Calculation of the size of a civil servant's pension. The law on raising the retirement age for civil servants. Required work experience

The lower house of the Russian parliament adopted in the third reading a bill on raising the retirement age for "civil servants, municipal employees, as well as persons who hold government positions in the Russian Federation, government positions in the regions and municipal offices" to 65 years for men and up to 63 years for women (now 60 and 55 years old, respectively).

The increase will not be instantaneous - it is envisaged that from next year the retirement age for them will increase by six months a year, that is, the maximum values ​​will be reached in 2032.

According to the law, civil servants will be able to start receiving the insurance part of their pension only upon reaching the official retirement age, that is, later than most other citizens of the Russian Federation. However, they have a choice - they can resign from the civil service and apply for a pension, as they say, on a general basis.

However, it is much more profitable for officials to continue working than to go on "well-deserved rest."

In 2015, the average assigned pension for federal civil servants in the country as a whole was RUB 15.6 thousand. (hereinafter - Rosstat data), and the average monthly salary is 33.5 thousand rubles. This is a good ratio, it is even slightly higher than in the country as a whole, where the average old-age pension last year was 11.6 thousand rubles, and the average salary was 33.9 thousand rubles.

But for those who work in the state bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation (last year there were 207 thousand people against 505 thousand "federals"), the pension is already a much less attractive alternative, because they received 52.3 thousand rubles each. per month. And for employees of the central apparatus of ministries and departments, and there are almost 40 thousand of them, retirement (with dismissal) means a catastrophic loss of income. Their average salary in 2015 was 111.3 thousand rubles. per month, that is, almost ten times higher than the average pension of federal civil servants. Most of all were received by employees of the government apparatus (231.8 thousand rubles), the presidential administration (217.179 thousand rubles), the Accounts Chamber (187.6 thousand rubles), the Federation Council (173.9 thousand rubles), The Federal Treasury (165.8 thousand rubles), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (148.2 thousand rubles), the State Duma (137 thousand rubles) and the Ministry of Finance (130.9 thousand rubles).

In connection with the increase in the retirement age, the age limit for civil service is increasing from 60 to 65 years. For those holding positions in the "managers" category, the term of the civil service can be extended up to 70 years. However, the option to extend the term of the civil service was also in the current Federal Law - after all possible extensions, by agreement of the parties, an employee could remain in a government agency "on the terms of a fixed-term employment contract for a position that is not a civil service position."

To qualify for a seniority pension (a monthly supplement to the pension), officials will have to work not 15 years, as it is now, but 20, but they will also be able to receive it only upon reaching retirement age.

The state is interested in raising the retirement age for officials. First, it saves money on the payment of pensions to civil servants. Secondly, it is possible to retain qualified personnel, who will enter the labor market less and less every year due to a decrease in the working-age population by about 1 million annually.

It should be noted that pension innovations for civil servants are a test balloon for a new pension reform, which is being prepared by the government and the Central Bank. One of the key elements of the transformation, obviously, will be an increase in the retirement age, but for all citizens of Russia. By and large, today the discussion is around the date of the start of the increase, its rate and the final level.

Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, who recently headed the Center for Strategic Research and became deputy head of the Economic Council under the President of Russia, is an ardent supporter of raising the retirement age.

“We need to announce the need to raise the retirement age. You can start, for example, from 2019, but right now we need to announce such a scenario, since a lot of preparatory work will have to be done. We need to remove this issue from the discussion, ”says Alexei Kudrin.

The retirement age, in his opinion, could be 63 years for men and women (now 60 and 55 years). The question is the rate of increase: six months every year, one year or faster.

“Before the elections, we still need to discuss this issue, determine the parameters, make a decision and announce it after the elections,” the ex-Minister of Finance noted.

Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev said that raising the retirement age is "an inevitable matter, but it will definitely be accepted." “I think it would be wise to announce this during an electorally calm period, for example, at the end of 2016. And the calculations must be completed now, ”the minister said.

He also named the age of 63 for both men and women as the most likely benchmark. Another option is to leave the gap of five years and raise it to the level of 60 and 65, respectively. But Alexey Ulyukaev believes that this is "less rational."

The Ministry of Finance proposes a more radical step - to raise the retirement age for men and women to 65 years. This is consonant with the reform of civil servants' pension provision.

At the same time, working pensioners are supposed not to pay a fixed part of their pension. It should be reminded that from this year to those pensioners who continue to work, the indexation of pension payments is not carried out. The Ministry of Labor and Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Olga Golodets are still opposed to raising the retirement age.

