Scenario of a children's game program for the day of the left-hander. International Left-Handed Day Lefty Day Camp Activity

"Levsha" is a staging based on the tale of NS Leskov "Levsha".


Emperor Alexander Pavlovich,

New Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich,

Ataman Platov,


two Tula gunsmiths,

two Englishmen,

two buffoons.

1. Skomorokh: Dear audience! Now the performance will be given to you! The tale of the Tula scythe Lefty and the steel flea!

2. Buffoon: Leskov? They pass him at school. He lived (recalls) from 1831 to 1895. For the first time "Flea" was staged in 1924 on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater by the famous director Alexei Dikiy.

1 buffoon: And today you will see a reenactment of excerpts from the tale of Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov "Lefty" performed by our students.

Scene 1.

(Drum roll. Buffoonsshift the shields of the booth, on the cabbage souptah picture of Big Ben clock andthe inscription "London". SwiftlyEmperor Alexander entersPavlovich. His clothes are labeled "Made in Abroad". Stoppedlooks, peers into the hall from-under the arms. Behind him - the Don CossackPlatov: burka, saber, mustache, flaskka on the belt with the inscription "Vodka".)

PLATOV: Let's go home, sir!

EMPEROR: I'm not all I looked at Europe!

PLATOV: Let's go, AlexanderPavlovich, home. Very much youforeign to all interestsyou. But they, foreigners, what is needed ...


PLATOV: Show an advantage over us in all things. And at us at home (dreamily) it's not worse to eat.

EMPEROR: Don Cossack Platov! Now we are going with you their (points to Big Ben) shout watch the cabinet of curiosities. There, they say, such natures withexcellence, what you look at,then you won't be with me anymoreargue. You will see for yourself - we, russky, with our meaning we are useless. To the Cabinet of Curiosities!(Leaves swiftly.)

PLATOV: Well, here is a Sabbath.Until then, I still endured, and then I can’t. I am my people not you I will. (Leaves after Imperato rum.)

Scene 2.

(Enter Emperor and Platov.)

EMPEROR: This is a real miracle! Such a huge buildingI have never seen: corridors to infinity, but in the verythe main hall in the middle of the bulldozerhinom stands Abolon Polvederskyy! How is this possible - why is there such insensibility in you? Is nothing surprising to you here?

PLATOV: I have one thing hereit's amazing that my donuts-moboatmen fought without all this andtwo and ten tongues drove away.

EMPEROR: It's a reckless dock!

PLATOV: I don't know where fromcarry, but I dare not argue and dol wives to be silent.


(going on stage with cardboard pis by flight): N owdoyoudo? This pi the table of the unknown, inimitablemy skill!

EMPEROR (considering gun): Oh! How can it even bebut so subtle to do!

PLATOV: I got into something like that!

(Platov takes out of his pocket fromtwist, goes to the pistol and begins to disassemble it.)


N owdoyoudo? ? It won't open!

PLATOV (removing the part from the pistol): But look at whatIs the inscription made here?

EMPEROR (bending over the detail, reads syllables): "Ivan Moskvin in the city of Tula" ...

PLATOV: That's it!

(The British, swearing in English,take away their pistol. The emperorruns after them, trying hold.)

EMPEROR : Why did you embarrass them, Platov, I am very sorry for them now. I'll go to the ball. (Leaves.)

PLATOV (pulls out a flask):How I embarrassed the English! Tula master at the point of viewset! That's just what it is throughwas the emperor upset? Quite that I do not understand. (He drinks and leaves.)

(From behind the shields of the booth peepingthere is a fancy grandfather.)

1. Buffoon: And the British are in this sa my time also did not sleep, because which also turned to them. While the sovereign had fun at the ball, they told him that a new surprise set up that all fantasy was taken away from Platov.

(Enter Emperor and Platov.)

EMPEROR: Platov! Let be now they will lay a two-seater karetu. Let's go to the new cabinet of curiosities ry watch.

PLATOV: I dare to do live, your majesty, not untilwhether foreign products at easesee if it’s better to go toRussia is going ...

Scene 3.

(Sounds "Flea" by M. P. Mussorgsko th. The British , repeating " N ow do you do?bring an empty tray and from to a clone is served to the sovereign.)

EMPEROR: What does this mean?


This is our majestyroot submission.

EMPEROR: What is this?

SECOND ENGLISH: And in t, if you please see a speck?

EMPEROR: Exactly. From the market.

SECOND ENGLISH: Let your finger spit on her tootake it in the palm of your hand.

EMPEROR: What is this speck to me?

FIRST ENGLISH: A this is not a speck, but a nymphosoria.

EMPEROR: Is she alive?

FIRST ENGLISH: No, not alive, but purefrom English steel in the imagefleas are forged by us, and in the middlethe plant and the spring are not in it. Please turn the key: shewill start dancing now.

EMPEROR: Where is the key?

SECOND ENGLISH: Here is the key in front of your eyes mi.

EMPEROR: Why can't I see him?

FIRST ENGLISH: A here is a small scope for you, you will see through it.

EMPEROR(looking at the car ton microscope): Flea! Klyu chik!

SECOND ENGLISH: Please take it in your palm ooh her belly is groovyhole, and the key is seven turnshas, and then she will go to dance ...

