Asked on a date how to answer. How to ask a guy out on a date first: fail-safe phrases and methods. Discuss the right topics

You know that the young man is planning to ask you out on a date, or he has already. It is difficult to find the right answer, especially if you have never been in a similar situation before! Whether it's a 100% "Yes!" Don't agree with anything that makes you uncomfortable, and remember, it's okay to ask for time to think things over.


We say yes

    Make sure you like this guy. Ask yourself if you are truly interested in him or if you are simply flattered by his interest in you. If you listened to your feelings and are ready to cry out with joy "Yes!", Then do not hesitate to accept the offer. If you are indifferent to him, but you are sorry to disappoint him, think about what will be easier: refuse now or in the future.

    Find out what he is waiting for. Some guys might take you on a first date at a park, a disco, or a movie just to hang out with you and get to know each other better. If you're in elementary, middle, or high school, your boyfriend may suggest you date without even making a "date." This could mean that he wants to have lunch together, come home from school together, hold hands, or something more. Someone might invite you as a couple to a school party or other event.

    • Don't be afraid to ask about his intentions. If you like him, but you do not understand what he wants from you, you have every right to find out. If he says something vague, "Would you like to spend time with me?", You can say, "Sure! What do you have to suggest?"
    • If this is a group event, make sure that he invites you exactly as his companion, as a "date". If he invites you along with his friends, this does not necessarily mean that he wants you to be his girlfriend. Perhaps this is a way for him to get to know the friend better or to check if you like him in return before taking the serious step.
  1. Say yes. Your specific answer depends on his question. Think about exactly how he invited you to meet and accept the invitation if you feel like it.

    • If he invites you to a certain event, all you have to do is agree to go. If, for example, he invites you to a school ball, just smile and say, "Yes, with pleasure."
  2. Refine the details. If a guy asks you out on a first date, make sure you know the time and place. Determine if he will pick you up or plan to meet there. Find out if there will be a lot of people or just the two of you. Make sure that you have no business on this day and at this time, and that nothing more serious has been assigned to you.

    • You do not need to clarify the details before you agree. It's not about the event, but about the guy wanting to spend time with you. If you want the same thing, just agree to go and find out the details later.
    • Don't be afraid to reschedule the date if something doesn't work out for you. If you want to show him your genuine interest, suggest an alternative. Say, "I'd love to go to the movies with you, but I'm going to a friend's birthday Friday night. Maybe we should go on Saturday?"

    Saying "No"

    1. Explain the reasons for the refusal. Be honest. You don't have to make excuses for your decision, just that you just don't find this guy attractive. Or maybe you like him, but for some reason you cannot accept his offer. Perhaps your friend likes him, or your parents forbid you from dating, or you yourself are not ready to enter into a relationship. Whatever the situation, it is very important to be honest with yourself and your young person.

      • If the guy doesn't appeal to you, that's all there is to say. Don't be rude and don't hurt him. Say, "I appreciate our friendship, but I don't see you romantically."
      • If your friend likes him, don't give out the secret without your friend's permission. Just tell the guy that you are not interested in him, and don't give a hint that there is a different reason behind your choice.
      • If your parents won't let you date, be honest with your boyfriend. However, be careful not to give him hope. If you say you like him but you can't date him because of your parents, he probably won't stop.
      • If you feel like you're not ready for a relationship yet, that's okay. You will find the right person in due time, and you will be much better when your heart is fully open. This young man may be the first person to ask you out, but he certainly won't be the last.
    2. Be clear and direct. Don't make excuses, don't agree to go out on a date just to be nice. Sure, he'll prefer yes to no, but chances are he'd rather be rejected out of the blue than be the guy who is being dated out of pity.

      Don't pull the cat by the tail. Just say, "I'm sorry, but I don't like you romantically." You don't need to go into the smallest details, just get to the heart of the matter. Try not to humiliate him with long, lengthy speech.

      • If he asks for specific reasons, feel free to explain why you are not interested in him as a guy. Make sure that this does not escalate into an argument in which he persuades you to go out on a date. Be direct and clear. No compromise.
      • If you are friends with this guy, you can use that as a reason. Say, "I love our friendship, but I'm not romantically attracted to you. Maybe we can leave it as it is?"