While all ideas are under discussion, no decisions have been made on any item. Most likely, the pension reform will begin, as Alexei Kudrin expected, only after the 2018 presidential elections.

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Payment of pensions to civil servants

State pension employees are listed every month... The pensioner can choose the organization that will deliver the payment, as well as the option for receiving it. Moreover, for a pensioner, a payment can be received confidant, in this case, the pension will be paid by power of attorney.

Pension delivery methods:

  • Russian Post- it is possible to receive a pension by mail at the place of registration or at home. In this case, the date of its receipt is set in accordance with the delivery schedule. If you do not receive a pension payment within six months, then it is suspended, and you must write an application to the Pension Fund for its renewal;
  • Bank- it is possible to receive a pension at the bank's cash desk or to issue a card and withdraw money through an ATM;
  • By using organizations dealing with delivery of benefits- You can receive a pension at home or yourself in this organization. The entire list of such organizations is in the FIU.

To choose a delivery method or change it, you need to write an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund, which was responsible for assigning your pension payments.


A seniority pension is a retirement pension that must be earned through long-term employment. Its value is determined by how long the corresponding activity lasted:

  • If you have experience of the state. service not less 15 years the pension is awarded in the amount 45% of average monthly earnings state employee minus and a fixed payment to it.
  • For each year of service more than 15 years, allowance grows by 3% of average monthly earnings, while the total amount of pension for working years cannot be more 75% of average earnings federal state. an employee.
  • The pension for earning years is not charged during the period of being in the public service, which makes it possible for this pension.

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Among all the varieties of different pension payments, this type of payment occupies a special place. This pension is given to certain citizens, subject to the hours worked in government positions. It differs from others in that physical health is not taken into account when registering it. For this payment, it is enough to have a certain length of service in the state.

Civil servants' pension- the aggregate of the due amount of seniority and disability payments. Its amount is determined based on the average earnings at the time of leaving for tinned rest.

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Government officials are a large apparatus that operates in all cities in different countries. These payments are governed by articles of the legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with them, such retirement incentives are due to government employees who have reached the age and have worked for the required time. It is after this that you can submit documents to the accounting department or the personnel department for processing payments.

Pension provision for civil servants: structure

This payment is provided to people who, due to their professional activities, may cease to be able to work before the age. According to Federal Law No. 340-1, such citizens are the following:

  1. Health care workers.
  2. Miners.
  3. Employees of the sea or river fleet.
  4. Pilots and other civil aviation workers.
  5. Teachers, educators and other educators teaching children.
  6. Rescue workers.
  7. Theatrical figures.
  8. Athletes.
  9. Servicemen.
  10. Police officers.
  11. Employees of the prosecutor's office.

Who is entitled to a seniority pension for civil servants?

To receive this type of pension incentive, a citizen must meet the following requirements:

  1. He must be 55 (for women) or 60 (for men) years old.
  2. Work experience in the civil service must be at least 15 years.
  3. Before leaving, a citizen must continuously serve for at least a year.
  4. With a reduction in staff.
  5. Liquidation or reorganization of the body.

The reasons for dismissal can be the following:

  • By peaceful agreement.
  • Under the article "Own desire".
  • Contract changes and adjustment of conditions.
  • Reaching an inappropriate age for civil service.
  • Due to poor health.

How is the pension provision for civil servants

A citizen can receive such payments if he has passed the maximum age threshold and worked for a certain period. If this type of payment for federal civil servants and municipal employees is regulated by federal law, then for civil servants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - by regional laws on civil service.

Starting from the new year, civil servants can receive insurance pension incentives if they worked during the period of their working capacity, and insurance deductions were made in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a civil servant can choose only 1 type of payment:

  1. by length of service;
  2. insurance.

But in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, if civil servants choose the first type, then they can receive a part of the insurance pension payment if it was issued earlier in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Pension incentives for this type of payments are indexed annually (by 3%). But it is worth remembering that his total size should not be more than 75% of the size of his average monthly salary.

The procedure for determining the amount of seniority pension

Practice proves that the execution of documentation and other occupations are dealt with by the personnel officers of the state body. They prepare and submit documents. This operation takes place in several stages:

  1. Identification, registration of citizens who have crossed the age threshold.
  2. Notification of the employee about the retirement age and the establishment of legal positions.
  3. Collection and execution of the necessary documentation.
  4. Control over execution.

