Modern methods of facial rejuvenation. What does modern cosmetology offer? Video: Facial massage for wrinkles

Cosmetological methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery and plastic

Facial rejuvenation before 40 and after - there is a difference

If up to forty years old, with a healthy lifestyle, you can maintain a youthful face with masks and home procedures, then after forty, these salon and home procedures are not enough. Collagen, which forms the basis of all layers of the skin and allows it to maintain its elasticity, breaks down over time. It is due to the destruction of collagen that the face loses signs of youth: its surface becomes sluggish, wrinkles appear.

Modern methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery

All cosmetic non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation are aimed at restoring collagen, that is, restoring the natural processes that occur in youth. We can say that with the restoration of collagen, the mechanism of returning youth to the face is triggered. There are several such non-surgical methods of facial rejuvenation, each has its own positive and negative features, let's dwell on the most modern ones:

1. Laser facial rejuvenation

The method of laser facial rejuvenation is based on the ability of laser radiation to remove the aged surface layers of the skin. As a result of these processes, the collagen base of the face is strengthened, its relief is leveled, the face looks and becomes younger, wrinkles are smoothed out.

The benefits of laser facial rejuvenation include:

  • With the help of laser rejuvenation, you can return youth not only to the face, but also to the neck, arms, and décolleté
  • An increase in the effect of rejuvenation with each procedure, moreover, rejuvenation, and quite significant occurs after the first session

No disadvantages were identified.

2. Mesotherapy

The essence of this very effective method of rejuvenation is the introduction of special substances into the skin of the face in the form of microinjections. Usually, these are derivatives of hyaluronic acid, fibroblasts, which help to restore collagen, thereby triggering the natural process of facial rejuvenation.

The advantages of this method include:

  • Creation of a long-term rejuvenation effect (one and a half to two years)
  • The particular effectiveness of this method of rejuvenation in eliminating a double chin and restoring a clear oval of the face


  • Allergic reactions to the injected drugs may occur, expressed in vasodilation and redness of the skin,
  • This method of rejuvenation is not possible with poor blood clotting, during pregnancy and menstruation.

3. Biorevitalization

This method of facial rejuvenation is very often confused with mesotherapy, since its action is also based on subcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid. The main difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy is that when using this method, the rejuvenating effect occurs quickly (the result is noticeable already on the second or third day), but the duration of the effect is shorter than with mesotherapy (no more than one year). And mesotherapy gives a persistent and longer-lasting effect of rejuvenation.

4. Method of facial rejuvenation with ozone

The healing effect of ozone on the entire human body has been known for a long time. When carrying out rejuvenating procedures with ozone, the face is rejuvenated by stimulating metabolic processes in subcutaneous soybeans, as a result of which the upper keratinous surface of the face is renewed and wrinkles are smoothed.

The advantages of this method of rejuvenation include:

  • Ozone rejuvenation is possible not only on the face, but in the neck, décolleté,
  • Ozone rejuvenation, in addition to restoring youthfulness of the skin, smoothes scars and scars on the face.

No disadvantages were identified.

5. Thermage

Thermage, as a method of facial rejuvenation, is based on radio frequency radiation. This radiation affects the internal subcutaneous tissues, heats them, which leads to the formation of collagen and elaston. That is, thermage triggers the mechanism of skin rejuvenation with the help of newly formed components that are initially present in the skin in youth.

Advantages: this method of rejuvenation is absolutely painless, even somewhat pleasant,
No disadvantages were identified.

6. Photorejuvenation

Exposure of the skin to high-intensity light long-wave pulses with a selective effect - this is photorejuvenation. After sessions of photorejuvenation, fine wrinkles, age spots disappear, the skin becomes elastic, the complexion becomes healthy.


  • Absolute painlessness, non-trauma, no side effects,
  • Very short sessions (15-20 minutes),
  • The possibility of rejuvenation not only on the face, but also on other skin integuments of the body.


  • Photorejuvenation is contraindicated for people with dark complexions, circulatory disorders, skin, oncological diseases, during pregnancy.

7. Elos rejuvenation

This modern method of rejuvenation is based on the combined effects of light energy and radio frequency radiation, that is, it includes the actions of both previous methods. With its help, the skin gets rid of age spots, small defects on the face, wrinkles are smoothed, acne disappears.

The advantages and disadvantages are the same

like the two previous methods, except for one of its own minuses - a slight reddening of the skin after the procedure, however, not long in time.

8. Peeling

One of the most effective ways to rejuvenate your face is peeling. The effectiveness of this method of rejuvenation is due to the fact that during the peeling procedure, the upper stratum corneum and calloused layer of the skin is removed. After peeling, the skin of the face is not only renewed, but also the process of natural healing of the skin takes place, new young cells grow. Depending on the method of carrying out this procedure and the depth of exposure to the skin, a distinction is made between superficial, middle and deep peeling. By means of carrying out peeling is subdivided into mechanical, chemical and laser.

