Herpes on the lips throughout pregnancy. Why does herpes occur during pregnancy? Treating herpes during pregnancy with medications

Herpes on the lips during pregnancy, what to do, do I need to see a doctor, how does it threaten the embryo? Many articles have been written about this virus, many of them terrifying. Is it possible that what the people call malaria or the common cold can really affect the nervous system of the mother, provoke severe malformations in the fetus and miscarriage?

Do not be very afraid of this disease. Every fifth person is sick with it during the cold season. Many expectant mothers knew what herpes of the lips was during pregnancy and gave birth to healthy children. But why, then, are so many horrors written about this virus? Let's figure it out. This disease is caused by a virus of the same name of the first (more often) or second type. And it is transmitted by airborne droplets, through smoking one cigarette, kissing, using one lipstick, etc. The rashes that characterize herpes on the lips in early pregnancy, and at any other time, are very contagious. But they pass. With treatment it is faster, without treatment it is slower. The problem is that the pathogen itself does not disappear, it remains in the body forever.

If herpes recurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, this does not lead to negative consequences. Another thing is if it is localized on the genitals, in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vagina. Then there is a risk of negative effects of the virus on the heart, liver, kidneys of the fetus, which are formed just at this period of gestation. In such cases, spontaneous miscarriage usually occurs. Nature takes care not to give birth to unviable children. But such serious complications of genital herpes during pregnancy usually give if the infection occurs immediately before or after conception, when the body has not yet had time to develop antibodies against the virus.

How and how to treat herpes on the lips of an expectant mother during pregnancy? You can use any cream with the active ingredient "Acyclovir" without consulting a doctor. In this case, the result can be seen the sooner, the earlier the treatment was started. No additional examination is needed. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy in the second trimester is treated in the same way. But closer to childbirth, with frequent relapses, doctors prescribe "Acyclovir" in tablets for prophylactic purposes, that is, systemic treatment. It is more effective, allows you to prevent the appearance of rashes before childbirth, which significantly reduces the risk of infection of the baby when passing through the birth canal. What other preventive measures do you need to know about? It is important to keep your immunity at its best. And that means trying to avoid any disease. Various ARI, ARVI undermine it. Accordingly, prevention can be considered avoiding places with a large crowd of people, especially during a flu epidemic, and thoroughly washing hands after coming from the street. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia - it is this that often becomes the cause of the recurrence of herpes. You should also avoid foods that promote relapse. These are chocolate, peanuts, raisins, all wheat-based products. This means that wheat bread is undesirable.

Herpes on the labia during pregnancy often recurs with frequent intercourse. This is facilitated by microcracks on the mucous membrane of the labia. Sexual life of patients with herpes is better to limit somewhat during pregnancy. And certainly not to make love without using condoms.

The consequences of herpes on the lips during pregnancy can be dire if a woman decides to satisfy her sexual partner orally, followed by a classic intercourse. This is fraught, firstly, with the infection of the partner. For reference: genital herpes is caused by both type 2 and type 1 viruses, which are more common in facial rashes. Secondly, the expectant mother herself can thus provoke the appearance of bubbles already on the genitals. And this is much more risky for the child than when rashes appear on the mother's face.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that it is possible to become pregnant and give birth to a herpes patient. By the way, this virus does not provoke infertility in women and men. But you need to be very careful about preventive measures. And at the first signs of the disease, start treatment.

Pregnancy is the best and happiest period in every woman's life. How you don't want to darken it, however, the body of the expectant mother becomes vulnerable to any infection, one of these is herpes, which not only spoils the appearance of the lips, but can also harm the baby. The 3rd trimester is very dangerous, it is an infectious disease that must be treated in a timely manner so as not to cause even more severe consequences.

Should you be afraid of the appearance of herpes on the lips?

Scientists have established about 4 types of herpes, each of which has its own characteristic features:
1 view- the usual damage to the skin and mucous membranes of a person. They look like blisters and ulcers.
2 view – .
3 view- herpes, accompanied by chickenpox and shingles.
4 view- can lead to serious consequences for both the mother and the child. Its other name is the Epstein virus.

