Redemption of the bride at the wedding. Funny ransoms of brides scenarios and celebration of the second day. What does the rite symbolize?

The rite of ransom is considered a pagan custom. In ancient times, men did not bother with long courtship and simply stole the girl they liked.

If suddenly the kidnappers happened to be noticed, then they had to negotiate with the elders of the tribe. As a rule, such conversations ended with the guy in love leaving generous gifts and taking his future wife with him.

In ancient Russia, a man left gifts for a woman's parents for taking her daughter from her home. In especially difficult cases (a poor future husband or a too strict father of a girl), the groom took friends with him who were supposed to help resolve the conflict situation.

Another tradition came from here - to collect a whole crowd of relatives for ransom. Moreover, it was they who participated in the negotiations earlier.

And now the guy himself is obliged to prove his love with skill, skill or financial means.

Many years have passed, but the custom has only taken root. It is impossible to imagine a Russian wedding without a bride price. Although this is also practiced in other countries. True, there are slight differences.

If in Russia it is entrusted to the witness to “sell” the bride, then, for example, in Ukraine, competitions for the groom are arranged by the youngest member of the family (if, of course, he is not quite a baby). This may be the brother or nephew of the bride.

The role of modern redemption has been abolished somewhat. Today, in most cases, it is carried out with the aim of having fun and having fun. Therefore, funny and cool scenarios are increasingly common.

The modern style of the ransom of the bride involves the choice of topics for the ceremony. Just as there are nautical, Hollywood and fairy tale weddings, there are also unusual ransoms in the style of the mafia, hospitals and even hostels.

Let's give an example of a cool youth scenario for buying a bride in a modern style called "Beauty Salon".

How much does the procedure cost or welcome to the beauty corporation

Props and accessories should be taken care of in advance. For redemption you will need:

It is also necessary to arrange the salon workers in such a way that, with the movement from office to office, the groom moves to the main room where the bride is hidden.

Administrator: Oh, boys, where are you going? Men's beauty salon "Blue Dali" is located across the street.

The groom explains that he came for the bride.

A: What is your fiancee's name?

A-r (after answering): We had three Ira Ivanovas today. Name more precise parameters: height in inches, weight in feet, foot and toe size, eye and hair color, and if you also remember volumes, it will be even better.

The groom names the data, fines are imposed for errors.

A-r (pretending to sort through some very important papers): Yes, yes, there was one. Here is her profile. More precisely, it was not, and is still here. The fact is that she managed to visit every specialist, but did not pay for a single procedure. If you still want to take it, you will have to pay.

A-r: Okay, then let's go to the shaping room. Ira spent two whole hours here, screaming that she would crawl out of here on all fours, but she would lose as much weight as her wedding dress was being blocked from fastening. Poor thing! I wonder if it worked? But not the point. Let's move on to the main news.

Our beauty salon makes you a gift. If you can demonstrate physical fitness and throw your best friend up to the ceiling three times, then you will not have to pay for the time spent here by your girlfriend. (The Witness watches the failed attempts for a while) Oh, what a pity you are not in the same athletic shape as your fiancée. Are you sure you didn't come from the salon across the road? Well, here's the price list, pay for two hours, please.

A-r: Well, now let's go through the offices. I believe you will find many interesting surprises.

  • Hairdresser's room.

We are in great grief: the hairdresser was hospitalized with a heart attack after your fiancee ran away from the office without paying for the service. Therefore, the next visitor, and this will be a witness, will have to be served by you.

In this cosmetic bag you will find everything you need. I wonder if the unfortunate client will agree to spend the whole evening with your handiwork on his head? Well, be that as it may, the bride's hair is still unpaid.

  • Manicure room.

Ira Novikova was very pleased with her nails and left the office in a good mood. I suggest that the groom use this set to make a manicure for the witness, and use these varnishes to paint his best friend's nails the way you think the bride did.

Oh, I wouldn’t go milking a cow with such hands at night. And you don't go. And to get rid of this horror, you will need cotton pads and nail polish remover.

But I won't just give them to you. The administrator has a price list, you will find out the cost there.

  • Beautician's office.

I'm not entirely sure you'll be able to recognize your bride now. She painted herself with cosmetics beyond recognition. And without our help, it will be very difficult to cope.

The groom is given pictures of women's faces and offered to buy the one that he thinks is the bride. After all three are bought, announce that none of them has a bride.

Show a real photo of the girl and ask for a ransom for silence.

Otherwise, she will be shown the faces with whom the future husband confused his beloved.

  • Office of a plastic surgeon.

I think all of you can guess why women visit the plastic surgeon's office, especially on the eve of the wedding. I can reassure you, the dress after plastic surgery still buttoned up. But the service costs almost as much as the dress itself. But there is a way to avoid such significant waste.

If, blindfolded, you manage to recognize your bride by touch, so be it, take it. At this time, the groom is allowed to feel the hairy male leg, stomach, back.

You can offer a cat or dog, a soft toy. Here you are a simpleton! I thought, and the truth we will give you your favorite. How, she still owes a stylist. Ask!

  • Stylist's office.

Your bride did not like the image that our stylist chose for her. The enraged girl hastily mixed up all the clothes. Now I will blindfold the groom and the witness and give a bag with mixed clothes.

