Wishes to a man. Five creative ways to congratulate an internet friend Wishes for a man list php id

Hello everyone!

A sweet wish pronounced in an affectionate tone will not only create a good mood, but also inspire your man to heroic deeds.

Wishes to your beloved, "Good mood"

Nothing cheers up a guy like a sincere compliment from a loved one. Passionate wishes whispered in your ear will pleasantly surprise your loved one and create a good atmosphere in communication.

The clear sun woke up
In languor, sweet stretched,
She shook herself, smiled cheerfully.
Now shines outside the window.
And you soon wake up
Enjoy the bird's trill.
With hot coffee at the table
Let a happy day into your house.

  • Let a good mood protect you from failure like an umbrella from the rain.

Come on, stop moping,
Come on, stop being sad.
If you sleep, wake up soon
Read it all and smile.

  • I kiss you crazy. Just like that, to cheer up.
  • Read this SMS and get a positive charge for the whole day.
  • Remember: Lady Luck is kind to smiling people.
  • I so want ... I really want my knight to have a good mood all day.

Be fun and playful.
If need be, be obstinate.
This is your day, not otherwise.
Good luck awaits you today.

  • I fly on the wings of joy, I want to see you.

Good morning, sweet miracle.
I will be your talisman today.
I will keep from worry and excitement
And protect the mood from bad.

  • Eh, it's good when there is a mood. And if the mood is good, life is generally a success.
  • I wish the ocean a positive, and you, so that it swims like a fish.
  • And our life will have its own rules: no black and white stripes, only one continuous rainbow.

Good wishes for a man, just like that

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are actually very emotional creatures and love to hear in their address. Talk to a man just like that, without demanding anything in return. You will be pleasantly surprised by the changes that have occurred in your loved one.

I'll take watercolors
I will paint the days of summer.
I will add bright colors
Your gray days.
It doesn't matter where you are
You: with me or with someone,
I only wish
To be loved.

  • Don't make a terrible mistake, don't leave the house without a smile!

Let's run away from the wicked people
Far, over a hundred seas.
There we will rest
Sing, have fun and dance.

  • Remember: you are the scriptwriter of your life. What it will be: drama, comedy or fantasy - depends only on you.
  • You are my safest place on the planet.

I wish you to build your own house.
The best place in the world
Where they will take care of your happiness
Pretty wife and lovely children.

  • Do not be lazy to collect warm memories. They come in handy during the cold season.

To be in love is to suffer
And learn to fly without wings.
To be loved is to be dear
The most beautiful, intelligent, dear.
What does love give: Hell or Heaven?
You answer this question yourself.

  • Who's so serious here? Remember, dear, laughter is a powerful weapon against failure.

I want to always be by your side
Ready to become your job.
We are one whole. We are indivisible.
You are the warrior who has become my master.

Good morning
Gives a cheerful mood
The sun is warm and bright colors,
Loyal friends without dastardly masks.

There are many. A sincere compliment will cheer up a man anyway. And it doesn't matter if it sounds in or in prose.

  • I am not myself today. I laugh like crazy all the time. Hope you're in a good mood too.
  • Do you know that I can conjure? Yes Yes. Now I'll take and conjure you luck for the whole day.
  • Love you, kiss you, hug you. I look forward to meeting you and miss you.
  • Read the next word "smile" slowly. Can you feel how it blooms on your face?
  • Already halfway there. Your Happiness.
  • Do not frown, otherwise wrinkles will form. And you are beautiful even without them, my knight, my man.
  • Nothing will darken your mood today. After all, Luck and Luck will be next to each other.
  • Do you know what they say: "Whoever gets up early, the Lord gives to him"? I will add: "He who laughs cheerfully succeeds in everything."
  • Let's take Happiness by the hand. Let's go with him to "you" for a minute. And breaking the locks of the prohibitions, we will turn failures into a funny joke.
  • You know, there is no more attractive picture in the world than the smile of a happy man.
  • Let me tell you a little secret: you are the most beloved. There is no better person in the world.
  • Your aroma is more intoxicating than wine. Your look is a magnet for me. These feelings are like an obsession. They are stronger than gravity.
  • I will not hesitate to shout out loud: "I want to be with you alone!"

Dear girls, do not be afraid to do to formidable warriors, show love. A caring attitude will return to you a hundredfold. After all, men will not only be in a good mood, but also ready to fulfill all your wishes.

Wishes for a man should be like wine: good and seasoned. Aged in a serious, businesslike style. Male logic values ​​openness and straightforwardness, therefore, wishes should be appropriate, without unnecessary metaphors and exaggerations.