EMPEROR: Oh, antennae drives, fiddles with legs, cadRill is dancing ... Platov! Give angLichans a million.

PLATOV: Let first a case for this flea will be given, otherwiseafter all, both the flea and the bite will be lost chick.

FIRST ENGLISH: Please pay extra.

PLATOV: How so? What is fraud for!

EMPEROR: Leave, poh lusta, it's none of your business - don't spoil my politics. They have their own custom. Pay it out! (To the British.) You are the first masters in the whole world, and my people cannot do anything against you.(Takes from the tray speck, puts it in a snuffbox NS.) Platov! You and military affairs made me melancholia. I am going to Taganrog for a spiritual confession to Priest Fedot. And I don't need you anymore.(Leaves.)

(Platov takes away from the British small scope.)

PLATOV: The small scope was yours, became ours, he belongs to a flea, and you already have money they took a lot of us.

(The British and Platov leave at onceside. Because of the runout shieldsthere is a fancy grandfather.)

1 Buffoon: Emperor Alexander Pavlovich visited Taganrog, he died there. Flea aglitskaya inherited a new to the Emperor - Nikolai Pavlovich.

Scene 4.

(Drum roll. Shields of shiftare suppressed. They say "Peterburg "and the spire of Pet is drawnRopavlovskaya fortress. Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich enters.The buffoons with a bow gives himflea box.)

NEW STATE: What is it still for a trifle and why is ithere my brother has such a nii?

PLATOV (hung with orders): I know!

NEW STATE: Who are you, courageous old man?

PLATOV: I dare to do live, your majesty, I am MatVey Ivanovich Platov, AtamanDon Cossacks, General from Kavaleria, in the war of the twelfth yeargot glory, Emperor AlecSandra Pavlovich to London with saw off!

NEW STATE: What in this box, you know?

PLATOV: How not to know. Himphosoria mulberry. She has a key with her, and I also have a small scope through which all this can be seen. And with this key, this nymphosoria can be made through the belly,and she will ride in whatever waybut space and to the sides ve royations to do. (Starts up.)

NEW STATE: Jumping!

PLATOV: Exactly, work tonekaya. But only for us to be surprised with one delight of the sensesit does not follow. And nadot in Tula her ownand find out if our masters can surpass this, so that the British over the Russians will not be towered over.

NEW STATE: Here I am I entrust this business to you, old man. I don't need this box anyway now with my worries, go to the quiet Don, find out if your Don Cossacks are loyal to me. And when you go throughTulu show my Tula maerase this nymphosoria, and let them think about it. I believe that my masters are no worse than foreign ones.(They leave.)

Scene 5.

(Drum roll. Sheep buffoonsshields are burning, on which it is written"Tula" and painted samovar, straightNicky and a gun. Two tulips come outthe Gunsmith and Lefty in the workersaprons, with sledgehammers and a hammermi in hand. Platov is with them.)

PLATOV: How can we be now, Orthodox Christians?

FIRST WEAPONS: We, father, a gracious wordwe feel the sovereign, but how do wewe cannot say that in one minute. Because aglitzwhich nation is also not stupid, but beforeat ease, even cunning.

SECOND ARMOR: Against her you need to take a heartmavshi and with God's blessingeat. And you go to the Don, having healedbury your wounds that you have taken for the fatherland.

Lefty: And you will go back, we will by that time, God willing,We'll come up with something.

PLATOV: Don't mess around for a long time.I drive a lot, not two weekswill pass, as I am from the Don to Petersburgturn around - then I do notit was preferable that the sovereign show. (Gives the masters a box ku, everyone leaves.)

Scene 6.

(Buffoon and Grandfather shift the shields on whichwritten "Lefty's House" and cutthe window is closed. Enter the Gunsmiths.They are carrying a box with a flea. Sound Sorgian.)

Lefty: We will lock the doors, becomingnor will we close the windows.

FIRST WEAPONS: Before Nicholas image of the llamas we will heat up the greed.

SECOND ARMOR: And get to work!

(The gunsmiths leave behind the shields.anvil. Buffoons torturedlook out the window.)

1 Buffoon: The third day of si dyat, do not go anywhere, everything is young dots poke. Forge something such, and what they forge - nothing is known.

(Platov runs in, whip in hand, wipes sweat from his forehead.)

2 JUMBERS: Welcome back, wa she high nobility! Fast youmanaged on the Don.

PLATOV: I was in a hurry. What I thought of: I put two whistling Cossacks with whips on both sides of the coachman on the box.They are a coachman and watered without mimockery to jump quickly. Aif any Cossack doze off, so II will kick it myself and even angrier onrush. Tulu was almostpassed, flew first a hundredleaps further. Turn around atwent on. Where are the masters?

2 JUMBERS: Locked and knocked.

(Platov knocks on the window. Silence. Knocks harder. Buffoons knock too.)

PLATOV: Yes, open it! Athen the roof is a log now staski we will!

(Everyone crowded around the house Lefties trying to push the shields

you. The shields are pulled apart. All va falling off their feet - and Platov and Skomo Rohi, and the Lady with Barin, and the rest of the "spectators". All clamps close their noses, turn away.)

PLATOV: Fu you, hesitates.

