Extracurricular forms of work on the military-patriotic education of students. Military-patriotic education at school

The system of military-patriotic work is an established or established order, the content of educational activity at all its levels, starting with the primary collective, group and ending with the highest governing bodies.

The purpose of the system is to ensure in practice a comprehensive account of all factors affecting military-patriotic education, in creating the necessary conditions and mechanisms that contribute to increasing efficiency in the process of performing tasks in the interests of society, the state, strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and organs.

The main institution that ensures the organization of the entire system of this direction of education, its functioning and control over its effectiveness and end results is the state. It organizes the process of educating the younger generation at the level of preschool and, above all, family education, school, when receiving secondary and higher vocational education, at the level of local self-government bodies, in ministries, departments, etc. Military patriotic education of young people is one of the directions of the state youth policy in Russia at the stage of the transition period and in the long term. The system of military-patriotic education includes:

1. Formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship and patriotism in the process of education and training in preschool institutions, in general and higher education, in other types of educational institutions: including military and other types of public service in life safety and physical education classes, at field training camps, in other forms, depending on local conditions and the type of educational institution that does not exceed the status of a general secondary school, bilateral tactical exercises in the form of military games, long hikes, etc.); b) the activities of military departments in higher educational institutions for the training of military personnel for junior officers (in the most important scarce military specialties).

2. Mass patriotic and military-patriotic work, organized and carried out by state and public bodies and organizations, local authorities and administrations, bodies and organizations of the Armed Forces, military registration and enlistment offices, organizations and associations of reserve soldiers, veterans, law enforcement agencies and organizations, relevant structures of others troops, military formations and bodies, some social movements and youth organizations, etc. (patriotic and military-patriotic, cultural-historical and military-historical, military-technical and military-sports and other clubs and associations, special schools, courses, various circles, sports sections; clubs, training centers of the future soldier, officer; months and days of patriotic work, memory watches, search activities, military sports games, hiking, etc.).

3. The activities of the media, creative unions, especially workers of culture and art, relevant scientific, youth associations, organizations, in one way or another aimed at considering, covering and finding solutions to the problems of patriotic education, at the formation and development of the personality of a citizen and defender of the Fatherland ... The organization and conduct of military-patriotic work presupposes the use of a whole complex of appropriate forms, which can be differentiated into three main groups. The first group, conditioned by the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, includes very extensive and diverse forms of a general patriotic character.

They are used mainly in the conditions of the process carried out in the system of educational institutions (at all basic levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a variety of academic disciplines, especially humanitarian, at specialized faculties, in circles, in courses, in sections, etc .; conversations, matinees, evenings of questions and answers, "round tables", meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and military personnel; improving the educational and material base of primary military training, etc. The second group, conditioned by the specifics of the content of military-patriotic education, is less diverse and is characterized by a greater military and military-applied orientation.

These forms, carried out mainly in the form of practical exercises, work, various games, etc., include, in particular, familiarizing adolescents and young people with the life and activities of the troops, with the peculiarities of the service and life of military personnel (military-technical circles, tactical exercises, tactical and combat training, military sports games, sections on military applied sports, etc.).

The most promising in terms of highly effective fulfillment of the tasks of military-patriotic education is the use of complex combined integrated forms that optimally combine both the general and the specific in its content, forming the third group. It includes such forms as a defense-sports health camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various orientations, universities of the future warrior, officer, schools for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers and some others. The implementation of patriotic education involves the use of a system of means, which includes three main components: material and technical, educational and organizational.

The material and technical means include classrooms, classrooms and classrooms for primary military training, museums, places of battles, monuments, burial places, specialized schools, patriotic and military-patriotic clubs, equipment, special equipment, weapons, models, training fields, sports towns, shooting galleries, fitness equipment, as well as relevant media, works of literature and art. Educational tools include basic theoretical and scientific-practical recommendations on organizing and conducting military-patriotic education, on the formation of views, beliefs, needs and interests, fostering love for the Motherland, readiness to defend its freedom and independence, on developing public opinion on the problem of ensuring and strengthening stability and security society, about state and social institutions participating in the implementation of the function of defending the Fatherland, about military and alternative service, etc.

Organizational means of patriotic education- this is the whole range of activities carried out with the use of material, technical and educational means, carried out in appropriate forms, maximally realizing general and specific tasks for the formation and development of the personality of a citizen and a patriot. All three groups of means of patriotic education are closely interconnected, complement each other, and only their complex use in the process of interaction between the subject and the object of this activity contributes to the achievement of its main goal. The most important component of the system of patriotic education, a condition for its effective functioning are the subjects of this activity. At present, patriotic education involves, on the one hand, some state bodies, organizations, departments, such as the State Committees of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of General and Professional Education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Border Guard Service, etc. Efficiency their activity has dropped significantly in recent years.

In addition, they still solve very narrow, limited tasks, which are reduced to one or another purely departmental direction, that is, in essence, they are private, isolated, overly specific. On the other hand, various associations, unions, associations participate in military-patriotic education, which in their totality perform work of the corresponding orientation with certain categories and groups of young people.

Many of these organizations do not have scientifically based, detailed programs of activity and are focused on fulfilling very limited, although often attractive, tasks. The degree of organization of the subjects of this group, as a rule, is not high, and the efficiency of functioning depends on a variety of factors, among which local conditions, material resources, financial support from sponsors, etc. play a special role.

Preparing youth for military service: teaching aid. /R.A. Denisov,
S.V. Mikhailova; AGPI them. A.P. Gaidar. - Sarov: SGT, 2010


CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations of studying the problem of military-patriotic education

1 Military-patriotic education: concept, purpose, objectives, content

2 The essence of military-patriotic education

3 Forms of implementation of military-patriotic education

CHAPTER II. Implementation of military-patriotic education in the conditions of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "SIBIRYAK"

1 Conditions for the organization of the military field camp "Sibiryak"

2 The program of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"

3 Analysis of the results of the organization of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"





Relevance. In modern conditions, cardinal changes are taking place in society in the socio-economic, political and spiritual spheres of our life. The sharp stratification of society, the devaluation of fundamental spiritual values ​​had a negative impact on the public consciousness of most of the social and age groups of the country's population. As a result, there was a change in attitudes and value orientations of public consciousness, which intensified the alienation of young people from the institution of the family and the state. A significant part of young people have formed an indifferent attitude towards the concepts of human dignity, honor, civic duty, personal responsibility, which in turn negatively affected the spiritual, moral, mental and physical health of the younger generation. The recent history of the Russian Federation was marked at the end of the last century by a cardinal deterioration in the military-patriotic education of the country's population and, first of all, of the younger generation.

At the same time, any country needs an effective system of patriotic education, since this forms a stable civic position of the individual and acts as a prerequisite for the successful functioning of state institutions in the interests of strengthening the economic and military might of the country. Historical experience shows that the basis for the formation of high morale in people has always been a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, and a willingness to fight for it until complete victory.

The degree of scientific development of the topic. Questions of the spiritual and moral formation of a person as a patriot were studied by A.A. Aronov, V.V. Artamchuk, V.G.Birkovsky, D.M. Vodzinsky, AM Vetokhov, O.I. Volzhina, A.N. P. Dunaev and other scientists. The social aspect of military-patriotic education was studied by I. M. Andromonova, T. S. Bazarova, A. L. Barchuk, I. A. Butenko, V. V. Goneeva, R. G. Gurova, I. M. Durnov, P. P. Kovalenko, VS Komladze, NI Kopysova, NK Krupskaya, VI Lutovinov, AE Makarenko, VI Petrishchev, VS Solovyov, SS Tolkacheva. The problems of humanization of the individual were considered from different sides by O. V. Lishin, N. V. Dyachenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, G. K. Korolevich, V. D. Serykh, O.S. Grebenyuk, T.B. Grebenyuk, R. Sh. Ganelin, E. D. Dneprov, Yu. A. Ivanov. A number of scholars also analyze other substantive aspects of military-patriotic education.

The object of the research is military-patriotic education.

The subject of the research is the system of military-patriotic education in the conditions of a military field sports and recreation summer camp.

The purpose of this course work is to study the features of the organization of the military-patriotic camp.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Study the content of the concepts of patriotism and military-patriotic education, determine their purpose, objectives and content;

) Reveal the essence of military-patriotic education;

) Reveal the forms of implementation of military-patriotic education;

) In practice, check the effectiveness of existing programs on military-patriotic education in the conditions of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak".

Study structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of used sources and literature and an appendix.

CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations of studying the problem of military-patriotic education

1 Military-patriotic education: concept, purpose, objectives, content

The issues of military-patriotic education of the young generation in the spirit of love for the Motherland and devotion to the Fatherland, as law-abiding citizens of the state, have always been in the center of attention of Russian scientists for several centuries.

Outstanding teachers considered patriotism, a person's striving for the prosperity of the Motherland, to be the basis of his spiritual life. So, A. N. Radishchev noted that "a true man and a son of the fatherland are one and the same", he "if he is sure that his death will bring strength and glory to the fatherland, then he is not afraid to sacrifice his life." Revealing the important qualities that, in his opinion, should be inherent in every person, he wrote: "He is directly noble, whose heart cannot but tremble with tender joy at the same name of the fatherland."

A. P. Kunitsyn in his "Instructions to pupils" emphasized that the main tasks of educating the young generation should be: "to instill in the heart of the son the forefather's virtues that have perpetrated an entire generation of immortals; to grant fellow citizens a true competitor in the public good. "

He considered an important task of the educational work of the educational institution: "to strengthen the circle of teaching such subjects that would contribute to the suggestion ... of love for faith and virtue, love for the Fatherland."

The philosopher and teacher of the 19th century I. Yu. Yastrebtsov in his work "On the system of sciences decent in our time for children ..." emphasized that each person has his own duties, which are to be useful to humanity, the Fatherland and oneself , moreover, the duty to the Fatherland requires "to share with him his abilities ...".

KD Ushinsky, developing the principle of nationality in education, especially emphasized the importance of bringing up in children love for the Motherland, humanity, industriousness, and responsibility.

At the same time, he noted the enormous influence of labor on the formation of personality: “As there is no man without self-love, so there is no man without love for the fatherland, and this love gives education the right key to a person's heart and a powerful support for the fight against his bad natural, personal, family and generic inclinations. "

V.G.Belinsky also considered the main task of moral education to develop in children a sense of human dignity, patriotism, humanism, love of work: “Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with his fatherland ... To love your homeland means ardently to wish to see in it the realization of the ideal of mankind and, to the best of one's ability, to contribute to this ”.

After 1917, in Russia, the issues of military-patriotic education of young people acquired special relevance and new content. The change in ideology and the definition of the goals of communist education were reflected in the works of teachers of that time.

So, AS Makarenko, considering the goals of education in the Soviet school, noted that each pupil "must be a brave, courageous, honest, hardworking patriot." At the same time, he emphasized that patriotism manifests itself not only in heroic deeds, a true patriot is required not only for a “heroic outburst”, but also for long, painful, pressure-based work, often even very hard, uninteresting, dirty work. " The school should bring up, he believed, educated people, skilled workers, people with organizational skills, disciplined, cheerful and cheerful.

Research on this problem did not stop during the Great Patriotic War. So, in the work of I.A.Kairov, the possibilities of extracurricular activities of patriotic content, essays on patriotic themes, forms and methods of instilling patriotic feelings in students are revealed.

In the period after the Great Patriotic War, the problem of military-patriotic education of the younger generation acquires special significance. This is due to the fact that patriotic feelings are manifested especially vividly in difficult periods of the country's development, the difficulties of the war and the post-war recovery period led to massive manifestations of heroism and labor patriotism of the Soviet people. These issues were considered in the studies of teachers of that time, which revealed and substantiated various aspects of the patriotic education of secondary school students. However, it should be noted that all problems were solved on the basis of decisions of the party and government, taking into account the ideas of socialism and communism.

Of particular importance in the study of issues of patriotic education of this period are the works of V.A. Defining Soviet patriotism as “the noble love of the Soviet people for their socialist fatherland,” V.A. children, organized by the teacher for this purpose, is the driving force behind the formation of the personality of a growing citizen.

Among the pedagogical studies devoted to this problem in the 50-60s, the works of I. S. Marienko, M. A. Terenty, F. I. Khvalov stand out. I. S. Marienko gave a deep theoretical analysis of the problem of patriotic education, practical recommendations for the formation of patriotic consciousness of students in extracurricular activities, substantiated the unity of patriotic consciousness, feelings and behavior of students. His conclusions and recommendations made a significant contribution to the development of the main directions of patriotic education of that time.

The authors of numerous studies consider the problems of the relationship of patriotic education with other areas of educational work, determining the effectiveness of patriotic education of students of different ages, the possibility of various types of activities of students in patriotic education, preparing students of a teacher training university for the patriotic education of students of a comprehensive school, etc.

In this work, military-patriotic education (VPV) is understood as a multifaceted, systematic, purposeful and coordinated activity of state bodies, public associations and organizations to form in young people a high patriotic consciousness, a sublime sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to defend it as the most important constitutional obligation. in upholding the national interests of the Russian Federation and ensuring its military security in the face of external and internal threats.

The main object of the ERW is minors of preschool and especially school age (from 7 years old), in which the most active work with future defenders of the Fatherland is carried out in adolescence and adolescence, reaching maximum intensity 2-3 years before conscription.

The second task is related to the purposeful education of youth of pre-conscription age to be ready to successfully perform specific functions to ensure the military security of the Russian Federation in the conditions of military activity.

The content of activities related to the implementation of the first task is determined by the state of the international, primarily military-political, situation in the world, the nature of global contradictions, the characteristics, dynamics and level of development of our society, the state of its economic, spiritual, socio-political, informational and other spheres. life, the tasks of educating the younger generation, the main trends in the development of this process.

Taking these factors into account, the content of upbringing, determined within the framework of the first task, appears in a broader socio-pedagogical plan. This realization, associated with the formation of the personality of a citizen-patriot, is based on such elements as high intelligence, the ability to assimilate the most important values, positive ideological views and positions on the main social, historical, cultural, moral, political, military and other problems, the most important spiritually - moral, business and other qualities and the ability to implement them in the most important types of activity, especially of a patriotic orientation, the ability to manifest such high feelings as love for the Motherland, respect for the rule of law, diligence, responsibility for personal participation in solving problems of public life, experience in implementation socially significant activities and necessary for the worthy fulfillment of the basic duties of a citizen of Russia, including the defense of the Fatherland.

The solution of the second task is determined by a number of factors related to ensuring the protection of the Russian Federation by its military organization, the most important trends in its development, the nature of military development, especially in the field of manning the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, the conscript contingent, the degree of its readiness to carry out tasks in the conditions of military and public service; objective requirements for the level of effectiveness and efficiency of upbringing, the purpose of which is to form and develop in every young person the qualities and properties that allow him to successfully fulfill the function of defending the Fatherland.

Education, one of the tasks of which is to prepare young people to perform the function of defending the Fatherland, mainly in the conditions of military activity, is characterized by a much greater specificity, a more specific focus and provides every young person with a deep understanding of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for meeting the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to fulfill the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the successful fulfillment of duties in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

Despite the interconnection, the specificity of each of these two tasks of upbringing presupposes a significant differentiation of its content (structure).

