The question of how to hint a girl about a relationship is relevant, so we will consider possible ways. How to hint to a girl in a VK correspondence, a letter that you like her, about a relationship. Offer to play funny roles like in a novel, voice your script

You see him in your dreams, all your dreams are only about him, you see him in everyone you meet, you dream of a stormy love story, but you do not find the strength to take the first step.

Yes, the situation is still the same! But don't be discouraged! Today we will tell how to hint a guy about a relationship and take it to a new romantic level.

10 ways to get a guy's attention

  1. Flirting- the main female weapon. Boldly make your eyes, beckon and lure, wink and flap cute eyelashes, catch his eye and look straight into his eyes for a few seconds. If the guy is not a complete boob, he will definitely respond to your game.
  2. Smile- it is impossible to resist. Smile when you meet, laugh at his jokes, be cheerful and cheerful, men love carefree and happy women.
  1. Be defenseless and weak, make him feel like a real macho. Men are drawn to those women next to whom they feel strong and courageous. Walking in the park or returning from work late at night, ask him to accompany you home, show that you need his care and protection. will never miss a chance to show his courage. And then he will like this feeling so much that he will look for any excuse in order to experience it again. As a result, you will kill two birds with one stone at once - you will show the guy your interest and make him look at himself with different eyes.
  2. Be the center of his attention... Make friends with the company of a young man you like, this will expand your scope of opportunities and triple your chances of reciprocity.
  3. Invite him out on a date! Why not? Who said a girl can't do it first? Afraid of rejection? Present everything in a humorous manner, do not burden the man with a serious relationship. This approach will ensure you 100% success. For a first date, choose an amusement park or 5D cinema. There you can spend unforgettable moments in your life, which will undoubtedly bring you closer together.
  4. Find common interests... Does your adored person like to spend the weekend playing chess? Keep him company! Is he an avid soccer fan? Stretch yourself and learn the names of some of the most famous footballers. Is the man of your dreams attending a German course? Why don't you broaden your horizons too!
  5. Praise and compliment... At the slightest opportunity, express your admiration for his skills and abilities to the guy. From this he will get a lot of pleasure and will certainly want to know more about you.
  6. Be a good conversationalist... A man also needs to speak out, so become for him exactly the person with whom you can have an easy and casual conversation. In the course of the conversation, you will probably touch on a love topic, then you can subtly hint the guy about your feelings.
  7. Don't forget about tactile contact... In an era of total rush and constant employment, people stopped hugging and holding hands. But in this case it will play into our hands, because a man simply cannot fail to notice a girl who, as if by chance, constantly touches him.
  8. Tell your feelings straight... This method is perfect for those girls who are used to “taking the bull by the horns”. You can write a note and hand it on for Valentine's Day, put it in the morning press, or just stick it in your jacket pocket.

Hinting at relationships - correcting mistakes

Very often, girls make gross oversights that nullify all their efforts. What is absolutely forbidden to do?

  • Do not be cheeky in conversation with the young man you like;
  • Don't open up completely and completely. It is enough to subtly hint about your feelings. But to demonstrate ardent love and hang a guy around the neck is not worth it;
  • Don't be intrusive. Go on with your life, go to parties, meet your friends, spend your weekends outside the city. You do not need to turn into a hawk and relentlessly follow the object of your desires. Do not call him too often, do not get constant SMS, it gets boring very quickly;
  • Do not use intermediaries in love affairs;
  • Don't flirt with other guys in front of him;
  • Don't just become a friend. You are a woman, you must emphasize this in every possible way.

Fight for your happiness. If you want to get closer to your cherished dream - act, do not be afraid to take the initiative. Well, if the guy does not understand the hints - speak directly and come what may!

Yes, he is the one. Like it, but not paying attention? This means either complete indifference on his part, or shyness. The first option is hopeless, and the second you can handle on your own if you know how to hint a guy about a relationship, and choose the appropriate way to do it.