    We answer when there is no certainty

    1. Take some time to think. If you're unsure or don't have much dating experience, you may not be able to say no or agree right away. Say that you need time to think things over, but you will definitely give an answer in the next few days. Try not to keep him in the dark for too long. If he really likes you very much, he will go crazy with anticipation.

      • Tell him something, even if it's a simple explanation, why you can't give a specific answer right now. It takes a lot of courage to ask someone you really like on a date. And the least you can do is give your opinion about it. This is especially important if he wrote you a message or email. If you don't answer, he has no choice but to speculate.
    2. Ask family or friends for advice. Ask only those you trust. Describe the situation, explain why you are not sure, weigh the pros or cons of refusing or agreeing. Remember, you don't have to follow someone else's advice, but it can help you sort out your own feelings. If you're shy about asking anyone, write a list of pros and cons and decide for yourself.

    3. Give your guy a clear answer. Try to answer as close to yes or no as possible, especially if it's conditional. Once you've thought about your decision, meet face to face with the guy and tell him what you have chosen. If you cannot meet, write him a message.

      • You do not need to describe your thinking process, especially if you were in deep doubt. However, if you feel like there is a need for it, it may be easier for the guy to understand why you took a long time to decide.
    4. Get to know each other better. There is no need to rush. You don't have to go out with him right away. If he respects you, he will wait patiently until you feel comfortable.

      • Tell him, "I like you, but I would like to get to know you better before entering into a relationship. Let's talk as friends and see what happens."
      • If you want to agree, but are not yet ready for a relationship, you can say, "I want to go on a date with you. I want to hold your hand. I want to kiss you. But I'm not ready for a relationship yet." Give him a light kiss on the cheek to show you really think so.

    If you don't know if there are ways that will push a guy to ask you out, the answer is there! By the way, there are very effective ones. And if you like a guy, call it falling in love, butterflies in your stomach, or love at first sight, but you can easily please him enough that he will ask you out on a date. Naturally, there is no perfect formula, because all guys are different and the conditions are also different, but don't despair! Below are 30 ways to nudge a guy out on a date. And if you use one of these tips, then Cupid will do the rest.

    1. Be yourself if you want him to invite you

    Nobody likes a lie. Think about it. If the guy was a gentleman on the first date (opened the door for you, pulled a chair for you, etc.) and all this magic disappears when you get much closer, you will feel cheated, won't you? So don't make the same mistake. Sure, we play along a bit to surprise someone (read our tips on what to wear to impress on the first date), but there is a fine line between “playing along” and “cheating”. So listen to him when he talks about his favorite sport, but don't pretend you were born to be a fan just to be asked out on a date.

    2. Continue to be yourself even outwardly.

    You should not dress in a certain way, thinking that he should like it. This is a sure sign that you're trying too hard to please him, especially on the first date. When I was 15, I fell for one guy, and I knew for sure that his ex was always wearing bright makeup. If he chose her for that, then why don't I make some slightly blue shadows? I never tested the theory, my friend (thanks to her) stopped me before anyone saw me and made me swear that I would NEVER do this to my face again. I cannot imagine what would happen then. I should probably read these makeup tips for a first date. The moral of the story is this: If you're uncomfortable with very short skirts, high heels, and dramatic makeup, try to avoid it. Find yours and wear it with confidence!

    3. Highlight your physical characteristics

    There are some things you can wear that you shouldn't wear, especially on a first date. Fashion trends change every day. Do not follow the fashion just so that he asks you out on a date, you may be very uncomfortable and this is not very good for your confidence. Pay attention to your killer legs, wear colors that highlight your enchanting eyes, wear belts that shape your waist, you get me. Just remember that finding what works for you is a process. You can miss a couple of times with a choice, but that's okay. Just feel comfortable and enjoy the process! Be sure to read the article on how to find the right clothing for your type of clothing.

    4. Don't pretend

    Having the same interests as the guy is good, you won't fake them. As you've read, one of the most powerful ways to get a guy's attention is to be yourself. So, imitating your interest in football or showing that you are terribly interested to know about video games is not a good idea. You may be interested in it - and be interested in his interest, but pretend. It can crawl out sideways for you later.

    5. Do not lose eye contact so that he invites you

    Eye contact is very important. You can tell a lot with your eyes, for example, that you are interested in it. At a convenient moment, without a shadow of suspicion, try to catch and hold his gaze. If you catch him staring at you, that's even better. When you catch his eye, smile at him. He will definitely understand that he is interesting to you, and it will be easier for him to drive up to you.

