Rice flour as face powder. Powder at home for the face. How to make icing sugar from sugar in a blender: instructions

Many years have passed since people discovered the miraculous effects of some common foods.

A special place among those was taken by oatmeal, which is still used to make powder.

The listed substances make oatmeal powder a truly universal beauty product, allowing you to both moisturize, nourish the skin, and restore it and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Benefits and effectiveness of oat powder

Even beauticians agree that homemade powder can solve many cosmetic problems.

What exactly are its advantages and effectiveness? Judge for yourself:

- during an exacerbation (but subject to regular use) and after a couple of days it allows you to get rid of pustules on the face, restore the disrupted work of your sebaceous glands and heal the skin from acne;

- moisturizes, nourishes, softens sensitive and irritated skin, as well as skin with an allergic reaction;

- will help you forget about itching and redness;

- promotes rapid skin recovery, accelerated healing of wounds and abrasions on the face;

- helps to prevent or at least slow down skin aging;

- also mattifies the skin (especially important for oily skin);

- protects from exposure to sunlight and regenerates your skin after sunburn;

- noticeably improves the color, appearance of the skin, heals it due to vitamins.

When using this product, do not use the usual foundation or powder at the same time.

By the way, a huge advantage of oatmeal powder is that it does not clog the pores of the face, but returns it to a healthy and well-groomed look.

How is this powder prepared and how to use it?

The recipe for its preparation is quite simple in execution, however, you will need at least 24 hours for this.

However, doesn't such an effective and, moreover, natural cosmetic product deserve the time spent on it?

So how do you make oatmeal powder?

So, prepare four glasses of water (clean and cold, not boiling water) and about ten tablespoons of oatmeal (in this case, you should not use instant cereals, including assorted mixes that contain several different types of cereals).

The best way to grind your oatmeal is in a coffee grinder, so use it.

Wait until the largest particles settle on the bottom of the container, and then drain the water from it.

A similar procedure must be repeated three to four more times, because your main goal is to wash the maximum amount of starch from the ground oat powder with the same water.

When all the starch has already been washed, leave the container for about 30-60 minutes (a sediment should form at the bottom). The same sediment should be filtered through paper towels folded several times.

Then you need to dry the mass (as a rule, it takes a whole day), which you just filtered, putting it on a clean and dry napkin. Transfer the well-dried sediment to some dish, where it will be convenient for you to grind it until a homogeneous mass is obtained, that is, powder.

Pour the finished powder into a container - preferably in a jar with a lid, because the powder must be stored in the refrigerator and in a tightly closed container.

This cosmetic product can be used at any, even the hottest, season.

And oatmeal powder is applied using a special brush (it is also used for ordinary powder) or a puff - this is both quick and convenient, and you probably have a suitable accessory at home.

Disadvantages of powder

Unfortunately, it will not allow you to hide bruises on the skin, severe redness, if any, although it will be able to even out the tone well, will refresh your face.

It cannot be used outside the home, and if you decide otherwise, you will have to face a number of inconveniences, because oat particles brushed off with a brush easily fall on clothes and it is possible that they will leave noticeable marks on it.

In addition, oatmeal powder lacks a variety of shades. It is almost transparent, but at the same time the skin after its application becomes much lighter.

Of course, this remedy will not work for girls with swarthy, tanned skin, but it will make pale skin even paler. In short, you should think carefully before using it.


For the most part, homemade powder enjoys positive reviews.

Olga: “I gathered my strength and made myself this wonderful powder. Now I'm not overjoyed! It does not pollute the pores (and even cleanses them!), Mattifies well. I am very pleased, but so far I do not use it on a regular basis - I alternate with ordinary powder, because the oatmeal matting does not last long.

Irina: “I decided to do it just out of curiosity (and how will she harm me?). She insisted on it for only a few hours (this is not rice, it is softer, and there is no need to insist for many hours). In general, all the same, everything washed out remarkably well, settled down. The oatmeal is really good. It gave my skin a natural shine, slightly evened out the tone of the face, and matted the skin until the evening. I also applied it on the eyelids (for makeup), in my opinion, she coped with dignity. Although, of course, ordinary powder is somehow more familiar, easier and more comfortable to use. "

Alina: “Considering that I am quite white-skinned, besides, I used this powder only in winter, I really liked the tool. For every day, I think it will not work, but if you want to give your skin a rest or if you have a weekend, the option is ideal. Perfectly softens and mattifies the skin. "

Today, in cosmetics stores, you can find a large selection of powders in terms of color and composition. But among so many products, it is not always possible to make the right choice, therefore, self-made cosmetics becomes more and more popular every year. And it has much more advantages than a store one, the chemical elements of which can cause allergies.