Capture plan

First you need to get comprehensive information about his disposition to you with the help of friends. This will give you confidence that you are doing everything right, and not embarrass yourself. After all, he may have a girlfriend. Collect data as carefully as possible, it is better not to notice.

Next, you should make sure of the guy's real sympathy. To us, impressionable young ladies, an ordinary smile "out of politeness" may seem like a sign of a burning feeling. Ask your friend to observe your still not quite relationship: how he looks when you pass by, whether he turns around after him.

Move on to real action

  • Collision. Organization of a casual meeting. In the hallway, on the street - anywhere. Bodily contact is important. In such a situation, there will certainly be a conversation, albeit an absurd one. Show maximum feminine charm, fix your hair, touch your wrists. Any normal guy will not resist and will give you his attention.
  • Consolidation of the result. Accompany further meetings with a smile, play with a glance.
  • Stop. When the heat is already there, step back. Miss him a couple of times, ignore him. Just don't get carried away. The goal is to cause mild anxiety and bewilderment. Let him be afraid of losing you.
  • Forward again. Give him a stunning smile and fiery eyes.
  • Patience, only patience. Feelings until the castle, keep the intrigue.
  • Is it done? He came up! No, no tears of happiness, jumping to the ceiling. Calmly pretend to be amazed and throw something like "I'll think about it." You can agree right away, but it's more interesting.

A few more plans "B"

If the standard solution does not suit you, feel free to use other options.

A hobby is a great opportunity to get closer to the object, tune in with it on the same wavelength. Conversations about hobbies always arouse interest, cheer up, make communication with you more trusting. It is imperative to understand the subject not superficially, but at least at an intermediate level. Achievement of some heights in the sphere of his interests will be an excellent bonus.

If you are already more or less familiar, then an unscheduled meeting will help establish contact. You need to ask in a veiled way, ask questions in such a way that the guy does not answer yes or no. The dialogue can begin with something like this: "What are you doing tomorrow?" Further development of events according to the situation. We can say that someone invited you to a party, and you would like to go with him (he is an interesting interlocutor, decided to propose because you like it) or bought movie tickets, and your friend has her own plans.

A win-win idea is to visit an amusement park together and have fun. When it’s scary, take his hand - all men like to feel like a protector.

If he has a sister, befriend her. The ideal option is to win the favor of the boyfriend's mom. She will definitely hint to her son about such a beautiful girl.

You can play an anonymous fan: correspond on the Internet under the guise of a stranger or write him a note with a confession. In the latter case, he will begin to find out, look closely. Don't give yourself away right away, do it a little later.

Unambiguous taboos

  • You can't act like a friend if you like him. No discussion of other girls, no personal advice.
  • Do not impose, act carefully. Do not constantly flicker before his eyes.
  • No negligence in appearance. Always well-groomed, tastefully dressed.

Do not forget that you can always hint at a relationship honestly and openly. Yes, just take it straight and say: "I like you." Coquetry and feminine tricks will add seriousness to your relationship in the process, and then it will not be so important who approached whom first.

Communication rules for a successful continuation

  • Try to exchange information with the guy, not just chat. Better to smile sweetly and listen to him than to twitter about everything in the world.
  • Biography aside. About yourself and yourself - such a conversation tires the interlocutor, kills the interest in your person. Remain a mystery.
  • It is better not to discuss the former relationship, as well as problems in the family, difficult, annoying topics for everyone. Talk about something detached, but interesting for both.
  • The look "into the corner, at the nose, at the object" is ideal for a flirty date. It is clear that you want to see enough, but you should not drill with a gaze, he may feel uncomfortable.
  • Behave naturally. A feigned smile, unusual movements are for a doll. A live girl flirts, but does not go beyond the boundaries of normal behavior.

If suddenly the efforts are not crowned with reciprocity, never, you hear, - never get upset and do not make stupid conclusions. This is not a tragedy, but just an experience. Make a mistake, fall in love, there will definitely be a mutual feeling.