(From behind the shields the Armories come outki, wiping sweat from their foreheads. Leoshe is holding a box.)

PLATOV: What are you, such- some, you do, and even that wayspiral you dare to be mistaken!

Lefty: All is ready.

PLATOV: Serve here.

(Lefty hands Platov's box, he looks into her.)

PLATOV: What is this? Awhere is your job that youwanted to console the sovereign?

FIRST WEAPONS: This is our job.

PLATOV: In what does she enclose herself? Here one English flea both lay and lies. And there is nothing but her ... I'll take your head off! What are you scoundrels,did nothing!

SECOND ARMOR: On it is in vain that you offend us - we are from you, as from the sovereign ambassador, allgrievances must endure. Excuse meto take our sovereign's work -he will see what we are like with him.

PLATOV: I'm not so good with youI will, one of you will go to Petersburg with me, and I’m trying to get him there, what kind of cunning sti. (Grabs Lefty by the collar.) You’ll go at my feet in a wheelchair all the way to St. Petersburg, like an entourage, what’s his? - pubel! And for you will answer everyone! (They leave.)

Scene 7.

(Drum roll. Buffoons move the shields with the inscription "Pe terburg ".)

PLATOV (enters, pressing against your box): Although I am notin the light of the enemy was not afraid, buthere I am. I'll go to the sovereignwithout a box, suddenly yessieve. And I will bring Lefty to the serfto hide the casemate without a time limit. Moewell, the emperor will not remember.(Straight even for the shield box.)

NEW STATE: Ah this you courageous old man? Well, my Tula masters are againstaglitsky nymphosoria myself op ravaged?

PLATOV: No, sir.

NEW STATE (image communicating to the "spectators"): Can not be mine can't deceive me vat.

(Platov takes out box and gives it to Nikolai Pavlovichu. He opens it.)

NEW STATE: What the famously! The flea lies as it used to be. Let me run it with the key. So! One more time! What?Doesn't dance, doesn't jump ...

PLATOV: Oh they rascals withbaical! Now I understand why,they are nothing to me so to speak not hobodies. It's good that I took one of their fools with me.Hey, how are you there, bring Lefty!

(Buffoons are dragging by the collarLefty. Platov begins his to die.)

Lefty: I already have everything inmoose were torn out when studying, and notI know now for what needDo I have such a repetition?

PLATOV: And for the fact that you are edthe bone thing was ruined!

Lefty: We haven't messed up anything. You are the strongestlook at the small scope.

NEW STATE: I knew, that my Russian people don't me deceived.

(Buffoons serve a small scope -the same, but with the inscription "strongny ". The Emperor looks at him.)

NEW STATE: A flea is like a flea, I don't see anything else.

Lefty: It is only necessary to bring one of its legs in detail under the entire small scope and separatelylook at every heel, towhich she must step on.

NEW STATE: Pomy lui, this is already very shallow!

Lefty: And what to do, if this is the only way our work can be done fortag: then everything and surprise will turn out to be.

NEW STATE: I see I see! My dear!(Throws kiss Lefty.) I am the best I knew that my Russians were not about memanut. Look, everyone, please:after all, they, the rascals, the English blohu on horseshoes shod!

(Everything - Buffoons, Platov, even "spectators" - crowded over the chalkscotch and admire.)

Lefty: It's not over yet nifty.

(Everyone looks at Lefty in surprise.)

Lefty: If it was bettersmall scope, so you would be pleased to see that on each horseshoeexhibited the name of the master, which made that horseshoe.

NEW STATE: And your name is here?

Lefty: No, my od leg and no.

NEW STATE: Why then?

Lefty: But because I worked smaller than these horseshoes: I forged carnations, with which the horseshoes were hammered, - no small scope can take there anymore.

NEW STATE: Where your small scope, with which you are bothered?

Lefty: We are poor people and due to the poverty of his small scopewe have, but we have an eye lyavshi.

PLATOV: Forgive me bra tts, what did I rip you off by the hair.

Lefty: God will forgive - this is not the first time for us such snow on head.

NEW STATE: Pove Lefty: Lefty Lucky Flea Engas a gift to the lyhans, so that therethey realized that we were not surprisedbut. Wash him and dress him up.(They leave.)

    Buffoon (comes out from behind the shields): They washed Lefty in the national baths, gave tea to the road,belt belt thatwould not shake the guts, and get lucky in London.

Scene 8.

(Drum roll. Skomorokhi cabbage soup you move: "London".)

1. Buffoon : In London nymphosoriawho should have passed. The British examined it in the strongest small scope and now a description in the public statements, so that tomorrow for general news the slander came out.

(The British come out with newspapers in hands.)

ENGLISH (in chorus): Cool tone, slander!


We want the master himself see.

Lefty(entering) Here I am.

ENGLISH (clap lion shook on the shoulder, shake hands): Comrade! Comrade! Good master! Let's drink to your well-being!(By give him a glass.)

Lefty (baptized with the left ru coy, drinks): For your health.

FIRST ENGLISH: A why are you with your left hand hush?

Lefty: And I left-handed, I do everything with my left hand.

SECOND ENGLISH: Where you studied and how long do you know arithmetic?

Lefty: Not I know arithmetic.