Cosmetology today is developing rapidly (probably because it is in great demand) and offers more and more new methods and ways of rejuvenation. And the usual peeling has not escaped innovation either. Now cosmetology offers two new types of peels that are less painful, but safer and more effective, these are ferul nanopilling and gas-liquid. These two new types have several advantages over traditional peeling, for example, no side effects, contactlessness, but most importantly, it can be carried out at any time of the year, whereas spring and summer are excluded for regular peeling.

The disadvantages of such a rejuvenation procedure as peeling are mainly reduced to contraindications. Peeling should not be carried out in case of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the skin of the face, pregnancy, a predisposition to scarring, as well as in the summer and spring seasons. And then these contraindications apply only to the middle deep peeling. Superficial and new types of peeling do not have these contraindications.

9. Dysport and Botox injections

Dysport injections, as a method of rejuvenation, are mainly aimed at smoothing wrinkles. The drug is injected into the junction of the muscles with the nerves, as a result, the muscles relax and wrinkles disappear. The duration of the effect is 4 months.

Advantages of the method:

  • there is almost no pain, due to the use of very thin needles and the professionalism of the master,
  • lack of rehabilitation after the procedure,

The only problem This method of rejuvenation is that the rejuvenating result appears only after a fairly long time, after 2 weeks.

Botox injections are very similar to dysport injections, since the main active ingredient in their composition is the same - botulinum toxin. The main differences between these two similar methods of facial rejuvenation are that the rejuvenating effect after Botox injections is visible almost immediately, after dysport injections - after 2 weeks; dysport dissolves in facial tissues after 4 months, the effect of botox is twice as long.

For some diseases and conditions, for example, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, injections of dysport and botax are contraindicated, therefore, before undergoing this procedure, it is necessary to consult a specialist. In addition, after these rejuvenation procedures, side effects may occur, such as headache, skin redness, nausea, fever, and others. But, like any side effects, they, depending on the human body, may not occur.

10. Mesothreads

Mesothreads are one of the most modern methods of facial rejuvenation. It is relatively recently developed by Korean cosmetologists and differs significantly from the thread lifting, which has been used in Russia for a longer time.

The method of using mesothreads, like thread lifting, consists in pulling very thin threads with a very thin, flexible needle through the muscles of the face. The threads, consisting of the main active substance dioxane, covered with a layer of polyglycolic acid, after a long period of time completely split, turning into carbon dioxide and water, and give a rejuvenating effect. This effect lasts for 2 years.

The main difference between the mesothread method and thread lifting is the number of threads used. A mesothread session requires 5-6 times more threads than a conventional thread lifting. And the price for a session of mesothreads is taken not for the size of the treated area of ​​the face, but for the number of applied mesothreads. In short, this procedure is much more expensive.

Contraindications and complications:

  • Like many anti-aging procedures, the mesothread and thread lifting method has a number of contraindications, these procedures cannot be performed for certain diseases and conditions, for example, for colds, cancer. The list of diseases for which these methods cannot be used is quite large, a doctor's recommendation is required.
  • The complications that may arise after using these methods are mainly due to the fault of the cosmetologist. These procedures require very high qualifications and extensive experience in these procedures from the doctor. An error in the introduction and pulling of the thread, even a few millimeters, threatens with consequences, in the form of uneven skin, which will be visible for a long time. And even when the mesothread dissolves in the muscles, this place of the skin will still be uneven.

11. Rejuvenation with stem cells

The last word of medicine in the system of rejuvenation, moreover, not only of the face, but of the whole organism, is rejuvenation with the help of stem cells. This is the most expensive and most effective way to rejuvenate. With the help of the introduced stem cells, the whole body is renewed, a person gets a second youth.

Latent danger

It would seem that everything is fine, albeit expensive, but isn't youth worth it. But the mechanism of action of foreign stem cells in the body has not yet been sufficiently studied, scientists have just begun to work in this direction, therefore the consequences of the introduction of stem cells into the human body are unpredictable. Such facts are already known that along with rejuvenation and general recovery, cancer cells can begin to develop in the body, which causes cancer.

12. Plastic surgery is the most radical way to rejuvenate.

Plastic surgery seems to be the most reliable way to rejuvenate. After the operation, you get a face without wrinkles, swelling, sagging skin, in a word, all defects are eliminated, and, if you want, not only on the face. The duration of the result of plastic surgery (6-7 years) is also one of the advantages of this method.

But there are at least two significant disadvantages of plastic surgery:

  • Surgical intervention in the body, and with it the consequences of the use of anesthesia (in plastic surgery - general anesthesia), the consequences of the use of antibiotics. All this does not add health. In addition, the fact that there is a possibility of an unsuccessful plastic surgery cannot be ruled out.
  • The use of plastics does not improve the health of the body as a whole, does not rejuvenate the face, the essence of plastic surgery is in tightening, eliminating excess, smoothing.