Here he is - the same guy whom you have imagined all your life in your dreams. You like him, but you are not getting the desired attitude from him? There are only 2 reasons for this behavior: indifference or shyness. There is nothing you can do about the first case, but the second option can be dealt with. Let's figure out together how to hint a guy about a relationship.

4 steps to a relationship

Step 1. Gathering information. First you need to find out as much information as possible about the chosen one. Suddenly he is an inveterate womanizer, or, conversely, gay. Or maybe there is such a flaw in him that you will not be able to put up with? We carefully find out all the information of interest through mutual acquaintances and friends. If you wish, you can find a lot of sources of information. Take a look at social networks, suddenly you will find something interesting there too.

Step 2. Sympathy or friendship? If you are sure that everything is fine, then feel free to move on to the next step. Usually, after a couple of meetings, a man already clearly knows to what extent a relationship with one or another girl can reach him. With this one - there will be perfect sex, and with this one you can create a family, and this one is an ideal friend. If you fall into the first two categories, then there is a chance, but it is almost impossible to get out of the category of friends.

In order to find out who you are to him, you need to watch him. If you evoke sympathy, then the man will try to reduce the distance between you - start a conversation, invite you to take a walk, call more often. If rapprochement does not occur, then most likely you are just a good friend and it is pointless to hint a guy about a relationship.

Step 3. Let's get down to action. By all indications you have realized that you are interested in you. In this case, you can proceed to action. Try to catch your eye more often, arrange "casual" meetings. We are getting closer in any possible way. Don't forget about skin-to-skin contact! If you are convinced that the young man responds adequately to your frequent meetings, then you need to consolidate the success.

Step 4. Securing success. Now we slightly loosen the grip. Get lost for a while, let it be worried. The main thing is that he realizes that he does not want to lose you. Understanding this circumstance will force him to proceed to active actions. Let's wait a bit and ... ..the guy is "ready". How is it? Invited to a cafe? This can be considered the beginning of a long relationship. Just do not rush to his neck at once, take pity on the gentle male psyche.

How not worth hinting

There are several points that you should follow in order not to alienate the guy from you:

Don't talk to him about his girls. If he himself is trying to raise this topic, then try to reduce such a conversation to nothing. If you help him in his "personal life", advise how to behave with girls, then he will treat you only as a friend.

Don't tell him about your dream husband., the number of potential children and the style of your wedding dress. A man may be intimidated by such haste.

You shouldn't introduce relatives... Until a declaration of love occurs between the two of you, it is not worth introducing you to your parents. This is not appropriate.

Don't be overtly sexy and violent feelings. An adequate guy will not date a "sex bomb" who is ready for anything at once.

Don't talk non-stop. Don't be silent in conversation, but learn to listen and support. It should be allowed to speak out. Not everyone can get along with restless and hyperactive individuals.

Don't follow on his heels. Excessive obsession will lead to the fact that he begins to avoid you.

If all your efforts are not mutual, then there is no need to get upset and draw stupid conclusions. This is just an experience, not a tragedy. Fall in love, make mistakes and mutual feelings will surely come.

Today, the modern young lady can make her own choices and win her sympathy in various ways. And men are not always as bold and decisive as they seem. Most of them are very shy and timid, which prevents them from taking the first step to start a relationship. Such guys need an external push, which the girl should make if the sympathy is mutual. But girls in this case need to act carefully, otherwise they may hurt a man's self-esteem.