Modern girls are increasingly trying to replace store cosmetics with natural ones made only from natural ingredients. Powder is no exception, therefore, in order not to lose such an important part of everyday makeup, you need to learn how to do it at home. In addition to taking care of the skin of the face, the homemade powder is also suitable for girls of all ages.

There are many positive aspects to the effect of homemade powder:

  • allows the skin to "breathe";
  • does not block pores;
  • prevents the appearance of acne and oily sheen on the face;
  • removes dark circles under the eyes;
  • protects the skin from excessive sun exposure, dirt and dust;
  • evens out the tone;
  • suitable for sensitive skin types.

This cosmetic product is far superior to what is sold in stores, as the composition can be determined personally. And almost every woman knows that there is nothing difficult in making homemade cosmetics, plus it does not require large financial costs. All ingredients are completely natural and can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.

Components for making powder with your own hands

To make a powder at home, you can only use ingredients that are appropriate for a specific skin type:

DIY powder: characteristics of the ingredients used

To prepare face powder with their own hands, knowledgeable lovers of home cosmetics use the following ingredients:

  1. Cinnamon promotes increased blood circulation and cellular metabolism, as it is saturated with various vitamins. Cinnamon powder helps to remove pallor and earthy complexions. Perfect for people with tanned skin.
  2. White clay in the face powder at home acts as an excellent antibacterial agent, helps to fight enlarged pores and over-active work of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Yellow clay contains a lot of iron and potassium, which actively eliminate toxins and enrich the epithelium with oxygen.
  4. Green clay eliminates irritation, restores hydrobalance and improves blood circulation in the capillaries. Powder based on this ingredient smoothes and tones the skin, removes shine. Thanks to unique microelements, the surface becomes soft and silky. The whitening effect helps fight age spots. Powder with blue clay can even out skin tone, increase elasticity and "look younger" for several years.
  5. Red clay removes flaking, redness and various irritations. It contains a large amount of iron oxide and copper, which improves oxygen metabolism and blood circulation.

DIY powder: types of homemade face powder

There are several types of homemade powder according to the main components.

Real herbal face powder is very difficult to find on the market, but you can easily make it at home. As a rule, the composition uses dry powder from plants and roots for problem areas of the epidermis. This blend does not clog pores and leaves a feeling of freshness. Apply primarily at bedtime instead of other nighttime products. Carefully selected herbal ingredients can get rid of acne and blackheads, remove excess shine, moisturize the skin and give it an even color. After a course of application of powder, you will no longer need to use foundation and foundation. There are enough trace elements and vitamins in herbs to make the skin look much younger.

Cornstarch is a white powder with a yellowish tinge. The starch in corn kernels is linked together by protein. In the process of processing, the protein is separated, and then it is dried to obtain a finished product. In cosmetics, in particular in powder, it is used to treat skin diseases.

Rice powder has been popular among the fair sex for many years and is suitable for all skin types. It is absorbent and mattifying, heals minor lesions and unclogs pores. Rice powder can be used at any age, as it does not provoke an allergic reaction.

Oatmeal powder is a real godsend for the skin. It is absolutely hypoallergenic, easily and transparently lies on the skin, quickly removes oily sheen. Lovers of natural cosmetics will definitely like this powder and will certainly become a part of their everyday makeup.

Do-it-yourself mineral powder can serve as a makeup base. Due to its light structure and natural ingredients, it perfectly masks significant imperfections on the skin, does not clog pores, hides redness and wrinkles, as well as dark circles under the eyes. Minerals are excellent antiseptics that do not cause allergies, and in addition they protect against ultraviolet effects. Using powder, you can get rid of the appearance of acne.

DIY powder recipes

Making powder at home is a snap. Find the one that's right for you from the recipes below.

