Removing negative programs. Help esoteric psychotherapist. What to do when a close person dies? Short life expectancy and our karma. Fear of the future. What to do if a person died at work or in a public place

Mount always comes unexpectedly. So each of us should know what to do if died close person. Where to call and run to not be confused and take control of the situation. It is in this terrible and the bounty moment often happened not to call there, not that he said, forgot about an important document. It is a pity that many people are not averse to catching in someone else's grief. How to prevent this and what to do? Let us look more in more detail.

What to do when a man dies at home during the day?

It should be known that the actions of relatives differ depending on what time a person left the life of life.

So what to do when a close man is dying at home? The algorithm of actions is:

  1. Call on the telek doctor. In case of detection, it will detect death and give the relevant document.
  2. Call the police, its employees should inspect the bodies and compile a protocol. After that, give the direction to the morgue.
  3. While the police and medical workers perform their work, be sure to take all mirrors in the house.
  4. Take care of documents. Your passport is needed, the identity card of the deceased, his medical card and insurance.
  5. With this list of documents, including death certificate, it is necessary to go to the Polyclinic of the District. If the mustache passed the survey for several recent weeksYou can make a certificate of the death of a person here. In the absence of this circumstance, the body will be transferred to conduct an autopsy procedure.

Be sure to take the phone numbers and the Morga address of the district polyclinic workers. After that, it is necessary to order transport to transport body. After opening, death will be given a certificate of death. When a man dies, what to do? It is necessary to drill immediately dense cloth Mirrors in the house.

If death is laid at night

What to do when a man is dying at night? The algorithm of action is almost similar to the previous case. The difference lies only in the fact that it is necessary to call the ambulance brigade, not a district physician.

When a man dies, what to do? It is necessary to cause police outfit, which reject the body of a deceased person in the morgue.

When morning comes, you need to go to the clinic to obtain an outpatient map and posthumous epicrosis. After that, it will remain pick up the appropriate document in the morgue. Be sure to have passports (your deceased), an outpatient card.

Algorithm of actions, if death has come outside of the house

Man died. What if he died outside the house, visiting or outside the city? Immediately need to call the police and ambulance. After medical workers examine the body and fix death, you will be given the relevant document. And law enforcement officers must compile a protocol and send the body to open.

Unfortunately, you will personally have to find transport to transporting the deceased in the morgue. After the completion of the forensic discovery, you will be given a certificate of death.

If a person died in the hospital

Information about death and the location of the body will immediately communicate relatives.

In order to obtain a certificate of death of a relative, you need to use the service registry. After that, it is necessary to prepare everything to the funeral. You can contact the ritual bureau or do everything on your own.

In case of violent death

What if a close man died due to the murder or suicide? As in previous cases, it is necessary to call an ambulance and law enforcement agencies. In order to confirm the fact of death, the deceased will guide medical examination. Focusing on the results of this examination, criminalists will give a criminal case.

If the fact of violence was recorded, the funeral can be carried out only after investigators give their permission. At this time, the body will be in the morgue. Native deceased need to contact the bureau of ritual services after receiving all necessary documents.

What should I do when a man died during a trip abroad?

Relatives of the deceased should seek help from consulate staff. They will help to confirm the fact of death. If a man died, what to do first? Need to get required list documents. It should be indicated that the consulate takes responsibility for the transportation of the body home. However, all expenses are assigned to the shoulders of the decent people.

Paid and Free Morga Services

Relatives of the deceased can take advantage of the list free services from the state. They are provided by morgue, namely:

  • body preservation during the week (longer finding the deceased in the morgue is available only in the absence of permission from law enforcement officers for the burial);
  • kneading, dress in the body of the deceased;
  • putting the body into a coffin and removal in the mourning room to convey relatives.

TO payments belongs to balsaming the body, cosmetic procedures and transportation of the body. All additional paid services can take on the ritual bureau when ordering relatives.

How to prepare the body of the deceased

Did a man died, what to do for organizing funerals? Upon receipt of death certificate, you must immediately contact the Bureau of Ritual Services. However, you can assign the whole process to your shoulders. In any case, it is necessary to prepare such details in advance:

  1. Carry out transport to the carriage of the body of deceased to the place of burial or cremation.
  2. Buy funeral accessories.
  3. Order a service for the burial of the body.
  4. Worry about the design of the doubling services of the deceased and putting it into the coffin.
  5. You can order balsaming the body and the application of posthumous makeup if desired.
  6. Consider especially important momentsincluded in the funeral scenario.
  7. Prepare a hall for mourning.
  8. Take care of holding a religious ritual based on the faith of the deceased.
  9. Make an order for organizing a memorial meal.