This is manifested, firstly, in the fact that the worldview, socio-pedagogical component of the content of education is dominant and constitutes its core. Only having formed the personality of a citizen and a patriot of Russia with his inherent values, views, orientations, interests, attitudes, motives of activity and behavior, one can count on the successful solution of more specific tasks in preparation for the implementation of the function of defending the Fatherland, for military and other related types of state service.

Secondly, in connection with the reduction of the term of military service on conscription to 1 year and the need to significantly increase the level of advance preparation for it, the role and significance of the specific component of the content of education is significantly increasing. This presupposes its deeper and more consistent differentiation, more thorough and comprehensive development in accordance with those specific tasks (and primarily of a practical nature) that are entrusted to the defenders of the Fatherland in the process of military and other related types of public service.

The structure of the content of education, determined by its goal and tasks that actualize the activities of educational structures, its focus on solving the most important and pressing problems, is based on the system of values ​​that have formed over many centuries. These values, such as loyalty to the Fatherland, loyalty to civil and military duty, military honor, courage, perseverance, mutual assistance, etc., were the most important motive for the actions of the Russian, Russian and Soviet troops, who were distinguished on the battlefields by dedication, valor and courage.

At present, Russian society does not have a generally recognized ideal, and its spiritual and moral guidelines are pushed aside by the priorities of the market economy. Only based on the enormous spiritual and moral potential of the peoples of Russia, it is possible to solve the most important tasks in various spheres of our life. The state strategy of the Russian Federation must constantly rely on the historical and spiritual heritage of its people. The entire heroic and dramatic history of Russia, Russia, its greatest culture, traditions, the best moral forces of our people represent the centuries-old roots of spiritual values, elevated and defended by the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional confessions, which are the core of social life, military activity and the fighting spirit of the army and fleet.

The updated system of values ​​of patriotic education can be conditionally divided into the main spheres: spiritual-patriotic (recognition and preservation of the great spiritual heritage of Russia, the Russian language, religion and culture as the highest shrines of the people, national identity, pride and dignity, spiritual maturity); moral and patriotic (love for the Motherland, one's people, adherence to one's own conscience, religious convictions and moral principles, conscientiousness, honesty, collectivism, respect for elders, love for family and loved ones, etiquette); historical and patriotic (loyalty to the heroic past and the best traditions of the history of the Fatherland, adherence to historical truth and intolerance to falsification of history, preservation of historical memory and the continuity of generations); state-patriotic (priority of national values ​​and interests of Russia, its sovereignty, independence and integrity, civic maturity, loyalty to civil and military duty, readiness to defend the Fatherland, active participation in solving problems and overcoming difficulties in society and the state).

The introduction of these and other values ​​into the content of the ERW is a reflection of the objective aspects of public mentality and Russian statehood. Without such values ​​and appropriate scientific and methodological support, the ERW system will continue to remain a fragile structure, almost unrelated to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, and the problems of ensuring the country's military security.

Thus, the content of the ERW of youth can be considered as the basis for the formation of the most important spiritual, moral, social and patriotic values ​​that have officially received a nationwide status and are supported by society. Under the influence of the system of ideas, these values ​​are refracted and modified in the course of social development. They act as the initial beginning of integration and ensuring the integrity of Russia, the Russian state, as the main guidelines for the formation of a citizen-patriot-defender of the Fatherland.

Conclusion: military-patriotic education (VPV) is a systematic and purposeful activity to form in minors a high sense of patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland. Thanks to the ERW, such important socially significant qualities as high morality, civic maturity, love for the Fatherland, responsibility, a sense of duty, loyalty to traditions are formed and developed in children and youth, the possibilities of their active participation in solving the most important problems of society in various spheres of its activity will greatly increase. ... Including in the military and others related to ensuring the national security of the state.

Improving the quality characteristics of children and young people will have a beneficial effect on society as a whole. High spirituality, morality, active civic position, civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral consciousness of children and youth will greatly contribute to the successful solution of tasks related to the revival of the greatness and power of Russia. Modern Russian society will acquire a most valuable component of its creative potential, which will be determined, first of all, by the willingness to take responsibility for the future of Russia.

1.2 The essence of military-patriotic education

High patriotism is considered the most important source of morale resilience. Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings enshrined for centuries and millennia in the minds of every individual. This definition points to the historical development of the social content of patriotism, refutes the idealistic explanation of its essence as a racial or biological phenomenon.

At the same time, the need for new approaches to military-patriotic education is objectively determined, taking into account the situation, the increased interests and demands of Russians, as well as the situation in the international arena, and the peculiarities of current relations between states.

A deep understanding of the need to strengthen the country's defense capability, a correct assessment of the social significance of this is the most important quality of a person.

If we approach the elucidation of the essence of military-patriotic education functionally, then it, being an integral part of ideological and educational work, is a systematic, purposeful activity to form in Russians a high defense consciousness, ideological-political, moral-psychological and moral qualities necessary for armed protection of the Fatherland. At the same time, this is the process of mastering military-technical knowledge, physical improvement of the individual.

Based on the above definition of the essence of military-patriotic education, it should be noted that it has its own more or less delineated boundaries, qualitative certainty. This allows you to highlight its specific features, goals, objectives, directions and means.

Military-patriotic education, in its orientation towards society, fulfills its main social function - the function of an active, purposeful impact of the human factor on strengthening the country's defense capability. In relation to an individual, class or social group, the studied educational system plays the role of a planned influence on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality and, mainly, its defensive consciousness, a sense of historical responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, constant readiness for its armed defense.

From a sociological point of view, as can be seen, we can talk about the actual educational functions of the system under consideration.

These should include, firstly, the function of military-political orientation and the formation of defense consciousness, in the process of which the younger generation develops feelings of patriotism, political vigilance, a deep understanding by each person of his social role in strengthening the defense capability of the country and the Armed Forces, awareness of this roles of both civic and military duty. Secondly, this is the function of forming the readiness of workers, especially young people, for the military labor of defending their Fatherland, deep awareness of the growing social significance of military service, love for the Armed Forces, the profession of an officer, instilling moral and psychological immunity to difficulties, stability of personality behavior in extreme conditions military activity. Thirdly, it should be noted the communicative function, which consists in ensuring the continuity of the social experience of the older generation in the field of armed defense of the Fatherland. And, finally, fourthly, the function of forming the moral qualities necessary to defend the Motherland, through which heroic and moral spiritual ideals are created.

The named functions also determine the main directions of military-patriotic education. These include: widespread propaganda of the need to defend the Fatherland, the policy of the Russian state aimed at ensuring a high defense capability of the country, exposure of the aggressive designs of the most reactionary circles; fostering a love for the Armed Forces and military service in young people, informing wide layers of the population about new qualitative changes taking place in military affairs, Russian military doctrine, the profession of an officer, and so on; education of the country's young generation on the military traditions of the Russian people, army and navy; the formation in all people of high moral, psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland; mastering military knowledge, skills and abilities; physical improvement of the personality, preparing it for the transfer of the increased difficulties of military service.

Thus, the system of military-patriotic education is distinguished by complex, organizational ties that are in close interaction.

Based on the actual educational functions of the system we are considering, the following subsystems can be distinguished:

Military-patriotic education in the process of teaching social disciplines in general education schools, vocational schools, technical schools and higher educational institutions;

Mass military patriotic and military patronage work;

Initial military training in secondary schools, vocational schools and technical schools, labor collectives; activities of military departments of higher educational institutions; retraining of reserve soldiers;

The activities of the media and creative unions aimed at the military-patriotic education of the population.

Even a close examination of these subsystems indicates their functional difference from each other. In the teaching of social sciences, for example, the ideological function prevails, in initial military training the function of instilling military knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland is more pronounced in comparison with others, the activities of the media are primarily associated with military-political information , the efforts of creative unions are focused on the formation of a social orientation in people towards a heroic moral and aesthetic ideal.

It is known that the formation of a defense consciousness, constant readiness to defend the Motherland is most active during the period of service of young people in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Here the process of military-patriotic education reaches the highest intensification, for the personality is influenced not only by all the links of educational work, but also by the military activity itself, the conditions in which it takes place, the military collective.

Military-patriotic education as an integral system actively interacts with the external (in relation to it) social environment. The mechanism of this interaction is complex, because many subtle processes, for example, spontaneously emerging public opinion, can have no less strong impact than a purposeful, well-oiled educational system. Perceiving various facts of the contradictory nature of the international situation, people give them a special social assessment. The growing or, conversely, declining danger of war is assessed by them in an intensified, hypertrophied form. In the first case, it is fraught with the generation of uncertainty, anxiety, even panic, in the second, pacifist sentiments. That is why the system of military-patriotic education should be constantly aimed at removing this destabilizing influence.

Conclusion: the essence of the ERW is to conduct a systematic, purposeful activity to form in Russians a high defense consciousness, ideological, political, moral, psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland. At the same time, this is the process of mastering military-technical knowledge, physical improvement of the individual. The ERW is called upon to ensure: a deep understanding by each young person of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to fulfill the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the successful fulfillment of duties in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. The basis of the content of a specific component is love for the Fatherland, loyalty to civil and military duty, military honor, courage, perseverance, dedication, valor, courage and mutual assistance.

1.3 Forms of implementation of military-patriotic education

military patriotic education summer

The main institution that ensures the organization of the entire system of this direction of education, its functioning and control over its effectiveness and end results is the state. It organizes the process of educating the younger generation at the level of preschool and, above all, family education, school, when receiving professional education, at the level of local self-government bodies, in ministries, departments, etc. Military-patriotic education of youth is one of the directions of the state youth policy in Russia at the stage of the transition period and for the long term.

The system of military-patriotic education includes:

Formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship and patriotism in the process of education and training in preschool institutions, in general education and higher schools, in other types of educational institutions.

Mass military-patriotic work, organized and carried out by state and public bodies and organizations, local authorities and administrations, bodies and organizations of the Armed Forces, military registration and enlistment offices, organizations and associations of reserve soldiers, veterans, law enforcement agencies and organizations, relevant structures of other troops, military formations and bodies, ROSTO, Goskomsport, the Ministry of Health, some social movements and youth organizations, etc. (patriotic and military-patriotic, cultural-historical and military-historical, military-technical and military-sports and other clubs and associations, special schools, courses , various circles, sports sections; clubs, training centers of the future warrior, officer; days of patriotic work, memory watches, search activities, military sports games, hiking, etc.).

The activities of the media, creative unions, especially workers of culture and art, relevant scientific, youth associations, organizations, in one way or another, aimed at considering, covering and finding solutions to the problems of patriotic education, at the formation and development of the personality of a citizen and defender of the Fatherland.

The organization and conduct of military-patriotic work presupposes the use of a whole complex of appropriate forms, which can be differentiated into three main groups.

The first group, conditioned by the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, includes very extensive and diverse forms of a general patriotic character. They are used mainly in the conditions of the process carried out in the system of educational institutions (at all basic levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a variety of academic disciplines, especially humanitarian ones, at specialized faculties, circles, courses, sections, etc. ; conversations, matinees, evenings of questions and answers, "round tables", meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and military personnel; improving the educational and material base of primary military training, etc.

The second group, conditioned by the specifics of the content of military-patriotic education, is less diverse and is characterized by a greater military and military-applied orientation. These forms, carried out mainly in the form of practical exercises, work, various games, etc., include, in particular, familiarizing adolescents and young people with the life and activities of the troops, with the peculiarities of the service and life of military personnel (military-technical circles, tactical exercises, tactical and combat training, military sports games, sections on military applied sports, etc.).

The most promising in terms of highly effective fulfillment of the tasks of military-patriotic education is the use of complex combined integrated forms that optimally combine both the general and the specific in its content, forming the third group. It includes such forms as a defense-sports recreation camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various orientations, universities of the future warrior, officer, schools for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers and some others. These forms include various multifaceted activities that are carried out systematically, with a certain cyclicality, in accordance with scientifically grounded organizational conditions. Thus, to a large extent, the gap between the theoretical and practical-applied components of military-patriotic education, between its general developmental orientation and specific tasks is overcome.

The implementation of patriotic education involves the use of a system of means, which includes three main components: material and technical, educational and organizational.

The material and technical means include classrooms, classrooms and classrooms for primary military training, museums, places of battles, monuments, burial places, specialized schools, patriotic and military-patriotic clubs, equipment, special equipment, weapons, models, training fields, sports towns, shooting galleries, fitness equipment, as well as relevant media, works of literature and art.

Educational tools include basic theoretical and scientific-practical recommendations on the organization and conduct of military-patriotic education, on the formation of views, beliefs, needs and interests, fostering love for the Motherland, readiness to defend its freedom and independence, on developing public opinion about the problem of ensuring and strengthening the stability and security of society, about state and social institutions participating in the implementation of the function of protecting the Fatherland, about military and alternative service, etc.

Organizational means of patriotic education are a whole range of activities carried out with the use of material, technical and educational means, carried out in appropriate forms, maximally realizing general and specific tasks for the formation and development of the personality of a citizen and a patriot.

All three groups of means of patriotic education are closely interconnected, complement each other, and only their complex use in the process of interaction of subjects and objects of this activity contributes to the achievement of its main goal.

Conclusion: ERW forms can be differentiated into three main groups. The first group, due to the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, includes a system of educational institutions (at all basic levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a variety of academic disciplines, especially humanitarian, at specialized faculties, circles, courses, sections, etc .; conversations, matinees, evenings of questions and answers, "round tables", meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and military personnel; improving the educational and material base of primary military training, etc.

The third group includes such forms as a defense-sports health camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various orientations, universities of the future warrior, officer, schools for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers and some others. These forms include various multifaceted activities that are carried out systematically, with a certain cyclicality, in accordance with scientifically grounded organizational conditions.

CHAPTER II. Implementation of military-patriotic education in the conditions of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "SIBIRYAK"

2.1 Conditions for the organization of the military field camp "Sibiryak"

The military-patriotic sports and health-improving summer camp "Sibiryak", in essence, in many respects continues the practice of the school - the same tasks of education, forms of work in the military-patriotic direction, holidays, competitions, games. And the game, especially the military role-playing, is a form of work filled with new content. Outdoor games, competitions, physical exercises, good nutrition, health hours will help the children get stronger, recuperate for the new school year. The activities of the camp help the child to live in the space of the modern world. The idea of ​​the camp assumes radically different, in comparison with traditional, approaches to the selection of content, structuring and organizational forms of pastime, allowing you to realize your goals. The most important difference is the shift in emphasis from education to development.

The humanistic ideas of the project are associated with the desire to familiarize children with the highest spiritual and moral values ​​and culture, develop the creative abilities of children, constantly nourish their cognitive interests, and most importantly, contribute to full-fledged personal development within the framework of military-patriotic education.

The real implementation of these goals is possible only by creating adequate conditions for recreation in the camp. An indispensable assistant in creating a developing, comfortable environment for a child can be a game, the inclusion of its elements in all spheres of camp life. We give the children the opportunity to try themselves in various social roles, to gain experience in communication.

Carrying out a shift in a tent camp ensures that one of the most important needs of the child is satisfied - the need for emotional support, friendly participation: the squads are platoons, the participants are soldiers who are assigned "ranks".

