Cognitive research activities in kindergarten development. Games and toys. Conditions necessary for organizing elementary search activities with children

Cognitive research activities

children of preschool age

Preschoolers - inborn researchers.The unfortunate thirst for new impressions, curiosity, constant desire to observe and experiment, independently look for new information about the world, are traditionally considered as the most important features of child behavior. Satisfying his curiosity in the process of active educational research activities, a child on the one hand, expands the ideas about the world, sees the diversity of the world in the system of relationships and interdependencies, on the other - develops the ability to independently develop (and rebuild) new ways of activity in any field of human Culture.

therefore relevance Favorite themes I saw that it was in preschool age that the child had not learned all the knowledge that humanity had accumulated, it was necessary to form him a cognitive initiative, the ability to compare things and phenomena, to establish links between them, i.e. Sort your ideas about the world.

It is also important to understand that in the modern world of skills and research skills are needed not only to those whose life is related to scientific work, they are required to every person regardless of its nature professional activity. Therefore, cognitive-research activities are considered as an integral personality characteristic as a lifestyle.

In this regard, I puttarget: To identify research forms available and interesting to senior preschool children who allow them to take them an active cognitive-research position.

4th slide. Tasks

To achieve my goals, it is necessary to solve suchtasks :

    Use cognitive-research activities as a rod-forming for the cognitive development of a senior preschooler.

    To form in children the ability to see the diversity of the world in the system of relationships and interdependencies.

    Provide the transition from objective and practical action to figurative-symbolic (schematization, symbolization of relations and relations between the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world).

    Maintain in children the initiative, intelligence, inquisitiveness, criticality, independence.

    Expand the horizon of preschoolers (in the process of cognitive development, introduce knowledge of the natural world, form elementary geographical and historical ideas).

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, the content of the educational field "cognitive development" is aimed at achieving the goal of the development of cognitive interests and cognitive abilities of children through the solution of tasks: the development of the interests of children, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; Development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of initial ideas about themselves, other people, objects of the surrounding world, the properties and relations of the objects of the surrounding world; the formation of initial ideas about the Maja Motherland and the Fatherland; The formation of primary ideas about planet Earth as a common house of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the variety of countries and peoples.

Studying literature in this area, I got acquainted with several forms of cognitive research. Among them revealed the most acceptable for children of senior preschool age. One of these is experimentation with objects and their properties.

Children of preschool age are small researchers, love to experiment. This is explained by the fact that they are inherent visual-effective and visual-shaped thinking. Experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age features.

As objects of research, I try to choose objects and phenomena familiar to children. My task is to support the cognitive interest of children and the desire for independent observations.

Children's experimentation has a huge developmental potential. Its important advantage is that it gives children real ideas about the various sides of the object being studied, about its relationship with other objects and the habitat.

My pupils with great pleasure participate in the formulation of experiments, conduct elementary research. These forms of work provide personal-oriented interaction of an adult and a child (together, equal, as partners), creating a special atmosphere that allows each child to realize their cognitive activity.

Experimentation is carried out in all spheres of children's activity: food, occupation, game, walk, sleep, wash. This creates special conditions in a developing environment that stimulate the enrichment of the development of research activities.

As a result of experiments, children got acquainted with the properties of water, sand, clay, soil, studied the properties of the magnet, metal, wood, glasses, plastics, etc.

Experimentation helps to develop thinking, logic, child's work, make it possible to show connections between alive and non-living in nature. Studies provide a child the opportunity to find answers to questions "How?" and why?". Knowledge obtained during the experiments are remembered for a long time. It is important not only to conduct experiments, but also to link the results of this work with everyday life, monitoring at home and on the street.

The group created an experimentation corner. It is a base for specific gaming activities of the preschooler. Playing, children turn into "scientists", which sharply strengthens the interest of children to conduct research. They behave more serious than usual, looking forward to the next study. In the angle of experimentation, a file of experiments with various objects of alive and inanimate nature is presented.

For research there are various materials, devices, measuring instruments, for example: measuring cups, ruler, paraffin candles, flashlight, various capacity, glass bowls, wooden sticks, mirrors, balloons, etc. Collected collection of seeds, stones, shells, cereals, Dry leaves, paper samples and tissues of different textures.

The experimentation corner is constantly updated with new materials in accordance with the age of children and their interests.

It is known that no educational or educational task cannot be successfully solved without fruitful contact with family and complete mutual understanding between parents and teacher.
My experience has shown that experimental activities involves, "attracts" to itself not only preschoolers, but also their parents. To this end, I spend the consultations on which I am trying to explain, parents, that the main thing is to give the child the impulse to an independent search for new knowledge, which is not necessary for the child his work. I explain that let his first results in experimentation will be primitive and inexpressive, not they are important, but the experience of self-search for truth itself. I also developed a memo for parents: "What you can not and what to do to maintain the interest of children to experimentation." For parents created a file of elementary experiments and experiments that can be held at home. For example, "colored ice cream" (ice can be seen not only in winter, but at any other time of the year, if the water is frozen in the refrigerator).
The result of this work is interesting children's stories.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Children's garden of general arraying species number 53"

« Cognitive and research activities of preschool children.

Development of research activity of preschoolers in the process of child experimentation "

Republic of Adygea

maykop 2014.

Relevant to know

child research activities

"People who have learned observations and experiments,

They acquire the ability to set questions themselves and receive answers to them, turning to them on a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not passed such a school ... "


The child himself knows the world,

explore it, experimenting.

It is important that the child see everything himself,

himself touched and myself got my impressions

"The child is a reasonable creature, he

knows the needs, difficulties and

interference of your life.

Not despotic disposal

no incredulous control, but

tactical agreement

faith in experience, cooperation and

living together".

Yanush Korchak.

In preschool age process of knowledge the child comes with an emotionally practical way.

To cognitive processes preschool children include: perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, as well as speech (oral and written) .

The component of the information includes: in fact, information that consists of separate information, facts, events of the surrounding world. We refer to the sources of information: direct perception of the person, other person, books, television, radio, computers, etc. Depending on the purposes and features, information is used information of this or that source.

The component of "attitudes to information" presents the work of the teacher of the greatest difficulty, because it takes a paramountplace in the formation of the knowledge of children of preschool age. If adult information is primary in adults, and the "attitude" is secondary to it, then the kids have an opposite picture. For them, as a rule, "attitude to information" is primary, and the "Information" itself is secondary. Adults can express, determine their attitude to anything only in the presence of knowledge, ideas, experience. Children are always ready to learn what they treat. And they do not even want to hear about what they treat badly, negatively.



(information, facts,

life events)



What are you interested in baby that he chooses from the surrounding

world for your knowledge.

How Gets child information, i.e. it comes

about methods of knowledge and means of knowledge.

How processes child information: what makes it

at different age stages - systematizes, collects,

Development and enrichment

cognitive sphere of children from

2 to 7 years



information about









about the world around

of the year

2-4 years

First period -

"Accumulation" information

"What I see, what happened, then he knows"

Accumulation is due to:

  • Personal participation of the child in various situations
  • events;
  • Child observations for real phenomena,
  • subjects;
  • Own manipulation of a child with real
  • subjects and its active actions in their
  • nearest surroundings.

4-5 years old

Second period

"Ordering" information.

At the age of 4-5 years can be allocated

4 main directions

cognitive activity of children:

  • Acquaintance with objects, phenomena, events outside the immediate

perception and experience of children;

  • Establishment connections and dependencies between objects, phenomena and events leading to the emergence of a holistic representation system in the mind;
  • Satisfaction first manifestations of the election interests of children;
  • Formation positive attitude towards the environment.

5-6 years old

Third period -

"accumulation" information

Means and ways of knowledge :

  • Actions and own practical experience

(that he mastered well enough);

  • The word, i.e. the stories of adults (this

familiar, the process continues


  • Books, tv, etc. How new sources


Cognitive development

children 6-7 years

the fourth period:

"Ordering information"

It is necessary to direct the process

cognition for:

  • Establishment of causal, as well as generic (classification) relationships of our world;
  • Subtative ordering of information.

