Whether self-tanning is harmful to the skin of the body causes. Contraindications and precautions. Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Gelee Medium Natural Tan by Loreal

Beautiful dark skin v summer months can be the envy of those who don't. And vice versa, it is somehow even inconvenient to show off with an unburned body in the summer.

Modern cosmetical tools ready to solve this problem too. Need a tan without going to hot countries? Please, a few minutes, and your body is covered with an even bronze self-tanning color.

Self-tanning based on dihydroxyacetone

It is an external product that acts at a superficial level. It comes in the form of a spray or cream. After application to the skin gradually, within two hours, the skin becomes darker. Such a tan lasts for four days, and then gradually, as the cells of the epidermis are replaced, it disappears.

Research has not revealed any side effects preparations containing dihydroxyacetone on human health - it can be used even by pregnant women. The only inconvenience is the alcohol content, which dries out the skin. But if you use this type of self-tanning no more than once a week and use moisturizers for your skin at the same time, this problem can be easily avoided.

  • the cream is applied to a clean body;
  • observe the uniformity of application;
  • after applying the cream, put on clothes after 15 minutes;
  • wash your hands after using the cream;
  • use no more than two times a week.

Self-tanning pills

Self-tanning tablets contain carotenoid canthaxanthin. At its core, it is a dye orange in the form of a dietary supplement. Once in the human body, it begins to act at the cellular level - being absorbed, it stains tissues from the inside. This principle of action allows you to maintain a dark complexion. skin long time... But this type of self-tanner has more disadvantages than an outdoor one.

Tissues can accumulate contaxanthin that enters them, which has a detrimental effect on them. First of all, cells of the liver, stomach, intestines and retina of the eyes are damaged. Because of this, in many countries, the use of this substance is sexually prohibited.

Despite this effect of the drug, its release has not been discontinued, so a conclusion must be drawn: before you start using the drug, you need to be well acquainted with its principle of action and possible consequences and choose a safer one for the body.

Hello everyone! In this article, I will go into detail on what self-tanning is and how to choose it, as well as give a rating of the best p.

V modern society beautiful body associated with a golden or bronze skin tone, but not everyone succeeds in summer time year to get out to the sea and soak up the southern rays of the sun.

To achieve immediate results, many women turn to the solarium for help. It is, of course, more comfortable and more effective, but unlike self-tanning, it has a huge number of contraindications:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • blood diseases;
  • thyroid gland;
  • varicose veins.

Also, some doctors associate this cosmetic procedure with development malignant neoplasms skin - melanoma.

Of course, sunburn on the beach has always been out of competition, it helps the body produce endorphins (a group of polypeptide chemical compounds that can reduce pain and influence emotional condition), the formation of vitamin D3, which is necessary for bones, nails, hair.

However, like a solarium, it has some negative aspects: it can cause the development of melanoma, photodermatitis, chloasma, photoaging, exacerbation chronic diseases(cardiovascular, gynecological diseases and disease digestive tract, hypertension).

However, not everything is so scary, and self-tanning will help you to find the desired skin tone - wonderful modern remedy, allowing every woman to delight herself in winter and summer with a chic bronze, golden or chocolate skin tone.

Such cosmetics now exist in the most various forms: milk, spray, cream, lotion, gel, pills, etc. All this introduces into a stupor a beginner who decided to use self-tanning, and what effect these funds have on the skin also remains unknown.

The composition and principle of action of self-tanning

Most often, dihydroxyacetone is present in the composition of self-tanning - the most popular active substance which is used in similar means... It is produced from sugar cane and upon contact with the skin it comes into contact with the acids of the cells of the upper layer of the skin, and gives it a golden or chocolate hue.

The effect of such funds is noticeable after 1-2 hours.

Also in the composition of the product there are vitamins A, C, E, F, B5, aloe vera, green tea, antioxidants, amino acids, panthenol. All these components contribute to active skin nourishment, hydration, uniform color distribution and moisture retention.

Some manufacturers produce products that protect the skin from negative impact ultraviolet rays.

Operating principle

Self-tanning works very simply - the active substance dihydroxyacetone enters the body and stains the upper layers of the skin. This happens when protein and amino acids interact.

When applying self-tanning to skin, follow the golden rule - apply thin layer and evenly distribute over the body with massage movements.

It should be remembered that each cosmetic product has its own color intensity. Therefore, if the color does not suit you, you can reapply the layer, but not earlier than after an hour.

How long does a self-tanner last?

