Socially preventive work with the family. Organization of preventive work with the families of students of MBOU "Tigilskaya Sosh" who are in a socially dangerous situation

From the experience of a social pedagogue in carrying out individual preventive work in relation to families in a socially dangerous situation. The system of interaction between the services of an educational institution to eliminate family troubles is shown: stages, an algorithm and a scheme for organizing support for families of social risk. The most effective forms and methods of working with a family are selected, which give positive results in removing a family from a socially dangerous situation.



Carrying out individual preventive work in relation to families in a socially dangerous situation.

(From the experience of a social teacher at MBOU secondary school No. 3 in the village of Shedok)

Prepared by:

social educator

MBOU secondary school №3

Zabugina M.A.

  • The family starts with children.

A.I. Herzen

  • The best way to make children good is to make them happy.

O. Wilde

  • Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country.

A.S. Makarenko

The most important social function of the family is the upbringing and development of children, the socialization of the younger generation. The educational potential of the family includes not only its capabilities in the field of spiritual and practical activities of parents, aimed at developing certain qualities in children, but also those that are laid down by the family microsphere, the lifestyle of the family as a whole.

The family is currently in a severe crisis. A significant number of family and moral traditions have been lost, the attitude of parents towards children has changed, and the psychological structure of the family has been destroyed.

In this situation, unstable families have become more unstable and degraded, actually forgetting about their children and leaving them to their own devices.

And each new round of the economic crisis, expressed in rising prices, low wages, and the closure of enterprises, leads to a deterioration in the children in the family. Therefore, educational institutions are faced with the task of providing socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance to such families and children from these families.

A family in a socially dangerous position.

A family in a socially dangerous situation is a family with children where parents or legal representatives of minors do not fulfill the obligations of their upbringing, education and (or) maintenance and (or) negatively influence their behavior, or treat them cruelly.

The main criteria for determining families in this category are:

  • failure by parents to fulfill their obligations to provide for children (lack of necessary clothing for children, regular meals, non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions);
  • lack of conditions for raising children (lack of work for parents, housing, etc.)
  • involvement of children in illegal activities (begging, prostitution, etc.);
  • abuse of people by parents;
  • lack of control over the upbringing and education of children (lack of communication with the school, parents' inattention to the child's progress);
  • families in which children have committed a crime or offense.

From this it follows that trouble in the family does not depend on the composition and structure of the family, not on the level of its material well-being, but on the psychological climate that has formed in it. Therefore, the following types of families in a socially dangerous situation can be distinguished:

  • conflict - the most common type (up to 60% of all families in the category), with a predominance of a confrontational style of relations;
  • immoral - characterized by oblivion of all moral and ethnic norms; conflict and immoral families are united by the fact that the situation in them is directly dependent on intra-family relations, and the educational factor acquires the value of a derivative;
  • pedagogically untenable - with a low level of general and lack of psychological and pedagogical culture; is characterized not only by mistakes and defects in the upbringing of children, but also by an unwillingness to change and correct anything in the content and methods of upbringing: such a family consciously or unwittingly sets the child to disobey social norms and requirements, to confront the leader.
  • asocial - in it, children from an early age are in an environment of disregard for generally accepted social and moral norms, they perceive the skills of deviant and illegal behavior.

Any family can become a family in a socially dangerous situation, as there are a number of social problems: difficult material conditions, lack of jobs, conflicts between spouses and much more. Closer to this stage, of course, are families at risk. Families at risk are families whose members are vulnerable due to circumstances or may suffer damage from certain social impacts of a social nature. Such families include, for example, low-income, large families; incomplete families; single mothers; families with disabled children; parents suffering from a mental disorder, mental retardation; families with children under guardianship or guardianship. These families require a lot of attention from the school. And the task of a social pedagogue is to start preventive work with this category of families as early as possible so that they do not cross the line that will lead them to trouble.The activities of a social educator with the family includethree main components of social - pedagogical assistance: educational, psychological and mediation.

In MBOU secondary school No. 3, work on the prevention, prevention and elimination of trouble in the family is carried out in accordance withLaw of the Russian Federation "On Education",federal lawRF No. 120 "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" and Law KK No. 1539 "On measures to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Krasnodar Territory", with a resolution of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory dated April 4, 2008 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for interaction bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in the field of organizing individual preventive work in relation to minors and families in a socially dangerous situation”, tothe Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, “On Family Policy” and other legal documents regulating the social protection of children in a difficult life situation.

Based on these laws, we have developed the stages, algorithm and scheme (Appendix 1) for organizing support for families of social risk.

Stages of work of the school with the family,

in a socially dangerous position.

Stage 1.

Early identification of families in the SOP and the formation of a data bank.In order to early identify disadvantaged families living on the territory of the school, the following work was organized: each teacher of the school is assigned micro-sites, which are visited 2 times a year, all minors living in families, their place of study, living conditions are enumerated. At the beginning of each academic year, the social teacher, on the basis of the information received from the class teachers about the social passport of the class, draws up the social passport of the school, in which all families of the risk group are entered. In the future, these families are always under close control. I am doing the same work.

The most effective form of work with a family is an individual one. Individual forms of work include: conversations with parents, legal representatives, recommendations and consultations, family visits, questionnaires, diagnostics, identification and accounting.

(Appendix 2).

Stage 2.

The work of the class teacher for working with the family SOP (TZhS):

  • ensures the connection of the educational institution with the family;
  • establishes contact with parents (other legal representatives) of students;
  • advises parents (other legal representatives) on the upbringing and education of children (personally, through specialists from an educational institution);
  • organizes in the classroom an educational space that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of each student;
  • studies the individual characteristics of students and their dynamics;
  • studies and analyzes the degree of satisfaction of the participants in the educational process of the life of the class team, educational institution.
  • monitors the attendance of training sessions and the progress of each student;
  • analyzes the conditions and causes of negative manifestations among students in the class and determines measures to support pedagogical assistance and support for families in this category;
  • Responsible for maintaining internal records.

In preventive work, the class teacher can use a wide range of possible forms and methods: visiting the family in order to examine living conditions,daily monitoring of student attendance, individual conversations and consultations with students and parents,monitoring children during the year for their appearance, as well as the fulfillment of duties by parents,Invite parents to participate in parent-teacher meetings, class activities, house raids, monitoring student progress, helping them with homework, involving them in circles, sections, social life of the class and school,lectures, seminars, workshops for parents, open lessons and class events, etc.

Stage 3.

The family is considered at the pedagogical council and the meeting of the SVR.The class teacher talks about the results of the individual preventive work done.

Stage 4.

School Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency.

The class teacher provides documentation for the family: an act of examining living conditions, a presentation on the family, a description of the minor, a report card and attendance, and information about the work done with the family.

Stage 5

Putting families on preventive records at school, notifying various district services involved in preventive work with families and organizing corrective and rehabilitation work to improve the situation in the family.The decision to register for internal preventive registration is made in accordance with the regulation of the "Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency MBOU Secondary School No. 3 of the village of Shedok."

To eliminate problems in the family, the school conducts purposeful work with parents. The main task is to provide effective assistance to the family in matters of successful social adaptation of children and adolescents.

During the work with the family, the following tasks are solved:

Provide assistance to parents in solving problems that arise in the process of education and training;

To assist parents in the development of the individual characteristics of their child;

Coordinate educational assistance of parents to their children;

Identify the educational opportunities of parents and involve them in the life of class groups;

Provide assistance to parents in solving emerging problems;

To study the way of life and traditions of the families of students;

Organize psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

Provide assistance in conflict resolution.

In working with families, the main areas of work can be identified:

Checking the living conditions of the family;

Collecting information about the family, identifying the causes of trouble;

Drawing up a plan for working with the family;

Conducting consultations, lectures for parents;

Providing them with socio-psychological, mediation and legal assistance;

Track the progress and attendance of underprivileged students


Organization of leisure activities for children from these families outside school hours and during holidays;

Assistance in organizing the employment of teenagers during the summer holidays.

When working with a family in the SOP / TZHS, a social pedagogue uses the following algorithm:

  1. The study of the family and the awareness of the problems existing in it, the study of families' appeals for help, the study of complaints from residents (neighbors).
  2. Primary survey of housing conditions of a dysfunctional (problem) family.
  3. Getting to know family members and their environment, talking with children, assessing their living conditions (gathering information about the family and its immediate environment).
  4. Acquaintance with those services that have already provided assistance to the family, studying their actions, conclusions.
  5. The study of the causes of family dysfunction, its characteristics, its goals, value orientations (diagnostics).
  6. The study of personal characteristics of family members.
  7. Family mapping.
  8. Coordinating activities with all interested organizations (ODN DMIA, KDN and ZP, Prevention Council under the rural administration, Department of Family and Childhood,educational institutions, preschool institutions, a center for social rehabilitation of children and adolescents, shelters, a center for health care, a department for youth affairs, etc.).
  9. Drawing up a program (plan) for working with a dysfunctional family.
  10. Current and follow-up family visits.
  11. Conclusions about the results of working with a dysfunctional family.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the social educator determines the essence of the problem or a set of problems, and, relying on a bank of technological approaches, selects a psychological, pedagogical, social tool for their effective resolution (Appendix 3).

The plan should provide for items to eliminate all signs of a socially dangerous situation (Appendix 4):


Providing humanitarian assistance (village administration, educational institution);

Financial (USZN);

Address social (GBU SOOKK Mostovsky KTSSO "Edelweiss");

Advising parents on social security issues

Assistance of various types (educational institution, social work specialist).


Employment of children in circles, sections, electives (educational institution);

Control over the attendance of minors in training sessions (educational institution);

Monitoring the progress of a minor in academic subjects (educational institution);

Advising parents on the upbringing of a child (educational institution);

Education of parents in order to form a critical attitude towards socially dangerous phenomena (educational institution).


Accompanying the process of child development (psychodiagnostics of child developmental features, prevention of deviations in child development) (educational institution);

Education of parents on the creation of conditions for the preservation and strengthening of the neuropsychic health of the child;

Correctional and developmental activities aimed at stabilizing or improving parent-child relationships (educational institution).


Individual lessons with the child in those subjects where there is poor progress (educational institution);

Formation of hygiene skills in a child (educational institution).


If the criteria for a socially dangerous situation indicate the use of alcoholic beverages by parents, measures for the treatment of alcohol dependence must be prescribed (narcologist);

Medical examination of the child, if necessary, referral to inpatient treatment (outpatient clinic, FAP);

Implementation of measures aimed at preserving the health of the child (vitaminization, vaccinations, monitoring compliance with the daily regimen and nutrition, environmental safety) (outpatient clinic, FAP);

Organization of rehabilitation of a minor, referral to a health camp (department for family and childhood issues).


If the parents or the child do not have documents, the following items are included in the legal assistance:

1) registration of the child's birth certificate (social work specialist),

2) assisting parents in restoring lost documents, in replacing documents (DMIA);

Advising parents on responsibility for evading the upbringing and maintenance of the child (ODN, educational institution).

Other kind of help:

Employment of parents (CZN,GBU SOOKK Mostovsky KTSSO "Edelweiss" department for the prevention of family trouble)

Employment of a minor in his spare time, vacation time (educational institution);

Preventive inspection of electrical wiring, gas equipment (social work specialist);

Visiting the family at the place of residence, social patronage of the family (educational institution, village administration, social work specialist, juvenile affairs inspector, family and childhood department);

Control over the behavior of parents in everyday life in the evenings and weekends (ODN).

The implementation of an individual preventive work plan is heard at the school council for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency (according to the plan).