FIRST ANG LICHANIN: It is amazing!

Lefty: We have it is so ubiquitous.

SECOND ANG LICHANIN: It's a pity, it would be better if you were from arifat least fourre knew the rules.Then you couldfigure out that ineach machine force calculationthere is, but at least you are very in the handsskillful, and did not realize thatsuch a small machine as innymphosoria, at the verymilitary accuracy is calculated andher horseshoes cannot be carried.So now she doesn't jumpand danse does not dance.

Lefty: Yes, to Of course, we did not agree in the sciences, onlydevoted to the fatherland.

FIRST ANG LICHANIN: Osta visit us, wegreat image for youcall of the frontdim, you are an amazing master will come out.

Lefty: No, my parents are at my house.

SECOND ANG LICHANIN: And we money will be highlet yours give birthlam. And the family is herestart your own, for You will accept our horse, we will marry you.

Lefty: No, I am not your faith I will take it. Our Faith is the Most Great vile.


Well, you have at least a little pogos with ustite, we will take you on our ship toPetersburg after we will deliver. Do you want our factories and factories to inspectroar? But get to know onshim with the latest weapons.

(The British unfold the linewell, they bring in some kind of guns, pistols, fold in front.shoy. He looks at them.)


Are you convinced of the benefits of the multiplication table?

Lefty: Oh sure. These ruzya is unlike our superiorneishi. And I especially likeelk that every worker you haveconstantly satiated, shod in thickold boots, not dressed in scraps.

FIRST ENGLISH: How could it be otherwise?

Lefty: Maybe. Thank you humbly in all your comfortnii, and I am very pleased with everything with youand I have already seen everything that I needed to see, and now I rather want to go home. You got me dressed,shod, gave money, gold watchpresented, thank you.

ENGLISH(to the chorus): Well Well, goodbye, comrade.(They leave.)

Scene 9.

(Drum roll. Buffoons timesmove shields with the inscription "Peterburg. "Lefty lies on the stage. Soundcheat fragment "Fleas" by M. P. Musorgsky. "Spectators" gasp.)


(rushing towards him): What's the matter with you, Lefty?

Lefty: I'm dying ...

2 JUMBERS: Who are you?

Lefty: I sailed on the ship ...

Grandfather: I got cold that whether, on the ship, and vodka from notit stinks. We must go to his hospital.(Runs away.)

Lefty: I would have two words thsir say ...

(1 buffoon enters in a white challahthose and leans over Lefty.)

1 buffoon: He died, a stranger.

2 JUMBERS: It would be necessary for the state I give to convey the words of Lefty about guns.

1 JUMP: Who is me he will let him in, they will say: "Know youremetic and laxative, but don't get in the way of your own business: in Russiathere are generals for that. "

(The buffoons slowly shift the cabbage soupyou, behind whom was left-handed. 1 JAPANESE comes out from behind the shields.)

1 JUMP: I never told the sovereignwhether, brick cleaning all continuehuddled right up to the Crimeancampaigns. How the guns became dawnpress, and the bullets dangle in them, bythe fact that the trunks are brickspuppies. And bring the nobles the wordsLeft-handed to the sovereign - in Crimea onthe war with the enemy is completely differentgoy would be a turnover. Now it's allalready "the affairs of bygone days."

(All leave. On stage - one buffoon.)

2 Buffoon: Two by two turned out five, savvythe flea does not dance ... Lefty is goodLeskov or bad? Laughs Leskovover him or admires? Truthis it all or fiction? Are the British fools or smart? Leskov wanted to praise the Russian people oroffend? Here is a riddle so a riddle!

(Sounds "Flea" M. P. Mussorgskogo, Chaliapin sings.)

Lefty (with the last bit of strength): Ska live for the sovereign that the English have ruthey don't clean with bricks: let thatwe wouldn't clean it either, otherwise, keepGod, war, they are not good for shooting.

Used literature and sound recordings:

    Leskov N.S. Stories. Stories; ed. M; Olympus; AST, 1999 (School of Classics) edition includes comments and guidelines "To help the teacher and student."

    Mramornov O. article How did it tell. In the world of books. No. 2 -1981

    sound recording: (lyrics by V. Goethe, trans. A, Stugovshchikov) "Bloch" by M. P. Mussorgskogo, Chaliapin sings.)

There are many stereotypes in the world, from which primary opinions are formed, regardless of their features. For example, when it comes to the "exploitation" of the pen, then naturally, the action is realized through the use of the right hand. This is a stereotype. But, it is worth noting that such thinking can be thrown into refutation. Attention, stereotypes break ... Lefties!

Clarification of the concept of "left-handed"

If you mention the word Lefty, you should not be surprised, there is nothing supernatural in them! They are the same people, identify them only by the greatest preference for using the left hand in performing life actions. The most obvious distinguishing feature of left-handedness is left-handed writing. But, nevertheless, there are many hidden hallmarks inherent in left-handers. In them, a concrete-figurative quality is more clearly expressed, they are malleable to impressions, easily excitable, more often subjected to a surge of emotions and a change in mood. On this basis, left-handers are inherent in the arts, rather than certain scientific aspects in which left-handers adapt with enormous efforts.