Herbal powder:

  • comfrey powder - 1 tsp;
  • american elm bark powder - 1 tsp;
  • arrowroot root - 1 tsp;
  • kaolin powder - 1 tsp;
  • beet powder;
  • lavender essential oil (orange or rose also works).

Mix the first four components well in a glass container. Add 1 drop of essential oil to the mixture and mix with a wooden spoon. We vary the desired shade of powder with beetroot powder. Store in a container with a hermetically sealed lid.

Starch powder:

  • a cup of starch;
  • remnants of eyeshadow or blush for a specific tone of powder.

Put 1/4 of the starch and blush or shadows pounded into dust in a container. Stir until you get the right shade and the right consistency.

Starch powder does not need many ingredients, it is easy to prepare it, plus, if the tone is too rich, it can be diluted with an additional portion of starch. For an evening out, add some golden eyeshadow to it.

Oat powder:

  • 3 tbsp oatmeal;
  • pure water.

Grind the oatmeal and soak in room temperature water for 2-3 hours. Then crush the mixture and mix well. Drain the resulting cloudy water and do this operation about 3 times for a greater consistency of the powder. When the sediment sinks to the bottom, drain the liquid, and strain the remaining slurry through a sieve. Collect plaque from the walls, dry it, grind it into powder and sift it. After drying, the powder should be poured into a glass container. How to make oat powder at home, see the video.

Mineral Powder Ingredients:

  • 30% mikka (a rather expensive ingredient. An alternative is white clay, talcum powder or regular chalk) - 6 ml;
  • 15% silk powder - 3 ml;
  • mikka "sericite" - 6 ml;
  • silica microsphere - 1.5 ml;
  • 7.5% aquafluid - 1.5 ml;
  • zinc oxide - 1.5 ml;
  • 2.5% color mikka of any light color to choose from - 0.5 ml.

Grind all ingredients and mix in a container with an airtight lid. To obtain a natural shade of the composition, add 3 dyes - red, blue and yellow. You can apply the product after the foundation. The powder has a beautiful matte effect.

Rice powder:

  • 3 tbsp round rice;
  • clean glass container;
  • boiled warm water.

Sterilize the jar and sort out the dark grains from the rice. Rinse under running water several times. Pour the grains into a jar and fill to the top with warm water. Then cover with cheesecloth and leave in a cool place. Change the water daily once a day, but if a fermentation smell appears, then 2-3 times. After a week, grind the softened rice into gruel, add water and mix well with a spoon. When the sediment is gone, carefully drain the rice water into the jar, but so that the grains do not get inside. After 60 min. the resulting sediment will sink to the bottom. Drain the water carefully and pass what remains through a paper filter. As a result, a white wet powder will remain on the filter, which must be dried for 12 hours. Then sift it with a nylon. Repeat the same with what is left. Here is the rice powder. Transfer it to a suitable container and store it away from strong odors. The shelf life is the same as for ordinary powder.

Rice powder came to us from Asia. In ancient times, girls believed that in addition to its medicinal and cosmetic properties, it protects them from the evil eye and damage. The tool can be used for problematic and oily skin, as it has an absorbent effect, improves the tone of the face.

DIY body powder

As you know, you can make a powder with your own hands not only for the face, but also for the body. In terms of functionality, it is 100% the same as face powder. It is also simple and necessary to use it, because sometimes there is something on the body that you want to disguise. This powder copes with irritation on the skin, with scuffs and prickly heat, with an unpleasant odor, as it has an absorbing effect.

Types of body powder:

  1. The hygienic powder absorbs sweat and impurities on the skin, imparts a light fragrance, maintains moisture and freshness. Powder is only loose and is almost invisible.
  2. Eau de parfum can be matched to your favorite perfume scent. It is evenly distributed throughout the body, is invisible on the skin, so it does not stain clothes. The powder is as stable as possible, but it has a completely unobtrusive smell.
  3. Shimmering body powder has two effects - hygienic (relieves excessive sweating) and cosmetic (makes the skin glow). It contains small particles that reflect light. It can match your skin tone or be colorless. During the day, such a powder is almost imperceptible. But in the evening, in the light of lamps, she looks especially charming on her body.