The organization of the military-patriotic camp "Sibiryak" pursues the following goals:

) Improvement of the system of military-patriotic education, consolidation of the practical and theoretical skills of students and pupils, obtained in the classes in the OVS, circles and sections in the military-patriotic direction;

) Creation of favorable conditions for the realization of the creative potential of the child, his self-knowledge and self-realization, conditions that combine the development of the child, the strengthening of his health and the organization of leisure during the summer holidays;

) Rehabilitation of adolescents and pupils through active physical culture and recreation activities in a military sports camp.

Based on the goals set, the following tasks will be solved:

) Spiritual and physical recovery and psychological relief of the shift participants;

) Prevention of delinquency and crime among adolescents and inmates;

) Introduction to the traditions of national culture and universal values, instilling healthy lifestyle skills;

) Creation of a warm, comfortable emotional atmosphere, contributing to the creation of value and integrity by children of their own personality, awareness of their role in the team, the formation of communication and empathy skills;

) The creative growth of each child through the satisfaction of personal needs in the field of artistic creativity, knowledge of various areas of aesthetic activity, expansion of the creative space of change, the inclusion of participants in various activities;

) Revival of the best traditions of moral and patriotic education.

The camp of military-patriotic education "Sibiryak" will involve children who could not get on vouchers to suburban health camps.

In accordance with the calendar plan for organizing the camp of military-patriotic education, an organizing committee (working group) was created to develop an event and methodology for conducting a field sports outing for children. At its meetings, the organizing committee considered and approved the name of this summer sports camp - "Sibiryak", chose the camp emblem, determined the time of its holding, as well as the quantitative composition of the group of children (25-30 people), venue, resources and resources involved. A copy of the logo is attached (See Appendix 1).

Conclusion of an agreement with a teacher training school or a military school for the preparation, provision and conduct of the field exit of children.

With the FSBEI HPE "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University" the organizing committee for the development of the event concluded an agreement on the conduct of professional practice for students of this university during the field exit of children. A copy of this agreement is attached. Four student trainees were identified, with whom interviews had already been conducted and they were instructed on the procedure and terms of practice.

The Executive Committee of the Board of the NOO RSVA LLC provided the organizing committee with a part of the office as a methodological corner, where the meeting of the event participants takes place, the processing and systematization of the materials necessary for the summer sports field outing.

The members of the organizing committee, who will conduct classes with children, monitor their daily routine during the field trip of "Sibiryak", passed in the amount of 40 hours at FSBEI HPE NSPU, knowledge and labor protection requirements under the program for managers and specialists, passed exams, received special certificates for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. A copy of one such certificate is attached. In addition, members of the organizing committee at the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Novosibirsk Region" of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare received personal medical books. Such books are issued to employees of industries and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food and drinking water, the upbringing and education of children, communal and consumer services for the population.

A letter has been written to the new acting head of the Branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of Novosibirsk" with a request to allow up to 30 children to field out on their base. Permission has been obtained. Preparing to sign an agreement with the company "Collective-Service", which is located in St. Petersburg, but provides meals for the cadets of the Branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy" of the city of Novosibirsk, and which will provide meals for children from the camp "Siberian" in the time of their field exit. Conclusion of an agreement with a company for the supply of consumables (sports equipment and prizes). Transportation of children to the base and back will be carried out by road.

2.2 The program of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"

All activities of the camp program are divided into 4 main blocks, closely interconnected:

) The educational block or activities of the camp are training sessions with students and inmates of the camp according to the "Fundamentals of Military Service" program with practical and control classes according to the above program.

Purpose of classes: 1) consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired by school students, pupils during the academic year on the "Fundamentals of Military Service"; 2) meetings with law enforcement officials, prosecutors, courts, commissions for minors, medical specialists, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in local wars; 3) excursions to military units in order to familiarize themselves with the life of servicemen, military equipment, weapons, visiting museums of military glory, etc.

) Physical culture and recreation activities of the camp consist of daily competitions and physical culture and recreation activities with students and inmates of the camp and their passing control standards for physical training. Conducting an intra-camp sports meeting in various sports, as well as military-applied sports.

) Cultural and leisure activities of the camp: during the camp, various military-patriotic and spiritual-moral education events are held for students and inmates, as well as watching videos of the above topics.

) Economic and labor activity is based on the principles of maintaining the camp territory, living quarters, sports facilities, household facilities in an exemplary manner.

Program participants: schoolchildren aged 12 to 16, adolescents of draft age.

Duration of the program: the program of the military-patriotic, sports and recreation camp "Sibiryak" is being implemented from 8 to 14 July 2013.

Conditions for achieving the goals and objectives of the program:

interaction and cooperation of pedagogical and administrative and managerial personnel on the organization of camp life;

availability of specialists for each declared area of ​​work;

securing funding for the program.

The main directions of the program:

health improvement of children;

military-patriotic education of the younger generation;

development of children's creative abilities;

labor education.

The main activities of the camp:


sports and recreation;

psychological and pedagogical;

artistic and aesthetic;



development of child self-government.

Expected results:

strengthening the physical and psychological health of children, the acquisition of healthy lifestyle skills by children;

an increase in the number of adolescents wishing to engage in military-applied sports, education of patriots of their Fatherland;

broadening the horizons of children in the field of the history of their native land, its traditions and customs;

development of independence, ability and desire to work in a team.

The program is built on the following principles:

The priority of self-realization of children and adolescents in the life of a temporary group of different ages;

Involvement in real socially significant relationships;

Openness to interpersonal communication;

The ability to know yourself, to realize your abilities and inclinations;

Orientation of children to the development of creativity and imagination.

The program is being implemented under the slogans:

It all starts with something interesting!

All things are creative - otherwise why?

Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward, and only together!

The most important thing is YOURSELF!

During the period of the camp, the following activities are carried out:

... "The state is strong in the army" - the test of children's interest in military service is carried out in the form of an oral journal;

... "We will serve in the army" - a conversation with children about the importance of the army for the state;

... “Thanks to our grandmothers and grandfathers for peace and Victory” - literary reading and discussion involving the recollections of children about their stories, about the war of their grandparents and about relatives who died in the war. Education of a citizen and patriot of the Fatherland, education in children of a sense of love for the Motherland, pride in their people, for their fellow countrymen with the help of a lesson of courage “War. There is no sadder word ... ". "There was a war a long time ago ..." conversation, "The war year was knocking at the door of my country." Literary evening discussing the results of the war and drawing parallels with ongoing wars;

... "Our City Survived the War: Lessons from Memory" - a story about the area where the camp is located and about its role in the war;

... "Letters as a chronicle of the battle" - discussion with the children of the course of hostilities through the surviving or found letters of veterans;

... “Along the Roads of the Great Patriotic War” - instilling in children a sense of love for the Motherland, pride in their people, for their fellow countrymen through a lesson in courage;

... "I love you, Fatherland" - a quiz, the purpose of which is to study the great and glorious history of our Fatherland by young people;

... “Victory was not easy” is an interactive intellectual game, “Alive by eternal memory” is a competition game, “Poetry of Courage” is a literary and musical composition. Zarnitsa is a military sports game.

... "Paths of fathers - roads of sons" - an evening dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day (guests are veterans), "We are proud of the glory of our ancestors" - a military-patriotic game, "Flag to the height" - an army game, "Nameless skyscraper", "From the blade and bayonet - to powerful missiles "- KVN on the history of military technology. "Who said that you need to give up the song in the war ..." - biographies of songs about the Great Patriotic War.

2.3 Analysis of the results of the organization of the military field sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak"

The purpose of organizing a camp for military-patriotic education was to conduct field military-sports camps to familiarize children with army life, improve the health of the younger generation, employ children in the summer, create favorable conditions for their diversified development as individuals, education in a team.

With the help of this project, the level of physical skill and sports potential of 25 selected children has significantly increased, the complexity and attractiveness of military service, especially the training of officers, has been shown, their active recreation and health promotion, and the education of a sense of community in children has been organized.

In accordance with the schedule for the implementation of a socially significant project, the organizing committee for the preparation and conduct of a field military-sports outing for children under the name "Sibiryak" did a great job during the preparatory period. By the beginning of the training camp on the basis of the Branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" in the city of Novosibirsk, the organizing committee was fully prepared for the opening of the planned training camp.

During the preparatory period, S. Sobolev and V. Nerestyuk held a meeting with the parents of children participating in the camp on June 30 in the office of the RSVA LLC. At this meeting, the organizers of the training camp told how the military field training would take place, drew up an agreement with the parents, in which the parents agreed to the participation of their child in this event, agreed with the listed obligations of the parties (organizers and parents) and their rights. Each of the parents personally signed the contract.

Successfully trained and well-selected trainees and members of the organizing committee, conducting the training camps, managed to create a favorable climate among children. At the end of the training camp, the children were asked to write their comments on the training camp anonymously on separate sheets of paper. All of them, as one, wrote that they really liked the training camp, and they are ready to continue them. Children expressed separate words of gratitude to our veteran organizers.

In the midst of the training camp, on July 11, 2013, S. Shibaeva, a member of the NSO Government, head of the Department of Social and Political Relations of the Administration of the Governor of the NSO and the Government of the NSO, came to the children at the All-Union Military Educational Research Center "OVA RF Armed Forces". In a casual conversation, the children, with admiration, quite positively responded about the work of the organizing committee of veterans, about the barracks in which they were placed, about classes, about life and nutrition, about training in general. They enthusiastically invited the guest to look at the photographs that had already been filmed by this time.

On the first day, the children got acquainted with the school, its traditions and memorable and solemn places (the museum, the Walk of Fame, the beds of the Heroes, forever included in the school's lists, etc.). Then they were presented with the material base of the department of special intelligence (Colonel Shustov M.S.), small arms and communications equipment of the Department of Armed Forces (Lieutenant Colonel Farmagei V.V.), the fleet of combat vehicles (Colonel Potyanikhin A.P.). During the training camp, the Sibiryak traveled to the Shilovsky training ground, where children fired small arms, rode on battle tanks and vehicles, armored personnel carriers.

During the training camp, the guys learned the basics of drill, studied the main provisions of some of the Charters of the RF Armed Forces, mastered the analysis and collection of automatic weapons (one girl disassembled the AKM in 18 seconds), issued several combat sheets, and for health, they did physical exercises every day and participated in the evening exercises in the hall on sports equipment. In the attached photographs, these moments are available.

Members of the organizing committee, invited students-trainees, officer-teachers and even heads of departments constantly monitored the children's daily routine during the field trip of "Sibiryak", their behavior, so the training camp was at a high level, without failures and any kind of emergency.

Catering for the camp participants was organized by OOO Collective-Service from St. Petersburg. Considering the remoteness of this city from Novosibirsk, the contract for the provision of catering services was drawn up and signed in advance.

The Executive Committee of the Board of the NOO LLC "RSVA" sent a letter to S. Shibaeva with a request to present Colonel I. A. Murog, the head of the All-Russian Scientific Center for Military Education, "OVA RF Armed Forces" in the city of Novosibirsk, for a sensitive and careful attitude towards children, for close cooperation with NOO LLC "RSVA", for providing practical assistance in organizing and conducting a field military-sports gathering of children on the territory of the branch to be awarded with a Letter of Gratitude from the Governor of the NSO.

On the occasion of the 81st anniversary of the formation of the Airborne Forces on August 2, 2013, the organizers of the training camp V. V. Perestyuk and V. K. Khavaev were awarded letters of thanks from the mayor of Novosibirsk for the skillful patriotic education of children during the training camp of the Sibiryak.

During the preparation for the training camp, the organizing committee ordered and sewn for children an individual lightweight special uniform for a total of 16 720 rubles. At the end of the training camp, the guys remained in uniform.

Also, the organizing committee through the secretary of the NOO LLC "RSVA" Hamburg N.N. for the needs of the collection and the executive committee of the Management Board purchased 100 pieces in Moscow. organization badges with the RSVA logo for the amount of 5,000 rubles. Of this number of purchased badges, 30 pcs. were distributed to the participants of the training camp, and they remained in their memory, and the rest were transferred to the executive committee.

Special “demobilized” albums (diplomas in A5 format) were ordered from CJSC “GRAF”. At the end of the training camp, each participant received such an album, in which his personal and general photos were enclosed. The organizing committee took care of the photographs.

The transportation of the participants in the training camp was organized in accordance with the agreement concluded with RIC LLC.

Thanks to all the activities carried out, the relationship between adolescents of different ages and interests has been strengthened. Conditions were created for a positive stable emotional mood of the team.

Based on the above, we can conclude that this project received a positive assessment from the guys and the organizers and will continue its implementation next year.


As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made:

) Military-patriotic education (VPV) is a systematic and purposeful activity to form in minors a high sense of patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill their civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland. Thanks to the ERW, such important socially significant qualities as high morality, civic maturity, love for the Fatherland, responsibility, a sense of duty, loyalty to traditions are formed and developed in children and youth, the possibilities of their active participation in solving the most important problems of society in various spheres of its activity will greatly increase. ... Including in the military and others related to ensuring the national security of the state.

Improving the quality characteristics of children and young people will have a beneficial effect on society as a whole. High spirituality, morality, active civic position, civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral consciousness of children and youth will greatly contribute to the successful solution of tasks related to the revival of the greatness and power of Russia. Modern Russian society will acquire a most valuable component of its creative potential, which will be determined, first of all, by the willingness to take responsibility for the future of Russia;

) The essence of the ERW is to carry out systematic, purposeful activities to form in Russians a high defense consciousness, ideological, political, moral, psychological and moral qualities necessary for the armed defense of the Fatherland. At the same time, this is the process of mastering military-technical knowledge, physical improvement of the individual. The ERW is called upon to ensure: a deep understanding by each young person of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to fulfill the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the successful fulfillment of duties in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. The basis of the content of a specific component is love for the Fatherland, loyalty to civil and military duty, military honor, courage, perseverance, dedication, valor, courage and mutual assistance;

) The forms of ERW can be differentiated into three main groups. The first group, due to the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, includes a system of educational institutions (at all basic levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a variety of academic disciplines, especially humanitarian, at specialized faculties, circles, courses, sections, etc .; conversations, matinees, evenings of questions and answers, "round tables", meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and military personnel; improving the educational and material base of primary military training, etc.

The second group includes, in particular, familiarization of adolescents and young people with the life and activities of the troops, with the peculiarities of the service and life of military personnel (military-technical circles, tactical exercises, tactical and combat training, military sports games, sections on military-applied sports and etc.).

The third group includes such forms as a defense-sports health camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various orientations, universities of the future warrior, officer, schools for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers and some others. These forms include various multifaceted activities that are carried out systematically, with a certain cyclicality, in accordance with scientifically grounded organizational conditions;

4) During the shift in the military-patriotic sports and recreation summer camp "Sibiryak", a significant increase in the level of physical skill and sports potential of 25 selected children was observed, the complexity and attractiveness of military service, especially the training of officers, was shown, their active rest was organized and health promotion, fostering a sense of community in children. During the training camp, the guys learned the basics of drill, studied the main provisions of some of the Charters of the RF Armed Forces, mastered the analysis and collection of automatic weapons, issued several combat sheets, and for health, they did physical exercises every day and participated in evening exercises in the hall on sports equipment.



