Touching birthday cake. This beautiful woman. Birthday cakes are funny and cool

On a birthday, it is customary to wish health, love, good luck and money. I wish you understanding. So that viruses and diseases understand that you don’t need it, love and luck - that they have the right place in your life, well, and the authorities understand your value and indispensability, encouraging you to increase your salary. To this we will drink.

I propose to drink not easy for a birthday, but for the fact that there are many in your life pleasant moments, happy days and surprises. Do not stop rejoicing in the little things, because the little things, in fact, make up our mood. So that everything always works out for you, only the way you want it!

They say that the birthday sad holiday because the years fly by and you get one more older. But for me, age is just a number. It doesn't matter how old you are, what matters is how you feel. I wish you always feel eighteen! Let's drink to that! For your eternal youth, ageless heart and soul!

I raise a glass to health
To be strong as a rock
So that everything is always beautiful,
To not be touched by trouble!

I drink for joy and fun
For being good
I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you luck in everything!

We wish that dreams come true.
Health, joy, luck,
Love, hope, kindness!
Please accept our congratulations.

Let the sun shine all year round.
Let bad weather go around your house.
At this festive table
We wish you a lot of happiness!

I'll drink for you today
I wish you well
The year flew by unnoticed
But, to face you years!

I wish you happiness
So that all dreams come true
To forget insults
Your loved ones were there!

Everyone gathered today
We will congratulate you
So that your dreams come true
We respect you, we love you!

I drink to the bottom for you
And I wish you happiness
For your soul to bloom
Joy, wealth!

So that love will always be
To be happy
For trouble to pass by
Everything was great!

Another year in your piggy bank
You don't regret anything
Don't be sad about your past
In joy, happiness, you always live!

I wish you success, kindness and warmth,
And to make the dream come true
To forget insults and evil,
And be sure to be lucky!

So that there is a lot of dough in the wallet,
For this today I will drink to the bottom,
To lead friendship with luck,
And never be sad!

For your holiday, I drink standing,
I want to wish you happiness
So that dreams always come true
All the bad things were forgotten!

To be in the mood
Happy Birthday,
I drink to always
Life was good!

We all know the fable about the industrious ant and the frivolous dragonfly. So let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy skillfully combines the qualities of both of these heroes. Behind your skill work and have fun!

Happy Birthday! We wish you all that is included in this small but beautiful word- Happiness:
The sun is the brightest
Health - the strongest,
Smiles - the happiest
Love - the most faithful,
Friendship - the most devoted.


There is a legend in one mountain village: when a child is born, God kisses him. God will kiss the child on the mouth, and a magnificent orator will grow up. kiss in the hands, the master of all trades will grow up. So let's drink to the birthday boy, because even God himself does not know where he kissed him.


What do you wish? Wealth? Good luck?
From life everyone wants their own ...
And we wish you just happiness,
So that it was a little, but everything!

Birthday toasts

Do not be upset that you have become one year older. If you look from the other side, you have become more beautiful, more attractive and smarter for one year! And you can't stop on this path. Congratulations!


Heed my word
Dear friends:
Today came to the table
We are completely in vain.

Will be famous a hundredfold
Hero of the occasion.
He will love this day.
I vouch for the words!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

The old man died

The old man died. But before going to heaven, he saw his whole life in the form of a sandy seashore, and footprints on the shore. He looked closely and sees that the traces are either from one pair of legs, or as if two people are walking side by side. And he asked God: "Whose footprints are next to mine?" And God said, "It's me walking beside you." Then the old man took a closer look, and saw that in the happy moments of his life he walked next to God, and in difficult moments God left him. And the old man asked God: "Why did you leave me in difficult moments of life?" And God answered him: "You misunderstood everything, old man. When you felt good, I really walked by your side, and in difficult moments of your life, I took you in my arms."
Let's drink to our birthday boy, and if he has difficult moments in his life, then let God take him in his arms.


My toast is short and simple:
Pour and drink 100 grams
We are for your birth.
Health, happiness, oh my ...

There are people whose birthday becomes a holiday not only for them, but for all their friends. To congratulate such a person is already a joy. So let's drink to you - the one who, with his birth, gave us an annual celebration and good mood.

