Scenario for Valentine's Day online. Volleyball lovers competition. Air Volleyball. The original competition for Valentine's Day "Marriage Dance"

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The script for the holiday of all lovers on February 14

In the center of the hall, set two large hearts (made of bright paper, foil or balloons). A large number of garlands, hearts, sparkles, candles and balls. Can be pasted on the walls beautiful sayings about love.
Maybe mail will work.
A box is installed on the wall of the hall, which is stylized as mailbox. Anyone can drop valentines into the box. Postmen must also be appointed to deliver them to their recipients. To make it easier, each participant of the event receives a badge, which indicates his name, nickname, etc. Near the box, you can also set a table with valentines.
The course of the holiday
The host enters the stage to quiet, calm music. Candles are lit everywhere and the stage is dimly lit. The host is dressed in an angel costume (this is optional).
Love is the greatest feeling
It covers people
Love is also an art
And teaches sometimes to be stronger.
Love is the air for many
For many, it's a problem
She opens the way
She opens hearts.
Love is the muse of poets
Love is the highest gift from heaven
Love, she is sung in songs,
Love is the messenger of miracles...
The light gets brighter. And in the background is a couple and a priest. He conducts the wedding ceremony to the music of "Ave Maria". The rite is interrupted by soldiers who take the priest away. Leader appears:
Host: as you friends could guess, you were introduced to the story of the great priest Valentine, who lived many centuries ago. At that time, the law did not allow soldiers to marry while in service, which was 25 years. Moreover, marriage was forbidden, which was consecrated by the church. But Saint Valentine secretly blessed the lovers and consecrated their marriage. But someone betrayed him and on February 14 the priest was executed. Since then, Valentine's Day has been celebrated on this day. And personally, I believe in the existence of Saint Valentine. It is he who helps the two halves to find each other! And I know for sure that today, in this hall, one of you will certainly meet your soul mate. And now, I invite everyone to participate in a love auction, which, of course, will be a great start to our evening.
Competition "LOVE AUCTION"
Quite interesting and unusual competition, the essence of which is the acquisition of lots that are initially wrapped in thick paper. That is, they are hidden, and the participant buys a kind of surprise. Real money is used, which can then be donated to the company's fund, or even to charity. You can also use play money, thereby creating equal conditions for the participants. So, the presentation of the lots:
Presenter: - Anyone who wants to bring brightness into their lives, just needs to purchase this lot (paints, colored crayons, felt-tip pens, pencils). Starting price…
- the next lot is for those who want to meet their love (a keychain in the form of a heart, a small figurine of cupid or a heart). Starting price…
- and this lot will help the holiday to be more fun (a bottle of champagne). Starting price…
- and this lot is for everyone unmarried ladies! Get it and you will definitely get married this year (Bridal Wedding Pendant). Starting price…
- the one who wants to get happiness should buy this lot (small horseshoe). Starting price…
- and the last in existence, but obviously not in importance, the talisman of wealth (a beautiful coin). Starting price…
Congratulations to everyone successful auction! Something we got bored and have not danced for a long time! Music in the studio! (incendiary, dance music sounds)
Leading: We warmed up a little, and now Dear friends, tell me, what do you think, what is love? (answers follow from the audience, after which a beautiful, slow song about love sounds).
Host: Dear friends, I hasten to remind everyone about the working post office and about our wonderful postmen, who at the end of the evening, following the results of the general vote, will receive their award. And now, I would really like to announce our next competition with prizes, which will help everyone to reveal their hidden talents. The competition is called "PICTURE LOVE" and four people are required to participate. Four paper sheets are attached to the wall, the participants are given markers with which they depict love. The winner receives a prize. After the competition, incendiary music is turned on and everyone goes to the dance floor.
Host: I hope you have already managed to dance, because now we will think with you, or rather, remember all the great works about love and their authors, who once managed to impress us. (answers from the audience).
Moderator: Dear friends. I suggest that you transform into actors, since now your task will be to demonstrate a scene from a popular work or film. We need three members. Participants come on stage and show pantomime. The one who managed to guess wins a prize. Music plays next.
Host: And now I suggest everyone wake up the sleeping singer in themselves, since the next competition will require vocal skills from you. The competition will require 10 people. Participants line up in a row and sing a song in turn. When it's your turn, but new song was not sung, the participant is eliminated, and so on, until one person remains, who in the end will receive the prize. Music. Dancing.
Presenter: Is everyone familiar with the fascinating jigsaw puzzle? Now we will play it a little, but we will harmonize not a picture, but hearts, thereby giving developed love new chance. The competition requires ten people who are divided into two teams. You can put men against women to make it more fun and interesting. Teams are given cut hearts, which they must fold in a minute. Next comes the music.
Host: We all know how to speak beautifully, but when it comes to declarations of love, words disappear somewhere. Now I am announcing a competition for the most beautiful declaration of love. For the competition you need even number men and women, from which pairs are formed. The winners are determined by applause.
Host: Since the evening is coming to an end, I want to arrange a counting of valentines, and whoever scores more, will receive not only a prize, but also honorary title Valentines, or Valentine of the year! (For this you need to prepare a crown, or ribbon of honor). Music sounds.
Moderator: Finally, I would like to wish everyone mutual love, and for those who have not yet met their love, be sure to find it, because as for me, it is simply impossible to live without love! Everyone thank you very much and see you soon!!!


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Scenario for Valentine's Day

First you need to create in your home festive atmosphere. Hang paper hearts on chandeliers, doorknobs, sectionals, and anywhere your eye can fall or your hand can touch. Let guests know that they came here not just to drink coffee and eat traditional sweets. Let the breath of love be felt in every little thing. If time allows, prepare homemade heart-shaped badges for each invitee and write a number on them.
The guests gather, and the copyright-by-holiday of Valentine's Day begins. I hasten to warn you that this scenario can be implemented anywhere, on any site. This material is only a guide to action, the rest will be complemented by your imagination.

Leading (hostess).
Love is not everything: not bread and not water,
Not a roof in the downpour, not naked clothes,
Not a raft that floats towards the drowning when
Already exhausted strength and hope.
Love does not replace air
When there is not enough breath in the lungs.
Does not splice the bone, does not purify the blood,
But without love, sometimes they die ...
Dear friends! Despite the fact that all the storms of passions, hatred, friendship, sex and much more fit into just one word of six letters, we already see that love can be different. Songs will be sung about different love. You listen carefully, and then answer the question, what kind of love was it.
1. You were afraid of my love in vain:
Not so much I love.
It was enough for me to see you
meet your smile.
And if you went to another,
Or was it completely unknown where ...
It was enough for me that your
The cloak hung on a nail.
When will my fleeting friend
sped off, better fate looking for.
I had enough of that nail
Remained after the raincoat.
Fog, wind, snow and rain,
The flow of winters, the rustle of years ...
And there are no worse events in the house -
A nail was taken out of the wall.
When did the nail mark disappear
Under the brush of an old painter,
It was enough for me that
Was seen yesterday.
And in the noisy wind to catch again
Either violins ring, then copper timpani.
What will I get from this?
You don't understand that.
Here we are talking about selfless, blind love.

2. You are my night moth
You fly, you fly, you fly.
How my light was waiting for you
You don't know, you don't know, you don't know.
And in the morning in another heat
Run away, run away, run away,
Breaking hope like glass
Forgive me, forgive me.
Here we are talking about fleeting love:

3. There are so many golden lights
On the streets of Saratov.
There are so many single guys
And I love a married man. (2 times)
This is about unrequited love.

4. The sky will be covered with dust particles of stars,
And the branches will bend elastically.
I will hear you for thousands of miles ...
We are the echo, we are the echo
We are a long echo of each other.
And I'm up to you, wherever I am,
Touching the heart is not difficult.
Again, love called for us
We are tenderness, we are tenderness
We are each other's eternal tenderness.
And even in the edge of the creeping darkness,
Beyond the death circle
I know we won't part with you
We are the memory, we are the memory
We - everlasting memory each other.
Here we are talking about true, strong, immortal love.

5. The reeds rustled, the trees bent,
And the night was dark.
One loving couple
Walked all night until morning ...
And if they scold at home,
So come here again...
She came: he is not there,
It will never be.
This is about deceitful love.

Here are our experts on love. And now for them small competition. I will ask you questions, and each of you will try to answer them.
How do they live in love? The answer must be "R"! Joyfully.
What has love created? The answer must be "D"! Children.
How do they flatter in love? The answer must be the letter "O"! Charming.
What has love made you in life? The answer must be "B"! Madman.

The winner who gives the most interesting answers to all the questions will be awarded a prize. A small dance break, in which, perhaps, couples will be determined who will be able to participate in the fight for the title of Valentine and Valentine's Day. Three couples are selected.