In verse

  • I wish my man
  • I am strong health
  • So that by his strength
  • You have become famous in life!
  • To become a hero
  • Kind to people
  • And me with your love
  • Always gray!
  • I wish you, my dear,
  • I am sincerely kind!
  • God bless you
  • Good deeds!
  • May peace reign in your soul!
  • I wish you bright days!
  • To spite all sorrows
  • You were always, everywhere lucky!
  • I wish my man
  • Don't look for a reason for sadness
  • I wish to search only for happiness
  • And constantly be in power in love!
  • Let the heart beat quiveringly
  • And let your soul not be bitter!
  • The soul does not scream in pain
  • So that you are not beaten by fate!
  • So that you sleep peacefully at night
  • So that you do not put an end to the relationship,
  • For you to be good
  • Joyful and useful!
  • I wish you dear
  • I conquer the whole world,
  • And on the highest mountain
  • Have a victorious feast!
  • So that you all go through the barriers
  • So that you bring joy to people,
  • For this, so that there is a reward,
  • And in life so that there is joy,
  • So that you go confidently towards your goal,
  • In the fall, the straw was spread,
  • And if you fall - so that you rise,
  • And he was not sad, but smiled with optimism!
  • You are a man, you are my lion,
  • You warmed me with your soul!
  • I wish not to get sick
  • Feel free to fly to heaven!
  • At work - respect,
  • Forgiveness from parents
  • Great love from me
  • Never twist your soul!
  • My man, may God himself
  • It won't be too hard on you!
  • He blesses for success,
  • And he sends goodness to life!
  • So that you are surrounded only by joyful faces,
  • So that your soul soars like a bird
  • With a bright shine so that your eyes shine
  • They did not frighten you!
  • Darling, I wish you to become successful
  • A little stylish, a drop of sinful,
  • So that a person can comfort
  • Let the fresh wind blow in your face,
  • And do not be afraid of obstacles
  • Overcome them all gladly!
  • Let the evil enemies disappear
  • And let the brains grow wiser
  • There will be nirvana in your soul,
  • And let your path be easy
  • To wish a life worthy
  • To go through life you are happy!
  • I wish for a loved one
  • Tender revelations
  • So that people about you
  • There were only good opinions.
  • So that he was cunning as the devil
  • But at the same time he was not proud,
  • So that you are lucky
  • And to love me
  • Cheer you and strength
  • To be in your life
  • Everything you've been dreaming about for a long time
  • And let life be like a good movie!

In prose

A real man does not have to be beautiful - the main thing is strong and wise. That you are a strong man with us, noticeably with the naked eye, and the fact that you are smart will be confirmed by all your friends and acquaintances. I wish you wisdom - because only the favorites of the sky and, of course, greatness enjoy such a privilege, without it you will not reach the peaks and you will not see the world from a bird's eye view!

To confidently consider yourself a man, you don't have to take part in street fights or walk arm in arm with a stunning blonde. I want to wish you true love. Only adoration and possession of the woman you love and her glowing eyes looking into yours will make you feel like a real man!

Even if I say that it is strong - do not believe it! I say: “I can do it myself,” but in my heart I pray: “do everything for me”! I say: "I'll figure it out somehow without you," but my heart screams: "Come back, I can't do it alone." I say: “go away, I don’t need you anymore,” but I myself am horrified, suddenly this time you believe and actually leave! Never believe my lies. I know it’s not easy with me, but I love you very much and I’m afraid of losing!

If you ever decide to leave, then leave and don't look back! If you don’t remember, then it was necessary! And if you want to return, then come back without hesitation for a second! I will always wait for you and will forgive any of your mistakes. Because you are mine!

In my own words

You were born a man. This means that you must be brave all your adult life, protect the weak, idolize women, take care of parents, raise and raise children to their feet, be a real patriot of your fatherland and at any time stand up for it, be responsible for every word you say, nominate yourself to the post of head of the Vatican to abolish same-sex marriage, because every year the number of real men began to decline! I wish you to be born a woman in your next life, so that you can figure out from the inside what the weaker sex really wants. And then a man again. And then you will never have problems with girls and even more so with your own wife. Harmony and understanding to you!

