Merry toasts and greetings for the new year of the earthen dog. New Year's cool toasts for a corporate party in the year of the dog

Every year before the New Year, all companies arrange a festive New Year's corporate party. If you want to say the most chic toast, then we will help you with this. The coolest toasts I have prepared for you today.

If you want to shine at a New Year's corporate party, then use our cool New Year toasts for a corporate party. Well, let's start!

Dear colleagues and friends! Here is the New Year on the doorstep. I would like to say gratitude to you all, to express a feeling of gratitude for the excellent work in the past year. We have achieved excellent results, bypassed competitors and are confidently standing on our feet. It's nice to see all of you, so beautiful and happy, at our evening. All of you were given a small task, to compose cool toasts for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party in the Year of the Dog, I am sure each of you did a great job with it, so let's not delay determining the best toast, but the feast will begin!

Once two friends met - a puppy, one had threads in a ball and knitting needles in his teeth. Another puppy exclaiming:
- What the heck?
And he answered him:
- What business, you called to do it with viscous, and I came!
Let's raise our glasses so that there will be no misunderstanding between us next year!

If you leave your mother-in-law and the dog in the garage, and after some time open it, you will be glad not the mother-in-law, but the dog.
Let's drink, so that our smaller brothers will always be with us in joy!

Folk wisdom says: "The dog barks, the caravan moves on."
So let's drink, so that everything goes according to plan in the New Year, and no one will interfere with us in anything!

All diseases and ailments on the dog heal quickly, which is what I wish you in the coming year!
Let's drink to health in the New 2019!

The dog is pampered with sweet, for the result in training, with the correct execution of tasks.
I want to wish you in the coming year only true deeds and the correct completion of tasks in order to overeat with sweets!

We all often saw the inscription: "Beware, angry dog!" And we have heard many stories and jokes on this topic, but still most of us do not know what is there, behind the inscription awaiting us. Or maybe the dog is not angry there at all. Maybe she's just sad from loneliness. Let's drink so that each of us does not know loneliness in the New Year!
Let's just smile and rejoice at each other in the New Year!

Two friends complain when they meet:
- Tomorrow my mother-in-law is coming, and even with a dog!
- Two dogs at once, well, that's too much!
Let's drink so that in the New Year, only welcome guests stay with us, and the owners are always happy!

The dog will always gladly meet its owner, regardless of whether he walked with it or forgot to feed it.
Let's raise our glasses so that when meeting us, people will be glad to us, even if we forgot to smile!

I saw the inscription:
"Don't knock, don't ring the bell, tease the dog!"
Let's raise our glasses to the hostess of 2019, the dog! Let's not tease her, because it is better to draw her attention and she will protect us in the New Year!

Patient at the doctor's appointment:
- Yesterday I was bitten by a dog.
- How did it happen?
- I stepped on her paws.
- She's not mad?
- Doctor, I'm not an idiot, to step on the paws of a mad dog!
I propose to drink so that in the New Year we do only reasonable deeds!

Two enemies, a dog and a cat, can reconcile only for a common goal - yummy food from the owner.
I invite you to raise your glasses to common goals and ways to achieve them, no matter how rival rivals we are.

The children sculpted snow figures and they had snow left. What to do with the remaining snow, they asked the figures:
- What else do you want?
The figures thought, dreamed:
- Yes, it seems we already have everything, maybe there is not enough happiness. Can you blind?
Through the lips of children, the truth says:
- Nobody can blind someone else's happiness!
So let's drink to happiness, because everyone has their own!

In the desert, the dog disappeared. For a long time she was completely alone, and suddenly she saw a panther. Panicking, she ran to the pile of bones next to her. The panther sensed the victim and went to her, the dog lay, yawning lazily and said to the panther:
- What a tender and appetizing this panther was!
The panther wondered if she would eat her and run away. This scene was witnessed by a monkey, she told the panther the truth, having caught up with her. The panther thanked her, thus offering her friendship, promising to protect her. They decided to punish the dog and returned to her, but the dog was not at a loss:
- Monkey, here you are! And I keep thinking, where did you disappear, because you promised to bring me another panther for dinner?
Let's raise our glasses to your ingenuity, dexterity and ability to find a way out of any, even at first glance, hopeless situations!

Friends and colleagues! Happy New Year 2019 - the year of the dog! I wish only loyal comrades-in-arms, loyal friends, affection, love and warmth! Truly puppy delight and only mutual sympathy.
Let's drink to make all our wishes come true on this magical evening!

