Strong bond. How the psychological state of a pregnant woman affects her unborn child. How pregnancy affects the female body

Over the past 10 years, the number of women who decided to give birth to children over the age of 40 has almost doubled. The main reason why a woman postpones the role of a mother “for later” is the need to achieve financial stability and independence, the lack of her own home, as well as the desire to realize herself at work in full force. Often women want to have children after 40 if they have a second marriage.

The availability of examination methods for the timely detection of fetal malformations and the modern level of medical care provide confidence in the successful completion of pregnancy. But it is always important to balance the degree of risk. The opinion of doctors about pregnancy at the age of 40, about its undesirability, is not categorical, but for this the general state of health of a woman must be high enough to cope with the load on the body.

Firstborn at 40

The first pregnancy after 40 years requires mandatory planning, preparation and consultation with a therapist, endocrinologist and other related specialists. By this age, most people begin to make themselves felt the accumulated "baggage" of diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, which sharply increases the risk of complications. According to the WHO, almost 100% of pregnancy cases after 40 have pathologies of its course, such as late gestosis or preeclampsia.

Late pregnancy after 40 years also occurs during the period of involutive changes in the female body. They are associated with genetically programmed aging processes or are a consequence of the lifestyle of people in the modern world, namely:

  • Natural weakening of the immune system. It occurs due to the fact that by the age of 40 the fatty involution of the thymus, in which antigen-independent differentiation of T-lymphocytes occurs, is almost complete. This process begins after 25 years, and by the age of 40, the body's reserves are almost completely used up. This is associated with the manifestation of chronic inflammatory processes and the appearance of distorted immune reactions (allergies, autoimmune diseases) after 40 years.
  • The process of reducing the reproductive function of the body. There is a gradual hormonal change. The level of estrogen in the blood decreases, which are necessary for the synthesis of progesterone (the main hormone of pregnancy). In this regard, the possibility of getting pregnant is reduced. The risk of developing hormone-dependent tumors (fibroids and breast tumors) increases.
  • Nervous tension and stress. These factors make their own changes in the activity of the body. At a young age, a woman has enough resources to compensate for these influences and maintain the constancy of internal processes. But over time, these reserves are depleted, which leads to the development of pathologies of various organs and systems.

Very often, after 40 years, women already have endocrine disorders, which can prevent the onset of pregnancy or significantly aggravate its course.

Contraindications to pregnancy after 40 years

To prevent pregnancy from jeopardizing the lives of the mother and child, it must be planned. In addition, only a doctor is able to assess the patient's health and decide whether she can give birth at this age or not, and only after taking an anamnesis and carrying out diagnostic procedures. Based on all the information received, the doctor will weigh the pros and cons, determine the degree of risk of severe complications of gestation or the likelihood of having a child with genetic disorders.

Absolute contraindications for pregnancy after 40 can be:

  • Pathology of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation. Including myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, arterial hypertension, esophageal varicose veins. Pregnancy can provoke complications that are life-threatening for the patient.
  • Renal failure During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases, and the concentration of substances that require neutralization and excretion from the body also increases.
  • Liver failure. The load on the liver during pregnancy also increases, therefore, if it fails, pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.
  • Systemic vasculitis and collagenosis. With these diseases, all systems in the body are affected. Pregnancy can become a trigger factor for the sharp progression of glomerulopathy caused by these diseases and which has a chronic course.

Among the relative contraindications, one can single out diseases and pathological conditions that can be treated or corrected with drugs. The decision on the admissibility of pregnancy in this case is made by the doctor after assessing the severity of the pathology.

Relative contraindications:

  • Diabetes. It can cause a delay in the intellectual development of a child, fetal malformations, large fruits. With diabetes, it is extremely important to follow your diet and your doctor's prescriptions. If the disease is actively progressing, then diabetes can become an absolute contraindication for planning pregnancy.
  • Subcompensated somatic diseases. Pregnancy is permissible after prescribing drugs and achieving remission.
  • Endocrine Disorders. They require the normalization of hormonal levels and the correction of doses of replacement drugs during pregnancy.
  • The presence of organic lesions of the reproductive system that are treatable. These can be foci of myomatous nodes, endometriosis, or scars in the uterine cavity or fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, polypous growths of the endometrium. In this case, a preliminary course of conservative therapy or surgical treatment is carried out. After surgery, with uncomplicated wound healing, pregnancy is possible no earlier than six months after the intervention. After conservative therapy, pregnancy can be planned in 3 months.
  • HPV, toxoplasmosis and other teratogenic infections. Requires identification and treatment before pregnancy.