These are several methods of facial rejuvenation after 40 years, the most modern today. Perhaps, in the near future, new, more advanced methods and methods of rejuvenation will appear - medicine does not stand still, research is constantly being carried out in this area.

Old age, wrinkles, sagging and dry skin. There is no woman who would not be frightened by these words, which sound like a sentence. Not many people fall under the knife of a plastic surgeon, and the desire to get rid of age-related changes is growing exponentially every day. Knowing how urgent this problem is, modern cosmetologists, professionals in their field, can offer today facial rejuvenation without surgery - the technology of hardware cosmetology or injection techniques. Therefore, modern women can breathe a sigh of relief and turn to the list of the most effective ways to rejuvenate without surgery.

To replace the surgical knife in rejuvenation, hardware cosmetology has come, which is based on the latest developments in the study of the cellular structure of the skin. A variety of devices are ready to transform your face and relieve the fear of premature aging.

1. SMAS-lifting (ultrasonic) Altera / Ulthera

One of the earliest and most effective methods in this area is the Ulthera procedure, created specifically for skin tightening in a non-surgical way.

  • Advantages

The first lifting device to be certified by the US FDA (US Department of Health and Human Services) was named altera systems (Ulthera System), which is used today in almost all beauty salons. This is the only procedure to date that does not affect the skin, but the musculo-aponeurotic layer (the so-called SMAS). It is painless and even pleasant to the touch, and the results exceed the wildest expectations.

  • Indications
  • Contraindications

SMAS-lifting with Altera ultrasound gives a pronounced rejuvenating effect: it tightens soft tissues after the very first procedure, restores the face contour, raises the corners of the lips, eyebrow line and upper eyelids. A very long-lasting result ensures a great demand for this procedure.

2. Other laser rejuvenation techniques

Modern cosmetology, which actively uses a laser for non-surgical facial rejuvenation, offers two more fairly effective procedures in this direction.

1. Fractional laser rejuvenation when the laser is divided into micro-beams that penetrate into the deep layers of the skin in the form of a grid. They regenerate tissue and promote the natural formation of new collagen. As a result, hyperpigmentation can be eliminated, and the skin structure is improved.

2. Laser skin resurfacing concerns the treatment of only the upper layer of the epidermis. This is the removal of old, dead cells that are preventing the skin from breathing. As a result, the metabolism is restored, blood circulation is improved, the cellular composition is renewed, the complexion is improved, the elasticity is increased.

But in the arsenal of hardware cosmetology there is not only ultrasound and laser. Light pulses are another salvation from premature aging.

3. Photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation is an effect on the deep layers of the epidermis with intense light pulses. The advantages of this method of dealing with age-related changes include a sparing regimen: the procedure is painless and does not take much time. But the result should please you:

  • wrinkles will be smoothed;
  • age spots will disappear;
  • there will be no trace of acne;
  • capillary mesh will no longer spoil the appearance.

The photorejuvenation method is quick and reliable, and its effectiveness can be assessed with the naked eye after the very first procedure. So get ready for a flurry of compliments from others if you decide on this method to regain your youth.

4. Thermage

Thermage (radio lifting) is radio frequency radiation that penetrates deep into the skin and increases its temperature. Collagen is renewed, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. The technique is good because it has no contraindications, leaves no residue and does not cause allergies.

5. Elos rejuvenation

When reviewing non-surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation using hardware cosmetology, one cannot fail to mention the ELOS technology. The skin is simultaneously exposed to both light pulses and high-frequency currents. This is how the collagen layer is renewed. You will not feel anything, if only a slight tingling sensation of the skin.

Hardware cosmetology is constantly developing in the field of non-surgical facial rejuvenation: more and more new techniques are being discovered, each of which is more perfect than the previous one. Stay tuned for new products in this area - and you will definitely find something suitable for yourself.

Injection non-surgical facial rejuvenation

If you are afraid of electronic cosmetology devices, you can use another, no less popular method of non-surgical rejuvenation - injection.

1. Mesotherapy

Do you dream of getting rid of a double chin? Have you lost hope for a saggy and saggy skin tightening? If so, try mesotherapy. It involves the introduction of small doses of active substances under the skin that improve the condition of withered, mature skin. It can be:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • fibroblasts;
  • extracts.

In each case, the preparation is selected individually by the cosmetologist.

2. Ozone therapy

If you want to address the root cause of your skin aging, seek ozone therapy for help. Wrinkles and wilting are a consequence of the loss of oxygen by cells. Injection of ozone under the skin will correct this situation. Under its influence:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • microcirculation is normalized;
  • the complexion improves;
  • the skin is leveled;
  • wrinkles are smoothed.

When choosing methods of facial rejuvenation without surgery, pay attention first of all to the medical indications for their use and contraindications. Choose only those beauty salons that have long specialized in the implementation of your chosen technology. Be sure to read the reviews about them and exactly follow all the instructions of the cosmetologist, who will become for you a kind wizard who turned back time for your skin. Now youth and beauty are available to everyone, even without a frightening and such a terrible surgical knife.