New Year, beyond the doorstep! The dog is already running towards us. I am sure the symbol of the year favors us!
Let's raise our glasses so that 2 is double luck, and 0 is the amount of grief and misfortune, 1 means first place is everywhere, and 8 is luck and endless victories!

Let, starting with a corporate party, there is always good luck in your life, endless victories at work, mutual understanding at home.

Happy New Year!


Very soon the whole country will celebrate the New Year with the clink of glasses! But just raising your glasses is pretty boring. To brighten up the feast, people came up with toasts - little sayings that are pronounced before drinking a strong drink.

A dog is a gregarious animal by nature. This means that you need to meet the coming year in the company. And the more people you invite, the more you will please the hostess of the holiday - the Yellow Dog. So parties, festivities, visits - whatever you want! The main thing this year is not to be alone.

If you are celebrating the New Year in a close family circle, then after the chiming clock and the festive fireworks, the whole family needs to go outside at least for a while.

A dog is an animal that is used to being on the street and wandering wherever they look. Therefore, if you find time for at least half an hour to go out to "freshen up" to join the noisy crowd, the Dog will appreciate it.

As for the scenario of the holiday in the company, any non-standard scenarios, sweepstakes, contests are suitable - all this on New Year's Eve, the more the better. Remember, the Dog is an inquisitive adventurer, and banal gatherings at the table are not her option.

And in a cheerful company a lot of toasts are made. We bring a few of them to your attention.

Toasts for the year of the dog 2018: in poetry and prose

Dog of marvelous beauty

Stands at the door today!

May all hopes and dreams

She will do it quickly!

We often see the inscription on fences and doors: be careful, angry dog! But no one really knows what kind of dog is behind the fence. I propose to drink so that in the new year we are not angry and always smile at each other.

Chime chimes, doggie "Woof"!

New Year on the shoulders bang!

Wagging my tail

He offers to celebrate the holiday!

I wish the year

Was funny as an anecdote!

Sincere and interesting

So that it is not cramped in it,

Personal life and fun

Parties and hangovers

In general, let the good doggie,

Will drive away sadness with a bark!

If you close the dog and your wife in the trunk and open it in an hour or two. Then the dog will be much more delighted with you. Let's drink to our four-legged friends to always rejoice in us and be with us!

In the year of the Dog, I wish

However, as in all years,

For life to be distributed

Only on the wool, Lord!

To train the dog, it is fed with sweets, if he does everything right. I wish you that this year you do everything right and gorge yourself on sweets!

On a wonderful, good New Year

Not at all pretend

A white snowflake will fall

May happiness be in the palm of your hand

The Dog will come, along with her

Both joy and fun.

Magical New Year's days

Fulfillment wishes!

In Brazil, where there are many, many wild monkeys, there is a glorious tradition of seeing off the old year. Residents of this country on the eve of the holiday throw out of their windows all the things that they do not need or are tired of over the past year. Of course, we are not wasteful Brazilians, but economic Russians. Therefore, I propose to leave things alone and throw out old grievances, envy, ingratitude, bad thoughts, pride from your soul. And let's raise our glasses so that 2018 New Year is lived no worse, but much better than the previous one!

Together with the festive table

Take a ride with the breeze

Cockerel invites us

And he sends to the dog!

Us hospitable dog

In the New Year brought to him!

I wish this year

Happy twist to you:

Find - and where it doesn't matter - a million!

Good luck, laughter, peace in the diet!

Favorite team! Best wishes for the new 2018 year. It's nice to know that in the outgoing 2017 we managed to successfully solve all the problems. I am sure that material difficulties no longer threaten us. The bosses will adequately assess the situation and will increase the salary. I wish you good health, mutual understanding in the family, warmth and comfort in the house. Happy New Year of the Earth Dog!

Let the Doggy not be bored

And does not sit idle:

Luck attracts to life,

Keeps track of luck

New happiness brings

The house reliably protects.

Everything your heart asks for

Let this year give !.

Every new year evokes associations associated with an animal. The snake - cold, slippery, could mortally wound. The rabbit is fluffy, weak-willed. Nice but boring! A dog is the best, faithful, loyal, courageous and intelligent friend. You have to get up early, idolize one one more, admire your company and experience the pleasure of your reflection. Happy New Year!

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No festive meal can be imagined without toasts. These short texts addressed to those present contain congratulations, sincere wishes and even instructions. It can be a short story with hidden wisdom in it or parting words, just heartfelt wishes for guests in verse or prose. Comic toasts are often made at the table, which creates a friendly and cheerful atmosphere.