The groom must select the items of the women's wardrobe, and the witness - the men's. Did it, you boys, the task is not good enough. I'm frustrated and going into depression. But first I'll ask for a check for services plus a commission for moral damages.

Well, now you can imagine how much it costs to be beautiful. Are you ready to send your wife to a beauty salon every week? Well, if so, go pick up your beloved.

Just forgot the last nuance. The bride did not have time to go to the shoe store. So you have to buy little white shoes from us.

The groom enters the bride, puts on her shoes, the couple kisses, the witnesses pour champagne, the guests shout "Bitterly."

Short funny ransom script in verse form

It happens that the wedding takes place in an emergency mode, and there is practically no time left for conventions. For such cases, a short modern scenario of a ridiculous bride price in verse has been compiled, designed for 15-20 minutes of free time.

Oh, you gentlemen!
Where are you from and where?
Is it good or bad in your heart?

And what a miracle
You have been brought here to us.
How lucky are we?

The groom's side must answer that they came with good intentions for the bride:

Are you talking about the bride?
Well, then don't bother.
We just won't give it up
We value Oksana*!

Get ready to ransom.
Do you know where to get money?
Or your pockets are empty
And you are like infidels?

* the name should be replaced with the necessary one

After talking about the fact that the groom has money with him (you can enter into an argument, which must necessarily take place in a joking manner; the witness pretends not to believe that the buyers have money and asks them to show the bills):

Ah, I see, here's the thing.
I wanted to drive you away.
Well, then prepare the gold,
To make life rich.

I know the first task
About heartfelt confession
Nothing to guess.
You will have to pay a ransom.

Again, the cries of the crowd are expected that they can do everything and guess everything. You should first let the guests speak out, and then pronounce the text of the first task.

I remember I told you
That all power is hidden in love.
And asked for a task
Remember the first confession.

But not what you gave her
Loudly "I love" yelled.
And about that I'm wondering
What your bride wove.

Like whispering in your ear
And confessed to you in love?

The witness in advance finds out from the bride the circumstances of the first declaration of love and writes it down on a piece of paper (as a sign of reliability, in order to later provide it to the groom).

You can diversify the competition and, after the fine is paid, give incorrect information about the details of the recognition. If the groom agrees with unreliable phrases, read the following words:

Your memory is short, friend!
You managed to entertain us.
Do you remember who admitted
Who so cleverly poured out?

There were many daughters-in-law to know,
Got everyone out of the way.
Ours didn't say that
And did not hug.

Here's her tip.
Speeches flowed like a fairy tale.
While reading the letter
You'll count the money for us here.

And don't be stingy!
Pay for the mistake!

If the groom calls the same words that are written in the message, then it is necessary to say:

What a good groom!
Both handsome and handsome!
What is his memory.
Straight, not a memory - a pantry.

He said everything to the point
He named everything correctly.
But do not relax.
Next you have to try.

And a bride to pick up
We will read poetry.

Next comes the traditional competition for the knowledge of all possible joint dates and parameters. For example, the mother-in-law's birthday, the size of the father-in-law's shoes, the length of the bride's little finger on her right hand, the length of the bangs on the dog of the future mother of the groom.

The funnier and funnier the questions, the more interesting. For each mistake or inaccuracy - a fine. You can notify that everything needs to be put on verses as follows:

Finally got it all figured out
You didn't tell me much.
Well, okay, no problem
A series of poems awaits us.

Let our groom compose
The rest are helpful.
I want to hear rhymes
Or raise rates.

The numbers you called
And the people I thought
Connect everything together
And write me a poem.

It takes a lot of time to write even the simplest poem. You will have to hurry the groom all the time, and in the end ask to provide at least what happened. Then say that the material is raw, so you need to pay a fine for the penalty.

You told us a lot
But he didn't show himself.
There will be a wife for you
Like behind a stone wall.

Protect and warm
I know for sure that you can do anything.
So be it - let me into the house,
But everything goes on.

I ask you now:
Ring the heel at the door.

First, the bride’s side silently watches as the groom desperately tries to reach the doorbell with his foot (sometimes it even happens that friends try to lift him in their arms), and then reports that in order to complete the task, you just had to remove the shoe from your foot and ring the bell with a heel.

The casket just opened.
How could you not guess.
That you need to take off your shoes
Come on together, come on together.

Wow what a big head you are
And he did not boast of ingenuity.
How did you screw up like that?
I'm waiting for money growth.

Get your wallet
And count the currency.

If one of those present or the groom himself guessed and did everything correctly, then it is necessary to impose a fine for taking off his shoes without permission.

Who allowed you to take off your shoes?
You don't want to know to try!
Pay the fine now
And repeat the task.

Offer to repeat the task, but without taking off your shoes.

You called the bride
You will be together soon.
But first in the rhythm of the dance
You will have to rush into the house.

The door to the apartment opens and the bridesmaids in the opening pull the red ribbon in such a way that it is impossible to pass under it without bending over.

But there is one condition: you can only bend your back backwards. First, all the guests pass, and only then the groom with a witness. They will have to pay fines for all those who failed to pass by the rules.

And now we will have a fairy tale.
The whole story is the denouement.
Once upon a time there was a king in the world (put a crown prepared in advance on the groom's head).

He was king in everything.
Menacingly, he scolded the courtiers (with gestures to show that the "king" portrayed anger),
He galloped quickly on a horse (to make it clear to the witness that he is a horse that should ride the owner).