The social pedagogue forms a personal file of the family, which consists of the following documents:

1. Title page (full name of parents, date of birth, place of residence, family status, full name of children, date of birth, employment of children, basis for registration, employment of children)

2. Grounds for registration (Extract from the protocol of the Prevention Council on the recognition of a family in a THC or the Decree of the KDN and ZP on the recognition of a family in a socially dangerous situation).

3. The act of surveying the living conditions of the family.

4. A copy of the minor's birth certificate or passport.

5. Copies of parents' passports.

6. Preventive card (reflects the interaction of all specialists working with the family, the work done with parents and minors (them)).

8. An individual plan for preventive work with the family of the SOP / TZHS, which prescribes specific measures to eliminate the socially dangerous situation of the family, indicates specific deadlines for the implementation of measures, and persons responsible for carrying out the measures.

9. Monthly reports on the work done to restore the educational potential of the family.

10. Monthly acts and certificates of family visits.

11. Characteristics for a minor (them), report card and attendance.

12. Social passport of the family SOP / TZHS.

13. Copies of requests, petitions, other information indicating the work carried out with the family of the SOP / THC to improve the situation in the family.

14. Individual work with parents and minors (them) (explanatory, statements, receipts, etc.).

15. The results of the study of the family and students (his) (diagnostics, questionnaires, tests, etc.).

Stage 6

Presentation to the Council for the Prevention of Neglect, Delinquency and Drug Addiction of Minors under the Administration of the Shedok Rural Settlement.

Stage 7.

Submission to the commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights.

The main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of individual preventive work with the family:

Improving the situation and quality of life of the child;

Elimination of the causes of trouble;

Expanding opportunities to protect the right to life, to a decent life, to health and education.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of working with the family:

Compliance of family problems with the goals, objectives and areas of work that the social pedagogue has determined.

An assessment of the positive dynamics of the situation may include the following indicators:

The standard of living of the family has been brought to average levels (parents are trying to lead a normal life, the living situation in the family has improved);

Parents show concern for children;

Children attend an educational institution;

Decreased consumption of alcoholic beverages by parents;

Family ties with children's medical institutions have been restored;

The family maintains contact with an educational institution, a social assistance center, etc.;

Other significant adults (relatives, close acquaintances) appeared in the social environment, whose help the family accepts and is positively disposed to interact with them;

The family positively accepts help and social contacts with patrons.

In the 2012-2013 academic year, the social and pedagogical service of MBOU secondary school No. 3 developed and implemented:social adaptation "Family"; social assistance program for students from families,those in a socially dangerous situation, in a difficult life situation MBOU secondary school No. 3; a plan of social and psychological work with the parents of students, individual plans for preventive work with families.The work of the social educator and the school to eliminate family troubles and bring the family out of a difficult life situation was carried out in accordance with these documents listed above. The work done showed a positive trend in reducing the number of families on preventive records.

Monitoring of Preventive Work with Families SOP (PWA)

The number of families of SOP (TZhS) registered on a preventive basis

2010-2011 academic year year

2011-2012 academic year year

2012-2013 academic year year

2013-2014 academic year year









1 (transferred from TJS)

Conducted activities of individual work with the family depended on its specifics and request:



Type of accounting



Work done


Vanteeva Natalya Borisovna


Unreleased childbirth

must. (removal from the upbringing of the son, mainly the grandmother is engaged in upbringing)

GBU SOOKK Mostovsky KTSSO "Edelweiss",Department for Family and Childhood Affairs, KDN and ZP;prepared information letters of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mostovsky KTSSO "Edelweiss", Department of Family and Childhood; providing methodological assistance in the education of Vitaly, raids on the family; organization of useful, summer employment; involvement of Vitaliy in class and school activities, control over visits to the cycling sports section (interaction with the coach); daily attendance record; preventive conversations with Vitaly. The issue was considered at meetings of the teachers' council, ShVR.

Work with the mother to visit the narcological office for treatment, interaction with medical workers (ambulance). Work to timely obtain a passport for Vitaly. Grandmother was given the necessary assistance in preparing documents for Vitaly to a sports boarding school to continue his studies in the interests of a minor.

Vitaliy was transferred to the next class, received a passport, repeatedly won prizes in cycling competitions, his mother was employed for a short period of time, underwent treatment in a hospital, the elimination of trouble is short-lived, because. mother continues to abuse alcohol. Vitaly was not seen in illegal actions.

Vitaly continued his studies

at a sports boarding school.

The family was removed from prof. accounting for student departure.

Vorobieva Natalia Vyacheslavovna


Unreleased childbirth

obliged, unsatisfactory material-but-life. conditions

Home visits, individual conversations and consultations, work with the ODN inspector, considered at the school SP, SP under the administration of the Shedok rural settlement, legal education of the mother; interaction: with special according to social workGBU SOOKK Mostovsky KTSSO "Edelweiss",Shedok outpatient clinic (treatment of pediculosis, attendance records), Department of Family and Childhood, KDN and ZP;petitions and information letters were prepared to the KDN and ZP, ODN DMIA, GBU SOOKK Mostovsky KTSSO "Edelweiss", Department of Family and Childhood; providing methodological assistance in raising children, attending parental lectures, raids on the family, working with the mother to continue Alexei's education in special education. boarding school st. Kostroma (by decision of the district PMPK); organization of useful, summer employment; involvement of children in clubs and sports sections (Marina - circle "Folk Traditions", class of Cossack orientation, sports section "Volleyball", Galina - "In the World of Beads", Alexey and Yulia - Club "Spasika"; "Etiquette from A to Z "; "Native word"; "Project activity";

"Motherland"; ""Conversation about a healthy diet"; "Ecology"; "Needlework";

"Olympic reserves"; daily attendance record; preventive conversations with children; organization of a trip to the New Year tree in Mostovskoy village; health improvement in the summer at the school camp "Path" - Yulia and Lesha; Aleksey - health improvement according to the voucher of the VsiD department. The issue was considered at meetings of the teachers' council, ShVR.

The family was considered at a meeting of the CDN and the RFP. Working with the mother to visit the drug treatment room.

The eldest daughter Marina is studying in a Cossack-oriented class, the children attended sports sections and circles. They took part in classroom, school and district events, all the children were transferred to the next class, pediculosis was cured, the children improved their health at the Pathway school camp - Yulia and Lesha; Aleksey - health improvement according to the voucher of the VsiD department. Alexey continued his studies in the special. boarding school st. Kostroma. Children were not seen in illegal actions.

Continue individual preventive work, because elimination of trouble is temporary. The main reason has not been resolved - the mother continues to abuse alcohol and formally refers to the upbringing of children.

Shcherbanovskaya Olga Nikolaevna


Improper control over the upbringing of children, the mother is registered with the narcological department. cab., low mat. level

Home visits, individual interviews and consultations, work with the ODN inspector, considered at the school SP, legal education of the mother; interaction: with special according to social workGBU SOOKK Mostovsky KTSSO "Edelweiss" (petition for the placement of the youngest daughter in a kindergarten (For the mother's employment),Department for Family and Childhood Affairs, KDN and ZP; providing methodological assistance in raising children, raids on the family; visiting parent lectures, organizing useful, summer employment; Alina's involvement in class and school activities; daily attendance record; preventive conversations with Alina (a disabled child - control over timely treatment). The issue was considered at meetings of the teachers' council, ShVR.

Working with the mother to visit the drug treatment room for treatment.

Alina studies in a Cossack-oriented class, took part in class, school and district events, was transferred to the next class, Victoria attends a kindergarten, Alina's medical screening as a disabled child was completed in a timely manner, she was treated in a special. health-improving establishment, mother has passed or has taken place course of treatment in narkol. office. Alina was not noticed in illegal actions.

The family was removed for correction.

Poddubnaya Venera Vasilievna


Failure to fulfill parental responsibilities, (unsatisfactory sanitary conditions, children are untidy, untidy, insufficient

psychological-ped. literacy)

Home visits, individual conversations and consultations, work with the inspector I D N, were considered at the school joint venture, legal education of the mother, material assistance was provided with things and shoes () including used by the school staff, the public, monthly attendance records, work with the mother to continue the education of Vladislav and Ernest in the special. boarding school st. Kostroma (by decision of the district PMPK); involving children in classroom and school activities; preventive conversations with children and mothers; providing methodological assistance to mothers in raising children (improving pedagogical literacy); work to include children in the list for free meals in the school cafeteria., raids on the family. The issue was considered at meetings of the teachers' council, ShVR.

Children are transferred to the next class (Vladislav, Ernest, Alexey), included in the list for free meals. The mother purchased housing (improvement of living conditions) with maternity capital. Children were not seen in illegal actions.

The family was removed for correction.

Gritsay Elena Anatolievna

Cohabitant Gavrilov V.V.

Difficult life situation

Weak control over the upbringing of children, frequent skipping lessons without respect. reasons, unsatisfactory material-but-life. conditions

Home visits, individual conversations and consultations, work with the ODN inspector, were considered at the school SP, SP at the rural administration, legal education of parents, work was carried out to involve children in the sports sections "Volleyball", "Basketball". The mother attended parental lectures, communication with the family was constantly maintained, methodological assistance was provided in raising children, raids on the family, daily attendance records, and preventive conversations. The issue was considered at meetings of the teachers' council, ShVR. Work with his mother and Vadim to get a passport in time.

Vadim graduated from the 9th grade, Oksana was transferred to the next class. Mother got a job.

Vadim, due to the systematic absence of lessons, was on a preventive list, individual preventive work was carried out with him. Children were not seen in illegal actions. Mother systematically maintained contact with the school, followed the recommendations of teachers.

The family was removed for correction.

Vasiliev Nikolay Vladimirovich


Failure to fulfill parental responsibilities

Home visits, individual conversations and consultations, work with the ODN inspector, considered at the school SP, legal education of the father, work was carried out to involve children in the Volleyball sports section, control over the visit of the cycling sports section by Vladislav (interaction with the coach) , involving children in classroom and school activities; preventive conversations with children, Nikita was included in the list for free meals, material assistance was provided with clothes and shoes (a petition was prepared by the State Budgetary Institution SOKK Mostovsky KTSSO "Edelweiss") including used by the forces of school employees, the public, daily attendance records, interaction with special. according to social slave, Shedok outpatient clinic, ONM inspector, family and childhood department, KDN and ZP, organization of summer holidays Vladislav and Nikita visited health centers. area at the place of residence "Foothillia", providing methodological assistance in raising children, visiting parent lectures, working with his father to continue Nikita's education in special. boarding school in st. Kostroma (by decision of the district PMPK), raids on the family. The issue was considered at meetings of the teachers' council, ShVR.

The children have been moved to the next class. My father began to attend parent-teacher meetings and, on his own initiative, came to school. There are no absenteeisms without a valid reason. The appearance of the children became more neat. Nikita continued his studies in special. boarding school st. Kostroma. Nikita for committing a crime was put on a preventive record in the ODN OMVD.

The family was removed for correction.

Nikita put on prof. school account.In August, Nikita continued his studies in the special. boarding school st. Kostromskoy, Vladislav - in secondary school No. 19.

These data confirm that the program and stages of work we have developed with families located in SOS / THC are working, and that there are positive results in their implementation. Therefore, it is possible to organize effective assistance to disadvantaged families and children using the proposed program.on social adaptation "Family" and experience in working with families MBOU secondary school No. 3.

