Physique test for men online. How to determine who you are - ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph: test. Body types, figures of men and women - ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph: distinctive features, photo. Body types according to W. Sheldon

Hello friends! In this article, Phil will tell you about human body types. You will learn how to determine your type and make appropriate adjustments to your diet and exercise program to improve progression and improve your athletic performance.

Many recommendations regarding bodybuilding are common to all body types, gender and age. Often similar rules- these are general principles of mass gain and getting rid of adipose tissue. But, all people are different, and how professional level physical fitness athlete, the more role they begin to play little things, which are the individual characteristics of a single person.

Folding type not such a trifle, as it gives one or another, both advantages and disadvantages. So that the athlete can balance on the pros and cons, and use the potential of the body for full force, for a start, he needs to find out what type his body belongs to. Then build a strategy for training programs and regime.

Term, somatic constitution or somatotype(this is the body type), divides people into three main types according to constitutional characteristics, which have obvious differences. Naturally, most people are of mixed types, that is, they do not have a purely expressed body type.

To determine a more accurate type of addition, but without choosing between three, science has invented a point system consisting of three numbers (according to the number of types) and each number varies from 1 to 7... By the layout standard, the numbers are identical to my numbering in the list.

  1. ENDOMORPH(Hypersthenic type) 7-1-1

Good build type for bodybuilding. Endomorphs are people with wide bones , large muscles and a lot of subcutaneous fat. They resemble an oval in shape. The problem of this type is the difficult disposal of subcutaneous fat, and in endomorphs it is slower than in other somatotypes.

  1. MESOMORPH(Normosthenic type) 1-7-1

Ideal for bodybuilding. Medium to wide bones, large volume muscle mass , even without playing sports, an accelerated metabolism and a low content of subcutaneous fat. Visually, such a constitution resembles a triangle. Mesomorph people are equally effective and easy to both gain mass and get rid of subcutaneous fat.

  1. EKTOMORPH(Asthenic type) 1-1-7

Differs in thin bones, muscles small in volumes, the minimum content of subcutaneous fat. Often these are tall, thin people. Most complicated in pumping the type of addition. An increased metabolism and an initial tendency to thinness makes it difficult to gain muscle mass, on the other hand, it is easiest for people with such a constitution to dry out. Visual form- an elongated rectangle.

Somatotype laid in us genetically and unchanged, from birth to death. The other two types can mix only with mesomorphic, but not with each other. Yes, the type of addition cannot be completely changed, but this can be done partially, to give the body certain qualities. To receive beautiful body and correct proportions different types of people will need to apply different efforts. By the way, the time to achieve results will also differ, but anyone can achieve serious success v . Moreover, if we are not talking about world-class competitions.

Now I will tell you about how to find out your type additions from physical data, as well as write down the preferred diets and general recommendations training for each body type.

There are three ways to find out your type of addition without improvised means (except for a centimeter), if you use all three - the result will be more accurate, but any of them have already determined the tendency to a particular somatotype.

  1. Angle between ribs

Grope bottom point, where the ribs meet, above the belly. Further, from it and along the line of the ribs, attach thumbs hands, and the angle between the fingers will indicate the type of addition. Endo = more than 90, meso = 90, ecto = less than 90 degrees.

  1. Wrist girth

Measure your wrist working hand(no need to giggle) and look at the table for the result. Data is focused on average age and for people without obvious body abnormalities.


Ectomorph - less than 15cm

Mesomorph - 15-17cm

Endomorph - more than 17cm


Ectomorph - less than 17cm

Mesomorph - 17-20cm

Endomorph - more than 20cm

Another way- Grasp your wrist with your thumb and forefinger. If at the same time they do not touch each other - you are an endomorph, if they touch slightly - a mesomorph, and if they overlap each other - then an ectomorph.

  1. Length of legs

Measure your feet from floor to top femur(the center point where the leg bends relative to the torso). Endo = leg shorter than half the height, meso = 4-6 centimeters longer, ecto = 6-9 cm longer than half the height.

About nutrition and exercise. How much of which is preferable to consume for different types, and the features of bodybuilding.


40-50% protein / 30-40% carbohydrates / 10% fat

The main rule is medium weights and high intensity. Workout in a two-day split, but workout for 2 days in a row and one day of rest. You can also do a three-day split (it will be difficult in the beginning). We increase the intensity of classes with supersets and dropsets. Be sure to include, it is possible to devote to 2 hours running, swimming, any team sports game.

Approaches: 5-6

Reps: 10-15 top 15-20 bottom

Use food additives for drying, on the mass - only protein.