1.State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015", approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2010 No.

.Final report on the implementation of a socially significant project to the contract No. 310 of February 25, 2011 "Through sport to excellence" Reporting period: from May to August 2011.

.The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation // Krasnaya Zvezda. - 2003 .-- July 5.

.Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.10.2010 No. 795 "On the state program" Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011 - 2015 "//" Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation ", 11.10.2010, No. 41 (2 hours), Art. 5250.

.Current (interim) report on the implementation of a socially significant project to the contract No. 310 of February 25, 2011 "Through sport to perfection". Reporting period: March to May 2011.


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16.Fundamentals of military psychology and pedagogy: textbook / Under total. ed. A. V. Barabanshchikova, N. F. Fedenko. - M .: Military publishing house of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, 1981. - 365 p.

17.Fundamentals of Military Psychology and Pedagogy / Ed. A. V. Barabanshchikova, V. P. Davydova, N. F. Fedenko. - M .: Education, 1988 .-- 269 p.

.School Pedagogy / Ed. S. E. Matushkina. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of ChGPI, 1974 .-- 205 p.

19.Pedagogy and Psychology: A Textbook for Students of Higher Educational Institutions / Ed. L.A. Grigorovich, T. D. Martsinkovskaya. - M .: Gardariki, 2006 .-- 475 p.

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.Psychology and Pedagogy / Ed. E. Yu. Cherkashina. - Krasnoyarsk: KSTU, 2003 .-- 180 p.

.Psychology and pedagogy. Military psychology: a textbook for cadets of higher military educational institutions / Ed. A.G. Maklakova. - SPb .: Peter, 2007 .-- 463 p.

.Collection of events for Victory Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day and other patriotic holidays: scripts, solemn lines, evenings, literary and musical compositions, military sports games / Comp. M.V. Vidyakin and others - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2006 .-- 280 p.

26.Serebryannikov, V. V. Army and Society / V. V. Serebryannikov. - M .: Knowledge, 1991 .-- 64 p.

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Annex 1

Schedule of classes with the participants of the Military field training in July 2013.

Day 1 Arrival and accommodation of the camp participants. Excursion (familiarization with the military unit).

Geopolitical confrontation and the intensity of the international situation simply oblige us to take full responsibility for the defense of our homeland. One of the ways to protect their native land is the military-patriotic education of young people in Russia. The purpose of upbringing is to raise morally mature people, loyal to their military and constitutional duty.

Military-patriotic education consists of three main areas:

  • Introduction to the military victories of the Russian people.
  • Organization of military sports games.
  • The relationship between military and school teams.

The school, the family, and also specially organized centers play a significant role in patriotic education. The main ones were given by the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Life has set completely new tasks, we found ourselves in the center of a real war itself. But it is not conducted with cannons and missiles, but with a word. In a word, you can injure and heal, so you need to raise young people who will be ready to distinguish truth from lies and always remain faithful to their Fatherland.

The state needs to educate courageous, healthy and courageous people who are ready to study and work for its benefit, and not look towards emigration to the ghostly better Western world. Correctly educated young people should defend their families, native land and state.

In the light of such tasks, the role of correct military-patriotic education of young people is noticeably increasing. It is this upbringing that will contribute to the training of strong and skillful defenders of Russia.

Three directions of patriotic education of youth

  1. Introduction to the military traditions of the people, honoring their victories.

This area includes the following activities:

  • Perpetuation of those killed in the struggle for the independence of Russia. To do this, they organize not only one-time visits to monuments and mass graves on major public holidays, but also teach them to take patronage over a mass grave. Participation in the honor guard as part of the memorial watch is encouraged. Maintenance of monuments becomes not a duty, but a matter of honor.
  • Lessons of Courage are held, meetings with war veterans are organized. It is important to set up young people correctly, prepare them mentally for such events. Pupils participate in congratulations, come up with a program themselves, put their hearts into it.
  • Celebration of memorable dates - for the great holidays associated with glorious victories in the military history of Russia, visits to museums are organized, exhibitions, contests, quizzes, and viewing of thematic videos are held.

The most important thing is to remember that military-patriotic education is a systemic process. Its foundations are laid in kindergarten and school.

  1. Organization of military sports games.

Speeches that are complex and sometimes pretentious in the minds of young people need to be supported by more interesting entertainment events. Among them are military sports games. For example, "Zarnitsa" or "Eaglet".

You also need to organize visits by young men, especially graduating classes, military units. It is possible that someone will find here their calling, a profession for life. Communicating with the military strengthens the spirit of patriotism that makes ordinary people Citizens of their Fatherland.

Creation of an OBZh cabinet

Out-of-school education is interesting and productive, but the main bonds for patriotic education are laid precisely in the classroom. An important lesson in terms of the formation of civic consciousness is OBZH.

In schools, sometimes they are frivolous about this subject, considering it a semblance of an auxiliary elective. Not all educational institutions have a special office, so we will give basic advice on its creation. It is important to equip, here they place materials on the education of schoolchildren on the traditions of previous generations. Symbols of Russia are placed on the walls, information about compatriots-heroes of Russia can be indicated.

The OBZh cabinet can be used not only for specialized classes in the subject. On its basis, lessons of Courage, classes on history or literature with a patriotic component are held, meetings with military personnel and veterans are organized here. It is convenient to watch patriotic videos and classes in military-applied circles in a specialized OBZh office.

Putin on patriotic education of youth

The President of Russia urged to educate young people even more patriotic, to fight the falsifications of history. According to Vladimir Putin, patriotic education is simply obliged to become an organic part of society. The president said this during the 37th meeting of the Russian organizing committee "Victory", which was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Vladimir Putin clearly outlined the tasks facing modern Russian society in terms of educating the younger generation:

  1. Respect for veterans.

Read more: Topical issues of patriotic education

Centers for patriotic education

The main goal of the activities of the centers of patriotic education is to prepare young men for military service. It also supports student and student initiatives that are related to fostering a sense of citizenship. People come to the centers who sincerely love their school, university, native land, country as a whole. There must be a strong desire to change society, starting with oneself.

What do the centers of patriotic education do?

The centers have the following responsibilities:

  • Teaching the basics of military service by conducting military training for senior students.
  • The level of physical training of young men is being increased so that it becomes appropriate for military service.
  • Focus on the successful delivery of the TRP standards for physical fitness.
  • Organization of events for military-patriotic education and preparation for military service.

The correct military-patriotic education of the younger generation depends on each of us. You should not stay idle and place all responsibility for the process on the teachers. Everyone can make a feasible contribution to the development of the consciousness of young people; you need to start with your family and your close circle.

The processes of socio-political and socio-economic transformations taking place in the Russian Federation have put forward a number of important, qualitatively new tasks to create a sovereign, economically developed, civilized, democratic state that in fact ensures constitutional freedoms, rights and obligations of its citizens with full guarantee of their legal and social security.

In the history of Russia, patriotic education has always been assigned a leading role, which made it possible to instill in soldiers a high morale, heroism, courage, initiative and stamina in battle. The strength and courage of Russians on the battlefields multiplied by the awareness of the glorious victories of our ancestors on Lake Peipsi, on the Kulikovo field, during the expulsion of foreign invaders from the Russian land in 1612 and 1812, in other battles and wars. The high patriotism of Russians was reflected in the slogans "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland", "For our Soviet Motherland", with which they went into battle and won.

The successful solution of these tasks requires a deep understanding by the citizens of the Russian Federation of everything that is happening, the development of an active life position and their widespread involvement in full-fledged practical activities in the interests of society and the state. This presupposes the need to form high moral, moral, psychological and ethical qualities among citizens and, above all, among the younger generation, for whom the future of the country belongs, among which patriotism, civic and military duty, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland and readiness for it are important. protection.

The relevance of research due to the circumstances that at present the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to remain a school of patriotism, vitality, social maturity and professional skill for tens of thousands of young men and men.

Love for the Motherland, loyalty to military duty are inseparable from military honor and dignity. At all times, these qualities have distinguished people who have linked their lives with military affairs.

If love for the Motherland is a manifestation of patriotism, then defending the Fatherland is the duty and duty of a patriot. A person deprived of a feeling of love for the Motherland is not able to realize his duty to her.

Thus, as an object the study selected patriotic education of servicemen as an integral part of the formation and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and its subject - the activities of officials of the unit for planning, organizing and conducting events of patriotic education of servicemen.

Target research consists in the conduct of a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical foundations of patriotic education of servicemen, its current state and the development on this basis of recommendations to officials of units to increase the effectiveness of patriotic education of servicemen.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following were determined in the work. tasks:

  1. Explore the historical roots and modern trends in the patriotic education of military personnel.
  2. To reveal the essence and content of patriotic education in modern conditions.
  3. To develop recommendations for officials of the unit to improve the patriotic education of servicemen.

Practical significance research is to develop recommendations for officials of the unit for planning and organizing patriotic education of servicemen. The results of the study are supposed to be used in the process of service and combat training activities of units and subdivisions of the Air Force, as well as in creating a basis for further research on the problem of improving the patriotic education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


The historical and geographical conditions in which Russia was born and grew stronger forced it to constantly fight for its state and national independence. This could not but affect the formation of a special attitude of the Russian people to military service. In the folk epic, songs, epics, fairy tales, the heroism, courage and courage of those who did not spare either their strengths or life itself, defending their native land, were glorified.

This instilled in Russian soldiers the qualities that both allies and opponents have always noted: decisiveness in the offensive, steadfastness in defense, courage, mutual assistance and contempt for death at critical moments of battle. The spirit of patriotism is a universal moral ideal. It is the basis of any national military system, otherwise it has no value. The manifestation of the patriotism of the Russian soldier is unique, for it has deep historical and social roots.

1.1. Historical experience of patriotic education of military personnel

The centuries-old history of our people, its glorious military traditions, born in fierce battles with numerous foreign invaders, are an inexhaustible source of patriotic feelings, ideas and actions for many generations of Russians.

A vivid idea of ​​patriotism as a source of serving the national interests of the Russian people is given by the literary work "The Lay of Igor's Campaign." All this was reflected in it in the form of allied relations of all Russian princes. Thus, already in ancient Russian literature, the idea of ​​the unity of the world, mankind and its history was formed, combined with a high patriotic feeling.

Thanks to the Orthodox faith and patriotism, many victories of Russian weapons were won. It was Orthodox patriotism and national unity that largely determined the victory of Russian soldiers on the Kulikovo field in 1380. St. Sergius of Radonezh blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy to fight Mamai. Ryazan Prince Oleg, who was supposed to go against Dmitry Donskoy, having learned about the blessing of Sergius of Radonezh, abandoned plans to fight against the Moscow regiments.

The origin of these glorious traditions was laid by the Slavic tribes, defending their freedom and independence with arms in their hands. “The tribes of the Slavs and the Antes,” wrote the ancient Greek historian Mauritius Strategist, “are similar in their way of life, in their morals, in their love of freedom: they can in no way be persuaded to slavery or submission ... They are numerous, hardy, easily tolerate heat , cold, rain, nakedness, lack of food. "

These qualities were also characteristic of the ancient Russian army - the prince's squads. The guards were distinguished by good organization, discipline, courage and bravery, and a spirit of high patriotism. To fight to the death for their brother and father, for the Fatherland was an unwritten rule for them.

Compliance with the oath, loyalty to the prince and his banner were also considered mandatory. In ancient Russia, the banner served not only as a means of command and control, but also as a symbol of honor and glory. The squad entering the battle defended the banner to the last man.

The indomitable strength of the Russian people, its irresistible desire for freedom and independence were demonstrated by the victories of Russian weapons over numerous nomads, knights-crusaders, Mongol-Tatar hordes.

In Russia, mention of patriotism as a phenomenon of public life is found even in military-historical documents and chronicles of the 9th-12th centuries. This era is associated with the emergence of statehood, therefore patriotism then wore a peculiar, subject-minded character - with the adoption of Orthodoxy, it was expressed in loyalty to holy Orthodox Russia.

The patriotic ideal has gained national significance. As the liberation and unification of the Russian lands into a single centralized state, the sprouts of Russian patriotism grew stronger.

The true flourishing of patriotism is associated with the personality of Peter I, with his multifaceted activities aimed at strengthening Russia. The great reformer and reformer put loyalty to the Fatherland above all other values, even above loyalty to oneself.

During the period of activity of Peter I and his followers, patriotism was above all values ​​and virtues sovereign... This stage in the existence of the Russian Empire was characterized by the dominance of the triune idea: “Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality ". Service to the Fatherland, diligence in state affairs were declared the main virtue, they were mentioned in the "Table of Ranks", they were an indispensable condition for receiving ranks, awards, titles. At the beginning of the 17th century, state patriotism was legislatively enshrined in the "Charter of Military and Cannon Affairs", acquiring military-professional significance and becoming the standard of behavior of soldiers.

Thus, in the "Table of Ranks" established by Peter I, services to the Fatherland, diligence in state affairs were declared the highest valor and were fixed as the most important conditions for receiving ranks and awards. In order to form a patriotic consciousness, the corresponding symbols, awards, rituals and traditions were approved.

The victory in the Battle of Poltava, the subsequent numerous victories of Russian weapons raised the prestige of the defender of the Fatherland in Russian society. Patriotic values ​​were enriched by the idea of ​​protecting other peoples and states from foreign slavery. The willingness to defend their country and come to the aid of peoples in trouble has become a tradition of the Russian army.

Russian people called the period of the late 16th - early 17th centuries "the Time of Troubles". The question arose before the Russian state - should the Russian people be free or fall under foreign domination. Everyone rose to fight the invaders. At the head of the zemstvo militia were Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, elected by the people and invested with their trust. Calling the Russian people to rally to fight the interventionists, Prince Pozharsky said: "So that we all stand unanimously against the enemies and destroyers of the faith of the Christian, Polish and Lithuanian people, for the Moscow state ..." The advantage of the militia was in the high military spirit of the military people. They fought for their native land, for the liberation of the Russian state, their capital. In the oath of the Russian soldiers it was said: "Stand near Moscow and suffer everyone ... and beat yourself to death."

The power achieved by Russia by the end of the 18th century was not a generous gift of providence. Generals and naval commanders, soldiers and sailors, winning victories over the enemies of the Fatherland, thereby strengthened the state, serving the progressive national cause. This is the dialectic of historical development. The creator of the regular army and navy, Peter I, paid great attention to the formation of patriotic and professional qualities in soldiers.

The traditions laid down by Peter were deepened and expanded by his faithful disciples and associates. The Russian army and navy won many glorious victories, military traditions multiplied and strengthened. Their development is associated, first of all, with the activities of such outstanding generals and naval commanders as P.A. Rumyantsev, G.A. Potemkin, F.F. Ushakov. Patriotism, courage and courage were repeatedly demonstrated by the miracle heroes A.V. Suvorov.

The Patriotic War of 1812, which strengthened the national consciousness of Russians, their pride and dignity, also showed us amazing examples of mass patriotism of the Russian people. Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 Denis Davydov wrote that Suvorov “put his hand on the heart of a Russian soldier and studied his beating ... He multiplied tenfold the benefits brought by obedience. Combining it in the soul of our soldier with a sense of military pride and confidence in superiority over all soldiers in the world ... ".