Unfortunately, such a cosmetic product quickly provides a result, so it quickly disappears. But how sooner or later the tanning will come off depends only on the woman's skin.

After about 2-4 days, the tan begins to fade gradually as skin cells die off every day. Yes, and daily water treatments with the participation of a sponge and hygiene products, this process is accelerated.

Pros and cons of funds

This cosmetic product has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Availability;
  • Instant result;
  • Security;
  • Ability to control color intensity;
  • Cosmetics are not conducive premature aging skin;
  • Evens out skin tone and structure;
  • Doesn't require any skills to conduct;
  • You can paint individual parts of the body.

Girls, although self-tanning and visually even out the structure of the skin, I advise you to use and (even if you do not have cellulite, they are an excellent prevention)

The disadvantages of using this tool include:

  • Strict adherence to the instructions, since otherwise the tan may turn out to be uneven;
  • Need the help of one more person;
  • The duration of the effect is no more than 5 days;
  • Do not apply it every week, as it will not be even;
  • Such products contain alcohol in their composition, which dries the skin very much;
  • Leave marks on clothes;
  • It is difficult to remove if something went wrong;
  • Difficulties often arise when choosing a remedy;
  • They give the skin an unpleasant odor.

Self-tanning - is it harmful?

Most often under harmful self-tanning mean taking pills, since they contain an ingredient such as canthaxanthin, which belongs to the group of carotenoids. But most of all it is known as E161g - food supplement orange.

A similar substance, when it enters the body, is absorbed by the cells and stains the tissues from the inside. This type of funds lasts much longer, but has a number of serious drawbacks: it negatively affects the liver, retina and disrupts work gastrointestinal tract... For this very reason, the E161g is banned in many countries.

Contraindications and precautions

The main contraindications for using self-tanning products are:

  • Allergy.;
  • Herpes;
  • Dry skin;
  • Cuts, injuries, injuries, skin diseases(dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.).

Self-tanning should be used with great caution during pregnancy. Although pregnancy is not a contraindication, you need to be more careful in choosing a cosmetic product and follow all recommendations for use.

The same applies to already established mothers who breastfeed babies. Self-tanning will not do any harm to the baby, but you should not use an unverified product either.

Types of self-tanning

The cosmetics industry offers a myriad of types of self-tanning products, so it can be difficult to choose a truly safe product.

One of the safest artificial means is an self-tanning cane, since the main active ingredient is obtained from sugar cane. This is absolutely natural substance, which is used in many cosmetic procedures.

Darkening of the skin with its help is absolutely harmless, since the drug acts only on the stratum corneum without penetrating deep.

Always yours, Anna 🙂


Beautiful tan in the middle of winter and summer - with self-tanning you will allow yourself it

Long gone are the days when pale ladies who fainted at the slightest excitement were popular. Today, from the pages of glossy magazines, completely tanned beauties look at us, despite the fact that everyone unanimously repeats about the harm sun rays and solarium.
How to achieve the desired bronze skin tone and not harm it. For this, a self-tanner was invented, which can make your body attractive in a few minutes. sexy look... However, it arises again: is it safe to use a self-tanner?

Read more

First about the merits
The advantages of the so-called autobronzers (the second name for self-tanning) are undoubtedly the fact that your skin acquires beautiful shade... The action of this tool does not affect the deep layers of the epidermis, which means it does not damage them, unlike the sun's rays or a tanning bed. Accordingly, practically no harm is done to the skin. Under the influence of self-tanning, only the upper cells of the skin are stained (for their better staining it is recommended to take a shower, do depilation), which die off after 3-4 days, and the skin takes on a normal shade. If necessary, you can maintain a "tan" by applying the product literally every 3-4 days, or you can "tan" once (for a party), and then return to the previous state of the skin.

Now about the disadvantages
Naturally, self-tanning is a chemical mixture; a lot has been written about the dangers and benefits of chemistry. But we use deodorants, perfumes, shampoos every day, without thinking that it can be dangerous. It is the same with car bronzers: they are no more harmful than other cosmetics. Substances found in self-tanning dry the skin, this should be remembered. Today, there are already products that contain less than 5% dihydroxyacetone (it is he who has a drying effect), that is, suitable for people with more thin skin... To avoid dryness after use, it is best to use a moisturizing cream, especially if you use a self-tanner all the time.

There is one more danger to keep in mind - allergies. As with other products (not only cosmetic, but also medicinal), you must first try the product on a small area of ​​the skin. If there is no reaction, you can safely cover the whole body. It should be remembered that even if you constantly use this remedy, each time you need to check it for allergic reaction.