Based on global statistics, there are opinions that gender trends in left-handed people are divided as follows:
- female share - left-handed people make up 8%;
- male share - left-handers make up 10%.
In addition, there are strong opinions that half of the left-handed people in the world are genetically so, and half are "acquired", subsequently causing harm to the left-sided lobe of the brain after childbirth.

Based on this, the activities of the cerebral hemispheres function in a different way. The fact is that usually the right-sided hemisphere of the brain is responsible for emotion, while the left side of the cerebral hemisphere is responsible for speech. In the situation with left-handers, this functional division consists of the opposite precision.

Physical characteristics of left-handers

The most common illness to which left-handers are more susceptible is schizophrenia. Also, left-handers are more likely to become exposed to alcohol. The most promising sports, in which their potentials are manifested, are tennis, boxing, and fencing.

Today, based on the opinions of most scientists, it is believed that every 10th inhabitant of the planet is left-handed. Well, this is a sufficient indicator that it can give rise to the first step towards opening a community, club or association of left-handed people and assign a specific date in their honor! It was this very first step that was expressed by representatives of the club of the "left" of Britain (date of formation 1990). The initiative dates back to 1992 and the first celebration of the "minority day" was officially recorded on 13 August. Since this date, the celebration is held every year and is referred to as, World Left-Handed Day.

A bit of history

Everything is based on a demonstration in the United States to protect the rights of a suspended law enforcement official named Franklin Winbourne. The fact is that the police have their own "canons". One of these is the location of the pistol holster on the right side of the human body, since “ordinary” people perform almost all actions with their right hand. But not in Winbourne's case! He was left-handed! For this reason, the holster of the pistol was located on the left side, which was contrary to the established police regulations. This was precisely the reason for his dismissal.

Another reason for the rally was the dismissal of the postal employee, who, to his great surprise, also turned out to be left-handed. The reason is that Robert Greene (the sufferer), being left-handed, reproduced the sorting of letters with his left hand. Nothing offending ...! But then his boss made a complaint and insisted that the sorting be reproduced by means of the right hand. What a boss! For this ridiculous reason for his dismissal, Green took the case to court. On the basis of such infringements, the patience of the left-handed "snapped", transforming into a demonstration of discontent dating back to 1980.

From that date, the left-handed movement developed into the International Left-Handed Association, headquartered in Topeka, Kansas. The association is led by Dean Campbell. The main mission of the association is to inform the broad masses of right-handers and the world community, the equality and usefulness of left-handers. This philosophy is reflected in the Lefties Bill.
Nevertheless, the attempts of the left-handed were marked with success and were recognized by the whole world. As stated above, August 13, 1992 is World Left-Handed Day, celebrated in a full-fledged manner.

How to celebrate?

World Left-Handed Day organizes and hosts a wide variety of entertainment, competitions and events. But the main purpose of holding a date is:
- suppression of all manifestations of psychological trauma and stress in relation to left-handed schoolchildren, on the part of teachers and parents, through their practically violent retraining;
- an appeal to the manufacturing, household and food industries for the need to take into account the capabilities of left-handers.

General characteristics of the holiday

The festive day is celebrated in the form of honoring the "leftists" with all the inherent accompaniments such as giving them the opportunity to show their talents, give gifts and certainly try themselves in the "role" of a left-hander. The fact is that during the holiday not only left-handers, but also right-handers participate. It is the most interesting games and competitions that are held with right-handers. The varieties of holiday entertainment include games such as trying to open canned food with your left hand, cutting bread or buttoning with your left hand, of course! The goal is one, to attract the proper attention of people to problems that go unnoticed by right-handed people, but which arise on every path left-handed.


How can you celebrate the holiday with benefit and pleasure ?! First, it would not hurt to find out if there are left-handers, although what a holiday without them! The general establishment of the holiday is to perform all actions exclusively with the left hand (if there are right-handers, then they really have to sweat!). The varieties of holiday "tests" include the use of a computer mouse, games using scissors, which are intended for right-handed people.

Of course, a laid, festive table is an integral part of any holiday. But first, all preparations must take place in the "left" form. For example, if a meat dish is being prepared for a meal, and even stuffed, then rolling the meat in a meat grinder for a right-hander, in the "image" of a left-handed person, is a real test. You need to pay attention to the mechanism of the device of the meat grinders, they are designed for right-handers! And of course, for the majority of the world's population, it is more convenient to turn the handle of the meat grinder to the outside of you. Imagine what "torment" it is to turn the handle towards yourself, but with your left hand!

After the meat is stuffed, it is time to peel the potatoes ... also with the left hand and with a knife, taking into account the ease of use with the right hand.
Naturally, the whole process of treating should be reproduced with the left hand. Glasses should be lifted with the left hand when making toasts in honor of left-handed people.

A pleasant feast is accompanied by pleasant music. By the way, this opportunity can be used with benefit. For example, to conduct ballroom dancing, with all the characteristics of left-handers. Couples should become so that the left hand is the leading and outstretched hand. Leading the dances with your left hand, and in the left direction, try to skillfully rotate the boat in a non-clockwise direction. For right-handers, it is typical to play the boat in a clockwise direction.

