Speech by the educator Lukmanova Reseda Rasulovna with a presentation of her work experience on the topic "Moral education of children of primary preschool age through the artistic word." Speech at the regional methodological association. Nikandrova Elena Alexander

"The Meaning of the Word Game in speech development preschoolers"

Prepared by the educator MADOU No. 17 "Cheburashka »

Averyanova Olga Yurievna

The essence of a word is made up of its content and form. The harmonic unity of both determines the value of the word. Tikheeva E. I.

The game is the main activity of the child preschool age. In the game, the child lives by the actions and feelings of the portrayed hero. Children do not play silently. Even when the child is alone, he talks to the toy, carries on a dialogue with an imaginary participant in the game. Speech unites children in their activities, helps to understand each other, forms views and beliefs.

Verbal collusion in the game performs an organizing function, contributes to the emergence and strengthening of mutual understanding and friendship between children. The relationship between the image of the game action and the word is the core of the game activity.

In the presence of a caring adult, word games enter a person’s life as soon as he begins to say: “The magpie-crow cooked porridge, fed the children ...”, “Over bumps, over bumps, along smooth paths, into the hole boo!” - development fine motor skills, motor activity, coordination, the formation of the ability to correlate actions and their verbal expression.

There are a lot of word games, which can be divided into several groups.

First group: games - actions or outdoor games with certain rules and words spoken during the game that determine actions. These are games like "At the bear in the forest", "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did - we will show" and the like.

Second group - the so-called didactic games held in kindergarten by educators during direct learning activities, in class. These games are built on the interaction of the educator and children, in the process of performing various tasks by the children, voiced by the educator. An adult encourages children to verbal communication. During such games, you can solve problems related to various aspects of the development of thinking and speech of children.

Third group - games directly related to the creation and transformation of words on a different basis: puzzles, crosswords, charades, anagrams. The task solved by these games is the development of active vocabulary, creative thinking, attention.

word games have great importance for the development of speech and thinking of children ;

  • they activate, enrich their vocabulary,
  • improve phonemic hearing in children,
  • instill interest and love for the language.
  • The main purpose of word games for kids is to develop their speech activity, the ability to correlate the action with the word of a nursery rhyme, verse, to achieve their understanding of the meaning of words, their correct pronunciation. The teacher of the group during the game leads it, teaches children. The speech of the educator should be competent, emotional and at the same time calm. Greater demands should be placed on gestures, facial expressions. Who did not notice how young children quickly react to the expression on the face of the teacher
  • Here the teacher opens his eyes wide in surprise, and the children's eyes open just as wide. The teacher made a sad face - and all the children have sadness on their faces. It is not necessary, depicting a wolf, a bear, a goat, to do scary face, speak in a too rough voice. Small children get scared and sometimes refuse to play, saying, "I don't want to play scary goat." Sitting or standing during the game should be so that each child can see the face of the teacher, his mouth, eyes. It is necessary to read the poem in such a way that it seems to everyone that they are reading and telling it to him, that is, all the time you need to turn your eyes first to one, then to the other player. Therefore, a poem, a nursery rhyme, a joke, the educator must know by heart .

  • develop the speech of children: the dictionary is replenished and activated, the correct sound pronunciation is formed, coherent speech develops, the ability to correctly express thoughts.
  • The didactic tasks of many games are designed in such a way as to teach children to compose independent stories about objects, phenomena in nature and social life.
  • Some games require children to actively use generic, specific concepts (“Name it in one word”).

Word game "Speak the other way around" teach children to choose an antonym - a word opposite in meaning.

  • Learn a poem with the children: I will say the word "high", And you will answer - "low." I will say the word "far", And you will answer - "close". I will tell you the word "coward", You will answer - "brave". Now I will say "beginning", And you say - "end" Offer to play antonyms. You, throwing the ball to the child, name the word, and the child picks up another, opposite in meaning, to it and throws the ball to you. The following pairs of words can be used: Cheerful - sad Fast - slow Beautiful - ugly Empty - full Thin - fat Smart - stupid Hardworking - lazy Heavy - light White - black Hard - soft Rough - smooth.

  • The selection of material for word games should be determined by the tasks of vocabulary work. To activate the household vocabulary, toys or pictures depicting household items are selected. To activate the natural history dictionary - natural material(leaves, vegetables, fruits, animals, birds, etc.).
  • In the methodology preschool education accumulated a rich arsenal didactic games with kids different ages: “Shop”, “What is made of what?”, “To whom what?”, “ Miraculous Pouch”, “Paired pictures”, dominoes, “Pick up dishes for the doll” and others.

Word game "Five little kids" Program tasks: develop mathematical thinking.