30-40% protein / 40-50% carbohydrates / 10-20% fat

We divide the base and insulating in half (approximately). Any split scheme is perfect, and in general - any reasonable scheme is suitable for mesomorphs. The only recommendation- do one strength workout, and do the next with less weight and more repetitions. Such diversity will not let the muscles get used to it, and in meso they very quickly adapt to stress, which is a threat to progression.

Approaches: 5

Reps: 8-10 top 10-15 bottom (legs)

It is desirable to use food additives, but you can do without them at first.


20-30% protein / 50-60% carbohydrates / 20-30% fat

I recommend three or two days, with two days off between classes. Fully power workout, maximum weights, do not do cardio at all. The program mainly includes basic exercises... We increase the intensity of the workout with weights, not repetitions.

Approaches: 4

Reps: 4-6 top 6-10 bottom

As you can see, the number of sets and reps is aimed at increasing strength as a consequence of volume. I also want to draw attention to the use of food additives, for ecto - nutrition is the key to success, and it is practically impossible to do without additives when gaining mass.

That, in fact, is all, friends! As you can see, the bias from the average type of addition is trying to average and balance through food and exercise. Find out what type of physique you have, and make the appropriate amendments, the result will not be long in coming!

There are several approaches to determining your somatotype. The methods for determining physique described in the article are suitable for both men and women. Find out who you are by simply measuring your wrist circumference.

In the article "Body Types: How Does Genetics Affect Your Body Shape?" »I talked in detail about characteristic features ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. In this article I will talk about how you can determine which one you belong to.
There are several ways.

Measuring the girth of the wrist

It is necessary to measure the wrist with a measuring tape at the narrowest point and compare with the data in the table.

This method is the simplest, but its accuracy is very relative, and today, some studies generally question the possibility of determining the somatotype by such parameters.

Determination of the epigastric angle

Epigastric angle Is the angle that forms between the 12th pair of edges (the lowest pair). To determine it, go to the mirror, take a deep breath and hold your breath. Take two pencils and place them so that their ends on one side meet at the junction of the lower edges, and the pencils themselves are located along each of the edges. The location of the pencils will clearly show you the value of the intercostal angle. By its value, you can determine your body type.

Determination of anthropometric indicators

Anthropometric indicators Are age, sex, racial and other features of the physical structure that can be quantified.

This method is the most accurate, but you cannot use it yourself. Such measurements can be carried out in medical centers, or in fitness rooms with special equipment.

Body type determination based on visual assessment

You can also roughly determine your body type simply by analyzing your appearance. And the best way to do this is to remember what kind of child you were in childhood. If you are thin and tall, then most likely you are an ectomorph. If in childhood they were overweight, then it is more likely that an endomorph. But do not forget about the objective factors that could affect this. So, if you were "fed for three" as a child, then the reason excess weight most likely in this, and not in the somatotype.

Why do you need to know the body type?

In order to rely on this data when choosing an appropriate nutritional system and training regimen. For different types physique dietary recommendations and training strategies can be very different, even with the same goals.


It is customary to distinguish between people with asthenic (asthenics), normosthenic (), hypersthenic () body type (Professor V.M. Chernorutsky). It is very important to know your own constitutional type, because each type of constitution predisposes to certain diseases.

People with asthenic type physiques are called asthenics. They are usually of thin build, tall or medium height. Asthenics have a narrow elongated body, narrow and elongated rib cage... The abdomen, in comparison with the chest, is small, and the diaphragm is located quite low. If such an angle between the costal arches in the region of the sternum (epigastric angle), it will be acute (less than 90 degrees). The heart in people with an asthenic constitution is relatively big size, is located almost vertically. The lungs are slightly elongated, and the diaphragm is low. The legs and arms, in comparison with the body, are long and thin, the muscles are poorly developed.

People with an asthenic body type are not prone to gaining excess weight, often have low or normal index body weight. However, asthenics more often than others suffer from diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion and intestines. Blood pressure in such people, as a rule, is less than normal, and the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood is also low. Asthenics are also prone to diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, in particular, to the lungs.

People with a hypersthenic body type can also be easily recognized. They give the impression of overweight people. Hypersthenics are more often of small or medium stature. Their body is relatively long, in comparison with it, the legs and arms seem to be a little shortened. The ribcage is wide and short, the ribs are almost horizontal. The angle formed by the costal arches in the sternum is obtuse (more than 90 degrees). Stomach bigger breasts and usually of considerable size. Aperture All internal organs in hypersthenics are relatively large (larger than in asthenics). The heart is located almost horizontally or semi-horizontally.