In this work, the role of a social educator is very important, how he enjoys the authority of the family, whether he is a person whom the family trusts. If the social pedagogue is respected and loved in the family, then he is given the opportunity to communicate more closely with the family. And vice versa, there is a complete isolation of the social pedagogue from working with the family if he does not have the trust of the family.

The main task of a social teacher is to activate the pedagogical, educational, social activities of the family, to give it a purposeful, socially significant character.


Having considered the problem of families in a socially dangerous position or in a difficult life situation, having studied the available literature, I systematized and selected the most effective forms and methods of work for my work.

The most effective form of work with a family that is in a socially dangerous position or in a difficult life situation, in my opinion, is the individual form. Diagnostics, patronage, conversations, and the provision of psychological and pedagogical financial assistance can help in working with the family.

And I also realized that no matter what kind of work I do with a family that is in a socially dangerous situation or in a difficult life situation, in order to obtain a positive result, it must be carried out in the system. The process must be continuous. The weakening of control over the lives of children from these families can lead to irreversible consequences, since most often children from such families are forced to take the path of delinquency and crime, sometimes for self-affirmation, and sometimes for survival, left alone with the cruel world around them.

Annex 1.

Scheme work of a social educator with a dysfunctional family:

Appendix 2

Based on observations, testing, questioning, an algorithm was developed to identify, prevent and eliminate family troubles.


  • Bodies of social protection of the population
  • Education department;
  • Internal affairs bodies;
  • Health;
  • Department for Youth Policy;
  • Public Employment Service;
  • rural administration;
  • KDN and ZP.


  • class teachers;
  • school teachers;
  • Doctors;
  • district inspector;
  • Villagers;
  • Relatives;
  • Neighbours;
  • Friends.


  • Documents of social and medical patronage;
  • Documents of the psychological and pedagogical council at the school;
  • Materials of psychodiagnostics;
  • Raid results;
  • Complaints and statements of citizens;
  • Materials about offenses;
  • Juvenile crimes.



  • Vagrancy;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Hooliganism;
  • Theft;
  • Extortion;
  • Offenses;
  • Immoral forms of behavior;
  • Inadequate reactions to comments from adults.


  • Low academic performance;
  • Neurasthenia;
  • Lack of personal hygiene skills;
  • Mental imbalance;
  • Teenage alcoholism;
  • Teenage prostitution;
  • Diseases;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Study avoidance.


  • Conflicts with teachers;
  • Frequent use of informal vocabulary;
  • fussiness or hyperactivity;
  • Conflicts with parents;
  • Contacts with criminogenic groups.


  • Compulsory treatment for alcoholism;
  • Deprivation of parental rights, including temporary;
  • Consulting;
  • Educational consultations for parents;
  • Assistance of public organizations;
  • Influence through the media;
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  • Promotion of family values;
  • Providing material assistance;
  • administrative fines;
  • Creation of interest clubs;
  • Permanent patronage;
  • Providing free meals to children from disadvantaged families;
  • Free treatment of children and rehabilitation during the holidays;
  • Interaction of all services in early detection and individual approach to solving the problems of each family.

Appendix 3


  1. Never undertake educational actions in a bad mood.
  2. Clearly define for yourself what you want from the family, find out what the family thinks about this, try to convince them that your goals are, first of all, their goals.
  3. Do not take everything upon yourself, give the family independence, it is not necessary to control and evaluate their every step.
  4. Do not give final ready-made recipes and recommendations. Do not teach parents, but show possible ways to overcome difficulties, analyze correct and false decisions leading to the goal.
  5. The social educator is obliged to encourage successes, to notice even slight growth and achievements of the family's actions.
  6. If there are errors, incorrect actions, point them out. Evaluate and pause for the family to take in what they have heard.
  7. Let the family know that you sympathize with her, believe in her, have a good opinion of her, despite the oversights of her parents.
  8. A social educator is obliged to form in himself internal stability, a positive perception of facts. Such a stable position allows a person not to adapt to circumstances, but to take them into account and change them in accordance with
    moral standards of life.
  9. Do not show that you have come and the family to re-educate the parents. Operate in the logic of the system of "perspective lines" - from the distant perspective to the middle one and from it to today's.
  10. The social educator must be firm, but kind and sympathetic. Neither absolute firmness, no matter what, nor any kind of boundless kindness are suitable as the only fundamental principle of education. All is well in due time. One must be able to apply different methods in accordance with the specific situation.

Appendix 4

Considered: Approved:

at the meeting of the ShVR Director of MBOU secondary school No. 3

Chairman _____ S.V. Polyakova _________ O.V. Skripnik "___" _______________20___ "__"____________twenty__

Family work plan


in a socially dangerous position

2nd half of 2013-2014 academic year

Reason for failure:improper performance of parental duties, family with many children (5 children), mother is a widow, does not work, low upbringing, educational level of the family, mother's alcohol dependence.

Purpose: removing the family from a socially dangerous situation (providing mother with assistance in realizing the measure of responsibility for the maintenance and upbringing of minor children).


1. Provision of socio-pedagogical assistance to the family;

2. Attraction of specialists who can help in solving those problems that the family cannot solve on its own;

3. Education and counseling of the mother on the development and upbringing of children;

4. Teaching the mother how to raise children in the absence of the father;

5. Help in renewing lost ties with members of the extended family (grandmother, sisters, brother and other relatives of the husband), so that they provide moral support in raising children;


Current events

Due date




about execution

Survey of living conditions of the family


Social and pedagogical support of the family (conversations with the mother in order to improve the educational, cultural level of the family):

IB "The influence of alcohol on the human body";

IB "On evasion of parental responsibilities"

IC "Relationships in the family";

IB "The role of the family in the upbringing of children"

IC "Styles of family education"
- "Age-related changes in children."







Cl. manual, social ped., deputy dir. by BP

Lesson attendance control


Cl. hands

Organization of summer employment and health improvement of children

In tech. summer

Cl. manual, social ped., deputy dir. according to BP, spec. on social work

Individual conversations with children:

- "On observance of personal hygiene"

- Talking about healthy eating

- "Conversation on Career Guidance" (Marina)

- "Rights, duties and responsibilities of minors"

- Relationships in the family

- "Bad habits"







Social ped.

Individual conversations with children and mother (according to a separate plan)


Cl. hands.

Involving the mother in participation in parent lectures (according to a separate plan)


Cl. hands.

Providing children with social assistance and support.


Social ped., Cl. hands

Rendering by subject teachers of assistance to children in educational activities.


Cl. hands

Involving children in class and school activities (class hours, promotions, health days, etc.), library.


Cl. manager, librarian

Assistance in obtaining the necessary documents at the request of the mother, various services.

During a year

Social ped., class. hands

Conversation with the mother about the observance of the personal hygiene of the child.

as needed.

Social ped., class. hands

Involving the mother in the activities of the class, to participate in parent lectures.


Cl. hands

Involvement of children in circles, sports sections, Control over their attendance


Cl. manual, social ped.

Coordinating activities with all interested organizations: GBU SO KK "Mostovsky KTSSO of the population" Edelweiss ", inspector of ODN, department for family and childhood issues, KDN and ZP, joint venture under the administration of Shedok rural settlement.


A conversation with a mother about the responsibility of parents for raising children, about the improper performance of parental duties, about the implementation of the Law of the KK No. 1539.


Social ped., inspector ODN

Work with the social environment of the family and children. Involvement of next of kin in the upbringing of children.


Social ped., deputy. dir. by BP

Work with the teaching staff and students of the school to change attitudes towards the family, children


Deputy dir. according to BP, social ped..

Employment of a minor Vorobieva M. on vacation (optional)

March, June-August

Social ped., class. hands

Analysis of the results of work with the family. To consider the issue at the meeting of the SVR on deregistration to correct the situation in the family.


Social ped., class. hands., deputy dir. by BP

Social educator M.A. Zabugina

FULL NAME. ___________________________________ signature_____________

Bliznyuk Claudia Ivanovna,

social teacher

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 6"

p. Zelenoborsky

Murmansk region

Prevention of family troubles on the example of MBOU secondary school No. 6 (experience of the socio-psychological service)


Introduction 3

    Domestic violence as a socio-psychological

problem 5

    Diagnosis of family trouble and its methods

leveling 10 3. Conclusion 20

4. References 22


The modern Russian family is currently experiencing a spiritual crisis. The loss of former ideals has created a kind of spiritual vacuum, and in any society with the loss of spirituality or a decrease in its level, the number of dysfunctional families and children left without parental care increases. The reason for this situation, many domestic scientists and teachers consider the deterioration of socio-political and economic conditions in the country. In our opinion, to this should be added the loss of the traditions of religious education, which has absorbed the thousand-year experience of Russian Orthodox culture.

Domestic violence, unfortunately, still remains a problem, and alas, not the only one: the child is also faced with stress at school, and violence continues ...

For a number of decades, the problem of domestic violence not only has not been the subject of comprehensive research. But it was also viewed through the prism of public opinion. Meanwhile, according to statistics, women and children suffer the most from various forms of violence. These are colossal, devastating dramas, often taking lives. Every year in Russia, seventeen thousand young children become victims of crime. At the same time, every second of the dead children is killed by parents or persons replacing them. Children, the elderly, women and the disabled make up more than a third of all those affected by family and domestic relations. [4, p.3]

Violence against children in families has taken alarming proportions in Russia. According to unofficial statistics, between 50,000 and 60,000 children run away from home each year to escape the abuse and arbitrariness of their parents. At present, according to various sources, there are between 3 and 5 million homeless children in Russia. Social orphans, that is, those with parents, are 95% of abandoned children. Every year, 2 million children under the age of 14 are physically abused, one in ten die from beatings, and 2,000 commit suicide. And this happens not only in the so-called dysfunctional marginal families, but in families where there are both parents, where the family has sufficient material support. The conducted studies do not confirm the relationship between the level of wealth, education, family composition and domestic violence.

However, it only seems that the “door” to intra-family relations is closed; the only question is how to find the "key".

The main tasks of teachers in this direction are to promote unity, family rallying, establishing relationships between parents and children, creating comfortable conditions for the child in the family, as well as a comprehensive systematic study of the family, the characteristics and conditions of family upbringing of the child. [4, p.3]

1. Domestic violence as a socio-psychological problem

Modern secular and Orthodox pedagogy presents three points of view on the concept of family . The first considers the family as the primary unit of society, as an institution of socialization (A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky). The second - the point of view of Orthodox pedagogy - considers the family as a small Church, in which the hierarchy established by the law of God is observed (S.S. Kulomzina, L.I. Surova, Father Alexy (Uminsky). And the third is making attempts to combine these two positions on the basis of the Christian worldview (K.D. Ushinsky, N.I. Pirogov, V.V. Zenkovsky, T.I. Vlasova, I.A. Pankova, V.I. Slobodchikov, I.A. Solovtsova), coordinating the achievements of modern pedagogy with the teaching and life of the Orthodox Church.

The penetration of violence into family life leads to the destruction of the individual, leads to the deconstruction of the moral, spiritual foundations of family education, to an increase in child neglect, homelessness, the involvement of minors in criminal activities, and to an increase in the number of mentally unhealthy children. In such conditions, preventive measures against domestic violence are necessary, which become an important task for state social work bodies, police departments, schools, preschool institutions, teachers and parents.

In many countries, domestic violence is seen as a serious social problem and is the focus of various academic and practice-oriented disciplines. This problem is also very relevant for Russia, which is in a protracted and painful period from one political and socio-economic structure to another. As the history of civilization shows, global changes in society are always accompanied by bitterness.

