Exercises for calling contractions. Digestive system work. Stimulation methods, pros and cons

The due date has already come, and the baby is in no hurry to leave his cozy house? If the expectant mother is overstepping her term, which has already exceeded 41 weeks, then you can turn to methods that will help bring this long-awaited event closer.

It is necessary to follow the recommendations without much fanaticism, so as not to harm yourself and the baby. It is very important in the last weeks of pregnancy to treat your health even more responsibly - this will ensure maximum safety for the baby.

And for this, it is imperative to visit a doctor who will listen to the heart, diagnose CTG, and then draw conclusions about the baby's condition, whether he has oxygen starvation. You can find out about the state of the placenta and amniotic fluid after a diagnostic ultrasound. And only then the doctor will be able to determine for sure whether such walking is harmful to the baby or the time has not yet come to give birth.

What can be done?

Of course, the doctor should give permission to stimulate the birth process at home, ask him to advise which of these "folk methods" you can use, and what is contraindicated for you.

Active intimate life

A proven stimulant in this case is an active intimate life with her husband with the direct and obligatory ingress of sperm into the vagina, because this fluid contains hormones that can soften the cervix. In addition, having sex significantly increases blood flow in the lower abdomen, which will tone the uterus and help induce contractions. Stimulating the nipples for fifteen minutes affects the production of oxytocin, which triggers labor.

Light physical activity

In this case, light physical activity will also help. Simple exercises, or vigorous dancing within reasonable limits can also help in this matter. One of the fairly effective methods is the old proven method - cleaning the house or mopping the floors, preferably with your hands and on all fours. After such a general cleaning, quite a lot of women in childbirth left for the family.

Repeated ascent and descent of stairs is also a useful stimulant, and long walks will help to maintain shape and the date of birth.

Herbal teas made from raspberry or sage leaves

Herbal teas made from raspberry or sage leaves have a positive effect on the uterus, it softens, which also brings childbirth closer. Plus, raspberry tea is very effective in reducing the risk of tearing during labor. To obtain the desired result, it is advisable to drink two to three glasses of herbal tea a day.

Stimulating cocktail

Mix a glass of apricot or orange juice with a glass of soda, add two tablespoons of castor oil and the same amount of ground almonds to the resulting liquid. Beat with a blender. Drink the entire resulting cocktail within an hour in small sips. This method will certainly help if the time to give birth has really come - contractions may begin in a few hours, and if it is still too early, an intestinal disorder will occur, which can also provoke the onset of labor.

Other ways

It also has an activating effect cinnamon, the use of which in large quantities in baked goods and cooked dishes can cause uterine contraction. The positive stimulating effect of various warming up procedures, which are aimed at enhancing blood circulation - a bath or a contrast shower, as well as an iodine net or pepper plaster on the lower back. Cleansing enemas with various oils, they cause contraction and emptying of the intestines, which provokes the release of hormones that soften the uterus.

  1. Tune in only for a good ending to pregnancy, believe in yourself, that you will definitely cope. A lot depends on a positive attitude towards childbirth.
  2. Talk to your baby as often as possible, tell him that everyone loves him very much and is looking forward to his birth.
  3. The tactile sensation is also very important. Stroke your belly as often as possible - this will make the baby want to meet mom as soon as possible.

If you feel normal and the baby is doing well, then you should not rush, trust your baby, and he will determine the time of his birth by himself!

Every pregnant woman looks forward to meeting her long-awaited treasure. With each passing day, the expectation of this moment becomes more and more unbearable, especially when the due date of labor is already approaching, and labor does not begin. When the pregnancy is over 40 weeks, many women start thinking about how to speed up labor.

First of all, it is worth asking the question whether there is a need to rush childbirth or still wait for its natural start.

Pregnancy lasting more than 40 weeks is considered to be post-term. The placenta at this time becomes overripe and is unable to fully provide the baby with the necessary conditions for normal life. The fetus at this time is threatened by hypoxia, which can lead to its death. In addition, the outcome of labor over 42 weeks can lead to birth trauma or macrosomia of the fetus (weighing more than 4 kg).