    6. Smile

    One of the most powerful weapons that makes guys give up is your smile! If you just bump into it, use your pearls right away and use them well. This is the easiest way to show your boyfriend that you are friendly, approachable, and most importantly, that you are interested in him.

    7. Send a clear signal to ask you out.

    It's hard to guess what the other person is thinking and whether they are thinking about asking you out, so make sure to send clear signals. You don't need to publicly express your feelings to him, just make him feel special with flirting and rewards that other guys don't get.

    8. Let him know that you are free ...

    Another way to hint a guy that he should invite you is to show him that you do not have a couple and that you are very free. Try to convey this as a joke. This is what I do. Also, this is a good way to find out if he is free. If the shore is clear, go ahead!

    9. Take the initiative

    Shy, pinched-up blue stockings are rarely seen. If you like a guy and want his attention, stop waiting and praying, take the first step ... no matter how scary it is. Next time you see him, walk by, smile and say hello. You can't go wrong here! Here are some more tips to take the initiative without scaring him. Confidence is the engine of falling in love, so it takes a little effort for you to take the step that's worth the effort. These tips will help you pique his interest in you without making you seem overly intrusive.

    10. Make it easy for him to ask you out.

    That being said, I do not mean that you have to be very simple. And you shouldn't rush at it right away. I mean, you have to make sure that he is comfortable inviting you. It would be wrong to expect him to invite you when you are with friends. This can really confuse him, so make sure that at such a moment you are alone and without unnecessary "witnesses".

    11. Find out what he likes

    There are a few things guys like to talk about: cars, sports, action movies. Find out what he likes and dislikes, keep the topic of conversation in this direction. And, as I said earlier, don't pretend to be a fan if you think that this is how he will ask you out on a date. At the same time, do not stop him with the words “I don’t like sports”. Seem genuinely interested and listen to what he has to say. And, if you really hate what he loves, try to playfully argue with him. It will bring you closer. Remember the key word: playful!

    12. Capture every moment you spend with him

    I understand it sounds a little vague, but really ladies, take the moment. Don't let your fear force you to take a step back! Guys love outgoing girls. I'm not talking about being annoying and messing with everyone - no one likes girls like that. Don't let fear rule you. If you are in a karaoke bar then light it up! Remember that life is a series of events, and don't miss a single one while trying to get a guy to ask you out on a date.

    13. Show your witty side

    You've heard many times that guys love girls who can make them laugh. This is more often than not true, and this is one of the reasons a guy wants to ask you out on a date. If you have a sense of humor, don't be afraid to show it! It is better to be witty, it combines both intelligence and humor, and there is nothing sexier than this.

    14. Don't get caught up in the circle of friends

    A lot of girls, at first, try to become a friend of a guy, which is also true - in theory. Be careful when doing this. It's good when your relationship becomes friendly, but do not fall into the circle of his friends. He should see you as a girl as well, not one of his homies. They may turn around so that because of this he will not invite you on a date. You need to keep balance and show from time to time that you are a girl, but also have your own gadgets.

    15. Don't let your friends interfere

    16. Actions speak more than words.

    You take the initiative and use flirting tips and you succeed! You are talking to each other, and now you want to increase the sex drive between you. Here's what you need to do. Look at him often and when he catches your eye on himself, smile. When you speak, look him in the eyes, listen to what he has to say, laugh at his jokes. Adjust the lock of your hair. And do it as if by accident. Touch his shoulder with your shoulder or touch his arm from time to time. Action really speaks more than words, and you should be able to read the implications of such flirting touches. All this will let him know that you are very interested in him.

    17. Walk with him

    I saw a lot of comments about the fact that the girls want to be invited, but at the same time, they do not even walk in the same company with him. This is not how it goes, girls! You need a chance to get to know each other. Let him carry the bag after class, ask him to help you with tasks (even if you don’t need it), ask him to teach him how to play you a musical instrument (if he plays), there are many reasons and any will work.

    18. Flirt with him to invite you

    This is another way you need to be careful, but if you find a balance, good work! Flirt with a guy, for the following criteria: eye contact, finding a common theme, innocent touching him, etc. Is a good way to nudge him to invite you. Just do not overdo it, because you can become desperate, and it will frighten him off.