Causal relationships:

The reason always occurs before the result, for example, the death of a growing flower can be called:

  • an increase in (lowering) air temperature above (below) that in which the flower may exist;
  • lack of essential nutrients in the soil;
  • the absence of the required amount of moisture for the life of plants (excess moisture);
  • the fact that the flower someone ripped and so on.

The transition from the investigation to the cause is impossible.

Basic educational functions of educational research activities

  • Development of cognitive initiative child (curiosity );
  • Mastering a child fundamental cultural forms of streamlining experience: causal, expert, species (classification), spatial and temporal relations;
  • Mastering a child fundamental cultural forms of streamlining experience (schematization, symbolization of links and relations between objects and phenomena of the world of the world);
  • Development of perception, thinking, speech (verbal analysis-reasoning) in the process of active actions to find connections of things and phenomena;
  • Expansion of the horizons of children through bringing them outside the direct practical experience in a wider spatial and temporary perspective (mastering ideas about natural and social world, elementary geographical and historical ideas).

ABOUT The rhineization of the educational and research activities of preschool children is aimed at the development of attention, memory, creative imagination, to compare the ability to compare, allocate the characteristic properties of objects, to summarize them on a certain feature and is represented by several topics:

Nature (variety of living organisms, characteristic features of seasons in different natural and climatic zones, etc.).

Inanimate nature (water, air, soil, earth, sand of their properties, planet Earth - its relief, climate, natural phenomena, space and solar system).

Physical phenomena (color, sound, magnetism, earth attraction, electricity, etc.)

Human (man -pie organism, man - user of nature)

Man-made world: (materials and their properties, subject - the result of human activity, converting objects, etc.)


Living conditions and types


Condition I.

transformation of matter

Air, water

Soil properties

and minerals

Collectibles (classification)

Methods and techniques of organization of cognitive - research activities

Experiments and experiments


Project method

Didactic games, gaming training and creatively developing situation

Modeling (creation of models of objects of alive and inanimate nature)

Staging and solving problem pedagogical situations

"Dive" in paint, sounds, odors and images of nature

Using an art word

Labor assignments, actions

Fixing results: observations, experiments, experiments, work activities

The main view of the educational research the activities of preschoolers is experimentation

Word "Experiment" it happened from the Greek word Experimentym, which is translated as "sample", "experience".

Experiment They call the scientifically delivered experience or observation of the studied phenomenon under considerable conditions that allow you to monitor the course of the phenomenon and reproduce it repeatedly when reducing these conditions. In a broad sense, the experiment is any experience, an attempt to implement something, a special kind of practice undertaken to obtain a new knowledge or testing of the old. Children's experimentation - These are the knowledge of the properties and links of objects with different ways of action, which contributes to the development of thinking and other parties to the child's personality. When he tries to do the experience itself, he will remember him for a long time.

Experimental options

Random observations and experiments.

Do not require special training.

However, this does not mean that random experiments are simply carried out.

So that the caregiver could notice something contributing in nature

the cognitive activity of the child, he must have naturally

scientific knowledge and use certain methods and techniques.

Planned observations and experiments. Teacher as himself and relying

Experiments as an answer to children's questions

the experience of children, their creativity plans and organizes experimental experimental

In addition to the planned and random experiments, there are experiments,

activities in all regime moments and in the process of exercising a node with children

which are held as an answer to the child's question. In the future, if the work is not complicated, it is carried out as a random

experiment; If significant preparation is required, it is carried out

Children are often independently experimenting with various substances, seeking to learn something new: they disassemble the toys, watch the objects falling into the water, "measuring puddles", try the tongue in a strong frost. Metal objects, etc. Experiment, specially organized by the teacher, safe For a child, at the same time introduces it with various properties of the surrounding items, with the laws of the life of nature and the need for their accounting in its own vitality. Initially, children learn to experiment in specially organized activities under the guidance of the teacher, then the necessary materials and equipment for carrying out experience are entered into a spatially object environment for self-playing by a child, if it is safe for its health.


the main research method, targeted action, with the successful implementation of which is confirmed or refuted by the hypothesis. For the implementation of tasks, special equipment can be used, while the experimental space is always limited.

The difference of experience from the experiment

Sequence. The experiment is designed to confirm the hypothesis, and experience is to consolidate it in practice.

Multiplicity. A single study is usually called experiment, multiple - experience.

Goals. When conducting an experiment, a certain purpose arises, the experience can be carried out spontaneously, at random.

Experience - research method when it may turn out something

unknown, incomprehensible and unidentified, which is still

to learn. (Remember Pavlov's experiences over dogs)

Experiment - The study method when a person already represents in advance what happens as a result (for example, during a chemical response at the lesson of chemistry)

By the nature of the objects used in the experiment:

- experiments with plants;

At the place of experiments:

- Features with animals;

  • in the group room;
  • location on;
  • in the forest, in the field, etc.

By the number of children:

- experiments with objects of inanimate nature;

  • individual (1-4 child);
  • group (5-10 children);
  • collective (all group).

Due to their holding:

- Experiments, the object of which is a person.

  • random;
  • planned;
  • posted in response to the child's question.

Classification of experiments and experiments

By duration:

  • short-term
  • (from 5 to 15 minutes);
  • long (over
  • 15 minutes).

By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process:

  • episodic (conducted on the case);
  • systematic.

By the nature of the cognitive activity of children:

  • illustrative (Everything is known to children, and the experiment only confirms familiar facts);
  • search (children do not know in advance what will be the result);
  • solving experimental tasks.

By the nature of mental operations:

  • standing (allowing you to see some one state of the object or one phenomenon out of connection with other objects and phenomena);
  • comparative (allowing you to see the dynamics of the process or note the changes in the state of the object);
  • generalizing (Experiments in which the general patterns of the process studied earlier in separate stages are traced).

Games - Experiments

Games experiments - These are games based on experimentation with the subject (subjects). The main action for the child is a manipulation with a specific subject on the basis of the plot specified by the tutor. Travel games are that the child makes some walk to the world of things, items, manipulates with them, permits the problemary gaming situation during such a conditional travel, gaining the necessary experience.

Principles of organization experiments

  • accounting of the age and experience of children, leading activity;
  • availability of game content;
  • a combination of visual material and actions, verbal commentary of the educator and actions of children;
  • orientation to ensure the "cultural practice" of children in the game;
  • preserving the positive emotional attitude of children, activating curiosity;
  • adequate compliance with the pace and time of the game in the pedagogical process;
  • gradual complication of games;
  • cyclical organization of games.

Problem pedagogical situations

Problem situation - This is a form of joint activities of the teacher and children in which children decide this or that problem, and the teacher sends children to solve the problem, helps them gain new experience, activates children's independence. The pedagogical situation has a dialogue, determining the joint decision by children and adults of the tasks.

Features of problem situations

  • short-term deployment and flow.
  • a flexible script that changes depending on what "here" and "now" occurs.
  • it can last from 3-5 to 15-20 minutes depending on the age of children.
  • can be organized with a small subgroup of children and with a group of children as a whole.
  • includes the reflection of the tools and methods by which children decided to task.

Project method

Project method - This is a way to organize a pedagogical process based on the interaction of the teacher and pupils, a way to interact with the environment, phased practical activities to achieve the goal.

The essence of the project method is to stimulate the interest of children to certain problems involving the ownership of a certain amount of knowledge, and through project activities providing for a solution to one or a number of problems, show the practical application of the knowledge gained.

Feature of project activities in the pre-school education system It is that the child cannot independently find contradictions in the surrounding, formulate the problem, determine the goal (design). Therefore, in the educational and educational process, the project activities are of cooperation, in which children and teachers of DWA are involved, and parents and other family members are involved. Parents may not only be sources of information, real help and support to the child and teacher in the process of working on a project, but also to become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their pedagogical experience, experience a sense of involvement and satisfaction from their success and success of the child.