Another important conditionthat refers to the personal: it is necessary to take themselves as much as possible and decent to spend on the last path close man. Regardless of how much morally it is difficult to do this.

It is forbidden to do: observe the traditions and signs

Signs of mind exist to perform them. They were fulfilled by our ancestors, therefore, there is no moral right to cancel them. It is believed that with a dismissive attitude to the signs you can attract damage.

Energy of death is quite complicated and heavy, and the mistakes of the pleasant people of the deceased will never forgive.

What can not be done when a person died? First, it is impossible to leave the deceased one in the room or at home. If you adhere to the point of view of the church, then the mustache is needed by prayer support.

There is one sign: if the deceased eyes open and the look falls on of a certain person, he will soon die. It is for this reason that it is necessary that someone has been near and in the case of opening the eye quickly closed them.

Man died, what to do right away? It is necessary to drill with a dense cloth all mirrors in the house, even mirror surfaces. It is necessary that the soul of the deceased does not penetrate the mirror world. For 40 days, the mirror cannot be opened. It is believed that throughout this time the Spirit is still in a native place.

Those furniture items on which the coffin was located is to turn over the top of the legs after being lucky in the cemetery.

Back to put chairs or other furniture by the expiry of the day. Otherwise, the deceased can return to the house in the form of a spirit. To prevent the negative deadly energy in the place where the coffin stood, it is necessary to put an ax. Do not put the photos to the dead man, because it is believed that people depicted on it will soon go beyond the dead in another world. Also, representatives of black magic can cause damage to these photos.

Water, which was washed with the deceased, should be poured only in indulgence. Since it can take advantage of dark magical affairs. The items that were intended for the deceased (soap, comb, harnesses for binding hands and other things) must be mounted in the coffin.

If the house is a deceased person, then you can not take. And you can "reissued" only when everyone leaves the house to win the last path in the cemetery. Be sure to wash the floor to expel death from the house. But only after the coffin will be taken out.

What can not be done when a person dies or has already died? It is impossible to let cats or dogs in the house. It is believed that they are worried about the spirit of the deceased. One more bad sign: The cat jumped into the coffin.

In no case can you sleep in one room with the dead. However, if it is inevitable, then you need to eat noodles for breakfast.

You can not look out the window, if the funeral is taken near you. It is believed that when they are having deceased in the coffin, his soul is coming nearby.

With a close peasement from the window through the window, the spirit of the departed will take revenge - takes off the world of the dead. Old people say that if you look out the window on a deceased person, then come serious disease. In particular, this belief refers to children, they have a much weaker energy than in an adult.

Another ban: You can not carry the coffin to a relative. Otherwise, the dead man can pick it up. People who carry a coffin must be tied with a new white towel. You need to smoke the coffin only on the cemetery, otherwise death will overtake the family of one who swallows the coffin in the house.

What can not be done when a close person dies? It is impossible to walk to anyone after the funeral, otherwise you will involuntarily bring death to the house.

No matter how hard it is, you can not cry on the deceased. It is believed that in that light he will choose from your tears. Leave the water in your favorite places of the deceased, take it from time to time. However, it is impossible to drink this water.

Remember that any loss of a person is able to endure. Not in vain speak of the people: "God does not give us those tests, we cannot bear it." Take yourself in hand and remember what you need your relatives.

There is such a law of the material world. He who brings you most happiness, from the same you get the greatest pain. We often forget about it - or pretend that we do not know. But everything is so - most pain comes from the closest. What to do when close people hurt us?

Our children. How much pain has to survive the mother in all life? Exactly as much as happiness. They seem to balance - the birth pain and the first smile of the baby, sleepless nights and the first steps, illness and victory. Further more. Experiences because of its safety, relationship, future, health. But women still become mothers, hoping that pain will be less.

Our husbands. The closer and the innermost of yours, the stronger you will experience pain. At the same time, the situation may look simple on the outside - to experience pain, it is not necessary to become a victim or betrayal. Often his indifference in some question is already breaking the heart. After all, we are the closest people! And if the husband, like all people, passes the crisis and is moving away, then his wife brings a lot of pain and suffering.