Dear applicants! You are honored to be "in love". On the whole year. For those who are already in love, this is a chance to test their relationship, and for those who met today, it is an opportunity to fall in love or at least maintain friendly relations with each other. We have prepared very interesting tasks to make the holiday fun and touching. Each couple will have to go through three love tests, and the couple that will do it best of all will receive our super prize and crowns of winners.
So, our first task is for the young men.
Now each of you will equip your partner in one of the places we have proposed. Here I have three cards, draw one of them.
For aerobics training;
To the party;
Get a job at a company;

Participants choose their own cards.

We give you a minute to think, and then you will have to answer how you collect your girlfriend to the indicated place.

Example 1: for an aerobics workout.
(Details underwear we omit it so as not to paint the contestants.) Jeans, sneakers, sweater, jacket, sports bag(backpack). This must be worn to get to the gym. You need to take with you: swimsuit, sports slippers, deodorant, watch, etc. (call on fantasy to help).
Example 2: to a party.
Dress (blouse, skirt), shoes, jewelry, scarf, raincoat (if it's cool), money, bag, etc.
Example 3: get a job at a company.
Business suit (blouse, jacket, skirt), shoes. Accessories: handkerchief, glasses (for solidity), manicure, watch, brooch, folder (briefcase), notepad, pen, resume, etc.
A jury of guests evaluates the answer.

And now our first task for the girls. Now each of you will choose a card on which an excerpt from a song that sounded in one of the movies will be written. Your task is to name the movie, the artist of the song and the largest number films in which this actor was filmed.
1. Shooting, taverns, skirmishes, swords, horses.
And a wild feast from fight to chase.
And a moment of love, and a moment of holy ardor
The hand caressed, and the soul loved ...
"D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers", Mikhail Boyarsky. Films: "Dog in the Manger", "Mother", "Don Cesar de Bazan", etc.

2. In matters of love, as if peaceful,
The path of lovers is
What is the Russian contribution for the happiness of the darlings
Not a wallet, but a head.
But swords whistle, and buckshot howl,
And darkness guarded silence
For the long look of a short meeting
Oh, it's really not the price ...
“Midshipmen, forward”, Dmitry Kharatyan Films: “Green van”, “Private detective, or Operation “Cooperation”, “Muzzle”, etc.

3. Do not cry, wounding the heart,
Wipe the tears from your eyes.
I say goodbye to you
I say goodbye to you
Breakups are not for us.
"Straw Hat", Andrei Mironov (Movies: " Ordinary miracle» "Diamond Arm", etc.

And now a little dance break for all the lovers (not quite in love, not quite in love, but waiting for this wonderful feeling). And then we'll continue.

Dance break. I hope you will be able to choose the most romantic melodies for your holiday.

So, the second task of our competition. And we will start this time with the fair sex. You will have to answer the question quickly and without hesitation. Name the character you are talking about:
1. How languidly he was silent,
How eloquently eloquent
In heartfelt letters, how careless.
One breathing, one loving,
How could he forget himself! (Eugene Onegin.)
“A young man entered the city in a green suit with a waist. His mighty neck was wrapped several times with an old woolen scarf, and his legs were in lacquered boots with orange-coloured suede tops. There were no socks under the boots.” (Ostap Bender.)
"It turned out that rear part my horse was cut clean, and the water he drank poured out from behind without lingering in his stomach. I was stunned, what a strange thing." (Baron Munchausen.)

Now the second task for men. In the movie Cinderella, the evil stepmother forced Cinderella to sort through the cereal, and not just sort it out, but separate the grains of buckwheat, rice and lentils poured together. Our task is easier. Blindfolded, you must determine what kind of cereal they gave you to try.

Guy: rice, buckwheat, millet.
guy: buckwheat, "Hercules", peas.
guy: lentils, millet, semolina

The next task is common for all couples. We will ask you two questions and give you three answers. You, without hesitation for a long time, must choose the right option.
Questions for the first couple.
1. Which of the following colors means talkativeness?
Bell. +
2. Find a pair of Pechorin.
Questions for the second couple.
1. Which of the following colors means shyness?
Mimosa. +
Red Rose.
2. Find a pair of Don Quixote.
Dulcinea. +
Manon Lesko.
Questions for the third couple.
1. Which of the following colors means silence?
White rose.+
2. Find a pair of Ivanhoes.
Lady Agnetta.
Lady Rowena. +
Lady Rogneda.

So the jury! We would like to hear from you the results of the first two contests.

The results are announced.

And the last test for our lovers. Attention, question! What is the most common gift for Valentine's Day? Of course, sweets! Our competition is still called - "Sweet Heart".
For each couple, we prepared just such a vase in the shape of a heart, in which there are identical sets of sweets. Now, blindfolded to the music, you will compete to see who can eat the candy faster, and the first to find a candy in the form of a heart. You will also have to name the sweets that you ate.

Candy names for the competition:
Wafer: - "Trinity", "Galinka", "Little Red Riding Hood";

Additional competition "Shoe for Valentina" - "Valentin" carefully examines the shoe of his partner and remembers it. All guests take off one shoe at a time and all shoes are folded in the middle of the room. Every guy with eyes closed must find the shoe of his partner and, having already opened his eyes, put it on her foot. The fastest "Valentin" wins.
Additional competition "Magic Valentine". "Valentine" is invited to come up with a "valentine" in 5 minutes. This may be an essay in verse or prose, in the style of a monologue, dedication, etc. e. The size of the letter - from four lines to a whole poem.
The jury sums up. Valentine and Valentine evenings are chosen, as well as several additional titles as an incentive prize: “The most a beautiful couple”, “The most original couple”,“ The most tender ”, etc.

Dear friends! Valentine and Valentine of our evening are chosen. Let's congratulate them and reward them with our souvenirs.
Inspired by a high feeling,
Sometime in the old days
Someone came up with Valentine's Day
Without knowing then
What will be your favorite day?
The desired holiday of the year,
What's Valentine's Day
He will be named with respect.
Smiles and flowers everywhere
In love, confessions again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone
Let only Love rule the world!

Valentina and Valentina put on the crowns of the winners and are awarded the Diploma of Valentina and Valentina.
You can successfully make this diploma yourself, I will try to help you with this.

Diploma of Valentina and Valentina
This diploma is awarded
February 14 in sign of assigning him (her) the name VALENTIN (A) for the period from February 14, 200_ to February 14, 200_
The chosen VALENTIN and VALENTINA undertake to treat each other with respect during this period, and maybe even take care of each other, like Romeo about Juliet, Ivanhoe about Lady Rowena. During this year, our lovers do not have the right to violate the holy laws of Love and exactly one year later they undertake to transfer the crowns of lovers to their successors.
Saint Valentine
On the diploma, draw hearts and a seal in the form of a heart.

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Scenario for Valentine's Day "Loving Cupids"
The music plays (Rihanna & Eminem - Love The Way You Lie), the host comes on stage, dressed as Cupid. The hall is decorated with origami hearts.

Moderator: I would like to dedicate today's meeting to the most beautiful that we have. The one that makes you live, rejoice and do crazy things. To what great poets and poetesses wrote about at all times. Yes, you absolutely correctly thought, it is Love. And today is the most right moment for talking about love, Valentine's Day!

Host: So, I invite 5 boys and 5 girls to the stage. Each of you should get a piece of paper from two bags. Whose colors of the halves of the hearts match, they become a couple.

Leading: Now, let's fast forward to the time of Pushkin, when young people in love composed poems and poems in order to win the heart of their beloved. Your task is to write in one minute short verse To your lady of the heart about your feelings. Once you do this, we will listen to you.

Host: Great! You see, in our time, young men are able to unusually talk about their feelings. And now the task for our beautiful ladies. We all know that mutual understanding is the most important thing in a relationship. Girls, your task is to explain with the help of facial expressions and gestures, without words, the phrase that will be written on your leaf. ("I want to big bouquet blue roses”, “I made you a heart-shaped cake”, “My dad wants to meet you”, “Let's go to the ballet”, “Help me find the phone in my purse”). Each pair has 3 minutes.

A competition is being held.

Three words, like three fires
They will come to you in broad daylight.
They will come to you sometimes at night,
Huge as the globe of the earth.
Like a sail to a ship
Three words: "I love you."
What old words
And how the head is spinning
How dizzy...

Eh, what beautiful poem Robert Rozhdestvensky. But I think that our young people are also able to turn their ladies' heads. So, everyone is given two sheets of A4, scissors, glue, adhesive tape. Your task is to make original gift with your own hands with your sweetheart in 2 minutes. It can be anything from a tulip to a paper bracelet.

A competition is being held. Music is playing.

Host: You see! I told you that in our time, young people are very talented and creative! Well, our couples have become close, and now it's time to check if their relationship is strong enough. As we all know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Right now we're going to check it out. Guys, please wear aprons, so as not to get dirty. Girls, your task is to take a spoon, scoop up ice cream, and taking a spoon by the handle with cubes, return to your young man and feed him, of course, without releasing the spoon from your mouth. Try to do this as quickly and accurately as possible.

