Statements about women. Women love being treated with respect

If you want to know the truth, this whole book is written about how to get a woman. Not a single sexual technique, no tricks will have a greater impact on a woman than what we have already talked about: take care of her heart, help her feel safe, do not lose touch with her, appreciate her, listen to her, talk with her. Guys, if you started to follow my advice, you don't need to read this chapter - your partner is already so grateful to you and feels so loved that she is ready to fulfill your every desire.

If you have a long-term partner, read this chapter together - in bed, of course. Dear men, you can ask your partner if she agrees with my list. "Do you agree with the first point, dear?", "Does the sixth point really turn you on, honey?" Maybe she can tell you something more personal and add her own preferences to my list. Ladies, try to convey your own desires to your partners. “Oh, I like point fourteen so much. It sounds amazing! " Remember to praise your partner for what they do well and right. "At the second point, you are a real specialist, dear!" This will nudge your partner to try everything else they just read about.

Of course, just reading this section can turn you on perfectly. So, have fun!

What women just love in sex:

1. Men who have sex slowly.

2. Men who talk in bed.

3. Men who know how to kiss.

4. Men who can express love with a look.

5. Men who take the time to slowly undress a woman.

6. Men who know how to excite a woman with their touch.

7. Men who stroke their hair.

8. Men who do not hide that they want a woman both in bed and outside of it.

9. Men who know how to please a woman.

10. Men who know how to arouse a woman sexually.

11. Men who are physically preparing for lovemaking.

12. Men who know how to make a woman feel beautiful.

13. Men who like to massage women.

14. Men who during sex caress a woman's palms and hold her hands.

15. Men who like to cuddle.

16. Men who treat a woman like they just met.

17. Men who know how to make a woman feel like the only one.

18. Men who consider women's love to be their most important wealth.

19. Men who love us.

We love men who make love slowly

I know that you want me, but you hesitate even with a simple kiss. I can feel your lips sliding easily over my face, my eyes, and I can’t wait for you to find my lips. Your hands travel through my body, without touching those points, touching which drives me crazy. And very soon I begin to crave more frank caresses. I feel a growing excitement between my legs, but you are in no hurry there, waiting for the moment when my desire becomes overwhelming.

This is how a woman feels when a man is in no hurry and makes love slowly. Thus, he makes her want him. He makes her want to surrender to him. When the bodily fire flares up slowly, the heat of desire will be stronger and longer. Excitement will grow into real passion.

Smart men are in no hurry in bed. They know that women need time to open up and they don't rush us. And women want them as much as they want women. Men who know this feminine secret, who can be patient, gentle and loving, will receive something that no one else has received before. Women will reveal themselves to them like never before.

We love men who talk in bed

It is so wonderful to feel complete closeness with you, to be alone in bed. You hug me, kiss me, caress me. I relax and feel confident. And then you start talking. You tell me how beautiful I am, how you yearned for my body. You whisper to me about what we could do now. Suddenly this is not enough for me. I want to make love with you. Your words spread desire in me.

Men, do you know how women dream of your words? Men are aroused visually and through touch, while women are aroused by thoughts and feelings. Words turn us on. They bring your passion to our brains. They open locked doors and then we open ourselves completely to you.

Think of words as the wind, raising stormy waves in an ocean of feelings and desires. There is always water in the sea, but it can only stir up from the influence of the wind. Only the wind can raise high waves on it. We always love you, but your words give our love movement, and then it develops into sexual desire.

Talk to us - before, during and after lovemaking. Tell us about your feelings; how you see us; about what you want from us; what you want to do for us; about how you like to be with us. Make love to us without stopping talking. When you say words of love, we feel safe, we feel your love. And then we give ourselves completely to you.

We love men who can kiss

Think of kisses as gifts that you give your lover's skin - her face, her eyes, her neck, her shoulders, her back, her stomach, her thighs, her palms, her whole body. These light, gentle, almost imperceptible kisses have a magical effect on a woman. We feel the love that runs through them. We know that you kiss us not to "turn on", but to express your love.

Women love to be kissed - and not just on the lips. We love gentle kisses, light kisses, sweet kisses, kisses that entail nothing. Kisses wake up our body. When a man covers our body with kisses, we open up to meet him. They say that the mouth is the path to the soul. Likewise, when you kiss us, you enter us. Long before real sexual contact, you penetrate us with the love and sweetness of your kisses.

If you really know how to kiss a woman's body, you can completely ignore her erogenous zones. And when you go to them, she will already be aroused and will want you herself.