Our parents. Those who once came to us life often involuntarily become the source of the offense. Because they do not approve, they say offensive things, do not support. My friend wonderful parents. And the relationship with them is warm. But they still can't accept her choice of profession, they consider what it does, frivolous. And joke. Constantly joking and poded. What very much wounded his daughter.

And you can continue for a long time. The misunderstanding of this law leads to the fact that families fall apart, relationship between children and parents Glow. And what's the reason? In the fact that we want to experience only happiness in a relationship. And this means that we have a clear prescribing scenario - as it should be. What should a husband answer if I cry. How should a child learn and respond to comments. How parents must express their love for me. And the pain is born precisely from the fact that there are no coincidences with the script.

The world as if shouting to us: "Open your eyes! You do not see a person who is next to you! You just use it for your own pleasure! ". But we do not hear. We do not see any signs. Just offended. It is much easier to be offended than to open your eyes. Opening his eyes, we will see that there is a person next to us, and not an automatic for the extradition of happiness. Man with her needs, desires. Which we do not notice and not hear. Which is ignored by us as soon as it ceases to match the scenario.

The husband who gave flowers into the script is stacked. Therefore, we feel joy, harmony and. But if the husband came tired and still, God forbid, something burned like: "Leave me alone!" - This is not what we ordered. But is a man - in this case Husband - has no right to get tired at work and want to be alone?

We are already talking about yourself so much about yourself that we need to take and live. We need time for yourself. And what a man is worse? What does he differ from us? The same person is two hands, two legs. Another response to external stimuli, other goals in life. And that's it. The rest of it flows the same blood and the same emotions will be burned. Yes, emotions will be burned 6 times weaker. But if we consider that we are sometimes released with you, and men are almost never, then who is more difficult to live with them?

When mom takes and supports, it's good, we rejoice and love. But when Mom gives unborn tips, climbs not in his business, trying to help or criticizes - what do we feel? Outrage, insult, anger. Anything. Besides love.

When children obedient and paint the right kalaics - it's great. When they learn from the fives - we are proud and praised. Or at least do not swear. But it is standing a child to robby, bring the top three or fight with someone - what feelings arise? . Anything. Besides love.

When a husband screams or asks to silence when he forgets about some kind an important date, does it work a lot or vice versa is in the search for yourself - how many women have enough patience and adoption? After all, everything he needs at this moment is love. Do many people can pray for him, love him as it is? Right now. It is much easier to finish at him, offended, remember that in fact I am the Queen and he is not worthy. What I have three higher, and he has one. That I am not meat, but it is still cracking. What I spend the whole day with children, and he is only half an hour. And you can still reset everything that he does. For you, for family. Think, it works - his salary is small, we lack. Think, you will take us off the car where we need. MDD does not always observe, and even once again falls. Well, that, that garbage carried out or was taken by home - I do it every day, and nothing. Any achievement can be reset. Ungrateful can be ruined any gust of the soul.

But there is another option. To begin with - think what happens to him?

Maybe he has hard period at work? Or astrological complex stage? Or maybe I ignore his desires, not noticing himself? Or I put it late in my life - I never listen, I argue, I do not help? Maybe he feels superfluous in our house when I'm busy and I do not give him space? Or maybe, on the contrary, I am too much in his life - and he has no time to be with himself, listen to his heart? Maybe he is just tired? Is it tired today, and tomorrow will be easier? Or maybe I launched the situation and his fatigue accumulated like a snowball?

It is worth thinking about it before blaming. Before improving or offended. Before you start rolling the scandal.

There is an excellent exercise. Sanding. Found randomly on the Internet, but simplicity it struck me.

So, take a piece of paper, divide it into two columns. In the first, write down all its flaws, all that he does "not so" or "terrible."

For example:
shouts at you in quarrel time,
does not remove plates
Does not walk with the children,
Too much (or little) works,
little earns
Does not talk for souls,
loves her mother too much
forgets to endure garbage,
requires every day clean socks

Write everything that annoys you, offends, infuriates and so on. Maybe one sheet is not enough. Then there will be two, three - or more. The main thing is not to write a leaflet on the turn. It will be needed for us.

And when you proudly look at your list - do not rush to rejoice. We will not write in the second column of its advantages and balancing. We will see how you react to it.

