Child 4 months bites chest. Why baby buses breasts and how to fix it. Insufficient production of milk or difficulty with its release

Children's teeth may seem to be a serious problem for future mothers and their familiar. When a pregnant woman speaks about his plans to breastfeed, no, no, and someone will fall, who will ask with a smile: "And what will you do when teeth go?"

Some believe that with the advent of the child's teeth, it is time to overcome from the chest. Perhaps it seems to them that children's teeth make breastfeeding painful for the mother. However, if the child sucks correctly, the mother will not hurt either with two or four, nor with a complete mouth of the teeth, cutting into a child. As in many matters of motherhood, waiting for teeth is often worse than the teeth themselves.
It is important to remember that the intensive breast chest child cannot bite. With proper applied, the nipple is far in the mouth of the child. The lips and jaws of the child are on the Aregole (dark skin around the nipple) somewhere by 2.5 cm on the base of the nipple. The child's tongue is dried forward and lies on the lower jaw, between the lower teeth and breasts. The upper teeth can leave a painless imprint on the Aregole, but while the child is actively sucking and swallows, he will not be able to bite the chest. It hurts when the jaw of the child is closed on the nipple, and not on the arole, regardless of the presence of teeth in the mouth. Simply put, if the child sucks right, he cannot bite, and if it bits, it means that it sucks incorrectly. If the child still bites, it usually happens during applying, in a pause of feeding or at the end of feeding, when it does not suck actively.

If the child bits
Natural mother's reaction to pain can beat off a child to bite. Many children shudder on the loud exclamation of the mother and immediately produce the nipples. Some may even cry. Such negative experience is quite enough to many children in order not to try again. In the book "Rewy Big Breast" ("Mother Nursing Toddler"), the norm Jane Bumgarner notes, "Perhaps the overwhelming majority of children awailed biting so quickly, because we are invariably, instantly and firmly react to bodies. Probably, this is the only case when we are so fast, decisively and consistently require changing behavior. In addition, children love us and react to our sincere and emotional offer no longer bite.
Sometimes such a sharp response has a side effect with sensitive babies, which in response can completely refuse to take the chest. Such a sudden loss of interest in feeding or a complete refusal of the breast is called a strike. The strike is different from the end of feeding by the fact that it starts suddenly and at the same time the child looks dissatisfied. The child who "hit" may have to persuade and convince that it is possible to return to breast feeding. Therefore, it is not necessary to specifically exaggerate your reaction to the bite, be natural.
If the child closed his jaw on the nipple, do not try to tear it off his chest. It hurts the skin more than bite himself. Instead, shake your finger between the jaws of the child to weaken the pressure. Do not remove the finger, take the chest from the mouth. Another way is to press a child as close to the chest. It will make the child release the nipple, because the kids are very sensitive to everything that prevents their breath with his nose. Some moms prefer to carefully clamp the nose to the child so that he opened her mouth and released the nipple.

Stop feeding so that the child does not have the temptation to check whether the mother rises again, if you bite again. As soon as the first bite or "almost bite" will occur to the child a safe object for biting - a toy or a special teether so that he knows what you can experience teeth without consequences. Explain to him: "You can bite how much you want. And it is necessary to suck carefully."
Some moms take more stringent measures in response to the bite - immediately plant a child to the floor. A few seconds, a digestible child can calm down. He will understand that biting leads to unpleasant consequences.
Offering breasts Next time, be especially careful with the attachment of the child and encourage the right grip and neat nipple output. Saying the child "Thank you", "clever", smiling, hugging and kissing him, you can achieve great success in gradual learning the child with proper feeding. One mother even turned it into a game with his five-month son: "Our feedings were held lying. He gently released the nipple and I praised him. He smiled, suiced again, after five seconds let go neatly again, I praised him again. He smiled again and pressed again. She continued until I decided not to experience more fate, stand up and do something else. "
Even very young children can be taught to apply applied and position when feeding, with affectionate support for mom.

Other causes of biting
Some kids are more persistent in trying to bite the chest. If you find the cause of this behavior, it will help to determine the optimal way to solve the problem. The usual causes affecting the biting are teething, the use of rubber nipples, an insufficient amount of milk, a lack of attention to the child, laid nose in a child. For no matter whatever the reason, the child is neither biting, it is most likely going towards the end of feeding, when the hunger is mostly satisfied and attention switches to other things.

