix the problem immediately. This is where an ordinary banana peel comes to the rescue.

Rub the inside of the peel on the area that was stained with ink. You will be surprised how quickly, literally before your eyes, the stain will disappear and the skin will become clean.

The fact is that the natural oils from the banana peel "suck" the oils from the ink into themselves, thus, without much difficulty, removing the stubborn pigment from the skin.

6. Instantly relieve itching from an insect bite

Have you been bitten by mosquitoes and suffer from terrible itching? Get rid of it without the use of products containing chemicals.

Take an ordinary banana peel and rub it with the inner side of the skin suffering from itching. Literally immediately you will feel relief, itching and discomfort from a mosquito bite will pass very quickly.

The banana peel contains a polysaccharide substance, which, penetrating into our skin cells, relieves swelling and inflammation within a few minutes.

Teeth whitening with banana peel

7. Thoroughly and effectively whiten your teeth

There is no need to spend a fortune on teeth whitening by purchasing special whitening strips. After all, folk remedies are sometimes no worse than professional ones.

An ordinary banana peel will do the job perfectly. It will make your teeth whiter. Rub them daily with the inside of a banana peel for 2 minutes. Do this after brushing your teeth thoroughly.

Banana peel contains astringent plaque-breaking salicylic acid and mildly whitening citric acid. The combination of these two acids effectively lightens dark spots on the teeth without damaging the enamel itself. Thanks to such a simple trick, you will become the owner of a snow-white smile.

8. Repair scuffs on leather shoes

If your shoes are generally in good condition, apart from a few scuffs, the situation can be corrected. A banana peel will come to the rescue.

Thanks to the natural oils and waxes contained in the banana peel, it can be used for polishing leather shoes and make it shine. The potassium in the banana peel is an essential component for skin care. This trace element, being absorbed into the leather product, reduces traces of abrasions and makes the shoes look brand new.

banana peel for flowers

9. Bring home plants back to life

Are your home plants dull, look dull, tired and do not please you with their former beauty? They need to be rehabilitated urgently! Ferns, cacti, and other plants can be restored with a banana peel.

Rub the leaves of the plant with its inner side. It will not only rid the flower of accumulated dust, but also, thanks to the oils contained in the banana peel, will give it a well-groomed and fresh look.

Potassium, which is rich in banana, also has a beneficial effect on the plant and helps it stay healthy and blooming.

10. Painlessly remove a splinter

It is not always easy and quick to remove a splinter. If this cannot be done with the usual method, you can resort to a little trick using the same banana peel.

Attach it to the wound with the inside. For more efficiency fix the banana peel with a band-aid. So it will more tightly come into contact with the problem area.

Leave the patch on for at least 30-40 minutes. The enzymes found in the banana peel will draw the splinter to the surface of the skin, after which you can easily remove it. In addition, these enzymes contribute to the healing of the wound formed after the extraction of a splinter.

banana peel properties

The peel of a banana contains a storehouse of nutrients and trace elementsV. Due to its healing properties, it can be used as an effective fertilizer for plants. Such a simple "feeding" in the form of a banana peel significantly increase the quality and quantity of the crop in your yard and garden.

In addition, the minerals and antioxidants that a banana is rich in have a positive effect on the skin of the face, moisturizing it and making it more well-groomed and beautiful. Prepare a banana peel mask and your skin will thank you. If you don’t have enough time for a full-fledged mask, just wipe it with the inside of a banana peel.

In addition, banana peel can be used for the following purposes:

- To remove warts.

- In the treatment of psoriasis and acne.

- In the treatment of burns, bruises and bruises.

- When healing scratches and cuts.

- To moisturize the skin and prevent early wrinkles.

The composition of the banana peel resembles the composition of the pulp of this fruit, but there are some not harmless differences. The minerals contained in the banana peel are primarily potassium - 78 mg / g and manganese 76 mg / g. Other minerals that are less significant in its composition are sodium 24 mg/g, calcium 19 mg/g, iron 0.61 mg/g and phosphorus.

Approximately 91% of the mass of a banana peel is water and organic nutrients, consisting of lipids, proteins, fiber and carbohydrates. Proteins account for 0.9% of the peel mass, lipids for 1.7%, carbohydrates for 59.1%, and fiber for 31.7% of the total mass. Such a component makes it possible to find practical applications for banana peels on an industrial scale.

Almost each of these mineral and organic substances is a necessary component useful for the healthy functioning and development of any system of the human and animal body. Eating them is mandatory, and their deficiency contributes to the development of serious ailments. However, obtaining nutrients from the banana peel in its natural form is undesirable due to the presence of some harmful toxic components in it.

What is harmful banana peel.

Banana peel contains saponins - compounds known for their foaming properties and are potentially hazardous substances when ingested by humans and animals. The use of saponins in significant doses leads to paralysis of the nervous system and an increase in cholesterol production.

Other substances found in banana peels that have the potential to be harmful to health are oxalates, organic acids associated with the development of kidney disease. Most kidney stones are calcium oxalate compounds. The oxalate content of a banana peel is on the order of 0.5 mg/g, which is quite low and relatively harmless.

The most toxic and harmful substance in the banana peel is hydrogen cyanide. It is present in it in an amount of about 1.3 mg/g. This chemical substance, entering the body in large doses, leads to immediate death. Its small amounts irritate the throat, cause tension in the chest, heart palpitations and muscle weakness. The amount of hydrogen cyanide in a banana peel theoretically falls within a safe quantitative range and does not lead to any exceptional situations.

The real use of a banana peel.