May the weather in your heart always be sunny, and your life be bright like a rainbow, in case of rain - so that you always have an umbrella with you, and let thunder and lightning be only gusts of happiness! Happy Birthday!

Birthday - wonderful holiday. All the best on this day is only for you. Do not be sad that the years fly by unnoticed, you need to rejoice in the experience and wisdom gained. With all my heart I wish to see only the best in life, more positive, less sad things, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, mountains of money, more fun moments and a huge supply of health. Let's raise our glasses to you!

They say: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!" But I wish you many reliable comrades, and more money too, they are not superfluous. Let everything be enough in your life - both moral and material. Happiness to you, love, good luck, prosperity and wealth. Happy Birthday!

May your life be filled with happiness, fun and prosperity. I wish you never to know what tears and grief are, not to know and not to make mistakes in life, to believe in your dreams and try to make them come true. Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to You,
Don't be afraid of the years
I drink for joy and happiness
To pass your bad weather,
I drink for health and honesty,
For prosperity, infinity,
In general, I drink for you,
Don't ever be sad!

With the birth of a man in the sky appears new star. Depending on how his life goes, it shines either brighter or dimmer. I want to wish you that your life is rich in impressions, positive emotions and joyful events, respectively, so that your star shines brightly, eclipsing all the others around!

Often we are ruined even by our thoughts, because they are material. A lot depends on positive attitude. I wish you, birthday boy, to look at everything only through the prism of optimism, then all things will be done faster. Take life easier, it's actually not as difficult as it seems. Live and enjoy the people who surround you and the events!

In life happy person three things! Love, family, and favourite hobby. Love should shine brighter than the flash of the sun, the seed should be strong as the core of the same sun, the hobby should be filled with the same passionate feelings and discoveries that the astronomer experienced, long nights discovering and looking at such new and such old constellations in the sky! So let's drink to having more space in your life!

The coolest toasts

IN Let's drink to what makes us, no matter what...

D a long time ago, well, or recently, well, or a long time ago. Okay ... In general ... lived ... well, or lived ... But what's the difference !? Let's drink!

T Let's drink to the fact that everything is parallel to us and only the earth is perpendicular!

D The girl went swimming the goat stands nibbling grass the girl undressed and the goat stands nibbling grass the girl came out of the water the goat stands nibbling grass so let's drink to the fact that there are no goats among us.

E Xcavator Masha dug a ditch and dug up a tomb Egyptian pharaoh. The lid of the sarcophagus moved, and Masha saw a handsome young prince. He was like alive. Masha could not stand it and kissed the prince. And a miracle happened - the prince came to life.
- How to thank you. Masha? asked the young pharaoh. - Do you want me to fulfill seven of your wishes?
“I don’t need seven wishes,” Masha said, “one wish is better, but seven times.
Pharaoh agreed, but died on the fifth run.
So let's drink to the excavator Masha, who did not allow the slave system to revive!

D let's drink to the hadron collider, and to the fact that in an hour no one can say this word.

D let's drink to success
our hopeless cause!

IN Let's drink that we have what those who have us have.

G shout solemnly:
With coming alcohol intoxication, comrades!

W and the courage of women with which they defend their femininity!

FROM The sun strips the woman down to her bathing suit, so let's drink to the men. that shine brighter than the sun!

ABOUT one man boasted to his acquaintances:
- I have already saved several women from rape!
- How? How? they ask him.
- I persuaded them!
So let's drink to the union of strength and words!

P ricole women's toast:
Beautiful we were and remain
Admiring the beauty of our bodies
Let cry those who we did not get
And those who did not want us will die!...

F female: So that there is something to put on and in front of whom to undress!

I I drink to the bottom for those who are here,
For those who are there, I do not drink.
Nice every minute
After all, I love your faces so much!

D let's drink to the fact that we until death go to the pharmacy exclusively for condoms!

D let's drink to women.
We don't care what to drink for
and they are pleased.