We love men who can express love with a look.

Nothing excites a woman when her beloved man gazes into her eyes. At such moments, we feel how love energy flows from his eyes into her heart, spreads throughout her body, like hot lava, pouring everything around. One look can excite a woman more than an hour of the most skillful caresses. One look can make a woman melt.

Look at your partner as if you are making love to her. Let her read the desire in your gaze. A man who knows how to look at a woman in this way makes her feel loved much stronger than if he gave her an expensive gift or expressed his love in words.

We love men who take the time to undress us slowly.

If you have ever seen a well-done erotic film, you probably noticed that the director necessarily includes a scene of a woman slowly undressing in it. The camera follows his hands as he gently unfastens the buttons on her blouse, as he removes her jewelry, as he pulls her skirt down and lets her fall to the floor. He kisses her when she is only in her panties and bra. He is in no hurry to remove the last from her. By the time the heroine is completely naked, the erotic energy reaches its highest peak.

Too often we neglect the possibility of such sensual arousal by jumping into bed completely naked. Both men and women love to be slowly undressed. Slowly, carefully removing the clothes from the partner, we allow our erotic "I" to get complete freedom. If you act slowly enough, then your partner will rush you and rip off the remnants of her clothes - so she will get excited that you began to undress her.

Undressing your partner doesn't have to be part of lovemaking. Sometimes it becomes a wonderful first part of your own erotic movie. If you were making a movie like this, what would you do? How would you approach her? What would you say if you undressed her completely? You will be amazed at your own abilities, once you try. And she will appreciate you.

We love men who know how to excite us with their touch.

If you saw how two women make love, you probably paid attention to very characteristic caresses: women touch each other's bodies very lightly, almost imperceptibly. They do not go directly to the erogenous zones, but circle around them, easily glide nearby, get closer and closer, but do not touch. Why do lovers behave this way with each other? Because, as women, they know exactly what their partner wants, they know exactly how to arouse her the most.

Men need to learn from women. Women love to be touched. In fact, direct stimulation, especially at the beginning of sexual intercourse, is far less exciting than gentle touching. Women sigh in frustration when you get right down to their nipples or clitoris. By doing so, you are missing the most wonderful part.

Remember how to light a fire? First, small chips are put in, and only then large logs. The same is true for lovemaking. The longer you caress us, the more the fire flares up in us. Very soon, we will beg you to touch us in those very erogenous zones. We will begin to grab your hand and guide it where you have not yet reached. And then you will feel our excitement.

We love men who stroke our hair

This is a very simple but very effective remedy. Touch your partner's hair when you are together or when you are making love. Women love to be stroked through their hair. Most men do not understand this, because, as a rule, their hair is quite short. But fingering and caressing hair is very sexy for women. From this they are immediately excited.

Some women love it when men brush their hair slowly and gently. This is a wonderful form of foreplay for them. Many women say they like it when a man runs his fingers through their hair while he is already inside. Guys, you have to reveal the secrets of your beloved woman on your own. Trust me, her hair is an erogenous zone that shouldn't be neglected.

We love men who let us know that they want us both in bed and outside of it.

There is something indescribably attractive when a loved one says: "I want you!" These words make us tremble with pleasure. We feel a delicious tingling sensation in the most piquant parts of our body. These words open secret doors and make us want a man even more than he wants us.

Tell us about your desire long before sex. These words penetrate us and remain in us until the right moment. They prepare us for what happens later. Tell us that you want us when we go to bed. Your words will penetrate us like your penis, awaken our sensuality, and then we will become for you the ideal lovers you could only dream of.

We love men who understand how to please us

If women hate men who are not familiar with the female body, then they simply adore those who understand how to give pleasure. There is something delightful about going to bed with your beloved man, who also knows exactly how to please you. It's like returning to a restaurant where food never fails. It's hard to wait for dinner in such a restaurant. When we know for sure that our partner is perfectly able to love and admire our body, we cannot wait for the moment when we find ourselves in bed with him.

We love men who know how to turn us on sexually.

Some men make the mistake of turning a woman away once and for all, even if initially she wanted to make love to him. Others show real talent by being able to make their partner relax, lose their prejudices and completely surrender to their will. When a woman knows that you know how to turn her on sexually, she trusts you in the most intimate sense of the word.

How to arouse a woman sexually? To begin with, all the things that we talked about in this book. In addition, every woman has her own needs. If you can understand and satisfy them, she will become relaxed and sexy. You have to find out what she wants and give it to her. Maybe she needs time for herself before she goes to bed with you. Maybe she needs a little talk in bed. Maybe she likes to please you the way she wants, and only then surrender to your will.