If a woman's body already has a herpes virus, then with any decrease in immunity, it can manifest itself as a rash on the lips. The rest of the time he does not manifest himself in any way.

With the initial manifestation of the virus, a person may feel the following symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • chills, burning and itching appear at the site of herpes formation;
  • bubbles filled with liquid appear. After some time, they burst;
  • crusts form in place of the bursting bubbles, which disappear over time.

Note: the virus can be transmitted from a carrier to a healthy person, even if there are no obvious symptoms.

Why herpes is dangerous during pregnancy

Since this is a virus that affects the human immune system, herpes on the lips during pregnancy is very dangerous, especially since it is much more difficult to treat it during this period.

Important: if a woman contracted the herpes virus during pregnancy, this can lead to even more serious consequences, since there are no antibodies in her body against it. Accordingly, nothing can protect the fetus, and the baby himself will not have any protective reaction. In 90% of cases, fetal damage occurs.

At this time, any medications are contraindicated, as this can adversely affect the health of the fetus. Poor health of the expectant mother, general weakness appears, immunity decreases, the temperature may rise.

If a woman has repeatedly suffered from herpes, then her body already has antibodies that help fight the virus. Only in 5% of cases, recurrent infection with the virus somehow affects the child.

Consequences of infection in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

If a pregnant woman becomes infected with the virus after 24 weeks, it can cause hearing and visual impairment in the fetus. Newborns may develop deafness or blindness. These consequences will not happen if the pregnant woman has already had herpes more than once.

The herpes virus in the third trimester can lead to placental insufficiency, which causes premature birth.

Diseases must be started at the first symptoms, this will help to cope with the virus faster and without dangerous consequences.

If a woman is sick at 34-38 weeks, this can lead to:

  1. Herpes entering the placenta.
  2. Contagion.
  3. Rejection of the fetus.

Relapse of the disease does not pose any danger to the fetus, however, a woman can infect a child after childbirth, a simple kiss will be enough.

How to recognize a virus

As already noted, herpes is a very unpleasant and dangerous disease that can form in both men and women. This infection affects about 90% of the world's population.

Herpes is a cold that manifests itself by the entry of a virus into the body, which for a long time may not manifest itself in any way, and then become aggravated during pregnancy. This is because during this period the woman's body is especially susceptible to various kinds of infections due to reduced immunity.

This ailment can appear during any period of waiting for a baby, it can be provoked by various viral infections, a previous flu, a lack of vitamins and minerals, hypothermia or, conversely, overheating, any other pathologies.

When a virus manifests itself, a woman may observe the following symptoms:

  1. Elevated temperature.
  2. General weakness.
  3. Swollen lymph nodes.
  4. Muscle pain.

After that, after about 2-3 days, swelling, redness and itching appear on the lips. A day later, bubbles form with a liquid that contains virus particles. After 3-4 days, these bubbles burst, the fluid flows out, and the wound becomes covered with a crust, which prevents infection from entering. The complete disappearance of herpes will take about 7-14 days. It all depends on the severity of its manifestation.

Note: in no case should you peel off the crusts from herpes, there is an open wound under them, where viruses and bacteria can get. This can lead to even more unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

What should a pregnant woman do if herpes develops on her lips?

During this period, in no case should you self-medicate, this can greatly harm the unborn child. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to contact the gynecologist who observes the pregnant woman. If necessary, he can refer to a narrow specialist, for example, a venereologist or dermatologist. Only they will be able to assess the risk, both for the mother and the fetus, and prescribe treatment.

Methods for treating herpes during pregnancy

Pregnant women are contraindicated in most medications that can fight the herpes virus. Treatment can be both medications and folk methods. But in any case, it must be agreed and prescribed by the doctor.

During pregnancy, only external medicinal products are prescribed; oral administration of drugs is contraindicated. An exception is a severe course of the disease.

Secondly, medications are prescribed to lower the temperature. Their range is limited, these are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.