IN in one city there was a bathhouse. And there were two sections in that bath - women's and men's, and these sections were separated by a thin wall ... And then, one fine day, when the bath was full of people, this wall falls with a roar. Everyone from both sides seized the gangs, and closed the most piquant places ... They stand and look at each other, they don’t know what to do. They stood like that for some time, the girls first grew bolder, and gradually let go of the gangs ... The peasants look, such a thing, well, let go of the gangs for themselves ...
They let them go, but the gangs don't fall...
So let's drink to the strength that kept the gangs!

W but they don’t drink happiness - they fight for it
They don’t drink for health - they pray for it
They don't drink for love - they do it
Let's drink to dreams - let them come true!

- D girls, let them on your cell phone there will always be a positive balance and your battery will always be fully charged!
- In short, girls, be available!

IN every fisherman dreams of seeing a golden fish.
Every girl dreams of seeing the Fairy Prince.
Every young man dreams of seeing the Most Beautiful Princess.
So let's drink to carrots! It improves eyesight!

IN let's drink for us beautiful ones.
Well, if we are not beautiful, then the men are snickering!

W and dream come true!

P yanstvo - fight! So let's drink before the fight!

IN Let's drink to those men
who can stand
for yourself and lie down for others!

B Aaron Otard fought a lot, but was completely ruined. And with the last money I bought a castle and organized cognac production

TO a chain of climbers is climbing the mountain. And suddenly the snake bit the first climber in the bunch in the penis. He asks to pass along the chain to the doctor who comes last:
- Bitten by a snake, what to do?
When the news reached the doctor, he ordered to convey:
- We must quickly suck!
When the answer reached the second climber in the bunch, he opened his mouth ... and closed it.
The bitten one asks:
- Well? What did the doctor say?
- The doctor said... you're going to die anyway!
So let's drain our glasses so that there are always women in the same bunch with us!

IN let's drink for the fact that no matter what we drink at all costs...

IN let's drink for a kiss!
After all, it was invented by a man,
because he did not find another way to close the woman's mouth.

ABOUT the vacationer came to the sea. Nice girl shows him a room that is for rent. The man shakes his head in displeasure: - Do you think this is a room with all the comfort? For such a price? But what does a room look like without comfort? - Similar! Only then will my grandmother serve you! So let's drink for the rest with comfort!

FROM three men are walking in the bathhouse: a journalist, a director and a digger - and all of them are up to their knees ...
A journalist has a tongue
The director has a belly
The digger has hands.
Let's drink to those men who have something more interesting!

IN two thieves met: young and old.
Old says:
- If you climb a tree and steal six eggs from under a sitting bird, then you will be on an equal footing with me.
The young thief took off his clothes and climbed the tree like a snake.
He stretched out his hand to the nest, but the bird woke up and screamed.
Then the old thief showed skill to the young one - he took off his clothes, climbed a tree and stole six eggs from a bird.
When he descended from the tree, he did not see his clothes.
So let's drink to capable students!

H Christmas toast:
"Let's drink to the fact that in the coming year the crisis will come only
for the funeral home!!!"

H on the beach, a girl asks her mother:
"Mommy, why do aunts have smooth bathing suits, while uncles have bulging ones?"
The mother was embarrassed, she wanted to spank the girl, but then she said with a serious look:
"And uncles, daughter, put money there."
I propose a toast to rich wallets!

F female toast.
Let's drink to the men!
But not for singles - they will never marry us. And not for the divorced - they were bad husbands.
And let's drink to the married - they love their wives and do not forget us!

W naete than a fairy tale is different from were? A fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she turned out to be a princess. A true story is when the opposite is true. So let's drink to make our life look like a fairy tale!

D let's drink to that
so that late at night we walked along the street
and we were attacked by money!
But we couldn't fight them off!

D The girl was walking down the street and heard footsteps behind her. Looking back, she saw handsome guy. She looked back and he continued to follow her. I decided to get to know him, looked back for the third time - he was no longer there ...
So let's drink to ensure that sewer manholes are closed in time in the city!

AND I blow one night in the park, the moon, the stars, and the guy and the girl are kissing on the bench.
I'm going another time: the moon, the stars...
and the same guy on the same bench is kissing another girl.
I go next time: night, moon, stars...
and the same guy, on the same bench, with a third girl.
So let's drink to the constancy of men and the inconstancy of women!