The doctor also takes into account social factors: that is, it is the first or second child. In the case when there are contraindications that are not amenable to achieving a stable remission, the doctor may prohibit the woman from becoming pregnant with her second child, since the patient's safety is always put in the forefront. Considering how pregnancy affects a woman's body at the age of 40, the doctor can allow her planning only for those patients who are in good health, have no problems with the cardiovascular system, and there are no gross metabolic disorders.

Examination before pregnancy

The stage of preparing the body for pregnancy is very important, if it is late. First of all, it is necessary to undergo a series of studies that will help the doctor assess the initial level of the woman's health and prescribe the appropriate treatment, if necessary.

Basic surveys include:

  • Collecting anamnesis of the patient's life.
  • Gynecological history.
  • General and gynecological examination data.
  • Vaginal smear for urogenital infections.
  • General analysis of blood, urine.
  • Feces on the eggs of worms.
  • Determination of blood glucose levels.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Consultation of a therapist.

This is the first block of studies, which is indicated with an uncomplicated life history and the presence of minor somatic pathology. If necessary, the doctor usually prescribes treatment and then allows the pregnancy to be planned.

If the life history is burdened (overweight, bad habits, metabolic and endocrine disorders, organic damage to the organs of the reproductive system), then, depending on the concomitant diseases, the second block of studies is prescribed:

  • Hysteroscopy with biopsy in the presence of neoplastic processes in the uterine cavity, or hysteroscopy in the presence of adhesions and stenotic changes.
  • ELISA, PCR, RSC and other methods for detecting infections of the urogenital sphere and teratogenic infections.
  • Glucose tolerance test with high blood glucose levels and diabetes mellitus.
  • Examination of coronary blood flow, blood vessels in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Lipidogram with arterial hypertension and overweight.
  • Determination of the level of liver enzymes in liver pathology (ALT, AST).
  • Determination of the level of creatinine in the blood in kidney pathology.

This gives an idea of ​​the severity of the underlying disease. In some cases, the tactics of its treatment may require clarification using CT, MRI of the pathologically altered organ or biopsy of its tissue for further pathomorphological study. The question of the feasibility and possibility of achieving pregnancy is studied only after the doctor has a clear idea of ​​the severity of somatic pathology and the risks of developing severe complications of gestation.

It is not uncommon for a woman after 40 years to become pregnant on her own. In this case, it is recommended to contact a reproduction center. There, a woman can receive conservative treatment (hormonal drugs that ensure the maturation of the egg and the achievement of the required thickness of the endometrium). If it is ineffective or unpromising, assisted reproductive technologies - IVF - are used.

In the arsenal of any woman giving birth or planning to have children, there are stories about how pregnancy and childbirth affect maternal health and beauty. Some say that during pregnancy, the skin becomes smooth and clean, the hair is lush and shiny, the chest takes on amazing shape, strength increases, and resistance to various infections increases dramatically. Others complain of increased hair loss, dark spots on the skin of the face, stretch marks on the chest and abdomen, fatigue, depression, exacerbation of all existing diseases. Such "contradictions" clearly require an explanation. What is pregnancy? A serious illness that takes away strength and health, or the flourishing of a woman's nature? Let's try to figure it out.

What happens in the body during pregnancy?

It is known that during pregnancy a lot of changes occur in the body, and many of them are caused by hormonal changes. Their influence on the appearance and health of a woman can be likened to a painting consisting of many shades and halftones. The severity of "positive" and "negative" effects depends on heredity, and on the state of health of the woman at the time of conception, and on the characteristics of the course of a particular pregnancy.