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Beauty for girls and women plays a big role. And the youthfulness of the skin in this matter is one of the important factors. But it is not always possible to maintain freshness and elasticity of the skin, prevent wrinkled manifestations and keep muscle tissue in good shape.

Therefore, the processes of effective rejuvenation of the facial skin in modern cosmetology are becoming more and more in demand and necessary.

Many people think that before 40 or even 50 years old there is no need to worry about the aging process, but this is not the case. The skin, especially the skin of the face, is daily influenced from the outside: the sun's rays, wind, poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, fatigue, lack of positive emotions - all this significantly affects the condition of the skin and leads to its premature aging. As a result, it turns out that it is necessary to resort to methods of rejuvenating the skin of the face even up to 40 years.

Effective procedures for rejuvenating the skin on the face are:

  • Facial rejuvenation process with laser... The light beam has a medium and deep effect on certain layers of the skin. As a result of the action of the laser beam, collagen fibers are produced in the skin. And, as you know, collagen is a stimulant of rejuvenation. In the course of such a procedure, trauma, pain or infectious contamination are completely excluded.
  • Lifting - RF is considered an advanced radio wave technology. In just half an hour of the procedure, it is possible to tighten the skin of the face and get an excellent result of the rejuvenation effect.
  • Using the thread tightening method... This rejuvenation option will eliminate the presence of a double chin, express the clarity of facial contours, smooth out wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasal wings, cheeks and chin. During the procedure, threads of a certain design are inserted under the skin. These threads lift the tissue, thereby correcting the contour of the face. After a while, the threads dissolve, and a new collagen framework remains in their place, due to which the elasticity of the skin is preserved.
  • Using botox injections.

Cosmetics and preparations that can stimulate cell work, increase their activity and the level of collagen production help to effectively rejuvenate the skin of the face at the life stage of up to 50 years. Special gels, creams, lotions should be applied to clean skin.

There are also special home lifting serums. The composition of such preparations includes biologically active substances that are able to smooth and smooth wrinkles. With regular use of such serums, the skin of the face becomes denser and stronger due to the high level of elastin and collagen production.

Ways and types of facial skin rejuvenation

In the modern world, the aging process can be easily eliminated and the skin of the face can be restored to its former youth, elasticity and beauty. The choice of procedures is wide enough, each of them has its own positive sides and distinctive features.

Laser rejuvenation is used to combat stretch marks, wrinkles and pigments, scars and skin changes as a result of age. A distinctive feature of laser rejuvenation is considered to be efficiency and a quick onset of a visible effect. Also, after such a procedure, there is no rehabilitation period, and the result obtained after the rejuvenation process is persistent and long. Laser energy in the form of infrared radiation promotes the regeneration process of collagen fibers and the simultaneous thermal action. Patient tolerance to such a procedure is good. After laser rejuvenation, redness or swelling may appear, which disappear within a few days.

An effective way to rejuvenate the skin of the face is the method of mesotherapy, which is considered an injection method. The procedure consists in injecting cocktails of a special composition, antioxidants and enzymes, microelements, amino acids, and embryonic preparations into the skin of the patients. Such mixtures enter the deep layers of the skin and begin to produce collagen. As a result, muscle tone improves, wrinkles are smoothed, and the skin becomes elastic.

There is a procedure for rejuvenating the skin of the body, which involves removing the surface areas of the skin layer. This method is divided into types such as:

  • Mechanical peeling, which, in turn, includes the procedure of vacuum peeling, brosage, microdermabrasion. Through the use of special brushes, vacuum, you can achieve opening of pores, cleaning them, improving blood circulation, eliminating wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity, getting rid of dead cells.
  • Ultrasonic peeling... For such a procedure, a generator of ultrasound waves is used, under the influence of which it is possible to remove dead cells, restore elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  • Chemical peeling, which is divided into types such as superficial, deep and median. Surface peeling is used to remove the surface layer of the skin. During the procedure, tartaric, citric, malic or other acid is used. For deep peeling, acids such as carbolic and salicylic are used. And the middle peeling involves the use of trichloroacetic acid.
  • Photorejuvenation... In this procedure, the luminous flux is used for the process of gluing the vessels under the skin. As a result of the process of exfoliation of the vessel, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  • ELOS rejuvenation, implying the use of optical and electrical energy, which stimulates the synthesis of collagen. The result of the procedure is a smooth and well-groomed face skin, elimination of wrinkles and pigments, getting rid of spider veins and scars, dark circles, edema and other facial skin defects.

Effective facial rejuvenation after 50

For women over the age of 50, a difficult period begins for the state of the body, including for the skin of the face. During menopause, collagen and elastin cease to be produced and function in the skin. The activity of the sebaceous glands also decreases, and the skin becomes thin and dry. The contours of the face become swollen, sagging of the skin appears, the number of wrinkles of various types and depths increases.

Therefore, in cosmetology there is a certain number of procedures designed to effectively rejuvenate the face after 50.