But, on the other hand, the Patriotic War of 1812 also revealed Russia's lagging behind in the organization of the state and personal life of its citizens, in ensuring civil liberties. It is important to note that the development of the patriotic idea in Russia encountered many obstacles on its way. For example, Paul I's ban on the use of the words "Fatherland", "citizen".

The main bearer of the patriotic idea has always been and remains the Russian army. It was she who preserved in her midst patriotic traditions, symbols, rituals, was able to protect the consciousness of soldiers from dubious political ideas.

It is difficult to single out the heroes when the whole country in a single patriotic impulse rose to defend its independence. Heroism during the Great Patriotic War was massive. Whole military units, companies and battalions covered themselves with unfading glory. Patriotism was one of the origins of the mass heroism of the Soviet people during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War.

When our Motherland found itself on the brink of destruction, the Soviet warrior adequately displayed his best qualities as a faithful son of the Fatherland. Already in the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the Chief of the General Staff of the German Ground Forces F. Halder noted the stubborn nature of the battles with the Russians. “Crews of enemy tanks,” he wrote in his diary, “in most cases lock themselves up in tanks and prefer to burn themselves together with the vehicles.”

In the terrible 1941, the defenders of Moscow fought to the death. Each of them realized: "Not a step back - Moscow is behind!" On the outskirts of Moscow, eleven Panfilov sappers, led by the commander of a sapper platoon, junior lieutenant, stood to death. Firstov and political instructor of the sapper company of the 1077th rifle regiment A. Pavlov. Covering the withdrawal of the main forces of the regiment, they boldly entered into battle with 20 fascist tanks and an infantry battalion. The sapper heroes died, but did not let the enemy pass. For their accomplished feat, they were posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

Ilya Ehrenburg wrote in October 1941: “We know what we are fighting for: for the right to breathe. We know what we endure for: for our children. We know what we stand for: for Russia, for the Motherland. "

In August 1941, near Novgorod, political instructor A. Pankratov accomplished an unparalleled feat: he closed the embrasure of the enemy bunker, saving the lives of his fellow soldiers and ensuring the fulfillment of the combat mission. In total, during the war years, such a feat was accomplished by 470 soldiers, of which 150 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. All of them went down in history under the name sailors. The fact is that the feat of Alexander Matrosov, committed on February 23, 1943, became known to the country before the feat of other heroes.

The whole world in the winter of 1943 watched the Battle of Stalingrad. Our soldier survived in incredibly difficult battles, defeated selected enemy units, went on the offensive, surrounded twenty-two divisions, captured them, thereby burying the myth of the invincibility of the German army and marking the end of German fascism.

The history of the Great Patriotic War knows entire divisions of warriors-heroes. So, in 1943, in the battles south-west of Kharkov, the soldiers of the platoon of Lieutenant P. Sharonin covered themselves with unfading glory (they destroyed 16 enemy tanks and up to 100 Nazis). The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded not only to Pyotr Nikolaevich Sharonin, but also to all the soldiers of the platoon. On March 26, 1944, an airborne detachment under the command of Senior Lieutenant K. Olshansky, consisting of 55 sailors and 12 Red Army men, landed near the city of Nikolaev at dawn and seized a bridgehead. Over the course of two days, the detachment repulsed 18 attacks, destroyed 700 Nazis, several tanks, and honorably completed the task. All 67 paratroopers, 55 of them posthumously, were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

During the war years, more than 7 million Soviet soldiers were awarded orders and medals, more than 11 thousand were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Heroism was massive not only at the front, but also in the rear.

It was thanks to patriotism that the soldiers of the Red Army were able to overcome the hardest trials and defeat a cruel, powerful enemy.

After the war, reflecting on the greatness of our victory, on how the Soviet people defeated the most powerful army of that time, G.K. Zhukov wrote: “What did the fascist troops stumble over when they made their first step on the territory of our country? What, first of all, prevented them from moving forward at their usual pace? We can firmly say - mainly the mass heroism of our troops, their fierce resistance, stubbornness, the greatest patriotism of the army and the people. "

What forces feed the patriotism of Russian soldiers?

At first, it is a natural sense of self-preservation, protection of their habitat, the Russian land from various conquerors. This feeling was formed by long historical experience, suffered through the dramatic fate of the Fatherland and is passed on from generation to generation. According to researchers, only for the period from 1368 to 1893, i.e. for 525 years, Russians fought for 329 years.

Secondly, the patriotism of the Russian army had a special strength and strength also because in it, even in the early stages of its existence, mercenarism was not widespread, and then completely outlived its usefulness. The army, with rare exceptions, was replenished with compatriots who were inherent in love for the Fatherland.

Thirdly, the patriotism of the Russian army was fueled by the powerful forces of Orthodoxy. On the pages of the Gospel it was stated that “there is no more love than if someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15; 13). The Russian Orthodox Church has centuries-old traditions of patriotic education. The ideological basis of the patriotic education of Russians and the army was formed by the ideas of Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality, embodied in the appeal "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!"

The church has always paid special attention to fostering a sense of patriotism in the army. Realizing the enormous responsibility of the people of military labor for the fate of the Fatherland, the church has surrounded them with care, attention and love since ancient times. She did not perform any special prayers for people of any other profession, but only for the military.

Such an exclusive attention of the church to the army is explained by the fact that the fate of the people and the state depends on it, both in the past and now, to a greater extent than on any other state institution. Here, the cost of a mistake or a crime is especially palpable. The consequences of moral licentiousness and decline can be especially terrible and destructive.

The Church cares about the moral and spiritual state of the soldier also because he is obliged to be devoted to his duty in a special way, like no one else. After all, the fulfillment of military duty requires the most valuable thing - the giving of one's own life. And this can only be done by a highly moral, ideologically grounded person. Merely following a charter or law cannot force a person to cross the line that separates his life from death. Self-sacrifice is a conscious, moral manifestation.

Fourth, the patriotism of Russian soldiers was based on their consciousness, on convictions, and was not forced into their minds. Russian commanders and military leaders saw the strength of the Russian soldier in his soul, heart and tried to find a way to them. Various means, forms, methods were used here, but the main ones were care for the soldier and the personal example of the chief.

Work on instilling a sense of patriotism among Russian soldiers had its fruits. The heroism of Russian soldiers is well known, even opponents paid tribute to it. So, Frederick II, after the Seven Years War (1756-1763), was forced to admit that "not a single soldier in the world can be compared with the Russian grenadier." And Napoleon said about the Russian soldier: “The Russian soldier was created for victories, only know how to drive him. If Russian soldiers were given under my command, I and my marshals would have conquered India long ago. "

What are the features of Russian patriotism, and how are they manifested? First of all, in the sincere love of Russian people for their native nature, which is especially evident among Russians who find themselves abroad for various reasons. It is difficult for them to forget the vast expanses of Russia, its fields, meadows, forests and rivers. And white birch has become a symbol of Russia and is always associated with love for the native land.

In the ability to quickly mobilize all their physical and spiritual forces in the event of a threat to the Fatherland. The Russians have repeatedly proved that at critical moments for the country they are ready to do everything - to endure unheard of life hardships, endure hardships, transfer personal savings and values ​​to the needs of the country, volunteer in the people's militia and the army, just to save their country from serious danger. , her people.

The patriotism of Russians is international. In a multinational country, where many peoples have relative independence, in case of danger, all act as a united front against the conquerors, and in peacetime - against natural disasters and natural disasters. This is evidenced by the historical experience of our country, the conduct of the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya at the present time and the mutual assistance of various regions in solving national economic problems. And among those awarded for heroism shown both in wartime and in peacetime, you can meet representatives of various nations.

The patriotism of Russians is combined with their pride and dignity. This is due to the country's authority in the international arena, its geopolitical position, achievements in science, culture, education and the military field. Although Russia is now going through far from the best times, its potential capabilities, and most importantly, the attitude and high responsibility of citizens for the fate of the Motherland will allow them to overcome temporary difficulties and bring the country to the forefront of world progress.

Nowadays, when we set out to build a new democratic society, the existing dogmas and postulates were revised. To some extent, the roots of Russian patriotism were also touched, the patriotic feelings of millions of Russians were wounded. Today our country needs patriotism in order to preserve its national dignity and take a significant position in the community of civilized states of the world. He must be sovereign, historically successive, enlightened and spiritually filled.

The sovereignty of Russian patriotism reflects the historical fact that for almost half a millennium Russia has been a great power - one of those states that, by virtue of their size and power, bore and bear a special responsibility for maintaining stability in international relations.

The historical continuity of Russian patriotism means the commonality of historical memory, the historical consciousness of the continuity of the historical state. Attempts to consign certain periods of our history to oblivion are simply senseless, and they also cause great damage to the education of Russian citizens.

Thus, the traditions of the Russian army were formed from the very beginning of the creation of armed detachments designed to defend their native land from foreign invaders. Historical experience shows that patriotism is a powerful spiritual force that allows Russia and its defenders to mobilize their resources at sharp turns in history and achieve significant success in the revival of the country and the army.

1.2. Legal bases of patriotic education of military personnel

Patriotic education of servicemen should be planned, systematic, constant and one of the priority directions in the state policy of Russia in the field of educational activity. Therefore, one of the main tasks of state and military administration should be considered the creation of a legislative basis for determining the socio-legal status of patriotic education as one of the most important areas of socially significant activities of the state in the formation of patriotism. This area includes:

  • determination of the role, place, social and legal status, tasks, functions of each body, organization, department as constituent elements of a unified system for the formation of patriotism, taking into account their specificity, as well as changes that have occurred in the country over the past years and are currently taking place;
  • creation of a legal and regulatory framework for patriotic education;
  • development of a regulatory and legal mechanism for the interaction of subjects of the formation of patriotism in the general system of this activity, etc.

State-patriotic education in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is organized and carried out within the framework of a unified system of military education of servicemen. The legal basis and normative sources of patriotic education at the present stage are:

Constitution of the Russian Federation. Article 59:

Federal laws of the Russian Federation:

  • "On conscription and military service" dated July 19, 2001 No. 102-FZ:

Article 11. Compulsory preparation of a citizen for military service

1. Mandatory preparation of a citizen for military service provides for:

  • acquiring basic knowledge in the field of defense;
  • training in the basics of military service in a state, municipal or non-state educational institution of secondary (complete) general education, an educational institution of primary vocational and secondary vocational education and at training centers;
  • military-patriotic education;
  • training in military specialties of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen on the direction of the military commissariat;
  • medical examination and medical examination;
  • carrying out medical and recreational activities.

2. Compulsory preparation of citizens for military service is carried out in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 14. Military-patriotic education of citizens:

1. The government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities and local self-government bodies, together with the Ministry of Defense, are obliged to systematically carry out work on the military-patriotic education of citizens.

2. Citizens who have undergone training in military-patriotic associations are granted the priority right to enroll in military schools of their choice. The training received by citizens in military-patriotic associations is taken into account by the draft commissions when determining the type and type of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

  • "On Veterans" January 12, 1995 № 5-FZ.
  • "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation", "On the State Anthem of the Russian Federation", "On the State Flag of the Russian Federation" dated December 25, 2000
  • "On the days of Russia's military glory" dated March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ.
  • "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and the Museums of the Russian Federation" dated May 26, 1996, No. 54-FZ.
  • "On Defense" dated 07.24.92, No. 3521-1.
  • "On the perpetuation of the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland" dated January 14, 1993 No. 4292-1.
  • "On perpetuating the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." April 19, 1995

Federal regulations:

  • State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010" dated July 11, 2005 No. 422. The main goal of the Program is to improve the system of patriotic education, which ensures the development of Russia as a free, democratic state, the formation of citizens' patriotic consciousness, loyalty to the Fatherland, and readiness to fulfill constitutional obligations.
  • The concept of military-patriotic education of youth. 2003 r.
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Day of Remembrance and Mourning" dated June 8, 1996 No. 857.
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for holding days of military glory (victory days) of Russia in the armed forces of the Russian Federation and other troops" dated December 4, 1995 No. 1183.
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On measures to implement the law of the Russian Federation" On perpetuating the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland "dated August 12, 1994 No. 910.

Orders of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation:

  • No. 88 of February 28, 1996 "On the enrollment of servicemen in the lists of military units (ships), military educational institutions forever and as honorary soldiers (sailors), cadets (listeners)."
  • No. 283 of July 31, 1996 "On measures for the implementation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Federal Law" On the days of military glory (victory days) in Russia. "
  • No. 70 of March 11, 2004 "On the educational work bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." Appendix No. 3 "Concept of education of servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

State-patriotic education- Influencing military personnel in order to form and develop a personality with the qualities of a citizen-patriot of Russia, prepared for the successful fulfillment of tasks related to ensuring the defense and security of the individual, society and the state.

The main directions of state-patriotic education of military personnel are:

  • the formation of an active civil position of the personality of a serviceman, which allows him to effectively solve state problems in peace and wartime;
  • building up the morale of the Armed Forces on the basis of the heroic traditions of the peoples of Russia and the Armed Forces;
  • creative use of the educational potential of religious confessions;
  • improving the international education of servicemen in the spirit of friendship between the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Defense Minister's directives Russian Federation

  • № D-33 of November 13, 1992 "On measures to strengthen the interaction of the RF Armed Forces with organizations of veterans of the army and navy."
  • No. D-5 of January 25, 2003 "On streamlining the celebration of anniversaries and other memorable dates in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

As can be seen from the above legislative acts, they contain a number of guidelines and instructions for the effective conduct of military-patriotic work with young people and the patriotic education of servicemen.


The Russian Armed Forces have traditionally been strong in spirit, high moral and fighting qualities of personnel, and possessed high feelings of patriotism, duty and honor. The upbringing of these spiritual values ​​has been and remains the most important task in the activities of commanders, educators, and the army community.

The concept of "patriotic education" is associated with understanding the essence of "patriotism", with the formation of the personality of a person - a patriot who loves his Fatherland, loyal to his people, always acting in the name of his Motherland, willing and able to defend it, ready for sacrifices and certain hardships for its prosperity ...

2.1. The essence and content of the patrioticeducation in modern conditions

Patriotism is the high feelings of love for the Fatherland, inherent in most people living in their native land, a deep awareness of their civil, professional, military duty and responsibility for everything that happens in their Fatherland and for its future. Patriotism is a set (fusion, synthesis) of ideas, beliefs, feelings and actions aimed at constant development, prosperity of their homeland, ensuring the spiritual, moral, economic, military, environmental and other security of the individual, society, state; on purposeful vigorous activity for the reasonable satisfaction of the spiritual and material needs of every citizen living and acting in his homeland. Patriotism is a movement calling forward, a factor of a spiritual plan that contributes to the preservation of everything positive that humanity, a specific people, the society in which a real person lives and acts, a form of existence of a citizen of his Fatherland.