    19. Listen to him

    Do you like it when people listen to you? Well, him too! Listening is not only about being interested in him. It is also a good way to approach him and improve your relationship.

    20. Don't talk a lot about yourself.

    I know there are girls who think that guys should know everything about them in order to be invited by them later. It is a bad idea. If he mentions that he likes the restaurant, say that you like it too, but don't try to tell jokes or funny stories about that place. This will not push him, but, on the contrary, push him away due to an overabundance of information. Be mysterious, let him reveal your secrets.

    21. Discuss the right topics

    You did what you had to do. The flirting was successful. You probably managed to almost be invited. Now he just needs to invite you to one of these fabulous places for a successful first date. Some guys are smarter and will invite you right away. Some still need to be warmed up. And what I do, I start talking about upcoming concerts, new movies and restaurants I want to visit. Talk about it with enthusiasm, but not desperately, and the invitation may fly out of him. When you get on your first date, remember that some of the topics are just limitless. Here are a few topics to discuss on your date. Also, read our article on conversation tips for a successful date.

    22. Stop at the most important moment

    I mean, when you run out of topics of conversation, find an excuse to say goodbye and interrupt the conversation. I know this is the last thing you want to do, but trust me, it will make him invite you again. The idea is to leave him when he wants more than you. This is one of the smartest ways to nudge a guy to invite you.

    23. Show yourself smart

    If you decide to spend a little time together, remember to change your position from time to time so as not to seem fussy (this is one way to calm down on the first date). When you're face to face, it means you can get to know each other better. But to cuddle up to him, especially when the room is full, means to be closer to him in a physical sense. Remember to speak softly when leaning towards him. This is all the attitude of the mind and the expectation. And as I said earlier, don't do it too often, or you might be asked, “Shall we use the break room?” As I did.

    24. Have fun yourself

    If you are out with friends, concentrate on them more instead of constantly looking at him. Don't spend all your time following him like a hawk, it can scare him. Place it, have fun with your friends. Let them laugh and grimace with you. This will make him want to be in your crowd, and especially with you. And if he walks by, smile and say hello, this will be it. What if you are in his company? Read these tips on how to behave in a company with your passion. I promise they will help.

    25. May it be good for him

    How to make a guy feel somehow depends on you, and whether he will invite you or not. Remember, flattery will help you everywhere. Believe it or not, guys love compliments as much as we do. So don't hesitate and say that he has a charming smile, you like his shoes or his perfume. And as always, don't overdo it, or he'll think you're sucking up. Also, be polite to him. He wants to spend more time with him.

    26. Be confident

    Do you think a guy will fall for you if you don't love yourself? Confidence is the most attractive trait in someone and if you feel comfortable in your body, it will be noticeable! Just remember that you are wonderful and special and that no one is perfect. However, don't go overboard and become overconfident.

    27. Sense of humor

    Nobody wants to date a vile old woman. But you don't need to stick on a smile for 24 hours 7 days a week, but it's good to be with someone who laughs good-naturedly at your jokes (or tell him playfully if they don't seem funny to you), also try to find the funny side of difficult or bashful situations. Remember that "if you don't laugh at yourself, life will seem much longer than you would like."

    28. Don't get obsessive

    I know that you think that you are madly in love with him, despite the depth of your feelings, do not exaggerate. Do not write him constantly messages, do not call him constantly, you do not need to cross with him "accidentally" where he hangs, or wait for him after class. I assure you that you will only make things worse. All guys need some space!

    29. Be patient while he invites you

    My mother said that love cannot be rushed, and this is true! I know you can't wait to start a relationship, but that intolerance can dispel reciprocity. You did your best, now wait. Give him time and space so he can understand how he feels about you. I am not saying that you have to wait all your life, just let everything go with the flow. The result will be positive.

    30. If he doesn't invite you, don't take it personally.

    I know this seems unnecessary in an article on how to get a guy to ask you out, but there is a possibility that it will happen. I think rejection should not be taken personally. If you've tried everything and failed, or he rejected you, understand that you can't force someone to love. He, one way or another, feels something for you or not, but the most important thing is that you tried it. So don't stop and remember that there are other (better) fish in the sea.