Tell the children the following poem, and they should continue the missing words in unison. Five little kids suddenly got drunk on kefir, One went for a walk, there were (four) left Four kids were blowing bubbles, One went outside, only (three) were left Three little children went to play words, One went to the kitchen, only (two) remained. Two small children shared an orange, One went home, only (one) remained. One little child plays without friends, Come on, let's help the lonely one as soon as possible.

Word games are a wonderful way to instill in children a love for their native language, for physical activity, and even for literary creativity.

The main thing is to choose the right content for the game so that it matches the age of the children and their intellectual abilities.

Protocol #1
Conducting a regional methodological association

Venue - MKDOU kindergarten No. 2 "Smile" r.p. Ekaterinovka st. Youth, 17.

the date of the: 11/17/2017
attended– 29 people

Topic: "The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard by means of modernizing the foundations of the system education preschool educational institution with priority artistic and aesthetic development "
Target: increasing the level of competence of preschool teachers in matters of design and construction pedagogical process in the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" on the basis of integration educational areas within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

View GCD:
"Decoration of aprons with Dymkovo painting" middle group, teacher of the first qualification category Kashina T.A.
"In the workshop of the masters" senior group educator of the first qualification category Efremova E.N.
"The Kingdom of Enchanted Stones" preparatory group for school,
educator of the first qualification category Lisina E.M.
"Experience work of preschool educational institution on the artistic and aesthetic development of a preschooler "senior educator of the highest qualification category Vdovenko S.P.
Self-analysis of GCD, exchange of opinions, summing up.
Tour of the DOW.

RMO participants watched the integrated educational activities(GCD) in three age groups. Educators used a variety of innovative technologies and methods to uncover creativity pupils.
The children in the classroom were liberated, active, successfully coped with the task. showed nice results in the NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development", the students realized their impressions and knowledge gained in an independent visual activity by investing all Creative skills and fantasy.
All classes were held at a high professional level, methodically correct, in accordance with the norms of SanPiN and aimed at supporting children's initiatives.
After watching the GCD, the educators made a competent introspection, they told in detail what unconventional techniques they use drawing to reveal the creative potential of each pupil, both in organized and in independent activity preschooler.
Their opinions about the NOD were expressed by:
Panova I.N. teacher of MKDOU kindergarten No. 3 "Birch", she noted that the methods and techniques of GCD in middle group corresponded to the content and goals of educational activities, the age and level of preparation of children. The volume of educational activities is optimal and meets the requirements of the program. Rationally used time throughout the activity. Didactic material answered aesthetic requirements, ICT, health-saving technologies were used, children did not take for a long time static position. Concreteness, clarity and brevity of explanations contributed to the achievement of the goal. All pupils coped with the task, painted the apron, creatively approached the solution of the issue, showed good knowledge in folk arts and crafts. G.N. Litvinenko agreed with her. educator of kindergarten No. 1 "Topolek", Vasina N.A. kindergarten teacher No. 7 s. Vyazovka and Kotova N.S. kindergarten teacher "Firefly".
Chuzhnurova Z.Yu. kindergarten teacher No. 16 s. Slastukha drew attention to the fact that the goals and objectives of the NOD in senior group formulated taking into account age and united by a single plot. The teacher applied methods of organization: verbal, visual, practical. Degree of manifestation cognitive activity high, the children showed independence, creativity. The course was interesting and dynamic. Abramochkina N.A., nursery school No. 1 "Topolek", Ivanova O.V. agreed with her. and Semyonova E.V. d / s No. 3 "Birch", Levkina with. Novoselovka.
Atayeva M.V. music director MKDOU d / s No. 3 "Birch" focused on the fact that the teacher of the preparatory group for school set herself a problem in order to consolidate children's drawing skills on pebbles. He believes that the goals have been achieved, the children skillfully used their skills and abilities to achieve the goals. There is a connection with previously studied material. The teacher has pedagogical and methodical skills, speech is figurative, emotional. Throughout the session it was well chosen musical accompaniment, brought up a sense of kindness, a desire to help. Voronina M.V. agreed with her. kindergarten teacher No. 16 s. Slastukha, Matveeva N.M. senior teacher of kindergarten 3 "Birch", Antonova Yu.V. social teacher d / s No. 3 "Birch", Postnikova with. Novoselovka.
During the exchange of experience, the senior educator Vdovenko S.P. acquainted those present with the main tasks, targets and forms of organization of organized and independent activities of pupils in the organization of the NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development".
After an exchange of views on this area of ​​work in the preschool educational institution, the guests of the methodological district association made a tour of the kindergarten. Special attention was given to the developing subject-spatial environment for artistic and aesthetic development: corners of fine arts, theater and musical activity, a zone for designing and didactic games.
At the end of the RMS, the participants of the association thanked the teaching staff of kindergarten No. 2 "Smile" for interesting developmental activities using innovative technologies wished them creative success.
Chairman of the RMO: Tarasova T.N.
Head of MKDO
Kindergarten No. 2 "Smile"

Secretary: Vdovenko S.P.
Senior educator MKDOU
Kindergarten No. 2 "Smile"

Presentation on the topic: Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard through the modernization of the foundations of the preschool education system with a priority of artistic and aesthetic development

Topic: "Forms and methods of working with dysfunctional families"

Teacher-psychologist MBOU Malchevskaya secondary school

Millerovsky district of the Rostov region

Golovneva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Are common family dysfunction criteria:

1. Antisocial behavior

2. Improper performance parental responsibilities(ped. abandonment, parents do not provide the child with everything necessary for normal development, the child for some reason does not go to school, etc.)