You can carry out laser rejuvenation. The method is characterized by deep penetration and effective impact.

A laser-assisted procedure is applied, when the laser stream is divided into most of the micro-beams, and the action manifests itself not as a solid spot, but in a reticular manner. As a result, the tissues are subject to the regeneration process, the synthesis of collagen fibers is resumed.

For rejuvenation, they also use the treatment of surface layers with the elimination of dead cells and the provision of full-fledged vital activity for new ones. As a result, the correct metabolic process occurs in the skin, the cellular structure is renewed, the shade of the face improves, the skin becomes elastic and strong.

After 50 years, a method using light pulses is used to rejuvenate the face. This method allows you to smooth wrinkles, eliminate pigmentation, restore damaged cells, remove acne and improve the synthesizing process of collagen and elastin.

Radio frequency radiation can also increase collagen production by penetrating deeply and raising the temperature of the skin. This method is called the thermage method.

After the 50 mark, women are offered injection methods of facial skin rejuvenation using the following drugs:

  • hyaluronic acid, which helps seal the skin;
  • botox and dysport, which block facial muscles.

In the process of rejuvenation, small amounts of substances of natural origin are introduced under the skin:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen and elastin extracts;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin complex.

The choice of drugs depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

You can also carry out the process of facial rejuvenation using threads. Polylactic acid threads are injected into the skin. As a result, the oval of the face is corrected, the contours are tightened, and a lifting effect appears.

Ozone rejuvenation is widely used for patients over 50. With the help of ozone therapy, stimulated metabolism, blood circulation, elimination of dead skin cells, improvement of skin color, smoothing of wrinkles and renewal of the subcutaneous structure are achieved.

After 50 years, a circular facelift is applicable. The operation involves the use of general anesthesia. Incisions are made around the entire perimeter of the face oval, through which the surgeon tightens the skin. Ultimately, the face regains its beauty and youth.

It is also recommended to follow proper nutrition to improve the composition and condition of the skin at this age, get rid of bad habits, apply masks at home with ingredients such as oatmeal, yeast, vegetables and fruits, honey, lemon. One should not forget about cleansing the skin with the help of washing with herbal infusions or special lotions.

In addition to all of the above methods and types of facial skin rejuvenation, peeling procedures are used at home with the help of cosmetic products. Masks and compresses based on natural ingredients or medicines are also used. To rejuvenate the skin of the face, they resort to a special massage, as well as physiotherapy methods.

Such a method of effective rejuvenation of the skin of the face after 50 is also widespread, as treatment with leeches. These creatures are able to improve metabolic processes, smooth the skin and give a natural complexion to the face.

They say that youth is not age, but a state of mind. It is difficult to argue with this thesis, and yet only rare people remain indifferent to the fact that the past years ruthlessly leave traces on their faces - wrinkles, folds, dullness and flabbiness of the skin ... How can all this be resisted without resorting to radical measures - plastic surgery? We offer an overview of a number of methods and tools that women can rely on in their desire to stay young and beautiful.


from 3000 rubles

A whole "bouquet" of active substances can be presented to the skin and subcutaneous fat using a very popular and effective technique - mesotherapy. Individually selected cocktails of beneficial ingredients (hyaluronic acid, enzymes, amino acids, etc.) are delivered to problem areas by microinjections at specific points and gradually develop a vigorous rejuvenation activity - increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin, improving its color and relief.

Mesotherapy is a reusable event that does not give an instant effect: the courses will have to be repeated, fortunately, there are no age restrictions.


from 8000 rubles

Biorevitalization is very similar to mesotherapy: in general, these are the same injections, but not a combined composition, but only hyaluronic acid. The procedure, unlike mesotherapy, can even be one-time, since it has gained a reputation as a more powerful means of rejuvenation. From the point of view of technology, biorevitalization differs in that the whole face is chipped in a certain pattern, and not problem areas.

This technique was made even more unlikely by the ability to carry out it without injections. After the introduction of laser biorevitalization into life, those who could not or did not want to use the traditional method because of contraindications, fear of side effects or simply injections breathed a sigh of relief.


from 5000 rubles

You can also inject your own blood under the skin - more precisely, plasma isolated from it with a large number of platelets. In such a role, it produces an interesting effect: the body itself begins to trigger mechanisms that contribute to the rejuvenation of the appearance - an increase in skin elasticity, reduction of wrinkles, and disappearance of pigmentation.

The procedure is called "plasmolifting". The highest degree of naturalness of the filler removes problems with rejection, allergies, infection, and the selection of suitable material. The plasma introduced in 2-4 procedures is enough to maintain the effect for a year or two.

3D mesothreads

from 30,000 rubles (from 1,000 rubles per thread)

The face can be not only "fed" with a needle, but also "hemmed", tightened from the inside, by constructing a frame for weakening tissues from safe and hypoallergenic 3D mesothreads borrowed from the arsenal of surgeons. Flexible needles insert them deep into the skin, where after 6-8 months, connective fibers are formed in this place, which for about two years prevent sagging of the cheeks, deepening of nasolabial folds, wrinkles.