When the teeth are cut, gums may be sick. At this time, the gums are red and swollen on appearance. If we lose the gum with a finger, you can often find it with a skin ready to appear under the skin. Sometimes teeth cut down very early, and some children are already born with one or two cutting teeth.
When the nose is also, bites are also possible. The lack of free air flow prevents proper sucking and the child can crawl with proper seizure of the chest. The nipple at the same time approaches the jaws, and if the jaws still compress the chest, the child may accidentally bite on the nipple. Breeding with a laid nose can also wind head from side to side when feeding, because it annoys the inability to breathe as it should. In this case, the jaws can also slip on the nipple.
If the child is cut or his nose is laid, and it interferes with feeding, perhaps you can consult with a doctor about treatment. Suction of mucus from the nose aspirator can facilitate the state of the child who does not know how to blow the rooking and spends most of the time lying on his back, although this procedure does not like many children. Feeding in a more vertical position can help a baby with a laid nose, it is easier to breathe, since the force of attraction of the earth helps the outflow of the mucus from the respiratory tract.
Sometimes a child, a boning nipple during feeding, is looking for maternal attention. Often, moms read during feeding, they say on the phone, watch TV. All this is good, but in moderation. Older children sometimes can like to strive to switch to themselves Mom's attention, sometimes biting for the chest. Some in front of the bite appears a playful light in the eyes. This kind of biting usually takes place by the end of feeding or when the child did not particularly want to suck the chest at all.

The use of rubber nipples and pacifiers can also provoke bites. The movements of the mouth and language at sucking the chest are very different from the movements at sucking an artificial substitute. The child can confuse nipples and try to chew chest, and not sucking, as it should. Although such problems with sucking associated with artificial breast substitutes occur mainly in the first weeks, sometimes it happens with older children. Sometimes chewing breast begins after the child learns to drink from the row, especially if he likes to chew a row of the ringer.
Artificial nipples can also indirectly affect biting when a child regularly gets juice or water in a bottle, which can reduce the amount of milk. The child can bite from despair that a little milk. Other addictions also contribute to the decrease in milk. In this case, stimulation of the breast is more frequent feeding. If a child begins to bite somewhere in the middle of the first year of life, and a few days of frequent feedings do not help increase the amount of milk, it is possible to enter the lure.

The amount of milk can also decrease due to the coming new pregnancy. About your experience in the release of New Beginnings wrote Jamie Larson (Florida, USA). Her daughter began to bite at eight months. Despite the careful search for possible reasons, she could not understand why the jelly began to bite. Three months later, Jamie had a miscarriage, after which Yelliell suddenly stopped biting, and the amount of milk from Jamie had noticeably increased. She did not notice pregnancy and did not pay attention to a significant reduction in the amount of milk. Another visit to the doctor showed that Jerius did not gain weight during these months. Jamie writes that after miscarriage, Jeillo added almost two kilograms in three weeks.

Sometimes mothers note that with the restoration of the milk cycle, it can become slightly smaller during menstruation. At the same time, the chest can become more sensitive that sometimes it makes feeding uncomfortable for the mother. Also, hormonal contraceptives can affect the amount of milk, especially if they began to be used in the first weeks after childbirth. Other factors can be some medicines and nutritional supplements. If you have doubts about the impact on the milk of a certain medication or additive, consult with specialists in this area.
In addition, it is worth considering the nature of your child: some children are simply more prone to an oral way to perceive the world. When they begin to crawl, everything that falls into their hands is going to mouth. They like to know everything new to taste and explore the forms and composition of the subjects of the language.