After eating, we danced, it's time to unwind and physically. For this, you can use the national game of rounders. During the game, throwing sticks should be done with the left hand. It will be possible to identify the level of accuracy and accuracy of the left hands of right-handers. Or, the same cricket, during which you can spend the holiday time with interest, and even humor. Nevertheless, no matter how the holiday is celebrated, the most important thing is that a warm, friendly aura reigns in it!

Choosing a gift, pay attention
Of course, the holiday should be complemented by gifts! Fortunately, today's stores take into account the capabilities of everyone and everything, regardless of age. On the holiday of World Left-Handed Day, it is recommended to give:
- for children - educational supplies such as rulers, pens, mice for computers, sharpeners, scissors (when choosing pens, you need to pay attention to the presence of quick-drying ink in them);
- for adults - tools for kitchen work such as peeling vegetables, knives, corkscrews, manicure sets, knives equipped with many functions. There are many music and sports products for left-handed people.

There should be one characteristic of a gift, it should make life easier for a left-hander in a certain way!

Left-handed personalities influencing world change ...
Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mark Twain, Michelangelo, Mozart, Beethoven, Peter I, Charlie Chaplin, Schumann, Bill Gates, Newton, Napoleon, author of the novel "Left-handed", writer Nikolai Leskov, who was himself left-handed and many other people.
1. People whose IQ is above 140 are found more among left-handers. These include thinkers like Einstein, Darwin.
2. Fertile women over 40 years of age are more susceptible to the birth of left-handers in relation to women with age characteristics over 20 years.
3. The presence of left-handedness is the fruit of heredity.
4. Left-side dominance is believed to be consistent with weakness and femininity. But, nevertheless, judging by the observations, it becomes clear that the overwhelming majority of left-handers are men.
5. Judging by the results of the research, it turns out that the period of reaching puberty for left-handers is much slower than for right-handers.
6. If the baby is put on his tummy, the right-handed person will turn his head to the right side. Lefty, in his usual way, will turn his head to the left, or at worst, will not give preference to any side!


The noise of the street sounds in the recording. Newspaper distributors (hereinafter assistants) appear from behind the scenes and announce the news of the press.

Second distributor. All polar bears are left-handed!

First distributor. Armstrong first stepped on the moon with his left foot!

Second distributor. There are over 500 million left-handers on Earth!

First distributor. A resident of Japan can divorce his wife after learning that she is left-handed!

Second distributor. Discrimination! All toilets have a "snatch" on the left!

From time immemorial, when a person just picked up an instrument of labor, the world was divided into left-handers and right-handers. And endless disputes began - where did this division come from and who is better? The subject of the dispute is still relevant today. Scientists still cannot fully understand this problem. Everyone is arguing and arguing ... We decided not to waste time and unite in a society of left-handed people. All comers are already in the hall. The only thing left is to elect the president of our society, working under the motto: "Left-handed people of all countries, unite!"


First, let's get acquainted with the help of a small test. I will ask everyone to clap their hands. Very good! Now remember which hand was on top of you. Who has the left? Raise your hand up. These are people who belong to the "pure" type of left-handed people. They are impressionable, excitable, sensitive, responsible, sociable, but often insecure. It is better not to be left-handed drivers and pilots - the indicator of accidents and disasters due to their fault is too high. Ideal habitat - the southern hemisphere of the earth, for example, Australia. Who has the right? Put your hands up. You are "clean" right-handed. In the North, they have already been tired of waiting for you. Calm people, gravitating towards exact sciences. Although at any moment you can change your mind and decide to join our party.

And who clapped with both hands at once? You are, by definition of the French, "graphic left-handers, but everyday right-handers." Affectionately you can be called "racemates" - equally possessing both hands at once. A villa on the equator awaits you, the local climate does not suit you. Each of you can bravely join the fight for the presidency of the society. And we are announcing the start of the election race. Those who correctly answer the following questions will participate in the first round: In what year were all candidates in the US presidential election left-handed? (1992: Bill Clinton, Ross Parot, George W. Bush.) How does a man lost in the forest get around? (From left to right.)

Those who answer correctly are invited to the playground.

Let's get acquainted. To begin with, I would like to make sure that our presidential candidates are really left-handed, and at the same time left-footed: after all, a leader must be an exceptional person. Try standing on your left foot with your right foot in your right hand.

Look, our players are extraordinary personalities: everyone has their own approach to such a simple task. Now show your dexterity in the election campaign: it is necessary, without letting go of your right foot, to get to the other end of the site and bring balloons in your left hand.

Assistants carry out a bunch of balloons. Contestants "jump" to them and come back. The loser receives a consolation prize, takes his place in the hall, and the winner continues to fight.

So, we found out that the president of our society "Left-handed of all countries, unite" must be very dexterous. We continue to select applicants for this high title.

A couple - three centuries ago, there was a theory that a woman must be right-handed. What for? (To hold the baby at the breast: at the very heart.)

And again there are two fighters in the ring. The leader of our movement must have not only a cheerful character, but also charm. Moreover, everyone has the right to the left. We suggest that you go there and bring evidence that you were there. Applicants for leadership in our party will go down to the hall and try to collect ... no, not signatures, but kisses. The fate of the leadership of our society of "left-handed" people depends on their number.