Often after childbirth, a woman notes an unpleasant change in the appearance of the thighs and lower abdomen, which is commonly called "cellulite". So, whether a woman develops cellulite or not depends, first of all, on the hereditary characteristics of her connective tissue and on whether she had late toxicosis during pregnancy (it causes fluid retention in the tissues). Nutritional characteristics, weight gain during pregnancy, and how competently a woman took care of her skin are also of some importance.

What diseases are dangerous during pregnancy?

Pregnancy forces all organs and systems of the body to work in a mode of increased stress. Depending on the "initial" state of a particular organ, it can "better" or "worse" to cope with this stress. That is why pregnancy is a “risk factor” for some diseases.

For example, if a woman has impaired renal function (or has a predisposition to such a disorder - say, once in childhood pyelonephritis was diagnosed, which then did not manifest itself for many years), then there is a high probability that these disorders during pregnancy will intensify and an exacerbation of the disease will occur. The same applies to diseases of the cardiovascular heart disease, arterial hypertension, etc.) and endocrine systems, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, etc.).

Unpleasant consequences of pregnancy

During pregnancy, the mother's body gives all the resources to the child, trying her best to ensure his successful development. Spent, and sometimes depleted, reserves of nutrients, reserves of calcium, iron. According to the available scientific data, in women who have given birth three times or more, menopause, as a rule, occurs earlier, and the menopause in such women is more severe. In adulthood, many of them do not change their figure for the better - for example, the so-called "saggy belly" is formed: this is due to the overstretching of the membranes of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. On the other hand, it has also been proven that a woman who has fed three or more children is significantly less at risk of developing breast cancer.

How to Prepare for Pregnancy?

Ideally, i.e. in the event of a planned conception, a woman, already before pregnancy, should monitor proper nutrition and lifestyle, take multivitamin-mineral complexes. In addition, according to the WHO recommendation, at least two years should pass between childbirth and subsequent pregnancy - this is how much time it takes for a woman to recuperate, replenish resources and again prepare her body for bearing and giving birth to a healthy child.

Today, it can be considered quite proven by science that the state of human health is largely determined by his psychological state. As a rule, pregnancy and childbirth increase a woman's self-esteem, give her confidence in her own abilities, therefore, despite all the hormonal imbalances, despite the highest tension of all the forces of the body, pregnancy and childbirth often truly transform a woman, because motherhood is the highest form of femininity.