But one day he fell in love
And it has changed so much.
He became kind like a fairy (pantomime is expected again)
And he cherished his dream.

He wanted to settle down
Marry your beloved.
And I came to ask the answer of the one
There is nothing more beautiful.

And the girl is young
Loudly shouted "Yes" (the words are pronounced by the bride).

The groom can be let into the bride's room and give the young people some time to be together. Then lift the hem of the dress and say:

And the bride is barefoot!
How can we go now?
Need to find the shoes
Or a ransom can be given.

The witness holds the final auction for the bride's box of shoes.

And now I ask to the table,
I'll pour champagne.
Let's drink to the young
Beautiful, remote.

Their life is to be a full bowl,
Each other's children were to be more beautiful.
And so that we are never forgotten
To visit to be called and be friends with us.

Tables with refreshments should be set in advance. If there is time left before the registry office, you can give the floor to some of those present.

Ransom on the contrary or give us the groom

In some families, the ceremony is performed "on the contrary", when the bride redeems the groom. This is a very funny and fun tradition. Guests will definitely not be bored. And the couple themselves will remember their unusual ransom for a long time to come. We present you an extraordinary scenario of the bridegroom ransom.

An interesting idea is to inform the bride that she will have to fight for her husband on the day of the ransom itself.

The boyfriend's friends record a video about the kidnapping of the groom in advance and pass it on to the girl's friends, who are waiting at the door of the house for a wedding procession.

The bride with a witness and friends arrives at the address indicated in the video message. There, a real “gang” is waiting for them, wearing masks, gloves and with weapons in their hands (meaning toy pistols and machine guns).

Negotiations begin for the return of the kidnapped. The bandits do not agree to any compromises, and the bride firmly decided that she would not go anywhere without the groom.

Witness: A brave girl came to us today. Such, probably, will be able to stop a galloping horse. And if so, then let him show us his skills on iron horses.

The bride needs to stop three cars and ask for help in raising funds for the ransom. We will take all the proceeds for ourselves as compensation for the violent behavior of the groom.

Saint: Well, I stopped the galloping horse, now it's time to enter the burning hut. In the house where the groom is hidden, you will have to go through difficult trials before you see your beloved.

Everyone present comes to the door of the apartment. But it is not possible to pass unhindered, since the entrance is guarded by two guards.

Saint: These are our big guys Bim and Bom. They are always silent, gloomy and gloomy. If you manage to cheer them up in five minutes, they will let you into the house. And if you fail the task, you will have to pay off the gloomy brothers.

Further, the redemption continues in the apartment itself. A man is sitting on the floor, his head is down, his legs are folded "in Turkish".

Saint: Meet, this is Pain-head. As you may have guessed, his head really hurts a lot. If you don’t want to have a pounding in your temples, you will have to find a remedy for the “headache” torments of Pain-head. Oh, you guessed right. I just had a bottle of beer lying around. I won't just give it to you just like that. She's too expensive.

After the bottle is sold, the witness announces that Headache is splitting to such an extent that even his hands cannot be raised. The bridesmaid will have to give the sufferer a drink of beer herself. The Pain-Bashka is replaced by Shish with butter.

St.: Oooh, and this is the well-known Shish with butter to all of us. As a rule, he appears in married couples in the third year of marriage as an alternative to a mink coat, expensive spinning and apartment renovation.

But here, as you can see, jumped out of the queue. It needs to be neutralized very urgently, otherwise this will begin, it will not come to the wedding.

Shish with butter: I'm not going to leave just like that! Maybe my fiancé and I will become best friends. Why does he need you when I am, ruddy and oily. We will lie on the couch with him and shish with butter for you, and not a salary!

The witness finds out what the new guest wants in return. And he reports that he never had a friend, therefore he does not know any songs about friendship.

The bride, along with all the bridesmaids, should sing a good song about friendship. But not just like that. The performers should get a kind of impromptu theater. All the words of the song are represented by signs and gestures.

Shish with butter: Well, you sing, you don’t want to leave. But what can you do, a deal is more valuable than money. Although I would not refuse rustling pieces of paper now. Here you have a ball of thread. He will show you the way to the groom. And it’s time for me to go, the Ivanovs from apartment 27 have been waiting for me since Monday.

The bride notices that the end of the thread is actually hidden behind the door of the room where the groom is hidden. Entering the room, the girl sees that the thread is tied to the sleeve of the jacket of the kidnapped guy.

But between the young people a labyrinth of chairs is built, between which the same thread is stretched in different directions. The last task is to unravel the ball to get to the groom. At that moment, when the couple is finally reunited, the witnesses open the champagne and treat the guests.

If the girl liked the scenario of ransoming the groom, but does not want to pass into the hands of her lover without a fight, then you can compromise. Friends steal the groom at the moment when he passes the test and will already have to enter the bride's room.

It will be the girl's turn to prove her love and devotion. Two ransoms in one day is a wedding with a twist.

And some more information about the ransom is in the next video.

Bride price is one of the integral parts of any wedding. The bridesmaids prepare for a long time in advance, write the script and come up with contests for the groom. It will be a lot of fun if you involve neighbors and parents of the newlyweds in the process of buying the bride. The more creative the contests are, the brighter the memories of the wedding will be. Today, there are many different variations of ransoms. The subject can be anything: fairy tales, gypsies, the army and so on. The main thing is to beat the process of redemption in an unusual and artistic way.