You are my only one, you are my desired one
The most beloved and long-awaited.
Happiness, zest, sunbeam,
You are always the best for me! 34

I want to tell you that I like you, I love you very much. Be with me always, always. I will love you as much as possible. 33

My lips hurt because I smiled ... I just couldn't stop thinking about you! 16

For me there is only you, only with you - all the dreams, I write, remind, that I love and that I miss! 22

Even if the sky is gray, there is vanity around me, I don’t care - after all, only one smile, how the sun warms! Your smile! 26

My heart beats just for you. I will always be with you! You are the best! 55

From love to you blood is agitated, it is sweet and bitter in the heart. But no one will separate us or disturb us! And the fact that you are my happiness - nothing can change! 27

If love is a leaf, then I give you a whole garden,
If she is a drop, I give you the whole sea,
If love is an hour, I give you forever. 41

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The moon looks out the window alone
It's dark for me without you in this world.
You are a wonderful joy in my life,
Send SMS and I will feel warmer! 44

The rain is coming, the wind is blowing, the fire is on, and I love you. 3

If I became a snowflake, I could fly to you! In your breath - to melt, in your palm - to die! 58

Why love, why suffer, because all paths lead to bed, but to hell with him again, you have to start from the bed: * 21

There's a virus in my heart. And no antivirus software will help ... It's just love for you that sweeps away everything on the way. 35

I wish you a successful day, I embrace you passionately and sweetly, I hasten to tell you without hiding - you are the best with me! 49

My beloved, I want a daughter from you, period! 46

I love you - I dare not say
I can't look in your eyes
But as I see - I will blush
Believe that I love you. 58

Heart crying without love, text me? 36

Darling, darling, if not ashamed, take your heart and not give it away. It is very insulting to act so cruelly! 33

Rose for the garden, the sun for the day, the month for the night, and you are for me! 29

You are my sun and wind. The cause of sweet anxiety, the most beloved in the world, my unreal man! 54

Darling, I cannot live without you, I need you like air ... 40

I thank fate for meeting you. 139

I wish only happiness in life,
Good luck, laughter, joy, warmth!
Let all the bad weather pass by
And there will be good friends nearby!

I wish your dreams come true
Health so that it never fails
And, no matter how swiftly your years would rush,
You stay young always, always!

And brutality and hardening,
And posture, and savvy,
Strength, courage and honor -
Everything in you, of course, is.
You have left to wish
An insignificant little.
In personal life - understanding
And support - in your endeavors.
In good friendship - respect,
And in a career - promotion.
Be happy and content
Expensive, but still free,
With money and in the mood.
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in the soul and, most importantly, health - it is never superfluous. So that you are always glad that you already have, but at the same time you never stop setting big life goals for yourself. May the feeling of love always warm you in your bosom, and your beloved will be a reliable support in life. Look at the world with a fresh look, develop, enjoy life, be happy, healthy and loved!

Happy birthday
To have a lot of strength for everything.
Always playing in life,
To be able to do everything, to be in time everywhere.

Be lucky, lucky
And happy on Earth.
Kind, glorious and mighty,
Live in comfort and warmth.

May dreams come true
There is always money.
And the problems will dissolve
Never come.

Happy Birthday!
I wish you happiness and luck.
Stability in all matters
Be successful with money.

May everything be fine in life
Any goal will become subservient.
Be reliable, always loved
In all matters, irreplaceable.

I want to congratulate you on your birthday!
Wish you good and happiness
Good luck in life, luck.
Adversity is not to be seen at all.

Health so as not to fail
Success accompanied your path
Body and soul were getting younger
All that was heard in the house was laughter.

I wish you vigor for the body,
Pleasant minutes - for the soul,
Hands - the skill of gold,
And words of wisdom - for the head.

Let there be tears only from happiness
A warm corner is waiting at home,
Where the door is closed from bad weather,
And the castle hangs from adversity!

Happy birthday, congratulations!
We wish you financial stability,
Health, happiness, optimism,
Steep climbs, bright life,
Stability, love and peace
Well-being and positive!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish with all my heart
Smiles, happiness, inspiration
And the conquest of all peaks.

Reliable and good friends,
In the family - comfort and warmth.
So that the days are pleasant and beautiful
More life brought you.

May the strength be heroic
The mind will be sharp as a blade.
And in the heart to be warmer
From the sincerity of these lines.

What a real man
Wish on your birthday?
That there is no reason
To be sad, bored and discouraged.

Let everything be as it should be in life,
Let happiness flow over the edge
In the family, everyone lived very amicably.
Love, dream and prosper.

Bright life, new chances
In fate - luck nod.
And laughter, joy, finance -
Endless stream!

I wish you happiness and good
Love, family well-being,
Take only the best from life:
There are many smiles, a sea of ​​inspiration,
In all matters - success and luck,
In a career - steadily progressing upwards,
And in friendship - loyalty to you and respect.
In the family - harmony, support, understanding.
So that all cherished desires come true!

A wonderful man, father, family man -
Everyone knows about this, you are the only one.
Let the envious rest on the sidelines,
Let's open the kegs on the name day.
You will have time to work, walk today,
And to put it more clearly, rest.
After all, fun on a holiday is not only appropriate,
It must certainly take place.
We wish you a cool career
Respect for relatives, great love,
May success always be by your side!