Games with modeling

Modeling involves the replacement of one objects by others (real - conditional), for example:

Game "Encryption of various objects"

(home and wild predatory and herbivores; vegetables and fruits, etc.)

To perform the task from the beginning, signs and properties will be selected and the properties that will be encrypted and together with children come up with simple symbolic notation.

The attention of children can be offered several options for tasks. In the course of mastering the topic, the material can be varied by adding the notation of any sign.

I option.

The educator invites someone from the children to choose the animal of which will need to encrypt. The child (or several children in turn) selects the characters cards displaying the distinctive features of this object (season). Then lay them out before the rest of the children and they guess the object (season).

II option.

Some of the children are invited to turn away and the rest of the children choose the object (season) who want to encrypt and lay out card symbols with the corresponding signs. A returned child is invited to guess who (what) is encrypted.

III option.

The educator calls or shows an object (season) and lay out cards-characters with appropriate features, but here it makes a mistake. Children must fix it.

IV option.

The educator calls signs of the object (season) Children sketchy them schematically. Then looking at his drawings guess the encrypted object (season).

To clarify the consolidation of knowledge about seasonal changes in the nature of the life of animals and plants at different times of the year, great help is provided exercises type:

"When it happens" - Children are shown schematic images of changes in nature at different times of the year, children call the season.

"Rassell residents" - The educator reports that the artist painted at home for each of the seasons, but it cannot cut their inhabitants (seasonal changes in nature). Children are invited to help him.

Exercise with the ball "happens - does not happen" -

Playing get up in a circle. The teacher calls a sign of a certain time of the year. The child catches the ball, if this sign suits.

One of the means to activate the cognitive interest of preschoolers can be called puzzles. On the material of the riddles, you can solve many problems: from systematizing properties of objects and phenomena before building models and the development of associative thinking. Riddles teach children the ability to observe, noting something special, the ability to see the essence of the subject, its purpose. Riddles in concentrated, symbolic form, accessible to children, reflect child experience in the knowledge of reality.

In the selection of the tuner of mysteries to work with children, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the availability of their content, take into account the child's experience, the psychological features of age.

Of particular interest in preschoolers cause riddles with a hint - with a detailed description of the subject.

He grew up in the birch. Wear a hat on the leg. From above the sheet to it adhesive. Did you find out? It... (Mushroom)

All round and red

He is tastier in the salad

He is completely green

And guys for a long time

And oval, elongated.

Green meadows, In the sky - rainbow arc. Sun lake Sogreto: All calls to swim ... (Summer)

Very love ... (A tomato)

Tomato is a faithful brother, also asking for a salad.

It's that yellow ball On the forests behind us jumps. Golden lights, Call him ... (The sun)

I guessed (as)? Well done!

Well, of course, … (Cucumber)

Riddles with tip

Basics of work

teacher with children

Critica Enemy




Show interest in

to any activity




End the discussion

on the problem before the appearance

signs of loss of interest

Raise faith

child in their strength.

Used Books:

  • I.E. Kulikovskaya, N.N. Sovgir. Children's experimentation, 2003.
  • Tugusheva G.P. Chistyakova A.E. Experimental activities of children of secondary and senior preschool age, 2007
  • Wenger L.A., Mukhina V.S. "Psychology" / Wenger L.A., Mukhina V.S. - M.: Education, 1988.
  • Vygotsky // "Reader at the age psychology": studies. Manual / Sost. LM Semenyuk - M.: Voronezh, 2003
  • Korotkov T.A. "Cognitive-research activities of a senior preschool child in kindergarten" / Korotkov T.A. // "Pre-school education" - 2003. - №3 - s. 12.
  • "Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers": Methodical recommendations / Ed. Prokhorova L.N. - M.: "Arct", 2004.
  • Verasaks N. E., Verasx A. N. Project activities of preschoolers. Manual for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008. - 112 p. Educational projects in kindergarten. Manual for educators / N.A. Vinogradova, E.P. Pankova. - M.: Iris-Press, 2008. - 208 p. - (pre-school education and development).
  • Verasaks N. E., Verasx A. N. Project activities of preschoolers. Manual for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008. - 112 p.
  • Educational projects in kindergarten. Manual for educators / N.A. Vinogradova, E.P. Pankova. - M.: Iris-Press, 2008. - 208 p. - (pre-school education and development).

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Child development center - kindergarten number 3"

The conference


Performed: Senior Educator

Smaglia Tatyana Mikhailovna



Subject: "Cognitively - research activitiesasthe condition for improving the quality of educational work of a pre-school educational institution. "


    The relevance of the problem of scientific and research in Dow

A) work with frames

B) tasks of informative - research activities

C) species and forms of informative - research activities

D) the implementation of informative - research activities in the Dow

A) Results of joint cooperation

B) Indicators and criteria for formation of children research activities in OOP


Cognitive - research activities as the condition for improving the quality of educational work of a pre-school educational institution

"Tell me - and I will forget,

show - and I remember,

let's try and I will understand "

(Chinese folk wisdom).

    The relevance of the problem of research and development in DOU

The contemporary world is very relevant the problem of education, the development of a creative personality. Following the concept of personality-oriented education, the result of the latter should not be so trained (awareness), as far as the formation of a person - creative, distinctive, unique, able to independently replenish knowledge, to extract useful, implement their own goals and values \u200b\u200bin life. In kindergarten, it can be achieved through scientific research activities, since this type of activity is aimed at obtaining new and objective knowledge of preschoolers.This problem is actively being developed in special scientific research of psychologists (Dina O.V., Poddelkov A.N., Podvakov N.N., Savenkov A.I.). It is noticed that from the very birth, the child is a discoverer, a researcher of that world, who surrounds him, but especially the child preschooler learns everything firmly and for a long time when he hears, sees what he does. In this regard, research activities took its place in the system of work in our kindergarten. It has become an interesting and exciting process for both children and adults (teachers and parents).

    Cognitive - Research activities in Dow

Work with personnel

Work with personnel is aimed at the formation of a creative team of like-minded people. The conceptual ideas laid down in the exemplary general educational program of development of the DOU (2012) developed by FGT demand from the pedagogical team of a high level of professional skills. In this regard, it was organized:

    joint discussion and identification of the tasks and objectives of the pre-school institution in informative - research activities;

    created a creative group. Supporters - Connov S. P. Trufanova T. I., Khoshov A. A., teacher - psychologist Sidorenko E. K., Teacher - Logoped Barulin N. V. Instructor on physical culture Vrublevsky D. A. for development individual aspects of improving the pedagogical process;

    studied, summarized, distributed and introduced advanced pedagogical experience on this issue;

    used forms to improve the qualifications of pedagogical personnel (course retraining, pedsovets: "Organization and management of preschoolers' game activities», « Museum pedagogy as a way of cooperation "," Development of a coherent speech of preschoolers when familiarizing with nature "; Seminars, seminars - Workshop:- "Organization of an area of \u200b\u200bspatial developing environment in a group plot during the summer health period","Organization of project activities with the help of a gaming spatial environment for children from three years";

    conductedorganizational practical forms of work implying self-education and improving the technologies of the pedagogical process.

Such a fruitful work of the Dow team contributed to solving the tasks of developing cognitive development and the formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children.

Tasks for research activities:

    To teach the child to independently satisfy the inquisitiveness inherent in him (help him answer questions: why, why, how does the world arranged?);

    Teach children to practically establish causal relationships, genera, spatial and temporal relations between objects and phenomena;

    Teach children to work consistently, a single team, since the content of the work performed largely depends on the decisions taken by the entire group of children.

To solve the tasks of the teachers planned the amount of tasks and distributed them on the basis of children's needs. In this regard, they were used in directly educational activities of an adult with children various types and forms of research activities.

Types of research activities:

    Research - Creative: Children are experimenting, and then the results are issued in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design, collections of poems, stories and other material that requires artistically - aesthetic design ("Take care of nature!", "My Malaya Motherland", "The Adventures of Vasi Rhalikina " and etc.).