A competition is being held. Music is playing.

Host: So we found out what modern youth is capable of, for the sake of their soul mates. And our holiday of love is coming to an end, and I would like to reward our young cupids with prizes.

Love dear friends, because it is love that is always in our hearts, wherever we are, it is love that helps us in the most hard times and it is love that makes us happy and cheerful!

The jury sums up the results, the winners are awarded.

Scenarios for Valentine's Day

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Congratulations: 3 in verse (0 short)

He came to us quite recently, but became desirable and beloved for all lovers. After all, this is lovely way say out loud or just hint about your love. There are many options for how to spend a holiday. One of them is a friendly party.

A great idea on such a beautiful day to get together with friends to spend fun party together. You can get together in pairs and just cheerful company. After all, February 14 is a magical day, and it is highly likely that today new Valentines and Valentines will appear, who will connect their destinies for life. To help the organizers, the Zatusim website has prepared interesting scenario holiday on Valentine's Day for young people and adults.

Valentine's Day Party: Hearts and More in Room Design for Valentine's Day

Whatever the scenario for Valentine's Day, romantic or brutal, comic or funny, we start preparing for the holiday with decorating the room.

Of course, it would be appropriate standard ideas associated with the holiday. Hearts and hearts are the first thing that comes to mind. But you can go further and create a festive atmosphere through unusual ideas.

Balls. With the help of balloons, you can create a festive atmosphere at a party of any theme. And for a romantic holiday, balloons are simply irreplaceable.

It may be habitual air balloons. Colors are the most unpredictable. From classic white and red combinations to gold, silver, green.

Hearts made from balloons look great. And you can attach valentines and notes with declarations of love to helium-filled balloons. This will be another Valentine's Day game of picking up messages and guessing who it's from.

And the balls can be paper or Chinese. And even balls from napkins that you can make yourself. The main thing is to find where to hang them. And it's easy: on cornices, on cabinet handles, on the backs of chairs, on a fishing line suspended from the ceiling.

Fairy lights. A win-win, as it can be made from multi-colored hearts. But the hearts themselves will be paper or fabric, from foil or thread, from newspapers or wood. We hang them on the walls or make cool hanging garlands of different lengths.

So, the walls, windows and ceiling are full of hearts, garlands and balls.

Let's think about what can be put on cabinets, tables and cabinets. There are even more ideas here.

We need to prepare vases for bouquets for Valentine's Day.

And let it not be the usual vases and flowerpots, but wrap them with shiny paper or make cool corsets for vases with ribbons. Quite sexy.

If you suspect that there will be few bouquets, fill the vases yourself. These will be trees of lovers from dry branches decorated with valentines.

And cute little men in the form of small touching figures made of boxes look cool too.

All such decorations for the room can be easily made with your own hands. And look for ideas in the article "Gifts and decorations for Valentine's Day with your own hands." Do not forget about table setting and treats for guests.

You don't have to follow a specific program. Experiment and fantasize.

Believe me, your guests know a lot cool contests for Valentine's Day. The main thing is to set the right direction and attitude.

Indeed, on such a holiday, people are not just going to sit at the table, treat themselves to a heart-shaped cake and skip a glass of wine. Their goal is to have fun, and maybe even find their soul mate.

Therefore, feel free to include cool and frivolous contests, games, quizzes, and fun in the script for Valentine's Day for young people.

Themed scenes for Valentine's Day, as well as alterations of fairy tales, are also suitable. Talk to participants first.

If your company has really creative people feel free to write a script for a concert for Valentine's Day. Your friends will be happy to sing songs and ditties, dance and recite poems, show tricks and unusual numbers.

But the center of the script for Valentine's Day will be contests. They do not have to be used in the sequence shown.

You can alternate with table entertainment and dancing. And be sure to have a photo session on Valentine's Day.

Why prepare an area for cool posing of guests. And catch interesting facts during the competitions, directly at the table. You can get acquainted with the ideas of a photo shoot for Valentine's Day at the end of the article.

We offer several cool entertainment and texts for Valentine's Day.

A tip for the presenter from the organizers of the Zatusim resource: write the text of each contest or quiz with tips on a separate sheet.

Be sure to place the text on this side of the sheet, and decorate the back with hearts.

Hang used leaves on the walls. So by the end of the party, your apartment will look great.

Come up with intermediate prizes for participants. It is not necessary to award original prizes and souvenirs for each game.

It will be enough to come up with symbolic souvenirs. Prepare souvenir hearts for the teams.

And if you also prepare a “portfolio” of the team, then you can decorate the active card in an original way with gift stickers.

You will also definitely need cheerful perky music, both for competitions and for the dance program.

Competition for Valentine's Day "Tell me about your sympathies"

For the competition "Tell me about sympathy" you need preliminary preparation.

We prepare hearts. They should be twice fewer guests, as we cut each heart in half.

But all hearts must be individual, since in the future these halves will have to form unique pairs.

When all the guests gather together, the host welcomes them and offers to find their soul mate. The goal of the guests is to put the puzzle together. And the couple who have formed a heart should say words of sympathy to each other.

Indeed, on such a magical day, words of love and sympathy can be received absolutely unpredictably.

Meanwhile, the host randomly distributes all formed pairs into teams. It is these teams that will take part in further quizzes and entertainment.

Competition "Let's get to know each other"

We start introducing guests. Even if they all know each other, this game will help them learn cool facts about their friends. All participants sit in a circle, and members of different teams alternate.

The first player, for example Mikhail, starts talking about his neighbor, who is located to the left of him. He should give her name and the product she likes. But the product name must start with the same letter as the applicant's name. For example, he says: "This is Dasha, she loves melons."

The baton is passed to the player sitting to the right. This participant is obliged to quickly repeat the phrase said about the player sitting to the left through one person and supplement it with a phrase about the immediate neighbor. Now the expression will sound like this: “This is Dasha, she loves melons. And this is Misha, he loves tangerines.”

So the relay is passed in a circle and each participant must repeat and complete the phrase about his two neighbors sitting to the left. The player who is confused, called the wrong phrase or name, is out of the circle.

After that, the game becomes more difficult. Now information about where the player is going is added to the phrase about the name and favorite product. For example, a phrase about Dasha will sound like this: "This is Dasha, she loves melons and goes to Dushanbe."

If your guests are very attentive and repeat everything correctly, complicate the game on the following circles.

Complete the sentences with answers to the questions:

What will she do here?

- What will he achieve?

The team with the most players left wins.

Competition for Valentine's Day "Love is so different"

We prepare cards with expressions of love in advance. One stack of cards will be with expressions with positive meanings, the other with negative ones.

Players from each team draw cards from both piles. Their goal is to more realistically portray such an expression. But it's not enough to show your acting skills. theatrical performance should allow the team to guess what the participant was trying to convey to them.

The following phrases with a positive connotation will be played out:

  • With a sweet paradise in a hut;
  • Loving people do not look at each other, but in the same direction;
  • Lovers do not watch the clock;
  • Love has wings like a bird
  • Love has no age.

Negative expressions can be taken like this:

  • Love is blind;
  • Love is a toothache in the heart;
  • Love is not sighing on a bench or walking in the moonlight;
  • How less woman we love, the more she likes us;
  • Husband ate pears.

The team that guessed the most phrases wins. You can add intrigue to the competition. If the team, after three attempts, does not guess what their colleague wanted to show them, the rivals have the opportunity to guess the phrase of the competitors. But they only have one trial to say the correct answer.

Cool competition for the scenario of Valentine's Day "Recipe with love"

Food is a special kind of love. How many sayings, poems and folk signs exists related to food. And about the path that lies to the heart of a man through the stomach. And about the ability of a woman to prepare a scandal, a hairstyle and a salad out of nothing. And about the unique abilities of men as the best chefs. Here you can recite any poem about the love of food and cooking.

Now we invite teams to hold a competition for writing beautiful rhymes related to food.

Each team receives sheets of poems and pens. Their goal is to come up with beautiful quatrains.

You can use the following preparations:

Today is a romantic day.

Let's make a fantastic salad.

____________ love,


____________ cucumber,

Well done.

Or this preparation:

We cook hot meals

Since we are waiting for a love miracle,

in love

____________ broth.

Be in love,


Of course, both teams will be winners. They receive consolation prizes.

The original competition for Valentine's Day "Marriage Dance"

For this competition, you need to prepare multi-colored hair ties. Based on 6 - 8 pieces for each pair.

The presenter talks about the unfair accusation of women in love to spend time in front of mirrors.

It is worth emphasizing that men, no less than ladies, like to turn around in front of a mirror, since by nature they are still fashionistas.