Write the text yourself or find a ready-made one? Despite the fact that we want to say a lot, it can be quite problematic to express our feelings in words. In thoughts, everything sounds logical and beautiful, but on paper, a soulless and uninteresting text. In such a situation, ready-made toasts from printed publications or copied from sites will come in handy. The variety of options presented in both cases allows you to easily find the most suitable text, taking into account the required orientation: congratulations for relatives, colleagues, friends, and so on.

Universal New Year's toasts

These are toasts that can be made at any type of feast, whether it be a corporate party or a family event. They lack specifics in terms of addressing a specific audience, which makes them universal.

Today one cannot but drink to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - the main symbols of the New Year's holiday. They do not get sick, do not age and never lose heart. Interestingly, they always have enough money to buy gifts for everyone. So let's drink so that everyone present always has prosperity, health and mood, like the well-known grandfathers and granddaughters.

Unlike seeing off a train at a station, seeing off the old year is always accompanied by fun and laughter. We say goodbye to him without regrets, taking all the best with us into the new year, leaving disappointments and resentments in the old. May this year bring us new meetings, emotions, prosperity and good luck! For the New Year!

The dog is one of the most interesting animals. This is a loyal friend, reliable guard, affectionate and sympathetic pet. The dog always feels the mood of the owner and never stands aside if he is upset about something. The coming year will be held under the auspices of this wise animal, and this gives hope that he will be calm and happy. Let's drink to the promising prospects for the coming year!

Every person throughout his life is looking for something or someone. Some dream of meeting the other half, others to realize their potential, and still others to achieve success in their careers. Whatever goals a person sets, he always has a chance to realize them. Let's drink so that doubt does not prevent you from reaching the path of your dreams!

When the chimes strike, both an adult and a child experience the same feeling - the anticipation of a miracle. With a sinking heart, we make a wish, no matter how old we are. This is the wonderful thing that we have preserved since childhood and have remained faithful to this tradition throughout our lives. Let's raise our glasses so that we never lose hope for the best and always believe that the wishes made on the New Year will come true!

New Year's toasts for the family

Celebrating the New Year with the family, I want to say so much to my close people, because in everyday life sometimes there is simply not enough time for kind words addressed to them. Family holidays are a great opportunity to fill this gap!

As one Japanese proverb says - happiness does not come to every home, but only to the one in which laughter is heard and fun reigns. I want to drink to ensure that happiness and good luck always have a reason to go into the house of everyone who is present here. And may it never leave its walls!

In some countries, there is a tradition to throw out old things before the New Year. There is an opinion that in this way a person frees up his home and his life for something new. I want to raise a glass for each of us to put bad and disturbing thoughts out of our heads by entering this year with a big smile. May they be replaced by bold dreams and faith in the best!

The Year of the Dog promises to be calm and happy. The cocky and ambitious Rooster was replaced by a loyal, reliable, kind patron. Dogs are very similar to humans: they can be affectionate and friendly, angry and aggressive, caring and sympathetic. So let the Dog save and take care of our loved ones this year, and drive away those whose intentions are not pure!

Even in the most severe frosts, there is a positive side: they make the evenings cozy and warm, when you are sitting wrapped in a soft blanket with a cup of hot tea. In the spring, you just enjoy life, watching nature wake up. In summer, in the heat, you get colossal pleasure from soft drinks, invigorating showers and trips to the sea. It is so nice to be at home with your family in a rainy autumn. I would like to raise my glass so that in every day of the coming year you will see only positive aspects!

Before the New Year, it is customary to distribute debts, forgive grievances and solve all accumulated problems. If we fail to do something, we get upset and enter the new year with a sad mood. So let’s say goodbye to the chimes that we didn’t have time to do, so as not to lose this magical moment. Let everything be solved by itself while we dance and have fun!

Comic, funny toasts

Comic toasts will help to defuse the atmosphere and cheer up the guests. In the New Year, you need not only to say important words, but also to laugh heartily.

I wish you that the Year of the Dog will banish sadness and longing from your life! So that the patron of this year wisely guides you in life: when necessary, he wagged his tail, sometimes growled, and in extreme cases, he bit on the soft spot. This is how a person is arranged, often for his own good you need to give him a kick. Let's drink so that we don't need a “magic kick” in the coming year!

Let's raise our glasses so that our life this year is not a dog's. Let the dog that replaced the rooster protect us from problems and threats. May he be kind to us and adamant to our enemies. Let us have as much money as a dog has fleas!