Consider the most interesting scenarios and competitions.

Scenario #1. Classical.

It is the most common option for redemption among newlyweds. This scenario was popular even in the days of our parents' youth.
You will need the following props: colored paper hearts, three footprints (on the first write - “by calculation”, on the second - “for love”, on the third - “out of need”), a large basin, a stool, three cups of water. Add sugar to the first, salt to the second, citric acid to the third. Three shoe boxes will also be needed: put slippers in one, the bride’s shoe in the second, and the future father-in-law’s shoe in the third.

“Hello gentlemen! How long have you been driving here? Say the purpose of the parish, otherwise there is no entrance!”

"For the bride!"

"For the bride? That's it! We value the bride, we won’t just give it away. We need a ransom that cannot be expressed in price. Three bottles of lemonade, a couple of bars of chocolate, vodka, beer - all the river, and a golden ring.
After that, chocolate, wine, sweets are collected from the groom.

Witness to the groom
“So that the bride at the window does not spin alone, you must shout to her from here about your love.”
The groom shouts several times throughout the street how much he loves his future wife.

“And now, the groom, you can’t go anywhere. Tell us frankly why you're getting married. There are three tracks in front of you - choose any one as soon as possible ”(“ according to calculation ”,“ out of love ”,“ out of need ”).
If the groom does not immediately guess "out of love", then:
“Oh, the reason is bad, definitely not for the groom! If you want to go up for the bride, pay off richer!

On the stairs, colored hearts are laid out on each step.
"How many hearts - so many affectionate words."

“We want to know the groom, because we don’t know anything about him. Let the friend-witness, slowly, list the merits of the groom. If you name a little, there will be a complete turn from the threshold to the gate.

“This is the ladder of songs. How many steps - so many songs.

“Get up, groom, on a stool! Now let's see how you dress. Yes. Dressed, shod in fashion. And the jacket is well made. It's just lovely how it sits. A stylish tailcoat, a watch with fire, even a butterfly with him. In general, we are now calm. You look like a worthy groom.

“For the beauty of the bride - dance the groom on our pelvis. And you, witness, do not be shy - dance the dance of swans for us.

Witness (at the bride's apartment)
“Now, dear groom, show everyone what kind of life you will have with the bride. There are three cups of water in front of you. One (with sugar) speaks of the sweet life, the second (with salt) speaks of the bitter, the third (with citric acid) speaks of the sour. Drink from any, by your face we will understand what kind of life awaits you.
It is desirable for the groom, even after drinking the wrong cup, not to show it.

Witness (in the bride's apartment)
“Test passed. You have reached the bride. Well, fiancé, she is yours, only I have a shoe. If you don’t find the shoe, you won’t take the bride to the registry office.”
The groom chooses the right one from three boxes, puts shoes on the bride, gives her flowers.

Scenario #2. Country style.

For this ransom of the bride, you need to decorate the entrance of the house and the entrance itself with posters with views of the Wild West, balls in the form of cacti and flowers.
You will need the following props: cowboy hats, darts, balloons, feathers, rocking horse toy.

So, we create the atmosphere of the Wild West. The bridesmaids dance can-can when meeting the guests and the groom. Then they give them cowboy hats.

The witness-sheriff comes close to the groom and asks him about the sincerity of feelings for the bride. Then there are trials for the future husband.

- Dancing. The groom needs to dance to different types of music (country, rock, pop, slow).

- Money. You need to remember the names of all the presidents depicted on dollar bills. Which president he doesn’t guess, he must give so much to the bridesmaids as a ransom.

- Darts. In this competition, it is proposed to test the courage of the groom. You need to hit the balls with darts, thereby getting rid of obstacles in the future family life.

Scenario #3. Pioneer is always ready!

A very original plot for the ransom of the bride. It will return guests and newlyweds to the period of the USSR and the times of the pioneers and October. In advance, you need to decorate the entrance to the entrance of the house with red flags, posters of those times. Appropriate background music can be included.

Required props: pioneer ties, dumbbells, darts, USSR flag.

When the groom and his friends come for the future bride, then you need to find out whether the betrothed is in the party and whether he is a pioneer. This is followed by tests, after which the young man is waiting for initiation into the pioneers.

- A real party member should compliment his beloved. But not simple, but in poetic form. Let the future husband and his friends come up with compliments-chants and voice them loudly (all over the street).
- A true pioneer must be in excellent physical shape. To do this, you need to perform various exercises: running in place, long jumps, push-ups, squats, lifting dumbbells, throwing darts.

- In the end, you need to swear an oath on a party document. After this, the betrothed will be enrolled in a detachment of pioneers and he will be able to pick up the bride at the registry office.

Scenario #4. And you will be cured.

Redemption of the bride based on the plot "at the doctor's appointment". The plot is very funny and will certainly make all the guests laugh. Such an unusual scenario will create a positive mood for the whole wedding day.

You will need the following props: medical gowns, syringe, hammer, darts, marker, vitamins, juice, carrot.
The groom, having arrived for the bride, enters the clinic. On the entrance door there is an inscription "Quarantine". The witness-therapist examines the betrothed and concludes that the groom has an attack of melancholy. Urgent treatment is needed, they give a vitamin and juice. They are sent for a medical examination.