A pregnant woman should be alerted by a decrease in fetal movements, a decrease in the size of the abdomen, and a decrease in weight. All of these symptoms, even if they occur after 38 weeks, indicate oxygen starvation of the fetus. In this regard, there is a need for urgent medical attention.

In the conditions of the maternity hospital of a pregnant woman, examinations of the cervix and cardiotocography of the fetus are carried out. Based on the results of the examinations, a decision is made to stimulate labor.

To prepare the uterus for dilatation in stationary conditions, prostaglandin hormones are used, which are introduced in the form of gels or suppositories through the vagina into the cervix. These hormones are found in small amounts in amniotic fluid and semen. Therefore, this method of stimulating labor has practically no contraindications.

After preparing the cervix, an amniotomy is performed. The procedure consists in opening the fetal bladder to drain the amniotic fluid. After the discharge of water inside the uterus, the pressure decreases, and the head of the fetus rests against the pelvic bones. This in many cases contributes to the onset of contractions.

If, after three hours after the amniotomy, labor does not begin, the hormone oxytocin is injected intravenously.

This hormone influences the contractions of the muscles of the uterus. Dosing of oxytocin is very individual. Since the action of the drug increases pain, it is recommended to combine it with antispasmodics.

Contraindications to the use of oxytocin:

  • incorrect presentation of the fetus;
  • scars on the uterus;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Oxytocin has a number of side effects: due to the high activity of the uterus, circulatory disorders and fetal hypoxia may occur. Therefore, this method requires constant and careful monitoring by a doctor.

If there is no indication for hospitalization of a pregnant woman, it is possible to stimulate labor activity at home.

What should be done to speed up the onset of labor?


In the absence of contraindications at 40 weeks pregnant, it is recommended to have sex. How to speed up labor through sexual activity? Prostaglandins in semen are able to soften the cervix and stimulate its opening.

But during intercourse, the risk of placental abruption, threatening the loss of the fetus, increases. In addition, when pathogenic microorganisms enter the vagina, the likelihood of intrauterine infections increases.

During the stimulation of the nipples by the body of the pregnant woman, oxytocin is produced - a hormone responsible for the contraction of the uterus. Light uterine contractions that arise during the massage can turn into real contractions. Obstetricians-gynecologists recommend that expectant mothers regularly massage the nipples, preparing them for feeding the baby, and starting from 38 weeks, this will help prepare for childbirth.

Digestive system work.

The active work of intestinal peristalsis also provokes the onset of contractions. The expectant mother throughout her pregnancy, and even more so during the last weeks, needs to eat foods rich in fiber for active bowel function. Vegetables, fruits, herbs contain solid fibers and stimulate the intestines.

If a pregnant woman is worried about frequent constipation, it is recommended to use a candle with glycerin or castor oil.

On the eve of the upcoming birth, it will be superfluous to make a cleansing enema. During this procedure, the pelvic floor muscles are tense.


It is important to move as actively as possible throughout pregnancy. Special breathing exercises, water aerobics, yoga for pregnant women, swimming will help.

At home, physical activity will help speed up labor. For example, cleaning, shopping for groceries, playing with an older child, frequent walks in the fresh air.

Exercising on a large ball will speed up labor. Also, exercise on a fitball will help relax your pelvic floor muscles and prepare for upcoming contractions.

Bending forward, to the sides, circular movements of the hips, squats will help the beginning of the fights.

Inflation of balloons is one of the options for breathing exercises, which increases the pressure on the uterus.


Aromatherapy is considered a very effective means of stimulating labor. A few drops of rose or jasmine essential oils are added to the aroma lamp. Vapors of these aromatic oils can cause uterine contractions.


Acupuncture is one of the branches of Tibetan medicine, which is increasingly being addressed by modern people. A specialist using a thin needle, stimulating a certain point on the body, will be able to induce labor.


A warm bath will help speed up the onset of labor. This procedure has contraindications:

  • the water in the bath should not be more than 40 ?, in order to prevent overheating of the body;
  • you can not take a bath after the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

Folk remedies:

  • decoction of raspberry leaves: provokes contractions;
  • pineapple: contains bromelain, which can soften the cervix;
  • castor oil stimulates intestinal motility and can cause uterine contractions;
  • have a similar effect: curry spice, fresh beet juice, parsley leaves.