Let's look at the animal world. If we compare the representatives of the female and male castes, then nature simply forgot to take care of the brightness of the ladies, emphasizing the beauty of the males. What are the chic manes of lions and colorful tails of peacocks in comparison with bald lionesses and modest peacocks.

Therefore, our contestant today will create those same lions or peacocks from her partners using ordinary hair ties. We turn on the music - and the girls begin to create.

Men will have to be patient, because the victory will go to the most overdressed groom.

But even at the stage of ready-made hairstyles, the competition does not end. Couples will have to portray the "marriage dance". And let the man become a real lion or peacock, revealing his charming qualities of a male to cool music.

We turn on Morning in the chicken coop or DJ Fammer, and the couples go dancing. The winner is the most artistic and sophisticated couple.

After this competition, you can hold a dance break and let the guests enjoy the dances from the heart. And if they get a taste, then the “marriage dances” will continue during the dance break.

Competition for the scenario of Valentine's Day "Dancing with balls"

We continue dance program. But not simple dances, but competitive. For this game we are preparing Balloons, which is better to take with a margin.

The host invites all guests to pair up again. But we will not dance an incendiary gypsy or a swift lezginka, but a classic slow dance.

Pairs receive a ball. They have to squeeze it between them. Couples will dance with this ball. But their goal is not to keep the ball, namely to burst. The one who does it first will be the winner.

Table contests and congratulations

It's time to refresh. Guests are seated at festive table. And so that they do not get bored, invite them to hold several drinking or intellectual competitions.

When the guests have eaten and become kinder, invite them to write love messages. To do this, prepare valentines and distribute them to guests.

You can print them yourself and stick them on cardboard or purchase ready-made miniature postcards.

All valentine hearts are folded into a hat, and at the end of the evening the presenter takes out messages and reads them out. Valentine's card is given to the one to whom it is directed.

Each message brings a point to its team. Therefore, the winner will be the team whose members received more congratulations.

The final game for Valentine's Day "Gordian Knot"

But what about without kisses on Valentine's Day!

But we will invite participants to do more than just kiss their contest partner or play the popular Spin the Bottle.

They will have to cut the real "Gordian knot" to find their soul mate.

We need regular satin ribbons. Their number is exactly 2 times less than the number of players. The leader becomes the center of the circle of participants. In his hands, ribbons are clamped in the center, the ends hang down.

To prevent participants from understanding which ribbon is which, they must be of the same color, maximum two.

Under fervent music, the players dismantle the edges of the ribbons and disperse in a circle. Now the leader releases the ribbons from his hands, and it becomes clear which players are tied by the ribbons. So with the help of ribbons, new and unpredictable couples are formed who have to kiss.

Couples should kiss, even if it's a couple of girls or guys. After all, a kiss can be not only passionate, but also friendly, sisterly. Therefore, in this competition it is worth coming up with additional prizes for the most passionate, gentle, chaste kiss.

In the end holiday program summing up. We find out which team has earned more heart points. Be sure to congratulate the winners and give them symbolic prizes. Don't forget to distribute consolation souvenirs to the losing team as well.

After all, on Valentine's Day there can be no winners or losers. This is where love wins.

And a year later, on Valentine's Day, it will be possible to congratulate the new Valentine and Valentina, who will converge into a real couple after such a fun holiday.

Video: a selection of love songs for Valentine's Day

Scenario Valentine's Day.

1. Romantic music sounds, the lights are off.

Love! Love! And in convulsions, and in the coffin
I will be on my guard - I will be seduced - I will be embarrassed - I will rush.
Oh honey! Not in a coffin snowdrift,
I won’t say goodbye to you in the cloud.
M. Tsvetaeva.
The wanderer passed, leaning on a staff, -

A cab rides on red wheels -
For some reason I remember you.
In the evening, the lamp will be lit in the corridor -
I will definitely remember you.
Whatever happens, on land, at sea
Or in the sky - I remember you.
B. Khodasevich.
You are heavy, love memory!
I sing and burn in your smoke,
And to others it's just a flame,
To warm the cold soul.
A. Akhmatova
I love you with a capricious dream,
I love you with all the strength of my soul,
I love you with all my blood young
Love you, love you, hurry up!
K. Balmont

2. Sounds louder, music. Leader exit.

Good evening!
You, of course, understood that today we dedicate our program to the eternal theme - love.
We have some great reasons to talk about love.
First, your youth.
Second, Valentine's Day. Probably, some of you may ask a reasonable question: "What does Valentine have to do with it, and even more so a saint?"
And our answer will be extremely simple: the fact is that the whole of Europe has already been a copyright-by-holiday for a very long time, and after it America is celebrating today, February 14, Valentine's Day, or St. Valentine's Day.
The history of the origin of the holiday is lost somewhere in the mists of time, but now it is associated with one romantic legend.
A certain Valentine was unjustly convicted and imprisoned. According to the verdict of the court, he was to be executed on February 14.
But the daughter of the head of the prison fell in love with him, an exceptionally kind and gentle creature, who, unfortunately, was blind.
This love did a miracle - the girl began to see clearly. Later, Valentine was canonized, that is, elevated to the rank of saints.
Then Stendhal wrote the novel "Parma Monastery" about this.
Or maybe it was not so, but today it does not matter.
It is important that all lovers received their holiday and another reason for hot confessions, gentle hugs and gifts.
So we congratulate everyone who is in love. Love each other. Please each other.
Dear viewers! We have for you nice message- today you will receive traditional holiday messages. They are called: Valentines. And besides that, small gifts.
Here it is, the beginning of the tradition for lovers - valentines. Try today to write such a "valentine" to your girlfriend or friend. And your chances of a reciprocal feeling increase many times over.
Leading. Don't believe? Try it yourself.

but it seems we have digressed from the topic. After all, we decided to talk about love ..
And on such a day, one conversation about love is not enough. We need a tournament. Tournament in honor beautiful love. And if the tournament, then we need knights.
Now we will find them!
Too bad you have to look. But there was a time when there were no men in the world ... but there were solid knights. They spent their time in tournaments and battles, and devoted their leisure time to serving the Beautiful Ladies.
And the ladies loved the knights, because they were often and for a long time not at home ...
... Because feats were more often performed on the side. On someone else's. And again, in the name of the Beautiful Ladies.
"In the name of the Beautiful Ladies!" - this is the name of the first part of our tournament. So, welcome the brave youths, the knights of our day, who are ready to take this stage.

3. Music sounds at the exit of the boys.

The facilitator introduces the participants.

Do any of you know what the name Valentine means?
Answers: Valentine means "healthy" in Latin.
Competition "Compliment"
Knights! Women are known to love with their ears. This truth does not require proof, but requires kind words. Remember what you could say to your girlfriend, what compliment would you give.

Participants take turns giving compliments. If one of the participants is in difficulty, the presenters turn to the next, and so on until the winner is identified. After the end of the competition, the word is presented to the jury. Summing up. The winners are awarded small heart tokens made of red thick paper. (For each correct answer)
Competition "Understand me"
A loving heart can understand and forgive a lot. The ability to understand another is a rare quality of character, not everyone is given this. But since it is simply necessary for loving couples, now we will work out a little in it.
Imagine this situation: on the other side of the road, along which cars are constantly moving, you saw your good friend. You would love to invite her. Where - it will be clear later. And since she cannot hear your words, you will have to use facial expressions and gestures. Our second competition is called: "Understand me without words." Before starting it, I ask the participants to go down to the hall and find a helper.

4. Music for the competition sounds.

Participants descend into the hall and choose their assistants. Together they rise to the stage. The girls stand on one side, the knights on the other and receive a task. Sample tasks: invite to ballet, to hunt, to ski trip, to the circus, to the disco, to watch an action movie. Participants take turns doing the task. Assistants guess. Then the task of each is read aloud. Summing up. Heart tokens are awarded.

Dear knights! It so happened that the fair sex appreciates in men, first of all, the mind. And now you have to demonstrate your intuition and intelligence. I will read a short passage from the book, and you have to guess which hero we are talking about.

COMPETITION "Literary heroes»
For each participant, an excerpt from a literary work is read out.

"I'm not going to tell you who I suspect and what guesses I'm building. I need facts set out in the most detailed way, and I'll compare them myself." (Sherlock Holmes).

How languidly he was silent,
How eloquently eloquent
In heartfelt letters, how careless.
One breathing, one loving,
How could he forget himself!
(Eugene Onegin).

"You should not be surprised either by my horse, or my spear, or shield, or squire, or my armor, or the pallor of my face, or unusual thinness, for now you know who I am and what my occupation is."
(Don Quixote).

"The young man entered the city in a green waist suit. His mighty neck was wrapped several times with an old woolen scarf, his legs were in lacquered boots with an orange-colored suede top. There were no socks under the boots."
(Ostap Bender).

"A young Gascon, in a beret adorned with a likeness of a feather, an open and intelligent look, a hooked nose, but finely defined, too tall for a young man."