Discover the secrets that will open the door to your partner's sexuality. If you are not sure, ask her. She will be happy to enlighten you.

We love men who physically prepare for lovemaking.

Imagine inviting a guest to dinner. He arrived very late, he is tired, he is annoyed, he smells like he hasn’t washed all day. He immediately starts complaining about a hard day and does not pay the slightest attention to how you set the table, what flowers you chose, what you prepared. How will you feel? I wouldn't be surprised if you feel like grabbing a plate and knocking it over his head.

Sex is inviting a loved one to a holiday where you are the main dish! When a man comes ready for a special event, the woman feels loved and appreciated. It is very easy for her to tune in to the right wave and get excited.

It's very simple guys, trust me. To get ready for sex, take a shower, take a little perfume on a light cologne, change clothes, light candles in the bedroom, put on her favorite CD. You don't have to do all of this every time, but it will be very helpful and enjoyable for both of you from time to time.

We love men who make us feel beautiful

Let me tell you a secret. When a woman believes that you think she is beautiful, she flourishes. When she believes that you like her face, her body, her aroma, her taste, the way she moves, and everything, everything, everything, she turns into the Goddess of Love ... And when she knows that you like to work with with her love, she turns into the Goddess of Sex.

How does a woman know all this? Naturally, you yourself must tell her about it. And not just once, but repeat all this constantly. Talk to her about it when you're in bed. Tell her this when you are out of the bedroom. The more often you tell her how beautiful she is, the brighter she will bloom.

I'm very happy. My partner knows how to make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. When I enter the room in an old dressing gown, he tells me that I am beautiful. When he sees me after separation - for an hour, for a day or for a week - he always tells me that I have never been so beautiful, and looks at me with admiring eyes. When we are in bed - however, this is already too personal. But I want to tell you that I have never felt so beautiful and desirable before meeting him.

No man has ever given me such a gift before. I have never felt physically admired. This gift is difficult to overestimate, it made me a different woman. Please do not deprive your beloved women of such a gift, and then they will become exactly what you want them to be.

We love men who like to massage us

Touch is the language of love. This language has no sound, no rules and no form. Your heart speaks to your loved one through your palms, evoking feelings that the most tender words cannot evoke. Gently stroke a woman's face, run your fingers along her back, circle her stomach - these gestures will say much more than any words. She will understand your desire, your needs, your emotions much better than if you began to spread about them at length.

Your palms are not just part of your body. They are transmitters of powerful life energy that is bubbling through your body. Eastern medicine claims that in the human body there are many meridians, that is, energy pathways that penetrate it from top to bottom. Life energy travels along these meridians, many of which end in the fingers. This means that your palms have powerful energy potential. This is why touching is so pleasant. When you touch your partner, your palms do not just stimulate the nerve endings and give her pleasure, they infuse vital energy into the body of your beloved woman.

The most wonderful way to make love to your loved one is to give him a massage. Let your love dictate the movements of your palms, and you will feel that an unusual spark is slipping between you. Each caress becomes incredibly pleasant and exciting. If you massage your partner just for her pleasure, and not as a prelude to sexual intercourse, she will definitely feel how your love, your heart and even your soul penetrate her body.

Massage is a way to make love to your partner's entire body. You will give and she will receive. You will help her to relax, open up and appreciate your love and attention - not to mention the fact that her feelings will be simply fantastic!

We love men who caress our palms and hold our hands during the act of love.

The man and woman have reached the culmination of the act of love. He is on her and inside her, he moves in the rhythm of erotic ecstasy. Suddenly he places his palms on hers and interlaces his fingers with hers. She looks at him and smiles. He just did something that turned her on much more than any sexual activity.

There is something very personal, tender and unearthly in the palms. During sex, we often neglect the palms of our partner, paying attention to other, more excitable parts of the body. But when we touch each other, we must not forget about the palms. Touching the hands is the moment of the highest intimacy.

Women often tell me that they really like it when men touch their hands during sex - kiss them, press their faces against them, caress them, squeeze them. A woman can plunge into her own world of desire, and a man - into his own, but when he touches her palms, he seems to say: "I am here, dear, I am with you, I love you."

Hold your partner's hand while having oral sex with her. Hold her hand as she does this for you. Hold her hand when you kiss her. Hold her hand as you enter it. Hold her hand after sex as you lie together in the scent of passion.