However, the effect of such a tightening can be seen almost immediately, and without any traces of interference, which is a serious advantage of this technique.

Contour plastic

from 20,000 rubles

Contouring helps to model facial features at your discretion. This technology involves filling certain areas (for example, "crow's feet" near the eyes, nasolabial folds, lips) with filler gels. They, in turn, differ in their natural origin, consistency, which determine the effectiveness and consequences of the procedure.

Unlike threadlifting with mesothreads, circular plastics force you to "sit on the needle" - on average, every six months, fillers are inserted under the skin to maintain the result (although some fillers allow you to postpone this event). However, this prospect does not stop those who, in return, get a luxurious opportunity to "sculpt" a more beautiful and younger face.

Laser resurfacing

from 9000 rubles

In the process of laser resurfacing, the rays erase the cells that form pigment spots and wrinkles from the skin. But this does not exhaust their action: the laser, as it were, massages the deep layers of the skin, because of which there begins a more active production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for its condition.

The result of the intervention depends on the type of equipment chosen. Carbon dioxide laser provides thorough and deep processing - so much that hospitalization is necessary; erbium - lighter, but also less effective.

Fractional laser rejuvenation

from 22,000 rubles

Fractional laser rejuvenation is considered a more "advanced" technology, since the beam, divided into several mini-streams, acts more selectively and precisely, which means it is effective.

The deep layers of the skin remain intact, but they also participate in the rejuvenation process - not to mention the surface of the skin, which evaporates in the treated areas, giving way to new, fresh, not burdened with wrinkles and other signs of aging.


5000-20000 rubles

Photorejuvenation is considered an extremely promising direction of hardware cosmetology today. Its effect is based on the processing of deep layers of the skin with light, from which ultraviolet light is "removed" - the reason for the negative influence of the sun's rays on it. The collagen fibers warmed up and reduced by it immediately form a frame - and a lifting effect.

But the rejuvenating effect goes far beyond the procedure itself, especially if the whole course has been completed. The face is lifted, brightens, pores are reduced, small wrinkles disappear. This happens due to the activation of the production of new elastin and collagen, improve blood supply and other prerequisites for life-giving processes in the skin.

RF lifting (radio wave lifting)

from 4000 rubles

Radio wave lifting (Rf-lifting) is a deep effect on the skin with radio waves generated by a special apparatus. This is a relatively new method in cosmetology, the effectiveness of which is impressive, but remains not entirely predictable in the long term, because sufficient experience has not yet been accumulated.

The effect of the course can last for a year or two and much longer if radio wave therapy is used as a preventive measure.

Ozone therapy

from 1800 rubles

Another method in which the benefits for the face are derived from what surrounds us in everyday life is ozone therapy. Medical oxygen-ozone mixture, supplied through the ozonizer distributors, nourishes facial muscles, improves metabolism and causes other positive changes in tissues, which allows the skin to get rid of shallow wrinkles, dullness, and flabbiness.

LPG massage

from 1800 rubles

LPG massage, which has the widest range of effects, including facial rejuvenation (the photo shows the treatment of another part of the body), originated in France. It was the inhabitant of this country who invented the miracle-unit with rotating rollers, "capturing" the folds of the skin and processing them not only mechanically, but also with a vacuum. This, in particular, makes the skin more elastic, "alive", noticeably activates the synthesis of collagen by the body, removes fine wrinkles.

In spite of the fact that the rollers-rollers seriously disturb the body, LPG massage is a procedure not only not painful, but even to some extent relaxing. This advantage is very important, since to achieve the effect, a whole course is required, the result of which will last for about a year.

Good old and ... soft

Is free

The possibilities of modern aesthetic medicine are impressive. However, upon closer inspection, many procedures are often unavailable. For example, women may see their problems on the list of contraindications, be afraid of the interventions themselves and / or their possible side effects, or find them too expensive for themselves. However, this does not mean that the entrance to the world of transformation of appearance for them is boarded up tightly.

There are a number of ways to rejuvenate successfully. at home... They act more gently, sparingly, gradually - and this is their strength and weakness at the same time.


Purchased or prepared on their own, used regularly, they are able to intensively moisturize, nourish, protect and thereby postpone aging, maintain a healthy looking skin. There are many recipes for rejuvenating masks, among the ingredients are often yeast, olive oil, aloe, eggs, honey, vitamins, etc. - every woman can empirically find something affordable and effective for herself.

Different age-related skin changes are inevitable. Over time, women are faced with such unpleasant phenomena as skin pigmentation, laxity and wrinkles on it. The very first signs appear already at the age of 25, and if you do not start such a process as facial rejuvenation, then you will need to use more complex and expensive methods. To look fresh and youthful for as long as possible, it is worth taking care of your skin.