People with a hypersthenic physique are prone to obesity and increase blood pressure... Their body mass index is normal or high. Hypersthenics are characterized by increased content erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood, as well high level cholesterol. Quite often, people of this body type have hypothyroidism (decreased function thyroid gland). Hypersthenics often suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with increased secretion.

Holders of the normosthenic type of constitution are distinguished by the proportionality of the physique. occupy an intermediate position between asthenics and hypersthenics. The angle between the costal arches is 90 degrees. The dimensions of the body and limbs are approximately the same. The heart is located semi-horizontally. Body mass index is usually normal. Normostenics do not have a clear predisposition to certain diseases.

The effectiveness of training in the gym directly depends on the correctly selected training program. Therefore, the first thing on the way to ideal outward appearance need to define your type of physique.

You will need

  • - mirror;
  • - tape measure;
  • - assistant.


Take off your clothes and stand directly in front of the mirror. Take a close look at your figure, paying attention to proportion. If you have short neck, round face, weak muscles, and on the thighs and buttocks there is a sufficiently large supply of fat, then you belong to endomorphic type of at physique... Long body, wide chest, well-developed muscles in representatives of the mesomorphic type of a. The main characteristics of a person with ectomorphic type of ohm physique- long limbs, short torso, narrow chest and shoulders.

Define type of your constitution according to the Soloviev method. Measure your wrist at its thinnest point. If your result is less than 15 cm and 18 cm, then you have asthenic physique characterized by long limbs, a thin neck and underdeveloped muscles. The wrist at 15-17 cm and at 18-20 cm indicates a normosthenic proportional body composition. The result of more than 17 cm and 20 cm is found in representatives of hypersthenic, or broad-boned, physique... The hips and shoulders of such people are wide, and the legs are short.

Determine the value of the epigastric angle. Stand facing your helper. Expose your upper body to the waist. Have a helper put their hands on your chest so that the tips thumbs joined at the convergence point of the lowest twelfth pair of ribs. The rest of the fingers should lie in the intercostal space. Take a breath full breast and stay in this position. Have your assistant determine by eye the value of the epigastric angle formed by the lower ribs. If the value of the epigastric angle is less than 90 degrees, then your type of figures are asthenic, if more than 90 degrees, then hypersthenic, and if this angle is right, then you are a representative of a normosthenic figure.


  • How to determine your body type
  • how to determine your body type

When choosing software for your computer, you need to know type of, or its bit depth. Specifically, the system can be 32 or 64 bit. These terms generally refer to the way the data is processed by the central processing unit. In this case, the software for 32-bit systems may be incompatible with 64-bit and vice versa. To know type of systems you can from the documentation. If there is no documentation, follow these steps.

You will need

  • A computer that is running a Windows operating system (XP, Vista, Windows 7) or Server 2003


Hip-gluteal obesity is common in women reproductive age... Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in this type of disease most often does not suffer. Patients have osteoporosis, venous insufficiency, arthrosis. Treatment is primarily aimed at correcting eating behavior. Orlistat, sibutramine can be recommended from medications.

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Ernst Kretschmer (1888-1964) - German psychologist and psychiatrist. Not immediately finding himself, this man began with the study of philosophy, literature and art history, but already at the university he turned to medicine. One of his first works - "Sensitive Delusions of Attitude" - was assessed by the famous psychologist and philosopher K. Japers as "close to genius." E. Kretschmer is best known for his typology of temperaments.

Attempts to classify people according to their psychological characteristics have been undertaken for a long time. The doctrine of 4 temperaments belonging to Hippocrates is widely known. This classification intersects with I. Pavlov's typology, based on the strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes.

E. Kretschmer drew attention to the fact that the features that characterize mental disorders- manic-depressive psychosis - also observed in healthy people, lies only in the degree of their manifestation. This principle was used as the basis for the typology of temperaments proposed by E. Kretschmer. People with varying degrees The researcher called the severity of signs of manic-depressive psychosis cyclothymics and cycloids, and people with schizophrenic traits - schizotimics and schizoids.

These psychological traits E. Kretschmer associated it with body type. In his opinion, schizothymics and schizoids are more often distinguished by leptosomal (asthenic) physique, and cyclothymics and cycloids - by pycnic ones.

Leptosomal type

People with a leptosomal body type are thin, slender, their neck and limbs are elongated. Lower jaw small, the nose is clearly defined, hair is coarse and thick. They are sensitive to some phenomena and completely indifferent to others.