the effect of pregnancy on the female body

With the onset of pregnancy in the body of a pregnant woman, numerous physiological changes... This is primarily due to the fact that biochemical information about the presence of an embryo in the uterus enters the woman's bloodstream. The changes primarily affect endocrine system... First, pregnancy develops due to the work of the corpus luteum in the ovaries. The corpus luteum begins to produce the hormone progesterone, which protects the embryo. Other endocrine glands are also activated: adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pancreas. The metabolism is enhanced. During this period, a woman needs to consume more proteins, since the embryo needs them as a building material. In addition to protein, the mother's blood should contain a lot of glucose, which serves as the main food for the baby. Therefore, with the onset of pregnancy in women, taste preferences change so dramatically. Some are drawn to sweets, others to sour, and still others to salty. It is the developing embryo that sends signals to the mother's body, informs about what it lacks. Significant changes are taking place in cardiovascular system pregnant woman. The heart of the expectant mother is forced to perform a double load, since a new link in the blood circulation appears in the body: the uteroplacental blood flow. Every minute, about 500 ml of blood passes through this circle. The heart of a healthy woman is able to easily adapt to additional stress: there is an increase in the mass of the heart muscle and cardiac output of blood. At the end of pregnancy, the volume of blood in a woman's body increases to 6.5 liters. During pregnancy, it increases and lung activity... In this state, the amount of oxygen entering the body is insufficient to meet the increased need for it. This leads to a decrease in the respiratory capacity of the lungs and to an increase in the amount of under-oxidized products. As a result, a state of oxygen starvation occurs, which is very harmful for the activity of the brain and heart of the mother and child. Changes are taking place and in the urinary system especially in the kidneys. During pregnancy, this organ has to remove from the body both the metabolic products of the woman herself and the metabolic products of the fetus. The urge to urinate becomes frequent. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the tone of the bladder decreases, it becomes more sluggish, and this often leads to stagnation of urine. In addition, the fetal head presses down on the bladder, and all this predisposes to infection in the urinary tract. This is why pregnant women often suffer from inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. To prevent this, a pregnant woman needs to have frequent urine tests. Many women have in the first three months of pregnancy toxicosis- nausea and even vomiting in the morning. Taste sensations may change, there may be a tendency towards unusual substances (for example, chalk, paint, clay, earth, etc.). These changes can remain throughout pregnancy or disappear by 3-4 months. During pregnancy, intestinal tone decreases, and constipation occurs, which occurs under the influence of hormones secreted by the placenta. The intestine is pushed upward by the pregnant uterus, and there is a delay in the movement of intestinal contents along the digestive tract. The stomach is compressed and some of its contents can be thrown into the esophagus, causing heartburn. In such cases, it is recommended to drink mineral water or baking soda in small quantities, as well as take food no later than two hours before bedtime. Liver during pregnancy it is also exposed to great stress, since it has to neutralize metabolic products of both the mother and the fetus. Mammary gland during pregnancy prepare for the upcoming feeding. In them, the number of mammary glands, adipose tissue increases, blood supply increases. There is an increase in the size of the mammary glands, their coarsening, and already in the early stages of pregnancy, droplets of colostrum can be squeezed out of them. During pregnancy occur changes in all types of exchange(protein, fat, carbohydrate and mineral). A pregnant woman gains weight, the condition of the skin, hair and nails changes. In a healthy woman, by the end of pregnancy, body weight increases by an average of 12 kg (the norm is in the range of 10 to 14 kg). In the first half of pregnancy, it increases by about 4 kg, in the second half it doubles. During pregnancy, changes occur in psychological state of a woman... She can become whiny, irritable, capricious, her mood can change hourly. You should not be afraid of all these changes, they are considered the norm and can occur in the body of any healthy woman during pregnancy.

It has long been noted that pregnancy has a beneficial effect on both the physical and the morale of a woman. Doctors have identified a number of diseases that are partially or completely cured against the background of hormonal changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman.

Pregnancy for a woman is not only the grace of God, but also a factor that has a positive effect on the health of the body. The fact is that the state of expectation of a child is associated with significant changes in the hormonal plan; these shifts lead to the healing of a number of ailments.

For example, pregnancy treats mastopathy- benign breast tissue disease. During this period, women increase the production of progesterone (a hormone produced by the ovaries), which affects the reduction in tumor growth or a complete stop of its development.

The positive effect of pregnancy on a woman's body.

Pregnancy has a positive impact on the outcome of endometriosis, which affects about 10 percent of all women. This ailment is known for the occurrence of nodules in the uterus and ovaries. Its syndromes are cramps in the lower abdomen and vaginal spotting, which are not the menstrual cycle. We have already talked about the increased content of the hormone progesterone in the female body during pregnancy. It is this hormone that contributes to the partial or complete cure of the disease. Endometriosis can disappear without a trace if it was at an early stage of development.

Pregnancy heals migraine attacks too, the causative agents of which are the female hormones estrogens. Starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the amount of these hormones in the woman's body decreases, and attacks of acute headaches come to naught.

A number of women in whom the first menstruation went quite late (delayed sexual development), while carrying a child, are faced with uterine bleeding, which is called ovarian dysfunction. However, after the birth of a child, hormones return to normal, and most happy mothers forget about gynecological dysfunctions. Unfortunately, women suffering from such disorders experience difficulties associated with conception and are often forced to turn to specialists for a special course of treatment.

Many medical scientists declare that in the process of fetal development in a woman's body such a protective system is developed, which contributes to the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. Experimental studies have shown that in 30-40% of cases, pregnancy and breastfeeding prevent breast cancer.

Future motherhood also has a positive effect on the state of mind of a woman. After all, while waiting for a baby, any woman feels happy, complete, and most importantly confident that she is fulfilling the most important mission of her life.