Under thermal action, the gas composition of the banana peel is destroyed and converted, which makes it possible to obtain charcoal from such raw materials. In African countries, banana peel coal is widely used, partially replacing products from gradually disappearing wood reserves.

Pectin, a gel-forming substance used in the food industry to make jams and confectionery, is extracted mainly from citrus fruits and apples. However, the banana peel also contains a significant amount of pectin, in percentage terms less than in citrus fruits, but more than, for example, in sugar beets.

Dried banana peels are a rich source of tannins. These substances have tannic properties, are used in the textile and leather industries, and are used for the manufacture of inks and food dyes. For medicinal purposes, tannins are used as astringents and antidotes for certain poisonings.

After chemical removal of harmful components from the composition of dried banana peels, they are used to make food for pets and farm animals. There are some household uses for banana peels, such as as a substitute for cream when caring for leather shoes.

Using banana peel as a fertilizer.

The mineral elements that make up the banana peel are essential components involved in the development and growth of any plant. So potassium promotes the formation of the flow of nutrients between plant cells, strengthens the stems and protects against certain diseases.

Phosphorus from banana peels is used by plants for the normal flow of flowering and fruiting processes, and also improves cold resistance in winter. Magnesium and sulfur are necessary for plants to form chlorophyll involved in photosynthesis.

Banana peel in this capacity is a rapidly decomposing organic fertilizer that quickly turns into compost. Sprinkle the ground with the crushed remains of bananas under indoor or garden plants, and after 3-4 months the released chemical compounds will be able to naturally replenish the mineral reserves in their composition.

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Briefly about the banana

In Russia, bananas are an affordable and popular tropical fruit, especially in winter. Many people eat one banana a day.

According to statistics, in our country in 2015 there were almost 9 kg of bananas per capita per year, in Ecuador, the main supplier of bananas to Russia, banana consumption was about 74 kg per capita per year.

In the tropics, bananas are very common, they are eaten and used for various purposes. Banana skins are also used there, for example, even for launching ships on the water because of their good gliding.

It is convenient to eat a banana anywhere, its peel leaves well and we easily and simply throw away this compact skin, and this is 40% of the weight of the fruit we paid for in stores or markets, i.e. we are simply throwing away 40% of its value. So let's be practical and take a closer look at the peel.

Useful properties of banana peel

It is known that the peel and skins of many vegetables and fruits are very useful, and sometimes even more useful than the fruits themselves. For example, red grapes - it is in the skins of grapes that bioflavonoids are contained that fight heart and vascular diseases, and aging of the body.

What about bananas? They are useful for fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other elements, vitamins B, C and PP (these vitamins are especially lacking according to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), enzymes, antioxidants, serotonin and tryptophan. There is a lot of sucrose in a banana, it is a good energy drink.

It has been established that the fiber content in the peel is even higher than in a peeled banana, and the fiber is good for the gastrointestinal tract (they effectively cleanse the intestines), reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases, because 40% of potassium is concentrated in the banana peel, which is so necessary for us to work. hearts. The lutein (carotenoid) contained in the peel improves vision, preventing age-related changes in the lens.

How is a banana peel used?

In Asia, banana peels are widely used for food: for example, in drinks - chopped peels are infused in water, in hot tea, smoothies are prepared, they are also fried on the skins, laying out, for example, beaten chicken fillet on the inside of the skins placed in a pan or barbecue - such chops become juicy and do not burn.

But this is how freshly picked bananas are used, with us it is a completely different matter.

Bananas transported over long distances are plucked green in the tropics, transported by refrigerated ships at a temperature of 13-15 degrees, then treated with a mixture of gases (95% nitrogen and 5% ethylene) - a composition identical to that released by bananas when ripe (as well as other fruits e.g. apples).

In addition, there is evidence that plucked bananas are treated with preservatives E 230, 231, 232 - chemicals containing phenol. In some countries, these additives are prohibited.

Therefore, we will not take risks and do not use banana skin for food. There are options for using the skin in everyday life. What are they?

The inside of the banana skin can be:

  • Wipe the skin of the face and hands, which improves the condition of the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it;
  • Whiten teeth by rubbing them;
  • Apply peel compresses for burns (including solar), abscesses, insect bites;
  • Peel the leaves of indoor plants;
  • Clean leather shoes;
  • Clean silver cutlery and jewelry from oxide deposits;
  • Enrich the soil with minerals by placing chopped banana skins shallowly in the ground (or compost in the garden), and by drying the peel, crushing it, and spreading the crumbs on the surface of the ground of a houseplant or soil in a garden or vegetable garden;
  • Water and feed indoor and garden plants with a solution rich in enzymes and trace elements.

Soil enrichment with infusion of banana peel

Now it is essential to enrich the soil with useful elements not with chemical fertilizers, but with natural preparations and solutions. One is a fermented solution made from fruit peels and peelings. For this, skins and peels of bananas, apples, citrus fruits (you can also add peelings of vegetables and herbs), water, sugar and a plastic container with a screw lid are used.

And the fermented composition is made like this:

Water is poured into a plastic container (1 part by weight), sugar is poured, preferably unrefined cane sugar (1 part), the solution is shaken and skins and peelings of fruits and vegetables are added (3 parts). 20% space should be left in the tank for air and gases released during fermentation.

The container is tightly closed and every day, carefully opening, gases are released from it. It takes about 3 months to insist the skins for complete fermentation. Then the mixture is filtered and used for watering and feeding plants, diluting 1 liter. the resulting solution per 1000 liters. water (1 ml per 1 liter of water) for irrigation and 2 ml per 1 liter. water for feeding. Such a useful solution can be stored for years.

If there is no time to wait, you can simply cut banana skins and insist in water to water the plants.