    Follow these 30 ways to get a guy to ask you out, and I'm sure he will definitely invite you! Personally, I think if the two of you feel good and he doesn't take the first steps, invite him yourself. If you have a list of dating places, he won't be able to refuse, and you will feel more confident. If you have any tips please share!

    How to invite a man on a date first, in order not only to get consent, but to look dignified in the eyes of the object of attention.

    This question is increasingly of interest to modern women who do not want to wait for activity from the stronger sex. Fear fades into the background when stronger feelings appear: love, sympathy, attraction to a person. But courage and self-confidence is not enough. You need to act so that the guy understands correctly and takes the initiative. Learn the theory before you start practicing.

    Important points and preliminary preparation

    There are a few things to consider when deciding whether to take your boyfriend out on a first romantic date.

    Family status. It is worth finding out in advance if the young man is in a long-term relationship. There is a possibility that the chosen one is married or has been dating another woman for a long time. This is one of the reasons itself.

    Preliminary communication... Not everyone easily makes contact with unfamiliar people. Moreover, not everyone will agree to a private meeting with a stranger. We'll have to try to establish friendly communication with the gentleman, to inspire confidence, to inquire about his interests. This will help in the future to determine the choice of the place and subject of the date.

    It may happen that the girl, having gotten to know the guy better, will completely abandon the idea of ​​meeting in private. You should also not drag out the friendship, otherwise there is a risk of staying in the camp of friends forever.

    Willingness to Failure... An unpleasant moment. But it is worth remembering that no matter how competently and originally the invitation is made, a man may refuse a date. The reasons are varied. And the guy doesn't have to voice them.

    Probably, the object of attention is in love with someone, did not come to his senses after a painful break in a previous relationship, or does not consider the inviting woman in a romantic way. Therefore, you will have to mentally prepare for a possible refusal.

    Thorough preparation... In the cherished hour, you need to look perfect and feel comfortable. This will give confidence, help to charm the chosen one to a greater extent. Take care of the little things. A neat manicure and hairstyle play an important role.

    Think good things while dating, and your smile should be natural. Maintain eye contact with the other person. In order not to be embarrassed, not to forget important words, or, on the contrary, not to say too much, it is worth rehearsing your speech at home in front of a mirror. Do not be upset if in the process you had to deviate from the previously outlined scheme. The result is important.

    Ways to date a man

    To be the first to ask a man on a date, you need overcome the fear of the first step... Assess the situation, the presence of reciprocal sympathy from the potential partner. There are several options for making an appointment.

    Invitation methods:

    1. Verbal: face-to-face conversation, phone call.
    2. Written: note, postcard, sms.
    3. Remote: posting on a social network or with the help of a third party.

    How to say a date out loud

    An option for the most daring and confident girls. If there is no stiffness, psychological barriers, then it is better to choose one. Personal conversation leaves little to no reservations. In addition, an attentive person will feel how the interlocutor is set up, his emotions in relation to the situation. If a guy agrees to a meeting through force, not wanting to offend the lady, then this will be noticeable.

    Ask your man out on a private date. Superfluous witnesses will confuse both. Will cause gossip among friends or colleagues. Take a moment when the chosen one is alone.

    The good thing about a phone call is that the interlocutor will not see you, which means he will not notice the embarrassment. It is worth stopping at the call if you are prone to vegetative manifestations of emotions, such as redness of the skin, perspiration, involuntary movements, neurotic manifestations.

    A written invitation for the shy

    The option in the form of notes and letters is convenient if a woman is afraid of refusal. Or in the case when the girl expresses her thoughts better in writing, and when she meets she is afraid to get confused and tell the man something is wrong.

    In any case, messengers provide an opportunity for rehearsals. The message can be rewritten many times, even edited after sending. The text is weighted, verified. But do not delay... After numerous revisions, the desire to send it will disappear altogether. The method is also convenient in that a written refusal of a date is perceived less painfully. And when you meet in person, it is better not to return to this topic anymore.

    If you decide to use a third party, then choose a reliable person whom you trust. Ideally, if the candidate himself expresses a desire to help. Discuss in advance what will be said to the object of your sympathy, so as not to get into an embarrassing situation, not to be misunderstood.

    Effective methods with minimal risk of failure

    When inviting a man on a date, so as not to get rejected, use proven means. Research in advance so that both are interesting.