The loss of previous social guidelines and the conflict of life values, uncertainty about the future, instability of the socio-economic situation, declining living standards, as well as the need to make non-standard decisions (which in itself is an uncomfortable, and often stressful factor) contribute to the growth and more intense manifestation of aggressiveness and cruelty.

In this regard, from a psychological point of view, modern violence is seen as a kind of neurotic protest of the individual against various kinds of stress factors and conditions of social life that put pressure on her and the conditions of social life, to which it is difficult for her to adapt.

Most often, children, women, the elderly and the disabled are subject to violent actions by family members. Men in the family are more likely to experience psychological abuse.

Families in which relationships are built on violence are at risk, since children who grow up in such a dysfunctional environment subsequently become either victims or themselves subject their loved ones to violence. According to statistics, 95% of people held in colonies experienced or witnessed violence in childhood.

Domestic violence violates such human rights as the right of everyone to equal protection before the law and non-discrimination on the basis of sex, age, marital or social status; the right not to be ill-treated; the right to life and physical integrity; the right to high standards of physical and mental health.

The village of Zelenoborsky is located 60 kilometers from the city of Kandalaksha - this is both good and bad. Our once prosperous village suddenly turned into an economically unstable one. State farm "Knyazhegubsky", DoZ, Lespromkhoz, RMZ disappeared from the economic space of the settlement for more than 10 years. There were very rich and very poor. Both have the same conditions for housekeeping, but most have already developed social pessimism.

This is one of the reasons for the social instability of the village, the decline in moral principles in the family, among the youth and adolescents.

In the last two years alone, the number of dysfunctional families has doubled in the village. The psychological climate is also deteriorating in stable families.

A sharp increase in stressful situations affects children. Lack of care in families, psychological deprivation, physical and psychological violence pushes children to rash acts and escapes. It is family trouble that is a prerequisite for various deformations of the process of socialization of the child's personality, which ultimately manifests itself in neglect or homelessness of minors. Most of those who work with children have come to the conclusion that it is easier to do everything possible so that the child does not end up “on the street” than to return him “off the street” to normal life. For several years, the school's teachers and the teaching staff of the Zelenoborsk orphanage have been struggling to bring up the children who arrived from the Tikhvin boarding school, who acquired permanent personality deformations due to abuse in their former families. The socio-psychological approach considers domestic violence as a product of socialization, the reproduction of that model of behavior, that life experience that a person received in the family up to 5-6 years. Many pupils of the orphanage, unfortunately, will never be able to build the right model for raising their future children (because until the age of 7-11 they were brought up on violence).

Today we are talking about prevention, but in the past few decades, domestic violence has been recognized as a serious and widespread problem that gives rise to many other social and individual problems. In particular, an understanding was formed that it is not enough just to punish the perpetrators, it is also necessary to rehabilitate the victim of violence and work with the person who committed the violence in order to avoid a repetition of the situation. The highest priority task is to work with the family, to inform and educate the family. In time to draw the attention of parents, where their child spends time, to prevent future juvenile delinquency.

The method of territory mapping has been introduced in the educational institution. Using the mapping method, the socio-psychological service of the school helps all families interested in raising their children. The places where low-income families live, families of “social risk”, single-parent families with many children are identified, the places of “Pyatak” are identified, where the accumulation of minors who are prone to delinquency or run away from home due to various conflicts is concentrated.

According to these maps, the most disadvantaged areas of the districts of the village are marked. Also indicated are those stores in which cases of sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to minors were recorded.

It must be admitted that today there are no complete and realistic statistics on the scale and frequency of cases of domestic violence either in the country or in a separate locality for obvious reasons: the closeness of the family as a system (unwillingness to wash dirty linen in public); the interdependence of victims and perpetrators; lack of family access for social workers; insufficient information from medical institutions and law enforcement agencies, which does not allow drawing conclusions about the extent of this phenomenon.

Features of the behavior of parents or persons replacing them, allowing to suspect physical abuse of children in the family:

    Contradictory, confusing explanations of the causes of injuries in a child.

    Late medical attention.

    Blaming the child's own injuries.

    Lack of concern for the fate of the child.

    Inattention, lack of affection and emotional support in dealing with the child.

    Stories about how they were punished in childhood.

2. Diagnosis of family troubles and ways to level it

A social teacher at school, working with parents, solves problems in a timely manner, acting as a consultant-informer (explaining the possible consequences of actions, commenting on the legal framework, giving psychological and pedagogical recommendations, addresses of specialists, etc.).

1. Based on many years of work in an educational institution, an algorithm for identifying and eliminating family troubles was developed, which consists of 4 components:

— regulatory framework

- sources of information about family problems

— joint work with the authorities of the prevention system

- measures of influence: work with a dysfunctional family.

Legal Framework

There are three levels of laws governing the rights of the child.

Level 1 - international:

    Declaration of the Rights of the Child

    Convention on the Rights of the Child

Level 2 - laws of the Russian Federation:

    Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Family Code of the Russian Federation

    Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

    Federal Law "On Education"

    Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation"

    Federal Law No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”, etc.

Level 3 - regional:

    Laws of the Murmansk region

    Program "Children of the Kola Arctic"

(4 subprograms: "Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency", "Healthy generation", "Orphans", "Children and creativity")

As well as school local acts, documents:

    documents of social and pedagogical patronage (acts, a notebook for registering family visits);

    documents of the Crime Prevention Council;

    materials of psychodiagnostics;

    results of joint raids;

    complaints and statements of citizens;

    information about offenses from the PD;

    information from KDN and RFP

    database of children in difficult life situations

    preventive cases (for students and families of IPU)

Sources of information

about family troubles are:

    class teachers report on the psychological state and appearance of the child, his mood

    school and additional education teachers

    school paramedic (if bruises, abrasions are found during examinations of students, immediately inform the social teacher or deputy director for VR)

    PDN inspector reports facts of child abuse

    KDN and ZP specialists

    residents of the village (personal appeals, by phone)


    neighbors (there are cases when neighbors come to school or report by phone about frequent scandals, screams in the family of our student. Each specific case is analyzed: we talk with parents, depending on the situation and with the child. Sometimes we involve a PDN inspector)



The work is being built in close cooperation with the authorities of the crime prevention system:

    PDN - joint raids during which we visit families, discos, places where teenagers spend their free time

    KDN and ZP

    department of children's rights

    health care institutions - hospital specialists conduct conversations, lectures

    public employment service

    administration of the urban settlement Zelenoborsky

    department of social support of the population

    additional education institutions

    Ministry of Emergency Situations - regularly held talks on "How to behave in water bodies", "Individual life-saving equipment", introduces fire extinguishing equipment, etc.

    Traffic police - conversations, introduces the rules of the road

Effective measures of influence

for a dysfunctional family

The most effective measures to influence a dysfunctional family are:

    Individual conversations, consultations

    Invitation to the Crime Prevention Council

    Invitation to the meeting of the CDN and the RFP

    Deprivation of parental rights - as a last resort

    Influence through the media

    Promotion of a healthy lifestyle - it has become a tradition at school to hold joint family holidays

    Promotion of family values

    Administrative fines

    Permanent patronage

    Joint activities of children and parents

    Interaction of all services in early detection and individual approach to solving the problems of each family.


Areas of work

Forms of work

Diagnosis of family trouble

    observations of teachers;

    questioning children and parents;

    compiling a data bank of students in a difficult life situation (children with disabilities, under guardianship and guardianship, without guardianship, who do not have Russian citizenship, who are on different forms of registration, children of parents of disabled people, from large, low-income families, with one mother, with one dad);



    analysis of documents (personal files of students, medical records);

    analysis of products of children's creativity;

    drawing up social class passports;

    drawing up a social passport of the school;

    resolutions of the CDN and ZP;

    information from PDN;

    appeal of parents (legal representatives, relatives, neighbors);

    visiting families of first-graders, fifth-graders, tenth-graders (according to the results of the visit, examination certificates are drawn up, if necessary, petitions to various authorities)

Individual assistance dysfunctional family

    advice on overcoming difficult life situations (individual conversations);

    consultations of specialists: deputy directors, speech therapist, social pedagogue, teacher-psychologist, subject teachers;

    family therapy, psychotherapy;

    individual social patronage of families.

Group work with parents from dysfunctional families

    sports groups (basketball, football - dads work out with their sons in the school gym, at the stadium);

    training groups (“I am a message”, “Fathers and sons”, “Pocket money: pros and cons”, etc.;


    family evenings "Let there always be a mother", "With all my heart", "Parents' house - the beginning of the beginnings";

    sports holidays “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”, “Dad is good, son is a daredevil” and many others. others

Prevention of family trouble

    Parent general education: parent meetings, conferences, parent meetings, information on the school website

    Acquaintance with psychological and pedagogical literature: exhibitions in the school library, at parent meetings, in personal conversations

    Generalization, enrichment and understanding of the successful educational experience of parents

    At MO class teachers

    Conversations for teenagers

    Employment for the work of parents who are on the IPU

    Health summer camp at the school

    Production teams at the school

    Registration in the KDN and ZP, intra-school registration

    Individual assistance to the child in studies: additional classes, consultations.

Social help for disadvantaged families

    Free food was provided to 231 students 49%: 3 - disabled children, 6 - children of disabled parents, 1 - registered with a phthisiatrician, 69 - m / o, 152 - in a difficult life situation;

    As part of the interdepartmental operation "School", school supplies were allocated to 20 students;

    allocation of material assistance to graduates from low-income families

    assistance is provided in obtaining targeted assistance, subsidies for rent, child benefits;

    for the purpose of social protection, we place children in a center for social assistance to families and children, an orphanage

    Interchangeable information stands “Your Rights”, “Regulatory Framework for the Protection of Childhood Rights”, “Attention Pandemic Influenza”, “Be Careful at Life Stops” are in operation.

    New Year's gifts from the Red Cross

    Free lunches in canteen No. 1 along the line of the Red Cross

    career guidance (elective courses "I choose a profession", "From self-improvement to self-realization", the annual information stand "Applicant", an exhibition of educational services

    foster family institute

    young family institute

    charity actions ("Christmas present")

2. Study of families

I would like to dwell in more detail on two forms of studying the family. This is work with families of first-graders and drawing up a social passport.

2.1. Families of first graders

One of the effective methods of early detection of family troubles is a survey of the living conditions of families of first-graders together with the class teacher in September. The educational institution has developed a local act regulating the activities of the class teacher in the issue of mandatory visits to the families of students at the beginning of the school year.

At the beginning of the school year, the social teacher conducts a reconciliation of families registered with the KDN and ZP, focuses on what you need to know about a dysfunctional family:

one . Material and living conditions.

2. Emotional and moral climate.

3. The regime of the day of the child in the family.

4. Methods and techniques for influencing adults on children

5. Family leisure.

6. Level of pedagogical culture of parents.

2.2. social passport

In September social class passports are drawn up. We have developed an improved form of a social passport, which includes the following columns:

Total students, boys, girls

Number of complete families

Students under guardianship and guardianship

Living with relatives without care

Orphanage students

Students living in families with socially dangerous behavior

(families registered in the CDN and ZP, intra-school registration)

Students who are individually registered in the KDN and ZP, PDN, intra-school registration

— students from large families

Students living with one mother

- students living with one father

Disabled children

Children, parents of disabled people

Trainers who do not have Russian citizenship

Information about parents (education, place of work).

Only after thoroughly studying the family, it is possible to draw up such a social passport: class teachers talk with students, parents, visit families, and conduct surveys.

On the basis of class passports, a social passport of the school is compiled.