An optometrist is waiting for the groom at the entrance. Tests eyesight by throwing darts first with one eye closed, then with the other. As a result, the ophthalmologist comes to the conclusion that the groom has an attack of strong excitement. This caused visual impairment. Diagnosis - in love. Gives the groom a carrot.

A neuropathologist is waiting at the groom's apartment. He examines the patient, checks his reflexes with a hammer. Then he gives the task to the groom to draw a portrait of the bride blindfolded. As a result, the doctor draws disappointing conclusions. He diagnoses being in love and sends him to the next doctor.

An ENT doctor is waiting in the apartment of the betrothed. He examines the throat and ears of the patient and asks to sing a song, kneeling. The groom sings a song about love, ideally with a guitar.

The doctor puts the conclusion - "love."
Further, the witness-therapist takes the conclusions from all the doctors from the groom and announces the final diagnosis - “chronic love”. She writes out a prescription for a bride. The betrothed kiss and leave for the registry office.

Original ideas for wedding posters.

Cheerful nursery rhymes will amuse the newlyweds and guests. The ransom of the bride involves the presence of posters in the apartment, the entrance of the house, as well as in the restaurant. Here are examples of inscriptions for a wedding:

Married - dissuade a friend!
Ring on the finger - collar on the neck!
In order for the union to be strong, we urgently need a little one!
Who won't have fun. Let's not get drunk.
Children are the flowers of life. Give me a whole bunch!
Come on, mother-in-law, not Julia. Give your son-in-law a Zhiguli!

The bride price will be fun and carefree if you arrange it according to one of these scenarios. But the most important thing is the presence of a great mood. Improvise, add a few jokes from yourself. And then the ransom will turn out well.

It is not easy to imagine modern society without the use of gadgets. Social networks, selfie addiction, computer slang and the pursuit of branded equipment have firmly taken their place in our lives. So why not use this as an interesting and youthful idea for the bride price 2017? The portal presents to your attention a modern scenario for the ransom of the bride, which is easy to translate into reality, without visible costs for props and with several actors instead of a crowd of guests as performers. Good mood guaranteed!

Redemption of the bride with a computer script 2017: keeping up with the times

A cool step-by-step script with ready-made contests and quotes for the ransom of the bride is presented below. Templates can be used both ready-made and modified, taking into account the interests of guests and newlyweds.

The groom is already at his beloved's house with guests and a witness. The men are greeted by an anxious bridesmaid.

Your beloved was captured by an evil sorcerer called a Computer Virus, tests await you ahead, which we cannot figure out. All hope is on you. Your bride is locked at the top of the tower, you can get and free her - you will get your beloved woman for many years.

In order to get into the entrance, the groom is waiting for the first test in the form of riddles. The bridesmaid explains that the first door will open when the groom says three cherished words, guessing three riddles.

Ctrl Alt won't help you here
The buttons of the sorcerer will not disturb.
Neither F12 nor F7 will save,
Trust us in this matter.
Only one will save our bride,
The one that is more beautiful and more beautiful than all.
And from this the blood will freeze in the veins,
Brother, this is LOVE(the groom guesses the last word).

Windows will not help in this life,
One will have to guess the secrets.
If you still love the bride,
Give it to her quickly FLOWERS.

Family harmony and worries,
Not viruses and bots at all.
Bring money to the house
And the bride is just you - LOVE!

If the groom says all three words correctly, he passes on. For every mistake you have to pay.

Bridesmaid contests 2017

To go through the next stages according to the youth scenario, the groom will have to participate in various cool contests for the ransom of the bride.

Bride's name

  • Props: large keyboard layout and darts.

The bridesmaid explains that the way forward is possible only after the groom hits with darts the letters that make up the name of his beloved. For each inaccurate hit, you will have to pay. You can still charge a fee for each dart.

After the exact hit, the girlfriend says:

Excellent, we are dealing with a worthy shooter. I think that the sorcerer will have a hard time. Don't be offended when I bet on you. Well, the next destination is coded. To overcome it, you have to guess the secret cipher.

Promise abbreviations

  • Props: cards with abbreviations.

The groom needs to decipher the letters on the cards with his promises in family life. Abbreviation examples:

  • PS- donate a fur coat;
  • SNK- take to the resort;
  • DPIC- give gifts and flowers;
  • PVVP- bring breakfast to bed.

There can be many options for execution, as well as answers to these abbreviations.

The groom approaches the stairs, where the next test awaits him. On the way, a guest appears from the side of the bride. Girlfriend explains:

This is the brother of the Computer Virus. Of course, he has less power, but he still has to try. I will help you save your strength and call for the battle of the witness, and then it's up to you.

Let's measure strength

  • Props: five balloons of two colors.

The witness and the supporter of the bride are trying to inflate balloons at speed. Whoever does it faster wins. If the representative of the bride wins, the witness and the groom must pay off so that he takes their side.

Well done guys. One less enemy, one step closer to the beloved. But, while we were getting to her, the sorcerer knocked down all the positive settings for a happy life. It's scary to think what's going on in the bride's head right now. You will have to quickly solve this problem.

New version of family life

  • Props: images of computer keys with good and bad qualities of family life in the same amount (love, hate, quarrels, well-being and others).