You can prolong youth by different methods. Modern cosmetology offers a lot, and there are also many different techniques in traditional medicine. If you use all this as regularly as possible, you can keep your skin youthful for as long as possible.

What does modern cosmetology offer?

Modern clinics of aesthetic medicine offer a huge number of methods. Their implementation will allow you to quickly rejuvenate the skin of the face in a minimum amount of time. Among the most effective techniques are the following:

Clinical picture

What doctors say about wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A .:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities have passed through me who wanted to look younger. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because science does not stand still, there are more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budgetary alternative.

For more than 1 year, there has been a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN on the European market, which can be obtained IS FREE... In terms of effectiveness, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see its most important action instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is fully restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

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These are quite effective and progressive techniques that allow you to quickly increase the elasticity of the skin, make it youthful and radiant. Without exception, all modern procedures are aimed at the complete restoration of collagen fibers that provide youth. It is they that form the basis of the skin layers and give it youth. Most of the procedures are aimed at maintaining the proper amount of collagen, which ensures skin tone, elasticity, and also makes it as healthy and radiant as possible.

Among the most common cosmetic procedures are mesotherapy, photorejuvenation, thermage, cryolifting, as well as various hardware techniques. Such procedures are characterized by clear indications.

Every woman who takes care of herself will choose the best option for herself. Any of the modern methods of rejuvenation is characterized by its own special advantages. To make it easier and easier to make a choice, it is worthwhile to study the most popular of them in more detail.

With the help of a laser, a sufficiently high rejuvenation effect can be achieved without the need for injections or surgery. The procedure provides the following benefits:

  1. Smoothing wrinkles;
  2. Complete elimination of pigmentation;
  3. Elimination of scars;
  4. Straightening the skin.

All this together gives a pronounced effect of rejuvenation.

A positive result is achieved by the fact that the laser beam affects the middle and deep enough layers of the epidermis.

There it forms special microthermal healing areas, where a network of youth-preserving fibers, elastin and collagen, appears.

Due to this, the process of effective recovery, as well as complete cell renewal, is immediately launched. By activating the blood supply, the skin immediately becomes completely smooth and elastic. Professional laser rejuvenation is a completely painless procedure, and for many it is even very pleasant.

It is carried out at a very different age, but it is advisable to do it no earlier than 25-27 years.

Fractional salon rejuvenation

Fractional professional laser rejuvenation is a little different from the usual one, since during the procedure there is no widespread cosmetological "burning" of epidermal cells. With this rejuvenation, pieces of skin are removed using a special type of "strainer". In other words, a microperforation process is carried out. It is for this reason that such methods of eliminating the traces of aging are the most effective.

During the procedure, the laser beam is divided into a large number of rather thin beams. Each of them affects its own area of ​​the skin. The nearby untouched areas of the skin begin to stimulate the active production of elements such as collagen and elastin. In the body, there are more and more of them, respectively, the skin is rapidly rejuvenating. There are other benefits from this rejuvenation, among which are:

  • Complete elimination of fine wrinkles and various stretch marks;
  • Visible scars smoothening;
  • Absence of various contraindications;
  • The skin color is getting better;
  • The general oval of the face is visually tightened.

The most important advantage of this procedure is the short rehabilitation period. A woman can immediately lead the most familiar way of life for her.

As for the time of the procedure, on average it lasts an hour, but it all depends on the magnitude of the problem.

The procedure is repeated every 3-4 weeks. To achieve a positive result, it will take three or four sessions. In order for the skin of a woman's face to always be in good shape, a course of fractional rejuvenation must be carried out every year at a certain time.

Cryolifting - ice impact

Cryolifting is a new and rather successful procedure aimed at rejuvenation. In the process of carrying out a cosmetology session, a special professional apparatus is used, as well as cosmetic anti-aging agents. The device acts in a special way on the skin of the face with a stream of air with a temperature of about 5 degrees to minus 20.

Under the influence of strong cold, the vessels rapidly narrow, then their rapid expansion occurs, followed by a rapid release of active substances. After such procedures, the skin becomes open to the subsequent rejuvenating effect produced with the help of toners and creams.

The positive effect lies in the following factors:

  1. Cold enhances the process of lymph drainage;
  2. The flow of a large amount of arterial blood is ensured;
  3. Rejuvenating metabolic processes in the skin are activated;
  4. The muscle of the face is strongly tense, due to which the maximum tightening effect is provided.

As a result, the skin becomes visually and internally younger and looks much healthier. Properly performed cryolifting provides such positive factors as tightening the skin, moisturizing and whitening, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating puffiness and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

If you combine cryolifting with mesotherapy, you can get an amazing effect. Women after such procedures look ten years younger.

To obtain a positive effect, you need to go through 2 sessions a week, so you need to do this for at least a month. The procedure is not performed with such contraindications as a special reaction of the skin to the cold, pathological neuritis of the facial nerve, dermatosis, acute infectious diseases.