"It turned out that the back of my horse was cut off cleanly, and the water he drank poured out from behind without lingering in his stomach. I was stunned, what a strange thing."
(Baron Munchausen).

Dear knights, go to our makeshift dressing room and, please, choose the elements of the costume that, in your opinion, correspond to the hero you guessed.

Participants come to a table with props and choose the necessary elements.

And now - the task. Having put on what you have chosen, congratulate all the Beautiful Ladies present here on this holiday on behalf of your hero. (out of competition)

Competition "Harem"

Leading. As we know men love female attention and we invite them to create their own harem. So, our newly made "sheikhs" here are bracelets for you (rubber bands for money of different colors), you must go into the hall and put your bracelets on the ankles of the girls. The more there are, the better for you.

5. Music for the competition sounds.

Congratulation. Summing up. Heart tokens are awarded. The three participants with the most points (tokens) advance to the final. The rest are awarded incentive prizes. All participants descend into the hall.

6. Musical pause. Song

The first part of the tournament in honor of beautiful love is over. We have knights. Now we hasten to introduce our ladies.

7. Music sounds at the exit of the girls.

Presentation of the participants.

Competition "Find a couple"

Dear ladies! You, of course, remember that in the old good times each lady had her own knight. And until now, their names are on everyone's lips. Now I name one famous lady, and you are the name of the man associated with her. Together they make the world famous love couples. First we will practice with the audience. Juliet - (Romeo), Desdemona - (Othello). Now try it yourself.

There is one name for each participant. Constance Bonacieux - (d'Artagnan), Josephine - (Napoleon), Ophelia - (Hamlet), Assol - (Arthur Grey), Dulcinea - (Don Quixote), Angelica - (Geoffrey de Peyrac), Mercedes - (Count of Monte Cristo) . Summing up. Heart tokens are awarded.

Competition "Idol"

presenter .
What beautiful lady without an idol! Of course, it is difficult to find such a hero in which all the desired qualities would be combined, but you can try. And we will limit the search circle today to famous film actors. We ask each participant to name their favorite actor. (They name the actors.) Focus and list as many films as possible in which he starred.
The girls take turns completing the task, the presenter counts the number of films named by the participants. The results are summed up, heart-tokens are awarded.

Let's talk about the virtues of today's young people. I so want to have a reliable, attentive, business companion nearby. It is very difficult to make a choice, but you, our dear ladies, still have to. For these are the conditions of our next competition. So, dear participants, we ask you to go down to the hall and among the audience choose the most real, at first glance, a man.

8. Music for the competition.
The girls go down to the hall and look for guys to help them. Rise with them on stage.

presenter .
A real man understands everything: fashion, films, weather and, of course, household chores. Now they will demonstrate their skills and give the ladies extra points. The task is simple: blindfolded to determine the type of cereal.

Competition "Krupa"

Each couple, blindfolded, names the type of cereal: the girl brings it, and the young man determines what kind of cereal he got.

Now let's talk about the sore. Our second task for young people: to determine today's exact price for the things that we will show you.

The item is taken out. Each participant says his own version of the price, and then the host calls the exact price.

Contest "Attentive"

Ladies love it when their companions are attentive to them. They are pleased when they notice the beauty of their hairstyles, dresses ... Young people have been looking at our participants for quite a long time. It is interesting what they saw, what they managed to notice. We ask each couple to stand with their backs to each other. We will now ask each young man three questions about the clothes, shoes and other details of the toilet of the subject of your attention. The goal is to answer as accurately as possible. The success of the participant you help depends on this.

Questions are being asked. The results of all three competitions are summed up, heart tokens are awarded. Young people descend into the hall. The three girls with the most points advance to the final. The rest are awarded incentive prizes.

9. Musical pause. Song…
Solemn moment: the final of the tournament in honor of beautiful love.
Three ladies and three young men who have won the previous tests, we ask you to come up to the stage.
presenter .
Our final competitions are not for singles, but, as you already understood, for couples.
In order for us to form such couples, we will not torment you with questions, as in the TV show "Love at First Sight".
Let, as in life, everything will be decided by chance.
We hand out name cards to young people famous people, of course, men.
presenter .
And for our ladies, of course, cards with the names of their favorite women.
Thus, we will get pairs.

Couples are formed conditionally: Pushkin - Goncharova, Vysotsky - Vladi, John Lennon - Yoko Ono. These surnames are written on cards that are used only for pairing.

presenter .
Now it's easier for you. Now you two. And for starters, the knights will give flowers to the ladies. Go to our flower girl Anyuta and take the bouquets.

Contest "Hand the Bouquet"

Leading. Now let's loosen up a bit. Imagine that you made an appointment at this place. Your girl is coming. Give her a bouquet.

10. The music for the competition is romantic.

Participants take turns handing bouquets.

Competition "Poets in captivity"
Leading .
Love and poetry are inseparable. In spring, each of us is a bit of a poet.

Leading. This competition has two parts.

Now the girls will read us a prepared verse about love.

And the young men at this time will present themselves as poets and ....
You have heart cards in your hands, on which the beginning of the quatrain is written, which you have to continue.

Each card has the same beginning: "On Valentine's Day I see a strange picture ...".

We give you a minute to think.

While our couples are creating, we ask all viewers to look at reverse side your seat. Three spectators have "Happy Place" written on it.
Leading .
We ask the winners of the lucky seats to come up to the stage to receive their prizes.

Prizes are awarded.

So, let's listen to what lines our couples inspired today's holiday.

Each couple reads their poem: the girl reads the beginning, and the young man continues. Summing up.

Competition "Culinary"

Leading. And now we offer the guys to become culinary specialists for some time. I will call the couples in turn the names of the products, and you must quickly determine what kind they belong to (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.). for each correct answer - a heart.

1. Artichoke (vegetable)
2. Carp (fish)
3. Pistachios (nuts)
4. Lingonberry (berry)
5. Persimmon (fruit)
6. Gobies (fish)
7. Cherry (berry)
8. Watermelon (berry)
9. Coconut (nut)
10. Kiwi (fruit)
11. Kvass (drink)
12. Blueberry (berry)
13. Parsnip (vegetable)
14. Melon (vegetable)
15. Mullet (fish)
16. Parsley (vegetable)
17. Cheddar (cheese)
18. Kohlrabi (vegetable)
19. Rice (groats)
20. Koumiss (drink)
21. Hazel grouse (bird)

What a holiday without dancing! Now the music will play and you will dance a little. Cavaliers invite ladies! But, now we will organize a love triangle (ball). We hold the ball and dance, and as they say, the third is not superfluous.
Meanwhile, the audience and, of course, the jury are watching and deciding which couple they liked more than the others.

11. Music for the dance competition.

Rock-n-roll (fast) 1 min.

Russian folk 1 min.

Slow "Titanic" 1 min.

For a guessed item, the team receives a heart.
1. Aircraft (balloon)
2. Talisman from the evil eye (pin)
3. Woodworking machine (sharpener)
4. Means for saving rubles (penny)
5. Calcium cubes without "Orbit" (chalk)
6. Table lamp"Retro" (candle)
7. Package "Black Gold" (pepper)
8. Means for "warming up" (yellow plaster)

Competition "Declaration of love".

Leading .The most crucial moment in love is a declaration of love.

presenter . You can say I love ... or so to speak, that you will remember for a lifetime! Now we invite couples to think, this will be our final test, and for all of us a very beautiful song sounds, performed by Michurina Lina

12. Sounds minus "Titanic"

That's all. The program of our competitions has been exhausted, it remains only to sum up the results.

To summarize, we ask our couples to go on stage. Jury word.
Summarizing. First, prizes are awarded for 3rd and 2nd places, and then the main prize.
Leading. Love is strong like a god
And equal to the deity
I praise her because
She gives life.
Leading. Nowhere have I met God
Love is visible everywhere.
Our life without its beginnings
Barren and poor.
Leading. What to pray - to a deity
Or earthly love?
I call love God
And I pray to her alone.

13. The song "The most beloved" sounds

Valentine's Day in last years with pleasure they celebrate in a variety of groups - among work colleagues, classmates and even in the school class. This holiday scenario is suitable for any audience - a simple staging is within the power of even schoolchildren, and contests can be removed and added at your request.

History of Valentine's Day

In the III century. n. e. Rome was ruled by the cruel Emperor Claudius II. He was an evil and warlike man. And so, in order to strengthen his army, he issued a decree according to which men who joined the army could not marry. The cruel ruler believed that family bonds make a man sentimental, soft, and this does not contribute to his becoming a merciless warrior.

But no decree could interfere with love. The only hope of the lovers was a young priest, whose name was Valentine. Being a kind man, with a soft heart, he, bypassing the imperial decree, married lovers. Moreover, thanks to the fact that the church gave Valentine immunity, he helped lovers exchange letters and meet.