Among people with a leptosomal body type - schizotimics and schizoids - there are many dreamers, art connoisseurs. V Everyday life they are distinguished by a tendency to conflict, pedantry, perseverance, concentration on their own interests. Often, such people create for themselves a kind of fictional world, built of dreams and ideas, but they can be witty and ironic. Schizotimics-scientists most often devote themselves to the exact sciences or philosophy.

Picnic type

The picnic type is characterized by a dense build, broad-boned, round shape. The face is wide, the head is large, the neck is short, and the hair is soft. Such people often suffer overweight, but at the same time they are distinguished by mobility, smoothness and naturalness of movements.

The pace of life of such people - cycloids and cyclothymics - depends on their mood, which constantly fluctuates between sadness and fun. They are open, good-natured people who easily come into contact with others. The perception of the world of cyclothymics and cycloids The perception of the world is notable for realism, they are characterized by soft humor. A cyclothymic scientist is an empiricist who prefers visual descriptions, often a popularizer of science.

Along with the leptosomal and pycnic types, E. Kretschmer identified an intermediate - viscose type. Such people are different athletic build are prone to affects and are prone to epilepsy.

E. Kretschmer's classification became widespread, but it was immediately criticized. Doubt was also caused by the transfer of patterns identified in psychiatric practice to healthy people, and the connection between mental traits and physique. By the middle of the 20th century. the theory was considered unscientific. Currently, this typology is considered from the point of view of the history of psychology and is not applied in psychological practice.


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The problem of defining normal weights body is always relevant, especially when a person cares about his health. After all, a deviation from the norm in one direction or another indicates a violation of any functions of the body, and, as a result, the development and exacerbation various diseases... But the concept “ normal weight»Ambiguous and may vary depending on race, gender, height and age. Let's try to highlight some basic principles.

You will need

  • Scales
  • Stadiometer
  • Calculator


Subtract 100 from your value. This will be an indicator of normal weights... At the same time, it is necessary to adjust for the type of physique: thin people are 3-5% lighter, and strong people, on the contrary, are 2-3% heavier than those who belong to normostenics.

Calculate the normal weight using the Robinson formula: 52 + 1.9 * (0.394 * h – 60), where h is the height in cm.


For each nationality, the normal weight is different. This fact must be taken into account when you get acquainted with the tables compiled by Western or American nutritionists.
A person's weight is made up of various indicators: muscle mass, the amount of fluid in the body, the weight of each organ and the contents of the gastrointestinal tract. In this connection, depending on the time of day, its value can change both in a smaller and a larger direction.

Helpful advice

N. Amosov - a surgeon, cardiologist, author of many works on gerontology - says that the normal weight for each person is individually set at 25-26 years old. It is on these indicators that he advises to be equal throughout life, trying to maintain them. The only amendment: weight at this age should not be overweight.

Hello dear guests of my site about sports, health and beauty. Today our conversation, first of all, will be of interest to novice bodybuilders, who often have questions about the selection proper nutrition and a set of exercises due to the incorrect definition of their physiological characteristics. And the main difficulties are associated precisely with the weight of their own body.

Therefore, today I propose to educate all those in need and interested in how to find out your body type, so that both diets and training fully correspond to your anatomy and body structure.

There is a conditional division of physique, both among men and among women, into three groups:

  • Ectomorph;
  • Mesomorph;
  • Endromorph.

As a rule, it is these definitions that are present on sports sites and among bodybuilders. Therefore, those who have not yet encountered training could meet the following physique characteristics: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic.

In fact, there is no difference in terminology. Therefore, let's figure out which of the definitions of which body constitution corresponds, and how to determine exactly your type, so that henceforth there will be no difficulties in the gym.

Thin bone

The first on our list are people, men and women, who are conventionally elongated much more in length than in width. It is this physique that is asthenic, that is, they are ectomorphs.

Look at yourself in the mirror in full height: if you have Long hands, legs, thin Long neck, there are practically no fat deposits and the development of muscles leaves much to be desired - you are an ectomorph, or an asthenic. I am sure that your chest also has elongated shape, which means that the heart and lungs in it have the same characteristic difference and are relatively small in size.

Your gastrointestinal tract not particularly disposed to the rapid, active breakdown and assimilation of those elements that you get from food. That is why volume is the most difficult for you, in comparison with people with other body types.

Normal bone

If a broad-shouldered man looks at you in the mirror, with a bulging chest, proportionally developed limbs and decent muscles, then you are a mesomorph, or a normostenic. Your bone, that is, the skeleton, is well developed, and the structural indicators internal organs and their physiology meet all standards and meet all the necessary requirements for bodybuilding.