Position when feeding
At about the age of three or four months, the child begins much more interested in the outside world. Any sound, even playing near the eldest child, can intrigue him so much that he quickly turns his head to see what is there. Unfortunately, at the same time he may forget to let go of the chest and slides on the nipple. A child of any age, who fell asleep in his chest can respond to removal of the nipple from his mouth compressing the jaws. Such actions are more likely to reflex and may require other actions than other types of chest biting.
More older children can take when feeding the position, uncomfortable for the mother. Sometimes the child can so fall on the chest that the nipple turns out to be under pressure, although not in the teeth of the child. Especially movable kids are so running during feeding, which at the end is taken by completely twisted postures. When the child's mouth is repeatedly rotated around the chest, the nipple may experience the same unpleasant, even painful pressure. Such children have to, with the help of a firm guide, somewhat limit their gymnastic impulses at the moments of feeding and find a feeding method, acceptable and for mom and for a child.

Preventing biting
With the help of close attention and observation, you can prevent transition from one case of bite to a repeating problem. You can even prevent the very first bite. Each situation is unique, and it may be necessary to try several different strategies before it is possible to understand what is better for you and your child. Here are some ideas that other mothers seemed helpful.

  • Be prepared to protect the nipple by taking it out of his mouth, especially if he fell asleep. Shoot your finger into the corner of the mouth of the child deep enough between the jaws to feel your nipple, and only then take a child. If he and the jaw comes in a reflex attempt to continue to suck, he will bite the finger, not the chest. If you keep your hand with breasts when feeding, it can be convenient to use the index finger of this hand. Some prefer a little finger. Regardless of the finger, the nail should always be briefly cut in order not to scratch the mouth of a child or nipple.
  • If it seems to you that the child grabs nipples to attract attention, start to pay unlimited attention from the beginning of feeding. Touch, conversation, visual contact will kill a child that he is in the center of your attention. Certain vigilance will allow you to understand when a child will lose interest in feeding.
  • Watching the child sucks, you can learn how to determine when it's time to finish feeding.
  • Watching the child during feeding, the mother may notice that shortly before the bite his jaws are gradually straining. This may be a signal to stop feeding before it appears the opportunity to bite.
  • Also, the child can remove the language from its usual position over the lower jaw.
  • Pay special attention to the right position and capture so that the child is focused on sucking, it reduces it to bite it. Make sure the child's mouth is widely open before bringing it to the chest and send the nipple into the depth of the child's mouth. Women with great breasts are especially important to maintain the chest with a free hand at the time of applying, and possibly during the feeding. The case of the child is always turned to himself so that he should not turn his head to his chest.
  • Do not insist on feeding, especially with an older child. Many mothers use feeding to promote daytime sleep, but some children do not want to sleep during the day and resist not only to sleep, but also feeding. If the child is spinning, turns around and pushes you with his hands, perhaps he is not hungry and does not want his chest. If you feel that the child is too excited and it is difficult for him to calm down, try to lie down with him in a quiet room, perhaps it will remind him that it's time to eat. Little heavenly children well soothes walking or changing.

If the nipple hurts
On the nipples many nervous endings and they are very sensitive. The bites cause pain at the time of biting, and even sometimes some time later. However, nipples hurt mainly when trying to tear off the chest of a sucking child. If you hurt the nipples, the correct technique of applying (in which the nipple is probably not in contact with the lips and the jaws of the child) will protect against further damage and all quickly will heal. If only one nipple hurts, start feeding on the other breast, so that the most intensive sucking accounted for not on the sore nipple.

Look in perspective
The ability to be a busted one's own child may sound somewhat frighteningly, but the motherhood is generally sometimes dangerous. The movable kid can step on your foot or knock your head on your head, trying to hug you, but you will not stop hugging him because of this. You just take care of protecting your legs and heads. The same applies to nipples.
The first step towards self-defense is attentive attitude to the child's submitted signals. Each mother will find a way working for her and her child.
Patience, perseverance, attentive observation and susceptibility to child senses are important tools of upbringing at any age. If the child has a biting period, be sure that it is not for long, and you can continue feeding until it is necessary.

Some believe that the child with the appearance of the teeth is to take away from the chest. Perhaps it seems to them that children's teeth make breastfeeding painful for the mother. However, if the child sucks correctly, the mother does not hurt either with two or four, nor with the full mouth of the teeth, cutting out the child. As in many matters of motherhood, waiting for teeth is often worse than the teeth themselves.

Intensely sausage breasts Child in principle can not bite. With proper applied, the nipple is far in the mouth of the child. The lips and jaws of the child are located on Aregol about 2.5 cm from the base of the nipple.