    Rolevo - Games - with elements of creative games ("Tourists", "Ornithologists", "Laboratory", "Fairy Tale" Kolobok "for a new way", etc.), when children enter the image of professions, fairy tales and decide in their own way Problems;

    Information - practical - oriented: children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (design and group design, stained glass windows, museums, drawing up emblems, signs, etc.);

    Creative - registration of the result in the form of a children's holiday, children's design ("Environmental Assorted", "Cafe" Mednica "," Zhuravushka "and others).

Forms of working with older children:

    Searches for the solution of problem situations and questions: "Why in the fall of leaf fall?", "How does the clock go?", "Does the light need?" Pass with the help of gaming activities, such as "Modern Grandfather Mazay", "Laboons are looking for answers", "hour workshop" and others , No. 10 Challenne T. G. and other teachers, which allows children to see how objects, mechanical devices are operating, manipulate various objects, in order to cause the child the delight of surprise and the opening of the miracle.

    Collecting in the preparatory for school groups No. 4 "Sea bottom", No. 8 "Set of mini collections" (Educators of Knyazeva I. A., Konov S. P.), Senior Group No. 2 "Russian Izba" (teacher Kosovo I. and .), Middle Group No. 3 "Birch" (Torucian Tutor T. I.) and in other groups is carried out by the guys as a classification work on sorting items included in it. Promotes the development of the Rhodovoid Relations. It makes it possible to have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe species diversity of the world (in nature, man-made peace, etc.).

    "Journey" on the map, the "River of Time" use teachers of senior preschool age No. 10 and No. 8, No. 4 (Hosh A., Konov S. P., Knyazeva I. A.). This gives the guys the opportunity to master spatial schemes and relationships, ideas about the space of the world, parts of the world and the native country. Severe temporary relations, get an idea of \u200b\u200bhistorical time - from the past to the real ("Helping Helping, Transport", "Clothing, Shoes, Headwear in Russia" and MN. Dr.).

    Experiments, experiments, in the corner of the Mini-Laboratory with objects and their properties, use children of preschool groups No. 8, 9, 4, etc. with the educators Stepanova L. N., Yellow L. S., Knyazheva I. A. (" How evaporates water? "," Kidney clothes "," such a different bark ", etc.). This study is available for preschoolers, allowed children to take an active research position, master the causal relationships and dependence in inanimate and wildlife, surrounding reality, etc.

    Elementary labor activity in group rooms: in the corner of nature, mini-goggles on the window and on the selection site: flower beds, garden plots fixed for each group;

    Games - Experiments and didactic games ("Environmental chains", "legs or paws?", "Whose tail, beak?", Etc.) satisfy children's curiosity, to master new knowledge in one way or another of the topic of interest;

    Excursions - "Late Autumn", "Winter came", "The arrival of spring", "That's the long-awaited";

    Walking - hiking ("We are tourists", "firefighters to learn", "researchers") on the environmental trail of the kindergarten are initiated by an adult, an imaginary large-scale plan is taken out to the landscaped area of \u200b\u200bDW;

    Artistic - productive activities.

Each of the designated species and forms of activity varies with educators based on seasonal changes in the environment, pedagogical feasibility and specific interests of the children of the group, works in general on the cognitive development of the child, creates the most favorable conditions for the implementation of a particular developmental problem, and is carried out through project activities.

Implementation of research activities in Dow

The rules were followed during research activities:

    The project is not an end in itself, but only a way to familiarize children with the world in which they have to live;

    Children's design - research activities are free from obligations. The child should keep the feeling of inner freedom;

    As with the plot-role-playing game, the duration of research does not regulate;

    When carrying out a project, consider the individual features of children;

    Each child has the right to an error.

It was repeatedly observed that for teachers the idea that the preschooler was able to go through all the stages of research activities, at first glance, it seems dubious and even frightening. What did the educator come from? What was important for him? How to support cognitive activity? What conditions need to create children for self-search? Fears, doubts and questions were

solved by creating an objectory environment. In each age group, the "Cognitive game", "Mini - Laboratories", with the most diverse means of materials for independent work of children and accumulate experiences; Local corners, where the child frees freely to think about his own plans, watch "smart" books (educational literature) on topics: "Learning, playing", "funny experiences and experiments", "Encyclopedia of a young master" and other literature in various directions. To draw a plan for future actions by a consistent cyclicogram, as well as get information from the computer, contacting the educator, or ask the specialist is a teacher of additional education - Ecologist T. M. Sidorenko's teacher, a psychologist E. K. Sidorenko, a methodologist for educational - educational work M. A. Pelmenew. Research work by teachers with children was carried out on various topics. Threads were chosen by temporary restrictions, taking into account seasonal changes in nature, socially significant dates from the comprehensive planning of the approximate general educational program of the preschool education of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child's Development Center - Kindergarten No. 3" for pre-school groups. In the fall, it was cognitive - research activities on topics: "What did the autumn bring us? "," Vitamins and Health», "What happens?","Masking of animals and insects", "Why do birds fly?",other. In winter - "water properties","Three water states","Why is it useful to play sports?", "How to become healthy?", "Learning - playing","What do wintering birds eat?","Earth Resources", etc. In the spring - "The Earth is our common house", "Underground Treasures", "Why is there on Earth day and night?", "What is a person to learn?". In summer -"Air","Our green kindergarten","What are we under your feet?","Pharmacy of medicinal plants", "Insects" other. The cognitive initiative of children was supported by the formulation of issues, problems relating to a certain topic, discussion of ideas, assumptions of preschoolers. Based on this work, the following stages of its activities can be distinguished.

First stage The teacher was characterized by this - the ability of the teacher to prevent material to identify in children curiosity, interest in research activities.The child in the process of research was organized by his thoughts, behavior, actively examined the environmental environment and acted them independently.Children themselves determined the intensity and duration of activity, planned their time freely, chose not only the subjects, but also themselves the items of their own learning research.

Second phase - Perception of the surrounding world. At this stage, preschoolers had an in-depth understandment of the work done. Children have already highlighted interesting objects for them. The former representation was replaced with an unusual, and sometimes inconsistent with initial design. Such a push gave the development of thinking, curiosity, which led to the emergence of new ideas and the development of creative potential.

Third stage cognition of the preschooler of the surrounding world acquired visual-shaped thinking and imagination. They gave the guys the opportunity to assimilate generalized knowledge about the subjects and phenomena of reality. Using figurative thinking, studying the object's interested thing, preschoolers summarized their own experience, established new connections and the relationship of things, could, without much difficulty, assimilate the concepts obtained in solving research activities. So the basics of logical thinking began to be laid.

    Results of the quality of educational work of the pre-school educational institution