3. Analysis of the socio-economic situation of families for 2010-2014

The number of complete families is slowly decreasing, while the number of students raised by one mother is increasing.

The number of children with disabilities in the school has decreased, but the number of students under guardianship and guardianship is increasing - 28.

To date, 12 families in a socially dangerous situation are registered with the KDN and ZP.

These families are regularly visited according to the plan once every two months, but there are situations when they are visited more often. A preventive file has been opened for each family, in which the work carried out with the family is noted.

At the same time, I would like to note that a social pedagogue should not take on the functions of raising and caring for children in these families, replacing parents, as this gives rise to a passive dependent position of family members.

An indicator of the negative impact of a dysfunctional family on a child is also delinquency among adolescents. To date, registered in the CDN and ZP, PDN consists 3 students.

The main behavioral disorders at school among teenagers are:

    absenteeism without a valid reason


    inadequate responses to comments from adults

    conflicts with teachers, with parents

    frequent use of informal language

    fussiness or hyperactivity

Crime prevention work is carried out in three areas:

    work with students

    work on legal education among students and parents,

    work with teachers.

5. Methodical work.

Great methodological assistance to the socio-psychological service of the educational institution is provided by training regional seminars organized by the department of childhood in Kandalaksha:

    "Working with dysfunctional families" - the forms and methods of work were revealed

    "Family group conferences" - the main idea, family problems should be solved by family members themselves, specialists only offer their help.

    "Selection of candidates for host parents: motivation and selection criteria".

    Seminar-training "Development of educational competence" - (conducted by psychologist-trainer Robert Tuikin).

    Training under the program "Pride".

    "Learning - I learn!" — formation of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of HIV and drug addiction.

Methods are used in individual interviews, consultations with parents. At the MO class teachers we discuss new forms of work with parents: for example, mini-meetings of parents (5-6 people each), consultations via the Internet.

On their basis, parent meetings have been developed in an educational institution:

    "Motives for Bad Behavior"

    "The role of the family in the development of a healthy personality",

    "Violence in the family: forms, types, consequences",

    “Education: duty or vocation”, etc.,

This algorithm for identifying and eliminating family troubles is quite general in nature, it serves only as a canvas for the activities of a social pedagogue. Each school, family, surrounding society has its own characteristics, its own problems, which means that social educators have a field for creativity, to enrich these recommendations.


Talking about family troubles is both simple and difficult at the same time, because its forms are quite diverse, as are the varieties of family unions. If, in the face of obvious family problems (such as alcohol addiction of family members, family conflicts, violence and child abuse), neither educators nor the public have any doubts that such families cannot successfully cope with their basic functions, first of all with educational tasks, have a desocializing effect on children, then its hidden forms do not cause much anxiety and concern. Outwardly respectable families with hidden troubles demonstrate a double morality, which children quickly assimilate and make the law of their lives. [5, p.3]

If we talk about the causes of family trouble, then here, too, not everything is simple, as it might seem at first glance. Drastic changes in the economy and social policy in Russia had a negative impact not only on the material side of the family, but also on the relationship between its members, and, above all, between parents and children.

As a result, tension in communication between parents and children increased, and the level of anxiety increased sharply already in elementary school. On the one hand, parents do not have enough time to perform the educational function in the required amount due to the additional workload. On the other hand, many parents do not have the knowledge to solve a particular problem, often unexpectedly arising in family relationships.

But there are us, teachers and educators of educational institutions, who must be attentive to each child. Feel his inner world. Do not forget to see the problems of a small person behind daily worries, albeit capricious and sometimes unbearable, but so defenseless, waiting for our help and understanding.


    Alexandrova O.V. The program of interaction between the school and the family "Unity and harmony" // The work of a social teacher in the school and microdistrict. - 2012. - No. 1. - p.96-107

    Assistance to children affected by domestic violence: legal aspects, training sessions, recommendations / ed.- comp. Ya.K. Nelyubov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

    Psychological workshop and training: prevention of violence in the family and school / ed. L.V. Prikul. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

    Cooperation between teachers and families: organization of the work system /ed.-comp. ON THE. Alymova, N.A. Belibikhin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008

    Tseluiko V.M. Psychology of a dysfunctional family: a book for teachers and parents / V.M. Tseluiko. - M .: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2006

Working with families

located in socially dangerous position

First of all, it must be said that the term family in socially dangerous position, is not found in the scientific literature, the concepts are used there dysfunctional family and social risk family, which most often finds itself in a socially dangerous position. In addition, due to certain circumstances (a natural or sociogenic disaster, forced migration of the population, a serious illness or injury received by a child or his parents, loss of parents, and a number of others), any family may find itself in such a situation. But since in the documents that define the functions of social educators and other employees of departments of guardianship and guardianship, there is such a type of family, we tried to choose from the theoretical literature and from sources describing best practices, something that is somehow related to our issue - work with families in a socially dangerous situation.

There are many reasons why a family can be classified in this category. If they are not differentiated, then the efficiency of work will depend on

What resources are available in the region within the framework of various departments and to what extent these departments can coordinate their actions if necessary,

How clearly defined are the legal standards for children in need of state protection,

How clearly perform the functions of specific employees in solving the problems of families in a socially dangerous situation.

If we consider the problem already - namely, only dysfunctional families, whose very life activity constantly creates a threat of getting them into a dangerous situation, then the main factor here is preventive work. The sooner we intervene in the situation, the more likely it is that we will be able to foresee a socially dangerous situation, and then we can not bring it to this extreme point, but help the child in such a family in advance.

In my speech, I will talk specifically about working with dysfunctional families, which at any moment may find themselves in a socially dangerous situation.

Having reviewed a large number of literature, both scientific and describing the experience of the practical work of guardianship and guardianship authorities, I have identified all models of child protection work. They are the following:

* Identification and registration of children in a socially dangerous situation;

* implementation in educational institutions of individual programs for the socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of children in a socially dangerous situation, and the improvement of family functions;

* the formation of mechanisms for interdepartmental interaction in the work to remove the family from a socially dangerous situation, to prevent the displacement of a child from it, child neglect, delinquency, child abuse;

* recognition of children in need of state protection by decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority or the commission on juvenile affairs;

* approval by the head of the local executive and administrative body of an interdepartmental plan for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of a child recognized as in need of state protection;

* taking the child away from the parents for a period of up to 6 months, implementing during this period a plan to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child;

* social patronage of the family, combining all the resources available in the region to bring the family out of a socially dangerous situation;

* submission to the court of documents on deprivation of parental rights after evaluating the effectiveness of work with the family.

Characteristics of families in a socially dangerous situation

Family types:

Families of refugees or internally displaced persons,


With an excessive dependency load, (large families or those with disabilities, families raising children with disabilities, incomplete),

families of the unemployed.

Families where parents or legal representatives of minors do not fulfill their obligations for their upbringing, education and maintenance, negatively influence their behavior or treat them cruelly.

One of the typical behaviors in a socially disadvantaged family is leaving minors and family members incapable of independent existence without care, “pushing” children out into the street, inducing or inducing them to an asocial lifestyle.

In families, there is an increase in various manifestations of child abuse, inappropriate methods of education. As a result, teenagers are increasingly running away from home, commit suicide, and commit crimes.

In addition, with an increase in the number of families in a socially dangerous situation, the number of social orphans with living parents increases (parents leave their children to be raised by their elderly parents, refuse to support, educate and educate them); there is a degradation of families (they drink, lead an immoral lifestyle, live in unsanitary conditions, do not work, etc.) the houses of such families become “dens”, where groups of people gather without a fixed place of residence and occupation, drink alcohol, arrange fights and etc.

The technology of working with a family includes several stages:

collection and analysis of information about asocial families;

setting a social diagnosis (identifying the main problems of a family in a socially dangerous situation, determining their indicators and causes);

Choice of methods of influence and planning of work with the family;

practical work to help the family.

Principles of work of specialists with a family in a socially dangerous situation

1. The problems of individual family members are always the problems of the family as a whole, and vice versa, any family problem entails certain problems for each family member. For example, the problem of a poorly performing and conflicted student at school may be associated with neurotic parents or their poor care for the child due to illiteracy, an antisocial lifestyle, certain difficulties, etc.

2. As a rule, the social pedagogue has to work with all family members, to "block" those aspects of the relationship that aggravate the position of each of them. This is especially significant when providing social assistance to children: the rehabilitation of children and adolescents with weakened family ties should be accompanied by the rehabilitation of their families, the restoration of their ability to be the natural environment for the child's life. Therefore, the "withdrawal" of the child from the family for some time may be justified.

3. The family worker can help the client deal with the problem. Help lies in the fact that the family understands their problem and realizes the need for a solution. It is unacceptable to remove the responsibility for solving the problem from the client and lay on the shoulders of a specialist the responsibility for the consequences of the behavior of family members, for the result of their life. However, given the marginality of the asocial family, it should be understood that, as a rule, it does not always want to change its way of life; therefore, the social worker (or social educator) must act primarily in the interests of the child and improve his living conditions.

4. When working with a family, one should not impose one's (personal) opinion on the value system on people, since the specialist's idea may not coincide with the client's worldview. However, educational work with the family, especially with its adult members, must be carried out.

5. The family is autonomous in its life and has the right to choose the type of relationship, methods of raising children, and so on. Therefore, interference in family relations occurs only when there is a direct threat to the physical, mental health of the child or one of the family members.

6. Working with a family requires the highest delicacy and confidentiality, because in its course information is affected, the disclosure of which can cause serious damage to the client, and incorrect communication by a specialist irreparably destroys the possibilities for their further cooperation.

Collection and analysis of information about a family in a socially dangerous situation

The first step in working with families is collection and analysis of information, which is necessary to identify asocial families with minor children, and to determine areas for further work.

To organize the work, a specialist needs certain information.
General information (address of residence and registration, family composition: full name of parents and children, their age, nationality; information from institutions indicating that the family is not well, for example, from KDN, school, clinic, etc.) .
Special information (information about the social status of the family: complete, incomplete, unemployed, having many children, low-income; state of health, level of education, dysfunction of the family, etc.).

General information gives an idea of ​​all socially disadvantaged families in a certain area and the nature of their disadvantage.
Special information allows you to more deeply and objectively assess the state of family problems, identify their causes, plan work to provide targeted social assistance and support to a particular family.

Through the requests of a social work specialist, general information is collected, mainly documentation provided by the local administration, housing department, guardianship and guardianship authorities, school, juvenile affairs inspection, police department, etc.

The collected data is analyzed, and based on the results obtained, family cards allowing to organize work on a territorial basis. In the future, information is entered into the cards that reflects special information about families, as well as the directions, forms and terms of work of various specialists with the family.
Special information is collected more purposefully, taking into account the categories of specific families in a socially dangerous situation.
Sources of information about the family and the child .

Social teachers of schools can provide information on the social status of the child, attendance and academic performance in the subjects of the school curriculum, on the interests of the minor, on his relationships in the family, in the school team, etc. If the family is registered, then you can get information about the character the relationship of family members, the fulfillment of their duties by parents, the work with the family carried out by the school's specialists, and its results.

Specialists of the KDN or JDN (whether the minor is registered, whether he has committed offenses before, whether he was prosecuted; registered cases of ill-treatment of a minor by parents).
Specialists of the guardianship and guardianship authorities additionally inform about minors left without parental care, or who are in an environment that poses a threat to their life and health.

unsatisfactory living conditions;

alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse of family members

health disorder;

family maladjustment;

Spiritual and moral degradation of the family.