    The classic “ticket goes missing” scheme

    The idea is as old as the world, therefore it does not belong to the original methods. But it has been tested by millions of women. Chat with the man and his friends. Observe to determine what hobbies are, what is important to him and causes positive emotions. Buy tickets to places where both are interested. Going to the theater, concert, football match or circus performance is a great option.

    In an unobtrusive manner, inform the gentleman that you were going to go with a friend, but she got sick, left, works or treats a sick cat. Thus, you will show interest in the young man, but minimize the risks of shame, deterioration of your own reputation, leaving the path to retreat.

    This method has its own pitfalls that must be foreseen:

    1. First, a man may think that he is really inviting out of despair, because there is no one else. And he's just a fallback. It hurts sensitive male pride.
    2. Secondly, there is a risk of a situation arising, as in the famous Soviet film. The guy decides that you are ready to sell or give away tickets, which still go missing. And he will invite someone else with him.

    Suggestion to try something new

    It is appropriate to start the conversation with the phrase: “Imagine, a new trampoline center for adults has opened. Perfectly relieves stress. Shall we go after work today? It will be fun and rewarding. "

    If you know that a man does not like active leisure activities, invite him to a cozy coffee shop, an unusual bar, or a themed cafe. For example, eat black ice cream from a shop around the corner. A good phrase would be: “An interesting bar has recently opened. They say they have delicious cocktails. Shall we try on Saturday? " Get creative.

    The idea of ​​having a movie evening together

    Take a man to talk about cinema. Find out which films he likes, which genre he prefers. Discuss new items that are due out soon. A great way to find out what he would like to watch will help you not to be mistaken with the choice of the movie. And when the coveted picture appears in cinemas, feel free to invite the guy on a date to the premiere.

    This option is perfect for a first date. You don't have to endure awkward pauses as you frantically come up with a topic for conversation. Since the first half of the evening you will be busy watching, and the second half of the discussion of the tape.

    Walk as a hint to meet

    The most calm, unobtrusive way to be the first to invite a man on a date, so that he does not refuse. Invite your crush to take a walk in the park or join a city day celebration, ice cream festival, and so on. Example: “A new alley was opened in a nearby park (original art object). Let's go this weekend and see. "

    So that the man does not refuse, choose places and events suitable for both a romantic evening and a friendly meeting. Do not focus on the fact that you are asking for a date in the literal sense.

    Original ways of invitations

    Men are not creatures from another planet, they are the same people as women. They want love, romance, attention, care. When deciding to ask a guy out on a date, try to do it beautifully and original.

    • Send the letter by mail. Try to find out where you live. Write a letter by hand and use the Russian Post service. It is so nice to receive a real letter in an envelope, with beautiful canceled stamps, keeping the touch of your hands. It will come as a surprise when your dream hero finds a romantic message in the box instead of utility bills.
    • Place the postcard where the man will definitely find it. Pick a pretty but neutral postcard from the print department. Fill it in yourself, even if you are convinced that you cannot write beautifully. Someone else's handwriting will confuse the addressee. He may think that the message was written by another girl he knows.

    • Arrange a small quest. This is another way to beautifully ask a man out on a date. Use stickers, candy surprises, notes with tips. Suitable phrases: "Look for your happiness behind the monitor", "I am waiting for you under the table." A man should be the last to discover the cherished message. To make it even more interesting, draw a map.
    • Secret friend. There is such a game. It is especially convenient if people work together. Send small gifts by mail, through friends, or leave on your desktop. The last message should be an invitation to a date.
    • The surprise effect. The best way to ask a guy out on a date is to keep him up. If, unexpectedly, in a conversation on an abstract topic, you put forward a proposal for a meeting, the young man will be confused. This will minimize the risk of failure.
    • Mysterious satellite. Use a little trick. Toss the subject of your dreams with a movie ticket. Let him guess until the last who will sit next. People love riddles, they are unlikely to refuse.
    • Meeting with the company. If you are not ready for solitude or are afraid of a negative reaction, offer to start a group trip to the cinema, a cafe, or a trip to nature. Choose people who both know well.

    Humor is welcome, but you should make sure in advance that the guy is able to understand the joke. In this case, an invitation to a date will make the man smile, and the girl will give a way to retreat if something goes wrong. But you shouldn't get carried away. If you overdo it, the man will think that this is just a ridiculous joke, and not take the invitation seriously.