We love men who like to cuddle

Let's be clear on one point right away. For women, hugging is NOT a non-sexual activity. It is a form of intimacy that, if used correctly, will surely lead to sex. Unfortunately, most men underestimate hugs, seeing them as a neutral form of communication, applicable only in the morning or before bed, when sex is out of the question.

Guys, you are making the worst mistake! Hugging is a wonderful form of foreplay. Why do you think women ask you to hug them so often? Men in such a request only hear a refusal to have sex, although in fact the woman tells them: "Maybe I want it, or maybe not - let's hug and find out." or “I don’t think I’m in the mood, but if we get a good hug, I can get in the right mood.”

Women love men who like to cuddle. Then they feel safe, protected. They like to feel close whether they want sex or not. Of course, hugging encourages sex! Try hugging your partner more often, and you will be amazed at how sexy this simple touch is.

We love men who treat us like they just met.

The ability to look at your partner every morning as if you just met her has an irresistible effect on women. I call it "Look through the eyes of love." This means treating your partner as reverently and passionately as at the dawn of your acquaintance. Have you forgotten about that yet? Then you loved being together. You couldn't stop telling her how you love her and how happy you are with her. You asked her out on dates. You bought her flowers. You gave her postcards. You've emailed her. You did everything to make her feel happy.

You guys are great at doing this: just don't take the woman you love for granted. Treat her like the woman you would like to seduce. Treat her like the woman you would like to spend the rest of your life with. Treat her like a woman that you will not yield to any man. Treat her like a sweetheart. The more space it takes in your heart, the stronger your love will become, and the happier your beloved will be.

We love men who make us feel like the only ones

What does the woman want to tell you?

Make me feel like the only one, and I will love you like no one else in my life. You will become the only one for me! "

We love men who believe our lovetheir main wealth in life

What do women want more than anything else? They want to change the life of their partner in such a way that, thanks to their help, he can achieve everything in the world. Nothing can make a woman feel more loved, appreciated and dear.

Please do not forget about this, dear men! We want to be the main thing in your life, its center and meaning. When you tell a woman that she is everything for you, that she is your consolation, your refuge, your joy, the woman feels that her goal has been achieved, that your love is unlimited, and then she gives herself to you with all her soul.

We love men who love us

Remember that the heart, not the body, is always the source of true passion. The heart is an invisible realm where all feelings originate. The ocean of passion remains calm until it is awakened by the only thing that can generate true passion. And this is the only thing - not affection or touch, but only the love of a loved one.

Love us.

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The question of what kind of women men love is a popular topic of discussion in women's circles and men's conversations. Tastes and preferences of all representatives of the stronger sex, however, there is something that forms the general trend.

What guides men in choosing a woman, how important appearance is and what an ideal partner is from the point of view of male psychology - we will consider in this article.

In contact with

What kind of women do men like?

What do men like about women? What qualities are priority and always arouse sympathy and interest in the stronger sex?

  • tenderness, ability to love and show love;
  • attractive appearance;
  • femininity, softness;
  • sexuality;
  • intelligence;
  • sense of humor;
  • mystery and mystery.

Most of the listed characteristics (qualities of character, personality) are not decisive when meeting and on a first date, but they are considered decisive in living together and in long-term relationships.

Men "love with their eyes" and this is a key factor when meeting.

Therefore, let's dwell in more detail on the appearance. What do men love about women, what is the psychology of choice? What do they pay attention to first of all? What attracts the eye? After all, what kind of women do men want?

Which figure?

Which girls do the stronger sex prefer in the first place? What figure do men like? Many people think that men love women with a certain type of figure. But this is a delusion and in reality everything is different.

A feminine figure is good, but even if a girl has a different type, you can look spectacular and delight the male. For this, there are stylists, fashion designers and all sorts of tricks in the selection of wardrobe. The fair sex, with the help of well-chosen clothes, can create balance for any type of figure, compensate for shortcomings and highlight advantages.

No matter how hard everyone tried to lose weight, kilograms are not so decisive. The main thing is proportions and shapes! This is what a man's gaze flashes from when he admires a woman's body sincerely and in pleasure.

Types of female figures


The growth parameter is not considered by the male sex as something that can be decisive in the choice. Some may be attracted to tall partners, while others may be embarrassed and repulsed. There are also those men who stop looking at those who are 4–5 centimeters lower.

Why do men love little women? This is due to the fact that smaller women want to protect, protect, patronize. While all tall women look more self-sufficient and able to take care of themselves. Such a reaction is explained by psychological factors and is not characteristic of all representatives of the stronger sex, it all depends on the nature and preferences. Men love tall and small alike, no one is deprived of attention.