(G loudly addressing the guests)
I want to drink...
(Much quieter)
That's basically all I want.

T ost:
There are aunts like aunts
There are uncles like uncles
There are people like people
There is f * yadi as f * yadi ...
There are people like f * yadi
There are f*cks like people...
There are uncles like aunts
And aunts are like uncles....
So let's drink to the purity of our ranks!!!

TO When the Frenchman puts his arm around the woman's waist, his fingers converge on her. But this does not mean that the French are long fingers. This means that French women thin waist. When an Englishwoman mounts a horse and goes for a walk, her feet reach the ground. But that doesn't mean she has such a small horse. This means that the English women have such long legs. When a Russian, leaving for work, slaps his wife on the ass, then, when he comes home from work, he sees that the ass is still swaying. But this does not mean that Russian women are so fat. This means that Russian men have such a short working day! So let's drink to our Constitution!

H and on one bank of a fast mountain river there is a girl, and on the other, a horseman. So let's drink to the prospect!

May it be fulfilled on your birthday cherished desire which has not come true yet. Good health, all the best, great happiness and love.

Happy Birthday to You!
And in wonderful years
I wish you good luck
And goodness in addition!

Happiness, life without sorrow,
To surprise everyone around
There was money in the wallet
So that you are always lucky!

For health, for years,
I drink for you today
Peace, joy, kindness,
This is what I wish!

Money to always run
And your friends were proud of you
So that all dreams come true
Have fun and don't be sad!

Here comes your holiday.
And I want to wish
Many happy days, different,
To live - do not lose heart.

To make the house a full bowl,
Everyone who is dear was near,
So that friends call more often
And all the enemies - forgot.

Let health not fail
And spring sings in my soul!
Happy birthday, congratulations
For you I drink to the bottom!

Birthday is a great occasion to learn a lot of interesting and good things about yourself from friends and relatives. And we will not deviate from the rules! You wonderful person, we love you very much and respect you for your sincerity, it's comfortable and fun with you! You will always find something to surprise us! We wish you health, success, may your dreams come true! Long live the birthday boy!

Let it be so: children will become pride, love will become the norm, friends will become a support, money will be big, health will be iron, and life will be amazing. Let all aspirations come true, all doors open, fortune smiles kindly, dreams come true. For the birthday boy!

Long ago, God created the earth. And He endowed every living creature with the same life expectancy - everyone is 30 years old. The horse plowed and plowed for 60 years, she felt sorry for herself, she decided: “I will give ten years of my life to a man. During this time he will grow wiser, invent a tractor, and it will become easier for me to live. No sooner said than done. The dog thinks: "Am I a friend to man or not?". And she also gave her 10 years. Here the monkey says: “I read somewhere that we are with a man distant relatives. So I'll give him a dozen years too. So it turns out that a person lives 60 years: 30 years is normal, 10 years he works hard like a horse, 10 years he runs like a dog, and another 10 years shriveled like a monkey. Let's drink for our birthday boy to live another 100 years, but live them humanly.

Our life is a ladder, and every year we climb one more step up. This is an inevitable process, everyone knows it. Therefore, we need to learn to pay attention to various little things around us that make us happy and make us smile. This, perhaps, is the whole meaning of life. For you, birthday boy! Fill your life with unforgettable moments!

What do you wish for today?
On such a wonderful, bright day,
I wish you joy, health,
And I wish to overcome laziness!

I want you to live in an apartment
Yes, with a view of Paris,
And spend the whole weekend
Where is the ocean, where is the smooth surface and silence!

I want to eat sandwiches
And only with red caviar,
I wish you to have a fashionable outfit,
And ride a taxi home!

I wish you health, luck,
And for you I drink to the bottom,
To come true immediately
My good words!

They say that the most important thing in life is health. I don't think so. There are also healthy whiners. In my opinion, today the main thing is good spirits and optimism. Therefore, I wish you to look at everything in life with a smile, and then all the hardships of life will be on your shoulder!