To the accompaniment of cheerful musical accompaniment, the participants of the competition collect kisses in the hall: men - from women, women - from men. Accompanied by assistants, they present the one sitting to the left of the kissing person with a balloon: red for those who supported one participant in the game, and green for those who supported the other. The winner is determined by the number of balls of the same color, who participates in the further struggle. The loser receives a consolation prize.

Once again we choose the opponent to the winner. And the next question: How are the words "right" and "left" interpreted in the Bible? (Right - everything is good, left - everything is bad.) And again we have two candidates for the post of president of the society of left-handed people. Now they have to figure out the relationship with each other, relying on the support of voters. We invite those who hold balloons in their hands to the stage.

Players from the audience rise to the stage to the sound of music.

English psychologists have established that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the logical activity of a person. But now it will not be useful to you, your task will be different: to organize your followers around you. Grasp with your left hands, and stretch your right hands to your team. At the signal, you need to start pulling your opponent and his team to your side, using just physical strength, and not the strength of arguments.

The results of the competition are being summed up.

The winner of the previous competition is able to rally the masses around him, which is important in a leadership position. But what will be his rival, we will now find out.

Which of the items left-handed people would like to change the most? (Scissors.) And again we have two candidates for the leaders of the left-handed society, and we continue our multi-stage elections. Any social movement has its own material base. And the most "main" in this movement "cheers" for the prosperity of his brainchild, and for his own too. Moreover, everyone has "left-wing incomes" that do not "shine" anywhere. We offer our contestants to "light up" the mechanism of one profitable business - to borrow money. But you can only borrow from the left half of the hall. Although, if you go to the other end of the hall, the right will immediately become left. Whoever has more in total is the winner.

With musical accompaniment, funds are collected, according to the amount calculated by the assistants, the winner is determined.

And finally, the final round of our election race and the last question: is left-handedness inherited or not? (Yes.)

The competitor goes up to the playground.

Many left-handers can write with both left and right hands. Dear friends, since you are applying for the title of President of the Left-Handed Society, the people should know your autograph sample.

The assistants take out two tablets. Two markers are given to the participants of the competition.

It is necessary to sign the tablets with both hands at the same time.

Whose murals will be clearer and more decent, he becomes the president of our society.

Conducting a competition. Summarizing.

So it happened. And now our winner becomes not only the leader of the party, but also receives the main prize of our elections.

The assistants bring out a tantamaresku from behind the curtains; it depicts a very plump boss in a luxurious armchair. Naturally, where the face should be is a round hole. The winner receives an instant photo to the fanfare and applause of those present in the hall.

So, the first organizational meeting of the party working under the motto "Left-handed of all countries, unite!" ended. Is it good or bad to be left-handed? Neither, that is, as bad and as good as being right-handed. So, dare, learn to use both hands to the fullest. You will need it someday!

August 13 - International Day of Left-handers

August 13 - International Day of the Left. Some in the world consider it an official holiday, others an unofficial holiday, but the point is true - it is actually celebrated on August 13th. Is that the years of its appearance differ among themselves. But this is just a fraction of the left-handed celebrities. In fact, there are much more of them - experts say in the world today of all born people from three to ten percent are left-handed. And their number, allegedly, will continue to grow exponentially, until it exceeds the number of right-handed people.

The first version dates back to 1992, when the British left-handers club organized an action in support of them. After all, absolutely everything in the world is adapted for the convenience of the "right-handed" - both the steering wheel in the car and an ordinary computer mouse, they are easily controlled by the right hand, and even an ordinary window opens with them to the right side. "Lefty" is an exception to the rule. There were dark times long ago, when the left-handed were mercilessly fought as if they were the offspring of the devil. And thank God that the days of the dense Inquisition are over! Indeed, among left-handers there are many truly talented people known to the world - the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, the idol of music lovers Paul Macartney, the brilliant composer Amadeus Mozart, whose mysterious incomprehensible death still worries mankind; the well-known scientist Isaac Newton in the past and now, and there are more than enough sovereigns and other sovereigns among the left-handed! Starting from ancient times, from Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, and then even Napoleon Bonaparte and closer to the modern heads of state - Ronald Reagan, who set the teeth on edge with his sexual adventures of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
Not a product of the devil, but of the higher heavenly forces of the left-hander, all, as if on selection, super talented, with a strong character and unprecedented vitality. The composer Amadeus Mozart, just mentioned by us, is worth something! After listening to at least one of his own performances, the audience could not come to their senses for a long time - a wizard, a sorcerer, the sovereign of music lovers! No wonder his Austrian rival Antonio Salieri, conductor, composer, teacher, unable to withstand the competition, allegedly poisoned him ?! And the greatest commander of all times and all peoples, Alexander the Great, who conquered half of the world ?! Isn't this the clearest proof of the exclusivity of the genius of left-handers ?!
However, among them there are quite ordinary modest personalities, but they also amazed the minds of their contemporaries with the highest skill. For example, the same "oblique left-hander" so picturesquely described by our great Leskov in his captivating story, published in 1881 under the title "The Tale of the Tula oblique left-hander and a steel flea", whose participants were the great sovereigns of Russia and England. And the story itself is quite simple. Once our Alexander the First visited the United Kingdom of Great Britain. And to the depths of his soul he was surprised by the microscopic steel flea made by the local craftsmen. He was surprised to such an extent that he even took her to St. Petersburg. And in this glorious city he asked if Russian steel craftsmen could make something similar? His interest was satisfied - they can! But the king did not live from the plan to its execution. And his heir Nicholas the First, seeing the "English flea", became interested in the same issue and inspired the Tula masters to surpass the masterpiece! And they surpassed. Actually, he surpassed the same "oblique left-hander". He not only shod that flea, but also fitted her stirrups and saddle! The flea sent to England amazed with the finest miniature art of all British subjects, together with their king, who unanimously recognized the priority of Russian masters over the masters of the mistress of the seas.