Thirdly, antiviral drugs, namely ointments. The maximum effect from them is observed at the first signs of herpes.

For preventive measures, the herpes focus can be lubricated with antibacterial ointments: erythromycin, tetracycline and oxycillic.

These preparations must be applied in a thick layer to the affected area of ​​the skin, while rubbing it in a little. Re-coat as it dries. Treatment is carried out for at least 5 days, even if the herpes blisters are already dry.

Important: if there is no one of these ointments at home, then the skin can be lubricated with toothpaste, vitamin E or corvalol.

If the disease is more difficult, the woman feels bad, then the lips can be lubricated with menovazine or benzocaine ointment.

In the process of treating herpes in a pregnant woman, Famvir, Faltrex, Foscarnet are strictly contraindicated.

Traditional medicine recipes

In order to overcome the herpes virus, you can use grandmother's time-tested recipes. They are simple, natural and do not harm the fetus. These methods include:

  1. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice, which is used to lubricate the affected area of ​​the skin.
  2. Decoctions of chamomile, tansy, licorice root or calendula, which are applied as a compress for herpes.
  3. Moxibustion with alcohol or garlic juice.

A simple egg will also help eliminate herpes. To do this, you need to peel off the film from its inner side and attach it to the herpes focus, let it dry.

You can use a mixture of garlic and honey. To do this, you need to grate, squeeze out the juice and lubricate the skin with it. The top must be greased with honey.

A compress from a soda solution helps a lot. This will require half a glass of water and 5 mg of baking soda, dilute and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin. You can do the same with tea. To do this, you need to make strong tea, dip a spoon in it, and then apply it to herpes.

You can use these methods 3-7 times a day, this will significantly speed up the healing process of unpleasant herpes.
Toothpaste has also proven itself well, it relieves itching, reduces inflammation and restores the skin of the lips.

All these examples only help to fight the external manifestation of the virus. Only medications can provide antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

Diet as part of treatment

The prescribed diet is aimed at increasing immunity, as well as a speedy recovery. Lack of vitamins negatively affects both the health of the mother and the unborn child.

Therefore, during the manifestation of the herpes virus, as well as in all other periods of pregnancy, it is necessary to consume a large amount of proteins, which are found in meat, fruits, fish and vegetables. Sweets, flour and smoked foods should be limited, and in case of an exacerbation of herpes, they should be excluded altogether.

It is imperative to take vitamins, as well as herbal immunostimulants (ginseng, echinacea).

Prevention of virus recurrence

During pregnancy, it is much more difficult to cure this ailment, so a woman must devote all her strength to prevent its reappearance. This will require the implementation of simple recommendations:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle, walk more in the fresh air and move actively.
  2. The diet must include vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, meat and fish.
  3. Observe all the doctor's recommendations, take all the necessary tests.
  4. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  5. If the disease does appear, then it is necessary to begin timely treatment so as not to run into a chronic form.
  6. When planning a pregnancy, you should be tested for the herpes virus.
  7. Get more rest, less stress and less stress.
  8. Beware of severe overheating or hypothermia, do not stay in the sun for a long time.
  9. Eliminate all bad habits.

Before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to be tested for the presence of antibodies against the herpes virus. With its help, you can exclude the unpleasant consequences of the disease and protect both the pregnant woman herself and her unborn child from problems.

Like any virus, herpes during pregnancy in any trimester is a dangerous disease that threatens with serious consequences for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Obstetric practice states that there are no complications after the manifestation of symptoms of infection, then severe deviations in the development of the fetus. Behavior patterns for infection and treatment methods should be communicated to the woman by the attending physician if she suspects that she has herpes on her lips during pregnancy.

What is herpes on the lips

Small blisters on the lips, skin, eyes, and external genitals, called herpes or malaria, are not harmless. This virus, which attacks the nervous system, manifests itself as meningitis, encephalitis, shingles. Rash on the lips is called herpes simplex type 1 and is a symptom of herpes activity. After suppressing the activity, the virus is not completely eliminated from the body, but it does not multiply either. A complete cure has not yet been found.