Do not be afraid to use something new in your daily body care. Try making a powder with your own hands and your skin will be grateful to you.

DIY powder: homemade body powder recipes

Almost all of the ingredients that make up most home remedies can be found at specialty soap stores or ordered online.

For perfumed powder you will need:

  • talc or chalk - 3 g;
  • corn starch - 10 g;
  • zinc oxide - 1 g;
  • coconut oil - 10 drops;
  • perfume - 20 drops.

How to make powder:

  1. Mix starch with zinc oxide and grind in a coffee grinder for 10 seconds.
  2. Melt the coconut oil in a water bath. It will perfectly fix the scent.
  3. Add perfume to the heated oil and add it drop by drop to the mixture. After that, grind in a coffee grinder for another 10 seconds.
  4. Apply fragrant powder to clean and dry skin with light, patting movements. Your body will be pleasantly scented throughout the day.

For hygienic powder you will need:

  • rice flour;
  • corn starch;
  • 15 drops of your favorite essential oil;


Powder can be different, and its benefits are really invaluable - it is protection from smog, dust and ultraviolet radiation, and giving a beautiful natural tone, and skin nourishment. You can be sure that today it is quite easy to make homemade face and body powder. The main thing is to be patient and have the right ingredients.

DIY powder. Video

Nowadays, you can choose powder of any composition and color for your cosmetic bag. But even among such a huge variety, it is not always possible to pick up the powder that would suit completely. Either its composition is not suitable for your skin type, or its application makes the complexion not what you wanted. In more complex cases, an allergic reaction may occur to some components of the powder. To avoid this and still not exclude such an important component as powder from your makeup, you can prepare it yourself at home. And it will definitely make your skin seem to glow from the inside out.

How to make herbal powder?

Take 1 teaspoon powder of American elm bark, comfrey root and kaolin, and arrowroot root 100 g. Mix and sieve in a glass dish. Add 1 drop of lavender, orange, or rose oil to the resulting powder. Then stir everything with a wooden spoon. A small amount of beetroot powder should also be added to this mixture. A pinch will be enough to start. To find the right tone, apply the resulting powder on your face and look at the tone. Add more powder as needed until you get the tone you want. Powder should be stored under a carefully closed lid in a glass container.

Do-it-yourself cornstarch powder

To make starch powder, you will need 1/4 cup of starch and leftover eyeshadow or blush. Sift the starch, and grind the remnants of the shadows in a mortar. Remaining shadows should be about the same color you want. Add the remaining eyeshadow to the starch until the desired tone is obtained. If the color is too saturated, add more starch. To make the skin look mysterious, add a golden eye shadow.

How to make do-it-yourself rice powder?

To make rice powder, you need to take boiled water and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of rice. Sterilize the glass jar and rinse the rice. Rice - in a jar and pour boiled water. Place in the cold and cover with a dark cloth. Once a day, you need to get the rice, rinse the jar, then put it back and fill it with new boiled water. After 8 days, the rice should be soft. After that, crush it in a mortar to make a gruel. Pour again with clean water, stir and wait for the sediment to settle. In another jar, drain only white water.

Crush the remaining rice again and get the same white water, and drain it into a jar. After 30 minutes, a precipitate will appear in the water jar. After 2 hours, when the sediment is at the bottom, drain the water, leaving only the sediment. Then put a napkin in a sieve and pass the remaining sediment through it. When a white coating remains on the napkin, put it on a towel, leaving it to dry in the shade and in the air. After about 14 hours, the sediment will dry out. Pour it into the mortar again and start crushing. Then sift the resulting powder through nylon and put on white paper. It is necessary to give the powder a little time to completely dry out. After mixing it, pour it into a suitable jar.

Rice powder can be applied to problem skin as a mask overnight. It helps to cleanse the face, give it a matte finish, and even out the skin tone. At the same time, rice powder does not dry out the skin. Stored like regular powder.

How to make do-it-yourself oatmeal powder?

To make oatmeal powder, take 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal. It needs to be ground and soaked for 3 hours. Then heat again and stir. Then drain the precipitate, about 3 times. When the precipitate settles, drain the water, and pass the precipitate itself through a sieve. Dry the remaining plaque, grind in a mortar and sift. Dry the resulting powder and pour into a jar.