But everything secret becomes clear, and the emperor found out about the illegal activities of the young priest. Claudius issued a cruel decree by which he sentenced Valentine to arrest, and then to death penalty.

And so, while in prison, Valentine fell in love with the jailer's daughter - he was so struck by her beauty and tenderness. The girl, having found out who is in prison, decided to meet with the priest and ... she herself fell in love with him.

Until the execution of Valentine, lovers wrote letters to each other, swore to eternal love and made promises to always be together.

The execution of Valentine was scheduled for February 14, 270. On that day, the lover wrote last letter your beloved. There were no confessions, no promises, no oaths. And there were only two words "Your Valentine".

But no other words were needed to say goodbye. And this short note became a symbol of eternal love, fidelity and devotion and was called Valentine. And now the day of the execution of the Christian priest, oddly enough, became the holiday of all lovers.

Preparation for the holiday

It is considered traditional for interior decoration for Valentine's Day pink color. You can also use white, red and his various shades(orange, maroon).

For a youth holiday, by the way, there will be heart-shaped balloons, various garlands - long or short, modest or lush, multi-colored, etc. Compositions in the form of flowers are appropriate - from light fabric, corrugated paper. In general, the design of the room should create a feeling of lightness and tenderness - for this, any decorations suspended according to the principle of mobiles (on a thin thread) and swaying in air currents are suitable.

Also, when preparing, you need to stock up on prizes for the winners of competitions and various items required for their implementation.

Holiday script

HOST: Hello, dear guests! Today we all have gathered here to celebrate the most beautiful, most romantic, most beloved holiday - Valentine's Day!

HOST: Despite the fact that it's cold outside, the snow is blowing, it's warm and cozy here, because love lives in each of us!

HOST: Do you know why Valentine's Day is celebrated on this very day - February 14?

HOST: You don't know? Then we will show you!

A comic dramatization of the story of St. Valentine


  • Valentine (a girl disguised as a man, in a black hoodie tied with a rope and with a mustache);
  • the jailer's daughter (a thin young man dressed in women's dress, in a wig, with bows and bright makeup);
  • jailer (a girl in a police uniform);
  • three or four pairs of lovers, in which the role of girls is played by young men, the role of young men is played by girls;
  • emperor: a young man in a white sheet over his shoulder, on his head - Laurel wreath;
  • servant: in a colored sheet over his shoulder, with a scroll in his hands.

Scene in the Imperial Palace. On the stage is a chair in which the emperor sits. Servant enters.

SERVANT (falls to his knees): Oh great emperor, things are very bad, very...

EMPEROR: What happened in my great empire?

EMPEROR (indignantly): What?! Hazing?

SERVANT (justifying himself): Hazing, your imperial majesty, is when older soldiers force the younger footcloths to wrap them and wash closets!

EMPEROR: So why do our soldiers refuse to serve?

SERVANT: Get married!

EMPEROR: And what are these married people doing?

SERVANT: And here's what - look!

Competition "Commanders". Several couples are involved. Bright crumpled papers and candy wrappers are scattered on the floor. The young men are blindfolded and given brooms and scoops in their hands. The girls stand a little further away. On a signal, they should direct the youths, shouting to them where to go and where to take revenge. The task is to collect as many pieces of paper as possible until the signal for the end of the competition sounds. The couple that did it the best wins.

EMPEROR (scratches the back of his head): Look what they invented - do not serve in the army! Well, nothing, I'll show them how to go against the authorities! (Takes paper and writes something.) I order ... Hey, servant! Read! (gives scroll)

SERVANT (reading loudly): In the name of the great Emperor Claudius II, I command! To ban from this day all weddings, and impose a fine for each date. Any romantic letter burn! Whoever disobeys will be executed!

Music plays (e.g. "Imperial March" from " star wars"), under which the emperor and the servant leave. The priest enters the stage.

PRIEST (raising his hands to the sky): Oh gods, gods! The Emperor is insane! Ban weddings, punish lovers! (To the audience): Have you heard that weddings are banned?! What to do?

A loving couple enters.

GUY: Father Valentine, the emperor forbade marriage, but we have already appointed the wedding day!

VALENTIN: My children, how can I help you? (Pauses.) I will marry you in secret!

The girl puts on a veil, the guy straightens his tie, Valentine takes the icon in his hands and begins the ceremony. The lovers quickly leave, and the priest addresses the guests:

VALENTIN: Dear guests! Are there lovers among you who want to receive Valentine's blessing? Well, I will marry you all! But you need to complete the task.

Newspaper Dance Competition. 3-4 sheets of newspaper are spread on the floor, a couple stands on each. A slow dance begins. When the music suddenly stops, each couple should fold the newspaper in half and then continue dancing. The next pause - the newspaper is folded again, and so on until the dancing couple can hold on to it.

VALENTIN: My children! Accept my blessing! (He crowns couples who approach him in turn.)

The jailer appears on the scene.

JAILER (suspiciously): Father Valentine! What were you doing here now?

VALENTIN (hides the icon): Nothing special!

JAILER: Oh yeah! And who just married a few couples? I will read your rights (takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and reads it). Father Valentin, you are under arrest, you can remain silent, you can not testify against yourself and your relatives, everything you say can be used against you in court.

The jailer puts handcuffs on Valentine, sits him on a chair and leaves. Returns with a scroll.

JAILER: Valentine, His Majesty Emperor Claudius II has made a decision: he sentences you to death on February 14, 270!

VALENTIN: Since I am destined to die for love, then I am ready to sacrifice myself.

The jailer leaves. The jailer's daughter appears.

JAILER'S DAUGHTER: Valentine! How cruel is the emperor to punish you like this!

VALENTIN (looks lovingly at the girl): No more than I punished myself!

JAILER'S DAUGHTER: Ah, Valentine, how did you punish yourself?

VALENTIN (kissing the girl's hand): On the verge of death, I not only fell in love, but received reciprocity.

Valentine and the jailer's daughter kiss. Then the girl runs away, covering her face with her hands, and sits down at the other end of the stage.

VALENTIN: My love, how are we going to communicate if you are free and I am in prison? Yes, that's right, I'll write you a letter!

Love Letter Competition. A team of boys and a team of girls are invited to the stage. They are given sheets of paper with written words.

1st sheet: Love, roasts, carrots, gifts, heart, door.

2nd sheet: Love, potatoes, window, carrots, stomach, mind.

In a given time, the teams must compose a love poem using the words written on the sheets. Then Valentine takes a piece of paper with a poem written by the young men, and the jailer's daughter takes a poem written by the girls. The lovers approach each other and tenderly read the messages.

Execution scene. They take out a stool and an ax from plywood. The jailer takes Valentine out. In the background everything characters.

JAILER: Today, February 14, 270 AD, a priest is to be executed who violated the emperor's order and secretly married lovers, thereby indulging their desire not to serve in the army. Our great emperor sentenced him to death. What can you say in your defense, Valentine?

VALENTIN: And I have nothing to justify. I did a good deed, reunited loving hearts. And now, when cruel people take my life, I will ascend to heaven and there I will do marriage unions. Remember, now and forever, marriages are made in heaven! And what God has united, it is not given to anyone to separate!

EMPEROR (terribly): You are rude to the emperor! Cut off his head!

The jailer and the servant grab Valentine, put him on his knees and put his head on the chopping block, the role of which is played by a stool, they bring in an ax. Valentine's body falls.

The jailer's daughter runs up to him and takes the note from the priest's hand.

JAILER'S DAUGHTER (reads): "Your Valentine!" Just two words, but what a sense! And why words to understand each other? (shouting) I love you Valentine! (The girl takes an ax, beats herself with a butt on the head and falls).

All characters leave. Leaders come out.

LEADING: Sad story. The unfortunate Valentine sacrificed himself so that the lovers could be together.

HOST: But this sad story has a continuation. Valentine after his death was canonized, and the day of his death became Valentine's Day.

LEADING: Yes, that's what morals used to be! Interestingly, and now there are people who are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of love?

LEADING: Of course, there are, these are our guests!

The festive program continues with musical numbers and competitions.

Valentine's Day Contests

Harnessed horses. Participants are divided into pairs and stand shoulder to shoulder. Right leg one partner and the left of the other are tied. In this position, they must "jump" to a chair that is at a certain distance from them, take the object that lies there (any), and return back. The pair that does it faster wins.

connected by one chain. Several couples are invited to participate in the game. On the floor, the host scatters any small items. These can be sweets, coins, pencils, etc. Before the start of the game, the host ties each pair by the legs and arms. After a signal sounds or music is turned on, couples begin to collect scattered objects. As soon as things are collected, the counting takes place. The couple with the most items wins.

famous couples. The participants are divided into two teams. The task is to recall a famous couple (literary, acting or otherwise) as quickly as possible. The host calls only one "half", and the participants - the second. The team that guesses the most pairs wins.