On the landing there are keys with qualities. The task of the groom is to climb the stairs, stepping only on the good ones. Additional charges will apply for each error.

Our journey is coming to an end. Let's try to scare the sorcerer, because the bride is followed not only by her lover, but also by a whole army of love defenders. Your task is to take a mass selfie with the guests, and I will send it to the sorcerer.

After completing this task, the groom will have a photo of the beginning of the most beautiful day as a keepsake.

Near the door of the bride's dwelling, the groom is waiting for the same Computer Virus (male representative from the bride).

Wow, dragged a whole army. Do you think I'm easy to scare? What I want to know is, do you really love your fiancee? If you can answer my questions correctly, I will clear the way for you to a happy life.

Questions can be both general and thematic. If the bride is an active user of social networks, you can ask relevant competitive questions for the ransom of 2017:

  1. How many followers/friends does the bride have (Instagram, Facebook, VK)?
  2. Top 5 interesting subscriptions of the bride?
  3. How many likes on the last photo?

If you think that the topic of gadgets has been exhausted, then the usual questions about the bride will be quite appropriate:

  1. What is the name of your best friend?
  2. Favorite movie?
  3. Favorite music?
  4. Favorite food?
  5. What names will your children have?
  6. Where was the first date?

For the answer to the last question, the groom receives the coveted key, the wedding ransom 2017 is coming to an end. The sorcerer says:

Such sincere and true love is difficult to infect with a virus and disable. Your relationship with each other has taught me a lot. I wouldn't dare to interfere in such a strong relationship. I wish you happiness without freezing programs.

The heroes of the occasion meet, and the bridesmaid takes several photos and selfies of the newlyweds with the guests.

The success of any ridiculous ransom scenario directly depends on a good mood and preparation. Therefore, for the main roles, choose the most artistic and cheerful guests.

You will find the best competitions for the ransom of the bride on our website

This scenario is suitable for ransoming a bride living in a private house.

Almost reaching the house, the bridegroom is met by girlfriends

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Where are you from and where???
And what do you even want? Well, pass by!
The groom is coming to us! We are looking forward to it here!
He will pay us a lot of money, we will go to the registry office together with him!

Oh! So are you the groom?
Why is it so quiet then?

Where is your zealous horse then? Where mustache and gallant look?
Come on in if you've arrived, because you can't go back!

Bride ransom. Original modern screenplay

It has long been a tradition to redeem the bride from the parents. In our time, this is no longer so relevant (almost every couple already has experience of living together at the time of the wedding), but nevertheless, traditions are traditions and we try to follow them.

Preparing for the ransom, the bride and her friends usually prepare old, painfully familiar tests, the groom, without hearing the task, already knows the answer to it. The ransom of the bride turns into some kind of ordinary boring activity.

I suggest you modernize the tradition of ransom a little, and dream up on this topic.

Scenario for the ransom of the bride "6 trials"

At the entrance door (at the gate of the house), where the bride lives, the host greets the groom with his friends and guests with whom he arrived.

Leading: Hello Hello! Are you passing through or visiting us? Why did you come?

The groom answers , who came for his beloved, begins to negotiate in order to go to the bride without trials, but naturally they do not let him through.

A simple script for the ransom of the bride

Meeting the groom near the entrance or near the gate of the house.
(This role is better suited to host)

What's that noise? What's the hum? Who came to us?
Boys, what do you want? Marmalade? Chocolate?
Suit, white collar (looking at the groom)
Are you the fiance?

Come on (Name of the groom) the way to your chosen one
lay out bills, brand new and clean.

Redemption of the bride in verse "Lost and Found"

- What kind of guy came to us?
Lost what, al found?
What are you looking for in this place?
Answer us (BRIDE)

Oh, bride, well, let's see
I remember that they were, yes.
So you need to go to the warehouse.
Can you find something else?

Maybe a key, keychain, umbrella
Maybe a notepad?

No, okay. Let's see.
Hey helper, come over.

(uncle exits)

- What's happened? Removed from place.


Look where our brides are.

Bride ransom in 15 minutes

When arranging the ransom of the bride, do not delay it, 10-15 minutes will be enough. When choosing contests, think about whether your chosen one will cope with this or that task (do not go too far so as not to spoil his mood). Contests are offered here, among which there are those that will please both the groom and you.

1. On the steps you can write various letters, the groom, going up the steps, will say compliments to the bride, starting with these letters.

Scenario of the ransom of the bride in the style of a fairy tale

The "classic" scenario of the ransom of the bride

The groom and his entourage approach the place where the ransom begins, where the bridesmaids are already waiting for them.

It's an old good tradition. It was the way it used to be, and it's the way it is today. The bride had to be redeemed. It was believed that, in this way, the girl is freed from her maiden fate, says goodbye to her friends and tunes in to family life.

The more fun the ransom was, the stronger the relationship of the spouses in the future family was predicted, and the more fun the life together. The more money the future groom gives to his girlfriends, the more likely that his wife will not visit them often, leaving her husband alone. The more trials the groom overcomes on the way to the bride, the more tender will be the relationship between each other.

Our ancestors adhered to such traditions during the “ransom” ceremony. The modern "bride price" has become more like an impromptu performance with its own "zest".