The problems listed above can be identified on the basis of observation, analysis of documentation and factual information about the family according to certain indicators.

Indicators and causes of social maladaptation of the family

Uncertainty of civil status of family members characterized by the absence of an adult or a minor of any document confirming his civil status or giving the right to receive benefits and benefits established by law (passport, birth certificate, certificate of a pensioner, certificate of a disabled person, certificate of education in a general education institution, registration, etc. .). Due to the fact that able-bodied family members do not have the opportunity to get a job (since there is no registration), they are forced to be content with temporary earnings. The main reasons for the uncertainty of civil status is the loss, damage or late execution of the document.

low income. The average per capita income is below the subsistence level (confirmed by a certificate of family income).

In a conversation with school employees, you can find out that the child does not eat in the canteen, is poorly dressed, and does not have the necessary school supplies. During family patronage or examination of living conditions, a lack of food, clothing, fuel, and basic necessities is recorded. The main causes of poverty are low-paid work, unemployment of one or more family members, lack of registration of social benefits, allowances, subsidies.

Unemployment. Lack of a permanent source of income for adult able-bodied family members (confirmed by a certificate of registration as unemployed and factually). Causes of unemployment: downsizing at the place of work, dismissal, lack of special education, work experience, etc. A common phenomenon in the above category of families is the lack of formation of motivation for employment in its adult members, i.e. desire to work.

. Lack of permanent housing, its dilapidated condition, non-compliance of living space with established standards, non-compliance of sanitary and hygienic conditions with established requirements: dampness, dirt, rotten floors, collapsed ceilings, broken stoves (confirmed by a certificate, act or conclusion of the housing department, SES). Indirect indicators of the problem: unsatisfactory living conditions lead to diseases of both parents and children; because of the unsatisfactory state of living conditions, children do not want to live at home ("... I don't want to live at home, because it's uncomfortable, damp, dirty").

Alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse parents when there is regular use of alcohol, drugs; clients are registered in a narcological dispensary (confirmed by a medical certificate). As a rule, in such families there are fights, swearing, companies gather, quarrels arise, etc. In such families, children grow up with mental disabilities; they have severe damage to the nervous system, manifestation of signs of mental retardation. The cause of drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism are hereditary or acquired (social or psychological) factors.

health disorder. The presence of chronic diseases, the disability of one of the parents, often or long-term ill family members (documented by a medical certificate or factually). The cause of health problems is congenital pathology, disability, poor nutrition, alcoholism, poor living conditions.

Family maladaptation. Violation of relationships between family members, constant destructive conflicts between parents, between parents and children (confirmed factually). Frequent conflicts in the family lead to a violation of the mental state of all its members, which especially affects minors.

Reasons for family maladaptation: inability to build relationships correctly, constructively, personal psychological characteristics, low level of pedagogical competence of adults, lack of attention to the child by parents.

Spiritual and moral degradation of the family- loss of family values, traditions, child abuse, lack of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, inability to organize family leisure, violation of morality and law, antisocial forms of behavior, loss of social ties with family and school, a sharp deterioration in neuropsychic health.

The system of work with families in a socially dangerous situation

After conducting social diagnostics, it is necessary to develop an individual program or plan for working with a family in a socially dangerous situation, determine goals and objectives, forms and methods of work, and determine the timing of specific activities.

The root causes of social maladaptation of minors lie in family problems generally. Given this circumstance, the practical work of a specialist should be associated with activities aimed at changing the situation in his family.

Work planning can be carried out in the following sequence:

making a list of real problems and their causes;

Determination of the purpose of the impact (expected result);

· definition of participants of influence ("narrow" experts);

determination of the content of the activities of specific specialists, the choice of methods of influence;

· definition of terms of performance of all planned actions ;

Develop a family work plan.

An important factor in the success and efficiency of the work will be the conclusion of a kind agreements (oral or written) with the family or its individual members about joint activities that will be aimed at achieving positive results, and its content will be prescribed in this plan.

The goals, objectives and content of the social impact on the family, aimed at helping it and overcoming problems, will be directly determined by the causes of their occurrence. For example, a social worker identified the problem of unemployment. The reason was the reduction from the place of work of the head of the family. A social work specialist (social pedagogue) assists him in finding a job through the employment center.

The most effective methods of working with a family in a socially dangerous situation.

Conversation. This method, firstly, allows a specialist to find out the difficulties of a given family or its members, that is, it is one of the diagnostic tools; secondly, it becomes a method of influencing the family; thirdly, it performs an advisory function. The specialist who conducts the conversation should be able to: build a conversation in such a way as to win over the child, family members; listen; during a conversation, vary different tones of speech, depending on the change in the situation; be tactful. It is very important during the conversation to win over the family, to make it clear that you really want to help her.

It is necessary to prepare in advance for a conversation with the family: analyze the information already available, prepare questions, draw up a conversation plan. Questions thought out in advance should be woven into the course of the conversation; they should not be put directly if they do not concern formal data. If the task of a certain conversation includes consultation or corrective, educational influence, then the specialist must clearly represent (think over) the result of the meeting.

Support method. It is used when the child, the family is in a difficult situation. The specialist helps the client analyze his condition, his position in life, formulate what needs to be radically changed, try to form a life attitude. The social educator helps to improve the child's living conditions, relationships between family members.

Method of overcoming conflict is used when there is a conflict in the family, at school, between peers: teacher - student, parents - child, parents - teacher, child - child. First of all, the specialist finds out what led to the conflict. You should imagine yourself in this situation and try not to jump to conclusions. It is impossible to draw new participants into the conflict - this will complicate the solution of the problem. The specialist must calmly analyze the opinions of the conflicting parties, think over the stages of conflict resolution, find positive points of contact between the conflicting parties (most often this is a common activity)

Method of social patronage. The type of social service for clients and risk groups, mainly at home, consists in constant social supervision, regular visits to their faces by social workers, and providing citizens with the necessary support.

During the patronage, the specialist visits the apartment, examines the living conditions, gets acquainted with the family, relatives, observes the family in a normal home environment, examines its psychological climate, the environment in which children live. It is possible to catch the psycho-emotional atmosphere that reigns in the family only in the environment familiar to it.

A specialist, thanks to social patronage, has the opportunity to conduct confidential conversations that free parents from fear and uncertainty in the face of official authorities.

When conducting patronage, the specialist must be in a good mood, with all his behavior show interest in everything that the teenager and his family live in, respect for all its members, whatever they really are, readiness for contacts with them. The specialist should not judge or criticize; it is better for him to express his disagreement gently, allowing for the possibility of the existence of a different opinion. At the same time, you need to find ways for yourself to get answers to all the questions posed in a casual conversation; advice should be given in a friendly tone so that when parting, clients have a pleasant feeling that a common language has been found. Positive feedback, a statement about the family when a specialist meets a child, an expression of satisfaction from getting to know his home helps to consolidate this impression.
In practice, in the implementation of patronage of socially disadvantaged families, specialists often have to deal with the aggressive attitude of its members towards a specialist (scoldling, threats, etc.). In these cases, it is recommended: do not respond with rudeness, do not raise your voice to the interlocutor; behave tactfully; family patronage is carried out by two specialists.

The specialist must remember that his main argument is protection
rights and interests of minors.


Practical work to overcome the problems of families,

those in a socially dangerous position

If the reason uncertainty about the civil status of family members is the loss, damage or untimely execution of the document, then it is necessary: ​​to send the client to the advisory service, internal affairs bodies, social services, where he will be given competent legal advice; together with the client to develop an action plan for paperwork; timely control over the implementation of each item of the plan.

As a rule, in families leading an asocial lifestyle, they do not think about the fact that documents are important not only in order to get a job, but also in order to send the child to school, to enroll in kindergarten. With the help of a lawyer of the center, a social pedagogue, an inspector of the passport and visa service at the Internal Affairs Directorate, the family will be able to draw up the necessary documents.

So, in case of loss of civil status associated with the loss, damage or incompleteness of a document (passport, residence permit, etc.), the social teacher sends the client to the housing department, registry office at the place of residence. Specialists explain in detail to the client what documents need to be collected in order to receive a new document. If some issues remain unresolved, you can be advised to contact the passport and visa service at the Internal Affairs Directorate, for advice - to a lawyer. The lost birth certificate will be restored in the registry office at the place of birth.

Main reasons low-income are: a) low-paid work; b) unemployment of one or more able-bodied family members; c) the lack of registration of social benefits and benefits. The most common of these are unemployment and low-paid jobs.

To solve them, specialists of the employment center are involved, who can help in selecting a job that matches the qualifications of the client, or in providing opportunities for professional retraining.

Often, when contacting a social work specialist, a family, formulating problems related to low income, reports that the average per capita income in the family is below the subsistence level and because of this, the family cannot purchase the necessary things, school supplies for the child. A specialist, having identified the causes of a family's low income, can not only assist in providing it with material assistance, but also carry out work aimed at overcoming this problem (help in getting a higher paid, permanent or temporary job).

So, if the cause of low income is low-paid work or unemployment of able-bodied family members, the specialist directs clients to the employment center to register for unemployment or search for a higher paid job. If family members are in no hurry to find a job, the social teacher connects the district inspector to talk with the unemployed, the public, the school, relatives, etc. to have a positive impact on his mind.

However, as practice shows, finding a job is still not enough to solve the problem. Often, unemployed members of a family in a socially dangerous situation have long been leading an antisocial lifestyle (drunkenness, crime, etc.) and have low motivation to work.

If the problem of unemployment is related to the lack of demand for the profession in the labor market (including due to physical or age limitations of the client), the specialist may advise the family to contact the employment center in order to retrain in another profile for further employment.
If the client does not have a professional education, the specialist can refer him for a consultation to the employment center, where he will be assisted in training, so that as a result the person gets a profession and gets a job.
In addition, a social work specialist, together with representatives of other departments (KDN, Internal Affairs Directorate, guardianship authorities), public organizations, sometimes needs to do a lot of painstaking work with a low-income family, aimed at: changing social attitudes and family values; formation of motivation for treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction.

The expected result of all this activity is the employment of all able-bodied family members or their placement in a higher-paying job.
To assist in obtaining family-guaranteed pensions, benefits, allowances, an employee of the center must refer the client to the department of social protection of the population or to the department of pension provision of the population at the place of residence to a specialist in calculating pensions, benefits, benefits, who advises and helps in their registration Specialist of a social protection institution can himself give advice to the client within his competence, help collect or restore some certificates on the calculation of benefits, pensions (meaning child benefits, survivors' pensions).

Poor living conditions can arise in a family with a lack of material resources to repair an apartment or in the absence of their own housing.
To solve the housing problems of the family, it is necessary to involve legal and social services that will provide advice and legal support, as a result of which, for example, the previously violated rights of a minor to housing can be restored, or housing conditions can be improved, and assistance in housing repairs can be provided.

In addition, a social worker should know that if there is or may be a threat of loss of housing by a child (parents drink, sell housing), then a timely petition to the guardianship and guardianship authorities to secure housing for a minor will avoid the problem of his "homelessness" in the future.
If the housing is in need of repair, the social worker may try to assist family members in solving this problem.

In case of serious destruction of housing (broken stoves, rotted floors, destroyed sewers, etc.), after examining the living conditions and drawing up an act, the specialist sends the client to the social protection authorities in order to issue targeted material assistance for repairs. Also, a specialist can use the opportunity to apply with a petition to the organization where parents, adult family members work or worked, to the municipality administration, to a deputy or to private entrepreneurs, sponsors with a request to help with the family's home renovation. You may need to contact the management of the organization in which the family members work with a request to help repair the housing at the expense of the organization or relocate it to another departmental premises (if the housing is the property of the enterprise).