A list of characters (literary and historical) must be compiled in advance. Here is its possible start:

Cleopatra - Anthony
Lilya Brik - Mayakovsky
Isolde - Tristan
Lyudmila - Ruslan
Akhmatova - Gumilyov
Juliet - Romeo
Scarlett - Rhett
Desdemona - Othello
Josephine - Napoleon, etc.

"If I were a Sultan..." How many "wives" will each player manage to find? Young participants are given colored rubber bands for banknotes, and each one is of the same color. The task of the players is to "ring" as many of the girls present as possible by putting on an elastic band of their color on their wrists. You cannot wear more than one elastic band on each. The one with the most "wives" wins.

Stirlitz. This competition will help determine the most observant of the stronger sex. One girl is invited to participate. The male participants must look at her carefully and remember what she is wearing in every detail. Then the girl goes out and changes one or more details in her appearance, for example, takes off her earrings and pendant, puts on a bracelet, does something with her hair, etc. The task of the young men is to determine what has changed.

Hearts. Several couples are invited to participate in the game. The young man is blindfolded, and the girl attaches hearts cut out of paper to herself. The number of hearts is the same for each pair.

At the command of the leader, the music turns on, and the young man, blindfolded, must find as many hearts as possible and pick them. The winner is the couple who managed to collect as many hearts as possible in the allotted time. The game can be repeated by blindfolding the girl.

Song-alteration for February 14 (for St. Valentine's Day) to the motive "Song about good mood» from k / f. "Carnival Night".

On such a wonderful day
Get out of the house.
Your feet are on your own
They will bring you to the technical school
And into each other's eyes
Look boldly
And say words of love
Right here in the hall.

And a smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes.
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore.

What are you Andryusha
Do not approach Lena?
Don't be afraid right
Show feelings!
Everyone needs today
On this magical day
Without hesitation and anxiety
Talk about love!

And a smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes.
And loving mood
Will not leave you anymore.

Host I:
Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

Host II:
Ladies and gentlemen!

Host I:
Girls and boys!

Host II:

Valentines and Valentines!

And all the lovers in this room!

Host I:
After all, today is St. Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day. A holiday that is widely celebrated all over the world. St. Valentine's Day - a joke or a tradition, someone else's custom or a clumsy fiction - what difference does it make if hope smolders in the soul with a timid flame.
And I think that on this day you can:
- confess love
- to find a loved one or a loved one,
- to save what can still be saved, even if it seems impossible.
And the impossible is great!
Lovers work wonders.

Host II:
If they give roses, ...... then a million.
If they declare their love, ... then in meter letters.
If they celebrate,…… then they celebrate with the whole planet.
And today we - a particle of this planet - say: "Welcome!" holiday of lovers.

Host I: What do you know about the holiday? Who is St. Valentine?

Host II: I know one legend. Many centuries ago, the law did not allow ancient Roman soldiers to marry while they were in the service. And the service lasted 25 years. St. Valentine, pastor and confessor, secretly blessed loving hearts and married lovers. His enemies or envious people betrayed St. Valentine. He was executed The 14th of February . Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day.

A scene about the history of the holiday of St. Valentine's Day in verse.

"The Legend of Saint Valentine."
In the third century BC
There lived a priest simple Valentine,
Despite the emperor's ban
He married military men in love
On beauties secretly in Toronto
By which he glorified himself throughout Rome.
Julius Claudius II got angry
And ordered Valentine to seize.
They put him in a dungeon
And they decided that they should be executed.
The young priest fell in love
In the warden Julia's daughter,
Left a note before the execution
Explained on the last night.
Valentine is gone
On February 14th,
The patron has passed away
But he will be remembered forever.
And since then the lovers of the world
On this day, they rush to explain
Giving a valentine heart
Sing love in verse.
Two hundred years later, Valentine
Elevated to the rank of saints
Valentine's Day is celebrated everywhere -
Explain yourself as soon as possible.

Host I: What are you so sad about, after all St. Valentine's Day- fun party. And we will celebrate it with fun.

Host II:
You know, every person dreams of loving and being loved. But not everyone succeeds. You can find all the treasures of the world, but be infinitely lonely, because a heart without love is not easy. Maybe that's why each of us is burning with the desire: "If only we could meet, if only we could meet." Tell me where you can meet your love?

(Answers from the audience). Most likely, at a party, in a library, on a train and at a disco, or maybe even just on the street ...

Host I:

By ancient tradition all young people, boys and girls, can openly confess their love by sending their beloved or beloved a card decorated with scarlet hearts or any gift shaped like a heart, or a red tulip. According to Persian legend, a red tulip grew from the tears of lovers and became an unfading symbol of love. They also give hearts on this day, they are also called valentines.

Today, on the day of all lovers,
Valentine's Day is here.
You, young, beautiful, absurd,
We want to congratulate you now.
Love is beautiful, yes, no doubt
But you have to be careful
So that with a regrettable situation
You are not to be considered a loser.

we will continue talking about the gifts that are presented on Valentine's Day. It can be "valentines" in the form of a heart, sweets, flowers or decorations.

We offer you a small miniature "Give a Valentine"
For 3 – ex participants. It turns out more of a monologue, the success of which will depend on the emotionality of the speech.

Girl: Hello, I'm an excellent student, and on Valentine's Day, I would like all the boys of our group to give me Valentines, but they don't give - what is it from.
Here is one who bought me a chocolate bar, two years ago and was afraid to give everything, but yesterday he ate ... and he had nothing. Ate my chocolate.
Then he apologized, said that he would buy more, but I can’t wait another two years until he gives it to me.
There are fashionable, popular girls, and they give them all Valentines, but I don’t seem to need it ...
(boy looks out)
Ivanov! Will you give me a Valentine?
I won't let you write off anymore...
Eh Ivanov, Ivanov, used to be in the 1st year and pulled the pigtails, but now he fell in love with Petrova .... traitor.
Tell me, if a girl writes essays for a boy, does she deserve a Valentine? Or just chocolate "Alenka"? Little, after an hour of persuasion.
I think so, if you can’t study on your own, then you can confess your love! At least once a year...
In general, last year Vasya from the 2nd year, wanted to give me a Valentine, so her grandmother took it from him by mistake, smeared the inscription with a proofreader and gave it to her grandfather.
And then in the kiosk all the Valentines ended and he didn’t have enough.
Tell me, is he a loser or just afraid to offend?
Postman: What's your name girl?
Girl: —-
Postman: You Valentines.
All to me?
Postman: Yes, all for you.
But how is it? Oh, this is from Vasya!
Vasya, now I’m all for you, everything, I’ll decide the control ones, and let the rest study as best they can, Vasya ... my prince on a white horse!
So, now, I'm calm for Vasya .... How not to offend Kolya now, he gave me a bouquet of flowers yesterday ...
(raining valentines and love is tune)

Ivanov: Not!

Host I: We bring to your attention:

Scene for Valentine's Day - for two guys.
Stage for students, only two participants for the evening dedicated to the day Saint Valentine's.
(a smiling guy enters the stage, with open arms)
M1.- Hello, I’ve found my beloved, girls and women, we love you so much, we love you so much on this day ...
M2.- Are you preparing for the evening of St. Valentine's host or what?
M1.- Yes, they chose the leader.
M2.- And who is your favorite? Not Natasha from the 1st year, by any chance? You remember how you went to her with flowers and chocolate, and her father came out and said that she had gone for a walk, and then he took the chocolate from you and ate it himself, and took the flowers and gave it to his mother.
M1.- it was the case, but I did not lose heart, and now we are her sidekicks as her father, he gives me advice on how to fish ..
M2.- Come on, he gives advice, how he had a fight with Natasha, so he went to Sveta, through the door he explained his love to her, and it turns out her grandmother was there, and then she opened the door and says, "dear, if I were younger, I would go with you walk, and so your bride left, ... with her parents, ... to visit her aunt.
M1.- Yes, I said a lot of things about love to the grave and about meetings under the moonlight.
M2.- Well, you're simply Romeo.
M1.- why are you snickering, you yourself looked after Nadya, you wanted to buy all the flowers, but only enough for three roses, and then your aunt sat on them, but you didn’t notice and hid behind your back, and then gave crumpled ones.
Hold, from the heart and kidneys, a crumpled flower.
M2.- Well, I didn’t on purpose, and they wouldn’t have been seen that they were crumpled if they hadn’t been pinched by the door on the bus.
M1.- Yes, and also, if you hadn’t been spinning when you hid the bouquet from Nadenka, you wouldn’t have rubbed it against the walls.
And it didn’t work out, you have a broom.
M2.- What do you understand, the ekebana came out, I said so, I give you Nadezhda ekebana.
M1. Only she didn't understand.
M2.- Yes, only what sacrifices one does not have to make in order to confess one's love, but if we did something wrong, do not judge strictly.
M1. We will definitely improve next year.
M2.- or in a year.
M1. Well, we'll get better at some point.