What is the bottom line
The safety of self-tanners is undeniable if used correctly, checked for allergic reactions, and followed instructions carefully. Do not use it only for pregnant women.

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One of the most safe ways, allowing you to give the skin a bronze tint, is a self-tanning. It can be cream, lotion, spray, milk, or even special wipes. Their action is short-lived, and in the absence of application experience, stains or yellow tint.

If you want to get a tan quickly and painlessly, but do not want to risk your appearance, there is such a procedure as a professional self-tanning. It is performed by a cosmetologist and involves a uniform spray of the bronzer. In most cases, the fake tan lasts longer and there is no “mottling” effect.

More about the composition and duration of the effect

The main active molecule in self-tanning products is called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). It is obtained from cane. DHA works by staining the upper layer of the skin. The applied dye is absorbed into several surface layers of the epidermis.

In the cells of the upper epidermal layers, there is no longer a nucleus and basic organelles, so exposure to DHA does not cause DNA mutation and is no more dangerous than ordinary eyeshadow, blush or powder. There are still no blood vessels in these layers, respectively, the pigmenting substance is not absorbed into the blood and systemic action (that is, action on internal organs) does not. Therefore, when asked if self-tanning is harmful to the skin, the answer is unequivocally negative.

What's more, the dye takes over some of the function of melanin, a natural pigment that is formed during tanning. Melanin's job is to create a kind of barrier against ultraviolet radiation. That is, self-tanning partially duplicates the protection against rays that can cause skin cancer. And if the main active ingredient is added sun protection factor(SPF), then such a product even better protects against ultraviolet radiation than usual.

As mentioned, dihydroxyacetone is absorbed by the most superficial layers of the epidermis. The "life" of these layers is short, and they quickly flake off. This is the reason for the short-lived effect of artificial tanning.

Self-tanning is very sensitive to the nature of the surface to which it is applied. So, if it is not clean enough or damp, it can affect the uniformity of the application and cause "stains".

Doctors-cosmetologists provide the "instant self-tanning" service. In this case, they usually use either agents with a fairly high content of dihydroxyacetone (5-16%), or drugs based on erythrulose. The latter is a substance related to DHA, but has better absorption characteristics, therefore it is more evenly distributed over the integument and colors them in more natural tones, without orange or yellow tints.

How long a self-tanning made in a salon lasts depends on the main active ingredient, the lotion used, and the client's skin type. Usually this period is longer than when using home remedies, and is 7-10 days.

Types of self-tanning

There are 2 types of drugs that can be called self-tanning:


These are creams that do not contain dihydroxyacetone or erythrulose, but only a coloring pigment. It is not absorbed by the epidermis and can be easily washed off at any time with water.

Bronzers are actively used by makeup artists: with their help, the effect of sculpting the face is well created.

Since such a product is not absorbed, even a small amount of sweat, sebum or water will cause it to flow. Therefore, if you want a streak-free self-tanner, use products that contain dihydroxyacetone or erythrulose.

Auto bronzes

They contain sugar from cane extract, and it is they who are able to penetrate into the surface layers of the epidermis. Autobronzates do not begin to operate immediately, but after a few hours, while maximum concentration reached after about 8-12 hours (sometimes later). During this time, the treated areas must not be exposed to the action of water or alcohol; physical exercise(to prevent sweat from washing away the applied preparation).

Please note: Most DHA-based self-tanners will differ from those for the body. This is due to the different concentration of the active substance.

It is advisable to choose a time of day for applying self-tanning so that you can spend 6-8 hours in home clothes(the product tends to stain it) and at the same time do not go to bed (staining of bed linen is possible).

Auto bronzes are applied after preliminary preparation, which we will talk about a little later.


Desired shade skin pigmentation is prescribed on the product packaging:

  • If you want a darker, closer to chocolate color, choose the one that says "Dark" or "Fonce".
  • If the desired shade is in medium brown colors, buy Medium or Moyenne.
  • If you do not want to surprise those around you with a sharp transition from aristocratic pallor to chocolate color, choose "Light" or "Clair".

Indications and contraindications for self-tanning

Anyone can apply a product based on dihydroxyacetone if they are not allergic to the components of a particular autobronzate. In addition to allergic manifestations, other contraindications are exacerbation herpes infection, wounds and inflammation at the treatment site. Breastfeeding and pregnancy are not contraindications.