The main qualitative characteristics of patriotism are:

  • a constant feeling of connection with the Motherland, with the life and work of people living in their native land;
  • boundless love for one's Fatherland, expressed in concrete deeds, actions, deeds;
  • a developed sense of pride for their Fatherland, for their people, for the symbols of the state;
  • the moral responsibility of each person for the fate of the Motherland, his people, for their current state and for their future;
  • a developed sense of civic, professional and military duty for the fulfillment of their constitutional duties, for the results of their labor;
  • desire, desire and ability to defend the Motherland, defend its interests, ensure security in all spheres of the life of their Fatherland;
  • purposeful activity of all public and private structures, each citizen, activities aimed at the prosperity of their people, their homeland, at increasing its international prestige;
  • adherence to values, positive traditions, ideals of their state, their people, their profession;
  • internal readiness and concrete activities to preserve and increase the Glory of their Fatherland, manifestation of the Honor and Conscience of a citizen;
  • a sense of the greatness and possible well-being of their homeland;
  • purposeful and active activities to preserve Russian culture and cultural and national values ​​of all peoples inhabiting Russia in the field of literature, music, theater and other types of arts;
  • a worthy manifestation of their capabilities and abilities as a citizen of Russia in the field of physical culture and sports, in achieving world results at the Olympic Games, at the world and continental championships.

The pathos of real patriotism, a real manifestation of patriotic feelings is the attitude - "I must ...!" True patriotism is not slogans, not beautiful invocatory speeches, words, but the real reality of a person, his actions and deeds, manifested in stable relations to his past, present and future, to the fate and affairs of his Motherland, the Russian Fatherland, to his constitutional rights and responsibilities, to your profession, to the people around you, to yourself.

In essence, the concept of "patriotism" has a biosocial and psychological nature. Biological is associated with the instinctive attachment of most people to the place of birth, residence and activity, where past generations were born and raised, to customs, traditions, with attachment to the natural conditions of life of a particular people. The social is associated with the environment, with its influence and impact on a person, with the socialization of the individual, with interaction at different levels of life, in various social institutions. The psychological component of the manifestation of patriotism is presented at the individual-personal and socio-psychological levels.

Patriotism as a complex, integral property is associated with the psychology of consciousness and subconsciousness, with thinking, feelings, will, character, orientation, and abilities of a particular person.

The socio-psychological aspect is manifested, consolidated and preserved in the psychology of groups, collectives and society through public opinions, moral and psychological climate, collective (group) moods, traditions, a system of relationships, authorities, etc.

History and practice have proved that a person is not born a patriot. He becomes such under the influence and influence of the environment, living conditions, the nature of activity and upbringing. Awareness of oneself as a patriot goes through a difficult path of interconnection of public and individual consciousness through the formation and development of patriotic beliefs, feelings, intellectual, volitional skills, abilities, actions, highly moral habits of behavior. All this goes through a system of interactions of mediated influences, direct targeted influences. On the basis of understanding the essence of patriotism, patriotic education is carried out, based on the principle of historicism, the experience and practice of the life of peoples, states, modern ideas and educational technologies of our time.

At the present level of development of theory and practice, the essential side of the patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation can be considered in several aspects and directions.

First, patriotic education is a complex socio-pedagogical phenomenon associated with the transfer of life experience from generation to generation, with the purposeful preparation of a person for work for the good of the Fatherland, with its socialization, with the formation and development of a spiritual and moral personality capable of loving their Motherland. , constantly feel a connection with her, protect her interests, preserve and enhance the best traditions of her people, value cultural values, constantly strive to ensure security personality , societies and states ... In this case, we are talking about patriotic education in the broadest sense of the word.

Secondly, patriotic education should be considered as one of the factors in the formation and development of a patriotic person, a citizen of his homeland, a person with high patriotic convictions, feelings and active actions in the name of the revival and prosperity of Russia, and the protection of its interests. It is known that a person, the whole society is influenced by many different factors: the macroenvironment with its dominant ideology, politics, economy, law, morality, various social institutions, the microenvironment (family, school, work collective, etc.), the natural environment, in which a person lives, the nature of work and professional activity and the process of purposeful educational influence on the individual and the collective (group) of people. All of these factors work closely together. At the same time, each factor has relative independence and has a different impact on the formation and development of patriotic beliefs, feelings, actions of a particular person and the people as a whole.

Thirdly, patriotic education is considered as a complex (totality, synthesis, alloy) of general and particular goals, objectives, attitudes, determined by universal, state-national, professional and personal values. The very concept of "patriotism" acts as the most important value that everyone should comprehend, understand and accept for leadership in life, in professional activity. The main values ​​on which patriotic education is based are presented in the qualitative characteristics of patriotism and in considering its essence.

Fourthly, patriotic education is viewed as a complex controlled system that includes a variety of interconnected elements, parallel and vertical, internal stable ties and relations of an objective and subjective nature, as well as a subsystem of a substantive, organizational and methodological plan. Within the system of patriotic education, regularities of various levels and order are manifested and functioning, the consideration of which makes it possible to effectively and efficiently manage this system.

Fifth, patriotic education should be understood as a specific process of purposeful interaction of its objects and subjects, influence and influence on the psychology of an individual, a collective (a group of people), and society as a whole.

Patriotic education is a special type of multifaceted, coordinated, purposeful activity of state bodies, departments, political parties, public associations and organizations, the media, leaders and chiefs, all categories of educators for the formation and development of high patriotic consciousness, a sublime feeling of love among Russian citizens. to their Fatherland, loyalty to its best traditions, ideals, readiness and need to adequately fulfill their civic and military duty, constitutional duties, encouraging them to spiritual, moral and professional self-improvement

Patriotic education as a specific process and a special type of human activity, as a complex socio-pedagogical phenomenon is multifunctional. The main functions of the process of patriotic education are:

  1. Formative and developmental function associated with the formation of personality, qualities that characterize the essence of a citizen-patriot, their constant development.
  2. Self-improvement incentive function by self-education.
  3. Preventive function, the implementation of which allows predicting and preventing manifestations of antipatriotic beliefs, feelings, actions and deeds.
  4. Reeducation function implemented in the process of patriotic education when working with people with deviant behavior, with socially and pedagogically neglected, with prevailing negative stereotypes, who do not believe or do not accept the very idea of ​​patriotism.
  5. Mobilization function, which, as a rule, manifests itself and is realized when it is necessary for a person to mobilize his inner strength to overcome difficulties, to fulfill his civic and military duty.

The process of patriotic education, like other types of activity, is organized and functions on the basis of initial provisions, ideas, reflecting natural connections and relationships between subjects and objects included in this process. Based on this, it is possible to determine basic principles of patriotic education ... The main ones are:

  • Purposefulness all types and forms of educational relationships, influences and influences aimed at the formation and development of spiritual and moral qualities, feelings of love for the Fatherland, Duty, Honor, moral responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, ensuring personal, public and state security.
  • Clearly expressed civil-patriotic and professional orientation all ongoing service and educational activities, developed and adopted legislative acts, decrees, directives, orders, instructions, program documents.
  • Humanism and Democracy in solving the problems of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, taking into account the fact that coercion does not bring up high feelings of patriotism, love for one's Fatherland, selfless service to the Motherland, internal readiness to protect its interests. Patriotism presupposes a humane attitude towards the personality of a citizen, towards the peoples living on the territory of Russia, and democracy requires the active participation of the whole society in the preparation of a person-patriot.
  • Patriotic education of subjects and objects of the educational process in various activities(service, public, commercial, professional, educational, cognitive, sports and all other types of human labor) through the content, organization, methods and forms, stimulation, etc.
  • A complex approach to the process of patriotic education, taking into account the functioning of all its elements: goals and objectives, a variety of relationships, various ways, methods, methods of influencing and influencing the consciousness, subconsciousness, feelings, will, needs, personality motives, the psychology of the collective, individual groups of citizens.
  • Individual and differentiated approach to a specific person, various social and professional groups, different strata of society, taking into account national, professional, social, age, gender and other characteristics.
  • Education in a team and through a team by creating in it an atmosphere of high patriotic feelings, responsibility, mutual understanding, friendship, a high culture of relationships, unity in understanding the essence, goals and objectives of patriotic education.
  • Security in the process of patriotic education the unity of scientific theory and real practice in realizing his goals and solving educational problems, unity of word and deed in the behavior, actions of the subject and object of educational activity.
  • Achieving the unity of patriotic education, self-education and re-education subjects and objects of the educational process, taking into account the characteristics of their social conditions of life, the nature of social and professional activities, age, etc.
  • Ensuring continuity from generation to generation of positive experience in solving the problems of patriotic education of various strata, peoples, professions of Russian society, the accumulation and purposeful use of positive historical experience in the education of patriotism in the previous generations of our Fatherland.
  • Targeted stimulation educational activities for the effective and high-quality solution of the goals and objectives of patriotic education.

The listed principles of the process of patriotic education are interconnected and reflect natural connections, relationships, stable tendencies that are manifested in this process.

In essence, the process of patriotic education is naturally developing and changing. In it, as in any other complex phenomenon, laws and patterns of various levels and orders function and manifest themselves.

First, in the process of patriotic education, the most general laws of development and change in nature, society and thinking (the laws of the unity and struggle of opposites, the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, the denial of negation) are specifically manifested.

Secondly, it reveals the regularities of the social plan that determine the determinism of the process of patriotic education by the socio-economic conditions of society, the dominant ideology, politics, law, morality, factors of life, the position in society of a particular state institution, the state and level of science. , education, etc.

Thirdly, in the process of patriotic education, the patterns of the individual psychological plan, the formation and development of the personality (the holistic formation of the personality of the citizen-patriot, the unity of activity and personality, the unity of education, self-education and personality re-education, etc.)

Fourthly, the laws of a socio-psychological nature, manifested and functioning in specific phenomena of social, collective and group life of Russian citizens. As stable tendencies, they manifest themselves in public (collective, group) opinion, the mood of people, in the system of relations and relationships, established traditions, established authorities, etc.

Fifthly, in the process of patriotic education, specific pedagogical laws appear and operate, knowledge and consideration of which also makes it possible to more effectively manage this process. These include:

a) Compliance of the goals and objectives of patriotic education with the requirements and capabilities of society, professional activity, ideals of a spiritual and moral person.

b) Correspondence of means, methods, forms of patriotic education to its goals, objectives, content as a whole.

c) Compliance of educational influence (influence) with individual, collective, national, professional characteristics of people involved in the process of patriotic education.

d) Correspondence of educational influences (influences) to the personal example of the one who is engaged in patriotic education (leader, boss, teacher, parent, etc.), to the level of his spiritual, moral, cultural, professional and ethical development.

e) Compliance of the final results of patriotic education with the set goals and objectives, the effectiveness of the organization methodology and the methodology of educational influence and influence.

Considering the specific pedagogical laws of the process of patriotic education, it should be borne in mind that they are manifested in the sphere of human relations, where factors of an objective and subjective, natural and random nature always operate. Taking them into account in practice presupposes a high level of general, professional, legal, psychological and pedagogical culture, and professional pedagogical skills. This type of regularity, as practice shows, presupposes the obligatory purposeful, active, conscious activity of all people involved in the process of patriotic education, persistence, creativity in defining and solving educational problems.

1. Human values, connected, first of all, with the spiritual and moral sphere of life of the peoples inhabiting Russia, represented in such concepts as "love for the Motherland", "love for one's people", "freedom of speech", "personal, public and state security" , "Moral responsibility", "humane attitude towards a person", "social justice", "material security of human life" and many others, acting as prerequisites for the effective solution of the tasks of patriotic education.

2. National-state values... They reflect the positive trends in the formation and development of the Russian state, the peoples included in it, those historical traditions that have developed over the centuries and have a positive effect on the revival and prosperity of the Fatherland. They reflect the wealth and originality of many valuable ideas, the activities of individual personalities of selfless and high service to the interests of society, the state, peoples, the positive experience of preserving and increasing the spiritual, cultural and material wealth of Russia and its peoples. At the same time, it is important to take into account the dialectical relationship of accounting and protection of national Russian and national interests, the preservation of values, national traditions that contribute to the unification of Russia, ensuring the security of every citizen, every people, the Russian state as a whole.

3. The content of patriotic education includes many professional values... Professionalism as a value in the field of manifestation of real patriotism has its own educational aspect of influence on consciousness, subconsciousness, feelings, will. High professionalism has always been an indicator of a high level of cultural development in a particular area of ​​human activity. It is traditionally considered the pride of this or that nation, state, society.

Professional values, like others, accumulate and manifest themselves in any sphere of professional work in the form of a conscientious attitude towards him, love for his profession, manifestation of creativity in the performance of professional tasks, in symbolism and professional rituals, the form of clothing, the culture of relationships in the process of his work, in relationships to state material and spiritual values, etc.

4. Personal values- the qualitative characteristics of a person, according to which the level of development of patriotism is determined. Therefore, in the process of patriotic education, it is important to take them into account and purposefully use them. The patriotism of a citizen of Russia is assessed by their real manifestation, by specific actions and deeds, views, convictions, attitudes, emotional manifestations of the personality. In this case, we are talking, first of all, about such personal values ​​as a person's awareness of his place in life, his patriotic duty of serving his Fatherland, fulfilling his civil, constitutional, professional duties, love for his homeland, for his people, readiness to speak to protect the interests of Russia, to ensure the safety of the individual, society and the state, to show high responsibility for the results of their labor, to be the bearer of the cultural values ​​of their people and many others.

On the basis of the totality of the patriotic values ​​of all these groups, the goals and objectives of patriotic education are determined.

2.2. Goals and objectives of patriotic education

Considering the fact that a change in the socio-political system has taken place in our state, new requirements are being made for the individual, giving rise to a new type of personality, many other life attitudes are being formed, a different way of life, behavior and activity is being approved, the upbringing system can and should correct all the differences in inconsistencies between the requirements of society, the state and personality traits, to be based on stable values ​​that are the life foundation of any citizen, the basis for the unification of the peoples of Russia. Such a foundation, as already mentioned earlier, is patriotism , which is formed and approved by the means of purposeful patriotic education.

The general aim of patriotic education consists in forming and developing among the majority of Russian citizens a patriotic self-awareness, boundless love for their Motherland, for their people, conscientious fulfillment of their civil, professional and military Duty, observance of their constitutional rights and obligations; to ensure an increase in the level of significance of Russian patriotism among all strata of society, to achieve a turn in the public, national and individual consciousness towards understanding and understanding the dependence of the present and future of the country, the people, the individual on the extent to which people are guided in their practical activities by patriotic principles and to what extent they strive to preserve and increase the spiritual, cultural, material wealth of their people, their Fatherland.