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Approaches to different men

Everyone wants to get a positive response to their proposal to be together, so you need to take a closer look at your chosen one. Study his character, tastes, preferences, hobbies, and only then develop a strategy of actions and behavior in order to achieve what he wants. An important role is played by the age and type of women that he likes. It should be determined who he is at the time of the proposal of the relationship:

Who accounts forAn approach
FriendIf he's just a friend for now, it's easier to act. During the period of friendship, there are already some observations of what he likes and what not, which girls attract his attention and make him want to meet. By behavior it becomes clear whether he simply treats the girl with respect or shows mutual sympathy, but is afraid to cross the line so as not to lose friendship. It is better to act carefully, flirt a little, make eyes and flirt. So he will notice in his girlfriend a woman who may be liked by someone else and will begin to conquer her.
Familiar youthThe young man is overwhelmed with a variety of emotions, a thirst for adventure and adventure. When a young man whom a girl sympathizes with is in her close environment (a company of friends, a classmate, a classmate, an employee, or just a neighbor), there are a number of advantages for taking initiative. With such a gentleman, you should not be afraid to show your feelings first and ask a direct question after casual communication. In the course of a conversation, his facial expressions and gestures will give out a true attitude towards his girlfriend. They still do not know how to completely control emotions and will certainly give themselves away if they have an unfriendly interest.
Grown manAn older man is harder to get to. Due to their age and life experience, it is more difficult for them to open up. Hot, youthful passions have already subsided, they prefer a more relaxed lifestyle and stability in relationships. It is more difficult for them to open up to new relationships, especially after 40 years, when they have an internal crisis and a reassessment of values. They no longer love windy and flighty young ladies, but are looking for relationships for the soul. It is important for them to have a good companion near them, able to listen to him and understand. Therefore, you should not rush to offer to meet at the beginning of an acquaintance, but draw more intrigue and show your seriousness. The sooner an adult man begins to trust and appreciate a girl, the more likely it is to get a positive answer when it is decided to take action.

The collected information about the chosen one (his daily routine, character) and their analysis increase the chances of a positive response from the guy. You can get up close and personal with his friends and spin around to get more information about him. Do not be surprised that the data obtained can radically change the opinion about this person and discourage the desire to start a relationship with him. But if all the information turns out to be as expected, then the girl should take the risk and be the first to propose a relationship.

What kind of relationship do you need a man for?

Depending on what kind of relationship a woman needs, the ways to implement them will also be very diverse. If you are not interested in serious flirting, you can safely invite a nice guy for a walk on a romantic date.

When the goal is a long-term, serious relationship, more deliberate behavior should be chosen. It is advisable to follow the tactics that lead the man to the fact that he independently proposes to meet. You need to include all your charm and mystery, to interest you in communication, to surround you with care. You should not be very intrusive - call a hundred times a day, chase you everywhere. This will only repel and cause aggression. It is important for him to feel freedom and personal space where you can be alone with yourself.

How to present yourself competently

A girl has more chances to get a positive answer when she can create around herself the aura of a desired woman for all men, but at the same time she herself chooses with whom to be. Such a woman subconsciously awakens the instinct of conquest. Even the most shy guy will join this game and involuntarily prove himself. To create such an aura, you need to follow some simple rules:

First, interest your chosen one in positive, easy communication. This strategy allows you to be more flexible in adapting to the circumstances and choosing the right time to open.

How to find suitable conditions

The right environment for a conversation is the key to success. It is most correct to start such a conversation in calm conditions and in a good mood. In order for a guy not to refuse, you do not need to offer to meet when he has serious personal problems or is angry about something. At best, he will ignore this information, at worst - he will not want to continue to communicate.

There are a number of conditions in which it would be incorrect and inappropriate to make an offer to a gentleman:

  • He "burns" at work and is completely immersed in worries. At such moments, for the opposite sex, work comes to the fore, and only then everything else.
  • He had grief in his family. In this case, it is better to be close to him and support him morally, over time he will come to his senses and appreciate the care.
  • He just broke up with his other half (wife). This is unprofitable for the young lady herself. Because under such circumstances, she is used to comfort her broken heart. To get a long-term result and not become a “bargaining chip”, you need to wait time (2-3 months), but not lose sight of the object, that is, communicate with him as a close friend.
  • If he is widowed. Here the main assistant is patience. In no case should you push and actively jump in front of your beloved's eyes. It is advisable to try to become an understanding interlocutor. It is necessary to very wisely wait out all the memories of the deceased woman, and when he begins to see the world around him and join in everyday worries, slowly bring him to a relationship with the help of hints. You can keep him busy and show that you need him, that you won't be able to do something without his help.