3. Domestic violence.

These criteria apply not only to parents directly, but to all family members. It is also necessary to remember that the concept of a prosperous or dysfunctional family can only be applied to a specific child. Only the "family-child" system has the right to be considered as prosperous or dysfunctional.

There are also factors, which can lead to deformation of the family as a system, but do not directly determine the troubles of the family. These are some kind of risk factors.

1) biomedical: health group, hereditary causes, congenital properties, mental and physical development, conditions for the birth of a child, diseases of the mother, prenatal and postnatal (first 3 years) periods of development;

2) socio-economic: large families, incomplete family, minor parents, unemployed parents;

3) social isolation of the family, associated as with the loss of the family social connections one of the spouses, and with social discrimination of a single mother;

4) social risk factors: usually worse than in complete families, financial situation, inability to live in society: vagrancy, idleness, theft, fraud, fights, aggressive behavior);

5) psychological: alienation from the social environment, self-rejection, neurotic reactions, impaired communication with others, emotional instability, failure in activities, failure in social adaptation, difficulties in communication and interaction with adults and peers, frustration of basic needs;

6) pedagogical: the discrepancy between the content of the programs of the educational institution and the conditions for teaching children to their psychophysiological characteristics, pace mental development children and the pace of learning, the predominance of negative assessments, lack of confidence in activities, lack of interest in learning, closeness to positive experience, etc.

characteristic features dysfunctional families is internal instability, lack of awareness of the possibilities of meeting their needs in the family, the lack of common orientations.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Republic of Bashkortostan


at the RMO of educators of the Oktyabrsky district

Ufa urban district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

on the topic of:

Prepared by: teacher

MBDOU Kindergarten №37

Shcherbakova Valentina Petrovna

"Developing environment as a means of developing fine motor skills of preschool children"

"A child's mind is at his fingertips"

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Proper Development and raising a child is the key to the most full disclosure and the realization of all his intellectual and creative abilities, as well as successful socialization in the future. The development of fine motor skills in preschool children affects the development of such properties of consciousness as thinking, attention, imagination, motor and visual memory, observation, speech. The general intellectual level of the child directly depends on the level of development of fine motor skills. Therefore, it is important for teachers and parents to monitor the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands of children at any age.

The possibility of developing fine motor skills of preschool children is expanding if a developing environment is created in the group. The developing environment is the main means of shaping the personality of the child and is the source of his knowledge and social experience, therefore, it should be organized in such a way as to allow the child to show creative abilities, to realize cognitive and communicative needs in free choice.

In our group, for the most effective development fine motor skills, we, together with our parents, equipped a corner in which there is necessary material. These are various mosaics, designers, puzzles, laces, pyramids,ctuchalki, tops, manuals for unbuttoning and fastening buttons, locks, different kind fasteners - all freely available.

V work on the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements of the hands, we use not only factory and standard games, but also unconventional materials. For example, these are games small items: cereals "Dry pool", "Cinderella"; buttons "Beads", "Draw a picture"; shells "Lay out the path", "Assemble the figure"; clothespins "Wash", "Find by color"; curlers - sticky, used as a massager or designer, from soft (bendable), lay out the figures; counting sticks - laying out subject pictures; magnets - invent fairy tales.

In addition to games and exercises, the development of fine motor skills is also facilitated by different kinds productive activity: drawing, modeling, application, designing. Children with great pleasure participate in all these activities, both in the classroom and on their own. In drawing we use: non-traditional techniques, as well as stencils, strokes, coloring. Modeling classes for children becomes an exciting pastime.In applique classes, children are attracted and delighted bright colours, the location of the figures, big interest causes them the technique of cutting and gluing. No less interesting for children is the design. Children with great pleasure build numerous and diverse buildings.

Best works we send children to all-Russian competitions and some children have already become winners of these competitions.

An equally important part of our work on the development of fine motor skills are, of course, finger games. finger games solve many problems in the development of the child. They are very emotional, exciting, children take part in games with pleasure.

For parents, we conduct consultations, make memos, give recommendations, post visual information.

By creating in the group the necessary developmental environment conducive to the development of fine motor skills, taking into account age features children, with the support and help of parents, we will continue to achieve our goal.