Infection occurs through contact with the carrier of the virus under conditions of weakened immunity. The human body produces antibodies that can resist herpes in an inactive stage, but under certain conditions, the disease may recur. Relapses are promoted by concomitant diseases and pathogens, including:

  • acute infectious diseases, flu with high fever;
  • weakening of the immune system of women due to the onset of pregnancy;
  • trauma to the lips or eyes;
  • hypothermia;
  • exposure to sunlight.

Infection routes

Primary infection occurs through contact with the carrier of the virus, through common household items. The zones of penetration of the virus into the blood and lymph are the upper respiratory tract, mouth, genitals. With blood, herpes enters the internal organs, is embedded in the cells of the nervous system, from where it is impossible to remove it. A cold on the lip during pregnancy is dangerous, because once it gets into the body, the virus will be a companion of a person all his life.


The active stage of the virus is preceded by malaise, headache, burning sensation on the skin, itching, chills. The manifestation of herpes simplex is characterized by a rash in the form of a group of bubbles with transparent contents. More complex forms of the disease - shingles, or malaria - appear as multiple herpetic eruptions, the contents of which are at first transparent, and subsequently purulent and bloody. Severe forms are characterized by high fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and the general condition worsens.

Is herpes on the lips dangerous during pregnancy

If a woman is already sick during gestation, there is a threat of infection of the baby. Primary infection is dangerous when the mother's body first encountered the disease and antibodies have not yet been developed. Herpes on the lips is undesirable in pregnant women in the 1st trimester, when the formation of vital systems occurs in the embryo. If a woman was sick before pregnancy, antibodies are transmitted from mother to fetus along with the virus, and the child receives immunity while still in the womb.

Dangerous during pregnancy are severe forms of herpes - shingles, malaria, infectious mononucleosis, etc., accompanied by high fever, pain, severe itching, deterioration of the general condition. In addition to the risk of infection of the child, they increase the likelihood of miscarriage, exfoliation of the placenta, bleeding, complications during childbirth and fetal abnormalities.

How to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy

Therapy is carried out with medication and folk remedies at the stage of exacerbation of herpes. To combat recurrent disease, ointments, creams are used, severe forms are treated with pills, injections. Folk remedies are used exclusively to speed up healing. Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy is to suppress its activity, development, reproduction.


When pregnancy develops and herpes on the lip is undesirable to treat with pills and injections, antiviral ointments and creams are prescribed. They act superficially, destroy the external manifestations of the disease, penetrate the bloodstream in scanty amounts and do not affect the tissues of the fetus. They are used regularly until the symptoms of the disease disappear. During pregnancy, appoint:

  • Acyclovir ointment (analogue - Zovirax ointment) - prevents the multiplication of the virus. An inexpensive, affordable remedy that is effective for herpes simplex. The focus is treated with Acyclovir up to 5 times a day every 4 hours, it is necessary to be treated for 10 days.
  • Oxolinic ointment is a non-toxic antiviral drug that has a suppressive effect on herpes simplex. Used to treat and prevent infection. Safe during pregnancy. The lesion is treated with ointment 2-3 times a day, it is necessary to use the ointment for 2 weeks.


The restriction on treatment with pills during pregnancy is associated with the possibility of penetration into the blood of the fetus through the placenta. A drug in tablets is prescribed if the harm from a viral infection to the fetus is more dangerous than the action of the drug. Therapy begins when the first signs of the virus appear. The list of effective antiviral pills contains:

  • Valacyclovir - used in the treatment of simple, genital and herpes zoster. Almost always completely stops the biological activity of herpes, blocks its reproduction. Prevents transmission of the virus to partners through contact. It is taken 2 g 2 times a day, the course lasts only 1 day.
  • Acyclovir - effective for herpes simplex. The treatment period should be accompanied by the intake of a large amount of liquid. Take 1 tablet (0.2 g) 5 times a day, the duration of use is 5 days. During treatment, headache, fatigue, diarrhea are possible.