The most fortunate circumstances develop when a series of positive events occurs in a man's life. You can take advantage of the opportunity:

  • Holiday - New Year, birthday, February 23rd, etc. There is an opportunity to approach the gentleman in a good mood, flirt, give a gift and unobtrusively get down to business. On such a day, he will definitely not refuse right away.
  • He is on vacation - vacation, a joint company at a picnic, a concert, a city party, a cinema, friendly gatherings with a friend in a cafe. The main thing is not to get confused and offer a relationship during a positive conversation. If you refuse, you can always turn the topic into a joke to avoid an awkward situation.
  • At the moment of success. A woman can always advise you to celebrate this event - coffee, ice cream, whatever. If only to prolong this wave of happy emotions and draw attention to yourself. And then you can inadvertently invite the guy to date.

The most ideal and effective way is to create such conditions for him so that he offers to meet himself. Psychologists advise to carry out underground active actions that lead to the initiative on the part of the man. It is necessary to smoothly bring him to the idea of ​​a joint relationship and arouse an instinctive desire to achieve a girl.

Ways that bring results

There are several reasons when girls have to come up with a strategy to ask a guy to date. The most common ones are:

  • when communicating, he makes it clear that he is not indifferent to a woman, he himself shows attempts to show feelings, but he does not dare to declare openly about the relationship;
  • he has very little free time, since it all goes to work, study, sports training, and so on;
  • the man came up with a complex for himself that he is unable to please someone;
  • the previous relationship was a very bitter experience, he cannot open up to another person, since he has lost faith in the sincerity of people;
  • never had a serious relationship or it was a very long time ago, so he became comfortable alone.

When the reason for such a man's behavior is clear, then it is worthwhile to dispose him in a relationship, hint or ask a direct question. Some proven methods will help you take the first step:

  • A sweet smile on his face when meeting him and flirtatious looks. You should always send non-verbal cues every time you meet him, when you accidentally bump into him.
  • Use in a conversation extraordinary or ambiguous phrases with humor in order to bring him to revelation and determine the reciprocity of feelings. For example: “I have a business for you that you cannot refuse! Shall we meet? "," Oh, you’ll come to an agreement with me ... And you will bring me to the registry office! "," I can consult with you about one guy, I want to make him an offer to meet, by the way, it's you. So how do I go about doing this? "
  • Reception "eye to eye". Acts when a man does not take hints. One of the most effective techniques, because eye contact and a question asked directly into the eyes help to immediately determine a person's attitude towards themselves. In order not to pass up at a crucial moment, you can rehearse phrases and demeanor.
  • Start a conversation with a subtle and beautiful flirtation. You can charm your narrowed one with female things. Each girl has her own style of behavior and an arsenal of techniques. The main thing is not to spoil everything with vulgarity and obsession. It is worth starting with light compliments and a flirtatious look, and then move on to the essence of the conversation.
  • You can take the initiative in correspondence. In the message, the girl can open up more and pick up more interesting words and phrases that can catch her beloved. In SMS, you can invite the guy on a date yourself and not be afraid of rejection in public. The dialogue will remain in private messages.
  • Play with the compliments that a man makes to a woman. You can answer him something like "I would listen to you every day if we met."
  • Ask for help. Finding a good reason so that only a man can do it, but for a girl is simply an impossible task.

There are many ways to get a guy's attention. Sometimes he simply does not understand that your communication can go beyond friendship, and sometimes he does not pay attention to you at all. It is very difficult to answer the question of how to hint a guy about a relationship. There is no template that can be followed to attract a guy's attention and arouse his sympathy. Let's tell you how to hint a guy about a relationship.