You are in luck - nature has endowed you with an almost ideal body and an organism that works like a clock. This means that your potential in sports is the envy of many athletes, who have to make great efforts to have the form that Mother Nature gave you.

Broad bone

If in the mirror a person who is not tall relative to his weight winks at you, whose diaphragm is much higher than that of your thin friend, the chest is flattened from top to bottom and has rounded shape, and the amount of subcutaneous fat is the subject of constant battles with and the like, you are an endomorph, or hypersthenic.

Your bone is extremely wide, but it's not bad. But an extremely slow metabolism is precisely the enemy that adds fat to your skin, the constant struggle with which wears you out so much. Naturally, weight gain is not a problem for you at all. The problem, rather, is to stop it.

How to determine exactly

Of course, a purely visual definition of your body type may not always correspond to reality 100%. And naturally, there are more accurate methods.

Firstly, the Internet today is replete with a huge number of special online calculators that enable you to determine for sure your indicators. But you can perfectly do this on your own, especially since one way or another, but you will have to measure this either the thickness of the wrist or the elbow.

It is much more common to measure your physique by the wrist, so let's focus on this method. So how do you measure it correctly? Take a centimeter or at least a tape measure. Take off the watch from your hand and measure the diameter of your hand exactly at the place where you wear your accessory.

If you are a man, and the tape measure turned out to be less than 18 cm - you are an ectomorph, that is, an asthenic. For women, this indicator is less than 15 cm. If your measurements show 18-20 cm, and for women 15-17 cm, then you are a mesamorph, that is, a normostenic. Finally, if the tape measure is more than 20cm, and female hand thicker than 17cm is an indicator of a hypersthenic physique, which means you are an endomorph.

Measurement elbow joint carried out using a ruler. To do this, extend your arm in front of you, bend it at the elbow at an angle of exactly 90 °, large and forefinger free hand grasp the elbow joint and measure this distance between the fingers. You can easily find the gradation of the obtained indicators yourself. But, in fact, a mirror and a measurement on the wrist are enough for you to accurately determine your body type.

Thus, having found out your type, you can already understand some physiological features your body, clearly formulate goals in bodybuilding and choose the right diet and set of exercises to achieve them.

Whatever physique you have, playing sports will only benefit, determine your goals, visit internet sport shop where you can pick up any necessary inventory or sports nutrition and go for it.

On this this article I will finish. See you soon in the next issues.

?) you can find out your normal weight and determine best exercises and a diet plan to transform your body.

Calculator Instructions

Measure your wrist

Determine your body size using the body type calculator below. First select your gender. Then enter one of two things that are easier for you to measure: either the size of the wrist or the width of the elbow. Finally, enter your height in meters and click "Calculate".

To determine your wrist size, measure your wrist just below the wrist bone with a tape measure. Basically, this is the narrowest part of your wrist, where you usually wear a wristwatch.

Measure the width of your elbow

To determine the width of your elbow, straighten your arm and extend it in front of you so that it is horizontal and parallel to the floor, palm up. Then bend it at the elbow so that your forearm is at a 90 ° angle to the ground. Place your index and thumb the other hand on either side of your elbow joint. Keeping the position of your fingers, measure the distance between them with a ruler.

Finding your body type can help you set realistic weight loss goals (use a calculator ideal weight which takes into account the size of the physique). We all have different size physique, some have a small and light build, others have a heavier build. Thus, if you have a large physique, then you do not need to think that your weight should be the same as that of someone with smaller physique.

it very rude method for determining the size and type of physique and it is needed mainly in order to:

  • You realized that not all of us have the same structure, and we cannot all look the same (even if we try).
  • Help you set more realistic goals.
  • To devote less attention measurements, and focus on a healthy body stock.

As you can see, this calculator only calculates the size of the physique from one dimension (upper body), it does not take the lower body into account. However, the upper and bottom dimensions the bodies are not necessarily the same. Top part the body of a pear-shaped woman, for example, can be small size physique ( thin arms and wrists), and her Bottom part the body can be of a large build size (more massive ankles). Find out which ones exist to better understand the characteristics of your body type, and what it will be useful for you to work on.

Scoring systems such as BMI don't take your body size into account, which means they lack precision in determining if you are truly within a healthy weight range. For example, they tend to have a medium to large build, and have a fair amount of muscle mass. You cannot compare the weight of such people when they are in shape, with a weight whose body is small and even in better times has little muscle mass.