Results of joint cooperation

Working with parents and public in kindergarten is extensive. We are widely used by active forms of work for pedagogical education of parents in order to familiarize them with innovation activities: the presentation of new programs and technologies, conversations, surveys and survey in order to study public opinion about the work of the DOU. We carry out cooperation with educational and cultural institutions of the city: "Methodical Cabinet Equipment of the Bastak Reserve, the local history museum of Birobijan, a branch of the city library on the street of Vyglin, elementary school No. 14 and other institutions. The result of joint cooperation of scientific and research activities through various types of events: "Open Days" - dedicated to social holidays - "Day of the birth of a kindergarten", "Mother's Day", "Defender Day" "International Earth Day"; "The oral magazine" - "I see yourself as in the mirror" (Senior Educator Sumaglia T. M., Parents and Educator of the Preparatory Group No. 4 Dovygaleva O. B.); "We play together" (parents and educator of the second youngest group number 7 Zharushkin G. S.), "Museum pedagogy, as a way of cooperation" (Methodists of the Museum of Local Lore Museum of Birobidzhan, Senior Educator Smaglia T. M. and educators of pre-school groups); Cultural leisure - "Autumn Golden" (musical leader Lukin L. S., Parents, pupils, and teacher - Logoped Barulin N. V. Preparatory Group No. 8), "Birch Holiday" (parents, pupils, educator of the Central Group No. 3 Trufanov T. I., Junior Educator Vorobyeva O. I. and the musical leader of Leukin L. C), "Spring playing" (teachers of primary schools of school number 14, instructor in physical culture Vrublevsky D. A. and pupils of the preparatory group No. 4); Joint projects with parents - "Garden on the window", "Winter birds", "Dad can, dad can anything!"; Directly - Educational activities - "Archeology" (Methodists of the Museum of Local Lore Birobidzan Museum, Educator Stepanova L. N. and children of the speech therapy preparatory group No. 8), "Objects of a mini-museum, as a way to familiarize themselves with nature" (teacher of the first youngest group No. 13 Darmorosoroz I. N. and Pedagogue - psychologist Sidorenko E. K.), "Bastak Reserve", "Tale of the Communion" (Methodist of the Education Department Reserve "Bastak" Grishukhina E. A. Pupils and teachers of speech therapy senior groups No. 2 Komrakova E. N. and No. 10 Khosh A. A.), "Man - Great Mystery of Nature!" (Parents Pupils and educator of the preparatory group No. 4 Knyazev I. BUT.). Participation in exhibitions - contests of posters and crafts - "Our Malaya Motherland", "Russia - Rus" (with Ogaudppo "Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers"), "Earth Day", "Shuhi's fairy tales", shares - "Saw Seeds" , "Panorama of good deeds", "feed the birds in winter", "" take care of nature! " (With the Methodological Center of the Bastak Reserve), "Mom, Golden Hands" (with the library of a branch of the CGB). Conducting and labor assaults - "We will make Earth cleaner!", "Our cheerful garden, waiting for your hardworking people!" (with the Methodological Center of the Bastak Reserve), fairs - "Autumn, we ask!", Hello, Summer Red! " (with parents pupils DOU). The events showed the need for further cooperation, as this is the overall task of mastering"An exemplary general educational program of a pre-school educational institution in the section" Cognition ".

Indicators and criteria for the formation of children in informative - OOP research

One of the functions of the implementation of the Program of Dow Children - preschoolers is monitoring. In a preschool educational institution, monitoring was conductedin September and in May. In September, the result of children's knowledge and their attitude to research through observations and conversations with them was seen. As part of the monitoring in kindergarten, the identification and evaluation of pedagogical activities were identified. According to the results of primary monitoring, work was scheduled to improve the quality of the implementation of the program with the integration of ten educational areas, the educational work was identified - educational work with children, the plan of measures to improve the professional and personal growth of educators was scheduledproviding timely pedagogical assistance on this issue. Consultations were held for the school year: "How to organize research activities", "Intendum and research activities", "Searching - Experimental activities","The role of the family in the development of the cognitive activity of preschoolers,""Little Ecologist of the Native Edge"; seminars: "Cognitively - research activities" (teacher - Psychologist Sidorenko E. K.),"What can not and what to do to maintain the interest of children to cognitive experimentation" (Senior Educator Smaglia T. M.), open events: "My research" (tutor of the younger group No. 5 Chekanova O. V.),"Experiment - Show" (Educator of the senior group number 8 Konov S. P."Such a different bark" (Senior Educator Smaglia T. M,), "Journey to inolspotta tree "(teacher - psychologist Sidorenko E. K.)" Stones are different "(deputy for educational and methodical work Pelmenieva M. A.)," Why there are rare species among animals "(tutor of the elder group No. 10 Khosh A. .), "Such a different bark" (educator of the younger group No. 13 Darmoroz I. N.).At the end of the school year (May, 2013), educational work was analyzed - educational work and the results and effectiveness on the "main general educational program of a preschool educational institution" of the region of "Cognition" with a description of the integrative qualities of each child, which he was able to acquire as a result of the development of the program .

Monitoringintellectual and personal qualitiesshowed that preschoolers captured knowledgeaccording to the educational area, "Cognition" with the integration of other regions. Children in the process of various activities are well formed psychological processes (attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, speech) at the level of age norms. Preschool children are able to elementary compare, analyze, generalize, establish the simplest causal relationships. For a common round table of teachers of the municipal budgetary general education institution "Initial Communication School No. 14"gave a satisfactory assessment of the pedagogical work of educators to solve the tasks of research activities. The teachers noted that this work contributed to the concentrations of attention in children 6 - 7 years, which the sensual nature of knowledge and research prevails among future first-graders. Future graduates own mental operations. They are able to solve mental problems as a result of internal actions with images and without them. Estimated - the investigative links between objects and phenomena, are able to resolve the contradictions found, observant, actively perceive new information, ask questions, express their own elementary judgments, are able to make simple logical conclusions, continue the verbal reasoning, as well as the achievement of children in other areas of development Allows you to see a portrait of a future first grader.


The experience of the pedagogical work of our dow shows that the research activities of preschoolers fits well into the system of work of the preschool institution. It is imperceptible in all types of activity and makes up a single whole with them, since knowledge was formed as a result of the interaction of a child with a particular information. Research activities claim to the role of leading activities during preschool childhood, in parallel with the game, the basis of which is cognitive orientation; Because the child's need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible research activities aimed at knowledge of the surrounding world. The more diverse and more intensive research activities, the more new information receives the child, the faster and most of it develops.

The main goal of research learning is the formation of a child's ability to creatively master and rebuilding new ways of activity in any field of human culture, the formation of children of scientifically - cognitive, practically active, emotionally moral attitude to everything that the child surrounds. In research activities, the creative abilities of the child are manifested. The last, in turn, successfully develop during self-search. The nature of creativity is one for an adult and for a child, so informative - the research activities of children are organized by almost the same scheme as the activities of a mastty scientist.

Under the cognitive activity of preschool children, an activity arising from knowledge and in its process should be understood. It is expressed in the concerned adoption of information, in the desire to clarify, deepen its knowledge, in an independent search for answers to the questions of interest to the questions, in the use of comparisons by analogy, in the opposite, in the ability and desire to ask questions, in the manifestation of elements of creativity, in the ability to learn how to knowledge and Apply it on another material.

The result of cognitive development activities are knowledge. Children at this age are already able to systematize and group objects of alive and inanimate nature, both by external signs and in habitat. Changes in objects, the transition of a substance from one state to another causes particular interest in children of this age. Questions of the child discover an inquisitive mind, observation, confidence in adult as the source of interesting new information (knowledge), explanations.

The organization of independent work and leadership it is a complex process. Education of independence is considered as an integral part of the upbringing of children. But it should be remembered that independent work is not an end in itself. It is only a means of obtaining strong knowledge, the formation of children of independence, activity and development of their intellectual abilities.

Cognitive-research activities occupies an equally important place in organizing independent activities of preschoolers than the game. This activity is progressing in our age of modernization, but this is not an innovation in education, even at the beginning of the twentieth century, a well-known progressive public figure of Russia, doctor and teacher Lesgafa P.F. I wrote: "In general, the child is given great pleasure if he himself noticed and found out some phenomenon, and if his reasoning turned out to be truly true, exactly also gives him the greatest pleasure what he did himself and reached the others." .

According to psychologists, educational and research activities are leading from the first year of the child's life. It realizes not only the tasks of the development of children, but also their interests. Thanks to cognitive-research activities, the creative potential of the child is being implemented, its need for new knowledge is formed prerequisites for educational qualities, such personal qualities are developing as: independence, initiative, creativity, purposefulness. It is important that the child receives new knowledge is not in the finished form, like a dogma, but has the opportunity to go all the way to them. The information obtained in this way is more conscious, is better remembered and is effective in life.

Preschoolers - inborn researchers. And that confirmation is their curiosity, the constant desire for the experiment, the desire to independently find a solution in the problem situation. 3Adach teacher - not to stop this activity, but on the contrary, to actively help.