    Appropriate wording of the invitation

    An example note might look like this:

    “Hello, radiant Andrey. Clear-eyed Anna is writing to you. I do not want to indulge in lengthy reasoning. I will also not find out what your weather is like. After all, it is the same for us. I'll go straight to the purpose of the conversation. In the evening at the Bolshoi they give the Queen of Spades. Would you be so kind as to keep company in the launch?

    R.S. Just in case, I took a ticket for the Spartak-Zenit match for tomorrow. "

    Theaters and exhibitions will interest a rare man. Therefore, the example plays out a similar situation in a humorous form. If a guy is predisposed to close communication with you, he will agree to both options with a smile.

    Preliminary exploration of the range of male interests will help. For example: “There is a jazz evening at the Philharmonic on Sunday, and I have no one to go with. Will you be a company? "

    Or the following phrase: “Dali's exhibition is opening in the gallery. You are the only friend of mine who is interested in his work. Shall we go on Friday? "

    How to respond to rejection

    Put fear aside. The most that can happen is that you get rejected. Accept it with dignity... You should not start shedding tears, insulting the young man, persuading. The masculine “no” is always straightforward, well-grounded. There are no hopeful implications here. Try to shift your attention to a different object.

    Do not fall for depression, do not look for flaws, signs of lack of attractiveness. There will be another person who will be interested in you as a woman.

    Now you know for sure that you can be the first to ask a man out on a date. It's not a shame. And it is even necessary if the guy is shy, modest, uncommunicative and is unlikely to decide on this step himself. And your bold attempt at rapprochement will surely be appreciated.

    Undoubtedly, guys and men should be the first to invite girls and women on a date, but there are times when you need to know how invite a guy, man on date so as not to reject him and so that he agrees. After all, when a girl likes a guy, but he is not the first to invite her out on a date, then the girl may be the first to invite him, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    In the article, psychologists will tell you how to invite a guy or man on a date so that he agrees or even makes him the first to ask you out on a date.

    To ask a guy on a date, you just need to call or text him, but this does not always work, since some guys are not used to being invited by girls first. Therefore, it is advisable to make sure that the guy is the first to invite you on a date.

    To do this, you just need to understand what kind of girls this guy likes, and whether you can become an ideal girl for him. Often, guys are the first to not invite girls out on dates because they are afraid or simply do not like this or that girl.

    Seduce a guy with a look

    The best way ask a guy out on a date is to seduce him with a look so that he has no choice but to get to know you. You should also look nice and beautiful, since the first thing guys pay attention to is their appearance, and also take care of an attractive gait.

    To invite a man out on a date and not get rejected, you need to think about how to fix yourself so that this man himself wants to offer you a date. You do not need to be the first to propose a meeting, since most of it will be unsuccessful, since the man did not have any special attraction to you.

    You need to seduce a man first and if he just will be afraid of you invite out on a date , do it first. If a man is confident and courageous, then he will come up to you and offer a meeting. Don't push yourself too hard, but don't immediately reject men's dating offers. Find out: how to get to know a girl correctly.

    Chat with a guy or man

    Girls and women do not need to invite guys and men first on a date, as it is enough to just talk to a man or a guy until he gets used to you and wants to ask you out on a date. This method and method has helped many girls and women to seduce and fall in love with a guy and a man to such an extent that he himself began to propose a date.

    Give a sign to a guy or man that you like him

    A common reason why a guy or a man does not want to invite a girl or woman to date the first is that he sees that he is not interesting to you and is afraid to be rejected. Therefore, give a sign to a man or a guy that you like him, and then if he liked you, he will definitely meet and offer you a date.

    Be yourself and be confident

    You don't have to turn into an easily accessible girl or woman to ask a guy or a man out on a date. It is enough just to keep a woman's pride and be worthy, not available. Become bold and confident and then you will find that guy or man that you like and then it will not matter who is the first to decide to ask out on a date, he said.

    Larisa Balandina

    It is customary in our society that it is the prerogative of men to take the first step in a love relationship. Therefore, poor women often suffer and shed tears into the pillow, since the object of their sympathy does not take the first step, and the ladies themselves are embarrassed to take the initiative. But is it worth it to be shy? Great question. Indeed, sometimes such uncertainty can be the biggest disappointment in life.