At the same time, taking into account the contingent of the family, the social work specialist must take responsibility for monitoring the use of the material or in-kind assistance provided for the intended purpose, and in the future - for the safety of the results of the repair. The patronage of such a family should be regular.

Causes health problems in children or adults there may be congenital pathologies, poor nutrition, non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, unfavorable environmental conditions, disability, etc.

When identifying maladjusted families with health problems (disability, chronic diseases, often or long-term ill family members), the social pedagogue has the right to suggest that the client contact the health authorities, who will send him to undergo a full medical examination on an outpatient basis or in a hospital, receive treatment, recommendations for placement in rehabilitation centers. If there is a disability, the client can be assisted in an extraordinary examination for re-registration to another group (if there are necessary indicators for this).

At individual mental disorders a psychologist or a psychiatrist should work with the client, who will diagnose, according to its results, prescribe treatment or a course of classes, measures to restore the mental state.
When working with an asocial family, one has to face the problem of its indifference to the presence of mental illness in relatives. Therefore, the intervention of a social work specialist is necessary if a child has a mental illness. Depending on the disease (on the recommendation of a psychiatrist), the specialist organizes the necessary conditions for caring for a child at home (facilitates the preferential purchase of medicines, household items, etc.), assists in registering a minor in a stationary institution.

If health problems are associated with irrational, inadequate nutrition (this is one of the most common reasons), after drawing up an act of examining the living conditions of the family, its members must be sent to the social protection authorities to receive free coupons for food in the social canteen, to apply for targeted social assistance. A social work specialist may apply to the administration of a school or kindergarten to place a child from such a family on free meals. It is possible to conduct explanatory work with charitable organizations about providing such a family with one-time assistance in the form of a food package.

In case of health problems caused by non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and living conditions, a social work specialist (possibly, together with representatives of the school, administration, KDN) conducts purposeful work with family members to restore order in the house and maintain it.
If rodents (mice, hamsters or rats) have started up in the house, the owners are advised to seek help from the sanitary and epidemiological station with a request to process the dwelling in order to clean it from rodents, insects, airborne infections. If the family does not seek to change the situation, then in order to protect the health of minors, district medical workers and specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station are involved in sanitizing the premises.

When health problems are related to the unfavorable ecological environment of the clients' life, the social educator may recommend that the family go to the hospital for consultation about the permanent illnesses of its members. After finding out the causes of the disease and assessing the possibility of eliminating them, the social work specialist, together with family members or representatives of other organizations and institutions interested in preserving and maintaining the health of children, organizes work to overcome these causes and reduce risk factors.

The reasons for family maladaptation are also a negative emotional and psychological situation, the causes of which are as follows:

Personal psychological characteristics of family members;

Low level of pedagogical competence of adults;

Lack of attention to the child from the parents;

Differences in life attitudes and status (the husband has a higher education, and the wife has a primary one, or vice versa);

Disagreements on national or religious grounds;

Inability to constructively resolve conflicts.

To resolve them, clients can seek help from a psychologist, social pedagogues. But most often, members of asocial families do not need to go to these specialists, anywhere else, therefore, for example, the problems of lack of attention to the child by parents and the low level of pedagogical competence of adults should compensate for the joint actions of specialists.

In case of family maladaptation, a social work specialist motivates the family to contact a psychological service, where the client will be consulted on conflict resolution issues, taught how to get out of conflict situations, and helped to restrain and overcome negative emotions;

the client can visit sensory classes, relaxing and relieving stress, tension.

The activity of a social pedagogue when working with a family (unlike the activity of a social work specialist) has some specifics and represents three main components of social and pedagogical assistance: educational, psychological, and mediation.

Educational includes assistance in training and education. Assistance in learning is aimed at preventing emerging family problems in parent-child relationships and the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents.

The most typical mistakes in family upbringing include: the lack of uniform requirements in the upbringing of the child by the mother and other family members, indifference to the child, excessive severity, shifting the care of upbringing to educational institutions, quarrels in the family, lack of pedagogical tact in relationships with the child, the use of physical punishment, etc.

Therefore, the social educator should plan, together with the administration of educational institutions, teachers, and a psychologist of the social service, the inclusion in the topics of parent meetings, conversation meetings, classes on the problems of raising children and family relationships.

The reason for the spiritual and moral degradation of the family there may be a low cultural and educational level of parents, a low culture of family education, and a deformation of the system of value orientations.

The social teacher in the plan of work with the family must include activities aimed at preserving and promoting the best family traditions, developing family creativity.

When revealing the spiritual and moral degradation of a family, a specialist in a conversation with its members can unobtrusively ask about the roots of the clan (where they come from, who their grandfathers and grandmothers are, what they did, etc.), find out the general positive interests of the family. In the future, based on the most interesting information, a social work specialist (social teacher) will attract family members to joint events held as part of school holidays, invite them to excursions, to theaters, to concerts.

A promising form of work with the family is family clubs, where children and adults are offered to take part in exhibitions, in sports events, where parents will replenish their knowledge about raising a child. Such family events contribute to the strengthening of the family, its unity. A psychologist, conducting club classes, will help restore their motivation for a healthy lifestyle.
Regular social and psychological patronage, conversations of specialists with family members are especially significant for her spiritual and moral education. And representatives of various organizations, including religious and public ones, can be involved in the conversation.

The social pedagogue personally carries out patronage of the minor's family until positive changes occur in it.

Homelessness and neglect of minors.

Many children run away from home because of cruel treatment and humiliation of their human dignity. Teenagers are injured, become victims of various kinds of attacks. Poverty, constant drunkenness of parents, lack of care and attention from relatives lead to the fact that children loiter on the streets, do not attend educational institutions, commit antisocial acts, many completely leave their families, children's boarding schools, and commit suicide.

Institutions and services have been created to take care of the social rehabilitation of children who have lost family ties. The social educator must find the best option for each individual child.

In the prevention and fight against delinquency and neglect of minors, an important place is occupied by the organization of leisure at the place of residence, since the nature of spending free time and the value orientations of the young generation in the field of leisure largely reflect the moral and social orientation of the teenager and his behavior in general. Free time takes the longest period in a child's life, so the social pedagogue is obliged to help the minor organize his free time more tightly and meaningfully.

In this, the social worker will be assisted by specialists from institutions of additional education, culture, health care, etc.

A social work specialist can assist in visiting a child from a socially disadvantaged family in the juvenile day care department at the centers of social services for the population or in placing him for temporary residence in an inpatient department, where complex rehabilitation work will be organized with him. Qualified specialists will work with the child to provide him with medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance. Upon completion of rehabilitation work with children and adolescents, the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission (council) develops recommendations for the further work of specialists with the minor at the place of his residence.

While children and adolescents are being rehabilitated in social service centers (social shelters), the social educator works in parallel with the family to return the child to the family or take him under guardianship. To do this, the specialist performs:
- family patronage;

Search for relatives (if there is no prospect of returning the child to the birth family);

Collection of the necessary documents for further life arrangement (birth certificate, copy of the death of one of the parents or both, a copy of the court depriving parents of parental rights, a copy of the court verdict, etc.), to establish the status of a minor.

When organizing assistance to a family in a socially dangerous situation, a specialist must remember about dependent and marginal sentiments of its members. Therefore, "educational" work with such a family is of great importance, aimed at increasing the motivation to change the current situation on one's own, finding the internal reserves of the family team.

The positive experience of another family, various forms of "encouragement", stimulation (morally, financially, etc.), as well as specific forms of influence with the involvement of a district police inspector, an inspector of the IDN, a representative of a public organization, etc. - all this is in the professional arsenal of a specialist to work with the family.
Unfortunately, the activity of a specialist working with a family, especially with a family in a socially dangerous situation, is not always crowned with success and often brings disappointment. But the specialist must remember himself and all the time remind clients that the goal of their joint efforts and the desire for positive changes are primarily caused by the need to create favorable conditions for the growth and development of the child.

If there is a problem in the family alcoholism, substance abuse or drug addiction of a minor or adult family member, it is desirable for a specialist to convince the client of the need to undergo a course of treatment and rehabilitation, to give up the old life, from old friends, to go for a consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist, narcologist.
If a child is a drug addict or substance addict, then the specialist is obliged to guide the family to contact a psychologist to find out the reasons that led the minor to this, to assist in his placement in a narcological dispensary for treatment, and then rehabilitation.

In an antisocial family, it is unlikely that anyone will begin to treat themselves or their child due to lack of money or because the “patient” is satisfied with such a life; therefore, specialists have to take on "parental" responsibilities and, first of all, help the child. In this case, the social worker, together with the district police inspector, the IDN, the class teacher of the school, apply to the health authorities (narcological hospital, narcological dispensary) or to rehabilitation institutions, where a course of health recovery will be offered to the “addicted”.
After rehabilitation, a minor needs social control and support. It is imperative to offer the family that the child either attends a circle that he likes, or does something interesting for him; pay more attention to him, try not to leave him alone. The specialist will need to regularly patronize the minor's family to prevent relapses.
In the event that the family remains indifferent to the fate of the child, then the issue of his salvation is possible in court: restriction, deprivation of parental rights and transfer of the minor under the care of other relatives or the state (registration in a residential institution). To prevent this from happening, specialists can, in parallel with the rehabilitation of a minor, carry out a number of activities with the family aimed at "educating" her, motivating her to participate in the fate of the child.
One option that the social worker can take is to offer to "code" an adult patient or minor and assist him in this. And since there is no and will not be money for “coding” in an asocial family, it will be necessary to seek help from public organizations, contact the bodies or institutions of social protection of the population, at the place of work of one of the family members, in order to obtain one-time financial assistance for treatment.

Health authorities can provide preventive and outpatient care in the treatment of the disease. Psychologists will help eliminate its psychological "roots" and provide psychological support.

Alcoholic and other dependence on PAS of one family member gives rise to codependence of others. This is a serious psychological problem, which also requires psychocorrection.

The result of the complex work of specialists will be the cure of the patient or his temporary abstinence from taking drugs, alcohol. If sick family members do not agree to voluntary treatment, then the team of specialists has to take extreme measures (withdrawal of minors from the family and their placement in children's social institutions).


1. The law on guardianship and trusteeship in the Novosibirsk region (Adopted by the resolution of the Novosibirsk Regional Council of Deputies dated 01.01.2001).

2. Galaguz pedagogy. Lecture course. - M., 200s.

3., Falaleeva, the basics of organizing work with families in a socially dangerous situation. - Volgograd, 200p.

4. Psysoeva of family psychology and family counseling.- M., 200p.

5. Tseluiko of a dysfunctional family.- M., 200

6.http://www. aistday. ru/smf/index. php? topic=298.0

7. http://dtsr. nso. en/component/poll/.html

In the context of this topic, the concept of a "dysfunctional family", or a family at risk, is used for the general name of families that do not satisfactorily perform the main functions - socialization and upbringing of children, as well as families with conflict relationships.

The main causes of violation of seminal functions are: drunkenness of one or both parents; failure of parents to fulfill their duties of raising and supervising children, scandals and fights of parents in front of children; their antisocial behavior; one of the parents is serving a prison sentence; etc.

Families with direct or indirect desocializing influence on their children deserve special attention.