Psychological attitude.

The psychological state of a pregnant woman is directly related to the onset of labor. A woman's constant concern about how to speed up labor can backfire. Excitement and fear will affect the health of the expectant mother. There is high blood pressure, heart palpitations.

A child needs hormones of joy, not stress. A positive attitude will speed up the onset of labor better than any drug.


One of the surest ways is physical activity. These can be all kinds of exercises. Squat, bend over, jump. Such exercises stimulate contractions of the abdominal muscles. Quite an effective way, if possible.

To induce contractions, if possible, also visit the bathhouse, it is especially convenient if there is one near the house.

Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on stimulating the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, if the right aroma is chosen. It is best to choose rose oil or jasmine oil for such purposes, they have a positive effect on the hypothalamus, which contains oxytocin.

Massage the biologically active points of the body, this is one of the most gentle methods, since, for example, in comparison with drugs, it will not harm the future in any way.

Take a bath, preferably a little warmer than usual, however, so that the water temperature is pleasant, otherwise you can become conscious. You can take a bath with aromatic salts.

Oddly enough, sex is an excellent stimulator of contractions of the walls of the uterus, and as a result, contractions. More precisely, not sex itself, but an orgasm, which can smoothly flow into the contractions themselves. Moreover, it has to soften the cervix.


After a while, contractions will begin, similar to the sensations during painful periods. What to do When contractions are regular, note the intervals between them. If you think your labor has started, call your midwife. While they are not very frequent (up to 5 minutes) or painful, there is no point in rushing to the hospital. The first birth usually lasts a long time, 12-14 hours, and it is better to spend some of this time at home.

Helpful advice

If labor does not develop within three hours after the outflow of amniotic fluid, then labor is induced. With a prolonged anhydrous period, the risk of infectious complications in the mother and fetus sharply increases, therefore it is necessary to induce contractions. Long walks, stair climbing, general cleaning of the house, such as mopping, shopping, squatting, can all contribute to the onset of labor. Do not overdo it, again threatens with placental abruption.

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Fake contractions are known to pregnant women - they are also called training contractions. They are a normal and even mandatory phenomenon, preparing the muscular muscles of the uterus for the upcoming load. However, women who are not familiar with the existence of false contractions are frightened with their arrival and begin to suspect various problems.

Description of false contractions

Despite the fact that training contractions pass unnoticed from the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman begins to really feel them after about 20 weeks. They usually happen in the evening or at night when the body is relaxed and can concentrate on minor contractions of the uterus. In addition, false contractions can manifest themselves in the process of a little physical activity of a pregnant woman.

Training contractions are completely safe for the mother and baby, which they provide with fresh oxygen and nutrients.

It is quite simple to distinguish false contractions from real ones - pregnant women feel them as minor and short contractions of the uterus, which is slightly tense, becomes hard and softens after a few seconds / minutes. Training contractions are most often single and practically do not cause pain in the early stages. In a later period of pregnancy, they may become more and more perceptible and be accompanied by some discomfort, but their duration will remain the same. Real contractions are very painful and are repeated from 5 to 6 times a minute - in this case, amniotic fluid and a mucous plug from the cervix can leave.

Facilitating false contractions

As training contractions become more palpable and often bother a woman later in pregnancy, there are some tricks you should know to help alleviate this condition. So, if the contractions of the uterus began in a horizontal position, you need to get up and take a walk, and if you find false contractions while doing things, it is advisable to lie down and rest. A warm bath or a glass of warm milk / water will also help relieve the muscle tone of the uterus. However, obstetricians recommend practicing breathing correctly for the future during false contractions, as well as choosing the most comfortable posture for childbirth.

You need to be careful about false contractions so as not to confuse them with premature contractions.

When bloody, watery or thick mucous discharge appears from the vagina, as well as the frequency of contractions up to 4 times per minute with increasing intensity and soreness, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital for examination. If false contractions are very annoying in the early stages of pregnancy, you need to warn your gynecologist about this.