For example, when he screams on you, you tell him what you need. Or drive out of the house. When he does not give you money, you insult him or take century, when the next time he wants to buy something.

Near each of its lack, write your reaction to it. And you will see what he sees. What do you:

rather hysteria
Take the brain to him
Shout at him
bet it
dictate him what to do
Forbid him to go there where he wants
Come on his formation
involunt children telling them what dad scoundrels
Complain your girlfriends
Breaking his things
Threaten the divorce
compare it with other men
Throw away wedding ring
beating the dishes (that in this list is perhaps the most harmless)
Go out of the house
pack suitcases and leaving us

Be extremely honest with you. Remember how your quarrels were held, what you did - no need to write about what you feel. At the exercise the purpose is different.

And when finished - tear off the left half. Where you listed its disadvantages. Remove - and wash up the toilet. And I recommend you to read the right half again. Thoughtfully. Just imagine how your husband lives with you. After all, he also most of all the pain causes you - the closest person. Look at how much your behavior demonstrates respect for him, respect for yourself (after all, a self-respecting woman would not have done exactly such a list). Are there many love in your behavior and reactions?
The objection will be raised - but he is .... Move it. Look at yourself. That you can change. Your reactions, your behavior. And it is likely - experience shows that it is so, - the behavior of the husband will also change. He will not have to defend himself, because it will be a certain. And to attack him, too, it will be meaningless - after all, there will be no enemy on the contrary, but a loving person.

Oleg Gennadevich Torsunov says that the only method to change relations - It work with your egoism. And stop thinking about partner's egoism. It's true. And there is. Do not confuse feeling own dignity and egoism. They lead B. different sides And to different consequences.

Will not allow yourself to demand from loved ones special relationship. She will ask about it - and behave accordingly. A selfish woman always demands, she always has someone else.

Lady will not complain about her husband on every corner and criticize his actions. Also she does not come to the head offend him. After all, if your husband is a goat, then who are you? Just a selfish woman.

Lady will not allow her legs about himself. But for this she will not need to fight and defend his right. She just goes to the side so that the man could count his actions.

Lady - N. The Snow Queen. She is experiencing the same feelings as ordinary woman. But she knows how to live them and express safe way. She probably practiced for this for this.

The lady can separate the grains from the Treven - and she sees that the husband often did not chat, but just tired. And it means that he just needs a little more attention and love.

Lady - this is mature woman. Which respects himself and respects his loved ones. In any situation - no matter how difficult.

And the material world is such, it always sends tests, checks. And always bales happiness and pain. All suffering - like happiness - always come deservedly. Not by chance. Our close in this place is just tools in the hands of fate. Reliable tools - because they are always more painful - and more intelligible.

There is such a law of the material world. He who brings you most happiness, from the same you get the greatest pain. We often forget about it - or pretend that we do not know. But everything is so - most pain comes from the closest.

Our children. How much pain has to survive the mother in all life? Exactly as much as happiness. They seem to balance - the birth pain and the first smile of the baby, sleepless nights and the first steps, illness and victory. Further more. Experiences because of its safety, relationship, future, health. But women still become mothers, hoping that pain will be less.

Our husbands. The closer and more intimate your relationship, the stronger you will experience pain. At the same time, the situation can look simple on the outside - to experience pain, it is not necessary to become a victim of treason or betrayal. Often his indifference in some question is already breaking the heart. After all, we are the closest people! And if the husband, like all people, passes the crisis and is moving away, then his wife brings a lot of pain and suffering.

Our parents. Those who once came to us life often involuntarily become the source of the offense. Because they do not approve, they say offensive things, do not support. My friend has wonderful parents. And the relationship with them is warm. But they still can't accept her choice of profession, they consider what it does, frivolous. And joke. Constantly joking and poded. What very much wounded his daughter.

And you can continue for a long time. The lack of understanding of this law leads to the fact that families fall apart, relations between children and parents are glowing. And what's the reason? In the fact that we want to experience only happiness in a relationship.

And this means that we have a clear prescribing scenario - as it should be. What should a husband answer if I cry. How should a child learn and respond to comments. How parents must express their love for me. And the pain is born precisely from the fact that there are no coincidences with the script.

The world as if shouting to us: "Open your eyes! You do not see a person who is next to you! You just use it for your own pleasure! ". But we do not hear. We do not see any signs. Just offended. It is much easier to be offended than to open your eyes.