Folk remedies

The safest for the treatment of colds on the lips during pregnancy are traditional folk remedies, but their action does not suppress the activity of the virus, but only accelerates the healing of its external manifestations. Recurrences of herpes are effectively treated with means to strengthen the immune system, prepared according to folk recipes. They are affordable, safe and simple:

  1. for the healing of blistering rashes:
    • Lubricate with lemon juice, soda solution, alcohol. Apply an emollient cream shortly after treating the lesion. The white soda crust formed during treatment with a soda solution does not need to be removed.
    • Lubricate the rashes with fir oil at intervals of 2 hours. The burning sensation during the procedure quickly disappears.
  2. to strengthen the immune system:
    • Drink a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in it every day on an empty stomach.
    • Before each meal, take a teaspoon of aloe juice.
    • 2-3 medium carrots, 1 apple, a small bunch of parsley, mix in a blender. Take a tablespoon throughout the day.

How to treat herpes on lips during pregnancy

In obstetric practice, when it is required to treat herpes, local ointments are used, and in case of exacerbations of severe forms of the disease, antiviral pills are prescribed. If you want to treat rashes with folk remedies, you should do this: treat them with ointment several times, and then use your own medicines.

1 trimester

During the period when the main systems of future life are formed in the fetus, treatment with pills and injections is not recommended. During this period, herpes should be treated locally, using ointments and creams, enhancing the effect of drugs with folk remedies. Another prerequisite is a doctor's consultation when choosing a treatment for the focus.

2 trimester

During this period, both infection and treatment with oral antiviral drugs can also cause fetal abnormalities. These complications are not as gross as in the 1st trimester, but local herpes treatment in combination with folk remedies is preferable. It is important to take means to strengthen the immune system - ginseng, eleutherococcus, vitamins.

3 trimester

The formation of the vital systems of the fetus by this time has been completed, the treatment of acute forms of herpes infection with oral agents is allowed if the consequences of the development of the disease exceed the danger from the use of drugs. Pills are used only as directed by a doctor, with the possibility of local treatment, preference is given to him.


Once infected with herpes, a person becomes a carrier of the virus for life. The disease cannot be completely cured, the activity of the pathogen can only be tamed with the help of medicines and folk remedies.

If a woman has a herpes on her lip during pregnancy, the question immediately arises: does the virus affect the development of the embryo and what are its dangers, how can you fight it. Let's consider this problem in detail.

Why is herpes activated in pregnant women

Labial herpes (the so-called cold sore on the lips) is activated against the background of hormonal changes characteristic of carrying a pregnancy and leading to a weakening of the immune system. The female body becomes vulnerable and easily seizes viruses, microbes, infections.

Infection with labial herpes (HSV-1) occurs through airborne droplets. Also, specific blisters on the lips can appear after oral sex with an infected partner. This means that the cause of herpes on the lips of a pregnant woman can be sexual contact with a sick husband. (HSV-2) is dangerous for the unborn baby - it complicates the course of pregnancy and provokes a miscarriage.

How does herpes on the lip manifest, and in what stages does the disease occur in expectant mothers? The activation of the pathogen becomes noticeable with the appearance of itching in the lip and mucous membranes of the mouth (nose). An increase in body temperature with a deterioration in well-being is possible. Further, puffiness occurs on the lip, and vesicular elements appear on the surface.

At stage 3, the bubbles burst, and the skin ulcerates. Gradually, the affected area grows overgrown with a scab, the crusts periodically crack and bleed, but the lip still heals.

A child cannot inherit labial herpes from a pregnant mother, since female antibodies are transmitted to him through the placenta and form immunity to a viral disease.

Why is herpes on the lips dangerous for pregnant women?

Consider whether herpes on the lips during pregnancy is dangerous and how great is the effect of a short-term illness on the fetus.

Doctors say that viral particles divide in skin cells in the middle layers of the dermis. Viral agents that are located in nerve cells leave their DNA material in them. But these points - nerve ganglia, are located quite far from the area of ​​manifestation of external signs of herpes.