Speaking of informative-research activities, we mean the activity of a child, and directly aimed at comprehending the device of things, bonds between the phenomena of the world, their streamlining and systematization.

This activity is born in early childhood, at first, representing a simple, as if aimless (procedural) experimentation, with things, during which perception is differentiated, the simplest categorization of objects in color, shape, purpose is mastered, the sensory standards are mastered, simple tools.

During the preschool childhood, the "island" of informative-research activities accompany the game, productive activities, invested in them in the form of indicative actions, testing the possibilities of any new material.

To the older preschool age, informative-research activities are rejected into special activities of a child with their cognitive motifs, aware of the intention to understand how things are arranged, learn new about the world, streamline their ideas about any field of life.

Cognitive-research activities of the senior preschooler in natural form manifests itself in the form of so-called child experimentation with objects and in the form of a verbal study of the issues asked for an adult (why, why, how?)

The paths of development of the potential of the individual there is a lot, but actually research activities are undoubtedly one of the most effective.

I consider it necessary to stop in more detail on the characterization of the stages of the process of knowledge of the surrounding reality of children of preschool age from the position of the personal development of the child.

The first stage is characterized by manifestation of curiosity.

A.N. Leontyev noted that the child appears on the light, already possessing certain deposits, with the "willingness to perceive the world" and "the ability to acquire human abilities." A child - a preschooler in the process of perception of the surrounding world at the same time organizes his mental functions, actively examines its environment, searches The impressions necessary for him as "nutritious material" for development. Life in preschool childhood, according to Montessori M., corresponds to the state of the "mental embryo", and the child during this period is similar to the "dry sponge" absorbing moisture ..

A distinctive feature of the second stage of perception of the surrounding world in preschoolers is a sharp increase in its meaningfulness. Children are no longer just looking at a bright, unfamiliar world around, they allocate interesting objects for them. An unusual, inconsistent with their former representations phenomenon gives impetus to thinking, the development of curiosity, which leads to the birth of research activities.

As Morozova N.G.: "... At the stage of early and preschool childhood, curiousness is necessary and can be sufficient for broad familiarization with the surrounding substantive world." The content of the child's activity, according to Dusavitsky A.K., changes with age, it becomes More focused and in-depth, the nature of the preschooler changes, its attitude to reality.

The main meaning of the third stage in the knowledge of the preschooler of the surrounding world acquires visual-shaped thinking and imagination. They give the child the opportunity to assimilate generalized knowledge about the subjects and phenomena of reality. Using figurative thinking, studying the object that interested them, preschoolers can generalize their own experience, establish new connections and relationships of things, if the child is really interested in this facility, then it can, without much difficulty, assimilate the concepts of it and learn to use them when solving research activities . From here, the foundations of logical thinking begin to be laid.

Mastering research activities, the child absorbs standards, develops its own rules of behavior, their ways of action and acquires internal experience, which leads to the formation of persistent research activities (Wenger L.A., Zaporozhets A.V., Pantyukhina G.V., Podkakov N. N. et al.). ,,, At the initial stage of its development, the research activity of the child is characterized by a focus on the features of items to choose from (searching) objects with specified properties. Practical actions are observed - approximately research.

The fourth stage is characterized by the satisfaction of research; Using different (purchased) methods of action, the child begins to navigate the process and on the final result, the achievement of which leads to the fact that it is satisfied, as a result of which the needs become "unsaturated." The child is formed by the mechanism of probabilistic forecasting, he learns to foresee the result of its activities. It was during this period that Patin N.S. notes, the main contradiction in the child's activities is to break away from the situation, from the old stereotype of performance and take into account new conditions for solving research activities: the child develops the ability to generalize the phenomena of the surrounding reality and Ability to overcome difficulties ..

The next stage of research is characterized by the fact that the dominant motive of reality is cognitive, and not practical. The child performs this activity not because the process is important to him or the result, but because he is "it is very interesting." The target and motive of the child's activities is merged and act as the focus of consciousness and thinking on the subject or object (Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G.) .. As Kudryavtseva E.M. notes, it is at this stage that the child meaningfully takes a cognitive task. .

The informative orientation of the child allows him to draw various information from the surrounding reality about certain phenomena of reality with which he faces every step.

Speaking about the scientific logic of knowledge in preschool age, we mean: mastering the child not only with the ability to identify the features of items, but also acquiring the ability to compare them, establish similarities and differences, the relationship between them, to carry out a multilateral analysis at the level of species concepts and informations and Ave. In order for these knowledge to bring in accordance with the scientific logic of knowledge, it is necessary to carry out a focused and pedagogical-organized process.

The skills and skills of the researcher, obtained in children's games and in specially organized activities, are easily vaccinated and transferred further to all types of activity. It is important to remember that the most valuable and strong knowledge are not those led by learning, but those that are mined independently during their own creative research. The most important thing is that the child is much easier to study science, acting like a scientist (conducting research, putting experiments, etc.) than to receive knowledge gained by someone in the finished form.

The picture of the world gradually changes in the mind of the child. It becomes more adequate and holistic, reflects the objective properties of things, relationships, interdependence. As a result, continuous and continuous rebuilding, rethinking and awareness of the child of this world occurs, which allows it to carry out not only reproducing, but also regulating and reflecting activities.

The tendency to research is characteristic of all children without exception. A tireless thirst for new impressions, curiosity, constant desire to experiment, independently search for the truth is traditionally considered as the most important indicators of children's curiosity. The child seeks knowledge, and the mastering of knowledge takes place through the numerous "why?", "How?", "Why?". He is forced to operate knowledge, present situations and try to find a possible way to answer the question.

Children - inquisitive researchers of the surrounding world. This feature is laid on nature. At one time, Sechenov I.M. He wrote about the born and precious property of a neuropsychiatric organization of a child - an urgeless desire to understand the surrounding life. This property of Pavlov I.P. Called the reflex "What is?", under the influence of which the child detects the quality of items, establishes new connections between them.

Subsection Activities develops and enshrines the cognitive attitude of the child to the world around. With the mastering speech, the cognitive activity of the preschooler rises to a new high-quality stage. The knowledge of children are summarized in the speech, the ability to analytical synthetic activity is formed not only in relation to the perceived objects, but also on the basis of representations.

In our complex conflicting time, the question is especially acute: "How to educate a child with a man of tomorrow? What knowledge to give him tomorrow on the road? " The understanding of this issue should occur through awareness of a sharply modified social order: yesterday I needed the performer, and today is a creative personality with an active life position, with its own logical thinking.

Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child to doubt, that is, to teach the child to doubt the truth of knowledge as such in the means of mining. A child can hear and remember, and maybe watch, compare, ask about incomprehensible, express a suggestion. (For example: metal objects are drown, but the child sees: the metal ship is not sinking. When organizing relevant experiments, preschoolers can reflect on this issue).

When we pronounce the word "training" and remember the traditional school, most of the most associations with difficult monotonous work arise, far from creativity, guided mainly on the passive learning of the knowledge has long been mined. Therefore, it does not surprise us that for a child it is usually a serviceability, heavy, tense, but, as it is considered, the necessary work.

Training must be "problem", i.e. it must contain elements of research search. It is necessary to organize it according to the laws of scientific research, it should be built as an independent creative search. Then training is creative activity, then it has everything that is able to captivate, to interest, awaken the thirst for knowledge.

Any child, as already noted, is involved in research search almost constantly. This is his normal, natural condition: to tear paper and watch what happened; observe fish in the aquarium; study the behavior of the cinema outside the window; conduct experiments with different subjects; Disassemble toys, studying their device.

If we consider the structure of children's research, it is easy to see that it is the same as the study conducted by adult scientists inevitably includes the following specific steps:

* Allocation and formulation of the problem (select the topic of research);

* Hypothesis extension;

* Search and proposal of possible solutions;

* Collecting material;

* Generalization of the data obtained.