Opening his eyes, we will see that there is a person next to us, and not an automatic for the extradition of happiness. Man with her needs, desires. Which we do not notice and not hear. Which is ignored by us as soon as it ceases to match the scenario.

The husband who gave flowers into the script is stacked. Therefore, we feel joy, harmony and love. But if the husband came tired and still, God forbid, something snapped like: "Leave me alone!" - This is not what we ordered. But isn't a man - in this case, the husband is not right to get tired at work and want to be alone?

We are so many talking about yourself, about what we need to take and reside emotions. We need time for yourself. And what a man is worse? What does he differ from us? The same person is two hands, two legs. Another response to external stimuli, other goals in life. And that's it. The rest of it flows the same blood and the same emotions will be burned. Yes, emotions will be burned 6 times weaker. But if we consider that we are sometimes released with you, and men are almost never, then who is more difficult to live with them?

When mom takes and supports, it's good, we rejoice and love. But when Mom gives unborn tips, climbs not in his business, trying to help or criticizes - what do we feel? Outrage, insult, anger. Anything. Besides love.

When children obedient and paint the right kalaics - it's great. When they learn from the fives - we are proud and praised. Or at least do not swear. But it is standing a child to robby, bring the top three or fight with someone - what feelings arise? Anger, irritation, resentment, indignation. Anything. Besides love.

When a husband screams or asks to silence, when he forgets about some important date, it works a lot or vice versa is in finding yourself - how many women have patience and adoption? After all, everything he needs at this moment is love. Do many people can pray for him, love him as it is? Right now.

It is much easier to finish at him, offended, remember that in fact I am the Queen and he is not worthy. What I have three higher, and he has one. That I am not meat, but it is still cracking. What I spend the whole day with children, and he is only half an hour. And you can still reset everything that he does. For you, for family.

Think, it works - his salary is small, we lack. Think, you will take us off the car where we need. MDD does not always observe, and even once again falls. Well, that, that garbage carried out or was taken by home - I do it every day, and nothing. Any achievement can be reset. Ungrateful can be ruined any gust of the soul.

But there is another option. To begin with - think what happens to him?

Maybe he has a difficult period at work? Or astrological complex stage? Or maybe I ignore his desires, not noticing himself? Or I put it late in my life - I never listen, I argue, I do not help? Maybe he feels superfluous in our house when I'm busy and I do not give him space? Or maybe, on the contrary, I am too much in his life - and he has no time to be with himself, listen to his heart? Maybe he is just tired? Is it tired today, and tomorrow will be easier? Or maybe I launched the situation and his fatigue accumulated like a snowball?

It is worth thinking about it before blaming. Before improving or offended. Before you start rolling the scandal.

There is an excellent exercise. Sanding. Found randomly on the Internet, but simplicity it struck me.

So, take a piece of paper, divide it into two columns. In the first, write down all its flaws, all that he does "not so" or "terrible."

For example:

  • shouts at you during a quarrel,
  • does not remove plates
  • does not walk with the children,
  • too much (or little) works,
  • greedy
  • little earns
  • does not talk for souls,
  • loves her mother too much
  • insults
  • forgets to endure garbage,
  • requires every day clean socks

Etc. Write everything that annoys you, offends, infuriates and so on. Maybe one sheet is not enough. Then there will be two, three - or more. The main thing is not to write a leaflet on the turn. It will be needed for us.

And when you proudly look at your list - do not rush to rejoice. We will not write in the second column of its advantages and balancing. We will see how you react to it.

For example, when he shouts at you, you tell him that you require a divorce. Or drive out of the house. When he does not give you money, you insult him or take century, when the next time he wants to buy something.

Near each of its lack, write your reaction to it. And you will see what he sees. What do you:

  • rather hysteria
  • take the brain to him
  • shout at him
  • bet it
  • dictate him what to do
  • forbid him to go there where he wants
  • come on his formation
  • scold
  • insult
  • cardy
  • involunt children telling them what dad scoundrels
  • complain your girlfriends
  • breaking his things
  • threaten the divorce
  • compare it with other men
  • throw the wedding ring
  • beating the dishes (that in this list is perhaps the most harmless)
  • go out of the house
  • pack suitcases and leaving us

And when finished - tear off the left half. Where you listed its disadvantages. Remove - and wash up the toilet.

Look at how much your behavior demonstrates respect for him, respect for yourself (after all, a self-respecting woman would not have done exactly such a list). Are there many love in your behavior and reactions?