The problem with biting breast is the question of the relationship between the mother and the child, or rather education. Mom must explain to the child that the breast is not his property, but the mum is part of the body. But at the same time, the explanation should be calm, "without scenes", because Otherwise, the child will repeat his attempts with the expectation that another mother can do how much she knows how to shout, etc.

Infants usually bite in two cases: As an inspection, to determine the boundaries permitted or "called Mom" \u200b\u200bto show something, to prove, because it does not hear it in a different way.

Prying "For check" most often happens to kids up to a year. After a year, children are more often biting breasts, already aware of the consequences (Mom unpleasant).

If your child is less than three months, and you encountered this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct applying. If the child sucks right, he cannot bite, and if it bits, it means that he sucks wrong.

Will your breasts take if it bits?

Yes, the chest must be taken, but correct. Try to do it. With the next attempt to bite the nipple:

1) Quickly satisfy the little finger between gums of a child And we spawned the mouth to get chest painlessly.

There is another way - to press the child as close to the chest. It will make him release the nipple, because the kids are very sensitive to everything that prevents his breath with his nose. Some moms prefer to carefully clamp the nose to the child so that he opened her mouth and released the nipple. Although personally, my mother's method seems less stressful.

2) we can safely explainthat mom or sis does not like that, and then you will not eat so much.

3) Apply the child again.

If it bits again - we perform item 1 and calmly, without anger, put the baby on the bed next to you. We explain why you have done so.

4) If the chest asks again, apply again. Biting - put it off, explain and leave the room.

It is necessary to do it calmly, without strong emotions. So we show that we do not want to communicate when the child behaves. A minute later we returned, we calm down, we offer the chest. If it starts to cry hard, you can immediately go, take on your hands, calm, but nevertheless do it without a feeling of guilt, with internal confidence in its right.

Usually three times it happens enough so that the child understands that mom no longer plays in such games.

But be prepared for the fact that a few days later the child wants to make sure of the seriousness of your intentions. It will be necessary to try to remember and repeat exactly the same reaction so that the child becomes boring to experiment in this direction :)

In principle, even the first natural reaction of the mother to pain can beat off the child to bite the hunt. Many children shudder on the loud exclamation of the mother and immediately produce the nipples. Some may even cry. Such negative experience is quite enough to many children in order not to try again.

If the child bits the chest "called", it is worth paying him a high attention and care, to caress more, wearing in hand, try to find out the reason for such behavior. Influenced on persistent biting can: a lack of attention to the child, the use of rubber nipples, an insufficient amount of milk, teething, laid nose in a child.

If you have tried the proposed ways, and after a week, the situation with biting does not change, write a consultant for GW.

Nursing mothers often care what to do if the child bits the chest? This is unpleasant - first, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipple in a woman there is a large number of sensitive zones and pain receptors, and secondly, the child bites the nipples always unexpectedly, forcing mom by surprise, while the unity and harmony of mommy and a newborn is disturbed. The pain prevents the woman to fully enjoy the joy of motherhood. Children when feeding can eat breasts due to many reasons.

The reasons

One of the reasons why the child bits breasts may be teething. This reason can be called the main one. Toddler teething with teething annoying gums, gums swell, itch and hurt. He has a desire to nibble everything that falls towards him in hand or mouth.

In order to somehow deal with this situation, try to give the baby before feeding the baby barking the bread or a special baby ring for teething, perhaps, then breastfeeding will pass painlessly.

If the newborn buses the chest, and before the teething of the teeth is still far, maybe the mammy is incorrectly applied. Young and inexperienced often distracted from feeding, watch TV or read a book, so they do not notice that the child misses the nipples. In order not to miss the nipple, the baby can bite it or pull it. To avoid this, the mother should carefully observe the feeding process.

Children may cause Mama pain when feeding, if we confused breasts with a nipple. When teething teeth, kids pull and nibble nipples and can confuse her with a nipple.

If the child is constantly biting the nipple, pay attention to whether he captures it correctly. The right and optimal for the baby capture is considered such in which the mother's nipple is deep in the mouth, while it should touch the sky. The language of the newborn should be lying on the teeth or on the gums. If the son or daughter is correctly captured by the nipple, then the baby will not bite.