In accordance with the common goal in the process of patriotic education of Russian citizens, many different tasks are being solved. Among tasks of patriotic education should include the following:

  • pursuing a targeted state policy, carrying out the activities of all state, public, non-state structures and institutions to form a national idea of ​​the patriotism of a citizen of Russia as a universal, national-state and professional value, to create conditions for economic, social, spiritual, moral, cultural and physical development all strata of the population and, first of all, young people;
  • the creation and functioning of an effective system of patriotic education in society, which includes the educational opportunities of the family, secondary schools, religious denominations and spiritual institutions, law enforcement agencies, political parties, youth organizations, sports and creative organizations, and the media. The new system of patriotic education should solve the socio-pedagogical task of forming and developing a modern type of personality who is able to achieve the set goal, assert himself, defend his interests and achieve them, while taking into account the interests of his social group, the whole society, the interests of his Society and State; to achieve deep awareness and realization in everyday life of the essence of Russian patriotism, its historical roots and their connection with modern life, fostering love for their Motherland, selfless service to their Fatherland;
  • the formation of national self-awareness, citizenship and patriotism, fostering respect for the law, the norms of public, collective, group life, social, professional and personal responsibility for everything that happens in society, the state, the collective, manifested in concern for the well-being of their country, its strengthening and ensuring security ;
  • educating the individual and the people of the need to master the values ​​of national culture, the formation and development of aesthetic tastes, the desire to create and enhance the values ​​of spiritual culture, ensure its safety from mass culture, active participation in the cultural life of Russian society;
  • fostering the need for work as the first and most important vital necessity and the main way and means of achieving success in life, clear purposefulness, enterprise, competitiveness in all spheres of life, pride in the results of work for the benefit of the individual and the people and the state;
  • creation of normal conditions for the manifestation of patriotism, the fulfillment of constitutional rights and obligations, their civil, professional and military duties of various social groups, peoples and a particular individual, taking into account state, professional and personal interests;
  • education of the need for ecological, physical culture and sports, a healthy lifestyle, the desire to create a normal family, procreation, to actively combat drug addiction, drunkenness, smoking and other phenomena that undermine human health and humiliate his dignity as a citizen-patriot of his Fatherland;
  • the formation and development of Russian citizens performing their state and military duties, moral and psychological readiness to ensure personal, public and state security, defense of the Fatherland, loyalty to their professional duty, personal example in the manifestation of patriotism of leaders, chiefs, educators of all levels and ranks;
  • the establishment in society, in the consciousness and feelings of people of socially significant patriotic values, views, convictions, respect for the positive traditions of the past of Russia, increasing the prestige of the state, especially military service, professions associated with the armed protection of the interests of the state and society;
  • forming among the citizens of Russia a careful attitude towards natural resources, towards the use of its subsoil and water resources, fostering a sense of the master of their country, the rational use of minerals in the interests of their Fatherland, for the good of the people, to increase the material standard of living of people, their spiritual and moral development, ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state;
  • maximum, purposeful, comprehensive and effective use in the interests of patriotic education of all forms, methods and means of educational influence on the consciousness of feelings, will, needs, motives of a person, and, first of all, the media (press, radio, television, various information systems );
  • purposeful formation and improvement of the culture of the Russian language as a national language and the language of every nation inhabiting Russia, the upbringing of speech culture among all citizens of the Russian state, taking into account the fact that language, mastery of speech culture has always been an important indicator of the manifestation of patriotism of the people, state, society.

The listed groups of general tasks of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, in turn, are implemented through many more specific tasks, taking into account the characteristics of the subjects and objects of education, the conditions in which it is carried out, the levels of their solution (at the state, federal, national, public, departmental, non-state, professional, collective, group, personal), as well as the peculiarities of their solution at the economic, social, legal, political, moral levels.

The system of patriotic education, like the process of educating patriotism itself, includes specific tasks in the field of organization, content, methods of its implementation, material and technical equipment, management, information, legal, scientific and theoretical, psychological and pedagogical, financial and economic and other provision.

Thus, goals and objectives of patriotic education are subordinated to the main thing - ensuring for the next period of life of new generations of the peoples of Russia an increase in the level of significance of Russian patriotism among all strata of the population and the achievement of a significant turn in public, individual and national consciousness towards the realization and understanding of the dependence of the fate of the Russian state, society, people, its citizens on to what extent they are guided by patriotic principles in their practical deeds, actions, selflessly serve the cause of the revival and prosperity of the Fatherland.

The entire modern system of educating the citizens of Russia, the soldiers of its Armed Forces, who directly ensure the security of the Fatherland, the Russian state, society, and each individual, is aimed at achieving these goals.


At present, objective conditions are developing in such a way that a real threat of their loss hangs over many spiritual values ​​that form the basis of the life of society, the army and the navy. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, the level of intellectual and cultural development of Russians continues to decline, and on the other, the range of unwanted and dangerous influences on their spiritual world has expanded. As you know, at all times the weakening of attention to the preservation of spiritual values, the loss of interest in spiritual problems have always led to the degradation of the nation.

The modern transitional period in the development of Russian society requires further deep and critical understanding of the main directions of improving domestic spirituality, the stages of its development, the recreation of an effectively functioning spiritual and moral social atmosphere, where there is no place for ignorance, violence and money-grubbing. We must not forget that true democracy is based on spirituality, consciousness, understanding of the ongoing processes.

The historical experience of our country testifies that at all times one of the most important tasks of state authorities was to foster a sense of patriotism, devotion to the Fatherland and selfless fulfillment of duty.

The formation and development of patriotism and loyalty to military duty in servicemen is the main task of educational work. Patriotism is the spiritual and moral foundation of the personality, which characterizes the highest level of its development and manifests itself in active-active self-realization for the good of the Fatherland. That is why the patriotic education of servicemen is one of the ways to solve the problem of the spiritual and moral security of Russia.

3.1. Ways of forming patriotism in servicemen, devotion to the Fatherland and loyalty to military duty

At the personal level, patriotism acts as the most important, stable characteristic of a person, expressed in his worldview, moral ideals, and norms of behavior.

In a broader sense, patriotism is an essential part of public consciousness, manifested in collective moods, feelings, assessments in relation to their state, people, history, and the world around them.

Patriotism is a key condition for the viability of the state, the effective functioning of its institutions, a consolidating force that contributes to the spiritual unity of the people.

Feelings of patriotism are not innate. It arises during upbringing in the family, school, at work, in the army, in society, which determines its character and depth.

The patriotic education of servicemen is a systematic and purposeful activity of military command and control bodies, officials aimed at instilling in servicemen a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill their military duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland.

The feeling of patriotism is formed, first of all, under the influence of the objective conditions of the socio-economic and spiritual life of society. And since the essence of society is changing, the character, the nature of patriotism is also in constant development. Consequently, just as there are no abstract fatherlands, so abstract patriotism is impossible. Love can be nourished for a specific Motherland, for a specific Fatherland. And this should always be remembered by army educators (see Figure 1).

The use of planned classes, especially in public-state training

Study of Russian military history

Conducting military rituals

Clarification of the requirements of the charters and orders of the Minister of Defense
Russian Federation


Promoting martial traditions

Enhancing the educational role
Armed Forces

Strengthening the state's attention to strengthening the Armed Forces

Carrying out
cultural and leisure activities

Figure 1 - Ways of forming patriotism, devotion to the Fatherland and loyalty to military duty

On the formation of patriotic feelings among Russian soldiers service in the Armed Forces, the internal military order and combat training that are organized by the commanders in each unit, have a great influence. A significant role in the formation of patriotism among personnel is played by the purposeful educational work of officers and warrant officers.

In modern conditions, the importance of the skillful organization of patriotic education of servicemen is growing. This is due to the complexity of the tasks to be solved in the course of giving the Armed Forces a new look, the unresolved material, technical and social problems in some military units, the need to improve the efficiency of all parts of the military organism, more responsible fulfillment of military duty by each serviceman, and other factors.

The basis of the work on the education of patriotic soldiers is the formation of their patriotic consciousness, the explanation of the provisions of the military oath, military regulations, as well as the requirements of the orders of the Minister of Defense on issues of combat training, performance of official duties. It is important that every soldier deeply understands that excellent combat training and conscientious discipline are the real expression of his patriotic aspirations.

For this purpose planned classes are widely used in the system of combat training, especially in public and state training, cultural and leisure activities and other forms of mass work.

There are ample opportunities for instilling patriotism among military personnel. classes, lectures and talks, thematic evenings and quizzes on Russian military history. All this allows officers, warrant officers, all personnel to become widely acquainted with the military-historical events of our Fatherland, to deeply and thoroughly study the combat traditions of the Russian Armed Forces. Vivid examples of the heroism of our ancestors do not leave indifferent warriors, make them need to imitate feats in combat conditions, to perform courageous deeds. In some parts, such classes are held in rooms and museums of military glory, in local local history museums.

Warriors have a tremendous emotional and educational impact military rituals: solemn acceptance of the military oath, removal of the battle banner, admission to the military formation of a young replenishment and seeing off the soldiers to the reserve. The handing over of military weapons and the transfer of military equipment to newcomers leave a noticeable mark in the souls of soldiers, form in them a sense of pride in belonging to the Armed Forces of Russia, to glorified units.

Of great importance in the patriotic education of soldiers is studying the best works of literature and art of the peoples of Russia, participating in amateur performances, visiting historical and memorable places.

To the main ways of forming patriotism and loyalty to military duty the personnel in modern conditions include:

  • education by history;
  • education on military traditions and rituals;
  • education on the values ​​of morality and ethics.

Raising history is the preservation and enhancement of the heroic past and present of our people and their Armed Forces. Centuries-old experience shows that the deeper you know history with its heroic past, the more accurately you will comprehend the present and realize your place in it.

This group includes the forms of educational work used in the course of combat training.

Education on military traditionsand rituals. Well organized in some parts propaganda of martial traditions, in particular, lessons of courage are regularly held. They are dedicated to the heroic deeds of fellow soldiers, significant events of the unit, type of troops. In places of combat battles, many soldiers participate in Memory Watch, in conducting search activities, in the improvement of places of military graves and obelisks.

Military traditions are part of the national state. They are understood as stable, historically established, passed from generation to generation, specific forms of social relations in the army and navy in the form of order, rules and norms of behavior of servicemen, their spiritual values, moral attitudes and customs associated with the implementation of combat training tasks, organization military service and military life.

The military traditions of the Russian army include: courage and mass heroism; loyalty to the Oath; selflessness and self-sacrifice in battle for the sake of achieving common victory; mutual aid and fighting brotherhood; respect for the commander and his protection in battle; humane attitude towards the defeated enemy, prisoners, etc.

Education on the values ​​of morality and ethics. This group of forms of patriotic education and the formation of a culture of interethnic communication among soldiers includes forms associated with the participation of military personnel in the creation of museums and rooms of military glory, the care and preservation of memorial monuments, monuments at the sites of significant events and battles, putting in order of military graves, etc.

The upbringing of patriotism of servicemen on the values ​​of morality and ethics provides for the following provisions:

  • no one has the right to restrict servicemen in the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • a humanistic attitude towards a person of any nationality, respect for his national characteristics, traditions, cultural values;
  • tolerant, tactful attitude to interethnic differences, differences in interests, views, judgments;
  • categorical rejection of national injustice, discrimination, oppression.

Thus, the active work carried out in the Russian Armed Forces on the patriotic education of servicemen is being carried out in various directions using various forms. Its success depends on many factors and, above all, on the activity and initiative of the management team.

As you know, patriots are not born, they become in the process of family and school education, in the course of social and professional activities, as well as army service.

Among the numerous tasks solved by the officer corps in the course of fulfilling official duties, one of the most important is the education of subordinates. The Concept for the Education of Servicemen, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of 2004 No. 70, emphasizes that "Education of servicemen is a priority in the service activities of officials of the Armed Forces of all levels"... This provision, of course, also applies to instilling patriotism in servicemen, love for the Motherland, devotion to their Fatherland, readiness to defend it, up to self-sacrifice.

The troops have accumulated significant experience in the formation of patriotic consciousness, the education of a warrior-patriot. This activity is carried out in classes on public and state training, in the process of informing personnel, during cultural and leisure activities, as well as in the course of daily training of troops. The personal example of commanders and chiefs in the performance of their military duty is also of great educational importance. Outstanding military teacher General M.I. Dragomirov repeatedly stressed: “They work for the officer who works himself! And they go to death with someone who himself does not shy away from her. "

Based on the results of the study, it seems possible to determine the algorithm of the activities of the officials of the unit using various forms and methods of work on patriotic education of military personnel... Among them are the following:

1. Explaining to the personnel the essence of the military policy of the Russian state, the main directions of modernization of its Armed Forces, measures to increase the social security of servicemen. In recent years, the attention of government agencies and the entire Russian society to the Armed Forces has increased. They are better financed, and their modernization is being carried out more efficiently. “A modern, well-trained and equipped army with the latest types of weapons is the key to our defense capability. This is a guarantee of protection against any potential threat or attempts of forceful pressure on our country and, of course, a fundamental condition for the confident development of Russia, the growth of the national economy and the growth of the well-being of citizens ”- noted the President of Russia, Supreme Commander-in-Chief DA Medvedev in his speech at an expanded meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Defense.

2. Using the educational potential of national military history, showing the heroic past of the country and its Armed Forces, promoting combat traditions . This feature was noticed back in the 19th century by the prominent military leader and historian N.N. Sukhotin. He wrote: “Knowledge of your Motherland, knowledge of its past, knowledge of the military and military past of your army is ... the basis for the formation of a popular worldview, such a warehouse of concepts and views that will consciously and instinctively always indicate or suggest the correct and correct paths in different cases activities - the basis for the development and strengthening of the innate feeling of love for the Motherland - the basis for instilling in each of us faith in the strength of our people, our army. "

And one cannot but agree with this position, since a truthful and vivid reproduction of the pages of the heroic past, demonstration of examples of selfless service to the Fatherland, adherence to the traditions of the people and the army, based, as a rule, on the struggle for independence, contribute to the strengthening of the spiritual forces of soldiers, instilling in them feelings patriotism, self-confidence, devotion to the Motherland, readiness to show courage and heroism, to fulfill their military duty to the end.

To disseminate military-historical knowledge among military personnel, all forms of information and educational work are used, especially classes in social and state training. Its curricula include topics that allow sergeants and soldiers to get familiar with the military-historical events of our Fatherland, deeply and thoroughly study the combat traditions of the Russian Armed Forces. In the classroom, the warriors reveal the combat actions of the legendary defenders of the Russian land, their exploits. Vivid examples of heroism cannot but sink into the souls of soldiers, settle in memory and not cause a desire to perform courageous deeds. Studying the history of the Fatherland has been and remains the most important area of ​​patriotic education.

3. In many military units and divisions it has become a good tradition solemnly celebrate the Days of Military Glory of Russia ... These are the days of glorious victories that played a decisive role in the history of Russia, in which the Russian troops, having shown valor, won the honor and respect of their contemporaries, and the blessed memory of their descendants. On the eve and on these significant days, military-historical conferences, conversations, contests, quizzes, screenings of films on military-patriotic topics, meetings with participants in wars and military conflicts, etc. are organized in units and subunits. (Appendix A).

3. Particular importance in the patriotic education of military personnel has a study of the history of its connection, part ... Unit commanders must ensure that each soldier, having come to a unit, knows not only its number, but also its entire combat history, its heroes and military awards. This contributes to the fact that a person begins to be proud of his military unit and defends its honor everywhere. The solution to this problem is facilitated by the fact that books have been written about many formations and units, brochures have been published, in each unit there is a museum or room of military glory, galleries of Heroes, and in the leisure rooms there are diagrams of the combat path and stands telling about the history of the unit and its heroes.

A lot of interesting and instructive in terms of patriotic education is carried out in glorified formations and units that have honorary titles, awarded orders and other signs of military valor. A high sense of pride in belonging to such a unit has always been and remains the source of the formation of patriotic consciousness among soldiers.

In these units, patriotic education, as a rule, is helped by a museum, rooms of military glory, meetings with unit veterans, visual agitation and other forms. The education of personnel based on military traditions, examples of courage and heroism of soldiers is a powerful and effective tool (Appendix B).