There is a lot of controversy around the topic of whether men love obese women. But statistics say that men love women with forms, even if they have a couple of extra pounds. The nature of the male sex is such that all sensations are reduced to sensory, that is, to the desire to touch, feel.

No matter how flattering they are about thin and slender, not all men in a row love women of this type.

Men with a refined, aristocratic taste love graceful women, they are attracted by this type. The tastes of the stronger sex are varied, and there is always a corresponding female representative for everyone.

With long hair or short

If you ask a man to dream and draw an image of an ideal woman in his head, it turns out that in most cases the image of a girl with long hair will emerge. Why do men love long hair on women? Hair is her continuation, her protection, and has always been a manifestation of femininity.

But in the same way, men can love women with a stylish, extravagant hairstyle that emphasizes her cheerful, mischievous nature. No matter how long the hair is, it should attract with neatness and shine with health. In this case, the hair will always be an ornament, a highlight of a woman.

Does smell matter?

Smell is actually of decisive importance when choosing a partner, although this fact is not always recognized by the stronger sex. Although at the same time he is literally intoxicated by the female scent and is ready for anything, just to spend time with the woman he likes.

It turns out that in order for a man to lose his head from a feminine scent, he must simply suit him. And this is not about perfumery.

Whatever scent a girl chooses, first of all she must smell clean. Body odor after a shower is considered ideal, when your own aromas are not interrupted by sweat.

Why do men love a woman's scent? By the smell, one can judge the health of a woman, plus the aromas have an exciting effect on the partner. If the perfume is an organic continuation of the girl, then harmony will arise with her own scent and even the effect will increase.

What is the ideal woman like?

Often in men's conversations such a concept as "ideal woman" appears. What is the ideal woman through the eyes of the stronger sex? What kind of women do men love first of all?

The answer is simple:

  • beautiful;
  • Thoughtful;
  • clever;
  • sexy;
  • feminine;
  • confident;
  • stylish;
  • positive;
  • with a sense of humor;
  • cheerful;
  • tender.

Most women have all these qualities. What, then, is the secret and the difficulty of finding that ideal one? And the fact that it is important to be able to harmoniously combine all the listed qualities and not overdo it with any of them. For example, such a quality as confidence. This is not about narcissism and increased self-esteem. And more about the fact that a woman really appreciates herself, her abilities, values ​​it and translates it into the world.

Features of male psychology

Men are very different, and what is called "male psychology" is a generalized and largely conditional category. For most of the stronger sex, the patterns of intersexual behavior will be similar. However, you should not drive yourself into the framework of conventions: you always need to understand that the man you like can be different from the majority.

Do they like to kiss?

This question is asked by most women. Do men like to kiss? If so, why? Men love almost everything, getting maximum pleasure from a kiss. A kiss is a pleasant and even useful thing, and it also serves as a small prelude to sex. During the kiss, you can evaluate your partner and even dream about what she will be like in bed, which further encourages the stronger sex.

But there are exceptions here too. It would be unreasonable to prove the fact that all representatives of the stronger sex love to kiss. There are also those who do not find pleasure in this. Some either do not know how, or are afraid that this inability will become apparent. Others are simply shy, while others are generally squeamish. But according to statistics, there are few men among men who do not like kissing.

What woman will he never let go?

The answer does not provide for any one standard or benchmark. What woman will a man never let go? Next to which he is comfortable, next to which he is:

  • completely forgets about problems at work,
  • next to which inspiration arises;
  • there is a motivation to realize, act, create.

A woman gives a man a feeling of being around. It may not do anything special, but give the state that the stronger sex needs so much.

This is the secret of femininity, under which experts so want to find the right words, but female energy cannot be listed by components. This is a special state in which feelings, emotions, skills, respect, love for oneself and for the male sex are intertwined. Some women are by nature like that, and many are trying to learn it.

Answering the question “What woman will a man never forget?”, Psychology proceeds from the fact that emotions experienced by a person are remembered for a long time. And the man will not forget the one that caused a storm of passions in him, with which he experienced excitement and adrenaline, next to which it was always different and fun. Yes, he will remember this for a long time, but not the fact that this is what he needs for life.

Why do men like to look at women's buttocks?

The feminine heel is often seen with a masculine, penetrating gaze. And this is no accident. There have been numerous experiments showing photographs of women in profile with a curved back and bulging buttocks and without such an effect. And of course, the attention of almost everyone was absorbed by the beautiful buttocks.