There is an opinion: if the baby bites the chest, he attracts attention to himself. Perhaps the baby has a stomach hurts, or he wants to make his back, and maybe there is some other stimulus who does not give quietly. Mom must find out if it has no discomfort.

A possible cause is a runny nose. It is clear that if the baby cannot breathe a nose, he is very uncomfortable and breathe at the same time. In this case, it is recommended to feed the child in a vertical position, the mucus will be retended from the nasopharynx, and the child will be able to breathe a spout.

Maybe my mother has little milk, and his child is missing, he bites her nipple, demanding still food. Most often interruptions with milk - this is a temporary phenomenon, a woman needs to simply apply a newborn to his chest more often, as well as use lactogenic products.

How to wean a child biting breasts

When the child bites the nipple, natural muming reaction is a loud exclamation from pain. It is likely that this may stop similar behavior once and for all. But if the kid is too sensitive, a loud shot can scare him and make him give up his chest at all.

Some kids begin to think that this is a game - he will bite, and Mom is shouting. If the baby is like this game, it will continue to bite and have fun. Therefore, mommy should not fall in extremes. No need to arrange hysterics, but also not to pay attention to this. The perfect option is to prevent the problem.

How to wean baby bite breasts? First, it is necessary to achieve my goal to be gently, but decisively. Try to closely monitor the feeding process from the very beginning to the end, as soon as you notice that the baby is going to bite, you need to respond quickly. Quietly remove the nipple from the mother's mouth, if necessary, you can neatly push it with your finger with your finger.

As soon as you start feeding the baby, completely cutting it with attention - speak with him, do it so that he understands that mom is next to him. Be sure to closely follow the way you keep the child during feeding, it should be comfortable and comfortable, so that he does not have a desire to attract attention.

It is also important to observe emotions, moms quickly begin to understand what time he will bite, and in a second before this is corrected.

But if he has already formed the habit of biting, then it will not be possible to prevent this event, and it is not necessary to decide not a potential, but a real problem.

Pain relief and healing

What to do mom with busting breasts? The bite can be anointed with their own milk or froth. When feeding is over, the chest must be wiped out dry, squeeze the drop of milk and lubricate your busty place.

So that when feeding the baby did not injure the sore nipple, it is necessary to feed it with another breast. To completely stop feeding the busted nipple is not recommended to avoid the stagnation of milk. You can begin feeding a healthy nipple, and when the intensity of sucking becomes smaller, shifting the child to the busted chest.

If a wound was formed on the nipple from the bite, it can be lubricated with sea buckthorn oil, it will be delayed in about a day, just feed the baby is not recommended, it is better to use breasts.

It is important to remember that if you use some medications for the treatment of bite, then even after washing your breast, the child is better not to feed, but again use the breasts. The fact is that even the small dose of the drug can stay in the nipple (and they, as a rule, are bitter taste), and the baby can refuse his chest, causing this newest problem.

How to prevent subsequent attempts to bite

Success depends not only on the woman, but also from the child. The older becomes a newborn, the better he understands what is happening, that is, the mother can already tougher to teach his child from this habit.

To explain or scold a newborn - there is no point, but a semi-annual baby can already understand the relationship of the mother's reaction with its biting. He already sees that when he bites her nipple, his mother hurts, and she is angry.

Most often bodied kids in a very small age, it happens because of the wrong gripping of the nipple, this mother can fix it, follow the right grip.

Then the child can begin to bite again in 3-4 months. At this time, the baby explores the world and tastes all taste. In this case, my mother should not give the chest just when the newborn does not want to eat, or at the time of applied to the chest, to ensure that the baby will open wide open mouth.

The child can start biting in half a year. At this age, he himself chooses a pose for feeding, it may be uncomfortable for mom, also at this age the child can twist his head during feeding, with a sharp turn of the head he can drag the nipple. Mom should insist on the pose that is convenient for her. In 6 months, it is usually fed before bedtime, so that the baby does not spit head and focused on food, you can darken the room where feeding is happening or to give a child to the toy that he can keep and view, without changing the situation that is comfortable to a woman.