The essence of problem learning is to create a cognitive task, situation and providing children to find the means of solving it, using previously learned knowledge and skills. Problem learning activates the thought of children, gives it criticality, taught for independence in the process of knowledge.

Falkov N.N. Extracts experimentation as a major type of approximately research (search) activity .. the more diverse and intensive search activities, the more new information receives the child, the faster and most of it develops.

It allocates two main types of approximately research activities.

First. Activity in the process of activity completely comes from the child. Initially, the child, as it were, disinterestedly tests different objects, then acts as its full-fledged entity, independently building its activities: puts the goal, looking for ways and ways to achieve, etc. In this case, the child satisfies its needs, his own interests, his will.

Second. Activities organizes an adult, it highlights the essential elements of the situation, teaches children to a certain algorithm of action. Thus, children get those results that they defined in advance.

As the main developing functions of cognitive-research activities at the stage of senior preschool age, the following are indicated:

· Development of cognitive child initiative (curiosity)

· Development by the child of the fundamental cultural forms of streamlining experience: causal, investigative, relative (classification), spatial and temporal relations;

· Mastering the fundamental cultural forms of streamlining experience (schematization, symbolization of links and relations between the objects and phenomena of the world);

· Development of perception, thinking, speech (verbal analysis-reasoning) in the process of active actions to find connections of things and phenomena;

· Expansion of the horizons of children by eliminating them outside the direct practical experience in a wider spatial and temporary perspective (the development of ideas about natural and social world, elementary geographical and historical ideas).

In the experimental research model of cognitive activity, the following logic of methods is used:

· Teacher's issues that encourage children to formulate a problem (for example, remember the story of L.N. Tolstoy "I wanted a dank to drink ...". What situation got a daw?);

· Schematic modeling of experience (creating a scheme for conducting);

· Questions to help clarify the situation and understand the meaning of the experiment, its content or natural pattern;

· A method that stimulates children to communication: "Ask your friend about anything, what does he think about this?";

· The "first test" method of applying the results of their own research activities, the essence of which is to determine the child of the personality-value meaning of the actions perfect.

The activities of our teachers traditionally present activities to familiarize themselves with the outside world.

It is built in the form of an adult partnership with children, deploying as a study of things and the phenomena of the surrounding world, affordable and attractive for children. Children get the opportunity to show their own research activity.

Such a direction as a method of projects covers the entire pedagogical process based on the interaction of the teacher - a child - a parent, contributes to the interaction with the environment, phased practical activities to achieve the goal.

As part of project activities with children, the following activities must occur:

· Diagnosis of the level of development of EENP in preschoolers and the construction of an educational process based on diagnostic examination data.

· Creating conditions for child experimentation (research centers, science centers.).

· Conducting cognitive cycles, heuristic conversations.

It is important to build interaction with children in such a way to cause the cognitive initiative of children and support their research activity.

Having accepted the position of the interested, inquisitive partner, the educator is important to adhere to the following sequence of research stages:

· Actualization of the cultural and semantic context, which leads to the formulation of issues, problems relating to a certain topic;

· Discussion of ideas, assumptions of children and an adult about the issues that have arisen, problems;

· Experimental check or subject-symbolic fixation of connections and relations between the subjects discussed, phenomena;

· Proposal to objective material for the continuation of the study in free activities in a group or home with parents.

For each specific educational study interaction, you need an attractive starting moment - a events that makes the interest of preschoolers and allowing to raise a question for research.

The starting moments may be:

· Real events taking place this period: Bright natural phenomena (for example: leaf fall) and public events (for example: the upcoming New Year, which everyone speaks and to which they are preparing).

· Specially "simulated" tutor: introduction to a group of items with an unusual effect or appointment, previously unknown children causing genuine interest and research activity ("What is it? What to do with it? How does it work?"). Such objects can be a magnet, a collection of minerals, clipping illustrations on a specific topic, etc.

· Imaginary events taking place in the artistic work that the educator reads or reminds children (for example, a flight on a balloon of the characters of the book N. N. "Adventures of Linking and His friends" or the journey "Chuka and Geka" from the same name Gaidar A. and t. P.).

· Incentive to research, there may be events occurring in the life of the group, "infectious" most of the children and leading to fairly sustainable interests (for example, someone brought their collection, and everything, after him, was fond of dinosaurs, brands, collecting beautiful stones etc.).

· Organization of joints with children of experiments and research in everyday life. Organization of children's experimentation and research in the process of observations of alive and non-residential objects, nature phenomena.

· Development of various techniques for the development of the child's thought: from the analysis of the fact, reasoning to generalize, the conclusion, the first small discoveries.

There are different forms of working with children: a group, subgroup or individually. In order to develop in children the ability to doubt critically think, preference should be given to group and subgroup forms of work. It is easier for the child to show criticalness towards peers than in relation to an adult. Doubt, guess, the assumption arises from him when comparing his point of view with the opinion of another person.

Communication and joint activities with adults develop the ability to put a goal in a child, to act, imitating him. And in joint activities with peers, the child begins to use the forms of adult behavior: to control, evaluate, do not agree, argue. So it is born to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners, take their point of view. Therefore, cognitive research is organized in the form of a child's dialogue with an adult (as an educator, teacher, parents) and other children in the group. Indicators of such a dialogue - simplicity of communication, democratic relationship.

The basis of problem learning is the questions and tasks that are offered to children. Frequently used questions that encourage children to compare, to establish similarities and differences. And this is quite natural: all in the world man will find out through a comparison. Thanks to comparison, the child is better knowing the environment, it allocates new qualities in the subject, the properties that makes it possible to take a fresh look at what seemed normal, well acquaintances.

Questions for comparison are set so that children sequentially allocated signs of differences, then similarities. Among the problematic issues there are a special place that encouraged to open the contradiction between the established experience and newly gained knowledge.

You can sometimes make a mistake - let the children notice a mistake, correct. It is important to educate in children interest in someone else's opinion. And we should not forget about the joke: it activates the thought, puzzles children. Unexpected entertaining techniques awaken them to reflection.

It is important to create conditions for the organization of independent search research activities of children.

In the children's research laboratory, children can independently reproduce simple and more complex experiments calculated on gifted children. The laboratory is constantly updated with new experimental materials that are in the place available for children.

In the corner can be:

* Various devices: scales, magnifying glass, magnets, microscopes, magnifiers;

* A variety of vessels from various materials: glass, metal, plastics;

* Natural materials: leaves, sand, clay, earth, seeds;

* Nuts, clips, screws, carnations, wire;

* Medical materials: pipettes, flasks, syringes, measuring spoons, wool, bandage;

* Taste material: plastic, pieces of fabric, leather, fur;

* Flour, salt, soda, candles, lanterns;

* Children's bathrobes, aprons;

* Schemes for experiments;

* Magazine for fixing results.

Intemeric work with children relies on observations in nature in the warm and cold period. Special attention is paid to the warm period when children spend a lot of time in the air. It is important to be fixed, clarify the knowledge already learned by children, introductory with new materials in an entertaining, game form.

Children are happy to talk about their discoveries to parents, put the same and more complex experiences at home, learn to put problems, put forward hypothesis and solve them on their own.

It is important to build and interact with parents of pupils: one of the forms of working with parents is the questionnaire.

Questioning of parents on the topic: "Organization of the search and research activities of preschoolers of the house"

Purpose: to identify the degree of parent's participation in the experimental activities of the child and to maintain his cognitive interest. According to the results of the questionnaire, whether parents will be interested in the development of the cognitive interest of children, contribute to the continuous improvement of their cognitive-research skills and skills. Children love to ask different questions. Parents can answer them, or offer the child to think and try to find the answer itself, developing independence.

· Attraction to the creation of a cognitive-developing environment in the group. Parents help in the equipment of an experimentation corner, replenish the necessary materials, contribute to the satisfaction of cognitive interests with experimentation at home.