So, why do men like to look at women's buttocks, you know? It all comes down to natural instincts.

Historically, women with wide hips could easily carry and give birth to a child. As a result, a man could count on more heirs. Until now, the representatives of the stronger sex are evaluating the female buttocks.

Do they like it when they are jealous?

Have you ever thought about the question: "Do men love when they are jealous?" But this question cannot be answered unequivocally. Since the answer will depend on how you look at men's attitudes towards jealousy.

Of course, any man's ego will be satisfied, he will proudly turn up his nose as soon as he sees signs of jealousy. But this is only one side of the coin. No one has canceled the love of a man for a girl who is confident in herself, knows her own worth. Sometimes, with such self-confidence, a feeling flares up with renewed vigor in the stronger sex. After all, jealousy is a manifestation of distrust. And if there is no jealousy, they trust you, then respect, delight and the warmest feelings will arise for such a woman along with gratitude.

Why do some prefer older partners?

There are many marriages in life when a partner is younger than his chosen one. And such alliances are often strong and lasting. Many girls of the same age, observing this tendency, ask the question: "Why do men like women older?" And here everything is explained simply.

Sometimes men are driven by the desire to be close to a wise and experienced woman, a kind of teacher. But often such partners were deprived of maternal affection in childhood and now they are looking for this in their companion, instinctively choosing an older one. If you understand this psychological aspect, it becomes obvious why men prefer women older than themselves.

Useful video

So what kind of women do men like? 4 important points based on the opinion of men, see the following video:


  1. Representatives of the stronger sex are all different, just like their tastes. Some of them go crazy over plump, others pay attention to thin ones.
  2. It is known that mostly men prefer women of the "average type". And the more a girl's external data deviates in one direction or another, the more difficulties she faces when choosing a partner.
  3. You shouldn't dwell on appearance. It is important to understand your partner, to strive to build harmonious relationships, then the question of what kind of women men love will not be so worried. Men love those women who love men.

Have you ever thought about how a woman behaves when she loves? This is a very important question. Today's relationships can be so incomprehensible, secretive, strange, and it is often quite difficult to understand what feelings a woman experiences. If you have difficulties in recognizing various signals and moments in a woman's behavior, the information below will come in handy.

First, let's take a look at the main types of love. I will not give value judgments about these types, as this requires another article to explain them from a psychological point of view.

Types of female love

# 1 Love is altruistic... A woman expresses her feelings and does not demand anything in return. She can do a lot for a man, put up with his some kind of wrong actions. In a word, he loves in spite of.

# 2 Love "parental"... A woman treats a man like a child. Caring for him, giving advice in life, making important decisions. He takes care of him.

# 3 Love is "practical"... A man and a woman got along because their communication and relationship turned out to be very harmonious. They may not have strong feelings, but they are interested in each other, they go through life as partners, on equal terms. They know how to negotiate with each other. And in everyday life they feel great.

# 4 Love is manic... Feelings overwhelm the woman. She can do some reckless actions. If the previous type of love is based on logic, then this one is based on instincts and sensual impulses. A woman “cannot live without a man” when he is not around.

# 5 Love erotic... The sexual component is very strong here. A man is attracted to a woman primarily as a sexual object. And other superstructures in the form of communication, common interests (which may not exist) and so on are docked to this basis.

How do you know that a woman loves you?

She is interested in you.

She is interested in everything that is connected with you. She asks various questions about your life, hobbies, affections ...

A woman in love will show great interest in the life of a particular guy. If she becomes extremely curious, sincerely and deeply interested in all aspects of your life and wants to know everything about your past and present, then you can make a very specific conclusion that her love looks quite sincere.

She knows you down to the last detail.

In addition to the fact that the girl is interested in you, she draws conclusions for herself. Consequently, he begins to understand what is good for you in life and what is not. Anticipates your decisions. She knows exactly what will make you smile. She will be the first to figure out what makes you feel special and will never give an inappropriate gift because she knows all too well what you are interested in and what is not. It may feel like she knows you even better than your best friend. The girl will compete with him to get your attention.

Another sign that proves that she is in love is that there is a lot of affection and attention in her behavior. The girl wants to make sure that all your needs and desires are properly met. She will be very sensitive to you and sensitive to everything that is connected with you. This will contribute to the impression that no one understands you better than she does. The girl makes a lot of effort trying to get to know you as best she can.

She wants communication.

If she is in love with you, do not be surprised to find a large number of texts, emails, sms and phone calls that you receive from her. Most likely, she will do it without any purpose. For example, a girl will miss you and won't resist the urge to hear your voice or receive a few text messages from you.