How to make mineral powder with your own hands?

For the manufacture of mineral powder, you need to take 6 ml of 30% mickey, but since it is quite expensive, it can be replaced with talc, white clay or chalk. 3 ml of 15% silk powder, 6 ml of mickey "sericite", 1.5 ml of silica-microspheres, 1.5 ml of 7.5% aquafluid and zinc oxide and 0.5 ml of 2.5% mickey of light colored color. Grind these ingredients in a mortar and store under a tightly closed lid in a container.

To give the skin not only matte and even tone, but a certain color, you need to add an additional dye to your liking. It can be yellow, red 1/3 of the amount of yellow and 5% blue of the total amount of color. This ratio will give the most natural skin tone. More yellow pigment will give the skin a warm tone. It is best to apply powder with a brush. It can be used as a basic touch or over foundation.

Mineral powder has a matte effect, makes the skin silky and pleasantly shiny. It will help to keep the skin hydrated at a sufficient level. And all skin defects will be smoothed out. The skin tone will be even. This powder will help prevent the growth of microbes, will have an antibacterial effect and dry the skin. The skin will become even and smooth.

The benefits of homemade powder

This powder is versatile and suitable for all ages. It is indispensable for those with very sensitive skin. The hand-made powder allows the skin to breathe without clogging the pores. It will help reduce greasy shine and inflammation, and give your skin a healthy and radiant appearance.

Self-made powder is in no way inferior to powder made by manufacturers of cosmetic products. On the contrary, it has a lot of advantages, because it consists only of natural ingredients. You know what is included in it. Do-it-yourself powder will not cause you allergies. It will give your skin exactly the tone you wanted to achieve. It will hide under-eye circles, blemishes and uneven complexion. Helps to fix makeup, absorb sweat and excess fat. And at the same time, homemade powder will have a healing effect on the skin of your face and even protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Specially forLucky-Girl. ru- Yulia

How to make powder at home

Do you have oily skin? Is it good or bad? On the one hand, oily skin is good, it stays young longer. But on the other hand, a greasy shine appears on the face. Natural powder, how to make powder at home, oat powder
How to deal with it? First of all, think about what you are eating. From sweet food and from fatty food, from very salty and spicy, and especially from canned food - pores and sebaceous glands are clogged.
There is one more secret: do not wash with water very often. If you wash, then not with tap water, but exclusively with boiled or mineral water (but not hot), ending with cool water or an ice cube. This will help reduce oily skin.
Many begin to fight oily sheen with foundation or powder. The powder says: against oily sheen or with a matting effect. You must clearly understand that powder is best used when you need to look especially solemn (date, going to the theater, wedding. Party ...) Why? The powder contains a substance such as kaolin (white clay). Kaolin powder is not suitable for oily skin. Kaolin absorbs excess sebaceous glands and expands pores and can injure the skin. Therefore, it is better to use powder when it is important to look good, and when there is an opportunity, you need to give your skin a rest and use some other means to combat oily sheen. For several decades, women who take care of themselves have ordered special products and special handmade powders. These are powders made from natural materials, without kaolin.

How to make natural powder?

Cucumber Rice Powder
Cucumber seeds

1.Take a large overripe cucumber, take out the seeds, dry them for about 5 days and grind them in a coffee grinder to fine powder
2.Take long white rice. Do not wash, grind in a coffee grinder
3.Take 2 tbsp. l cucumber flour and 4 tbsp. l rice flour
5.When applying the powder, the skin will first become a little lighter, and then after a few minutes it will become even with the skin tone.
6.This powder will not clog our pores, sebaceous glands

Application and storage:
1.Powder needs to be applied to the skin with a cotton pad, each time you need to use a new pad, but not a foam sponge
2.Apply the powder on a cotton pad, shake it off a little and apply it to the skin with blotting movements. We start applying from the forehead.
3.Store powder in an airtight jar
4.If the powder has come in lumps, then it needs to be replaced, make a new one
5.Your skin will be healthy, matte and will delight you every day

Oat powder
This powder is rich in vitamins for the skin. It is also a great tool for controlling shine. This powder is very easy to apply and adsorb. It is transparent and hypoallergenic and transparent. Do you prefer natural and organic cosmetics? Then be sure to try making this powder at home! Just a day - and the useful powder will be ready!