Which self-tanner to choose

Before buying, decide what form of release the product should have, as well as what should be written on the package.

Release form

Biocon self-tanning cream action

Garnier Ambre Solaire Result

Nivea-Sun Bronzer Effect

The action of the Floresan self-tanning spray
Photos taken from the resource otzovik.com

Self-tanning for the body can be in the form of a cream, milk, gel, lotion, spray, or oil. You need to choose one of them depending on your skin type:

  • Spray. Suitable for any type, dries quickly enough. For the first use and for the face, it is better not to use such a remedy, since it is not visible where the spray has already hit, and which areas are still unpainted. This can lead to streaks and uneven coloration. When spraying, the product must be protected Airways and eyes from exposure to aerosol.
  • Body milk. Better to apply on oily skin... The product is easy to apply and absorb.
  • The cream is used mainly for dry skin; if the latter is very dry and white, it is better to mix a self-tanner 1: 1 with a moisturizer, and only then apply. Creams dry for a long time, during the drying period they can be smeared with clothes or washed off with water.
  • The gel is suitable for all skin types. The product is quickly absorbed, additionally matting the treated areas, lays down evenly, but saturated color does not give.
  • The lotion is optimal for normal and oily types.
  • Self-tanning oil is ideal for dry skin. It is absorbed for a long time, but perfectly nourishes and moisturizes.

Color type

The color type directly affects the choice of self-tanning.

If you are dark-haired, dark-skinned, and do not want to see a yellow tint in the end, you need a drug labeled "Dark".

For people with hair from light blond to brown, owners peach shade skin as well brown eyes Medium self-tanners are recommended.

For fair skin it can be cream, milk, spray or gel labeled "Light".

Select by rating

The TOP 10 auto bronzers, according to many surveyed women, looks like this (in order from most effective to least effective):

  1. Clarins' Radiance-Plus Golden Glow Booster Concentrate, which must be diluted 1: 1 with milk or moisturizer as directed. Can be used on face and body.
  2. Lancome Flash Bronzer Oil Free Lotion. It is mainly used for the face, but can also be used for the body.
  3. Gel from L'Oreal in a bottle with a dispenser called "Sublime Bronze". It is released for use on the body, but when mixed with your favorite moisturizer 1: 1, it can be used on the face too.
  4. Cream from L'Oreal "Nutri Bronze". It has a special smell that not everyone will like, contains shine, absorbs quickly, and lasts for a relatively long time.
  5. Spray from Lancaster self Body tanning has been tried by many women who claim that this self-tanning does not produce yellowness.
  6. Milk from Floresan. Although it is very inexpensive means, nevertheless, it pigments well the skin of the face or trunk; they can darken local white spots for 7-10 days.
  7. Dior Bronze Shimmering Glow. This remedy is applied to the face; gives it a golden, without yellowness, shade, and also improves the condition of aging skin.
  8. Yves Rocher "Bronze Nature" not only colors, but also tightens and moisturizes the skin. The product is adapted for daily use.
  9. "Sun Touch" by Nivea. This is a body spray that contains not only alcohols, but also vitamin E, which is an antioxidant.
  10. Dove's Summer Shine remedy. A very mild body lotion that slowly stains the skin: the effect can be seen no earlier than after 3 days.

How to apply self-tanning

Self-tanning requires a special algorithm, otherwise you risk getting streaks and uneven color. The same steps must be followed if you go to a salon procedure.

So, point by point.

First you need to check if you have any allergies. To do this, apply a small amount of the preparation on inner surface forearms. Wait 20 minutes or wash off sooner if itching or severe redness occurs at the application site. The drug that caused these symptoms should not be used.

5-7 days before the procedure, remove from the usual care plan products that contain fruit or salicylic acid... Otherwise, you may get unpredictable results.

Exfoliate with a scrub and a pumice stone immediately before applying the auto bronzer. Suitable exfoliating agents are both commercially available and home scrub(salt mixed with liquid soap, honey with soda). Remove carefully long hair in places of application.

Stop using deodorants after 5-6 hours. The skin should be moisturized with a cream (if necessary) and then dried thoroughly with a dry towel. Self-tanning can now be applied. You put on gloves, and at the beginning you process more tight skin, then - more tender. First paint those areas that are always open to the sun, then the rest of the areas.

Movements - from bottom to top. On the skin of the knees, elbows, self-tanning is needed less than for other areas. The underarm areas do not need to be stained at all.