    So is it worth waiting for the weather by the sea? Probably not. After all, every day women all over the world try to prove their equality with men. The beautiful half of humanity actively drives cars, occupies high positions and sometimes earns much more than men, so why not get involved in the struggle for their own happiness? It's about time! So let's talk today about how to ask a man out on a date.

    We start preparing

    So, you're kind of ripe for asking a guy out on a first date, taking a step forward.

    What should you be afraid of in this situation? Certainly the failure of a young man. None of us are ready to be rejected, but we should not forget about this turn of events. And even if you hear "no" from a handsome man, you do not need to get hysterical and start insulting him, accept the refusal with dignity.

    At the preparatory stage, many girls are tormented by the question of where to invite a man on a date. It is better to choose a place that would be interesting for both you and the guy you invited. Agree, if a young man loves cycling, and you do not know how to ride it at all, then the date will most likely fail.

    You will experience nothing but disappointment.

    In addition, it is better to give preference to not very noisy and crowded places so that you have the opportunity to communicate with a young man. For example, a visit to a cinema is a very good idea, but only if after watching a trip to a cozy cafe is planned, otherwise it will not be possible to talk normally.

    If you've figured out where to go on a date with a guy, then it's time to make him an invitation. The best option is to talk in his usual environment, without witnesses, spectators are not needed in such a case, they can embarrass both you and the object of your sympathy.

    We go on the offensive

    So, if the place for the meeting has been chosen, and you are determined to invite a guy, then you should not postpone the matter indefinitely. Gather your strength - and forward.

    And so that a man cannot refuse you, adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Try to look perfect. For many girls, self-confidence is added by a flawless appearance. Therefore, on day X, try to look your best, choose a beautiful image, do a neat hairdo and make-up. If you have a lucky blouse, then dress up in it. These little tricks will allow you to overcome fear and gain self-confidence;
    • Tune in to the conversation. If you have already decided to invite the man first, then tune in to the conversation. It is very important to look the young man in the eye and smile during the invitation. Eye contact disposes of the interlocutor and this is a fact. When speaking, build phrases clearly, do not mumble. If you cannot immediately go on the offensive, then first ask about something insignificant, but do not drag out the conversation;
    • If you have not previously shown much interest in a young man, then it's time to start establishing contact with him, a bit of flirting will not hurt here at all: a slight half-smile, a look directed in his direction, all this will have a positive effect. At the same time, try to be not too intrusive, since active actions, moreover, started abruptly and with a swoop, can scare off the guy. Everything should be in moderation, flirting is an easy game, not fighting, do not forget about it;
    • Remember, there is no magic phrase to ask a man out. Therefore, it makes no sense to memorize a text. Moreover, out of excitement, you can forget jagged phrases and fall into a stupor, better behave naturally, speak from the heart, sincerity is always appreciated. Even the most trivial question from the category will do: "Hi, if you are not busy today, can we go to a cafe / cinema, etc.?"... Clearly, simply, from the heart - this is the key to success.

    Some more useful information on how to be the first to ask a man out on a date

    If you can't find the courage to ask the handsome guy out on a date directly, you can try a roundabout way.

    To do this, buy two tickets, for example, to a concert of his favorite band, to a movie, to an interesting performance, in general, anywhere where the subject of your sympathy will be interesting.

    After that, in a conversation with a man, mention that you have two tickets for the event, but your girlfriend (sister, mother, grandmother, etc.) will not be able to go.

    Invite the young man to accompany you. Such an invitation will look easy and casual and will not scare a guy away if he is naturally shy.

    If you are with a young man who is sympathetic to you, communicate in the same company, then it is quite possible to arrange not a date in private, but a meeting of friends. True, you need to invite not a huge crowd of people, but 1-2 pairs of lovers. In such an environment, you can easily and without pressure communicate with a handsome young man and have a great time. By the way, this option is suitable for girls who do not know how to invite a male colleague on a date. For example, after a working day, invite your colleagues to drink coffee together, the main thing is that the guy you like “pecks” the call, and there are no girls in the company claiming his attention.

    It should be said right away that by inviting a colleague you like somewhere, there is a risk of ruining not only friendly, but also business relations with him. If something goes wrong on a date and you don't find a common language, it will be very difficult to work together in the future.