The commander of a squad, crew, crew, combat post has the ability to widely use these materials in the education of subordinates. The soldiers are greatly impressed by the stories about the exploits of the Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Heroes of Russia, holders of the Order of Glory, soldiers forever enrolled in the lists of the unit.

4. An important area of ​​the patriotic education of soldiers is clarification of the meaning and content of the national-state symbols of the Russian Federation - coat of arms, flag and anthem, as well as public holidays. For this purpose, excursions to historical museums are organized, themed evenings, conversations, contests, quizzes, film lectures, etc. are organized. Well-organized and well-conducted events evoke bright patriotic feelings in the soldiers, contribute to the influx of creative forces, and call for new achievements.

5. A significant influence on the formation of patriotic consciousness among personnel is exerted by military rituals and ceremonies accompanying a soldier throughout his service in the army and containing deep meaning. Military rituals are diverse and cover all areas of military activity. All of them are emotionally colored and contain great educational potential. The most popular of them are: taking the military oath, presenting banners and standards, solemn honoring heroes and persons awarded with government awards, presenting weapons and military equipment to soldiers in a solemn atmosphere, announcing incentives, solemnly honoring heroes and veterans, taking up combat duty, conducting combatants , divorce and changing of the guard, holding solemn meetings and rallies, etc. All this will be remembered for a long time by every soldier and arouses pride in the military unit, the Russian Armed Forces.

Well-organized and well-conducted military rituals evoke high patriotic feelings and thoughts in soldiers, call for new deeds and actions, and inspire them to successfully solve the tasks they face. The commanders of the subdivisions should remember that there can be no trifles in the preparation and conduct of military rituals. The slightest violation of coherence, harmony, rhythm during their implementation causes negative emotions both in the participants of the ritual and in the observers.

6. A clear and constant interaction of military units with state and local authorities, public organizations and military-patriotic associations. Every year, a significant part of servicemen in a number of military districts takes part in search work within the framework of the All-Russian Memory Watch, helps local authorities in holding events dedicated to the Days of Military Glory, the Day of the Conscript, etc.

Not a small role in organizing the patriotic education of soldiers belongs to junior commanders. They are constantly with their subordinates - in the classroom and in the location, at work and during leisure hours. Warm, friendly conversations with colleagues in an informal setting are sometimes no less valuable in educational terms than planned classes.

It should be emphasized that the officers' houses, officers' and soldiers' clubs, as well as newspapers and magazines of the Ministry of Defense provide significant assistance to the officials of the unit in organizing and conducting patriotic education of servicemen.

Thus, in the arsenal of unit commanders there are many means, forms and methods of work to educate their subordinates in the spirit of patriotism, loyalty to military duty and personal responsibility for protecting the Motherland. Their active and effective use is the duty of every officer.


Patriotism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Being one of the most significant values ​​of society, it integrates social, political, spiritual, moral, cultural, historical and many other components in its content. Manifesting primarily as an emotionally elevated attitude towards the Fatherland, as one of the highest feelings of a person, patriotism acts as a component of the spiritual wealth of an individual, characterizes a high level of his socialization.

Love for the Motherland, being the moral basis of military service, contributes to the formation of a sense of responsibility in servicemen, acts as the ideological core that permeates the entire life and activities of military collectives.

The patriotism of servicemen has a significant impact on the nature of military service, on the fulfillment by each of the servicemen of his constitutional duty. This impact is carried out as follows:

1... Love for the Motherland allows its defenders to better understand the need for their military labor as labor for the good of the Fatherland. The policy of aggression and militarism is alien to Russia, but it must be ready to rebuff any aggressor. Patriotic consciousness is the motive that increases the sense of duty among the defenders of the Fatherland, strengthens their spiritual strength, and causes a more responsible attitude towards their official duties.

2. Love for the Motherland helps to cope with the tense rhythm of military service, to successfully overcome numerous difficulties in everyday army life and in a combat situation. On the one hand, these difficulties are due to the nature of the tasks facing the Armed Forces, the specifics of the military organization, and the specific conditions in which the activities of servicemen are carried out. On the other hand, they are caused by insufficient material and technical support of the training process of the troops, the lack of proper care of the state for its defenders, and the weakened attention of some senior commanders to the needs and requests of their subordinates.

Military service is a special type of public service. Therefore, the education of patriotism is the primary task of spiritual and moral education in military teams.

3. Patriotism acts as one of the factors in strengthening the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Russia, primarily its spiritual component. It unites military collectives, increases their responsibility for the fulfillment of combat training tasks, the requirements of commanders to increase the combat readiness of troops, organization and discipline. Today, being a warrior-patriot means actively promoting the implementation of military reform in the country, clearly knowing and fulfilling one's official duties, constantly improving moral and fighting qualities, and strictly following the requirements of military regulations throughout army life.

4. The patriotism of servicemen raises them up to fight against everything negative that still exists in army life. He makes one fight with indifference and nihilism, with complacency and complacency, with shortcomings and omissions in the service.

In most units and subunits, commanders correctly understand their tasks, including educational ones, enjoy the authority and trust of their subordinates, and painstakingly conduct educational work with them. It is they who instill in the souls of soldiers such noble feelings as love for the Motherland, loyalty to military duty, and encourage those to take their official duties with high responsibility. This work will become more effective if the officials of the unit are closer to their subordinates, know their moods, have a good idea of ​​the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, and purposefully carry out individual work. Considering a significant decrease in the quality characteristics of conscripts arriving in the Armed Forces, the educational role of officers, warrant officers, junior commanders is growing even more.

The experience of planning, organizing and carrying out activities for the patriotic education of servicemen in units and subdivisions of the Armed Forces, studied in the study, made it possible to identify the most effective forms and methods of carrying out this work. The recommendations developed on the basis of the analysis and generalization of the officials of the unit will help to increase the effectiveness of the patriotic education of servicemen. This, in turn, largely determines the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of units and subunits of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in general and the Air Force in particular.

Thus, patriotic education is an enduring task and it must be solved in a complex, in close interaction of federal, regional legislative and executive bodies of state power with veteran, youth, religious and other public organizations. Instilling in a citizen a feeling of love for the Fatherland, the qualities of a patriot, begins in the family, it continues both at school and in the army, throughout his life.


  1. Lutovinov V., Karpov V.
  2. Matvienko V. Patriotic education of citizens is a state, public task // Patriot of the Fatherland. - 2002. No. 1.
  3. Strelnikov V. Patriotism is the most important factor in strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation // Orientation. - 2003. No. 1.
  4. Kuznetsov R. Patriotism is the source of the spiritual strength of the Russian soldier // Orientation. - 2003. No. 10.
  5. Marshal G.K. Zhukov. Memories and Reflections. M .: News Agency. - 1983., vol. 3, p. 189.
  6. Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted on December 12, 1993)
  7. Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" dated July 19, 2001 No. 102-FZ:
  8. State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010". - M .: Rosvoentsentr. - 2005.
  9. The concept of education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation // Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
    2004 № 70 "On the bodies of educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."
  10. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2005 No. 79 “On improving educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”.
  11. Dragomirov M.I.
  12. http://www.kremlin.ru/text/appears/2011/03/214041.shtml
  13. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 70 of March 11, 2004 "On the educational work bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Lutovinov V., Karpov V. Patriotism and loyalty to military duty are the inherent qualities of a Russian soldier. // Reference point. - 2000. No. 6.

Matvienko V. Patriotic education of citizens is a state, public task // Patriot of the Fatherland. - 2002. No. 1.

The concept of education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation // Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 70 "On the bodies of educational work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Dragomirov M.I. Fourteen years old. 1881 - 1894. // Collection of original and translated articles. SPb., 1895.360 p.

The life of society today poses the most serious tasks in the field of education and training of the new generation. The state needs healthy, courageous, courageous, proactive, disciplined, literate people who would be ready to study, work for its benefit and, if necessary, stand up for its defense. In the work of our school, one of the main tasks is to educate the younger generation. The most important component of the upbringing process is the formation and development of patriotic feelings. Without the presence of this component, one cannot talk about the upbringing of a truly harmonious personality.

In the light of these tasks, the importance of the military-patriotic education of young people is increasing, since it is this that should make a significant contribution, and in some cases a decisive contribution to the training of skilled and strong defenders of the Motherland.

Military-patriotic education is closely linked with the education of patriotism. Military-patriotic education is a dual-use educational technology, since it equips a young citizen with the most important moral and psychological qualities necessary both for a future defender of the Motherland and for a completely peaceful person with all available forms. After all, courage, firmness of character, physical endurance are necessary both for the defender of the Motherland, and for a doctor, an engineer. At school, the children receive the first career guidance, often and practically get acquainted with the future military specialty of a signalman, dog handler, driver, medical instructor. After all, the development of standard military equipment in the troops will go more successfully if the young man, before being drafted into the ranks of the Russian army, has already familiarized himself with the design and operation of a motorcycle, car, or tractor. Do not they strengthen willpower, do not hike, competitions, paramilitary games develop patience in young people?

As you can see, the task of training the defenders of the Motherland, which we, teachers, is facing is very difficult and responsible. Each teacher at school must reconsider how, by what means, methods and techniques to instill in modern schoolchildren a sense of patriotism, which would guarantee the strengthening of the territorial integrity of Russia; love for her; defense of the Motherland, both in peacetime and in wartime (and not betrayal and evasion from military service).

Military-patriotic work with schoolchildren is a time-tested method of instilling in young generations a deep understanding of our strength and belief in the planetary stability of Russia. The work on military-patriotic education in our school proceeds in three system-forming directions:

I direction. Education on the military traditions of the people and the Armed Forces. This area includes the following activities:

  1. Measures to perpetuate the memory of those who fell in the struggle for the independence of our Motherland (patronage over a fraternal burial; watch of memory - setting up a guard of honor at a common burial, over which our school patronizes; setting up a guard of honor at the monument to Lieutenant General Efremov; laying a garland of Glory; holding meetings and other patriotic events at the mass grave and in other memorable places).
  2. Excursions, lessons of Courage, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Congratulations and performance with concerts in front of war and labor veterans.
  3. Celebrating memorable dates, holding exhibitions, quizzes, contests, watching videos.
  4. Conducting contests for military-patriotic songs, as well as other festive events (concerts) dedicated to great holidays.

Picture 1. A rally at a common burial, setting up a guard of honor.

Picture 2... Watch of Remembrance.

Figure 3. Meeting with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

II direction. Military sports games.

First of all, these are "Zarnitsa" and "Eaglet", which together solve the problems of almost all components of the system of military-patriotic education. The practical significance of the games is clearly traced with the help of the "SCHOOL - ARMY" feedback. The experience of the game "Zarnitsa" showed the popularity and importance of this form of military-patriotic and physical education of students. "Zarnitsa" has a positive effect on the organizational strengthening of the class collective, promotes the development of social activity of children, forms the qualities necessary for a future warrior, defender of the Motherland.

Figure 4. Military sports game "Zarnitsa".

Months of mass defense and sports and recreational work, military sports relay races, military sports holidays, Defender of the Fatherland Day play an equally important role in military-patriotic education.

Figure 5. A month of mass defense and sports and recreation work.

III direction. The relationship between school and military teams.

Work in this direction is carried out through the leadership of military-applied circles and sections, the joint organization of defense-sports camps, military field training, meetings with military personnel. These areas are military-patriotic educational complexes.

Figure 6. Study fees.

Without belittling the role of extracurricular and extracurricular work with students on military-patriotic education, I believe that the lesson is at the head of the entire educational process. Each general education subject objectively has a great patriotic potential. A special section in the subject of OBZH - BASICS OF MILITARY SERVICE is designed to consolidate the knowledge already available to students on pre-conscription training, bring them into the system, supplementing them with new knowledge, teach to apply in practice the knowledge and skills gained in the lessons - in other words, to form the skills and abilities of military applied character.

Figure 7... Lesson OBZH.

Lessons in the OVS section are a special link in the system of military-patriotic education of schoolchildren, since, unlike other subjects, they do not cover the entire contingent of schoolchildren. In addition, the OVS program involves not only military training, but also psychological training. The lessons are both teaching and educational, developing in nature. To ensure a more complete realization of the goals of the educational process, it is necessary to have a well-equipped office on the basics of military service.

Having become a teacher-organizer of life safety, I faced such a problem as the lack of a subject room. Thanks to my efforts, in the shortest possible time, an OBZH cabinet was created at the school, which is aesthetically designed, equipped and equipped with modern technical teaching aids

Figure 8... OBZh cabinet

The created OBZh cabinet is an educational center for military-patriotic work in our school. The presence in the school of such an educational center for military-patriotic work helps to impart consistency to all the work being done, to consolidate positive traditions. In the OBZh office there is a corner of combat Glory, where materials on search work are placed, contributing to the education of schoolchildren on the heroic traditions of the older generations.

Figure 9... Battle Glory Corner in the OBZH office.

On the basis of the OBZh office, the following are carried out:

  1. Lessons in history, literature, and other subjects based on military-patriotic materials. This contributes to the close relationship of military-patriotic education in the classroom and outside the classroom.
  2. Meetings of schoolchildren with military personnel, veterans. Coordination of all work on the education of schoolchildren on military traditions is being carried out.
  3. Training for young soldiers is being organized.
  4. Lessons of Courage, evenings, gatherings, conversations, class hours, watching videos, classes in military applied circles.

This system of military-patriotic education, created in our school, really helps to manage the process of preparing students for the defense of the Motherland, imparts consistency, consistency and purposefulness to all work carried out, ensures continuity in the organization and development of military-patriotic activities of schoolchildren. Understanding the complexity of the issue of patriotic education, I believe that the school should take on the main burden of patriotic education of the younger generation, because this is where our future, the future of our Motherland is. I remain with the opinion that the upbringing of a citizen - a patriot - the strategic goal of the school was, is and will be. The patriotic consciousness of our citizens remains the most important value, one of the foundations of the spiritual and moral unity of society. To educate a person who loves their land, their people, to be ready to defend their homeland is a very difficult task. But it is undoubtedly realizable if we, teachers, will fulfill it with love and kindness, not forgetting the wise words: "A student is not a vessel that needs to be filled with knowledge, but a torch that needs to be lit!"

In solving this problem, one should not repeat the mistakes that were made earlier in the matter of patriotic education.

How the work on patriotic education in all schools of our country will be organized, and in many respects the fulfillment of this complex problem of modern life depends. I really wanted this system of military-patriotic education to be constantly operating and aimed at the final result - to educate a citizen - a patriot of his country. It seems to me that we have succeeded and we are on the right track. All the work carried out on military-patriotic education is yielding positive results. The guys study at school with enthusiasm, and this, perhaps, pleases most of all. In recent years, more than one graduate of our school has not tried to evade service in the Armed Forces of Russia. When meeting with graduates who serve in the army, cadets of military schools, it is pleasant to hear flattering comments about our work at the school for military-patriotic education.

Our students with great desire and interest participate in lessons of courage, Days of Military Glory, in "Zarnitsa", meet with war veterans and reserve soldiers, participate in military sports competitions and other events in military-patriotic education.

Figure 10. Final of the military-sports game "Eaglet".

Children have learned well the main thing that love to motherlandthis is a manifestation of patriotism, a defense of the Fatherland- this is duty and duty of a patriot.