A woman in love will try her best to be close to you as much as possible. She will postpone meetings, be late for meetings, she will cancel some less important event, in her understanding. She will skip classes, her daily routine will change a lot as she wants to spend as much time with you as possible.

She is proud of you.

If a girl is in love, she will tell her relatives and friends about you. Women can't stop thinking and talking about the person with whom they want to build a relationship, so the best way to find out if she loves you is to ask if her loved ones know about you. Most likely, they all know about her love for you. When she falls in love, she is very interested in wanting to meet your parents and friends, and she will also introduce you to hers. Everyone will notice how she glows when you are near her.

She is jealous and worried.

When it comes to a woman in love, you may notice a sudden change in her appearance. Her makeup, hair, clothes and accessories will change as she does her best to try and impress you. If she's in love with you, she won't have to worry about dealing with other guys, since now you are the only one on whom she focuses all her attention. If she notices other women in your company, she will be jealous, and is one of the best signs that you have won her heart.

A woman in love will worry about you and will not be able to stand aside if she notices that you have problems. She will inform you of its availability in case you need it. Will be deeply concerned and interested in any situation that worries you. She will also feel the need to take care of you - women have a natural instinct to take care of the needs of the people she cares about.

The eyes of a loving woman

Of course, a woman in love is betrayed by her eyes. They just glow. The pupils are dilated. When she meets you, her gaze changes. You just have to see it. You will immediately understand everything. A woman in love can be immediately identified by her eyes.

This is what a woman's love is like. If a woman really does it, then she does it for nothing. Not because you have a new Mercedes or a big ... house. After all, you cannot order your heart. I wish to find a woman who will love you yourself, the way you are. No strings attached. Good luck!

When all novels, without exception, end not with a wedding, but with another disappointment, a sea of ​​tears and pain, the girl involuntarily thinks: “What is wrong with me? Why don't they love me, because my friends have already created families for a long time, and at my 25 (30, 40) years old I still spend my evenings alone? "

Also, the question naturally arises: “What kind of women do men like? What types of ladies are attractive to the stronger sex? " In our article you will find the answer to this burning question.

1. Girl-child. Some men like childishly naive girls. They find them fun, playful and able to color their boring life in bright colors.

Just don’t need to replay. A man will be disappointed if he wants to talk to you as a wise and responsible lady, ask for advice or ask for help in a difficult situation. Changing roles and transforming from a teenager into a mature lady is not an easy task, but you need to be able to do it.

2. The woman of mystery... Perhaps you think that you need to tell your loved one everything about yourself, fully open your soul. If you want to live happily ever after, we recommend that you do not. After all, even being legally married for twenty years, a man will gladly discover new facets of her personality in his wife. A woman who has become an "open book" ceases to be interesting to her partner. A slight mystery will turn your relationship from insipid to bright, about which you can still say “with peppercorns”.

3. Sensual... This girl can be pretty unapproachable. She is too proud to immediately agree to indecent offers. However, she can so casually touch the hand of her companion that he will not be able to fall asleep at night, imagining her in the wildest fantasies. Men value sensuality very much, and a girl can develop it in herself in order to be popular with the stronger sex.

4. Clean... This is, of course, not about the cleanliness of the hair or the absence of stains on the dress. Purity and integrity - in our time, some men consider these qualities a relic of the past, but others, on the contrary, are able to appreciate them. If you are inexperienced in dealing with men, there is no need to be ashamed of it. Perhaps your chosen one will gladly take on the role of teacher and mentor.

5. Sports... Of course, not all women can become professional athletes. We hasten to reassure you: even the amateur level of your tennis or mountain biking can delight a man. It's great if your hobby is not just related to sports, but also coincides with the hobby of your chosen one. By the way, keep in mind that this is a great way to meet! Common interests will immediately give you topics of conversation. And, perhaps, on the next trip you will already go as a married couple.

6. Capricious girl... Light feminine whims are attractive to a man and encourage him to take care of his chosen one: to give flowers, to drive to a cafe and a cinema, to show other signs of attention. But everything should be in moderation. If a naughty girl spends all her money (and even more unpleasant option - her man's money) on fashionable new things, this can irritate the guy. Even if at the same time his companion looks like a supermodel from the cover of a glossy magazine.

7. Self-confident... Men consider very attractive those women who love and value themselves, know what they want in this life, and know how to achieve their goals. Just do not forget: even if you are able to solve the problem of the highest level of difficulty on your own, it is still sometimes worth turning to your man for help. He will feel his own importance and significance for you and will certainly come to your aid.