Mom should understand that the child does not specifically hurt her, and not always a bite is the cause of unpleasant sensations in nipples during feeding. When a woman begins menstruation, her nipples become more sensitive, therefore, even with ordinary sucking, mom can occur with uncomfortable or pain. In addition, when menstruation, the taste and amount of milk may change, and the child reacts to this change.

The amount and quality of milk can affect the coming pregnancy, so the woman should not only carefully follow the child, but by him, to understand the behavior of his child.

The young mother is recommended not to strain before feeding the baby, not to be nervous and not to wait that he will bite you now. In this case, he will feel her mood, also spares and the probability of bite will increase. After half a year, you need to look at your chud during feeding during feeding, if he was already ate and now wants to play, Baby will appear in his eyes, his mother needs to quickly react, carefully remove the nipple from her mouth.

Do not worry, bites are a temporary phenomenon, with the right approach to this problem, they will soon cease, and you will long enjoy unity with the baby for a long time during breastfeeding.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of breastfeeding for the full development of the child, because the crocha gets all the necessary nutrients and, which is very important, immune bodies. However, feeding not all the time delivers a woman only a pleasant feeling, because a cute angel can begin to bite the mother breast, which sometimes hurts greater pain. What to do mom to enjoy lactation? It is necessary to look for the cause of such a child's behavior and deviate it in a timely manner.

Why baby started biting breasts: reasons

The baby can bite the maternal breast, for a variety of reasons.

  1. Rising teeth. When teething, the crumb is experiencing severe itching, and often pain. Plus, good health is added to this sometimes. The child is trying to facilitate his condition by any available means: gnawing toys, clothes, their fingers - in one word, all objects and things that can be chewed. And, of course, when the mother nipple falls in his mouth, he bites him and sometimes even before the blood.
  2. Curiosity. The older the Karapuz, the more actively moves, comes up with his poses for feeding, often uncomfortable for mom, from curiosity turns his head, which leads to bite. As psychologists believe, in this way he learns the world around.
  3. Incorrect applying. With the right deep capture, the infants physically cannot bite the woman, since his teeth and guys are not touched to the nipple. When the chest is taken incorrectly, involuntary bites occur.
  4. Game with mom. The baby, of course, is not aware of what it hurts, but it is extremely interesting to observe the reaction of his native person. He laughs when a woman sweats. The crumb seems to be a kind of answer to his flirting. Although occasionally there is another behavior: the baby can earn from the rear and no longer want to bite. Seeking a nipple is often accompanied by other actions: the child is turtled the second breast, pinchs, grabs his mother, face, and other parts of the body.
  5. The desire to attract Mamino attention to himself. This behavior is often observed when a woman in the feeding process is watching TV, corresponds in social networks either chatting on the phone. Perhaps the Karapuz was already ate, and he became boring. Women's breasts in this situation becomes the most affordable toy for him, in order to somehow have fun.
  6. A small amount of milk due to insufficient lactation or its poor selection from the chest. The child begins to be annoyed and expresses his discontent in the form of a bite.
  7. Attachment to the pacifier. If the kid is very used to the intensive chewing of this subject, it can easily confuse it with a breast.
  8. Constitution. When the nasal breathing is broken, the infants will incorrectly capture the chest and bites to protest against discomfort.

Aspects of the health and development of a child who can lead to strong bite - photo gallery

How to prevent damasses during feeding

The best solution to any problem is to be able to prevent it. Whatever the reason for biting breasts, it is not so serious, so that mom does not cope with her. Woman just need to act gently, but at the same time decisively. If the baby began to practice damasses during feeding, then it is necessary to carefully monitor the entire process and respond to a timely manner at the first signs of attack. But it is not easy to strain and every moment wait for pain - it will only provoke a child.