After the submitted application by the employee, the personnel department:

  1. Checks documents for correctness.
  2. Checks the submitted documents for authenticity, fixes them in the program.
  3. Requires to provide more documents, if they are not available.
  4. Registers all incoming documentation.
  5. Requests documents from a federal civil servant.
  6. Assists in obtaining them.
  7. Refines the data.
  8. Makes a certificate of the position at the moment.

It is worth submitting the required documents to the application:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate of the average salary with all the details set in the Federal Law.
  3. Help about the position.
  4. Certificate of the period of service.
  5. Certificate of the assigned retirement incentive in early form.
  6. A copy of the work, certified by the responsible authority.
  7. A copy of the military certificate.
  8. Other certificates confirming work in government agencies.

This category of pension incentives is paid in conjunction with an old-age labor pension on the basis of an order of the PFRF. It is not eligible to be paid while working for a federal service state. Such an employee is obliged to inform within five days of receiving a pension. She will be obliged to suspend from the date of appointment to a new position.

To calculate accurate data, income for the last year is taken, within 2.8 salaries. Maternity, unpaid leave and illness are not taken during the billing period.

Recalculation and indexing

The assignment of pension payments, as well as their indexation, takes place through a written application from a citizen. Recalculation occurs only in the following cases:

  1. Changes to the old-age pension.
  2. Increased civil service experience.
  3. With a centralized increase in the monetary remuneration of these categories of citizens.

Indexation takes place with a centralized increase, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government.

An example of calculating the amount of seniority pension for civil servants

Calculation data:

  1. The civil servant retired in 2008.
  2. Labor pension - 4433.74 rubles.
  3. The term of work is 25 years.
  4. Salary - 3287 rubles.
  5. Average monthly salary 7294.27.

Determine the amount of pension payments:

  • According to the law, the average monthly salary does not exceed 2.3 salaries. The amount is 7560 rubles (3287 * 2.3).
  • The size of the pension is 45% of the average monthly salary in the presence of a period of work of at least 15 years, and as an additional 3% increases for each year above this figure. But no more than 75%.
  • Service factor: 45% + 3% * 10 = 75%
  • Pension size: 5470.70 (75% of 7294.27 rubles).

Calculation of seniority pension for civil servants

To calculate the retirement incentive, you need a salary for the previous year before retiring to a well-deserved rest, within 2.8 times the salary for government positions. The calculation does not include unpaid leave and maternity leave:

  1. If there is no such situation, then the average earnings are calculated by adding up all salaries for each month and the amount is already divided by 12.
  2. If such situations are entitled to be in work experience for the last year, then the total annual amount is divided by the number of days worked and multiplied by 12.
  3. Residents of the Far North can count on an increase in pension payments by increasing the required ratios.

How does the pension provision of civil servants work in practice

Despite the positive features of this system, its effectiveness is not at the required level. For a very long time, the level of pension payments was less than the insurance part of the labor pension paid to ordinary citizens. For these reasons, citizens did not apply for this pension incentive.

The scoring system was so complex that it led to many controversies in the country. They were decided through the courts. Often such organizations take into account the decisions of the municipal authorities.

The courts, accepting compliance with local regulations, are considered an additional guarantee for Russian citizens. Based on this documentation, citizens who have the necessary experience in a certain position before leaving for a well-deserved rest receive pension payments of this category, but those who quit ahead of time can no longer apply for this. Those who have worked part-time or part-time in a public office also cannot qualify for payment.

When calculating pension payments for seniority, the insurance pension must be taken into account. And often, with the uncertainty of these amounts, disputes arise between pensioners and state employers, which are already being resolved in a lawsuit.

Every year, the budget deficit of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is increasing, and billions of rubles are spent annually from the federal budget to cover it. To reduce the costs of the state budget, the Government of the Russian Federation resorts to different methods of solving this problem. For example, the financial and economic blocs of the Government insist on the need to increase the retirement age for all citizens of the Russian Federation, while the social bloc strongly opposes this initiative. This issue has not yet been finally resolved, but for now the Government of the Russian Federation is resorting to other methods of reducing costs - this is an indefinite termination of the indexation of pensions for working pensioners, a "freeze" of pension savings, and an increase in the retirement age for civil servants.