8. Mommy woman... Men are attracted to women who, in many situations, behave as caring as their mothers. After all, many of them, deep down, continue to be children and need the care that their mother provided. And, just imagine, they even choose a companion who has the same bottomless blue eyes or brown hair as her mother. True, the option is also possible when they are looking for the complete opposite of their mother - this usually happens in the case of a difficult relationship with her.

9. Star... Men are attracted by popular, successful women. However, they do not always have enough courage to approach them: "She is so beautiful and successful, but who am I?" If you are one of such famous people, it is worth giving the man a sign that you are interested in him. Otherwise, dozens of men may dream of you - and you will suffer from loneliness.

10. Girl with a twist... Defining exactly what this means is not easy. In other words, this very “zest” is called “charisma”. In general terms: such a girl is very charming, not like everyone else, and her smile is a formidable weapon. And she knows how to use it for its intended purpose, attracting the men she liked.

Such women are loved by men and are ready to perform endless feats for their sake. After reading this classification, do not rush to fit yourself into any of the listed types. After all, naturalness is another quality that is very attractive to men. Be yourself - and you will definitely meet your love. Sooner or later - but it will happen!

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Sayings about Women

Women only know how to keep secrets together.
E. Sevrus
A woman should soften, not weaken a man. Sigmund Freud
Men are surprisingly illogical: they insist that all women are the same, and constantly change one for another. Sidonie-Gabriel Colette
A woman will more likely understand a woman.
I am a woman and I do not analyze my feelings.
Paulo Coelho

Woman is the first human being to be enslaved. The woman became a slave even when slaves did not exist.
A. Bebel
The ideal man should speak to women like goddesses and treat them like children. Oscar Wilde
Forget the peace of mind who decided to rule a woman.
If a woman belongs to someone else, she is five times more desirable than the one that can be obtained - an old rule.
Erich Remarque
A pretty woman must be neat and flirtatious from the very morning and shine like a new coin among a heap of garbage in household chores.
Jules Renard
I have never understood why the worst of men are of interest to the best women. Agatha Christie
The outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the whole book.
N. Shamfort
Women have amazing flair. They notice everything but the most obvious. Oscar Wilde
Even the severity of a beloved woman is full of endless charm, which we do not find in our happiest moments in other women. Stendhal
Resentment has more power over a woman than love, especially if this woman has a noble and proud heart.
Margarita of Navarre
The inaccessibility of women is one of their outfits and attire to enhance their beauty.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
If a woman really loves dogs, there is no doubt that she is disappointed in her love for men.
Max Beerbohm
Women most of all love when money is spent on them.
The mirror that women believe most is the eyes of a man.
Sigmund Graff
I would like to live and die in this woman's mild climate.
Jules Renard
Everything is so wonderful within five centimeters from the face of a woman who, perhaps, will now kiss. Frederic Beigbeder

A woman is sincere when she does not lie for no reason. Anatole France
To conquer a man, a woman needs to wake up the worst thing in him. Oscar Wilde
There is nothing better than a woman if you want to invest money where everyone would notice it.
Frank Hubbard
It is very dangerous to meet a woman who fully understands you.
This usually ends in marriage. Oscar Wilde
The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third.
A. Carr
"How long could you love a woman who doesn't love you?" - “Who doesn't love? All life". Oscar Wilde
The one who was the first to call women the fair sex, perhaps wanted to say something flattering for them, but in fact expressed something more.
Kant I.
Women are, of course, smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs? Faina Ranevskaya
Yesterday this woman was so simple and kind, today she is proud and arrogant! .. And only because on her head a feather has appeared, torn from the tail of an ostrich. How proud this bird should be, which has a lot of them and, moreover, of its own!
A. Carr
Women tend to be much more careful in choosing their nightgown than their husbands. Coco Chanel
One can imagine a humanity consisting only of women, but one cannot imagine a humanity consisting of only men. Jean Rostand
Before you fall in love with a woman in a girl, fall in love with a man in her. V. A. Sukhomlinsky
When a man says that a woman has pleased him, he does not mean the conversation.
Samuel Johnson
Men know that women have superiority over them, and therefore choose the weakest and most ignorant. If they thought otherwise, they would not be afraid of women who know as much as they do.
Samuel Johnson
The poet can sing the praises of many women whom he would be afraid to marry.
Samuel Johnson
Since mainly men were able to write, all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women.