  1. If the crumbs cut the teeth, then bites are a temporary phenomenon. A woman always needs to be ready for in the event of an attack to immediately pull out the nipple from her mouth. Before feeding the baby, it is recommended to give to bother a special ring-teether, after having coiled it, or to massage the child's guy with a brush-nozzle. It lies the unpleasant feeling. Various gels, facilitating pain and itching come to the rescue. They handle the mouth of the baby several times a day.
  2. Since breast bites are often caused by its incorrect seizure, then the situation should be corrected. Ideally, the mouth of the baby should be widely open (more than 130 degrees), his sponges are turned outward, and the chin is tightly pressed against the breast. The bottom of the crumb captures the nipple deeper than from above: his tip comes into contact with the neba karapuza. In this case, externally not visible Area.
  3. When the kid bites due to malnutrition, it is necessary to take decisive measures. If he has already had a pediatrician for about six months, the pediatrician will surely introduce the adhesive. Well, if the baby is completely small, then the mother will have to fight for their own milk so as not to move to artificial feeding. To establish lactation will help feeding on demand and an increase in the number of applying to the chest.
  4. Sometimes the milk is enough for a woman, but the baby is difficult to get it, especially if he was born ahead of time or neurological problems. Difficulties are often experiencing mothers with too tight breasts. Here the problem will solve stirring before feeding: after that, sucking the child will be much easier. If the mammary glands are very large, then feed the best in the mouse position.
  5. With a cold, it is necessary to clean the carriage of the Karapuz aspirator, remove the selection. These actions before feeding will reduce the probability of bite. And put the crumb to the chest better vertically - so it will be easier for him to breathe.
  6. If the bites are caused by the playfulness of the child, then you need to stop such behavior: the baby must understand that the breast is not a toy, but a part of the body. When a woman sees that the baby was flooded, and the expression of his lyrics changed (eyes laugh), it is important to stop feeding on time. If he managed to bite, then he shouldn't shout too much and overly emotionally react: the crumb will think that his game is supported. After the attack, immediately take the nipple and stringent tone, explain that my mother hurts: a formidable voice will lead the karapuza to the feeling.

    Do not too dilige, examining the child for bites, for example, leave him one in the room or defiantly give up to other family members.

  7. Curious baby create a calm atmosphere during feeding. A woman must calm the child, to pock it, you can drill the curtains, give a crouch in your hands toy. Feed the baby should be in a position convenient for mom.
  8. Pay attention to the baby: do not need to chat on the phone with girlfriends, watch TV and engage in other affairs during feeding. These precious moments will quickly pass and no longer repeat. Yes, and the baby, with this attitude, will never be boring.

Many mothers whom babies bite during feeding are thinking about the use of special chest linings. But experts do not recommend this: due to the data of the child's devices, it is not able to properly seize the nipple, and this inevitably affects the volume of powdered milk, fraught with malnutrition of the baby and the development of lactostasis in a woman.

What to do to the baby stop biting - Photo Gallery

To avoid bites because of the runny nose, you need to make it easier to facilitate the condition of the baby
Too inquisitive kid should create the most relaxed atmosphere for feeding if the baby covers the chest properly, the bite is almost excluded, you can use a silicone lining on the chest, but experts do not recommend that feeding - a precious possibility of unity with a child who cannot be neglected feeding in a position from under Mouses recommended when a woman has a very big breast

Proper applying baby to chest - video

How to cure bite nipples

Sometimes a child during feeding bites her nipple so much that it damages it: blood and ranks appear, and even microcracks can cause infection. In order to avoid this, more attention should be paid to the chest hygiene. It is necessary to wash with soap without aromatic additives, but wipe with soft paper napkins. However, this procedure is recommended to conduct no more often than two times a day, since the washing dries the skin. If possible, periodically arrange air baths for the mammary glands so that they stay for a while in the air.

To heal the cracks formed after the bite on the nipple, you can use various funds that are on sale today. These are ointments containing retinol: this substance quickly relieves inflammation, restores the integrity of the skin, eliminates the peeling. Also, the cream of Bepanten (chlorhexidine hydrochloride in its composition disinfects their wounds, and decantenol heals them).

Folk remedies will come to the rescue. First of all, the best medicine for healing wounds on the nipple is their own milk: they need to smear the crack. The compresses from the chamomile and birch leaves are capable of removing the pain, as well as the applying of cabbage sheets and coat coats.

In addition, a nursing mother should be the right bra (from natural materials, not squeezing) and use gaskets that absorb more unfinished milk in breaks between feeding.