Law on Raising the Retirement Age for Civil Servants

Many experts are confident that increasing the retirement age for civil servants is a preparatory stage for an appropriate measure for all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Law on Raising the Retirement Age for Civil Servants No. 143 of May 23, 2016 amended Federal Law No. 3 of May 8, 1994, and entered into force on January 1, 2017.

This bill on raising the retirement age for civil servants was adopted by the State Duma on 05/11/2016 and approved by the Federation Council on 05/18/2016. There is no separate presidential decree on raising the retirement age; it is necessary to be guided by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 No. 1574, as amended on January 26, 2017, "On the Register of Positions of the Federal State Civil Service" to determine whether you are a civil servant or not.

The law on the extension of the retirement age for civil servants introduces new conditions and procedures for retirement benefits for those citizens who hold positions of state and municipal service in the Russian Federation and its constituent entities.

It is worth noting that the bill on increasing the retirement age for civil servants provides for the right of subjects and municipal self-government bodies to independently establish the amount of pension payments and supplements to pensions, determine the requirements for the duration of work, etc. for citizens who conduct state and municipal services. At the same time, all relevant costs for these initiatives are fully borne by the municipal budgets.

The retirement age of civil servants in Russia since 2017

Before the adoption of the Federal Law on raising the retirement age for civil servants, it was 55 for women and 60 for men. These are generally established age norms in the Russian Federation for the onset of pension grounds for old age. Since 2017, the requirements for the retirement age of civil servants in Russia have increased and amounted to 65 and 63 years for men and women, respectively.

According to state statistics, these changes affected more than 1 million citizens holding positions in state, regional and municipal authorities, as well as deputies and senators. And also more than 70 thousand officials who in the near future were supposed to retire.

It should be noted that the increase in the retirement age for civil servants will be gradual, increasing annually by six months during the transition period until it reaches the maximum. For male civil servants, it will be achieved by 2026, and for female civil servants by 2032.

Pension year

Retirement age

60 years 6 months

55 years 6 months

61 years 6 months

56 years 6 months

62 years 6 months

57 years 6 months

63 years 6 months

58 years 6 months

64 years 6 months

59 years 6 months

60 years 6 months

61 years 6 months

62 years 6 months

2031 and beyond

Which civil servants are subject to an increase in the retirement age

After the law on raising the retirement age for civil servants came into force, the question of who exactly belongs to this category?

This Federal Law and the changes introduced by it affected officials at all levels:

  • persons holding public office in the Russian Federation and its constituent entities;
  • persons who fill municipal positions on a permanent basis;
  • persons who hold positions of state. civil and municipal service.

These include: employees of the Federal Tax Service, employment services, statistics department, fed. treasury, judicial authorities, executive authorities - bailiffs, Roslesnadzor, etc.

Employees of budgetary organizations (teachers, doctors, kindergarten teachers, teachers of state universities and employees of research institutes), as well as ordinary employees of various government bodies (cleaners, programmers, etc.) do not belong to this category and do not fall under the retirement age of civil servants ...

Extension of the retirement age for civil servants

Since 2017, civil servants have increased not only the retirement age, but also a number of other age requirements, which are taken into account when assigning this category of citizens a pension.

So, along with the retirement age, the maximum possible period for conducting civil service has increased. Now it is 65 years old, but it can be increased to 70 years by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer, after the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract.

The minimum length of service for the civil service has also increased, the achievement of which gives an official the right to a seniority pension and the appointment of a monthly supplement to pension, up to 20 years (previously it was 15 years). It, like the requirements for the retirement age, will increase gradually and will reach a maximum by 2026.

All civil servants have the right to a seniority pension, paid in addition to an insurance pension for old age (disability), as well as for early retirement, if the seniority of an official is at least the period indicated in the table, in the year the pension is awarded.

It should be noted that all these changes do not apply to those citizens who have already received the right to a seniority pension before 01.01.2017.

Retirement age for civil servants in 2017

In addition to the above changes, in 2017 the requirements for the minimum duration of office of members of the Federal Assembly and deputies of the State Duma increased from 1 to 5 years. For deputies - this period is the time of service during one convocation of the Duma. Fulfillment of this requirement entitles members and deputies to an additional payment to the insurance pension in the amount of 55%. To receive an increased amount of payment (75%), it is necessary to fulfill these powers from 3 to 10 years.

Raising the retirement age for civil servants is one of the measures to reduce the costs of the FIU. Already in 2017, this will allow the extra-budgetary fund to save 600 million rubles, which will be used to fulfill other PFR obligations to current pensioners.