What you need:
Oatmeal (10 tablespoons)
Non-scented paper towels or napkins

How to cook:
1. Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder
2.Pour the resulting mixture into a jar and pour 1 liter of water
3. Mix well.
4. When the large pieces of oatmeal settle down a little, the water must be drained.
5. The procedure needs to be done about 4 times until the maximum of starch is washed out.
6. Leave the jar until a precipitate appears.
7. Strain the sediment through 3 layers of non-scented paper napkins or towels.
8. Dry the sediment on a napkin for about a day.
9.After drying, carefully remove the sediment and grind in a mortar
10. Transfer to a clean container. All our powder is ready.

Apply oatmeal powder to face with a powder brush.
Oatmeal powder falls on the face very easily and it also does not clog pores. And this is very important in winter skin care.

Every woman loves a powder that helps hide imperfections on her face, tone and improve the appearance of her skin. Makeup usually consists of a solid foundation that includes a foundation that should not be visible on the face. The powder is also matched to the skin color, which should look natural. Usually, the powder is applied at the very end and only on certain areas of the face that have an oily sheen. Avoid putting too much powder on your face, especially if your skin is dry.

Also, when buying face powder, it is necessary to take into account the type and tone of the skin so that when applied it looks natural, hides flaws and emphasizes advantages. Today there are eight types of different powders (powder): loose powder, compact powder, matting, transparent, antiseptic, concealer (acne, pimples), shiny, bronze (replaces tonal means). The powder is usually matched to the color of the foundation.

Today there is a huge selection of different types of powder for high-quality makeup. However, for yourself, it is better to choose a powder that does not clog pores and allows the skin to breathe (high quality powder). In terms of quality, the powder may contain additives that protect the skin from environmental influences, moisturizers. If, when applying the powder, the skin dries, flakes, then the product is of poor quality.

Every woman chooses cosmetics for herself based on financial capabilities. Many girls cannot afford to buy an expensive product, but do not despair, because face powder can be made at home from natural products. Homemade face powder is no worse than an expensive brand, and maybe even better.

All commercially available powders contain talc (50 - 80%), zinc oxide, titanium oxide, inorganic pigments, starch and zinc stearates (10%). Therefore, such a chemical composition is best avoided. Some manufacturers add white clay to the composition, which absorbs excess oil and makes the skin matte; starch - removes shine; colored pigments.

However, there are cosmetic companies such as Isa Dora that create 100% odorless mineral powders and chemical additives.

How to make face powder at home?

Homemade powder contains only natural ingredients, which makes the skin feel more comfortable.


  • cornstarch, potato starch, or arrowroot (homemade powder base);
  • cocoa powder;
  • cinnamon powder;
  • ground turmeric;
  • ginger (powder).

How to do it?

Take 1 teaspoon each of corn starch and potato starch, add to a bowl, then gradually add the remaining ingredients, cocoa powder, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, by a small pinch, until you achieve the desired powder color.

Be careful when creating the color, it should match your skin tone. Persons who are allergic to these products should refuse to use powder, or exclude a certain product from the composition.

Loose homemade powder (corrective)

Loose powder that you can create at home can hide skin imperfections. For example, it can be used to even out skin tones and also to hide dark circles under the eyes ().


  • 3 tablespoons of white clay;
  • 3 tablespoons white rice powder
  • natural ocher pigment (to create the desired shade);
  • 3 drops of rosewood essential oil;
  • 5 drops of jojoba oil.

Pour the powders into a sterile container, mix, add pigment to obtain a suitable color. Then add essential oils and mix with a whisk. Homemade powder is ready!

There are other recipes for homemade face powder as well. The basis of which is a natural food product, for example, corn starch and other non-GMO starch. Further, colored spices, various food products in the form of powder (nutmeg, cocoa, cloves, sage) and essential oil 1 - 5 drops (lavender) are added to it.

It is necessary to mix and store the composition in a sterile glass jar. Do not use metal powder if you are making bentonite clay powder. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula. Arrowroot starch is believed to be the ideal base base.