Families with direct desocializing influence demonstrate antisocial behavior and antisocial orientations, thus acting as institutions of desocialization. Obviously, children from such families need measures of social and legal protection, which can most reliably be provided by employees of inspections for minors, district police officers, and representatives of law enforcement agencies. In relation to such families, it is unlawful to use the ideology of “social services”, the actions of the subjects of prevention should be “outstripping”, ensuring both the protection of family members and the protection of society from its negative impact.

Families with an indirect desocializing influence experience difficulties of a socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical nature, expressed in violations of marital and child-parent relationships, these are the so-called conflict and pedagogically insolvent families, which more often, due to psychological reasons, lose their influence on children.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 120, which regulates the prevention of family and child ill-being in the Russian Federation, prevention is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary.

primary prevention, covers all families, especially young ones or those in situations of normal developmental crises and includes:

Correction of violations of parent-child relationships that cause a decrease in the emotional well-being of the child and deviations in his optimal mental development in infancy, early and preschool age;

Teaching young spouses the basics of competent relationships in the family, ways to resolve conflicts that arise, etc.;

Teaching young parents the basics of caring for a child at various stages of its development, the rules of family education, building relationships in the family.

Secondary prevention applies to families with early signs of family trouble:

Early intervention and correction of clinical and biological disorders in a child (if any);

Correction of family relationships, physical and emotional ties, assistance in defining clear family roles;

Information and advisory assistance to individuals and families based on requests from individual family members, etc.

Tertiary prevention is carried out in relation to families and adolescents who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation, criminal-immoral, alcoholic families and families where cruel treatment of children and individual family members is revealed. The essence of this prevention is to protect the most vulnerable family members (usually children) from the corrupting influence of a dysfunctional family environment. It may consist in the temporary removal of children from the family or raising the issue of deprivation of parental rights, the punishment of parents who do not fulfill parental duties, show rigidity, etc.

Conceptually, among them, one can single out, first of all, information approach. It is based on a widely held notion that deviations from social norms in people's behavior occur because they do not know them. Such a point of view in itself predetermines the direction of preventive actions and the choice of means, forms and methods for their implementation, namely: informing people about the regulatory requirements imposed on them by the state and society, about the principles and norms of building family life and raising children, the active use of for these purposes, the media.

Social preventive approach can be generally effective only when preventive measures are of a national nature. Take, for example, such social problems as the employment of the population, forced migration and refugee, the impoverishment of a significant part of the country's population, specific issues of social security, and others that can only be resolved at the state level.

Among the main areas of prevention of deviant behavior, violations of family life, in addition to those already considered, a special place is occupied by biomedical approach. Its essence lies in the prevention of possible deviations from social norms by purposeful measures of a therapeutic and prophylactic nature in relation to persons suffering from various mental anomalies, i.e. pathology at the biological level. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that this method does not exclude, but only complements the previous approaches, since in this case we are talking about the prevention of not biological abnormalities, but social ones, although often associated with the mental state of a young person, which is confirmed by special studies.

social control expressed in the desire of others (usually the majority) to prevent deviant behavior, punish deviants or "return them to society." Methods of social control include the identification, isolation, isolation, rehabilitation of deviations in life or behavior. Historically, the first reaction of society is to suppress, intimidate, and destroy violators of the order. When society was fed up with torture, gallows, bonfires, etc., doubts began to creep in about the effectiveness of punishment, repression, which led to the idea of ​​the priority of preventing crimes and other antisocial phenomena (C. Beccaria, C. Montesquieu, etc.). The idea of ​​preventing socially undesirable phenomena was a significant step forward compared to the concept of revenge.

The general model of preventive work with families at risk includes the following steps:

    identification of dysfunctional families;

    studying and diagnosing their problems;

    development of plans and programs of work with the family;

    implementation of the developed program;

    family monitoring, providing support and accompaniment in overcoming life's difficulties.

Let's consider these stages in more detail.

Preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation.

Traditionally, the main institution of upbringing is the family, what a child acquires in the family in childhood, he retains throughout his life. The importance of the family as an institution of education is due to the fact that the child lives in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of his impact on the personality, none of the institutions of education can be compared with the family. It lays the foundations of the child's personality, and by the time he enters school, he is already more than half formed as a person.

The family can act as both a positive and a negative factor in upbringing. The positive impact on the personality of the child is that no one, except for the people closest to him in the family - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, treats the child better, does not love him and does not care so much about him. And at the same time, no other social institution can potentially do as much harm in raising children as a family can.

The family is a special kind of collective that plays the main, long-term and important role in education. It is in the family that the child receives the first life experience, makes the first observations on how to behave in various situations. It is very important that what we teach a child is supported by concrete examples, so that he sees that in adults theory does not diverge from practice.

An analysis of the current situation of the family shows that in the course of reforming the country it became much more complicated. The sharp decline in the quality of life had a negative impact on the organization of the household, the structure of consumption, the health of family members, and the satisfaction of their spiritual, educational, and cultural needs. The socio-economic and psychological functions of the family were significantly deformed. A steady trend has emerged to reduce the role of the family in the upbringing and development of children, ensuring their moral and physical health. The crisis state of the family as a social institution is exacerbated by the spread of crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, vagrancy, orphanhood with living parents.

The social insufficiency of many families is due to objective reasons, so they need support. The work of the social pedagogue and psychologist of our school is primarily aimed at helping such families, the so-called "risk group" families.

Children reflect the way of life of fathers and mothers. Amongreasons that give rise to "difficult" adolescents, the following can be distinguished:

    lack of targeted educational work with children from an early age;

    ignorance of their interests and needs;

    political, socio-economic and environmental instability;

    strengthening the influence of pseudoculture;

    unfavorable family and domestic relations;

    lack of control over the behavior of children, neglect, inattention to children;

    excessive connivance or cruelty of punishment for committed misconduct;

    overemployment of parents in the sphere of social production and private entrepreneurship;

    "epidemic" of divorces;

    loss of emotional contact with children.

Re-education of a teenager must begin with the correction of relationships within the family. It is the class teacher who must find individual approaches and words for each family in order to strengthen its positive potential.

Types of "difficult" families:

    A family with "difficult" parents. This is often a single mother, whom the child interferes with to arrange a personal life. The atmosphere in such a family is characterized by coldness, indifference, lack of spiritual conflict.

    A family dominated by neglect. In families of this type, parents tend to drink alcohol. For fathers and mothers, cultural limitations, poverty of feelings, lack of spiritual ties with children are characteristic.

    Families characterized by pedagogical illiteracy of parents. In such a family, parents do not understand children, reveal complete ignorance of methods of influence, underestimate the importance of family education, and undermine the authority of educational institutions and teachers.

    Families in which priority is given to material well-being over spiritual life. In such families, children, as a rule, grow up as selfish, overly practical consumers. And parents encourage these qualities of children.

    Families in which parents make excessive demands on their children, bordering on cruelty. In such families, children are punished, often physically, for the slightest offense. And as a result, children grow up cruel and embittered.

Problems of parents;


    • physical defects, pathologies of the parents themselves;

      physical defects, pathologies of the child;

      mental disorders of one of the parents;

      mental illness of the child;

      alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.;

      violation of sanitary and hygienic food standards.


    • overprotection of the child;

      the child is allowed almost everything, lack of parental control;

      discrepancy, inconsistency in the methods of education between parents;

      language barrier (bilingualism).


    • lack of elementary pedagogical and psychological knowledge;

      family conflicts.


    • low material level of the family;

      poor living conditions;

      low subject provision.


    • ignorance of their rights and obligations as parents;

      legal incompetence.

Steps for working with families:

    Diagnosis of family problems.

    Educational work on education, psychological characteristics of children, civil rights.

    Assistance in obtaining social assistance.

    Diagnostics of work results.

Target: assistance to the family in overcoming difficulties in the upbringing and education of children, in expanding the knowledge of parents about the age characteristics of their children.


    improve the psychological and legal culture of parents in the field of interpersonal, family, parental relationships;

    to help overcome conflict situations in the family;

    correction of intra-family relations.

Principles used in working with families:

    increasing the prestige of a healthy family;

    increase in active life position;

    communicative culture (emotional, informational, logical, speech, spiritual);

    support for family self-realization (round tables, etc.);

    social partnership of all services;

    study and dissemination of new technologies;

    problem prevention.








    information content


Thus, in working with the family, one should strive to maximize the positive and minimize the negative influence of the family on the upbringing of the child, to explain intra-family psychological factors that are of educational importance:

    take an active part in family life;

    always find time to talk with the child;

    be interested in the problems of the child, delve into all the difficulties that arise in his life and help develop his skills and talents;

    do not exert any pressure on the child, thereby helping him to make decisions independently;

    have an idea of ​​the different stages in a child's life;

    respect the child's right to their own opinion;

    be able to restrain possessive instincts and treat the child as an equal partner, who simply has less life experience so far;

    respects the desire of all other family members to make a career and improve themselves.

Predicted result:

To motivate parents to independently and effectively solve problems.

Table #1

Types of problem families

Tasks of the class teacher

Families with "difficult" parents. This, for example, is a single mother whose child interferes with arranging her personal life. The atmosphere that reigns in such a family is coldness, indifference, lack of spiritual contact.

    To arrange the mother to himself, to gain confidence; if she treats this with caution, do not rush to be offended.

    Try to see yourself through the eyes of a mother. This will help you better understand her and control your attitude towards her.

    Interest in the fate of a teenager, awaken responsibility for his future.

    Delicately, tactfully touch upon the mother's natural desire to arrange her personal life; awaken the need for spiritual contacts with the child, joint solution of everyday life problems

Families dominated by neglect. In such families, parents tend to drink alcohol. Parents are characterized by cultural limitations, poverty of feelings, lack of spiritual ties with children.

    Patiently prove to parents the detrimental effect on the teenager of the lifestyle that they lead.

    Pay attention to the experiences experienced by a teenager, pain, shame, resentment for his father and mother.

    Find out which of the parents enjoys great authority in the family, who can become a support in changing living conditions.

    Include a teenager in wider communication with other people, provide moral support, establish control

Families characterized by pedagogical illiteracy of parents. Parents do not understand children, reveal complete ignorance of the methods of pedagogical influence, underestimate the importance of family education, undermine the authority of the school and teachers

    To form in parents the need for pedagogical knowledge through consultations with them, including them in the systematic work of the school with parents.

    Awaken interest in self-education.

    Instill the idea that all children need educated parents

Families in which priority is given to material well-being over spiritual life. Children in such families grow up as selfish, overly practical consumers. Parents encourage these qualities

    Change the life orientation of parents.

    To interest a teenager in the development of the inner spiritual world.

    When meeting with parents at home and at school, use indirect influence, based on healthy interests

Families in which parents make excessive demands on children, often bordering on cruelty. Children are often physically punished, as a result of which they grow up angry and cruel.

    To prove to parents that the child should be treated as an equal, to refuse to act from a position of strength.

    Treat the child as a person who has equal rights to autonomy and respect.

    To prove that patience and indulgence towards a child is the main means in education


working with disadvantaged families



Reconciliation and lists.


Card file update.

during a year

Identification of families (unfavorable) and families that avoid raising their children.

during a year

Raids on disadvantaged families

during a year

Preparation of material for KDN and RFP

of necessity

Statement and removal from HSE

during a year

Invitation to meetings of the Prevention Council.

during a year

Joint work with the department of guardianship and guardianship, KDN and ZP, PDN, department of youth policy.

during a year

Help class teachers in working with dysfunctional families.

during a year

Individual preventive conversations (with the involvement of psychologists, a PDN inspector, deputy director for educational work)

during a year