Medical and folk remedies from cracks on nipples - Photo Gallery

Bepanten is a well-proven ointment not only for the care of the child, but also the treatment of nipples Special breeding bra for feeding sews from natural materials, which has a beneficial effect on his chest, coffee compress will take pain and speed up the wound healing process

Breastfeeding is an important and exciting process affecting mom and child. Often nursing women face a problem when the kid bites the chest.

This natural moment causes pain and, of course, discontent. We will understand why do children bite breasts And how to wean the baby from this classes so that it does not rearrange in a bad habit.

Why baby bits breasts when feeding

Nursing moms know, the more they apply to the child's chest, the better and more stable milk produces. Many try to learn the baby from the chest faster because of the first bite, and someone suffers pain.

We list the reasons because of which the child bites the chest.

  • Teething
    This first and most important cause of chest bite. As soon as the baby will begin to cut the first teeth, it will swell the gums, and then they will hurt and hide. The child will want to nibble everything. So that he does not bite, in front of feed, give him a bombing crust or a special children's teether.
  • Wrong applying
    Most often, the mother is distracted by a TV, a book during feeding, and the child at this moment may incorrect the nipple. In order not to lose it, he can pull it and bite it. In order for this not happening, the mother must follow the feeding process.
  • Incorrectly captured breasts
    Notice, the correct capture is when the nipple is far in his mouth at the baby and concerns his sky, and its tongue is on the lower teeth or gums. With this position, the child will not bite.
  • Confused dairy breasts with nipple
    This is another cause of bite. Baby really can confuse. Nipples you can pull your teeth and nibble. For him, the papies are the same as the nipple.
  • Attracts attention due to discomfort
    Kids often have something to hurt anything. Pay attention to your child - maybe he got sick with the tummy, itching the back or there is another stimulus?
  • Running
    Of course, if the baby does not breathe a nose, then it is inconvenient to eat him. To the child lacked the gums or teeth behind the chest, feed it vertically. Thus, the mucus will go down the nasopharynx, the baby will breathe.
  • Baby lacks milk
    On one day of milk, there may be many, in the other - little. I am glad that this phenomenon is temporary. It is associated with the normalization of the menstrual cycle. For milk enough, it follows not only more than the child feed, but also use lactogenic products.

Despite the strength of the bite, the doctors advise not to react violently for an unpleasant moment, that is, not to spank the child and do not shout at him.

Otherwise, it can happen unpleasant.

  1. The child is scared and refuses the chest at all. To return the trusting relationship between mom and baby, it can pass a lot of time, by the time the milk can aby.
  2. The kid can have fun, watching the mother's rapid reaction. He will specifically begin to bite and nibble chest even stronger.

There are many ways to learn a child to bite the chest.

We list the most common ways to exhaust the "rodent" from his habit.

  1. Babies bite breasts due to improper chest grip. If the baby bites the chest, it means that he incorrectly lies and it is inconvenient to eat. Pay attention to it and better attach to the chest .
  2. At a more conscious age, the child is firmly and calmly tell him: "No", and take away from the dairy "nipple" , look at him. Most babies do not like when they are torn in the process of feeding from the chest. Thus, they remember that it is impossible to bite.
  3. If you think that the child bites from a lack of attention, then referring more to it , Talk to him, kiss and praise.
  • Do not encourage biting , smiling or smoking a child on the head after them. So the kid will be even more accepted to biting breasts, waiting for the mother of affectionate emotions.
  • Feeling a light bite that can lead to a strong touch, stop the child . To do this, in the corner of the mouth, impose your little finger. The child will immediately bite the finger, and not the chest.
  • If the child has already bitten the chest, then no need to pull it . He may not let go of the nipple and will make you more.
  • As soon as you took your little "rodent" from the chest, tell him calmly : "Momchka hurts. Kid, no longer do so. " Do not forget that the feeding process is closely associated with the communication of Mom and Child. After minutes 3 can continue feeding. Note that only full children bite bite. Do not be afraid that during this period it will begin to capricious.
  • If "rodent" retreated, be sure to praise it . Affectionately tell me how he eats well.
  • Do not feed the child if he is not hungry.
  • If the baby fell asleep, take him away from the chest.
  • After feeding, let's surrive teether for teeth.