One guy asked Santa Claus for "heifers and attendants" and his wish was fulfilled - now he is sitting in a remote village with grandmothers, judging and grazing cows. So let's drink to the exact formulation of our true desires!

Toasts for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party, cool in the Year of the Pig, must be prepared in advance. Unless, of course, a person considers himself a master of impromptu. In various companies and institutions, as a rule, they agree in advance who will make the toast and for what reason.

Although, of course, no one is forbidden to stand up during the festive banquet and say additional kind words to their colleagues. Moreover, such active behavior is even welcomed and does not go unnoticed from the good side by the authorities. In the article, we tried to collect beautiful and thematic, but not boring toasts on the topic of everything in the New Year 2019, moreover, in all spheres of life at once.

Toasts for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party cool in the year of the Pig

Today champagne sparkles in everyone's glass. Our wonderful team is eager for toasts and kind words. I want to wish that the New Year's fairy tale never ends. And with the onset of New 2019, the fairy tale only intensified, every day becomes more and more interesting and, as a result, good won out.

It seems to me that the New Year is a celebration of contrasts. It seems like it's cold and gray outside, but here the lights are sparkling, everyone is laughing and a big delicious festive table has been set. I want to wish everyone that in the coming year, no matter what the weather will be outside the window, everything will be cozy and light in the soul. In general, I propose to drink to the good weather at home and at work.

There will be chimes at New Year's midnight. I want to wish all of us not to forget to make wishes at this moment. After all, the dreams that you remember at this magical midnight will definitely come true in the coming year. I wish that in the Year of the Pig only a favorable wind blew for our team and that all employees of our company shine in all their glory.

I have been preparing for a long time to compose for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party, a cool year of the Pig. I decided to read the advice of astrologers. They advise us that we must celebrate the Year of the Pig in the family circle. This will ensure good luck and luck in 2019. So, having celebrated the coming of the New Year 2019 at our meeting today, we will be able to pay sufficient attention to our family already at midnight on festive occasions. Which, in the end, will bring us good luck at work. Such a circle, but not vicious, but very pleasant and necessary.

I wish all of us that there will be no problems at work in 2019 of the Pig, I propose to raise our glasses to success! Let there remain a place in our life for rest, for festive work, and each employee of our company does his job better than anyone!

Once a disciple came to the sage and saw a horseshoe hanging over the door. The disciple wondered if his wise teacher really believed that a horseshoe brings good luck. The teacher said that he didn’t believe it, but that didn’t stop the horseshoe from bringing good luck. Therefore, I want to raise this glass with you, dear colleagues, so that in 2019 we will surely have good luck, regardless of whether we believe in it or not.

Our corporate holiday is in full swing, how nice it is to look at cheerful men, at beautiful ladies. Today our team is on fire and I hope that this is how we will spend 2019 in such a working, cheerful and active rhythm. Great hot for the New Year is this.

There was a time when only labor and patience could make a man out of the Pig. In 2019, which will be held under the auspices of the Pig, if you trust the eastern calendar, I especially want to emphasize this fact. So, I wish all of us to do a great job in 2019 and get the best bonuses in our lives for this. So that this is just the beginning.

Toasts for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party, cool in the Year of the Pig can be represented by the following option. Let's raise our glasses and just all together we will drink together for the New Year 2019. I wish that scandals will pass us throughout the year, that only happiness awaits us all year.

I wish you, my dear colleagues, to do well in the New Year 2019. Let everything be a bunch at work, let everything be fine at home. Today I propose to celebrate all this with delicious cognac.

The winter time has come, when we got together again to spend the old year and celebrate the New Year 2019. I would like to congratulate our friendly team, wish that everything was easy at work, and she brought a lot of positive things into the life of every employee.

I congratulate my dear colleagues on the New Year of the Pig, the year 2019. I wish that in the new year everything will turn out exactly the way you want it. May life be better, may happiness follow you on your heels. I wish all this from a pure heart and a lot.

I wish us this New Year's time that our boss would give out bonuses more often, praise more often and not shout at all. May each of us be promoted next year! You should know that I value you very much and am extremely glad that I was lucky to work in such a wonderful team.

We have gathered today for a big occasion to celebrate the onset of 2019. I want to wish all of us in the new year of wealth to the house, so that luck and success always accompany. Well, and not be late for work with such happiness.

I wish that in 2019 we remain the same friendly team. May it always be interesting and beautiful with us, fun and calm, professional and fast.

I raise my glass, and I urge you to do the same for the New Year, for plans and for a place. All in all, my toast today will be to beauty.