Now you remember with sadness that once in Russia left-handers were considered abnormal and narrow-minded people. Even in court, they were forbidden to appear, the poor. Terrorized, in a word, all over the world. But then they still recognized their innate talent. True, without completely deciding why such an amazing phenomenon appeared in the world? Some believed that the signs of a left-handed person are already laid in the womb from the changes occurring in the brain, there were other versions on this account, and let geneticists and other scientific minds argue about them. But the left-handers themselves offer right-handed people at least once a year (August 13) to visit their skin - open with their left hand, for example, a can of condensed milk, peel potatoes, carrots and beets for soup, drink an elementary glass of water with their left, and so on and so on. order. Only then, perhaps, they will understand how uncomfortable it is for left-handers to live in the world when everything in it is adapted for right-handed people. And such attempts take place. As a result, the industry is already producing products for left-handed people. The same "mouse" to deftly control the computer. Ordinary, adapted for left-handed knives, forks, spoons, scissors and other, other consumer goods. They don't look askance at left-handers now - ordinary people, often with noticeable humor, but most often dexterous and super gifted!
As, for example, Vladimir Aniskin from Novosibirsk, who surpassed in skill the "oblique left-handed" from the story of Nikolai Leskov. In the eye of a needle, he managed to place a whole caravan of camels, drivers, with sand and palm trees, hot sun. Nicholas Aldunin from the Luhansk region has made real works of art miniature and graceful. On an ordinary grain, he managed to paint portraits of Pushkin and Tolstoy. Made a flea with stirrups and a saddle, shoeing it. And he has needles in his ear - a caravan. And across the match - a tank in full combat weapons. So much for lefties! Surprisingly, in the capital of the Kuban, Krasnodar, there is a Levsha smithy. But orders here are carried out in full size - forged furniture, gates, porch canopies, barbecues and much more. And this amazing blacksmith was named in honor of the talented left-handers not only in Russia - there are a great many of them in other countries. People - previously persecuted, not recognized, but now revered for their talent and skill!

On August 13, 2016, an interactive program was held at the M. Yu. Lermontov Central Library (director Svetlana Yuryevna Akhmetdinova) in the summer reading room "Lefties are more talented than many" for the International Day of Lefties.

The hosts of the holiday - Elena Vladimirovna Badakhina and Svetlana Leonidovna Smirnova - met the guests right at the doors of the Central Library and immediately asked the provocative question "Are you, by any chance, left-handed?" The amazed residents of Yaroslavl stopped to find out what is so interesting going on here with cheerful music and the laughter of passers-by. It turns out that August 13 is International Left-Handed Day. It has been celebrated since 1992 at the initiative of the British left-handers club.
- Do you know how many left-handed people are on Earth?
- Who shod the flea?
- And which of the animals is left-handed?
- Who are "racemates"?

These and other questions of the "Left-handed quiz", which were asked by Svetlana Leonidovna, Yaroslavl residents, for the most part, answered without hesitation.

And Elena Vladimirovna immediately invited them to a master class - to paint, BUT ONLY WITH THE LEFT HAND, a summer picture. With what passion children, youth, adults and even elderly people tried to paint the picture with colored pencils exactly along the lines with their left hand! Here is what beauty ALL participants of the holiday portrayed:

Those of them who doubted their skills came back to Svetlana Leonidovna for a test game: you need to clap your hands and find out which hand is more convenient to clap from above - right or left. If the right hand is on top, you are right-handed. If the left is left-handed. And if it is convenient to clap with both hands at once - you are a racemate - a person who equally owns both hands. None of the guests refused, everyone clapped their hands merrily. And here are some statistics: most of the participants in the holiday are racemates. Which we are very happy about. Indeed, among left-handed people there are many people with powerful creative potential. These are Mark Twain, and Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo, and Sergei Rachmaninov, and Merlin Monroe, and Alexander the Great, and Napoleon Bonaparte and Jeanne d'Arc and many, many others, including three US presidents (Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton). The guests of the holiday learned all this by answering the quiz questions, drawing, and receiving our main gifts - books (bookcrossing), which we generously presented to everyone.

And our main hero of the holiday - a little boy Misha - he, the only one, turned out to be a real left-handed and truly creative person. Mikhail painted the picture, answered the questions of the "Left-handed quiz" and received a wonderful children's book as a gift.

Happy holiday, you, Mikhail and all of us, dear residents of Yaroslavl!

The Central Library named after M. Yu. Lermontov is waiting for you!

Svetlana Smirnova, employee of the library named after M. Yu. Lermontova
Photos by Elena Badakhina