Sometimes very interesting shows with original production and excellent artists turn out. And this is all in the name of a happy life for the young. General fun is an indicator of a healthy relationship and a “right” wedding.

Buyout rules

1. It is better to entrust the ransom to people who are cheerful, sociable, positive.
2. Any impromptu must be well prepared.
3. The groom or the groom's relatives should be warned in advance about what is expected of them (treats, money, amateur performances, etc.)
4. Happiness is not in money ... But in the ability to give something, to fulfill, fulfill, give, pour, feed, tell, etc.
5. The future husband should be well-disposed and have a mischievous assistant.
6. It is believed that the ransom took place when the bride accepted the wedding bouquet from the groom.
7. The money received at the ransom to the young is not transferred, but is left with girlfriends and friends.
8. Parents may not participate in the ransom (especially the groom).
9. Redemption is a fun game.
10. The ransom should not last more than 1 hour!

Redemption progress:

Characters (from the side of the bride): two matchmakers named: Money and Beautiful, 4 girlfriends, 4 friends.


Near the entrance:

  • a table (small) with accessories (vitamins with the inscription "For the Light of the Eyes", a medical enema, soap, "Pure Pearl" toothpaste, headphones with a tape recorder, a soundtrack of the bride's favorite song, cards with numbers, a telephone that supports MMS and SMS, a snack, alcohol (vodka, champagne);
  • balls, flags, posters;
  • tracks;
  • slippers of different sizes;
  • a sheet on which a heart is drawn;
  • scissors;
  • 10 paper cut flowers (red and blue);
  • dressed-up bride.

Posters with text:

"Just walk out the door...
And enter it again...
But to marry a bride -
It's a whole way to go!!!"

"Groom, be bold and courageous,
The bride is waiting for you
Don't spare your talents
Snacks, drinks, ruble!!!

Wanted to get married?
Feel free to show yourself!
Prove that you are the most, the most!!!

“The bride is sweet, good and tidy…
Probably all applicants understand
The hand will only get to the one
Who can give a bouquet at home!!!
"Bolder, higher, more tender!"

“We take the ransom in large currency and beauty!”

“Only he will master the path that he cannot turn ...
The road to marriage is not easy...
Won't you pass? “Be single!”

“The bride is waiting for the prince, everyone understands this ....
But you will master everything, everything is pleasant for you !!!

"It's NOT easy to find a wife,
It's not easy to marry her...
But if you're looking for that one
Then it’s not a sin to work hard !!!”

"Who came to be sad and angry,
It will prevent us from getting married!!!

Redemption progress

Matchmakers dressed up in bright costumes (kerchiefs, sundresses with pockets) stand at the entrance. Loud talking and arguing.


“What a life has gone ... The peasants have no money. Here's what to do with them? (turning to passers-by) What to do with him, with a peasant, if he has no money? You won’t go to the Canary Islands, or to the Dominican Republic, or to Greece with him. ... Why, to Greece ...? You won’t get to the city by minibus. ... No, our bride doesn’t need one like that. ... Look, look carefully ... As soon as the rich man appears with money, let him pass right away, he will pay us, and we will instantly introduce him to the bride!


“Yes, what did you do:“ Rich and moneyed ... ”Do you find happiness with such a thing? You need to be neat and nice. There, look how beautiful he is going ... Oh, it's a pity he's already married! .... That's what our bride needs. What time is now? You should not be shy with your husband to go to a night club, show the girls ... So that you are not ashamed.

(While they are arguing, the groom's delegation approaches)


“Look, Beautiful, the people “found it”. What do you want? We meet a noble groom. He will marry our bride if he passes all our tests. And you don’t save up here, disperse .... It was said to you that we are waiting for a rich groom .... ”


“We are waiting for a handsome groom, otherwise we will miss you because of you, we will not see .... Disperse to the sides. We have a bride for marriageable age.... It is necessary to give in marriage correctly....
Groomsman: So there he is! And rich and handsome! I came for my bride."


(takes a tray from the table) “Well, prove that you are rich! Lay out the name of your future wife on the tray. (The groom lays out).

- “I see that there is money ... This suits us!”


“Let me see the groom too. Do you have a manicure? Is there a pedicure? Show! What master did it? (The groom shows his hands, you can remove the sock to show his legs)


“But my friend has dirty hands. Well, let me sell 100 rubles of soap for hands. (Or gives a wet wipe, or a drop of cleanser)


(to the groom) “Show your teeth! .... Are you brushing? How often? Twice? And what kind of paste? I need to buy "Pure Pearls!"


“We won’t miss the “Pearl for the Bride” Buy it! 100 rubles. You are cheap….


“Well, I like this groom. And teeth, and arms and legs. And the eyes..? Why don't they glow? It needs to glow…”


“I will sell vitamins…”, He takes out vitamins (ascorbic acid, there is a sticker on it: “for light in the eyes.”) Sells to the groom.


“Well, it’s a completely different matter……I think you can skip further… Stop! Don't you have worms? What can you prove? It is necessary to make an enema, prophylactic. With worms to the bride is impossible .... " He takes an enema out of his pocket.