When treating the face so that there is no sharp contrast between the colored skin and hairy part scalp, apply moisturizer along the hairline, on the ears and on the back of the neck before coloring. Pin your hair or put it under a headband so that it does not get in the way. The area of ​​the nose and forehead is treated last, the drug cannot be applied to the skin around the eyes.

You need to rub in self-tanning in a circular motion and pretty fast. It is imperative to process the hands from the outside, but if the drug gets on the palms of the nails and between the fingers, it must be washed off. The product can be reapplied after 30-60 minutes, if it is written in the instructions.

Do not rinse off a self-tanner after applying. Places where little money could have gotten, and lubricate the "joints" with a moisturizer: this will prevent the formation abrupt transitions and a different tone. Look at the folds of the skin: there should be no cream in them, remove the excess of the latter with a napkin.

During the next 6-8 hours (unless otherwise stated in the instructions), you cannot:

  • wash or take a shower;
  • exercise;
  • change clothes several times (it is advisable not to wear light-colored clothes at all);
  • go to bed.

If you immediately see that the tone is dark enough, rinse off the tanning area using a coarse washcloth.

If the tone didn't fit?

If the skin tone you get doesn't work for you, here are a few ways to wash off your self-tanner.

Method number 1, for the body. We take a warm bath with foam, lie in it for at least an hour, three with a washcloth, and then scrub the skin on which the autobronze was applied. The method is suitable if you do not like the color of the entire skin, it has acquired yellowness or there are multiple streaks.

Method number 2, for the body. We use a tuff washcloth. Take a bubble bath, and then actively treat the desired areas with a washcloth.

Method number 3, for face and body. We use lemon. You can cut it, and just rub overly ugly painted places with it, and then quickly rinse off the juice. You can also use lemon juice: mix 2 tbsp. juice with 1 tsp. soda, rub with such a "scrub" the right places... Rinse off quickly: lemon juice contains fruit acids, which exfoliate the epidermis, and the longer they are kept on the skin, the deeper the effect will be.

Method number 4, suitable if self-tanning was applied to the face, and its overall effect is not pleasant. We use a mask made of white clay diluted with sour cream. We keep it for 15-20 minutes, wash it off.

Method number 5, suitable for face and body, if the tone is too yellow or orange. Treat the "damaged" skin with baby oil, soak for 10-30 minutes. In this case, the tan will remain, but it will no longer be so bright and yellow.

Method number 6, suitable for correcting small spots... To do this, squeeze a "pea" of toothpaste onto your finger and treat overly dark areas with it, massage them in a circular motion, rinse off the paste.

For those for whom direct solar exposure For those who are worried about, self-tanning will also be a great alternative.

In his blog Don’t Touch My Face, engineer and petrophysicist Adel Miftakhova says what make up cosmetics and how to care for your skin.

Self-tanning in the skin appears thanks to a substance called dihydroxyacetone(DHA). It is a simple monosaccharide and is obtained from either beets and sugarcane or glycerin.

Dihydroxyacetone reacts with amino acids in the skin, which is why several types of brown pigments are formed in it (amino acids are the building blocks of all living things, proteins and peptides are built from them). From the same reaction, a very characteristic odor appears. It can be disguised, but a light flair of burnt leather will be from any remedy. It's funny that this is the same reaction that occurs when baking bread. It is called the Maillard reaction and it is because of it that a brown crust forms on the bread.

The reaction begins to manifest itself a few hours after application and lasts for several days. DHA penetrates only the most upper layer skin and works only with keratinized cells. And therefore, no matter what expensive self-tanner you choose, it will not last longer than a conditional week. The price of a can does not affect the rate of renewal of your skin in any way. But exfoliating in front of it (to remove excess dead skin cells) and moisturizing after the color appears will help prolong the effect of self-tanning.

The color you get from self-tanning depends on the formula of the product and the purity of the dihydroxyacetone. And here the price may already matter. There are other types of sugars from which it also appears brown tint, but they are used extremely rarely and are usually paired with dihydroxyacetone. Because they are not as effective.

Self-tanners are relatively safe. Compared to regular tanning, they are completely safe. There is research that DHA increases production of free radicals from UV radiation, but it used a concentration that is usually not found in creams. Plus, this effect is canceled out by using sunscreen which should be used anyway. There is research that consistent use of self-tanning products irritates the skin, but this is usually individual.

The biggest danger of self-tanning is that people think it protects from the sun. No, it doesn't protect from the sun at all. Therefore, together with self-tanning on exposed parts of the body, it is imperative to use an SPF cream.