Our team, it's not a secret for anyone, works diligently. But today everyone has a reason to rest. I want to tenderly congratulate everyone and wish us only an easy way in 2019.

I wish you a lot of positive and joyful things in the coming year. May all problems remain in the past year, and the new year will correct all mistakes, luck will no longer turn away, and may happiness be so great that it will be immense.

These are toasts for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party, cool in the Year of the Pig, you can safely choose in order to say kind words to colleagues. We would like to wish you a Happy New Year 2019. So that happiness comes exactly what you need for complete harmony and joy of life.

The anticipation of the New Year holidays has always been filled with pleasant chores and worries - what to cook, what clothes to choose, how to decorate the house and what to give. Therefore, the question of how to celebrate the New Year 2020 begins to excite many long before the holiday date. The hostess of 2020 according to the eastern calendar will be Krysv - a good sign who appreciates the home and comfort in it, therefore it is advisable to celebrate the New Year at home in the circle of close and dear people, picking up the right wardrobe and preparing her favorite dishes, as well as not forgetting about the integral part of the holiday - gifts that will please the symbol of 2020.

So you can breathe easy - 2020 a priori will not bring sorrow and sorrow with it. On the contrary, astrologers and numerologists insist that the coming year will be more stable and happier. And in order to somehow appease and make friends with the owner of 2020, the Rat, from the very beginning, you need to know some rules for meeting the New Year.

Since Krysv is a family and very benevolent sign of the eastern horoscope, it is necessary to meet the arrival of the New Year in a close family circle, as well as invite friends, comrades and colleagues. Of course, the perfect gift in the Year of the Rat is a live rat. If there is a material opportunity to buy one, then this must be done. In extreme cases, take a puppy from a shelter or pick up on the street. But if there is no desire and it is unlikely that the family will agree to a barking pet, then there is a win-win option - to purchase a toy dog. It can be presented on New Year's Eve, both to a child and to a loved one. A “doggy” gift can be made for the whole family by purchasing a door lock that emits barking sounds, or a whistle on the kettle. A loving dog will always bring slippers to its owner, so loved ones people can make such a present, and in order to hit the target right away, let them be in the form of a dog's face with big ears. By the way, the image of a rat on clothes and shoes is welcome, so you can present your loved ones with both bath towels and kitchen towels with prints in the form of a puppy.

In choosing a New Year's outfit, you need to be scrupulous, because Krysv does not like excesses, but she is also against modesty. Clothing should be discreet but tasteful. It is better to give up dresses with a deep neckline and super-short skirts, refrain from an abundance of sequins and sequins, as well as shiny fabrics. Give preference to the classic models of this year's discreet colors - browns, yellows and their shades. Do not overdo it with jewelry - a modest chain and earrings made of gold, wooden beads, sets interspersed with amber and brown aventurine. Do not experiment with leopard prints, because any reminder of felines can make the Rat angry. In addition to yellow and brown, you can purchase an outfit in earthy shades - gray, smoky, beige, fawn, gold or chocolate, for example black, but unsaturated and as an addition to the main color. The dishes of the New Year's table are also important - they will not only become a wonderful treat that will delight the Rat, but also a great decoration. You need to choose white plates with a gold border, on which to put meat rolls with herbs. Place the sausage on canapes and small sandwiches using grain bread. For a side dish, you can serve mashed potatoes with the addition of meat on the bone. By the way, it is advisable to cook as much meat dishes on the bone as possible - chicken legs, kebabs, wings, "dumping" them on a large plate in the center of the table. As for drinks, the simpler they are, the better, because Krysaa does not like delicacies. For dessert, you can make a curd cake or ice cream in beautiful glass rosettes.

Sparkling wines are an obligatory attribute of the 2020 New Year's table. And what feast, especially New Year's one, will do without good toasts and congratulations? Let this little statement over a glass give great importanceHowever, very often, when saying kind words and wishes, people believe in their implementation. And faith in the power of the word, as you know, can work miracles. Therefore, it is important to say beautiful and correct toasts for the New Year 2020. Moreover, toasts can be both meaningful and cause an explosion of laughter. And our site will help you to choose truly wonderful words for the New Year of the Rat.

The best toasts for the New Year 2020

Let the New Year begin with takeoff

To all the heights conceived,

To the five-zero accounts in the bank,

In fate, pleasant turns!

In business - even if there is complete agreement.

On the personal front - a bird of happiness!

And let the Rat

Health will bring a bag!