How to tell if a guy likes you

Before taking active steps, you need to make sure that the man is ready to develop a relationship. Experts suggest using body language to understand the intentions of the stronger sex:

  1. First of all, you need to keep an eye on the body. A person who shows sympathy regardless of gender, completely unconsciously turns to the interlocutor of interest to him and sometimes even leans slightly in his direction.
  2. One of the components of flirting is glances. Shy men quickly look away if noticed. Confident individuals look at a woman for a while, and only then begin to look in the other direction.
  3. Bodily contact (light touching) is one of the signs of incipient sympathy.

If you notice these signs, you should try your luck and make it clear to the guy you like that you are also not indifferent to him.

How to show your interest in a guy's personality

There are some simple techniques that can help you show that you are interested in a man as a person:

  1. It is important to learn to listen without interrupting. In addition, it is desirable to have common interests in order to have topics of conversation.
  2. Try to smile at him more often, completely sincerely.
  3. Talk about the young man's hobbies to learn about his preferences. At the same time, it is important not to go too far and not strive to find out everything in one conversation. Being overly intrusive can scare a guy, so try to keep your interest natural and restrained. Tell about yourself.
  4. Laugh at jokes.
  5. Do not get into quarrels with the chosen one. At first, you should not defend your point of view too zealously so as not to be branded as a quarrelsome person. Communication should not carry any negativity.
  6. Despite the prohibition of quarreling, a competitive spirit can be maintained. To do this, you can watch competitions together or play games online.
  7. Learn to accept and give gifts. If the prospects for your communication are not yet clear, these can be small symbolic presentations.

At the initial stages, you need to get as close to the chosen one as possible, spend time with him and communicate in a friendly way. In order for a man to understand that you expect more from your union, actively flirt with him.

Remember that the representatives of the stronger sex generally do not always understand subtle hints, therefore, if all your attempts do not bring the desired result, it is worth talking directly. For example, ask, "Would you like to go out on a friendly date?" It is quite difficult to decide on a conversation, but even a negative outcome is also a result. If the chosen one does not reciprocate with you, you will not waste valuable time.

Use the technique of contrasting communication: flirt and at the same time do not forget about your own affairs, periodically keep aloof. In any case, do not impose if the guy openly avoids you. In this case, you need to forget about his existence for a while, which, if there is even a little sympathy, will turn on the instinct of a "hunter" in a young man.

How to use correspondence better

Correspondence is very important these days. It is often extremely difficult to manage, but it can also help you make a few hints about the development of the relationship. If you use social networks, for example, VKontakte, then be prepared for the fact that the young man may not be alone at the computer, so you should not conduct too frank correspondence and send ambiguous phrases. It is best to have interesting conversations on neutral topics on social media.

On the Internet, for flirting, you can use the opportunity to give gifts or successfully comment on photos. Remember that any phrase must be carefully thought out. It's good if you compliment your chosen one. The obvious advantage of social networks is that with their help you can learn more about a person. To do this, just look at the list of communities in which the chosen one is.

More personal issues can be raised in correspondence using short messages on the phone, since in this case you will be able to exclude the presence of third parties behind the back of your beloved. Here, too, it is important not to be annoying. If communication is quite lively, it is advisable to hint to the guy about your feelings with a simple message: "I can't stop thinking about you ...".

It's a good idea to bluff and pretend you were wrong and send him a message that was supposedly meant for the other guy. The text can be like this: "Sorry, Slava, I love another." Then you just have to play the embarrassment extremely truthfully and explain yourself. It is important that the name of the fictional boyfriend does not match the one worn by your chosen one.

Things to Avoid

It is difficult to build a serious relationship if you make the following mistakes when communicating:

  • do not remain a mystery for the young man;
  • take an active interest in the financial situation of a young person;
  • at the initial stage of communication, talk on intimate topics;
  • boast;
  • complain and whine often;
  • be annoying;
  • criticize a guy's hobbies or not be interested in them;
  • do not pause in communication (few people can spend several hours a day on correspondence, do not strive to ensure that the guy does not let his phone out of his hands for days or does not leave the computer).