The objection will be raised - but he is .... Move it. Look at yourself. That you can change. Your reactions, your behavior.

And it is likely - experience shows that it is so, - the behavior of the husband will also change. He will not have to defend himself, because it will be a certain. And to attack him, too, it will be meaningless - after all, there will be no enemy on the contrary, but a loving person.

Says that the only way Change the relationship is to work with your egoism. And stop thinking about partner's egoism. It's true. And there is.

Do not confuse self-esteem and egoism. They lead in different directions and to different consequences.

  • Lady will not allow themselves to demand from closely special relationship. She will ask about it - and behave accordingly. A selfish woman always demands, she always has someone else.
  • Lady will not complain about her husband on every corner and criticize his actions. Also she does not come to the head offend him. After all, if your husband is a goat, then who are you? Just a selfish woman.
  • Lady will not allow her legs about himself. But for this she will not need to fight and defend his right. She just goes to the side so that the man could count his actions.
  • Lady is not a snow queen. She is experiencing the same feelings as the ordinary woman. But she knows how to live them and express a safe way. She probably practiced for this for this.
  • The lady can separate the grains from the Treven - and she sees that the husband often did not chat, but just tired. And it means that he just needs a little more attention and love.

Lady is a mature woman. Which respects himself and respects his loved ones. In any situation - no matter how difficult.

And the material world is such, it always sends tests, checks. And always bales happiness and pain. All suffering - like happiness - always come deservedly. Not by chance. Our close in this place is just tools in the hands of fate. Reliable tools - because they are always more painful - and more intelligible.

It is said that a person needs love most at the moment when it is less deserved. It's true. This is about us with you. And about our loved ones.

Useful advice

Immediately after the death of a loved one, you do not need to do anything. Take for myself so much time as you need. Someone wants to sit near the deceased, and someone immediately comes out. Perhaps you will want someone to make sure that the body lies exactly until the joints are tough and they cannot be moved. The stuff starts in the first hours after death.

As far as long as you can stay with the body depends on where death occurred. If the closest died at home, there is no need for immediate movement of the body. This time is used by a person for religious, cultural or ethnic customs, accompanying death.

If death happens somewhere outside the house, in the hospital or in the nursing home, then if possible, discuss all important moments with staff. It will help them all melted that you have time with deceased.

Some people want to sit down with the left loved ones, consult each other and, perhaps, share memories.

If a person died at home

So, what if a close person died at home?

1. First of all, you must call an ambulance brigade so that the doctors recorded death.

Doctors can offer you to take an autopsy. This medical procedure It is carried out by the pathologist in order to find out the exact cause of death. For example, if it is assumed that a person died of Alzheimer's disease, the opening of the brain will allow you to put the final diagnosis.

If your religion or culture oppose the autopsy, contact your doctor with an appropriate request. Some people who plan funeral worry about the fact that there will be a place of autopsy, but all physical signs Always hide clothing.

2. After the call to the ambulance, you must invite the police so that the representative of the authorities will be convinced of the absence of a violent nature of death.

3. Next, you should contact the Bureau of Ritual Services so that they take the body. After that, call the ritual agent of the city ritual service, you can also use the services of a private ritual service.

4. From police officers, you must get a body inspection protocol, and from medical workers Help on the state of death.

5. The next day, you must take your passport, body inspection protocol, a certificate of defeat death, a medical card and medical policy The deceased, as well as his passport and go to the morgue in order to issue a medical certificate of death.

After receiving a medical certificate of death, you need to contact the registry office at the place of residence of the deceased in order to get the coat of arms of death, which is the main document of the deceased person. You must also give a certificate of death.

Where man died

What if a close man died in a medical institution?

When a person dies in a hospital, a nurse or attending physician informs about it relatives, and also inform them about what morgue is the body. Close people of the deceased after sad news should take several steps.

1. First of all, the ritual agent should be caused public services Or contact the private service.

2. Then you should contact the Morg Registry to issue a medical certificate of death.

3. After the medical certificate of death will be in your hands, go to the registry office at the place of residence of the deceased in order to issue a coat of arms of death and death certificate.

How to be if a close man died in public place?

When a person dies in a public place, then from the scene of his body will be sent to the forensic morgue to establish the cause of death and in order to issue a medical certificate of death.

After the delicious deceased learns about what happened, they should draw the following steps.