We all filled our glasses

So that the whole year is enough!

Here the chimes are heard ringing.

Friends for us! Happy New Year everyone!

Let the New Year be in a hurry

Whirl with fun

Let the glasses fill

We will drink for us!

Let the miracle wait

Gives birth to dreams again

We will make wishes

Amid the winter frost!

Happy New Year,

And today I wish you

That this year

The tears were not in use

So that friends appreciate

And the family loved

More often awards were presented,

So that the disease does not attack

This is the point.

And we will be alive

We'll get the rest

By acquaintance or by pull,

Thanks for the salary.

Do not be sad, the nose is higher!

Well, let's drink to make it come true!

Let snow fall from the darkening skies ...

Champagne is already pouring into the glass.

I want to sit next to you,

To dissolve in the New Year's fairy tale.

The clinking will fill the silence of the glasses.

I will see the warmth of the heart in your eyes.

Sparkling wine with cold pearls

It will burn my lips ...

And I will move closer.

We've been inseparable for so long

Our bright firmament blessed the union.

I drink to the bottom, so that fate keeps us

All that has come, bright New Year!

Happy New Year,

And with all my heart I wish

So that on our tree,

Instead of holiday animals

Flaunted with half a dozen

Half a liter bubbles!

To Santa Claus from happiness,

Screwing up a drunken eye

The most delicious, the sweetest

He treated us to champagne!

To everyone on New Year's Eve

I want a fairy tale

And fun, noise-din,

Bright whistle!

Let's get together this very hour

Fill up the glasses

So that none of us

It didn’t seem enough!

We will raise this toast

For an ocean of luck

To become the Year of the Rat

Many times richer!

So that in the house of each of us

Peace and happiness reigned

And all our desires

Come true overnight!

Happy New Year!

May this year give you good luck,

Will solve complex problems

And it will bring success.

So that the soul does not know worries.

And at midnight so that the hour

You drank the moisture from the glass for us,

For love, for happiness to live

And cherish each other!

Let the New Year carry away

New dreams

Let him call you into a fairy tale

Warm words!

Always entertains you

Joyful fun

Raising without difficulty

Your mood!

Let me raise a glass

Over the past year, over the past

And drain it to the bottom:

For happiness and good luck

For a new car

and a suitcase of money to boot!

The snowball is spinning easily and pleasantly.

We hear every step of the holiday!

There is a New Year.

Away with any doubts!

Sincere, generous congratulations for you!

May your happiness come true again

May all dear people be healthy!

Let a winter fairy tale, an enchanting miracle

The new year will truly come.

May he bring joy to the soul,

A wonderful charm event.

Hurry up, raise New Year's toasts

For great happiness - a welcome guest!

Now, summing up the results,

Let's sigh sadly about the past:

Probably the gods helped

We have to deal with the enemy all year!

Today, meeting the New Year,

Let's have fun!

We wish each other happiness

Someone does not like to fall in love.

Who is more happy with money than life -

Let him become rich this year!

Now it's not a sin for us to drink,

For us, for all, and for success!

Let the crystal of the glass ring

So that the soul does not know the trouble.

Fluffy snow in every home

Let it wake up good!

And let it be, for the New Year,

The cock will sing to everyone

Generous bonuses and salaries,

To have a rest in Cyprus!

Career growth and comfort

The party will not be bypassed.

Sparkling sparklers

All colleagues will be whirled with happiness!

Wallet full of cash

And health - no sick leave.

To make everything come true in full

Let's drink, we friends to the bottom!

Health, love and happiness,

I wish those gathered here

For your success and joy,

I'm raising my glass now!

Do not dream of the past as happiness:

It is gone and will never return.

And in the future we can create paradise

Skill, desire and will.

Work will be a joy for us,

And it will bring prosperity with it.

May there be a New Year in our destinies

Good luck for any undertaking!

I wish you success

In everything that you are fond of today.

May your life bathe in luck,

And every day there is a happy laugh.

Although a blizzard is raging outside the window,

Keep optimistic with iron hardness.

Let the nights of the New Year's carousel

For the whole year will give all of us cheerfulness!

Let the vocals sing about love

And God saves from adversity.

Please, friends, my glasses

Devastate for the New Year!

For the net to be with a catch

And the table was full of food.

For everyone to be healthy

Rooting only for football.

For new paragraphs

We opened in the book of life

And scattered so that, like hares,

Sadness is all in the middle of winter!

So that everyone becomes warmer from the word,

To make the people more fun

And so that these glasses again

We could have picked it up in a year!