When herpes comes out on the surface of the lips, it speaks of damage to the tissues and nerves of the face. The virus does not penetrate into the peritoneum and pelvic organs, where the uterus with appendages enters. Thus, two conclusions can be drawn:

But in some cases, herpesvirus is still dangerous for the woman and the fetus. For example, if the expectant mother has never had herpes before conception, the initial infection can spread the pathogen throughout the body. This will lead to the formation of rashes on different parts of the body and the manifestation of generalized symptoms. The body does not give an immune response to the virus, and before its formation, the strain can invade any tissue.

But you should not worry too much about this, because immunity is developed quickly, and during this time HSV-1 affects a small number of nerve axons and small areas of the labial tissue.

The sad consequences of herpes during pregnancy are with an immunodeficient state of the female body. Both primary infection with the virus and relapses are dangerous for the damage and death of the fetus, there is also a risk of death for the expectant mother.

In late gestation, labial herpes is rare (compared to the first weeks after conception). The woman's immunity adapts to the new position and becomes more resistant to relapses of the disease. In the 2nd - 3rd trimester, herpes on the lips is not dangerous to the health of the woman and the fetus. If the virus is activated on the eve of or during childbirth, the danger of infection for a newborn baby will come from the fact that the mother kisses him or performs manipulations of care with unwashed hands, with which she previously touched the sore lip.


How to prevent infection of a child? It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly, do not break off the crusts on the lips and achieve healing of the affected tissue as soon as possible. Herpes treatment should be carried out using drugs that are safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus.

How to treat labial herpes in pregnant women

Drug treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy is carried out in the form of external treatment of the focus with antiherpetic agents:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Oxolinic ointment.
  • Alpizarin ointment.
  • Interferon solution.
  • Tromontadine ointment.

Lubricating the lips with liquid vitamin E and olive oil can help speed up the healing of bursting blisters and sores.

With severe immunodeficiency, herpes on the face of pregnant women is treated with immunoglobulins and immunostimulants - these are preparations of Eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea. The course of treatment includes vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and homeopathic remedies.

From folk remedies, judging by the reviews of pregnant women, egg film saves from well. They extract it like this:

Garlic is considered another harmless remedy for treating herpes in pregnant women. Rub several slices of vegetable on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the gruel. The product is used to lubricate herpes sores. You can do it differently: just cut a clove of garlic and wipe the problem area with a cut. The procedure can be supplemented by smearing the lips with a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar (the products are combined in equal proportions).

Aloe juice should be considered as a gentle treatment option. The leaf is cut off and the healing liquid is immediately squeezed out. She is smeared with a herpes bladder or sore. You can moisten the rash with mint decoction. 1 tbsp dry herbs need to be boiled in 200 ml of water for no more than 10 minutes, leave for half an hour and strain.

Is it necessary to treat?

Any reasonable woman understands that even the most harmless sore during pregnancy can cause irreparable harm to the health of her unborn child. Therefore, it is imperative to treat herpes that has arisen at any stage of pregnancy! Another thing is that the degree of danger of this virus for a pregnant woman depends on whether the disease is primary or secondary. If herpes on the lips has occurred before, then you can breathe a sigh of relief - the risk of complications for the baby is minimal. But even in this case, one should not be frivolous about the disease and let it take its course. If a woman first "got acquainted" with herpes on her lips during pregnancy, then such an acquaintance cannot be called pleasant, because in some cases it leads to various complications of pregnancy and childbirth, the appearance of pathologies and malformations in the fetus. It is especially dangerous to get herpes for the first time at the beginning of pregnancy, when all the organs of the unborn baby are being formed. Therefore, it is advisable for every woman to know exactly at the stage of pregnancy planning if she had herpes before, since the initial infection with the virus in an "interesting position" significantly aggravates the pregnancy.

Herpes Cure Myths

There are drugs that can cure herpes once and for all.