· Registration of visual information in the parent corner

Consultation on the topic: "The role of the family in the development of the cognitive activity of preschoolers"

Memo "What can not and what to do to maintain the interest of children to cognitive experimentation"

The group should work with parents for the formation of research behavior skills. For this purpose, parental meetings are held, at which parents learn about the form of research work, get acquainted with research methods of training, with a variety of experiments.

· Parent meeting on the topic: "The role of the family in the development of the child's interest in pilot experimental activity" Practical part: open lesson for parents.

Also, consultations are also held for parents on how to organize conditions for research activities of preschoolers.

· Registration of the "My Discovery" folder. Thematic shirms, exhibitions, mini-librars, etc. are being created.

· Joint children-adult creativity. Parents with great interest are organized by the manufacture of books-kids, the design of albums, posters, organize photo shoots and much more.

· Joint children's adult educational research activities. In the conditions of close interaction with the family in the group, the following studies can be prepared and carried out: "The house in which I live"; "Portrait of spring", "Autumn - delicious time of the year", "Summer, ah Summer", "What do I know about the air?" and many others. Well, when parents are looking for an answer to the question with the question along with children in various fields of activity (reading, observation, excursions, experiments).

A.I. Savenkov more specifically identified research skills and fully described blocks characterizing research thinking ..

Research performance indicators:

· The ability to see the problem;

· The ability to formulate and ask questions;

· The ability to put forward hypotheses;

· Ability to draw conclusions and conclusions;

· The ability to prove and protect your ideas;

· Ability to act independently at the stages of the study.

Criteria for formation of research activities:

· Independence.

· Fullness and logical of the answer.

· The correctness of the conclusions and the wording.

Indicators that are important, evaluation parameters:

· First, any activity depends on the attitude towards it.

Thus, it is important to be able to evaluate the relationship of children to research, which is estimated to be assessed in the degree of interest, activity in the process of activity.

· Secondly, the process of working the child during the study becomes important. Therefore, an not achieved result is estimated, and its process, then, as he thinks, the child argues.

It should be noted that the dedicated skills are not quantitative, but qualitative indicators.

Therefore, indicators for formation of research activities must be compared both on the external and internal levels, i.e. "Qualitative changes in the personality structure of the child and their manifestations in the interaction of it with others."

A child in his nature researcher. He is just beginning to know the world, it is very important to help him. Predeschool institutions are very well coped with this task. Overcoming important levels of development, the child turns out to be on the threshold of the most significant and wonderful period in his life - this is a school. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to research activities when working with children in kindergarten. Next, consider its value and organization.

Preparatory Group

For a start, a few words about the features of work in the preparatory group. Since the baby begins to go to the garden, the process of preparing for school life starts. It is in the preparatory group that the results of educational and educational work are summed up. The tasks that are facing the educator in the preparatory group:

Requirements for Gos.

Any program for DOW must comply with GEF. It is in it that the requirements and standards, the tasks that must be observed in the upbringing and training of children are indicated. We indicate which principles should comply with educational research activities in GEF:

A child in the preparatory group more actively seeks to know the world, everything is interested in him and exciting. How are things are arranged, or lights light? All of these, why can not be left unanswered, it is informative-research activities in the preparatory group the most effective method of knowing the child's knowledge and development.

Tasks of the educational research process

The tasks that are performed by informative-research activities in Dow:

  1. Increase the number of environmental knowledge.
  2. Teach children rationally distribute time, draw up an action plan, be able to conclude.
  3. Teach children to use appliances for experiments.
  4. Properly verbly comment on the process, thereby developing the culture of speech.
  5. Create the necessary conditions for free experiments and research.

Types of educational research activities

You can distinguish two types of this kind of activity:

In order to develop an interest in child and research, you need to be able to awaken interest in the child.

Sources of research activities

Such sources can be attributed to:

Technological aspects of research work

The technology of educational and research activities is to choose different studies that may be interested in children. It is very important to draw the attention of the child, wake curiosity in it.

They may be offered such forms of cognitive research activities:

  • Staging experiments, experiments - children find causal relations and relationships.
  • Classification of items, for example, to such a type of activity applies to collecting - children master the generic relationship.
  • Traveling around the world with the help of a map - the guys master the concept of space and the ratio of different worlds, countries.
  • Traveling in time - children represent themselves travelers, considering different historical events. And so from the past to the present.

Anyone selected from the above list must be properly organized.

Methods of organizing cognitive activity with research

In order to maintain the interest of the child during the lesson, the following conditions must be performed.

The more organize such classes, encouraging a child to research, the more it is easier for him to create interesting tasks, find them a decision, look for patterns, study the origin of various phenomena. The task of the educator is to help in finding answers, studying, studying the whole thing that interested children.

The organization of cognitive research activities of preschoolers plays a large role in the development of mental abilities, interest, perfection in children who will make another step towards adulthood.

How to experimentation is carried out

In the course of experiments with children, it is necessary to follow the following plan:

  1. Put the task or create a problem situation.
  2. Be sure to familiarize children with safety rules when conducting an experiment.
  3. Consider follow-up plan.
  4. Select the necessary tools and equipment for the experiment.
  5. If the team is working, you need to divide the children and choose the responsible one.
  6. Take the results and analyze the results obtained.

What questions found answers?

For children, knowledge is very important. Cognitive-research activities primarily makes it possible to find answers to the following questions:

  • How does this happen?
  • Why?
  • Why conduct only such actions?
  • What will be the result of actions?
  • Why so, not otherwise?

Equipment for experimentation

When educational and research activities are organized in the preparatory group, the experiments will need equipment, it may be as follows:

  • Diverse containers.
  • Measuring instruments: scales, spoon, roulettes, ruler, hourglass, thermometer.
  • Sieve.
  • Rubber pear.
  • Plastic or rubber tubes.
  • Shovels, spatula, sticks.
  • Plastic containers.
  • Colored glass.

Materials for research

What materials can be explored when informative and research activities are conducted in the preparatory group:

  • Substances that are daily used in everyday life, such as salt and sugar, flour and tea.
  • Chocolate.
  • Hygiene products.
  • Natural materials: cones, plant seeds, nut shells, acorns.
  • Clay, soil.
  • Bark, branches of trees.
  • Multicolored paper.
  • Foam, fabric, fur.
  • Wat, thread.
  • Slices of rubber.

When experimenting

It is necessary to warn children about what needs to be followed in order not to harm yourself and others. These rules look like this:

  1. Conduct experiences only in the presence of an educator.
  2. Start experience only with permission.
  3. If you want to do something, first ask.
  4. Bulk materials take only a spoon.
  5. When carrying out experience, do not touch the eyes, face with hands.
  6. You can not substance and items with which the experiment is carried out, taste taste, take into the mouth.

Any research work should always begin with repetition of security rules.

Focus on research

The organization of the work of the educator primarily involves planning educational and research activities. At the same time, the directions of this process should be taken into account, and the connection between them should not be lost. There are the following topics of cognitive research activities:

  • The study of objects of inanimate nature and living organisms, as well as their properties.
  • Consideration of physical phenomena (properties of magnet, light, electricity, sound).
  • You can stay on learning items that created a person with your own hands, such as paper, rubber, fabric, and so on.
  • Studying your body (eyes, ears, nose, hands, legs, leather).

When planning should be covered by all themes during the educational process.

A few more words about tasks Dow

Cognitive-research and dough is a decision, first of all, the following tasks:

How to maintain a child's interest

  • It is necessary to encourage the child inquisitiveness. He needs new knowledge, impressions.
  • It is always necessary to approve and help the child conduct experiments with different materials, substances. Do not interfere with learning new, incomprehensible and help in this.
  • In the case of its refusal or prohibition, to conduct one or another experiment, it is necessary to explain its refusal, not to leave the question of why unanswered.
  • Praise the child for his desire, activity. From the early years to teach all to the end.
  • Ask the child about his intentions, which he wants to achieve, how he will do it. This will teach him to express his thoughts and correctly formulate them.

The correct organization of educational and research activities will help educators and parents to raise a smart, educated and inquisitive person.