Presenter II: And now let's play (a game with balls with the letters l, y.b, o, v, b) - while the music is playing, students come on stage with balls on which the letters are written and line up to make the word LOVE!)
This word unites all lovers on the planet, regardless of their age, nationality and place of residence.

Host I: (song)

Today is Valentine's Day
We are back in this room.
Words of love, confessions
They broke into souls.
Our college will suddenly shake
From magic and wonder

Let's go with a good heart
All my life to love and remember
Like the first words of love
How the bullets got away
And souls suddenly swing
From magic and wonder
It's great that we are all here today

Host I: Oh, love!

Host II: And you know, everyone in this room is in love.

Lead I: You're exaggerating, I don't believe in something.

Host II: If you want, I will prove that everyone here is in love. Look, children love their parents, parents love their children, someone loves their cat, someone loves a book, many love movies.

(To the audience): Who loves to eat - raise your hand, who loves to sleep - two hands, who loves to watch TV and eat chocolate - stomp your feet.

Here you see! So many lovers in this room!

Lead I:
Today we breathe love
After all, the holiday is still difficult.
But just remember involuntarily
The plot is so enticing.
Once upon a time there lived Prince Ivan.
Baptism at dawn
I went to swim in the hole myself,
With a dream of a warm summer.

At this time, the prince enters the stage - in fins, with an inflatable ring on his stomach and very cold.

Host II:
I found a bottle in the hole
And opened it with a smile.
And out came the genie
And said:…

The Old Man Hottabych appears on the stage.

My Lord!
Command me now
Whatever you want - wish!
I'll do everything instantly
I will reward for salvation!

Straight, I don't know what to say
What would you wish for?
There is a kingdom, and there is a castle,
And eat and eat...

A boy enters the stage and bursts into tears.

Boy, are you shedding tears?
And where, tell me, are you going?

I had a fight with a girl
And, most likely, broke up!
But I need her
And her love matters!

You, Hottabych, help me,
Help the boy!
To make peace with the girl
And to marry her!!!

Hottabych whispers something into his beard. The wedding march sounds. A girl in a veil comes out, and she and the guy, happy, leave the stage.

I'm waiting for orders, Vanyusha!
Maybe you want to eat?
Food, wine or sweets?
Everything that is in the world!

A sad girl enters the stage.
Who hurt you, child?
I'm angry for no reason!
Young woman:
My favorite, here you go!
Late for a date!
And I left, all in tears,
Without waiting. Oh! Oh! Oh!

Work it old man
Where is that weird guy?
That the girl was late
Didn't you say "sorry"?

Hottabych whispers something into his beard, and a guy with flowers appears on the stage. "Love Story" is played and the couple leave the stage with happy faces.

You are very kind, Vanyusha!
Look, it's about tonight
And you didn't want yourself
Didn't guess anything!
By the way, today is a glorious day!
Valentine's Day, just so you know!

Okay, I guessed
Once you baited me.
Introduce me to the princess
Just for curiosity...

Hottabych whispers something into his beard. The princess appears on the stage.

Oh! Love! I'm subdued!
Of course I'm in love!
Don't leave me right there!
Please be my bride!

Of course I'm flattered!
Of course I'm in love!
Ah, my prince, I agree to everything!
And I'm yours forever!

To the wedding march, the couple leaves the stage.
Well, now I'm lonely.
Not to forget the lesson
And I conjure myself
And I'll get a princess!

Hottabych with a flower comes up to the leader.
Everyone is cute on Valentine's Day
And generous with praise!
Be happy always!
Carry love - through the years!

The presenter and Hottabych leave the stage under "Love Story".

The god of love Amur appears on the stage. He has arrows on his back, a wreath on his head.

The day of love has already arrived!
And I've been waiting for him for so long
Although I am Cupid - not Valentine,
But the god of love is always the same
I'm throwing accurate arrows
I strike hearts with love,
Came to you today, friends,
After all, without me in love - it's impossible!
I want to know who loves passionately
(Although sometimes it's dangerous!).
Though young - it's not scary,
Let's remember Romeo and Juliet!

Well, you know the habits of love,
And you are already familiar with it, apparently!
I will tell you, friends, riddles,
Let's find out who has it - in the shower!

Cupid makes riddles

1. There are days when it's sad
And I don't want anything at all.
Of course, this is no coincidence
When tormented by ... / loneliness /.

2. He always happens in love,
Doesn't lose its sweet taste
Sweeter than pears and passion fruit -
Only mutual ... /kiss/.

3. What happens at the meeting,
When the heart flies
Through a jacket or a dress?
Lovers ... / hugs /.

4. Pledge of love - let everyone know
Who will experience this feeling?
After all, relationships are a fortress
It will only keep you ... / loyalty /.

5. Until love is born,
But my heart sparkled brightly
One such stage
It is called like ... / sympathy /.

6. When the whole world is in one breath,
And like fire, the blood burns,
She came as a punishment
As a gift - great ... / love /!

I see you know the answers
And there is no secret in love for you.
No wonder I came to this room,
And I took arrows with me!
I will crown you with love
As the god of love, bless!
So write about each other -
With love you, and not in fright!

I came with you in tenderness,
And may love always burn
It will remain for you, friends!
After all, in the world without love it is impossible!
I give now as a keepsake, children,
You feel the best in the world!
you always treasure it
carry through the years!

Lead I.
Holiday of love! How sublime and wonderful! On this day, no madness is forbidden. You can sing a serenade under the balcony of your beloved, you can slip an envelope with a confession under the door, you can finally stick kissing doves on the same door. And it’s better to confess to a person dear to you, whether it’s a mother, sister, girlfriend, beloved, in your feelings, which I suggest you demonstrate this now. You need to confess your feelings to each other with the lines of songs performed by our favorite pop stars.
For instance:
confession boys:
"Girl-girl, black eyes,
I love you girl very much."
("Ivanushki - International")
Girl confession:
“I was waiting for you, so waiting!
You were my crystal dream.
(Irina Alpegrova)

(Turning to the hall):
And now I turn to you, dear friends, and ask those who are called "Valentin" or "Valentina" to take the stage. (Applause. Those who are called "Valentin" and "Valentina" leave the hall.) And I also invite those who have a birthday on February 14th.

Come out. Applause.
Lead I.

The organizers of the evening, all participants of our program, guests congratulate you on your holiday, birthday and give you souvenirs and this is a lot of hearts in memory of our meeting and the holiday of love.
For those who love and are loved, a song sounds ... performed by ....

Well, here we come to the final.


Friends, our whole meeting was devoted to the holiday of St. Valentine.
(To the audience): And who will answer me what holiday the Russian people celebrate on February 15?
In Russia, on February 15, they celebrated Candlemas, the meeting of winter with spring. As you know, on holidays something wonderful happens to a person, birds sing in the heart, flowers bloom. Now look at these trees: they are dull and gray. (They bring in bare branches of trees in vases). So let's decorate them the way it should be on such a holiday. Our last competition called "Tree of Life". (They take out a box, put it in the middle of the stage, there are toys on paper clips, ribbons in it).
In the middle of the stage, right here, there is a box in which there are birds, flowers, hearts made of paper. There are an odd number of them. Task: on command, one student runs out of the hall, takes the contents from the box, and while the music is playing, they must make their tree “come to life”. To do this, you need to evenly decorate the tree. different items lying in a box. In this case, each participant can take only one of the items that is in the box. Having hung up the decoration, he again returns to the box, takes the toy and again hurries to decorate the tree.


Duet to the melody "Impossible is possible" by Dima Bilan

Go crazy, fall in love so carelessly

Find love, don't let go day or night

But you are sad and will not forgive, I know for sure!

Well, where to look for you,

Please answer me

I'm tired of waiting for you

Roaring here like a bear!

I'm ready to give flowers

I have to explain everything

Come back to me soon

And I'll quit smoking!

I know for sure that the impossible is possible

I better become smarter, more beautiful and more reliable,

With you it will be easy to achieve perfection,

I will give up everything: football, friends, my bliss!

I'm ready for anything, my dear for you,

Massage and spa,

And it's all loving...

Promise one last time

You have to give me a word

Never sleep at the computer again!

I know for sure that the impossible is possible

Walk together, look into the eyes day and night!

And the questions out of place: yes, no, and for sure!

Fortunately, the relationship was settled even before the clock struck the festive midnight of all lovers, on Valentine's Day ... Although with a loved one, every night can become magical and happy!

This is where our festive evening. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And in Once again parting with you, I say:
"What could be more beautiful than love,
When she rules over us.
When she celebrates her holiday,
Your great holiday - all our lives!
Goodbye! See you soon! Happiness to you and love!

Each of the guests receives a balloon in the form of a heart, a chocolate-heart and a postcard - a valentine.