1. Go to the Marga Registry in order to issue a medical certificate of death.

2. Then contact the state or private ritual service, cause a ritual agent.

3. After the medical certificate of death in the hands, you need to contact the registry office at the place of residence to get a certificate of death and the coat of arms of death.

How to be if a close person went to the world other as a result of violent death?

If the death of a person has occurred not natural reasonsthen his body is sent to forensic morgue. This is done in the case of car accident, murder, accident, suicide, etc.

The prosecutor's office or the police conducts its verification on the fact of death, according to the results of which a criminal case is initiated, or a decree is given to the refusal to initiate it.

Man died: what to do?

In order to bury a close man, you need:

Get permission for the possibility of burial in the prosecutor's office or in police bodies.

Get in the registry office at the place of residence, the coat of arms of death.

Contact a ritual agent from urban or private ritual service.

How to be if a person died in the country?

If a person dies at the cottage, behind the city or in the garden plot, then the doctor from the local medical center, clinic or district ambulance should come to keep death. You can find out the phone number in the help desk.

Then you should call the district or police officers so that they amounted to the inspection protocol. In order to transport the body of a deceased person in the morgue of his place of residence, you must get a medical certificate of death in the local morgue registration or from the doctor in the clinic.

In order to take the body of the deceased person in a big city morgue, you can call special servicewhich you will also be prompted in reference services.

What to do when a relative died in someone else's city?

When a person dies away from home, in someone else's city or country, except that it is necessary to organize burial events in his city, it is necessary to obtain a medical certificate of death in the village where a person died, turning to the medical institution at the place. It is also necessary to carry a person's body to the burial site. Transportation of the deceased is called "Cargo 200".

Favorite man died

A close man of the deceased can come to the body himself, ordering this service from a specialized service. Also to carry the body can and the ritual agency independently, they, among other things, can prepare all the necessary acts and references, to accompany the body during transportation and hold the funeral ceremony.

What to do if native man Died abroad?

If a person died in a foreign country during a short-term visiting (as a tourist or on working matters), then necessary procedures goes to his consulate native country. However, the cost of transporting the body of the mustache falls on the shoulders relative.

In order to transport a person's body to their homeland, a passport of the deceased with the presence of a visa and a certificate of death in it, which indicates that the death of a person has come in a foreign country. This certificate needs to legalize and translate.

If the dead person was insured, the insurance company will cover most of the costs if a person died as a result of an accident or illness. But compensation will not be if death happened as a result of toxic, alcoholic or drug intoxication, and also if suicide occurred. Also, it is also unlikely to receive any payments if the deceased was a member of the uprisings, strikes or was part of the military forces and formations.

What documents are needed to carry out burial for Russian citizens?

As for the burial and cremation, the following documents are needed:

The inspection protocol that you get from police workers;

A certificate of death of death, which is issued by a team of ambulance or a physician clinic;

Workers of the morgue or doctor clinic must give you a medical (medical) death certificate;

The man died that

Coat of arms of death from the registry office;

Certificate for the burial benefit from the state, which is issued by the registry office;

Contract with a ritual service for the provision of services (public or private).

Among other things, if the deceased is going to be cremmed, then add to the list of documents for the design of cremation:

A receipt that confirms that relatives paid for the burial services of urn, or a statement from a proxy that urn will be buried elsewhere.

How to get compensation for the funeral in Russia?

People who are socially insured have the right to receive compensation for conducting ritual services. Money can be obtained on the day of circulation, for this it is necessary to present a certificate of death issued in the registry office.

Compensation can be issued one of the listed organizations:

A company in which the deceased person worked and was insured;

A body where a person was given a pension;

Organization social protection At the place of residence, if the deceased person was not insured.

Documents required for compensation:

Internal applicant passport

B. necessary form statement

Certificate that confirms death

Labor book or documentary evidence that the man did not work at the time of death

Help with a cemetery in which the grave number will be specified.

Help, man died

It is worth noting that compensation is issued and birth of dead Child, if pregnancy was over 196 days. Compensation is issued no later than 6 months after the death of man.

Share with you some advice of a lawyer, which is to fear in such a scrupulous business as the organization of the burial.

Fraud in the field of ritual services is not a new phenomenon. Today, the ritual business occupies a leading position in profitability, and the burning relatives of the deceased are ready to give any money to be the last path of a near man worthy.