Tip 3: When and How to Collect Maple Sap to Preserve Trees

The benefits of self-harvested maple sap are invaluable. But in order to enjoy a natural product and at the same time not harm the tree, it is necessary to correctly collect it.

Maple sap is just as healthy as birch sap. Despite the fact that in our country this craft is not too developed, people collect this gift of nature, after which they saturate their bodies with the most useful microelements.

When and how is maple sap collected?

The collection of maple sap is carried out precisely in the spring, when the sap flow is directed from the roots to the crown of the tree. Those who have never been involved in collecting maple sap before should know that if the process is not carried out correctly, the tree may suffer, causing it to dry out.

In order for the tree not to be damaged when collecting sap, it is necessary to make a shallow puncture in the trunk. When the juice is collected, it is necessary to carefully and accurately cover the puncture site with garden varnish. Do not collect a lot of juice, as the tree also needs it for spring flowering. It is in the sap that all the nutrients required for the growth and flowering of maple are contained.

Maple sap is harvested in March-April, and the procedure is carried out in exactly the same way as when collecting birch sap. First you need to make a small and shallow hole in the tree trunk. Then a tube or groove is inserted into this hole, respectively, of a suitable size. A container is placed under the groove, where the juice will drain. At a time and from one tree, it is not recommended to collect more juice than fits in a three-liter jar. After completing the collecting procedure, the hole is processed with garden varnish.

What are the benefits of maple sap?

You need to know that in Canada, the most useful sugar is produced from maple sap. It is maple sap that is a source of potassium, calcium, iron and other useful trace elements. Even during processing, the juice does not lose its useful properties, which is very important. So, the collected maple juice can be drunk in its pure form, as well as syrup can be cooked from it, which is canned for the winter. Boiled maple syrup is a perfect addition to various dishes: pancakes, pancakes, ice cream.

The sap collected from maples that grow in Russia is not as sweet as from a real Canadian tree. But, nevertheless, it also has a lot of beneficial and nutritious substances. If you buy maple juice in a store, you can stumble upon a fake, since real juice is quite expensive due to the laboriousness of the collection process. If you have the ability and ability to correctly collect the juice, it is better to do it yourself.

Despite the fact that during pregnancy, doctors set a preliminary date of birth, the baby may be born a little earlier or later than this date.

A normally developing pregnancy lasts 40 obstetric weeks. There are times when, after a given time, the baby is in no hurry to be born. Postterm pregnancy can provoke the development of various kinds of complications. As a rule, for periods from 42 weeks, doctors try to induce labor artificially, if before that moment the woman does not start giving birth on her own.
Fear of complications and the desire to meet with the baby as soon as possible push the expectant mother to the fact that she is trying on her own.

How to bring the onset of labor closer

Contractions are regular contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus leading to the opening of the cervix. In order to speed up the onset of labor, you can increase your physical activity. Physical activity not only provokes the onset of contractions, but also has a beneficial effect on the female body.

An excellent way to speed up labor is walking, climbing and descending stairs, and swimming. At the same time, running, lifting weights and jumping are strictly prohibited. If a pregnant woman has certain health problems, she should treat the increase in physical activity with caution.

Sexual intercourse is a good way to speed up labor. Male semen contains hormones that soften the cervix and prepare it to open. Intimacy is contraindicated after the passage of the mucous plug. A contraindication to it may also serve as placenta previa and some pathologies.

You can speed up the onset of labor by cleansing the intestines. For these purposes, the use of laxatives, as well as an enema, is perfect. A mild laxative effect can be achieved with boiled beets or olive oil. Regular consumption of tea with raspberries also helps to bring the onset of contractions closer.

All actions aimed at accelerating the onset of labor must first be discussed with a gynecologist. The doctor will tell you what methods can be used, if it is actually necessary. In some cases, prolonged pregnancy is due to the incorrect setting of its timing. In order to decide on the need to accelerate the onset of contractions, it is necessary to do a number of studies that will make it possible to assess the current state of the fetus.