This is not true. Although medicine does not stand still, a cardinal cure for herpes has not yet been invented. Treatment is aimed at relieving the acute manifestation of the disease and reducing the frequency of possible relapses.

Herpes that appears during pregnancy will be inherited by the child.

This is not true. Herpes during pregnancy cannot be inherited in any way and will not lead to a predisposition of the unborn child to this disease. On the contrary, the corresponding antibodies are transferred to the baby and immunity to this type of herpes infection is formed.

Treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy should be carried out only in the second and third trimesters.

This misconception is associated with the common opinion of ordinary people that even minimal medical intervention in the first months of pregnancy negatively affects the health of the unborn child. However, it should be remembered that neglected herpes on the lips in this case is much more dangerous than the use of harmless ointments and traditional medicine.

Algorithm of actions in case of herpes on the lips

1. First of all, you need to make sure that herpes on the lips did not arise due to another concomitant disease (colds, for example). Herpes may not only have to be treated.

2. For competent treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy, you must consult a doctor and follow all the recommendations received. As a rule, the doctor takes into account the "interesting position" of the woman and does not prescribe aggressive antiviral drugs in tablets (Acyclovir, Penciclovir, Foskranet and the like), since they are all capable of exerting a pathological effect on the fetus. The use of such drugs is limited by strict indications.

Basically, the number of medical prescriptions includes:

  • means for drying emerging herpes blisters (brilliant green solution) are used at the very beginning to reduce the number of rashes and stop their spread;
  • antiviral and other medicinal ointments that are not absorbed into the blood of a pregnant woman and therefore do not harm the unborn child: Panavir, bormentol, salicylo-zinc and oxolinic ointments. They should be applied 4-5 times a day to moisturize the skin at the site of the drying sores;
  • means for strengthening immunity and vitamins are prescribed by a doctor: immunocorrectors (viferon, genferon), immunomodulators of plant origin (echinacea, ginseng, eleutherococcus), vitamins C and E;
  • with frequent and profuse rashes, the doctor may prescribe moxibustion with a solution of interferon and vitamin E.

3. It is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene:

  • do not touch the herpes blisters with your hands to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to other parts of the body;
  • wash your hands with soap and water before and after treating cold sores;
  • not kissing during illness;
  • do not use someone else's cutlery, someone else's lipstick, etc.;
  • not to open herpes blisters and not to tear off scabs, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease;
  • do not wet herpes sores.

4. Diet should be adjusted to increase immunity and resistance to the virus:

  • drink drinks rich in vitamin C: cranberry juice, rosehip broth;
  • exclude raisins and chocolate from the diet, since the amino acid arginine contained in them creates a comfortable environment for herpes in the body;
  • eat more chicken, dairy products, fruits and vegetables - these products contain the "anti-herpes" amino acid lysine.

Secrets of traditional medicine in the fight against herpes on the lips

The best part about all the products below is their absolute safety for a pregnant woman. In addition, in most cases, traditional medicine recipes are very effective, especially when used in conjunction with traditional medications.

  • To get rid of herpes in a day, you should apply a piece of ice from the freezer wrapped in a napkin to the affected area as often as possible. Such treatment is the more effective, the earlier it was started.
  • Fir, sea buckthorn, rosehip oils, tea tree and bergamot oils accelerate the healing of post-legpetic ulcers. Essential oils must be diluted 1:10 with water before applying to the skin.
  • One of the strange, but nevertheless effective recipes for herpes on the lips is smearing herpes sores with sulfur from your own ear or raw egg white.
  • Celandine juice is used in the form of lotions 3-4 times a day.
  • Tincture of calendula, which is sold at the pharmacy, is very effective in treating herpes on the lips during pregnancy. This is due to its non-toxicity, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is necessary to lubricate herpetic eruptions with it 3-4 times a day.
  • To strengthen the immune system, traditional healers recommend eating onions and garlic, grapefruits, and drinking lemon balm tea.

In general, I would like to wish all pregnant women not to waste their energy on worries about the herpes on the lips, because it is identified and cured on time - it becomes harmless for the future baby. Be healthy!