You can quickly and effectively rejuvenate your face using a technique such as elos rejuvenation. This is a special hardware method that gives a unique positive effect. The essence of this procedure is the penetration of radio waves into the deepest layers of the skin. At the same time, its integrity is not violated. After exposure of the skin to radio wave and light radiation, the skin becomes clean and visibly smoothed. A woman's pigmentation disappears, as well as spider veins and, more importantly, fine and deep enough wrinkles.

Among the main features of this procedure, one can note its complete safety. In the process of exposure of the device to the skin, a very powerful cooling system is activated. The procedure does not require any special preparation of the skin, and in the process of exposure, patients feel pleasant warmth and a slight tingling sensation.

The duration of the session is on average an hour, and after that no rehabilitation time is required. All that can appear is a slight redness that will completely disappear after a couple of days.

Rejuvenation with masks

When deciding how to rejuvenate your face, you can use ordinary homemade masks. This is a fairly simple and at the same time effective method of rejuvenation, which allows you to quickly cope with age-related skin changes. Properly prepared and applied masks can effectively tighten, moisturize and whiten skin.

The masks may contain various artificial and natural enzymes. All this contributes to the fastest and most effective restoration of the structure of the skin. In the process of preparing masks, you need to use only the freshest natural products, the quality and combination of which will have the most beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin. Among the most basic and effective components are vegetables, fruits, yeast, oatmeal and rolled oats, as well as natural honey. These substances are able to activate the process of skin rejuvenation. The positive effect does not appear instantly, but with regular use it gives a fairly stable result.

To get the most positive effect from facial rejuvenation at home, in addition to using masks, you should adhere to the following care rules:

  1. The morning begins with washing with special products, and you do not need to wipe your skin dry.
  2. Every day, in the morning and before bed, you should apply a special anti-aging care cream.
  3. Twice a day, every day you need to do special exercises, that is, face-building for the face. The charging time is 10-15 minutes.
  4. Not only masks have a positive effect, but also peels and exfoliating scrubs.
  5. The self-prepared nourishing and rejuvenating composition of the mask should be applied to the entire face, with the exception of the area around the eyes and lips.
  6. It is better to apply daily decorative cosmetics an hour or two after the mask is completely washed off.

Before carrying out procedures related to such a process as facial rejuvenation at home, it is worth consulting a specialist who will determine the type of skin.

You need to apply masks for 1-2 months, twice a week. After that, a break is taken and the course, which decides the question of how to rejuvenate the skin of the face, is repeated again. Here are some of the most popular and effective masks for facial care and rejuvenation.

Universal mask

When looking for a solution to such a problem as to rejuvenate the face at home, this universal mask is used, suitable for different skin types. To prepare it, you need to grate one apple. Add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of olive oil to the resulting porridge. A higher effect can be achieved by adding a little rowan juice to the mixture.

The resulting composition is applied to the face for about 20 minutes, and is washed off not with water, but with warm milk. Only then can cool water be used, which is undesirable to wipe off. After the procedure, the face quickly becomes fresh and smooth.

Mask for oily skin

This is a unique composition that effectively rejuvenates the skin and at the same time improves its structure. To prepare the desired composition, you will need to do the following:

  1. Egg white is beaten;
  2. A spoonful of honey is added;
  3. 3 tablespoons of kefir are mixed into the resulting composition;
  4. You can add some oatmeal to thicken the mixture.

The prepared composition is applied to the face and after about 20 minutes and washed off with water at a pleasant temperature. The mask normalizes the sebaceous glands and effectively rejuvenates the skin.

Mask for dry and normal skin

This mask gives a unique rejuvenation of the facial skin at home. It is prepared on the basis of a teaspoon of quality olive oil and two tablespoons of kefir. Half of the yolk is added to this mixture. The resulting composition is applied in a thin layer to the skin. After about 20 minutes, everything is washed off with pre-heated milk or cool water.

Combination skin mask

To restore and rejuvenate a face with combination skin, ordinary green tea is used, which does not contain flavors. Tea should be unpackaged, large or medium leaf. In the cooled broth, a small piece of gauze is moistened and laid on the face. With such a mask, you need to lie down for about 20 minutes, completely relaxing the muscles of the face. After the procedure, you should wash your face with cool water.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still in search of a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, at the sight of which you feel uncomfortable in the mirror.

We have conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from folk methods to the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is as follows:

All funds, if they did, were only a minor temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to botox. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. in just a few minutes you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed IS FREE... You can read reviews about NOVASKIN here.


Masks and cosmetic procedures cannot be considered the only means of providing long-term rejuvenation. A program aimed at solving the question of how to rejuvenate the skin of the face at home must necessarily be comprehensive. Facial rejuvenation includes proper nutrition, salon treatments, gymnastics, and regular home activities related to facials.

If you do the procedures correctly and regularly, lead a healthy lifestyle, you can rejuvenate your facial skin at home and at 40 years old in 2 weeks. More importantly, a comprehensive, competent approach heals the body, which is automatically reflected on the face!