"Each enema is 100 rubles." We do to all guests who want to touch the bride. To the groom, Druzhka ... (Imitate the movements of setting an enema)


“Well, now handsome! But why didn’t we find out if your fiancé is kind?
What do you prove? Here is the table. Put everything on the table with which to feed your wife - you will be beautiful, but don’t forget about us! (Guests help set the table, which is located near the entrance)


“Invite everyone to drink a hundred grams of tea so that the bride likes you now! (They drink). They take pictures of the groom, send them to the bride, receive SMS, let them go further. ”
/The entrance doors open, two girlfriends appear with a tape recorder and headphones./

One girl:

(He turns to the groom.) “There are rumors that a real groom has arrived to us. He wants to marry our bride, ... Yes, and she does not mind. Just wants to hear the voice.
Sing her a song!"
(The bride's favorite song sounds (agreed in advance) the girlfriends put headphones on the groom's head. The groom sings, the guests sing along, then the melody turns off. The groom continues to sing loudly without a melody.)

Girl two:

“And you will complete this task without thinking. Offers like cardboard cards, on which there are numbers. Guess how these numbers are connected with the bride.
(It is better to prepare tasks for guessing numbers with humor)

For example: 32 - the bride's teeth are white, 1-1 tooth with a diamond, 3-3 km you will go to the registry office, 10 toes need to be kissed in the morning by the bride, 2-2 times the bride does not repeat, 5-№5 - the bride's favorite perfume "Chanel No. 5, 4 -4 stops from the center where the bride lives ...


“We see, you guys are great. But we are the guardian of the bride. So just don't open the door. Let's be honest: "We can be bribed!" Each with a red piece of paper. Our salaries are “not frail!” No papers? It sucks! You can't get married!"


“Guys, what are you? After all, beauty is the basis of everything in the world. Money is the wind! Let's ask our fiance to draw something beautiful!
Is there no statue of LOVE in our city?! Not! Let's ask for this statue to be made right now!"
Task for the groom and guests: Come up with a statue of love and show it right now. (the guests all join together and show the statue of love. The guards ask to replace one or the other hero, so that as many people as possible participate in the composition. The final composition is sent via MMS to the bride. They are waiting for an answer: “Skip!”)


“I see that (name) you are in a serious mood, but you just need to check: is love really driving you? There are magical paths in front of you. Which way will you go to your future wife? (roads with inscriptions: “for love”, “for convenience”, “mother said “Marry!””, “I decided to get married, since all my friends are married”, “it’s just interesting to have a wife”, “for aerial work”) The groom walks along one road. If the road is not the same, he pays off with money, takes pictures, sends to the bride and receives SMS - the answer is “Skip!”

The guests come to the door. There are a lot of room slippers by the door. And a poster: “There is no need to guess much, if you go one way - pick up a pair of slippers. You want a couple, you want three!


“It remains a banal test. Choose your bride's slippers.”/ The groom picks up the bride's slippers, takes a picture, and receives a text message “Skip!” If he chose the wrong ones, he pays a ransom.
A sheet hangs on the door with a drawn heart on it.


“You are close to your beloved, it remains only to open the door. There is only one condition: only from the heart, only dream, want and love ...
Do you love the bride? Do you want a bride? Then take scissors and "crawl through the heart!"
/The groom and his friend cut the sheet according to the pattern and go through the resulting hole./
In front of them lie carved flowers in red and blue.


“There are flowers in front of you. You must step on them. Today it’s up to you to decide: scold the bride or praise!

/The task: Stepping on a red flower - praise the bride with all my heart, stepping on a blue flower - scold the bride, but so that she is not offended! If he does not want to scold, the ransom gives a good /


Praise: You are my goldfish, that I don’t ask, you will do everything ...
Swearing: You are my slippery fish, as I press it, it slips out of my hands. As you slip out, you swim into the abyss, I can’t catch you, my slippery ....


“You have come to the cherished goal. Draw your dream!
/ The task is to draw a portrait of your bride on the wall. / Drawing is accompanied by questions: What eyes does the bride have, what hair, what is the size of the bust, the size of the hips, waist, etc. /


“Well, get the one you drew. Here is your betrothed!” / A dressed-up bride (disguised as a man) comes out, reaches out to the groom, says that they will become the happiest couple. The groom pays off and goes to the real bride's room./

Witness (being near the bride):

“I see that you really love…
But first look. Either you always carry the bride or buy her shoes.
/The groom presents the slippers he bought earlier, then buys his slippers from the witness/


“You passed all the tests: glory, song and ruble
Cheerfully walked to his bride, you were on fire in love.
We need to finish the job and hand over your bouquet!

(Gives flowers to the bride, kiss)

Beautiful and money:

"Well that's just wonderful! And they earned money and beauty won. After all, LOVE is beauty! Pour something stronger for the grannies, let's drink to it !!! ”

(everyone is invited to the table)
The ransom ends with the blessing of the parents and the seeing off of the bride from her father's house, by showering wheat, oats, sweets, and money.

And in conclusion…

Buying a ransom is no easy task. There are always a lot of cases in front of the registry office. Small details just fly out of my head. If you feel that there is no person who controls all the nuances of the ransom rite, then it is better to hire trained people and relax.

There are many agencies that will not only lose according to your scenario, but also create their own new image, add a “zest” and pleasantly surprise you.

The bride and groom definitely do not need to worry. It is necessary to make sure that all the movements of the newlyweds are not difficult and beautiful. And don't forget the smiles. Well, cheerful laughter is a calling card for all wedding events!